rw r <T -V?sv.' T-. - ff.'» •• v.-w !: "*R;. W* ; YT*S •,? R «* W* ^ h ^ -t f ^ i^W ^ i * %i a * » * * «->. 5 * t* ^ ^ ie-f ^sqfcij v w'.VS' 1 , ?*.•'* ' . . . , ?*»Vr"**. n* -t;U, >^Mx W*&- ^ MERRY PUMDEMiR Published rmr Thursday at Mo» henry, 111., by Charles P. Rcnieh, A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as secohd-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, HI., under the act of May 8, 1879. JOSEFH W RECEIVES PROMOTION IN PUBLIC SERVICE Joseph W. Kehoe, Division Manager of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, has been appointed DZIUHKEt ByJ*k* Harvey Fwrb«y, PkJ>. two FOR SALE One Year ... &x Months - $2.00 ..„ ...$1.00 lorn. SUSTAINING _M€MB€ Ri F? . NEW £MPIBf McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Dorothy Lamowr • Preston Foster "MOON OVER BURMA" Also -- Selected Shorts (SUNDAY -- MONDAY January 26-27 " Alice Faye - Betty Stable lack Oilde - John Payne <FTIN PAN ALLEY" Also -- News and Novelty Sunday Matinee--2:45 Continuous TUESDAY Admision -- 10c - Me Lynn Bari - Lloyd Nolan (1* "CHARTER PILOT" Dorothv Lamour - Jon Hall (2) "THE HURRICANE" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Penny Singleton • Arthur Lake "BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID" Also -- Crime Serir - Cartoon ; and News Ij\c* r xt.rki ,*•* %** mr MILLER Tlieifre Woodstock FRIDAY -- SATURDAY January 24 - 2i> Continuous Saturday fraa 2:3d BIG DOUBLE BILL! "YOU'LL FIND OUT" with Kay Kayser -- P L U S - A Western Hit "RAGTIME COWBOY JOE" jrith Johnny Mack Brm SUNDAY -- MONDAY January 26 • 27 C--ttraena Soiay front tJI 2 - SMASH FEATURES - 2 "ARIZONA" -- with -- Jeu Arthur - William -- P L U S -- A Comedy Riot "CALLING ALL HUSBANDS" with Ernest Trues TUESDAY -- January 28 15c - Bargain Night - 15c "GAY CABALLERO" with Cesar Romero WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY January 29-30 "THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WANTED" -- w i t h -- C'has. Laugh ton - Carole Lombard WJ*- V Pi- The Beautiful l<;i rovAii CRYSTAL LAKE, 11 1 McHenry Co's. Leading Thcuuz FRIDAY -- SATURDAY January 24 - 25 -- Double Feature! -- Dick Powell - Ellen Drew -- in -- 'CHRISTMAS IN JULY" ALSO Baby Sandy - Stuart BrWfai "SANDY GETS • HERMAN" -- with -- Una Merkel - Edgar Kennedy 'Rock of Ages' According to Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology, "Rock of Ages" was probably written about 1775 by Augustus Toplady. Walking along an English coast town, near the sea, he was caught in a terrific storm which threatened to dash him over the cliff. He found refuge in the side of the wall in a great cleft rock and composed the hymn, which has proved one of the best loved of all lime. FOR SALE -- One 1% ton truck, '39 Studebaker, in good shape and enclosed milk body. Call Freund Oil Co. 202-W. 85-3 THE IDEAL GIFT -- Baby's first shoes, everlastingly preserved in bronze paper weights or book ends. Inquire of A. E. Nye's Jewelry Store. 85-8 FOR RENT JOSEPH W. KEHOE Division Vice-President, according to an announcement this week by Britton I. Budd, President of the company. Creation of the new position recognizes the continuing growth of the company's business in its divisional territories and designates the chief divisional officer with full responsibility for rendering the highest possible type of service for the 109 communities in the northern division, the thousands of farms, stores, business establishments and industries, including the new requirements for power brought on by the national defense program, Mr. Kehoe began his service 4n the utility business in 1900 at Waulcegan as a meter tester for the North Shore Electric company, one of the predecessor companies of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois. In 1918 he was transferred to Joliet as meter foreman where he served for three years. In 1921 he returned to Waukegan as chief clerk of the Waukegan headquarters where he remained until his election as secretary and assistant treasurer of the company in 1927. He has been division manager of the company since 1928, with offices at the company's northern division headquarters on Skokie highway, Northbrook. Mr. Kehoe has been a director of the Ev&nston Chamber of Commerce and has served as chairman of a number of the Chamber's civic committees. He has also been active in the Evanston Community Chest. He is married, has three children, and Byes in Evanston. DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash x Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of PEARL CLAXTON DREYMILLER. Deceased.' Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3rd, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of PEARL CLAXTON DREYMILLER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. JOHN DREYMILLER, Executor* (PtA. January 16 > 28 • 80) Ancient House Moved A house in St. Paul, Minn., built in New Orleans, La., more than 1,300 miles away. It mi built in 1884 for the great cotton exposition held in the southern city. After the exposition, the house was dianantled and shipped by paddle vheeler to the Twin Cities. It is a imple two-story frame house with clapboarded side waU»-^»d p asphalt sfvneled roof. ; ; It is said that early American Indians never kissed. But they sometimes made up--in war paint. Floyd Whittenburg of Culver City, Calif., is employed by % motion picture company to carry a portable phone to the stars as they lunch in the company commissary. FOR RENT -- Rooms above Hettermann Service Station, Johnsburg, suitable for office, beauty parlor or light housekeeping. Furnished heat, hot and cold water. Apply Hettermann Service Station. 31-tf RADIUM IS NOT WORN BY USEFOR RENT--Lunch room at'corner of Riverside Drive and Elm Street, McHenry. All recently remodeled. Reasonable rent. Inquire at Pa's Tavern. 36-2 WANTED WANTED TO RENT--Work room to use as headquarters for local Red Cross. Inquire at McHenry Plaindealer office. Mrs. Jack Walsh. *36-2 LOAN WANTED--We will pay $1,600 for a $1,000 eighteen month business loan; monthly payments; amply secured.' Money required to meet increased business in established concern. Address Box 11, care of The McHenry Plaindealer. 36 LOST LOST--Dog. Red chow, male. Reward offered. Answers to name of "Ginger." Call McHenry 346. *86 LOST--Black coin purse containing five dollars, outside Bast's Variety store. Finder please phone .644-W-2. Reward. 86 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. McHenry. 12-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let as dispose of your garbage each week, or ofterier if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf NOTICE!--Having contracted to purchase the Weisbaum grocery and tavern at Lily Lake, I desire to give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the former occupants of the store. *36-3 ESTHER PESCHKE. FARMERS, ATTENTION--The harness repair and oiling season is near. Saddle harness oiled, $1.00; breeching, $1.26. Please bring them in burlap sacks for handling convenience. John R. Freund, harness and shoe shop, Green Street, McHenry. Residence {phone 127-J. *86 SEE "DOC" MILLER -- About your poultry troubles. Roy Miller, employed by the Farmers Mill, has just completed a course at Dr. Salisbury's Poultry School. Bring your poultry troubles to )iim. Phone 29. 86-8 Roman Calendar Uneven In the Roman calendar the month was divided into unequal parts by the days, which were known as the calends, nones and ides. The calends were always the first day of the month, the nones came on the fifth or seventh, and the ides the thirteenth or fifteenth. Although the term strictly speaking refers to only one day, it is something loosely used of the seven days preceding. The phrase "Beware the Ides of March" is used as a warning of impending and certain danger. The allusion was • the warning received by Julius Caesar before his assassination in 44 B. C. Radium, which is used today for so many different purposes, include ing treatment for certain diseases, is not affected in any way by anything that is done to it or not done to it. Scientists have found that it loses weight at the rate of one part in 2,280 each year. Whether or not it is used, makes no difference. Nothing is known that will speed up or slow down this steady loss of weight. Radium was discovered by Professor and Madam Pierre Curie and G. Bern oat, of Paris, in 1898, and is valued at approximately $75,000 a gram, or over $2,000,000 an ounc^. (Public Ledger--WNI.T Scrvim.) QABBY GERTIE tfWWFMWt fLOWERg The bridegroom-to-be and friepda stopped on the way to the register office to buy boutonnieres at a florist's. The proprietor, a small and fedup- looking man, gave each a very Small carnation and a spray of fern; but when the bridegroom saw his, he said: "Caft't you find something a bit larger for me? After all, I'm the bridegroom, you know, old chap." "Oh, well, that's different, you bein* the bridegroom," said the sadlooking onfe. "Just go over to my old woman's counter--she's make you up a lovely wreath." SAD SEA SOUNDS .: r, "i.iv-tr She (to tourist)--I suppose out on the great lonely ocean the drying of the seamews is very sad? He--Yes; but nothing like .as affecting as the blubber of the whales. Take Tha$! The fussy dentist was examining the teeth of his patient and assumed an air of great wisdom. "Have you had any advice before with regard to your teeth?" 'Yes. I called on a druggist last night." 'And what foolish advice did he givfe you?" The exasperated patient exclaimed desperately: 'He told me to come to you.'* "When a man sits out a dahee to rest his feet, he's dog-tired." £My GWeighbor * Says: • • Artichokes are eaten with the fingers. Each leaf should be removed, dipped into sauce and the edible part eaten off.' ' Save egg shells, keep in a jar filled with cold water and use the water on house plants. The lime in the egg shell gives nourishment to plants. • • • , Wash white chiffon in lukewarm waiter, slightly soaped and with a lit* t)e blueing added. This helps keep ttye chiffon from turning yellow. Handle carefully. Shape out and hang over cloth. When nearly dry, press on wrong side with warm (not hot) iron. • • • A utility box is very hefetal tor storing rubbers, galoshes, famebtill mitts and similar essential tmt vefcr dom used articles when there is n* hall closet. Use a large sized; stour Wooden box, hinge the top, shellac the inside and stain the outside. You then have a practical, neat looking piece Of furniture. (Associated ftewapapwa--WNU S«rvte«.t 'Screw' System Prior to invention of the practical Bauer-Koenig rotary press, all printing presses were operated on the "screw" system by manpower. This is the season when one checks up to see whether he broke even in his dealings with Santa Clans. . r ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Antorte&) #f Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY January 26 - 27 - 28 Son. Coat, from 2:45 p. m. He to 6 p-a^; 30c after. Children, 16c. JEAN ARTHUR WILLIAM HOLD&I -- in -- "A&IZONA" You can't afford to miss this rugged frontier story! Also -- Latest News Events WEDNESDAT -- THURSDAY ^ January 29 - 30 Kay Kyser and Orchestra -- in -- "YOU'LL FIND 0W -- with -- Boris KarlolF - Bela LntM Grandma's Funeral Play foot--You look fed up, Mr. Whiffl eboth am. Whifflebotham--Yes, I've had a trying day. That office boy of mine came to me with the old gag about getting off for his grandmother's funeral, so just to teach him a lesson I said I'd accompany him. Playfoot--Not a bad idea; but wasn't it an exciting football game? Whi|flebotham--No, it was his grandmother's funeral. Vacation's End Mistress--Dora, has my husband been very unhappy while I was away for a month? Servant--Well, ma'am, at first he was in fine spirits, but toward the end of the time he got less cheerful, and yesterday he was the bluest man I ever saw. A Technicality * "Mrs. Gray--You told Mrs. Wilson that she didn't look a day older than she did at 181 She looks 10 years older 1 Hubby--Well, 10 yeai's isn't« day, is it? Welcome Snitor Suitor--I suppose you are awarethat I've been making advances to your daughter? Daddy--Put it there, son. And now what about her pbbr old d^H^ Never Tell "Why," she said, "women nave been famous for ages." "Yes," he-replied, "untold ages." HONEST MAN Lady--Why don't .you go to work? " Hobo--I'm an hcmedt man, mum., an' I can't find any business that isn't full of graft. Good Morning «Yot|r-bones, mother" -safil « little kindergarten pupil to her mother. "Your bones, grandmother!" the little miss repeated to her grandmother. Mother became so curious that she called the teaaher. "Why," answered the embarrassed teacher, taught the youngsters to say 'Bonjour' today. 3 thought they would enjoy saying 'Good ;morning' to 'their 'parents in •French^' 4Mt Th*t' • <Chea tin|r "Where are^you going?" Vl "To a husking bee. You get -"a 'kiss if you ftnd;a red^eari" "I hope you'll find^aome red ears." "I think >1 shall. 'I'm taking along mb few." Suspicions Wife-^How people gaze dt'my new dress! 'I presume they wonder H 'I've been shopping in Paris. Husband--More likely they wondar If iI've been robbing a bank. Be Hopes ^Satisfied Diner -- Well, waiter, th*t was a tip-top dinner. 1 Colored Waiter--Yes, siih. ^One that you top off with-a tip.. • / • - • - v - T h e t o t n r Warwick STEVE SCHMITT Miss Estelle May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben May of Spring Grove was married Wednesday, January 15, to Mr. Steve Schmitt, of Johnsburg, at St. Peter's church, Sjpring Grove. ^'Jeaatof's •Merry' Life Ih OTdition to the regular of a senator, he is called upon at all hours of day and ntght to render a service--such as, getting a room for a friend, providing for a debutante to curtsy to the king and queen of England at the Court of St. James and they are beseeched for autographs on everything from a photograph to a bank check. One senator, after a speech on world affairs, was requested by a number of school children to help them with their geography lessons. But as Sen. Robert H. Reynolds puts it, "It is aval thus, but I love it all." (Photo bjr WmUt): MRS. JAMES GAROFOL Miss Lorraine Smith, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Loais Smith of Ms- Henry, was united in marriage Wednesday, January 15, to Mr. Jamea Garofol of Waukegan. The wedding* took place at Mary's church, Henry. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mr. and Mrs.'Pete Weber and Mr. and ljlrs. Earl Conway were callers in Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Eat*Three Meals Some people have the false ... ;V that they can lose weight by oxnitCtaK "" . one or two meals a day. This, of course, does reduce the number of calories consumed, but it also removes some of the essential food elements, and is likely to cause discomfort from hunger. When mealt are omitted, it is very easy to over* eat at the next meal, or yield to this temptation of a between-meal snacta--"**.*^, Therefore, eat three regular mealf ' • of the right kind for reducing pur poses and eat them at regular time* Five young men from Norwood Park enjoyed an evening of fun with the Young People's Athletic club lapt Thursday evening. „'l The Standard Lime and Stone Go. ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION DIVISION * ' Jumouiices, effective immediately the appointment of •; vr:1 Mr. Frank Gans AS DISTRICT MANAGER Telephone 127-W , McHenry, DL t-r .. -. , " Belgium Produced But 'Before the war, Belgium produced 'more zinc than any other country in the wortd with the exception'otfthe United States. A pleasant daily greeting "for an aged woman netted John J. Meehan. a letter carrier of Scranton, Pa 11,000. Mrs. Helen Labar willed him that amoont "for his kindly smile." 'William Martin spent Tuesday in the Clartdce Martin home. ,-i','2x Snow and Mud ?|| • not an inconvenience to motorists when they use GROUND GRIP TIRES ...s.. We have them in all sizes for cats and trucks! ^ 'Prestone OpUMFIONS, HI-SPEEDS, STANDARDS & We will make you a good allowance on your old tires and battery. -- F I R E S T O N E B A T T E R I E S V We have the famous Firestone Batteries to fit every oar $4-45 and up Come in and let us inspect your tires -- You will be surprised how sensationally low priced these new tires are. CHAMPIONS 5:8oxie f*g.5Q 6,50*16 i7-<* HI-SPEEDS 4.75 and 5.00x19 5.25 and 5.50x17 >•" 5.25 and 5.50x18 . . r-. 6.00x16 _ - 6.25 and 6.50x16. it I Jiaaai J 9-30 1145 1045 12 35 - 15-10 FLOOR MATS Firestone Fan Belts, Spark Plugs and Firestone Super Anti-freese, Radiator Hose, Heaters. Everything for winter! i - Walter J. Freund fire and Tube Vulcanisi!^, Battery T Charging and Repairing --:-- --: -- West McHenry :g a • • i v- <• •x, 'i* i it v 'S p; x'U . •