•wis®. iTm v 11 /- .*'*• THX MoHBAY FLAXNDSAIJMt Thnr»d*y, Mbnii'jr 15f mi Society Not t FowRiver Wky Ckmp Announcement has been made that the next regular meeting of the Fox River Valley Camp. lt N. A., will be sponsored by the Parent-Teacher aadonation. Public Card Party The public is cordially invited to attend a pre-Lenter. card party Sunday ^vcninffi February 16> in St, Mary - -- ^ 4A St Patrick hall. The party, which held next Tuesday, FAruary 18. Wiil begin at eiuht o'clock, » betaf The Evening- Contract Bridge club WAS entertained Tuesday evening at Choral Society . the home of Mrs. Floyd Cooley. tile McHenry Choral society, which Prizes were merited by Mrs. Harry m^Tt* every Monday evening in the Durland and Mrs, <*»rge 5 hieh schoof auditorium, announced February 25 the club will meet with this week that next Monday night Mrs. Ray McGee. ^ # would be thf last night the society would admit new members. The group is working diligently at present to prepare a program which will be presented during the latter part of March. l . East River Road PinochW Mrs. Ben Dietz was the hostos? last SI-Weekly Five Hundred Mr. and Mrs. William Freund entertained the jnembers of the Bi-Weekly Five Hundred club Saturday evening. The high awards went to Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop, while low prizes went to Mrs. Frank Blake and John Phannen still. Tlte next party will be held Thursday afternoon to the members February 29. at the Matti Blake home of the East River Road Pinochle club, in Crystal Lake. ^ ^ Prizes were merited by Mrs. Clarence _ s, . Mrs. William Freund and KRWorth L<eaffoe Mrs. Dietz. Announcement was made Sunday evening the Epworth Redwanz, Mrs. Dietz. Annuunvciiicin **>.•«.»**. ---•- ., , « that the next meeting would be held League met at the Methodist church on February 20 at the home of Mrs. where Martin Raum was the host. E. <X SJwemeker. ... Beryl Colby led the devotions. The » • • • league is planning a sleigh ride party, Bridal Sho*W providing the weather permits. The Mi^ Marie Knox, who is soon to be- group will lefcre early and then return come the bride of a Crystal Lake man, to the church for a short meeting and refreshments. Leaguers will be notified of definite plans. The members have decided to meet regularly every Sunday evening at the church, rather than at the various homes. Meetings begin at 7:30 sharp. • • * Attention, Foresters! The annual Forester Feet of St. v ^ Mary's court, No. 594, Catholic Order The" other guests'were Mrs. Clarence of Foresters, will be held on Tuesday Rathfelder and Miss Stella Schepers evening. February 18, in St. Mary - •( Crystal Lake. e St. Patrick hall. St. John's court, No. ^ _ • • • 96, of Johnsburg is cordially invited fiitcrtain MS Farters to this affair. In order to promote good will be- The committee hag arranged an tween the farmer and the dealer, the evening of entertainment for all Forwas complimented Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower which was given at the home of Mrs. Vernon J. Knox in Crystal Lake. Bridge furnished very delightful entertainment throughout the evening, with prizes going to Miss Nellie Doherty and Mrs. John Bolger, both of McHenry. Refreshments were served later in the evening. Adams and Freund implement shop on Pearl street presented their annual entertainment Friday evening in the high school auditorium. Approximately three hundred farmers and their families were in attendance. Talking moving pictures, issued by the International Harvester company, were shown at the beginning of the evening. These were followed by a musical program consisting of the orchestrations of Jackie Gobels and his Five Steps of Harmony. Mr. Gobels was formerly a WLS artist. esters and the ladies of their choice, whether young or old. The program will include musk for dancing fur nished by Barbara Horick's orchestra, as well as an honest-to-goodness mu sician with his bag of tricks. Cards will also furnish entertainment and a lunch and the customary beverages will be served. ts One admission ticket will admit Forester and his wife or lady friend. Guests are assured that they will receive their money's worth. Alfred Weingart, Rec. Sec. Plan Church Dinner The men of the Community Methodist church met Wednesday evening «t the C. H. tyuker home to make jplans for a dinner which is to be jgiven at the church on Sunday, March 22. The proceeds of this dinner are-to be used to redecorate the church. Bvwrfag Pinochle Mrs. Helen McCarroll was the hostess Wednesday evening to the members of the Evening Pinochle club. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Math Freund and Mrs. Maud Rothermel. On February 26 the eiob wili aeet with Mrs. Jack Thies. *, * * * Woman's Society Married 24 Years The Woman's Society will hold its Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen were next general meeting on Wednesday, pleasantly surprised Sunday evening February 19, beginning at 1:80 p.m. when a group of friends charivaried in the Community Methodist church.1 them in honor of their twenty-fourth It is hoped that all of the members of ^redding anniversary. Cards furnvsheach unit will be able to attend. | ed the amusement and a delicious Miss Anita Harris of Rio de Janeiro lunch was served at the close of the will talk on Brazilian and Cuban life. Mrs. J. Heber Miller Will lead the devotions. The ladies are planning a South American menu which will be served! fee the luncheon. , -- i * * • / ••. J Attend Benefit Party evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, Peter Miller, Ben Freund, George May, Wm. .May,. Joe Freund and George Hitter. V* • » • East End Social Clafr - The East End Social club of Mc- _ Collum Lake met in Chicago for their A' group of local ladies attended a mid-meason reunion Saturday evening, public card party last Friday after- However, all members were not present noon at Wauconda which was given; due to illness and the weather. Some for the benefit of the new tuberculosis ! of the folks visited at the Mathers sanitorium at Waukegan. The ladies were Mrs. C. C. Hoyte, Mrs. J. F. Smith, Mrs. Wallace Dobyns, Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. Harold Owen of McHenry, and Mrs. Edward Conway of Woodstock. Both Mrs. Hoyte and Mrs. Smith were awarded special prizes. Sweet Remembrance ... Our Heart Boxr of Candy Jt 11 < Each package is a bouquet of famous sweety* ..Dear to the heart of the one you want most to please. Here are luscious fresh fruits . . crispy, full flavored nuts tempting creams, caramels and hard centers ... Each covered with rich chocolate that makes candy the perfect gift. -' w., - WThis Week's Special Ice Cream BT. VALENTINE HEART CENTER BRIOK •/ f; mm Heart center of delicious strawberry iefc Ul tiiky apple ice cream! . -- A Luick Special-- v. I" 6 Tfurmai /? Ms HENRY* ILLINOIS o. E. s. On Friday evening, February. 21, Mrs. Margaret Reid will be the hosthome before going on to the Como inn where a seven-course dinner was served in the banquet hall. There were forty-four present. Joe Wilson, who just returned from Hollywood, was the feature of the evening. He is the brother of the late Frank Wilson of the stage, radio and screen and is also very well known. Dancing furnished the entertainment in the early part of the evening with music by Mr. Marchett. Mrs. Schubert obliged with several ess at a public card party which will i piano numbers and in one instance be held at her Homestead Tearoom> | her husband demonstrated his skill The benefits will go to the local i with a fan dance. y chapter of the Eastern Star. The j Mrs. Artery rendered' three very party will begin at eight o'colck and j lovely vocal numbers. Mrs. Robertrefreshments will be served. son and Mr. Wilson sang "The Last The next regular meeting of the . Rose of Summer. The great surprise chapter will be held Monday, Febru-1 of the evening came when Mrs. Schlitt ary 24. After a short meeting there > and Mr. Surz, who had been practic will be a bingo party to which the i ing» for some time, did a very special public is cordially invited. "V.. • • Sehinskey - Block Mr. and Mrs. August Schinsfcey of Chicago have announced the marriage of their daughter, Emma, to Mr. Frank Block, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Block of Marengo. The ceremony took place Saturday evening, February 8, in St. Andrews Lutheran church, Chicago, where the pastor, Rev. Martin Frick, officiated in the presence of 125 friends and relatives. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. Minine Block of McHenry*, while four large, beautifully decorated wedding cakes were baked by his aunt, Mrs. Fred Voeltz, also of McHenry. dance number. Those who attended this evening of pleasure were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Mathers, Miss Rose Hagedom, Mrs Robertson, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Joe Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stuhlfeier, Mr. and Mrs. Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lenard, Mr. and Mrs. Surz, Mr. and Mrs. Gu Vreau, Mr. and Mrs. Svchwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Marweg, Mr. and Mrs. Nobel, Mr. and Mrs. Artery, Mr. and Mrs. Wagonseller, Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Schiebert, Mr. and Mrs. Feiereisel, Mr. and Mrs. McKim, Mr. and Mrs. Schlitt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. Landgren of McHenry. Terry Mathers, president of the club, his wife, who is. chairwoman on entertainment, and Clarence Feiereisel, who is her assistant, deserve a lot of credit for a very successful eyening of enjoyment. * - • , • •' • Whiting - King N#p#ata' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting of Ringwood announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Joseph King, Jr., of Chicago. The ceremony was read on Saturday morning, February 8, at 8:46 a.m., in Our Lady Help of Christians church in Chicago. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guthrie of Chicago. At 9:30 the wedding breakfast was served at -Howell's restaurant in that city. Mr. and Mrs. King are now at home at 4857 West End avenue, Chicago * * * " Kinsala Celebration A celebration was held at the Henry Kinsala home Sunday in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Kinsala and her son, Elmer, and also honoring another son, George, who volunteered for a year of service in the army and left Wednesday. Thirty relatives and friends were present during the afternoon and evening. The guests played cards and enjoyed a buffet luncheon in the evening. Out of town guests were Miss Mina Kinsala of Waukegan; Jimmy Vandenboom, Round Lake; the Elmer and Bernard Kinsala families, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Johnson, Miss Marie Kinsala and Miss Gertrude Foster of Chii cago. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp fuid little daughter, Arleen, William and Marshall Bacon, all of Chicago, were guests Sunday in the home of Mrs. William Bacon. Dr. and Mrs. J. Bugene Sayler are enjoying a trip to Florida and Havana, Cuba. They expect to return home this weekend and the Doctor will be back in his office next Monday. CAW> Of THANK8 We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during our recent accident sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce Ne Tentacles The devil fish, or Menta ray, has no tentacles. He is a tremendous bat-like creature. He is called the sea bat, because of his great wings. The wings of this creature grow to as much as 25 feet from tip to tip, and with them he can travel through the jvater at enormous speeds. He sometimes weighs several tons, and when he opens his mouth two men can be swept in without difficulty. One movement of his whip-shaped tail will cut a man in two. The devil fish does not kill intentionally. He becomes a murderer only when ha gets frightened. Plaindealer Want Ads - ••a Thrilling Value- ; /yiJ • <" • ; : p A: £ Ij: f fame " Vy/i oLoveltg i^ne frrixited Personal Stationery^ -/it:.': tThe grace and loveliness of this delicately blue-lined ; writing paper will lend a quaint charm to your correspondence. To complete this thrilling offer we have priced it ever modestly at ' ' WSINGLE SHEETS,, "• ^ (5Hx7H) Dtp Flap ENVELOPES OR • ' oter my order for liAME-ON Lov*lylyn* «f $1. a bos., Q Styl» P»nicripf • StyU Trylo<^ • Siftfi* Ska«i» fj DOUBLE SHEET! • (7fi x 1154) C: |00 Dtp Flap ENVELOPES Nam*. mLairnjmffFi Addrau- «ity. CMH aacloMd. Siiy *• fkoM «r CAD. o*4ers . Wt know you'n going to liht it erf may -t Mr nrntW you that Lovtlylynt makn a tovtty ftttduation gift. ~ Special for ttbruary and • >: MttMf in Nut Ink Only, Plaindealer Buick SPECIAL^4-door^Seclan9 model 47. $1021* White sidewall tires extra** Here are FOUR NEW ADDITIONS to tho BUICK SPECIAL Line that Compact Motorcar Bigness Into Handy Size |hey go farther oa •very, gallon 4er, even, Attn other Buick models--and THE MS HENRY DRUGOtST* TIME was when you measured a car's ability and standing by the yardstick ^distance from bumper to bumperfe v Sy~T But not any more--not entirely. f' Not sinoe Buick made ready the four nltar additions to its 1941 SPECIAL series that ire built for big-car travel taates--and ftnall-car fara^es! *bey i,mo> are cars to take die measure of most anything on the road in the lift , ,. at Htnh Mich. St*** extra, it delivered at ^ access0rtes - ' tonal equip*"* without no*" prices subject to change and life of their 115-hp. Buick FIRBBALL engines.* They are cars diat doff their bonnets to no others for smart appearance, rich, comfortable interiors and thoroughgoing Buick quality. They are cars with room for all the family, with all th4 little Buick luxury touches, with the unrivaled comfort of Buick's allcoil springing and steady-going roadability. '/ But bumper to "bumper they are shorter-- ao they fit your garage. Their wheelbase is 118 inches--so they park like a bicycle and flit through traffic with ridiculous tfcey've got a get-up-and-get-away-from- Aere lift that gets you where you're going, pronto! • So you cap't take their measure withr** • "yardstick. You've got to measure them by what they do for x°u -- in the easier handling, the bigger thrill, the extra convenience they' add. And when you hear the prices on then!-:* flrices made lower by their new compact* l^ess--you'll find they measure up plenty fIG in the dollar-for-dollqjr \qilue they, glut within your reach. e «Iow about seeing them -- now? I Command Cirbarctioa at ili|kt«ltf(MMIldkMNHift uffipl ^ awliw •ilw|t gntrry-- U(ty, jaoToes VAUM W*P4 ' R. I. OVERTON MOTOR 8 ALES front Street, Wmt McHenry, HI 216 Hitk 8t„ Oryitol Lake, Dl. WHIN IflUt AUTOiaOSIllS • r • > -1 '"a."' 1 ^ f" N. . «**.«• .faL, j at j?*, -d&id. . .tt.'***. ^ . A ^ -