t" K . • * -x.-,'. • - •' "-*A '• • '•. - 1 1 . Z - i-'S wwm Chrfe's Repair Sh«fi WwiiM> earner of Ihtto Migi m Qurlw Dtiset Tnwk Lettering y«WiJtiii« Upholstering gad Repidring CHARLES RIETESEL TOED 0. MILLER, M. D. . fljp--laHring hi jRt, BAK, NOSE auad TBBOAT wfl to fa Dr. A. L FmehlfclTs Office, eoner Green A WBm Streets, MeHenry , - Every Friday "^pk> 12:45 to 2:80 p. GLABBE8 PITT & H. Freond & Son Q0RTBACT0B& 0D BDILDSBS Phone 56-W MeHenry Om Experience is at Tour Service in Buildiig Your W&irti g&; • Telephone No. 8W Btoflel A Reihanipef get Ipnate acati for all classes ef piepnlj ia tlM tost IIIMMSIIIS VHT McHENRY ILLINOIS OABH FOR DEAD H0&8ES and CATTLE Hersee, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel, Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges Horses Wanted I B U T Mi sad Disabled Hints. --•-- Pay from $5 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 439 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, I1L AUTO INSURANCE 'FT? EARL R. WALH "*• Pm-tittg Reliable Companies inm yw need issuance of aay kM • Phone 48 or 61-M Tries Bldg. McHsnn PBONE IS X-Ray Sen he ' - 9R. J. E. SAYLER . Vw DENTIST ; Honrs 9-12 and 14 Bfenings by Appointsent Thursdays • 9 to IS Main Street :--: **'W. MeHenry Tp ^ xARM TOPICS BBgEDING HENS NEED VITAMINS tiet Will Influence Health ~ Of Baby Chicks. • ' " ! By PROF. C. S. PLATT (Amecitte Poultrymtn. Kutgtrs Uoivtrgitf) Check carefully on the diet of breeding hens. Vitamins A, D and G, or riboflavin, for instance, are necessary not only to the health and normality of chicks when hatched but also to their growth during their first few weeks of life. The yellow corn and dried alfalfa commonly fed to birds contain enough vitamin A, and cod liver oil or sardine oil provide sufficient vitamin D. However, vitamin G, which is contained to some extent in dried alfalfa, is lacking in the other three products and is also lacking generally in poultry rations. But this factor may be added through the use of dried yeast or iiver meal, although these products are relatively expensive. Or it may be supplied by dried skim milk or dried buttermilk if used in sufficient quantities For practical purposes, 100 birds should receive one pound of dried buttermilk or dried skim milk daily, either incorporated in the dry mash at the rate of 10 per cent, or fed separately in the moist mash directly in the quantity recommended. When a high quality of dried whey is used, the amount can be reduced to three-quarters of a pound per 100 birds daily. As in all vitamin products, the only guide for the purchaser is the reputation of the manufacturer for furnishing grades up to guarantee. When the essential vitamin G quality is incorporated in a dry mash, care must be taken to insure that 100 birds daily eat at least 10 pounds of mash, otherwise their diet will not be complete. Because of this fact, breeding stock should be limited in the quantity of grain fed each day in order to encourage the proper consumption of dry mash. -::* Regra'ssmg Old Fields Reduces Insect Danger Range land well grassed and fairly free of weeds is not a favorable breeding place for most of the insects that are crop pests. Good woodland is also fairly safe. But the weedy old fields in moist regions and weedy land abandoned as too dry or too infertile for grain growing have proved almost "ideal breeding places for a large variety of agricultural pests, one of the most important of which is grasshoppers," according to Dr. P. N. Annand of the United States department of agriculture. Abandonment of land in the Northwest-- cropped during the twenties and stricken in the dry years of the thirties--has been a highly important factor in the grasshopper plagues of recent years, says Dr. Annand. In the first years after abandonment and before a good grass cover can be restored, these fields are at their worst as a hazard to nearby crops. Any process that speeds up the regrassing of land that never should have been ploughed is a step in the direction of insect control. JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Meyers Iran Crystal Lake callers Thursday evening:. • Mrs. Fred Smith entertained the five hundred club Wednesday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Charles Michels, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. Joe King. Mrs. Frank Kempfer of Chicago attended the Lady Forester meeting here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hitler are the parents of a baby girl born February 28. Mrs. George King- called on Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund, Waukegan, spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. Joe Karls is spending the week with her mother, Margaret Lsiidren, in Chicago. Miss Alvina Schumaker is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund in Chicago. Paul Pitsen, Gene Adams and Bod Meyers were Chicago callers Saturday. Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her father. John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner were Chicago callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of ChieagjO and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, spent Sunday afternoon m the home of Mr. and Mrs .Wm. J. Meyers. Georee Oeffling and Albert Huff were Woodstock callers Friday. Lyle Freund of Ctystal Lake was a caller here Sunday. Miss Jeartette Degen was a Woodstock caller Saturday afternoon. Miss Virginia Freund of Woodstock was a caller here Sunday. John Rheinbolt and son, Vernon, were Waukegan callers Saturday. p. m LOCAL PERFORMERS APPEAR ON WLS HOME TALENT SHOW Tlwre were almost fifty numbers on the program of the WLS Home Talent show which was held at the opera house in Woodstock last Friday even-i ing, February 28 and Saturday night, March 1. The Woodstock Post of the American Legion was responsible for sponsoring the show. The cast of characters included the following local people: "Twelve Feet of Harmony"--Clem and Vince Adams, MeHenry. "Miss Evelyn"--'Evelyn Anderson, MeHenry. "Tripple A Trio"--EvelynAndea* son, Clem and Vince Adams, MeHenry, "Texas Ruby"--Nell Crick, McCullom Lake. "Blue Grass Belles" -- Nell an! Wandalee Crick, McCullom Lake. {Central Standard Time) St. Mary's Catholic Chvrek Masses; Sundays: 7:00; 8:80; 10:80. Weekdays: 860. First Friday: 6:80; I Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:0© p. m Thursday before Fi at Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. 8. Nix* paste*. ^ • .» •' St Patrick's Catholic Cfcsreh Masses: ^ Sundays: 8:00; 10:00.. Weekdays: 7:80. - • First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday. CommanTon di< tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and daring th<* 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4.-00 to 6:00 p.m 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before "First Friday 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. snd 7:* tr 9-f» p,m. Rev. Wm. A. CRoui**, pasts/*. St John's Catholic Chart*, IilwMn Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdays: 8:00. ,;4 First Friday; 8:00. , Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday; 8:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Community Church Sunday School: 10 a.m. ' Worship Service: 11 a.m. , Epworth League: 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Lutheran Evangelical Ckutk Sunday Service, 2:15 p.m. Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor* 81 Peter's Catholic Charek, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 4:00. " % Confessions: - ^ Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:15. Rev. John L. -Daleiritn, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Nomas and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Drawl of Chisago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Christenson and daughters of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrublewski Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Boyko of Chicago spent the weekend at their place of business here. Mr. and Mrs. Sarle and sons of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake visiting at the homes of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cohn of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. i Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll andf Margaret Farrell of Chicago were' dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough. «Mrs, Klabough's mother is visiting in Lily Lake for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott were Chicago visitors Saturday evening where they celebrated the birthday of Mrs. McDermott. Visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were Mrs. j Carrie Parker, Mrs. John Cunning-1 ham, and Mrs. Jack Eeane, all of Bar- • yington. ; Mrs. Wilbert Swanson is spending • few days in Chicago where she will visit at the homes of her sisters. 1 Among those who spent the weekend at Lily LaJce were Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Chelins, Mr. and Mrs. Spatafora, Mr. and Mr?. Frank Harder, Mn and Mrs. Weber, George Toons and many others. Mrs. S. K. Clark of Horse Cave, Ky., is the owner of a jigsaw quilt containing 14,788 pieces. Ilia : Qnahpfens of Christendom" wire: St. Saorge of England, St. AndvMt «f jfaotlsmf, St. Patrick of Ireland, St. Denis of France, St. Jamas of Spain and St. Anthony of Italy. ' •< , Man FlNfe An uninsulated iMoss ti«ii»Wy requires 40 to 50 per cant mora fuel thin one that is fully in walls and top floor ceiling, with and!-' thick insulation. Mairt M iw6 lit Mag r^ ' - ' ; A; shingl«t§i FHA MriUBtaatkn loans. loam afir repayable to the agency l» small monthly payments. r >The repayment period may be Ions as thirreeee vears. Doesn't Sfcrftsfc The koala, or ""living Bear," found in Australia, never • drinks. Moisture is obtained by safe ing young eucalyptus leaves. f 71 TWdyii Eyea Phone: v^Dr. Psol L Schwabe OPTOMETRIST McHeary 1U-J A. EL Nys BWf. West MeBsftry WnfcWih 674 THUE8DAT BT APPOINTMENT Tour Car or Track 666 - Should be checked over more often during th« cold weather. Troubles are mere likely to develop and an early fixing saves expense later. Ii«t ns make a cheek-up now! ! Have fopc track tested at this garage, wfiidi fe an official testing station, and receive your . t •:'X* correction to comply with the few. CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop, Phone 200-J Towing V' lohnaburg "SPEEDY HEY. MISTER A HALF 0 DOLLAR r ROSSMAN MOTOR SALES Volo Com inanity Bible Chwdi Sunday School, 10:80 a. m. Preaching service, 8 p. m. * Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. All are invited. Subscribe for Hie Plaindsalar NA8H- ->AOKAKD Sw the 1941 HASH AMPAfig^n^| g today at the -- 4 -1 , RUTHDRIZED -i: SERVICE ^ RQSSMRN MOTOR SHLB RIVERSIDE DRIVE W PEARL STREET PMONE IJ James Wilson, an Indiana man, sent to jail for forging a check with which he paid for a Bible. Mineral Deficiency When cows and calves gnaw at fence posts and rails, it is usually & sign of mineral deficiency in the 'ration. A sufficient quantity of calcium is usually contained in legume hays such as cowpea, soybean, clover and alfalfa if these crops are grown on soil not deficient in lime. Where the grain ration contains 30 per cent of wheat bran, cottonseed meal and soybean meal, there is usually a sufficient amount of phosphorus. However, it will do no harm to allow the cows and calves free access Jto a mineral mixture composed of one part salt and four parts of steamed bone meal. MR. FARMER! If yoa have the misfertne te lose any livestock, call the PALATINE RENDERING COMPANY and yoa will receive the highest prices. Old, dead and dissMedf horses, cattle, hogs, sheep removed promptly. Day or night service. PHONE PALATINE 95 OR RICHMOND 318--REVERSE CHARGES Agricultural News A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor $ Trucking, Hydraulic and Grant Service --Road Buildingf eL 204-M MeHenry, Hi Phone MeHenry 677-R-l •-- Basement Excavating NETT'S SAND AND GRAVEL 3pecial Rates on Road Gravel Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - Power Shovel Service Power leveling and grading Cement mixers for rent J. E. NETT loimsburg P.O. MeHenry, OL McHENRY FLORAL CO. ' f -- Phone 608-R-l -- One Mile South of MeHenry on Route 3t Flowers for all occasions! Phone 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. - OFFICE HOURS - Haesdaya and Fridays Other Days by Apputatsnat The supply of vegetable seed for 1941 planting is expected to be somewhat short. 0 . - < j r *• • • '• The milk of sheep, goat and buffalo is used for cheese-making in many European and Oriental countries. Two-thirds of, the people in South America are in agricultural occupations. One-fourth of the people in the United Stages are similarly engaged. ,5 ; 'V _ •; ,• •. . Trade between the tT. S. and Latin America jajnounts to about $1,000,- 000,000 annually, or about one-fiftr of U. S. world trade. 0 0 0 U. S. farms an^\ ranches annua llj produce eight times the amount of beef exported to all countries by Argentina in an entire year. 0 0 0 Argentine hides now. "have their lar|pst market in this country, the United States taiftng aljout (i0 pet cent of the total produced by Hit South American renubl:r* A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture . Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. m MILES X. WOODRUFF, D. 0. Licensed Chiropractor Hoars: 10 to 8 - Except Thursday -- Phone 540 -- 112 Benton St. Woodstock, 111. W&m- mmm > - BUYS THIS BIG, NEW^G ItE-ACTION 0NIY »5995 '*** ,il*ral alh * ms. Large capacity clothes.1 McHENRY GARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding - General Repairing ' • V r ,Order! Ble. 31-- John & Front Sts. Phone 97-J or 151-M Hick P. Miller Big! Beautiful! This.new low-priced/ ThQf.; washer (model 41-3) will mean faster, easier * washings--save you time and work on wash '-see ;i*£"€uy it now--wmle offer lasts. Easy to buy and easy to own! „ uu„„ «.»>»' "• Fast, thokrt^, phtte forking action with exclusive Thdr Super- ^Igitat • Heavy-duty tub-porcelain ameled inside and out. -if " Fiee*rolling wringer with single Convenient handle control and ij^fety release. . 1 ' Down Paymmnt jjjplance, plus small carrying charge, pay-' -Oble monthly with your electric service bilL Vitf. %'.t .