' i«f/ March 13,1941 •.*5. s- ^PllSfWi^, IBippipwipifBP TBI McHXNXT PLAHVDEALER <c. ;. - 1. * I - iim^'ir-^4 «P ' * <TV, y& m ^ Chicago, III., March IT Tlnrlrinnii ^flft the IffinoM Unemployment Compensation Act allowing redactions in job insurance rates effeetrwe January 1, 1943, have ton accepted by*wlFed eral Social OocuiHij 3oaxil, 'Suite ®irector of Labor Xertin P. Durithi^aid today. Variable rates based on the stability <rf employment furnished by each employer are provided for under the "experience rating" sections of -the Illinois law. Before theae '^expetienoe T H A T M E A N S AiIERICAN FREEDOM its EVERYBODyS JOB rating" sections could become effective, they had to be accepted by tye Social Security Bbard. "The experience rating provisions of the law outline a plan whereby contributions for the Unemployment Compensation trust fund are collected on a replenishment basis from employ; ers," Director Durkin said. "Contribution rates of the various employers will be set in accordance with the stability of employment they furnish .their workers. Those who give steady work to their employees may pay a rate as low as one-half of one per cent on their pay rolls, while conitems that frequently lay off their workers may have to pay as high as three and six-tenths per cent. The present rate is two and seven-tenths per cent for all empolyers subject to the law. "There will be no immediate change in the contribution rate of any employer," Director Durkin emphasised. "No adjustment of rates will be made unto after January 1, 1943. Even thee, adjustments will be made only in the case of employers whose workers have been eligible to receive benefits for three full years. To meet this requirement, an employer must have been subject to the Unemployment Compensation Act for five consecutive years." Employers subject to the Unemployment Compensation Act at the present time generally are those who have had six or more workers in their employ within twenty weeks of either the current or the preceding yeHf, TODAY'S Nothing Bat Praia* "I having nothing but praise for out new minister/' remarked Mr. Brown as he passed from the church. "80 I observed," remarked the deacon who had passed the plate.--Wayne County Record, Fairfield Dr. Barton Don't let 'em kid you--there is one and only one kind of drivir~ that completely eliminates the conventional clutch as well a* the clutch pedal -- one and only one kind of drive that auto* Statically selects and automatically shifts into the right gear for best performance under all conditions--one and only one *' kind of drive that gives you the safety of "two hands on the *- wheel" at all times, plus the super-safety of the world's sim• plest, easiest-controlled driving, and that is the original..» : % iif-f""- iny - HYDRA-MAHC DRIVE DEVELOPED, PROVED AND INTRODUCED BY OLDSMOBILB-OFFERED IN ALL OLDS MODSL8 WHAT DOES HYDRA -MA TIC DO THAT OTHER DRIVES DON*TT CtiBCK ttyp chart at the right. You'll We tkatHy dra - Matic Drive does things no other drive can do!' Take an Olds Hydra-Matic out 00 the road. You'll find how much these things all mean to you in effort reduced, performance improved, gaaoline ceirocl -- not to mention the totally different thrill you get from driving I Hydra-Matic Drive, remember, baa been proved in the hands of more than 75,000 Oldsmobtte owners--in «*er 225 million miles of driving! ^OPTIONAL AT KXTKA COST >3fe,OLDSMOB SUBURBAN MOTOR * SALES B. J. Overton Prop. McHenry, 111 Hiilii X 0 » •. ; v: Peptic Ulcer -Benefited by Gilm Outlook By DR. JAMES W. BARTON FOR many years it was believed that ulcer of the stomach (gastric) and ulcer of the duodenum (duodenal) were due to infected teeth and tonsils. Most physicians still believe that infection is a big factor in causing stomach and intestinal (peptic ulcer) in that infection affects the lining wall and it loses its power of warding off the ulcer. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that the personality of the individual and his physique or build are more important factors in causing peptic ulcers. Thus, as mentioned before, there is the answer of the surgeon to the patient's question: "Now you have operated, I'll have no more trouble with stomach ulcer, will I?" The surgeon's reply was: "You will not likely have any more trouble with that ulcer, but you may continue to grow more ulcers if you do not leqrn to keep calm." Food Habits 8beuld Be Studied. As many physicians and surgeons •have been stating that infection and Other conditions are mostly responsible for peptic ulcers, Drs. E. J. Callahan and D. W. Ingham, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in American Journal of Digestive Diseases, state: "Despite the criticism against the nervous and emotional cause of peptic ulcer, it is yet the most constant factor in causing the condition. The food habits of a patient with ulcer must be carefully studied, as a well arranged, nonirritating, low residue diet (not much roughage or cellulose as found in bulky foods such as cabbage) is the foundation on which treatment is built." To help their patients to understand the cause of peptic ulcer, these physicians show an equal Sided triangle, one side representing the heredity factor which, of course, the patient can't correct, one side Showing nervousness, illness in% the family, financial or other worries as a cause, and the third side showing rough or unsuitable foods as another ulcer cau&e. The thought then is that if peptic tilcer is present or there is a tendency to ulcer, treatment means the removal of any infection present, ac- . jauiring calmness, of spirit and the eating of nonirritating foods. • • • Extract of Ovary In Widening Role A GLAND extract that is coming more and more into everyday use is extract of the ovaries. It has been a real blessing to women approaching, at, and following the menopause. It "steadies" or quiets the nerves so that many patients are spared the necessity of mental treatment in an institution, relieves shock, and lessens the number and severity of hot flushes or flashes. Dr. I. H. Blaisdell, Boston, reports excellent results in the treatment of 60 cases of dry catarrh with the very disagreeable odor, by use of a spray of ovary extract (estrin) into the nose. The dry cfusts causing the odor disappeared in all 30 cases Where onset of catarrh occurred after age of 20, and in 84 per cent of the 30 cases which occurred before the age of 20. For Catarrh Deafness. Excellent results have also been obtained in chronic catarrhal deafness by use of ovary extract, also used in the form of a spray into the nose. "Because of the wide variety of its effects on the body, it Seems possible that estrin, properly used, may be of value in combating disease and disorders which have been heretofore obscure. The action of estrin is more far-reaching than insulin and more powerful than adrenalin." Just how estrin acts on the nose is not at present known. If, then, extract of ovary has shown itself to give great relief from symptoms at menopause in the treatment of that distressing ailments-- the dry form of catarrh, and also in catarrhal deafness, do not hesitate to use it in any form prescribed by your physician for other obscure or persistent disturbances of your body. CHOOSE WELL KNOWN Tf ARIBTIES OF OATS FARM ADVISOR SAYS QUESTION BOf^ Q.--What is the best method for removing superfluous hair? A.--Best method known at present far removing superfluous hair is by electrolysis. And this means of hair removal i* absolutely safe. By this method each hair root Is individually killed. Your own physician can refer yon to an electrolysis expert-- net necessarily a physician; or yon «»*• Vflj to the physiotherapy department of year naarast haapttsl. During the past twenty-five years a large number of oat varieties have been tested and experiments show that the early maturing oats are to be preferred. in Illinois, according to infor-5 mation furnished by Farm Advisof Brock. One of the questions frequently asked about new varieties such as Vanguard, The Legacy, Swedish Star and others is "Are they hybrid?" >• When the plant breeder makes f cross between two varieties or types, he is laying out for himself a program involving a number of years of careful selection. During the first three to six years following the actual making of the cross, it is necessary for the breeder to select many different types of progeny that appear in the various plants. Once a plant breeder has made his final selection of a desired type he has produced a new variety just as stable in its characteristics as" any standard variety and is produced in exctly the same manner as any standard variety. Because oats, barley, wheat and soybeans are seif-pollinated plants tha hybridization activities with thesk crops differ greatly from corn. As maturity of an oat variety is closely correlated with time of heading. the figures taken from the TJrbana field should be helnful in deter, mining the most acceptable variety to be grown in McHenry county. The earliest variety of the following group to head out was Columbia on June 4 followed by Port on the 5th, Marion on the 9th, Gopher on the 11th, Hancock on the 12th. Boone on the 13th, Vanguard on the 19th. Royal Scott on the 20th and Swedish Star on the 21st. Kyea Bxaaiined MeHenry I2S-J Woodstock (74 . Paul A. Schwabe -•*55.!"* MOHllWg •Y APPOINTMENT OIVLY One of the great trials of modern life is waiting for the car to be fixed. THE POCKETBOOK of KNQWLEDCE sew**? BUTTONS i8"ccMDJRytuifM FUH (SPCAT tr rAxes 1.856 $ m&j 2 Vz ye4H to BUILD ONE C&UISER NATION'S THFlR TV* TypicM WORKER IMPUjyCDOtf f-My«KEK 'WORKS ALL OF **C*tD4Y fv*v "\STpa of*xu*r aVa»*MK" v nmctmc0tt CM61ANP6MC GR0WM6*N«1O (UMTS lO 'svmbois or TWf lO M fWMM fasswf I New Mtomfllt HOUSE HEATEH • Prarifcs hi MMrtaii rather-- • Fits la w btt water bofar •f bMMS HMIBMt. 6MVEMENTI Ideal forSprifwaadMdq* when the weather is dnngwnis wna oae diy, chilly the next. AUTOMATIC! No draft to wwch. No fires to kindle. No uhe* to hauL Just set the thermostat for the temperature you want, and deao, automatic gas docs die rat, HEALTHFUL 1 Provides dean, eves hw-ao cold, chilly rooms in early morning. No overheated rooms on warm Spring days. U8NTWENNT! If the temperature tumbles into the "twenties", enure unit can be t*> moved in one piece and a regular hard fuel fire started. Weighs less than 12 pounds. ECONOMICAL! Takes special low home* haaring gas rate. No wasted fuel-provides beat only when necessary. TWRMOSTAT CONIML .NO EXTRA GMAMff No more climbing celiac stain. Just fire die furnace from your easy chair by justing automatic thermostat control for the decree of heat you want.' Keep your home from bfing too hot or too cold. ONLYf 49.50 INSTALLED-- Only *l«SO Down--Balaace. Sles saall GMnias chats*. par>bl« oa your Gas Serric* bill ia a 1 airat plan* amaitd Co fit your bad|«. .. Bmtorm Clumg*mbl» Spring W--tht ArHvm, Ctot Full Pmrtlculmrm From WESTERN UNlTEf) WGAS ELECTWC OCMftNYl-/ I ADS Style Trylea A Thrilling Valueflame- OnXoveLL PtcMe enter my NAME-ON Lovelylyne at • Style Pentcript • Single Sheets Address. Csjjb amlaaad. Sorry no plieae er GX?J>. Printed Personal Stationery The grace and loveliness of this delicately blue-lined writing paper will lend a quaint charm to your correspondence. To complete this thrilling offer ft have priced it ever modestly at 100 SINGLE SHEETS (5**7*) loo Dtp Flap ENVELOPES OR DOUBLE SHEETS ( 7 H * n x ) Dftp Flap ENVELOPES We knqw you're going to lihe it--end mig remind you ttM Lovelylyne makes 0 looetf 0$iuttion gift. Speciei for /slraary mti Mmtk Printed m JWue Ink Only, ~