Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1941, p. 5

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!.W" U^'Wr'* M*4 * ~;Ty> ,t^,7~; 1 ^yw.-i1 /< - 27,1041 .$* "" '•11!- ™r MH mjmm £r:f$* Pift Vtw K* "SCMHEAR," EARL WALSH T*Av»*sM08*tt» Isa^wnmopR ai meant or noted ! nmnuiLAB8 teaoi HOTJBE OT DAVID TEAM !>i *-**1 The boya had their fun with Lou Bteker last week about the Charlie JBrowns and their "twins," but Loo is right back at them this *feek. •?'" Ser Lou: ^ 1^"If "Pa" Thennes had a bartender 4* would get one who wasn't such < a it (meaning darn) liar, McHenry jfcouldn't need a Town Crier. ' "It might be a good idea for him to «hange the name of hia tavern to liars' Corner. "Charlie Brown says he's glad it •Wasn't twins for he would hate to have it use *"^1f of his stock of shoes in store to furnish the family." --•-- ware surprised last week to ^ Save a few people ask us to identify the West Side Town Crier. Well, he's gn alderman--there are two west side : --and his name isn't Nye* - X1 A few more sunny days and you'll * . pee "Fuaejr" Fry?, Lou Smith and the fftst of the Twilight Leaguers poHsb- •i»g up the g©ii clubs. '» 'V, --f-- I A M baseballs and bats have made -pelr appearance in woric-up games en KcHenry streets. | • » f ' Tis said that "Ye Olde Doctor" Chamberlin and Little Glenny toured jfct> Champaign to see the state basketball tournament games last Friday. Each game was decided by one point. ... '*7~S\ p f ?? Morton High of Cicero came up V llom a runner-up in Regional play to win State honors. The biggest upset came 'in their defeat of the strong Centralia five, a team that was highly °* publicised as head and shoulders above all other teams. --1~ yr-Z; Morton then went on to beat anther runner-upper, Urbana, in the Is by another one point margin. --I-- Morton most have what it takes-- fpd it takes a good team to keep jwfe* l$ng those close ones. ; The busiest fellow at Pistatcee tffty these days is Don Harrison, the Volga floatman of Bald Knob. Orders are pouring in daily from all parts of the euuntry from people who want to buy r;s from him. The demand seems be much greater than the supply. --I-- As if Don isnt busy enough with ||s puppy business, the various "Aldfe- men" up that way have #ut his ghme in for whiskey insp aster. Tfeif «ant do that! 4 The state athletic board members iem to be the target of many blasts jff late. Seems the idea of sending • etily four teams to the state meet has ;^j|et with much disfavor. "'-J "" --: ii Without a doubt the new method of tarter-finals brings in more revenue d cuts down the travel expense of Sending the "sweet sixteen" teams to Dfrbana-Champaign. --I-- The kick is that many boys are now -jfciable to make the thrilling trip that prmerly spurred the sixteen teams on the state finals. V:' . --I-- • This serves us right. We asked for Contributions! _er Sew i Heer, This is an essae ritten by a loekal {too Deel Seenior Hie Skool Stoodent: WHY IS A HORSE? Oranges grow on trees, just uke fjhoes, but the paper said "Rain today . . Dawn tomorrow." Except February, which has 28, or July and August >||hich have 62. • * You can tell if people look just like .Hargie, but you can't tell them much. Bow can you tell? It all depends on If the cop has green eyes or blue Sres, «or if he's cross-eyed. But the nk was full of pots and pans, and Brtyway, that stoty is old. Did you Ikear about that football game? In ike ninth inning I made a basket, tying the score. The goalie was mad Vhen he had to untie it, and I didn't «are when I broke my cue. I had on ihite socks. . That storm in the middle of the At- ^ntic was terrible. If you .ever go to lorida. don't miss the trip . . . it's ery educational, around the edges. And so, in conclusion, may I quote " S# unquote. Hello. This mass wra siened "Mae Hia Knott " ^ • ' « ' GESS HOO. - --I-- " The present west side cribbage tournament is nearfng the finish line With "Dukes" Knox in the lead with •Witb 81 games won out of 48 played. %alt Freund is second with 28 out of 45. "Pink" Gorman comes along next _»ith 27-42. " "Mike the Barber" Jfoaley has a 29 - 48 score. And--Mrs. Rattles, little boy, Glenrty. is chugging along with 22 out of 88. A new tournament will start on Friday April 4. Games will shift between Harie Schiessle's and Bevo FremuTs. |jhi Friday evenings the crowd will •lay at Schiessle's. The scene will Shift to "Bevo's" on Tuesday. If you ian play cribbage or play at it, call ene of tbaaa places and leave /our name. . • Lorayne Thennes |ron the doubles .^matches at the Paljce last week. Complete results have lot been handed in ... and it's e! - • TEAOK M*ET MONDAY NIGHT DAlt WIN EHOBH •videntlf tiie young man yfctmred above has not as yet discovered electric razors are on the market He is Darwin Ehorn, son of County Coroner and Mrs. Harry Ehorn of Richmond. Darwin, as a member of the famoua House of David baaketball team from Benton Harbor, Michigan, traveled some 38,000 miles during the past basketball aeason. He played in more than 100 cities, villagea and hamleta on the trip. Only five men made up the aquad and every member played every minute of 122 basketball games. Added to this remarkable physical demonstration the team won 111 games and lost 11. The team played aa many as 11 games in one week. The bearded idea is an old custom of the House of David. Ehorn, by the way, is not a member of this colony but merely played basketball with a team under the name of this widely &nown institution. The young Richmond lad, who stands 6 feet 4 Inches and weighs ISO pounds whiskers and all, is a graduate of the Richmond high school where several years ago he was somewhat of a sensation in county high echool competition. Ehorn's ability earned him a tryout with Oshkosh, the club which won the professional league title last season. Oshkosh informed Ehorn he needed more experience. He plans to try out again next season with Oshkosh although he has been tendered a neat contract with the House of David crew. We . are told that Ehorn's first act following the close of play-with the House of David was to visit a barber ahop where his order was a shave and a hair cut, or may we say a hair cut and let it go at that ,• ** V-.. GIRL SCOUTS " Our cookie sale was very successful. We wish to tft%nk all of the people who helped us by buying the cookies. We all worked hard but were well satisfied to hear the wonderful resulta at the end of the day. May I thank you again in behalf of the troop? Mrs. Durland came over to Miss Bauer's room on Monday and rechecked the returns of the sale. We wish to thank her for taking charge of the money. She complimented us on the fact that we sold all of the cookies and called for more to sell. Final plans for Investiture were made. Don't forget, Mothers, Investiture is next Monday at four o'clock in the gym. We are to put on a short ceremony for the P.-T. A. at St. Mary's school on April 2. The girls who are taking part in this stayed after the meeting and practiced for it. Bettie Patter and her patrol will give a Mav Day party on April 28 at 7:00. I hear their nlans are to have a different kind of party. Instead of playing games, they want to put on a play. We closed bv singing "Run-Along'- Home" and "Taps." Wish you luck! i * *. , VIRGINIA STRATTdlli ? Scribe. The novelty of an indoor track meet drew a large crowd to the high school gym Monday evening. The Seniors piled up a heavy lead to win from the lower classmen. As an added attraction, Harold Taxman, former MCHS athlete brought three of his mates from the DeKalb college wrestling team to town. The boys put on an exhibition that combined clever holds with the slam-bang type of showmanship seen in. the professional ranks. Results 50 yard dash -- Laures, Senior, (1); Meyers, Senior, (2); A. Rodig, Junior, (S). ? 100 yard dash -- R. IFrett, Freshman. (1); Meyers, Senior, (2); L. Stilling,-Senior, (8). Pole vault -- Howard, Senior, (1); Brda, Junior, and IJnti. Senior, tied. Shot put -- Dan Schmitt, Senior, (1); Laures, Senior, (2); R. Stilling, Junior, (8). High jump -- Brda. Junior, and H. Unti, Senior, tied, (1); R. Conway, Junior, (2). Low hurdles -- Wirts. Senior, (1); A1 Rodig, Junior, (2); JL Kara, Sen ior. (8). High hurdles -- Unti. Senior, (1); A1 Rodig, Junior, (2); R. Kunz, Senior. (S). 440 yard run -- Meyers, Senior, (1); Frett, Freshmen, (2); R. l£unx, Senior. (3). Mile run -- McCannon, Senior, (1); W. Bolger, Sophomore and Conway, Junior, tied, (2); Blake, Freshman, (S). 880 yard run -- Stilling, Jvnior, (1); A. Jackson, Freshman, (2). Broad jump -- Laures, Senior, (1); Conway, Junior, (2). Girls Broad jump -- M. Miller, Sophomore, (1); B. Wegner, Sophomore, (2); H. Knox, Senior. (8). High jump -- M. Miller, Sophomore, (1); F. Stratton. Sophomore, (2); H. Knox. Senior, (8). ^ Class Totals Seniors -- 63%. a uniors -- 27H. ophomores -- 19H, N • * Freshmen -- 10. JOWUN NKWB Palace Alleya City League: Carl Thorsell started off with a 224 game and led the Prager Beers to a two-game win over Smith's Grocers. Carl's 555 series led the four teams in the league. Charles Brda, of the federal building, was all set for a 800 series, but that second game went haywire -- 189 -135 - 221--546. Why do those low games pop up in the middle of a respectableiseries? Send in the correct answer. The judges decision will be final, etc., dtie. ^ Old Timers: a Lester Bacon anchored his team with a 589 series as they lost a close match, 2435 to 2423, to Freund Oils. Who is that Meyers with the 528? Les Adams turned in one of those steady series that bowlers long for: 188 -182 - 184. "Buck" Rogers started out with 212, but hit the grease. Not that a 518 aeriea ia bad. Oh, no! YASHMASK ior SCOUTS The meeting opened Monday night with the Flag Ceremony. Fourteen regular Scouts and one leader were present. Rudolph Johnson took the Tenderfoot Scouts in a corner and instructed them on compass. Mr. Schoenholtz gave a talk on how patrols should function. We studied on Merit Badges for about fifteen minutes. At the patrol meetings Patrol Leaders discussed patrol hikes. We have wind of a couple of troop overnight hikes. Here is a list of Merif J Badges required for Life Scout: First Aid, Physical Development, Athletic^ Personal • Health, Public Health, Life Saving or Pioneering or Safety. How many of these have yoa earned ? There is a Board of Review April 21. Let's do ten times better than we aid at the last Board of Review! We could settle for five times. "Be Prepared" for the next Board of Revjpy, ^3*i)0LPH WWDEMAN, ' " Troop ScMbe. British air raid simitars are taking aa the appearance of harems as Imptvvised yashmaska are being intrqfneed to prevent spread of disease and epidemic^. This one la made from a georgette searf "proofed ' with cellulose lacquer. TROPICAL TRAVEL When British troops took a north African town, £his soldier borrowed one of the local borrows. As a reapit he had all the comforta sf tropieal travel--a la nathre. ON WARPATH Once a School Teacher Gen. James G. Harbord, who commanded the United States marines pa the Marne, was once a echool .teacher. ^Borrowed' Auto " " The law finally caught up tHfli fwo youths of Ellin wood, Kan., who , had "borrowed" an automobile ev- •.vV^fcry Sunday for a month for transportation to Supday school. Police Judge Robl sentenced them. tN Iris Speeles throughout the north temperate zone may be found 200 species of iris. North America contains about 20 varieties. • « Stem for Handle When you grate an onion, cot off I only the root end. Leave the stern i on and use it as a handle. It wifl hold the vegetable together until it is completely grated, and will keep your hand from dipping. Comanche Indian Chibbity is given hints on how to go cm the warpath the white man's way by Sergt. J. H. Boozer. A member of the Comanche Indian tribe of Oklahoma, Chibbity kas Joined the army signal eorpa at Fort Benning, Georgia. Ladies: Agnes Freund came up with a 208 game in a 527 series to lead the field of classy lady bowlda. K.effC; ' -- Ai Tonyan rolled a neat series, 201 - 214 - 148 -- 558, to boost Regn'r's Grocers to two out of three from the Stilling's Rock Woolers. Bob Martin's 210 (538) led'McGee'a to a two-game win over Green's Riverside Dairy. Under the steady coaching and guidance of Herman Steffes, Walter Bolger showed promise. flUhaefer's ADey*^ U', Ladies: Dorothy Schaefer's 488 put the Canadians over in their match with Weber Plumbing. Fanny Freund turned fn another of her good series, 511, give the McHenry Plumbers plenty of margin over Stilling's Tire Shop girls. K. of C: Math Schmitt showed the boys how to tip those pins and his 214 (574) series gets the nod for honors this week. Paul Yanda rolled 157 in the second game -- and never mind about the third one. C. O. F.: * "Red" Winkel was up to hia old tricks as he marked up a 6$4 aeries, 208 - 216-212. Gus Freund opened with a 211 game and closed with a 557 aeriea. Special Match: Marion Krause rolled a 527 series in the anchor spot as the Palace Ladies won a Sunday match from the Woodstock gals. Extra Special!: * Mike Budler*a 257 (848) series had »em all sitting up and taking notice as tfie Palace Rec's lost a close match to Woodstock, 2888-2818. Lorena rolled an even 800 for the winners. Employment for Many The gold industry in the Union of South Africa provided employment for more than 950,000 persons ia 1938. Old Timers Saperior Oil--Wattles, 428; Covalt, 887; Carlson, 480; Barbihn, 544; L Bacon, 589. Total--2423. Freund Oil--Goodell, 420; Johnson, 520; J. Schaefer, 474; Meyers, 528; Freund, 495. Total--2435. Adams Laundry--Wilson, 880; J. Schmitt, 432; Sayler, 457; Hughes, 434; Adams, 554. Total--2257. Standard Oil--Karls, 464; Page, 442; M. Schaefer, 511; Perkins, 418; Rogers, 518. Total--2336. Match Games] Herman Shcaefer's 288 (800) led Meister Brau to an easy win over the Alemite Benders. Steady bowling gave McHenry Beer a good edge over Johnny Meyer's squad. The locals had the same totals in the first two games, 878 pins, then 885 in the third. Bill Sutton's 212 (588) was the score of the day. The Meister Bran team won two from Heart of Nature Sunday night in a match that wound up with only twenty pins difference between the two teams, 2528 • 2508. Bob Conway's 220 (580) led the Herat of Nature. Hank Brits came up with a 220 game in a 556 aeries for the same team. What's more . . . 6erretsen combined his 219 with the two 220 games of his teammates and they still lost their second gamo. Commercial: McHenry plumbers, led by Les Adams and his 594 series, were the class of the league this week. Weber Plumbers took three straight from Old Bridge with only fifty pins difference in total scores. Kent, 419; Brown, 417; Krause, 513; Gibson, 458. Total--2287. % Meister Brau--Jr. Frisby, 589; Sutton, 500; Johnson, 589; Budil, 503; H. Schaefer, 600. Total--2681. McHenry Beer--J. Frisby, 618; A. Schaefer, 500; B. Sutton, 588; R. Conway, 541; L. Conway, 501. Total -- 2641. Johnny Meyer's Tavern -- Crone, 499; J. Meyers, 452; J. Meyers, Jr., 388; Schutt, 482; K. Johnson, 576. Total--2397. Miester Bran -- Adams, 508; H. Schaefer, 557; Jr. Frisby, 471; Johnson, 450; Simon, 542. Total--2528. Hear of Nature -- Britz, 556; S Schaefef,' 445; Langbein, 421; Conway, 580; Gerretsen, 528. Total-- 2508. John Stilling ia feeling Just fine about a 285 game rolled the past week. ' City League Hi-Way Bxpresa -- Petersen, S66; Wagner, 443; Gorman, 495; Schlosser. 468; H. Smith, 499. Total--2271. Silo Tavern--Carlson, 512; Justen, 481; Brda, 545; Tonyan, 484; Green, 498. Total--2450. Prager Beers--Hester, 484; Ritta, 445; Kreutzer, 497; Thorsell, 555; Lenzen, 478. Total---2487. Smith's Grocers--L. Smith, 428; W. Funk, 474; R. Smith, 486; Budler, 508; J. J. Wagner, 488. Total--2334. K. of C. Capital Rock Wool--A. V. Freund, 432; Art Tonyan, 420; J. Miller, 420; Guffey, 894; Stilling, 479: Total-- 2145. Ratlin's Grocers -- Guzzardo, 888; Bolger, 855; Al Tonyan, 558; M. Schreiner, 495; Steffes, 540. Total-- 2361. McGe^a--E. Freund, 435; E. Marshall, 487; A. Smith, 422; W. Schreiner, 473; B. Martin, 536. Total--2303. Riverside Dairy--E. Walsh, 390; F. Unti, 440; C. Weldt, 488; J. Thiea, 488; W.Green, 522. Total--2258. C. 0. F. Nye'a Jewelers--F.- Meyer, 488; H. Schaefer, 522; Nye, 460; G. Justen, 468; Winkel, 884. Total--2642. Thie* Candy Co.--H. G. Weber, 491; Rothermei, 482;' V. Freund, 411; H. M. Weber, 489; Regner, 581. Total -- 2354. McHenry Ice Cream--A. Weingart, 463; Knox, 485; Unti, 384; C. Weingart, 492; W. Tonyan, 464. Total-- 2288. _ ValvoHne Oil--Heimer, 419; Thies, 393; Geo. Freund, 419; Gus Freund, 557; Thennes, 506. Total--2298; t + ,i Ladies' League Fords--B. Freund, 280; R. Freund, |79; Covalt, 416; Page, 428. Total 1501. D'Vore, 270; Miller, 359; E. Freund, 862; Deidrich, 288. Total--1274. B. Krause, 368; Lemeren, 809; Engeln, 828; Knaack, 888. Total -- 1371. Karls' Cafe--Huemann, 398; Marie Schiessle, 887; Kinsala, 878; Schroeder, 884; Marshall, *». Total--1916. Walsh Insurance --A. Freund, 527; Wagner, 845; Budler, 326; Brefeld, 872; Brda, 895; handicap, 9. Total 1973. ^ Barbimn's Grocers -- BarWan, 409; Wilbrandt, 453; Schmitt, 448; Winkel, 801; M. Krause, 417. Total--2028. Riverside Dairy--Green, 370; Betty Thennes, 330; Conway, 418; L. Thennes, 289; McLaughlin, 430; handicap, SO. Total--1887. Match Gamee Palace Recs --Budler, 848; Funk, 484; Brda, 435; Schreiner, 582; Lenzen, 486. Total--2618. Woodstock--Jensen, 614; Rogman, 522; Krollowitz, 530; Andrews, 502; Lorena, 800. Total--2668. Palace ladies McLaughlin, 477; A. Freund, 465; Huemann, 434; Green, 862; Krause, 527. Total--2265. Woodstock--Thomas, 497; Wagner, 381; Pierce, 388; Cjtane, 456; Tryoo, 466. Total--2187. N A couple of Lily Lake girls scattered the pins in stylish fashion. Mrs. Krieger's 510 series was her first experience in breaking the coveted 500 mark. Mrs. Bete Koob kept up the family prestige with a 207 game. Ted Budil's 257 game Is high for that can of oil. t Commercial League Weber Plumbing--Weber, 441; Nichels, 411; Thompson, 420; Sheldon. 381; Frisby, 454; handicap, 189. Total -- 2296. Old Bridge--Kleinhans, 464; Sompel, 409: Wright, 352; Schaefer, 395; Zens, 432; handicap, 194. Total--2246. Foresters--Kreutzer, 542; Justen, 505; Weber. 496; V .Freund,. 462; Karls. 427; handicap, 60. Total--2492. McHenry Plumbing -- Adams, 594; Wesson, 495; Miller, 504; Johnson, ^66; P. Freund, 520; handicap, 63. Total--^2742. . -V* of C. D. O'Shea, 513: J. Walsh, 343; M. Schmitt, 574; W. Button; 494; L. Conway. 449. Total--2373. M. Whiting, 416; M. Walsh, 399; A. Blake, 396; R. Frisbp, 450; Leo Winkel, 542. Total--2203. P. Schaefer, 474; P. Yanda, 888; J. Stilling, 388; R. McGee, 441; J. Frisby, 533. Total--2219. A. E. Nye, 450; G. Miller, 456; G. Frisby, 453; L Murphy, 436j G- Barbian, 491. Total--2284. - , Ladies' LeagW Schaefer's Canadians -- D. Weber, 893; E. Hoyte, 346; H. Immekus, 292; D. Schaefer, 488. Total--1519. Weber Plumbing--Cleveland, 446; I. Hayes, 315; E. Miller, 366; B. Weber, 345. Total--1471. Stillii.g's Tire Shop--G. Weber, 371; A. Schaefer, 862; G. Miller. 299; M. Stilling, 345. Total--1377. McHenry Plumbing--O. Hoyte, 377; M. Beatty, 340; L. Cox, 828; Fanny Freund, 611. Total--1511. Match Gamee Alemite Benders--Kreutzer, 480; MARRIAGE LICENSES Dbnald W. Kraemer, Woodstock, 111., to Loretta M. Jones, Woodstock, 111., March 18, 1941. Ralph G. Woods, Woodstock, 111., to Joyce E. Marshall, Woodstock, H3., March 22, 1941. Earl Masterson, Kokomo, Ind., to Mellie Ames, Harvard, 111., March 15, 1941. Albert Ackmann, Marengo, 111. , to Mildred L. Hayes, Edinburg, 111., February 28, 1941. Raymond L. Drozd, Fox Riyer Grove, HI., to Marian Marek, Gary. 111., March 19, 1941. LSlitM' stone, formed by ttfacHiAving a dry powder in water, and then applied with a brush, is a revolutionary industrial product adopted for protecting and waterproofing building materials. BARGAINS alone ARE NOT ENOUGH ... Even good bargains aren't always enough, as the bride agreed who spent her whole week's food budget on cutprice canned herring.' You'll find bargains in our store--but you'll find a variety of bargains that permits you to buy the gifts people will be glad to receive. You'll find real bargains -- things that your friends will want and will use. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHeaury JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES for live stock food especially for hog feed. One Acre is Worth $100 for ihog/eed with pork selling at 4c a ponnd , V • v* -- Seed For Sale -- 2$ELV0IK SEED FARM, LAKE GENEVA, WIS. Phone 71-R-l, Genoa City, Wis. ' Has a large quantity of Artichoke Seed ready for delivery in April. Also a large amount of Hybrid Seed Corn. TIRES and BATTERIES We will mate yon a good allowance on yomr old tires and battery. Come in and let ns inspect your tires -- Yon will be surprised bow sensationally low priced these new tires are. CBAMPIONp , 5.50x16 ^ 1--$12 50 6.00x16 I..' 14.05 6.50x16 . ^ ^ 17 « HI-SPEEDS 4.75 and 5.00x10 5.25 and 5.50x17 t; 5.25 and 5.50x18 6.00x16 6.25 and 6.50x16 -$ 9 30 1145 10 « 1235 1510 Introductory Sale on t^lmtESTONE BATTERIES , •«- as low as $4-95 Firestone Fan Belts - Spark Plugs and Accessories Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery Charging and Repairing Phone 294 --West McHenry ;vl ' Will Always Tell EVBN IF you didn't tee the crest on the handsome hood of this luxurious car, you'd know h was a Cadillac as soon as you stepped inside. No one else could provide the luxury and comfort of a Fleetwood interior. No one else builds an engine so smooch, so quiet and responsive. The reason? Only Cadillac has built the finest of fine cars for nearly forty years! It makes a vast difference. Come in today--see for yourself! $1345 ftr tbt Cadillsc SixtyJhu Fivt-P*ssengtr Ctmp* dtlivmd at Detroity Michigan. Statt t*Jt, optional tquipmtnt ami scctsstritt-- ' txtr*i Prktt subjtctUtkmff wUbtmt mHa. .^1 JL I OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street West McHeary rT1' Order your Rubber Plaindeaier. at The 1 • *

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