Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 12

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'W; THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORY McHENRY COITNTY, ILLINOIS snr:* * j' • .,: •'/ * ¥„ ;!it* ....... .. ..mattOr, the same will be presented , "A i either to the full Board or a Commute* V; of the Board for their consideration. He further stated that the report Eva Rapping:, dependt chil., Ystebo ... Elmer Adams, dependt chil., Adams would be in the form of recommenda- : St. Vincent's Orphanage, dependt v, .tions to be considered by the Finance te \ Committee in arriving at their budget pf ' expenditures, and if it was the opinion - oi the board that thev were not justi- -hed, of course, they did not have to ac- '%0\ 'icept them, and tnat it was his l/eiief <7 v, anat as counties go, McHenrv County , .• Jwas very well governed and quite free P^S Siof debt, but that as in all forms of i*j= ».^business, no doubt there was some (room tor improvement and any baving chil., Bourdage, Denning . Old People's Rest Home, TB Patient i'auper, Hibbard ,. H. L. Ehorn, TB Patient Pauper Schessel Ottawa TB Sanatorium, TB Patient I'auper, Grover .... Ottawa TB Sanatorium. TB Patient Pauper, Shockey Ottawa TB Sanatorium, TB Patient I'auper, Benson .^iitiuit could be made would work to the ; Ottawa TB Sanatorium, TB ibeneflt of not only the taxpayers in the i .Association but to all taxpayers generally. Atter some further discussion tvith regard to said matter, it was legulariy moved by bupr. Ackman and duly /'(seconded by £>upr. Turner tnat the re-. Patient Pauper, I-ynoUt j Ottawa TB Sanatorium, TB Patient I'auper, Bloner Mrs. E. Crew, Tit Patient Pauper, Kuppe | A. A 1'. Tea Co., TB Patient ^uest of the McHenrv County Taxpayers" 1 auper, Yermett k -^Association to make a survey of tho i Rockford Municipal TB San., iexpenoituies of tax money m McHenry j. TB Patient i'auper, Johnson County be rclerred to the Committee ! $45; Freund $90 ., - ..... on fees and Salaries giving said Com- j Valmora Sanatorium, TB Patient 1 m>ttet full power to act, and ine roil j I'auper, McLaughlin Wing caiieii, uie Chairman declared the i Dr. H. W. Kohl, TH P%tieht Pauper motion unanimously carried. Chambers --. 45.00 The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees Louise M. Brooks, Pro Oft jgs * anu Supplies presented the following ! trav. exp -- -35.85 • ^report, which on motion of Supr. narri George Si. Jones,T° B Patient • ,-'-son and duly seconded by Isupr. Ack Pauper, Jones -- ' iiia.ii, una me roll being caued, WHS i AU of declared unanimously adopted, io-wii: , iait(,ed. S. A. Rt.-- 20 sec 5-1 maintenance labor and material 34.26 2 sec 7-iT maintenance labor and material, mach. rental 174.IS 6B sec b maintenance labor and material ,... 5.76 25 sec 12 maintenance labor Treat*. fe, material rental 156.33 MO.OO 123 sec 12--IT engineering and' advertising 66.95 4A, 4 A ext and 6B ext sec 13 engineering labor 2.80 21A ext sec 14 maintenance labor, material, much rent 80.43 aiA sec 14-iT engineering laLwr and advertising <1.00 14 and 15 sec 19 engineering labor 8.80 1 sec 20 engineering labor 38.40 1 sec 20 construction labor, material, machine rent ...... 248.12 Insurance Frem. Refunded 58.51 Insurance Claim 1.79 Chairman Liquor License Com. M^MO.OO ~~ " <90.00 6.00 76.00 185.00 81.43 » sec 21 engineering labor 29.20 20B sec 24 construction labor material, niacinnc rent ......... IS sec 20 engineering labor ..... 2t> sec 2/ engineering labor ....™ 26 sec 27 construction labor ma- . terial, maciune rent .'...1,998.85 2 sec2»- IT engineering labor .... 57.34 Tne County supt. of Highways reports that Mr. vv in. Mailev one of me uoun 11.40 2.10 2S.35 Harrison, Turner, Stevens, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unani- State's Attorney's fund mously carried. j Saie of Culvert A petition of eighteen residents and County Clerk's Plat Assmts^. property owners for the improvement j Deposit of Order of Court of a road in Dunham Township was Penalties and Fees presented and read, and upon motion duly made and carried, was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for report at the next meeting. A bill for services in the amount of ¥175.00 presented by George Schroeder, surveyor of Winnebago County, for wokr on the County-wide WPA project, was presented and read to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that the bill lie allowed, and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the same, and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. Supr. Clawson, Chairman of the Building Committee, aduressed the Board and stated that general repairs in and about the Court House were generally needed, including If possible the pointing up and painting of the outside of the main building, together with •10.10 160.09 6,164.15 • B0.00 139.90 Refund on County Order No. 3C716 Dog Tax Fund ....... Bridge Bond Fund - Non-High School Fund ... Institute Fund . Total Income ....$201,881.89 Balance brought forward beo. 1. 1888 -- 136,341.64 that the party of the second part shall for the sum of Twenty-five dollau ($25.00) per month to be paid monthly by the party of the first part furnish his own means of transportation In and rtbout his work and the upkeep of ahy automobile that he may use or pay for and other expenses of going to and from his employment. IN W1TKJBSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder signed their 121.65! names the day and year first written 86.06 above. 33.4T 86.«r *84.00 $77,188.07 30,078.81 2,355.60 3,550.67 8,030.00 ty 6 road toi einan has examined tne j the general repair of wlodnw casements, July 9. A. D. 1940. Mr. Chairman and Uentietfhen of the Boaru ot supervisors: lour Committee oh Labor, Fees and. ' Supplies Claims woulu beg leave to repel tnat tney nave examined all claims presented lo them, anu recuuiiueiia uie Herts fence and found that the iron 16.00 posts weie set in concrete 3 ft. in the which is respectfully sub- , ground, and he estimates a gang of 8 men wouid be needed and he thought uiey could niove and re-ound 24 ioas A „0ay at a labor cost of 14 cents per fpot of fence, based on the present County day labor wage scale, and that about B. F. Dl'SKXKERRV; ROY J. STEWART t L.A. STOCK WELL T. F. NOLAN, JR. J. 0. STEVE.VS fw*?- etc. It was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that said matter be referred to the Building Committee giving said Committee full power to act, and the roll being called, aaid motion was declared unanimously carried. Several communications from the $i;oU wortn of Portland cement would . State of Illinois, Department of Public probably be needed to reset the posts, As$t.Supr. Rosenthal stated that at aiso new tie bands and wire tastenei s the time tne Dayinond children were' would be needed to fasten the wire to ^ynient of"the toilowing, and that the committed to the Addison Manual Train- the posts. cierk be directed to issue oruers cn the : lng School by the County Court, an Or- , We would report that the new black tount>' Treasurer to tne Claimants lor der was entered on the father to pay top road known as the River Road is the several amounts allowed, iqi- ! twenty dollars per month, naif of tne under construction at the present time. costs for the care of said children, to ; we have recieved from the motor j the County, and that it was his under- fuel tax fund rental ofr County owned I standing that this was not being done, machinery and turned same over to tne and that he also has been informed that county '.treasurer tor the road fund as Mr. .Daymond is regularly employed and loliows: sec. 7-iT, »2l.5u; Sec. i2, $a4.8o; I should be made to pay for the support bee. 14, $41.37; Sec. 20, $27,41; sec. 24, of his children and that he would sug- jz.1'0; bee. 21, »43t>.60 and from the State 1>'W8, to-wlt: Frank Thornber, Co Clk office any ^ >12.uu; Co C1k etec sup *12.24; 4 Ctr cik iup • :--f IfJ# Frank Thornoer, Co Clk tax bk etc. *; «4r Clk sup iha 4i* S15 68 «est at this time that the Committee Treasurer warrant .No.- C72572) S22».2u Co onit-eisun *°<». .- --"c'iit * give this matter their consideration, refund on gasoline used in tractors a "• *'• teiuoone s «-o., ^ ^ ^ 109 60 Supr. Duseni>erry, Chairman of the Com- total of $79ij.34 which said sum is hererec ,Ur rtr> H •sons tMr Clk mittce on County Poor, stated that they i ty re-appropi lated for road purposes, j-. t eteroon s ouus, i were now compiling a permanent record including the repair storage and pur- " * ; of all these cases and that they have j chase of road machinery. _ 10.00 ilC'Und quite a few items of this nature! lour committee estimates there will 'and assured the Board that they were be necessary for the care of the Mcgiving such matters their consideration. ; Henry County, Illinois 1'atrol System j The Committee on Koads and Bridges 0f Koads an appropriation from the ! presented the following report, which AlcHenry County Highway funds of on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly *4uuu until the next meeting of this i seconded l/y Supr. Schmitt and the roil r.oard. j being called, was declared unanimously All of which is respectfully subi adopted, to-wlt: raitted, JOHN J. FILIP Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Works and Buildings, were presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr Stevens and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan ,to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. FRANK C. FERRIS, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. -- 3.60 UJ1 9.88 rec bk Cailaghan & Co., Or Clk sup tund - Goerutt-iieckneil Co., Clr Clk sup fund -- 14.32 Crystal i^ake Heiaid, Co. Clk. printing - 81-80 Harvard Herald, Co Clk elec sup »51.2u; Co Clk ptg $61.84; 111.04 Woodstock Daily i,entin«-i, anf olt sup <21.25; Co Treas prig $ia.»u; Cir Ctk sup »i8.,o; ou3 hup ttchs clt exp >1.00 -- 59.50 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Supr ' pi tg - Ml-'# K O. Petersson s Sons, Cir Clk rec bk Heoron Times, aup bchs off exp bohn Hardware Co., ct h»« sup $lu.&>; Co Clk office sup * Ethel C. Coe, Co. Supt.. sup bchs oft exp - - Crystal uake Herald, e>up bebs off exp - - --. The Ricnond Gazette, &up Schs oil exp - M. B. cook Co., Co Clk ottice sup American Law Book Co., Juacy abry -- Haroiu W. bchmidt, Co Treat; off sup - - B. *'. Jxenneiiy, er TB off sup Dr. H. V%. sandeen, Co Clk ins depdn $5.uu Marsh; »o.u0 Mackey Dr. u. L. Nelson, Co Clk Ins depdn Marsn Dr. i'. F. t oireSt, Co Clk ins depdn Mackey W. W. Hixson & Co., Co Hwy sap fund - - Wayne iwent2.e», co hwy sup fund Dr. A. L. Froelich, Co Clk ins depdn Goodman - Dr. B. B. Neuchiller, Co Clk ins depdn Goodman SpitJter s office f urniture, ct ttse sup •88.68 ' R. U. Anurew Co., ct Use jail coal* -- 7.88 Chsrlet F. Hayes, juduv jusuce lees -- 86.80 Illinois Bell Tele. Co., ct nse Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said county would beg leave to submit the follow- ; ing report on the matters berore tnein. N. B. CLAWiON ROY J. STEWART CHAS. H. ACKMAN j. K HARRISON The following petition of the High- _ _ way Commissioner of Hartland Town- That we met on the 11th day of June ;ship requesting the repair of the North 19*0 to inspect the Pistakee Bay oil- abutments of the bridge known as the mix road and found same completed sub- Thurow bridge, was presented and re*d stantially in accordance with the plans to the Board, to-wit: specifications and contract and decided Vy accept same on behalf of Menem y Peaitlon OOunty, Illinois. We also ordered two b na rp c u rv e" w id en ed wTth^Ttonsof : To^the Board of Supervisor. Mcoii- iiiix inaierial ana IZ tuns placed' in | *fenry County, lhiaois. ee,k!a stock pile lor tuture use and agreed' underaisntg comrnissiotteir or f on a price of *5.00 .per ton for said ex- ; highways for the iown ot llaitland in - - Itr* mi-mi* material in Dlace ; said County would respecttuily repre- 10.00 nart'smrt niinn<H ' sent that the north abutment of the 18.00 5.00 6.00 86.00 60.00 pieteu with the exception ot removal oi the straw used for curing purposes and trimmed up the shoulders. Your committee again met on the 25th day of June 1SM0 to receive bids lor tne construction ot the a.-puail surface on the Union road known as section 14-IT and the river road south east out of Mcnemy, lllinifte, kno\vii-«is Special August Meeting 1940 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, ,met in Special Session pursuant te a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday the 13th day of August, A. D. 1940 at ten-thirty o'clock A. M. (DST). The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Frank C. Ferris, and the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names, to-wit; Supervisors L. A. Stockwell, R. F. Dusenoerry, Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, H. C M.eier, John J. Filip and Assistant Supervisors T. F. Nolan Jr. and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full Board present. The records of the last preceding meeting were read and on motion approved, and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the tnonth of July, 194m, was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Grand Total „..$S28,173.48 SspmdttwM County Orders Highway Orders .........i. Grand and I'etit Jurors Inheritance Taxoa Blind Relief ..._.w .... Bounty Orders old Age Assistance Fund Salaries institute Fund Mothers' Pensions .... Probation officer Coroner's Jurors insanity Jurors Illinois Emergency RelHkt Motor Fuel Tax Fund Non-High School Fund County Treasurer's Salary ... Board of Supervisors of Xc|iCnftr County, Illinois. Party of the first part. By J. E. HARRISON - M. C. MEIER -***•}'*•• CARL E. WITTMUS, r..Vv Members of CominltlML* Party of the second part. r*> B. F. KBNNJSLLY It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that the contract be ap- 789.85 : proved and entered of record, and the 163.80 ! roll bcir.g called, 3aid motion was de- 8,864.60 clared unanimously carried. 881 .05 [ The Committee on Roads and Bridges 6,615.00 I presented the following report which •ftO.OO j on motion of supr. KuecKer and duly sec- 84.00 onded by Supr. Meier, and the roll being •72.uu called, was declared unanimously adopt- 6,878.00 i ed, to-wit: 2u,314.40 ! 7,281.89 1 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tbe 1,800.00 j Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- '•MW*: 500.00 State's Attorney's Fund. -- Violation of Highways, fines Dog Tax Fund _.... • Distribuaion of RE For- Circuit Court Witnesses 82.90 ty, Illinois; General Fund, payment of The undersigned members of the Rosd warrants - 28,312.98 and Bridge Committee for said County Disputed Taxes ........ 2,866.61 \ would beg leave to submit the following Stamps -- 867.80 report on the matters before them: Attorney's Fees for pain caso 260.00 1 That we m$t on'the 12th day of July, Coroner s Fees <16.00 1940 and inspected the work being done 100.00 on the black top road south-east out 648.80 of McHenry, Illinois, known as Section 13&8.12 12-1T, and found the work to be progressing satisfactorily. feitures 32,964.96 i We again met on the 13th day of July Distribution of PP Back Ta*M 14,023.»4 ; 1940 to arrange for a borrow pit for Petty Cash .'. ... 45.00 1 the Franklinville road, known as Sec- Special Account for Con- tion 19 MtT., about 12000 cubic yards demnations _4...~....... 2,050.00 of fill material being needed. We ee- Brtdge Bond Order 1,656.00 lected the Kugler pit, near the south -- lend of the job, as the best available Total Disbursements ..~_™_.$252,815.76 pit, but the land was now in an estate Balance on hand in all funds and the widow, who was one of the ad- ~May 31st 75,367.88 I ministrators, lived in Yorkville, Illinois, ---------- | as did also Attorney C. H. Dixon, who Grand Total $328,173.48 , represents the estate of lrus E. Kugler. All of which is respectfully submit- We then went to Yorkville and secured ted this 10th day of June, 1940. The above and foregoing report is true and correct to my beet knowledge and bdlet C. FRANK DALY,. County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOtli day of Jun«, 1940. R. D. WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk. J*une 10, 1940. Official Fees and Emoluments &*celTed And Expenditures Made By C. Frank Daly County Treasurer, County of McHenry, State of Illinois To: The Chairman of the Committee to ttettie with the Treasurer. I, C. Frank Daly, Countv Treasurer in and for the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and permission to take the material, in the form of a letter, at ten cents (loc) per cubic yard. We again met on the 20th day of July l'j40 and inspected 18 new re* flectorized signs recently installed oa the road known as the Pistakee Bay road, and *lso inspected the McHenry black top road, .which was nearing completion, except for the placing of the seal coat, which la not done until at least two weeks after the Keystone is in place. We also met on the 25th day of July 1940 and inspected the progress being made on the Franklinville road and tound same to be progressing satisfactorily. We also inspected the oil mix road built last fall near the 5 Corners, south of Union, Illinois and found the condition of same to be improving. mach. rental 13 sec 26 engineering labor and material 26 sec 27 engineering, labor, adv. costs 37.86 26 sec 27. construction day labor, . ' 'payroll, material and mach. ' " rental 2 sec 3.9-1T engineering, labor and adv. costs ;. 3 sec 15-R right Of way, Stata Bond Issue Rt. 20, Joseph T£ Peacock, $240.00, Prudential Ins. Co., $260.00 We decided to paint the buildings white at the county-tool house at th*i old fair grounds. We expect to start eenstructlon on tha* Cary-Algonquin road in the near fulure as the right of way is Just about secured. We met on the 12th dav of August, - 1640 and inspected the Union black top road known as section 14-IT and found same completed except as to trimming up the road intersections and a small amoUnt of sanding and also the final seal coating which is not put on until the cover coat has cured two or more weeks. We decided to allow an estimate equal to about 90 per cent of the value ot • completed work and materials. We were informed that the soii-cement road near Lake Zurich in 1 <ik>u*ty had been giyen a black top coveting and decided to inspect the road, it hua'Mjen covered with at least a .2 inch'thickness of crushed gravel mixed with tar, and was smooth riding and. appears to be a good road. \ vVe have received from the motor fuel tax fund rental on county owned machinery and turned same over to the County Treasurer tor tne road fund as, follows: Sec. 11-1T, $2.50; Se<£ion 12, »llh.»0; Section 14, $il».88; section 19, »747.y5; Section 2U, $25.13; Section *4, • 2.50; Section 27, $108.91; and from the, State Treasurer, warrant No. C812&0, $26.25 refund on gasoline used in tractors a total of $lu62.u2 which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair storage and purchase of road machinery. Your committee estimates there will Le necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois 1'atrol System of roads an appropriation from the lie- Henry Comity Highway funds of $3V00 until the next meeting of this Borad. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN J. FILIP BOY J. STEWART K. B. CLAWSON CHAS. H. ACKMAN J. E. HARRISON e emoluments of my office, and also of | The center portion had become soft duo necessary expenditures therefore, for | to excess oil and we had ordered a thin $106,57®.79 ..$279.69 6.00 6.00 Branch of Kishwaukee Creek about one half mile north of the Brookdaie Bridge on Route 14 is undermined and settling and needs to be repaired or rebuilt, for which work the Town of Hartland Is responsible, and that the matter is an emergency one. * IU4n.llu„ east uut of Mcmnjy,^, Know^t^nda^onTogTn^r wUh ^^^^^^1939 4'°84"36 3®cti°n 12-1T, the the incidental work will be the bum of , Taxes ' - 20 250 OB ~ »ba0u; that the population of said Town | old A Aasia^nce 25 70 • • -- -- -- -- • " " " : M o u £ g F i £ r T £ 2 4 M 8 • County Treasurer's Bsport Tor the Month of Jaly, IMA Receipts Balance brought forward July, 1940 Personal Property Back Tax Collection Illinois Emergency Relief 574.00 Highway Fund 883.82 Supervisors, County Home..--. 305.00 Violation of Hwy., Fines 118.00 is less than 150uu; that the cost of said repair work is more than 4 cents on . the $100 valuation on the latest assessment roll and that the levy of road and bridge tax for two years last passed in Baid Town was in each year not less J J* RC1U1IU UU UIIVUQ ... ..MmttM* than 2o cents on the one bundled dol- (jhairman Liquor LlcenS# lars valuation, the whole of which levy Committee 1, needed for the ordinary repair of 16.00 16.UU 16.00 16.00 4.0U 10.00 4.00 *-.oo 16.00 20.uu 13.00 18.52 3.50 80.03 64.7 5 38.13 5.59 8.91 ...„ -1.08 exp $*7.i0; Ct SUp Hwy sal $182.08 369.78 L. V. Kntz. Co Treas off sup 4.*3 111. St. c.nipi. Serv., ct hse sup' :-- l,eSter Edinger, ,shf per uiem iees .serv .-- -- Dale L. oassow, ct hse jail repairs Armour Birk, shff dppty^--, Homer H. JVtann, shit uiity Waiter c^ihs, snrf dpty -- .... Howard Freeman, shlf dpty --... i* i*ed kelson, surf uptv ... Loren Eainger, shff dpty -- Martin Kkeiund, shff dpty ............ Cnaries J. Vviiliams, ohtr dpty .... Owen H. Corr, shit dpty »«.u0; shlf Ibaiitf $12.00 Clyue C. Miner, shff bailiff Maiian Edinger, snff per aiem iees, serv - Conway Dairy, shff teedg pris .... Marinua Bates, sh: feedg pris -- Main street Grocery, shit teedg pris -- Asinus & Co., shff feedg piis .... Hoesiey s bakery, shff leedg pris Vvestern United Uas & Elec Co., shff leedg pris B. C. Jess Company, Cir Clk sup fingerprint i^quipment Lao., Shtf oil sup fund Carlton S. liobtr, judcy justice fees 6.00 ' L. A. Stockwell, supr sal mil .... 59.20 R. F. Dusenberry, supr sal mil 83.85 Carl E. Wittmus, sup sal mil 33.10 F. E. Beck, supr Eal mil 67.05 N. B. Slawson, supr sal mil ........ 113.90 G. J. Carroll, supr sal mil 28.50 E. If. Kuecner, supr sal mil 94.t>0 Chas. H. Ackman, supr sal mil ...." 63.Od Frank C. Ferris, supr sal mil 18.60 Ruy J. Stewai t, suor sal mil .... 7U.40 J. E. Harrison, supr sal mil .... 79.80 H. M. Turner, supr sal mil 18.60 J. Jj. Staevens, su^r sal mil 19.80 Math N. aohniitt, *upr sal mil .... 19.10 Henry C. Meier, supr sal mil 42.00 John Filip, sup sal mil 127.70 T. F. Noian, Jr., supr sal mil .... 47.60 Paul Rosenthal, supr sal mil 41.00 Helen bciioepke, er TB off sal 75.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal.... 125.00 Lester Edinger, shff per diem fees, serv 100.00 Marian Edinger, shff feedg pris 100.00 Philip E. Bierdeman, shff dpty Jund 125.00 Ada Manning, Sup Schs asst and clerk hire Daisy V. M oore, Sup Schs asst and clerk hire City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail" It and water Karl Walker, ct hse jai< repairs A." A. Crissey, Cir Ct pro off sal All of which is respectfully mlUed, J. G. STEVENS CARL E. WITTMUS G. J. CARROLL T. F. NOLAN JR. PAUL ROSENTHAL Highways petitions your honorable L ... i for County aid and that you deem Total Receipts Grand Total ; er of ' Board it expedient to repair said bridge at the entire expense of said County, and that you appropriate from the county Treasury, a sulticient sum of money to meet ing been delayed owing to right ot way '• diuiculties. ive bids were received on Job and the bids of the Suburban Oil : Co. ot Oak Park, Illinois were on each 1 of the above named improvements the j low bids, and we decided to award thd ! aforesaid l nion job to said company i on its i/id aggregating *8352.*3 ana also i the aforesaid itiver road to said comjpany on its bid aggregating *i4,2i»v.3f, Jail tele 188.60 ;ana we ordeied the contract signed and , roa(js an(j bridges in said Town. C. L. 'l'ryon, Ot Sup hwy trav j the bond approved on behalf of McHenry •, WHERE!1 ORE, the said Commisslon- - -- - . -- 'County, Illinois t/y tne Chairman of this 1 ... Boaru and the County Clerk. We again met on the 28tl) day ot 34.69 June li*-i0 anu carefully inspected the : Hartland road known as section 2i MFT. 38.62 ' tv e tound the south end beginning to i ravel and we were of the opinion it should have a seal coat of aspnait just as1 contemplated at the time this type of road was under discussion by tnis boaid. However the north end of the road appeared at this time to be much sounder especially the north half mile where we tried out a new method with tne consent of the State Division oi Highways and the engineers of t he Portland Cement Association. One hundred sacks of Portland cement per hun- r,tdred feet of road was the amount of cement required and instead of putting on the loo sacks in one operation, 80 sacks were mixed with tHe gravel and then the two two inches of the road was scarified and loosened up and the 20 sacks mixed into the top two inches, thus making the base about 8 per cent and the top two inches about 12 per cent Portland cement. This is the first time so far as is known, that this meth- • od has been tried anywhere. At present , this portion of the road appears to-be-j much better than the south portion.. j u wag thereupon regularly moved by ' Av e decided to leave the north portion | Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by of the road uncovered for further observation and we instructed the County ijupt. of Highways to proceed to cover the south one mile with a seal coat of asphalt in the near future. Inheritance Tax Sheriff's Fees advances Dog Tax Fund -- Rent for Old Fair Grounds ... Refund on phone bill Bridge Bond Fund ........ Loss on insurance 293.81 3.16 190.00 35.00 1.99 290.00 34.77 186.49 ar^d all necessary expenses for clerk hire and other expenses. Rso'd During Nature pf Service Halt Year Commissions: 2<H, on $648,918.80 collected as County Collector $13,978.38 in, on $15,102.6o collected on RE Forfeitures and PP back taxes 802.05 Interest, Penalties and Fees \ '*• collected on Forf- and PP Back Taxes ...fJ. 2% on $22,717.80 as Treasure*..»• of Motor Fuel Tax account;... 2% on $4,170.42 as Treasurer on . Inheritance Taxes 2% on $560.00 as Treasurer on Highway Violation Fines ........ 1% on $41,998.57 received a« County Treasurer - 57,752.71 $164,329.60 Orders --$8,923.03 the'cost of said bridge, and that you Highway Orders -- . 6,009.63 direct the County Superintendent of Grand and Petit Jurors -- 212.70-- Highways for said Countv, to ptepare Inheritance Tax ---- 5.00 plans and specifications for said im- Blind Relief 8,923.75, . provement, all as provided by Article Bounty Orders --j----- 19.55 - V, section 34 of the Road and Bridge Old Age Assistance .:---- 25.70 Laws of Illinois. Salaries i....--578.00- ' Dated this 9th day of July 1940. ] Institute Fund --60.00 CHARLES MURRAY, Highway Com- Mothers' Pension - - 880.00 missioner for the Town of Hartland, Probation Officers i....--......... 120.00 McHenry County, Illinois. Coroner's Jurors ..v....--......"....™ 60.00 ; insanity Jurors .«.«*. 3.00 County of McHenry, ss. j 111. Emergency Relief" ™ 574.00 Charles Murray, Highway Commis- j Special Acct. for pioner for the Town of Hartland, in said ! demnation ****"-- '>156.60 County, being lirst duly sworn on oath, Stamps 176.88 •says that the facts stated in the fore- Disputed Taxes 2,527.14 going petition are true of his own County Treasurer's Salary •-- 200.00 knowledge and that the matter is an Violation of Hwy.^ Fined emergency one. CHARLES MURRAY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July, A. D .1940.' R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. Motor Fuel Tax Orders • Total Orders' Balance on hand July St 115.64 „„ 9,801.08 I. .36,871.08 Supr Turner that the request of the Highway Commissioner of Hartland Township be approved and that the Chair be instructed to appoint a committee of three Supervisors and they to- The County has been confronted with gether with the County Superintendent right of way difficulties on both the Qf Highways to have complete charge ; <Seal) Franklinville road and the Algonquin- l0f Baj(i improvementts, and the roll be- ..............127,468.42 Cary road. We were inlurmed by the ing called, Suprs. Stockwell, Dusenberry, right of way committee that the main Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kueckdilficulty on the Algonquin-Cary road eFi Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, In all funds Grand Total -- $164,329.50 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of August, 1940. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. and during the half year ending May 31st, 1940 wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during coat of pea size gray el spread on It, thus taking up the excess oil. We met again on the 30th day of July 1940 to receive bids for materials on the said half year, the total amounts of re- j r'rankiinville road, ,al»o for the Greencelpts of whatever name or character, • wood black top road, aiso for the seal S.V0116 454.36 n.<i 11.30 419.89 1,271.15 .....$21,284.69 1<& on $127,114.77 disbursed County Treasurer Total Bantings . Expenditures C. Frank Daly, Co. Treas. and Collector, salary $1|800.00 Clefk Hire -... 3,864.80 Stamps --- -- --- - 867.80 Total 6,032.40 Net Earnings • 16,263.29 $21,284.69 All of which Is respectfully submitted thu ioth day of June, 19<0. ™ - C. FRANK DALY, .• v County Treasurer ' 'ifbe following contract between McHenry County and Dr.' B. F. Kennelly the County Veterinarian, was presented und read to the Board, to-wlt: coat on the Hartland road and for the patching of the Johnsburg Chappei Hill road, wnich was built by the State and turned over to the County for maintenance. Contracts were awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: Section 19 MFT (.Franklinville Road All Metal Highway Products, Ligioner, Indiana; corrugated metal pipe per ft. 15 in. diameter $0.77; 18 in. diameter $0.86; 72 inch diameter $7.65; 48 inch pipe arch $5.82. Grohne Concrete Products Co., Decatur, Illinois; Right of Wav Markers $1.20 each. Howard A. Meadows, Elgin, Illinois; Reflectorlsed Signs $16.86 each. Armstrong and Dannhausen, Chicago, Illinois; White Paint $1.90 per gallon. Monsen and Dannhausen, Chicago, Illinois; Creosoted Sign Posts, $1.50 each. Section 29-1T MFT (Greenwood Road) Suburban Oil Co., Oak Park, Illinois; $8625.67 total bid at unit prices on estimated quantities. We also authorised the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk to sign the contract and approve the bond on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, as provided by law. Section 27 MFT (Hartland Road) Suburban Oil Co., Oak Park, UhnoiB, $1080.5o total bid at unit prices on estihiated quantities. Section 9-T MFT (Johnsburg Road) Suburban Oil Co., Oltk Park, Illinois, asphalt applied $196.00 based on estimated quantities and unit prices. Consumers Co., Chicago,, Illinois, 83 tons Seal Coaat aggregate at pit $45.65 We again met on the 1st day of August, 1940 and inspected the work bedone done on the Franklinville road and the barrow pit from which the tilling material is being secured, same being very The Special Committee In iiHa(|jU of the repair of the Thurow Bridge in Hartland Township presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Ackman and auiy seconded by Supr. Turner, and the roll b£lng called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt; is the moving of an expensive Cyclone along the Hertz property. That the owner would not move the fence but would donate tile necessary land it the County would move the tence and Stevens, Schmitt. Meier. Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolar. and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chair- It was thereupon regularly moved by I Supr. H:Tlnon and duly seconded by i Supr. 8chniitt that the report of the County Tr. • turer he approved. Motion declared unanimously carried. THIS MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into the 9th j ^ndy but satisfactory for fill material, day of July, A. D. 1940, by and between i he Suburban Co. was setting up the John Harrison, Henry C. Meier and Carl ! asphalt mixing plant 2 miles west of Wittmus for and on behalf of the Board j Woodstock, for construction of the black of .Supervisors of the Countv of Mc- I top road at Union. We then examined Henry and State of Illinois, which Is j the Hartland road and were of the opinthe party of the first part, and Dr. B. F. iOH the whole road will need to be seal Kennelly, party of the second part. coated with asphalt Just as conteinplat- WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, i e(j when the road was ordered built. We The Board of Supervisors of the County decided that the joints at the end of McHenry and State of Illinois, has each days construction on the north heretofore appropriated a sum of money I mne 0f the road ought to be seal coatedn to be used in the suppression _ of^tuber- they are beginning to ravel and pit. culosis among dairy cattle of the County of McHenry under the direction of the said Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, the said Dr. B. F. Kennelly has been appointed County Veterinarian to administer the tuberculin tests, by McHenry County, and said appointment has been confirmed by the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois. This memoranda therefore wltnesseth that It Is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that the party of the first part agreed to employ the party of the second oart for a term of . The Committee to Settle with the one year be„g innin„g J--ul y 1, 1940, and man appointed Suprs. Kuecker, Stevens Treasurer presented the following report {ending not later than June 30, 1941, un- . _... 'wHlch, on motion of Supr. Wittmus and j der the folowlng express terms and conduly seconded by Supr. Turner and the j dltions, that is to say: put it up again in good shape at its anfj Meier to a't as such Committee expense. We decided to go to said roau The Committee on Eradication of Tu and examine the fence. We were agreed berculosls in Cattle presented the fol- roll being called, was declared unanlthat it would be an expensive proposi- lowing report and recommendations, to- mously adopted, to-wlt: tion, and instructed the County Supt. ^lt: . of Highways 4.0 secure an estimate of " . moving the tence from the Chicago . jujy 1940. Fence and Wire Co. from whom the Mr. Chairman rfnd flenMenien of the fence was bought. We again met' at Cary, Illinois on Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Eradication August 0, 1840. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: ' Your Committee to Settle With the We again met on the 6th day of August, 1940 and witnessed the placing of the prime coat of asphalt on the Union road and the Hartland road. The weather was good and asphalt was successfully placed. We again met on the ,10th day of August, 1940 at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and ordered paid bills charge- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois; iYour Committee to whom was referred , the matter of the repair of the Tnurow Bridge, un the puouc highway between sections 20 and 21 in the Town of Hartland--in said county, over the north branch of Kishwaukee Creek, wouid beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at the site of said bridge with Charles Murray, Highway Commissioner ot tne Town of Hartland and the County Superintendent of Highways, on the luth day of July, 1940. We found the nortn abutment undermined for more than one-half of its length, and at the nortneast corner to a depth of two (2) feet below the bottom of the concrete footing, ana that same was in a very dangerous condition, and decided to grant County aid. We were of the opinion that tne abutment could be repaired by driving interlocking steel sheet piling around the abutment and extending nve (5) or sut (6) feet beiow the bottom of the washout and leaving them in place. Then placing stones and gravel behind the piling and tilling in where the material had washed out. We were 'alsacof the; opinion that if the attempt was to be made to save the abutment the work must be done at once before any heavy storm, also that the channel of the creek to the east Bhould be straightened, as the course of the creek now threw the force of the current against the north abutment. The Highway Commissioner stated that he would get the permission of the land-owner to straighten the channel. We then interviewed A. P. Freund, a dredging contractor from McHenry, Illinois, doing work in the vicinity and he stated he would be able to do the work at once. We discussed the matter of doing the work by day labor; It was found that between three (3) and four (4) tons of the metal piling in tight (8) to ten (10) foot lengths would be needed at a cost of about two hundred dollars ($200.06) and it would cost about as much to drive it; also about fifteen (15) rods of new channel for creek would be needed, including the removal of three (3) large willow trees, and the northeast corner of the steel bridge would need to be raised about eight (8) inches and a new concrete bed for the bridge shoe and the floor joists was necessary, and several loads of stones and gravel filling would be needed; also two (2) twenty-two (22) foot beams out of the old Wlrf bridge in Riley Township, were to be driven on the front side of We finally agreed on a price of $625 for the Job complete, and. A. P. Freund agreed to do the wort as soon as he could get the steel piling. We again met at the site of bridge on the 29th day of July and witnessed the driving of the sheet piling, which was successfully done as agreed upon, and we felt«our judgment in attempting to repair the abutment was vindicated. We again met at the site of j»ld bridge on the 7th day of August 1940 and found the work completed substantially in accordance with the plans able to McHenry County Patrol System agreed to and decided to accept of Roads as a whole for supplies and I work on behalf of McHenry County* Illirepairs for County owned machinery . no|8 and we further recommend that the and labor at the County tool house to 1 County Clerk draw an order on tne a total of $1065.44 County Treasurer in favor of A. P. Bills chargeabie to the various sec-j Freund, McHenry, Illinois, in the sum tions of the Countv Patrol System of 0f $525.00, which said payment will dls- Roads, for labor and materials at rates 'charge McHenry Coiinty s obligation In heretofore approved by this Board, were the matter of said Thurow Bridge re^ audited and ordered paid as follows: Sctions 3, 14 $ 345.49 Sections 4, 8. 16, 18 Sections 4, 17 The party of the second part agrees to perform his services to the satisfaction of the above mentioned committee representing the Board of Supervisors Sections 6, 6 ........... of the said McHenry County for the Sections 7. 9, 18. 11, 13 salary of Sixteen Hundred Eighty Dol- Sections 13, 16 (*1680.00) per annum, he to be 301.44 604.18 84.11 559.80 88.16 lars -v TOUr IItee on of Treasurer would bee leave to report KOVerned bv the direction of the Corn- July 5, 1940 with the right of way com- Tuberculosis in Cattle would beg leave that at their regular monthly meeting rnittee representing the Board or »u- 12.00 75.00 sub- Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report *88.75 • mittee' and also with Mr. H. C. Rich- to report that they met in the office of held on Friday, August 9, 1940 to check mann of ahe Elgin office of the State the Countv Veterinarian in Woodstock, ;the accounts of the County Treasurer, 76.00 Division of Highways, on the matter piinois, on Julv 2, 1!M0. with full mem- the attached semi-annual report of the S of the Hertz fence. It was decided to bPrshii> present, together with Dr. B. F. ! County Treasurer was examined and 98.01 narrow the right of way to 69 feet thus Kennelly, County Veterinarian, and found to be correct and we would thereeliminating the moving of the East took up the matter of the renewal of the lore recommend that same be approved road fence, except at a curve inside the contract of the County Veterinarian for i«nd entered of record. Village limits of Carv, Illinois. There ihe ensuing year. would then be 2200 feet of fence to move Your Committee would recommend on the west side of the road. The Coun- that I)r. B. F. Kennelly be re-appointed, ty Supt. of Highways reported the es- County Veterinarian for McHenry Counw tlmate of t'.e cost of moving the fence ty for the period becinning July 1, A,, by the Chicago Fence and Wire Co. was p. it»4o and ending not later than June $.48 ner ft. which is S7.D2 a rod. The ro, 1911 at the same salarv and expense right of way commitaee requested that allowance that ho has received during one of the County's foremen dig down the past year, and that upon his apbeside a post and see how far they pointment he enter into'contract with were in the ground, and make an estl-jUoard of Supervisors to administer the All of milled which is respectfully sub- (f. J CARROLt H. M. Tl'RNElf .TOHN J. KIL1P H. C. MEIER MATH X SCHMITT pervisors as to the manner in which tuberculin tests are to be made, ne will keep or cause to keep an accurate | PaAU of which is respectfully mltted. ^ ^ KKt'CKER , H. C. MEIER ' J. G. STEVENS I C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways for McHenry County,'Tilt- Total $2,958.06 noiiv hfcfeby accept the work and ma- Bills were audited and ordered paid terials, and approve the amount ordered out of the motor fuel tax funds as fol- t,«aid to the contractor. lows: C. I,. TRYON. S. A. Rt. MM?0)Rert Badges and Clara Greaves :y, McHenry County Home Adappeared before the Board and p«t»ort'"be "ifiirnished to the party of the | 2 sec 7-IT maianteirance mat „.l.o« outlined in detail the progress made by fltSt nart The party of the first part LB sec 8 maintenance material J their organisation during the nast year win P£u; to the pany of the second ] labor i »-6# and thanked the Board for their support and made a request for a renewal M.75 of their appropriation of $500.00 for the account with a card system of all cat- j 13-13A sec <-IT maintenance 1 _ V V.' °',v' > " ""7 V" tie tested by himself and bv his as-! labor -- •* (Sweeney, McHenry County Home Ad- Bistants and to vee that a proper annual 20 sec 5-1 maintenance mat. J-.50 visor, appeared before the Board and slstants ana to _ t maianteirance mat...,.f 1.00 outlined in detail the progress made by wirt an order for a one-telfth of the! 23 sec 9-T maintenance labor uinrv above mentioned in consideration and adv. costs for services at the end of each month. ;n sec 11-IT maintenance labor ^ ensuing year, so that they could con The party of the second part shall keep |. and mach. rental - "•»-> j tlnue their work. It was 'hereupon an accurate record of all reactors. The 25 sec 12 maintenance labor , regularly moved by Suit- K,,erJ"r t „ T - v---, Annna.1 -- of the second oart is to have i material mach. rental 318.2o duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the Crnrnty Treasurers Seml-Annual Bepo , par y buying of necessary ear i26 sec 12-IT engineering, labors ..... request of the Countv Home Advisor be •ndlng May 31st, 1940 taes for branding of cattle and also all | and material ^ 302.34 granted and County Treasurer's Report showing flflcial collections and disbursements which on motion of Supr. Ackman and mate of what he thought the fence rnov- j Tul-erculin Test in McHenry County, an<| j made during the half' year ending May rl,.y .* i,„V ,and e ing cost would be. that said salary and expense agreements' 31, 1940: roll ^ein8 waf, declare<i unani- . We"again met on the 6th day of July i,e made a part of said contract. i Receipts qacusly aooptea, to-wlt: ,|1940 at Woodstock, Illinois aiul audited Your Committee further recommends Taxes redeemed from Forf. 312,751.25 land ordered paid V-ills chargeable to that Helen Sehoepke be re-employed as Personal Prop. Back Taxes .... 2.351.35 _ _ appropriation of other ^necess^y'suopireV to carrv on the! 25 sec 12-IT construction Treas. n $500.n0 be included In the annual Apmiid tests party of the first to pay for! fee, and estimates 1 and 2 .9 859.73 propriation Ordinance, for the >ear endsaid tests, party_or me gR nt 4A_4A Bec 13 construction _ i„g December 1. 194t. myable iron Uy 811 The part" of^the first part reserves' "labor and material 65.70 and the roll being called-,- sai_d ,m ,o tion rleht to supevise and direct the 21 sec 14 maintenance labor, ma- i was declared unanimously carried. services of the party of the second part | terial and machine rental July 9, A, D. 1940 the McHenry County I'atrol System of office assistant to'the County Veterinar- j Illinois Emergency Relief so 'ong as this contract whole for supolles and rc- SUb- J. E. HARRISON, Ch:Ujrman. H. r. MEIER CAR'- E. WITTMUS .Members of Committee, Violation of Highways, Klnes 660.00 County Officers' Fees -• 7,790.36 General Fund; ^ Tax anticipation ..,^J7#,000.00 Other' sources. ..?:J£.12,264.<1 ' Somas tjrs. Orson R. Lewis, dfl Netteh * It chil* 63.47 The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Frank C. Ferris, and the ex . . . . 1 ,,, . . . 1 asm R9 _ _ j 1- the services or ine 1 ree ana lauor 7.52 ; officio Chairman of the Board of Review, ian and secretary for the ensuing >car "i 1 i party of the second part are not satis-, 21A sec 14-IT contract con- , Informed the Board that they Wr»- Superyisors,.Count> Home ..... .. a P»«y the <>artles of the first part, | struction Treas. fee ......... JOt.73 celved 320 complaints and that starting and upon a renort of such dissatisfac- |28 sec 17-IT maintenance labor^ tomorrow, the Board of Review >"tendtion toThe Rowd of Supervisors in ses- j . and material 1.1.25 ! ed to start their Investigation of Sflld Mon either at a regular or special meet- , t4 and 15 sec 19 engineering, . omplaints. He further . ^2 ThR of skid Board.and if said report of, labor, material, adv. cost. .... 196.63 Roard that fhe work of the Board ot dissatisfaction Is approved, this con- i 14 and 15 sec 19 construction, day Review was progressing tract shaM be terminated and the serv- | labor.. Treas. fee. payroll labpr, but he did not believe that it would be , It; was thereupon regularly moved, by old Age Assistance Adm* ices paid for ^Jtionateiy up to the 1 $ ..«™^-t-.840.«2 • possible for. them Supr. ' SCtrervoeMns tahnadt dtuhlev respeocortn deodf U\ j BlSinadla rRy elrieeffu nds 15,'6!5 7H.4?9 ' understood^ that in case^ .suuJchh JreLporrtt H1. | oofr wwnavv 11111168. 225S Committee be approved and that the 1 Superintendent. County Home made party \ |® const^cUon^ dav labor" lec.ommendat ion for the appointment of old Age Asst. Adm. Fund... 183.80 have the right and "PPortun ty to_ap ,1 seccon^trucuon^ davjabor Kenr.ellv as Countv VeteriMotor Fund tax account 83.717.80 Dear before the Board of Supervisors Total $4,993.63 _ ordered Stock Mr. Chairman and Centlemeli of the Roads e Board of Supervisors: j pairs for County owned machine! y and at the same salary allowance. Vour Committee on County Poor • labor at the County tool house to a All of which is respectfully Claims would beg leave to report that total of $618.63 mltted they have examined all claims present- 1 Bills chargeable to the various sec- , •d to them, and recommend the payment tions of the County patrol sy»tom of i. of. the following, and that the Clerk roads for labor and materials at rates 1 « be directed to issue orders on tne Coun- heretofore approved bv this Board were ty Treasurer to the Claimants for the aidited and ordered paid as follows: 1 several amounts allowed, as follows, to' Sections 3, 14 $322.73 wit: • - - ••-W'-fSectlonir*;™*'.. IB,-^11!^^^!!T224.»1 Cbgo. Indus. Home for Chil., Sections 4, 17 • 3,222 04 dependt clill . ....$455.80 Sections' 7, 9, 10, 11,12 Z.'...'"'"... 438.57 Aildlson Manual Training schL. Sections jj, 15 ' - 166.75 * r dependt chil, Daymonds .....-- < 0 . 0 0 ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Col. C. C. Miner, dependt chil., 83,364.41 33.80 Dr. B. F. Kennelly County Veteri- ; Motor Fund narian for the ensuing year be confirmed Telephone Commissions 42.24 Bills were audited and paid and the roll being called, Suprs. Stock-'inheritance Taxes A 'out of the motor fuel funds as fol- well, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Claw- j Sheriff's Fees Advanced nix--~... 18.00'iows; « son, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Stewart, Mothers' Pension Fund i & ' •• 23 717 80 near before the Board of Supervisors] pay roll, material and mach- 5.18 md make any explanation that he may • , rental . --< - < 170 42 deem necessary, In case the contingency If sec 21, engineering labor 600.0Q ; herelh mentioned shall occur. l,fT».ll If Is further understood and agreed II0B sec 34 construction day labor, labor, material ana . 818.39 . 13.90 &MX-. complete their work bv Sertember 7. Mr. Ferris then made a "request for an extension of time for the said Board of Review to complete their work and not later than October 1. 1940. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the request by granted, and that th« Board df Rgvlew b* allowed •4ftl tM

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