Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 13

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-- « * i „ . . . , » * : . . . • . . i ' " ' t - . ' > • _ r v * - - ; v m ( iottal time to Mttnltte CtUeBr Votk cot Hitntfttr Sub iMip of Wrt" than Octobfel- 1, 19 W, toil ttae l"ol1 exj Jfc; wrf tell safe olothUie !«ng called, sfaM 'motron Wis declared i Kf>r clothing faimninrnualy carried. Ktfcrt C.'Ofl*. ^V SouC iti gcfe J Th<- Commttttt on McHenry County off texp ftvi • • i an? Hospital jrcsMtn] the i liters Printing Co SuoT sclis"* 1.°i1?wV)S report, which on motion of; o« e*p fund Th. HononhW Board of SUIT v ^ .Woodstook, Illinois. 1,73 I ; • -f 3W 3r*xr:+ -Jft #*•*<, t ..' ' ' . " _.?i2n*nr*"* •>! lit!* Brt-onM by Supr. < '.orenfln. Christina, Crypial Lake, Til. I filip Slid tTec/.v el caij K'ii. HnmHton, Mary. 333 Seminary AVh„ t r,.K,. « . i "Asst. Supr. ttosenthai stated that at i Woodstock. 111 / *&** f*i- i w» U»At awrl.Qg OM» tMUil I the last meeting the c,u est ton « the 1 ttarmsen Klsie W UeHrah- Ml ' montlw »ie«s tunra .ooCuteod two j|oliect»on of dt?lih<)tN!nt tf.yea w*s re- ! Herdklotz, Charlotte. 716 Wh««ief< 8t i 75 Jnder tattelss cov.ring !Terrod to the F..mmte Commute and h* ' V^dnick «» Whe^le? St., ,u*»r- May and doty seconded by Asst. IlUnois^OfftOe S^a 'Qo 'iiii*ltoX* * •! ^*<'^K"ry Co,u Jn tyy Ppr^oPpoorrttliaeaa.. wwoonnddeerreedd iiff tthheeyv hhaadd a report vo pre- JoMMm, fee*. OysfM *-*>% la, , R w •*. upc -iiolan- aW<* the ro11 being called. ! Oft ekp fund ' *>. ' k1,?* firs}' re»«lUng f-om a small lire ^«nt at thjs time. 9*»»r Beck Chairman : Johnson, Jay 8., IjUce brr Trofldntock. ' wr£t2.™ as d«tlami unanimously ad.^ted, u>: Wm A Ma^Her lid »i " '*M ! ^ "e ro"d ™»^>«nfry t,wiia.t,Kl occurred «ald Cortmltt^ ^tat^d a III. ' I wltIttBl & .m»6 ^ Jii J®?.-.?*; i ««"- K»t«. HarvaM, in. . iSS^Ali-ciiirt. Traveling expense-- Co. Court Board or Re\tew--43.S75.ffO Salaries Supplies; County Jirtl»re-- Salnrx' ...:. jfin AO . i *n. ' X%' county 0 Su*>ervi80r* oi McHenry J|n AilKttt g, 19(0 at the McHenry CoUn- I fee®, serv ruftd Ifr.ST *y_ Hdlto-e and audited the bllta roT the , Clyde C. Miner, sTif bailiB 128.00 of July 1910 and i-eftpectrtrily i *hr dpty |2*.«0 feMi !Ow^» H. Corr. shf b*tU« m*M nir«i« Sfhroeder. shf teaiMff N «5j lAboir Oflfk shf per sei\ (S.'Oo .. * *•## Fit« Xelw., *rtat doty --,. ^ ' Ubot tat • Howard Fie.»>iTmn, Kfcf c»*»tv fwarfl T1" " v 'ir - »W JaiKI Edijjer, shf dr."\ fund ... > . 'ifc?^8 on »• 4« Jlaro;rt Hctbs, shf dpty fund .... - *L'aXJC^ ,i, ,,' Vn' ;r.£"":v ?|"ff ^»y Hnrlck, shf dptv fund ' r^ware Co.. Palht iCJarft Reese, shf dpty fund ... i ^iiiry rowers, ghl diftV fuhfl ' 22.0fi' Armiur BirU, shf d>»« v fund ™ •-• '-:i->^ aK^aVnjViar?t.s ^Ay.<nfil labdV ®^7 ' •,,«< 1 AH)iii J. fjchd'fi ibpaei,l isffb i <JiHv ?u>>d.... IS1 ,t£ ' ,omfcM' «i* «.-i v«hr« Oc'ocfc, hM floty fuhd _ ^ M-MaB Ba^rtr'At **r a!<te •aiDerior Oil cp, Jielrosene . oad machinery t.-uiiaing, oorurred ' of said Comml'tte'e stated that not ai ».i H44*h k 8iJ 1 ^ Heulcmehi, (aO.SV Rrtat diaal tiaxl been accumplH<bT>d dw- Kahi James HarvaM IH W. C Pt^-Mrr read mac4»mery b\)Udings which occur- j State of I Illinois, l>epar*.niertt of Public IMhiors. ' " i w .. m . *. V ?8^ Jftit ^epftlrB S.vC : r^d on ilty 14. 1S40. m ! r?uiMir»^s nf h^b/*v« j iubv.u m. .tit I _ pendent children u -*r------- »f*l0.00 I i*«* idVn^;>M. ^ IIST- _ri: 1" ?rU^» aSTo^f oVa^dW"r«:1 in- I Care T. B. rat tent, in itofccouuly ireaAUfer. Very truly, J. F. MITCH EM. *f»s l:o further Iwslws? to coin* b*<xire this meetinj:, he would entertam a m«- ta^tratient to r«eat* a porti«n ot I J'0'1 t0 adi°t,rn 11 ,rr,s thereupon resu- » platted SliDiIiA itiion Vu'oation I it'.>il of lany moved by Sttpr. Afknwn and dnlv ... ,5fXK' « part of thiru Addition tj Cclemar a seconded by Snpr. HarrtJron to adjourn. ; 8'jbdj \i«ioii ot a i>art of the North half Motion vwrirt. T*Wrenpon ttw Board A'fS '• of i5®("tion ^f'. Township 46 North Katie* adjourn*d. 9' Ea*t of the Third Principal Meridian , FltAf>TK C. FSMtfa, r22 • B?rton Township, properly acVnOWl- ' V<3teMr*ian. J-®*' edped. 'vas prexente^ ind read to the Att«: , Re'ed, FVert, Wood«rto*ek, HI. i .nr1,,m Mn(1 ^aL*^re ! s. ra*e et., Maren^,. ] st?™ AtfofSS^^M liXH. I.0« ' t.feo iButley Mtitor Sal«*. aline ^trtit end flukkom Btoe., rope, MiOveQi, '••m lftiftn, etc 'John Sexton & Co., &)r06artlii Jobti C. fta>i!<ch, Bsh i Jessen. j>aintln* 121.55 lidgefleld Farmers Supply t5o„ ' coal T* ~T 3 P1#' fee* serv . 3S.51 \V«stera United Oaa & Bfcfte., «bl ^ ; ftedtf prl. fund ;- 8.W Ludwij? VYiiKOb Cl#., ict ftt* 4 ; pu() fund" "" ** vmericaii Munitions Co.. ct Dourd. CHipr. Mav, one of the owners or saw! property, informed the Board tfcat Vacation l>eed was presented to tlie euperintendent of Htpbway? snd the P«rerJiit«idept of Htehways informed him that t»aid matter was now ready to be presented to the Board of Supervisors jV i for their action. It was thereuWh rekta- *.w« i :arl> moved bv Supr Mav and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that strument to vacate a portion of Tt% >. WWMM. ««rk. ! Rent Schoen, Willhrm A., Crrwtal Lake, 111. salarV ; Sen*, T&ndalyn C., Woodstock, HI. j A«1«;t*iit Sheahan. Irene M., tl» W. Third «t.. i omcV supplies ; \Voodstoek, III. ; lnve*ti(tations Smith. Clarence J., XI 1, McHeWry, 111. ' i -Bpitaer. Rdda, CIO C^aA St., Woodstock, Itlmofs. ^ ! TeVpstrn, Jacob, HfD K"o. 8, Mebrob, I Illinois. Tolas, BMW-fcrO, fert>, WooidHtDck, 111 «*reenwo0d). • Viclfgrs. VVinia'in i, torn**- «>• Vekman, Chaiiman of said «0 ." ] mit it>e asldresfied the 15o«r*I rtnd stated |l: that I'aul and l^ouide Kieht-i and IrT .ti '*& T5.0# Kolt* resigned their employment at i ,g I County Farm since the report o£ ifte S^WO.OO I Committee, and there was now due them l,oa«.00 i as salary $36.67 for Paul and Loniae S0.00 j Kich<p4 and $13.S3 for Irwin Koin and that he would move at this time that the report be approved and that the sahirieK now *»ue be paid. Said m"tioo was duly sero*ided by Supr. ami the roll being- called, was declared unanimous I v carried. The following certified copy a. Judgment Order entered against Me- Henry County together with a Itesofo- I* . J,'i tion authorizing its payment, was Jpre- *dl " , # IfO.M sented and read to the Board, to-wItTi A ' 4,«W.«0 1.IH.M ! Circait Court of Mrtftmry Contr ' - ^ ^ S50.#0 ! Xo. 26289 ; i t ..'. 1«0.(»0 July l. A. &, StenoR-rajjh^r. . < J*Oun ft. McQueen idlA'teuft^lHHtatrM, $1^600.^ j Coihty idt 1JM0.00 «-,vo».eo i,eo#.<K) .* s f Co. Ail UtHeMy •:'i. 'kt R<t«lar September MeMtng , Voorhees. Wlnnlfr^f, l^'mlb'l^id AVe., ] i rngCe°KUE"etn8eVo^count^^ 1946 Woodstocii, 111, Westphal), Ini, P.FD No. 1. Wood- , smnry 0f office secretanr .. ., .nock. 111. i Office Vfillou^hby. Adelbert H., Woodstock, HI. veterinaria»< upplles •• ( proved and adopted by this r.Oal-d. and , , , . „ ttcij; . -- ***!»»> i ^at County Clerk be instructed to thiH5' ^c'oc'k A. Ja. (DS7'). : .v% «5Xff w iai m*: s« -pv •«. <w»« i aSV-j .TtoMfmmw* Botod n<f l Contingent Fund .••• • . ••. 8Jtm. the in i of WeWemT- -County, fllinola, m^t In an- | ilfci' *>i virgrom »., crystal For insurance on couhty i»rt)i>- a D'.at- nual »essi'--" at the Court House !* the i wnSTt Jul* « «M * «v»d I ?r,y, a,ld "'trance premiums, . be «u>- City of Woodstock, Oft Tuesday, the 10th HS* nj ®" *•' ww>*' bonds counly officers .. . S,*#9j ^ ;• m , ted Subdix'ision, Vacation D^ed^ l>e ai>- - • - ^ -• . ' • - • d*y of September, A. D. is<o. at ten «.oc^'- "J . J McHenry County T. B. We fnriher te#6rt that th* n««r a«pli- i AssoeiaFTm fund The meeting was called to order I ',•kfXtivoUfl s approved by Jro^u^r rCiovm mittee as MMccHHeennrryy CCoo.. FFaarrmm aan d tUc Circuit Court.""and** th£"i-oii"v bel'na • *».V the Chairman Frank c. Ferris, md i .B»rM»r:«725-« ; tires, it«. »rt»e ft Son, clAtives ;..._ irtnerp Service Stor<e, feed (oyce Bros., irasoline and Ml Mlied CheVnlcal Supply, pejfgerm, etc : •"lblic Service Co., service 1 Lfidwlp Wilson Co., ttterchftn#IM ;!rm Supply Store, feed •ie Tarawarte Cv>., stop, akrd fbttsfciftfe. A Be* Liftwrrdry Co., itervfo* |ont|romery Waft CV»., *(*wchatidtae T,„ J, Mueller & Co., hospital s«|j». 189.4C lawyer Biscuit Co.. «o^kles T i hv th* examiner of the Wind, at\d lie re- office expense Home 'Bureau.... MOO* *£5.00 .. 1S.MO.OO The minutes of the Sjwcial Augu«t. Construction *nd repair j This cau#e com it* on to be heard of bridges IO.C90.60 j fore the Court without a Jury, a jury '?> Bo^artius fund--Relief «- | having been waived and the court hav- ft soldiers, sailors and matin** "*M«M ing luar.l the . videiue and being fully ,.t;. Eradication of T. B. in cat --$3,100.06 Mvi»ed in the premises finds the issues - - lfltfOVt* j for Plaintiff and assesses the plain- • Hp i tiffs damages at the sum of Seven thouf$ f) j &&nd dollars; It is accordingly ordered £M~o<e I a::<1 adjudged that the plaintiff ha< e and SftMW i recovej of and from the the • 00 ' 8um of seven thousand dollars and that 1 judgment be and is hereby entered the'refor. And the parties to this cause hi open Court waive Appeal from said judgment. RALPH J. DADT, Jndge. State of Illinois, as. **'• McHenry County. 1, Wttl T. Conn, Clerk of the On-uft Court of McHenry County, (r the DM* aforesaid, and keeper of the records and flies of said Court, do hereby certi- 4i fy the ahove and roregning to be a :v true, perfect and complete «n>y of vi Order of Judgment entered July 1. 1P40, ;>?$ In a crtain cause now pending in KAid 1 «0> 2.50000 if*'? • j.* - - t IS 000.00 Court, on the Common Law side thereof, wherein James H. McQueen y. doing !% M.«0 ; Klritman Ice CO.. .hi feedf pt-is . fill mgn + *• *». O., Andrei CO., "CI JWTe fell ~ t*.H oo«l f'md -- li.96 _ . !c U Trj-on, Co. #upt Hwy«„ « «« i Co Sup Hy aal TOYid $2t?.7t; Co fiup Hy tlrav elxto «11T».40 -- CVystal i Rke Herald. Co TVe'a* W V. - • r .i;-22 asami eo imk ptg 5n; rfei?er..rrliart,w^ ^edlcu* •.,» 100.62 Carlton S. Rofite, Jurtcy Ju«1«?e F. W. Wool worth Co., mdn. ....a. 11.35 1 fees ft£yal. Krorerlaa ^ 109.46 L. ^tockwei,. supr Illinois Bell Telephone Co., | r f, T)upf»nberry, supr _ aerV+ee_ .^ lt.fl CSrvH E. 'W'ittmus, sup sal ntU .. laarervgo Bakefy, tawl «0.«6 ,f. R. Be<^k. «i!ipr sal mil i j!M'r<ew Co., salt -and . j N. B. Clawson, vunr sal a»A #Tlndlng .. , 0.W o. J. Carroll, simr sal mil JL F A1»«. *iwr -15«.W ! R. 1> Kneclver, supV sal mil PrhI anrd l^ouine Eickei, aalaiTf .... 100.00 ;Chas. H. Ackman, supr saj mil tlnuation of their ajipropriation of All .... , ^ -- amount not to exceed $1:5 00 toeV rtiohth meeting were raad and on motlton Tor of ice expense for the ensuing year, approved and ordered of record. After some discussion, it wan regularly 1 The monthly repuwt of the County, moved by Sut>r Beck and duly seconded Treasurer was presented and read to by Supr. Stovens that the request bej*',e Ro*rd, to-wit- _ granted and that an amount not to ek- 1 _. . Venntf iiMitnit "f*'> cetd *25.0o Per month be Jncluded in the ! BaJ*nce brought forward annual Appropriation Ordinance f^nd4*ig i Annuel 1st, 1 "_J0 -- DeceVnbeV l, llll, and that Maid i>ay- , rrot>erty avk Taxes I r>6.B6 .?"?? i ments to be made udop proper state- I !l'.'n.ois Kmergency Relief H6 • sal mileage ! mehts tfllM each month, and the roll H'ffhway Fund .. ^ 1.M2 pr ral mileago Tf.60 | called. Said motion was de- Supervisors, Oowty Home .. . S94 Arthur Wendt, salarv in Koltz, salary OJady?i Wendt .salary ^ Vt*'irtnia Doubhart, sawrr inea Walt, aalar.- •1--a-i-), Skim Noble, salary ...... Beulah Koltz, salary ..j. lionise Jehnson, salary P. Noble, nalary •5'2S I ^iated uhanitnoaslv carried. , U il SupV-. Beck stated that he was \-ery I 'nuc'1 'h favor of this service, and <tl»« •y-JI j It was his opinion that the vocational J»-JJ ] training t-'r nl^lit school being carried on »7.y# for McHenry Conntv and vicinity aO 5B.00 l^Vank C. Ferrt:-, supr sal mil the W„uo,o.du.s,tuonckn .C ommunity HHrh School SO.OO Roy J rnewan. *W»r sal mileage $.M \ a very good thing, a an that It was 65.00 J. E. Harrison, RUttf" Sal thll ..; 65-00 , H. M. Turner, supr sal mil 76.00 i J. (I. Stevens, supr S&l mil 40.00 j Frahk May. supr sal mil --;--k ; Mailt K. Schvnitl, supr sal will .. 18-w H. C. Jtetev, s\tpr sal n-ll , 22.5? i John J. Filip, supr "al rail T. F. Nolan Jr.. supr sat 1W1J Paul Bosehthal supr aal mil .. City of Woodstock, «t *5aa« Jail It and water I^ptcr tCdinger. shf per diem fees, serv ! Marian FdWi*f, ahf County Officers' Fea^ Oeneral Fund, 1031 iaxes warrant Blind Relief from State of Illinois Superintendent, County Home "(>l<i Age Assistance Admr Motor Fuel Tax FuAd Oi .96 m.N and Building Roads onvmend that the ?18,98f*.0t> be included I County Highway--300 00 in the annual aw>ropriation ordinance Maintenance State and Btftta nd budget for the relief of blind and ^id roads tl0,0o*.00 be Included in the annual Removing snow taxlevy fertheblind for theyear i940. office suppilea A11 of Which is reapactfully submitted. H. C. METFR, Chairman R. f. KURCKRR j R. F. OUBENBCRRf * MATH N. SCHMITT WiHiam P. Allen, tacfdaatalB 41.00 ^ ~ 41.2 7% .01 Donald. F. Given" for hospital cart Mi1c« Wetton, Mt^ 1^, JMjr ft|' HO.O# j. a.^ r.utii^vi, stu iccuR j« »n . . ~ i 1 „ VefUe MMdooh, ex us* Jut 1M ,«» mdtFBJf'VSli itimWiarimd as follows- ><iiii maty Hbfmamitt Jmprevea)t«aC* Runnine expehae .: .-.,... «42.«s Olothinpr 55.66 Tobacco .1 47.04 Medic ine 100.6-2 Hospital *54.1*6 XUOtthg K-i. 869.4<* Ftacff! 00.88 60.40 l\il 1M.M 40.W M.t* 143.55 401.50 130.W 34.45 W2.01 160.00 . JiS.OD i viraiiira »nu r-w» • 11.91 Pauiter refjmd efi HiM Minors W.W ~ 28.2S3.63 a j Total .u:. I«,«7*.0« - Taur «otm»stta* mad* the monthly in- •(ectlon of the conntv frOhre and hoeiftai after trAnsarthig the regular monthly buertmss and <to«fcd eVerJ-thAnl: to1 be In good order. au of whi-ch i« rtitaetfiflir aubfcHAfi. H. ACKMAlt • N. «. CT,AW«ON J<3HN J. FILIP H. M. TURNER Math n. ickwrrt > fttttar. Ackman, ctiairmah at th» Canty Home Committee, addressed the Board and stated that several Superfvnd ltt.«0 Phflip te. Blerdeniah, shf tdpty fund ... ltt.%0 Daisy V. Moore, aAp nch« &mt and cl^rk hire tt.'M Ada M. MannWig. «np ^eha asst and clerk hire j-- W.tfc Helen Schoepke. er TB off sal fund W.W A. A. Crlssey, chr ct pro off sal fund 75.00 All of which '28 tefefke:1#uW submitted. '• M J. G. S'tWV'lW# • T. F. NOLAN . - GA8L B. W^Tlp. PAUL m'ipit.vTfmi, a. s. cawrOll t»* Co*mllte* on Cajms. ^^Vv Poor presented the following faport w-iilch on motion'of Sufr, Wittmus and duly seconded l>v tiupr. Filip and the roll being called, was declared unanimously Wdopted, to wlt'. i his undherstantling that the W-cHenry j Telephone Commissions 14.30 | County Re-Kmplo^-mtnt Service is dose- ! T>*^s ly allied with tJiip school anrl that : Dog Tax Fund .....v, placements in private employment have j lI«n been made through the efforts of those I j^naltiee a.wd^Faya^^.- In charge of the vocational trainihf. Mr Colahan then ontlired in detail for the members oX the Board the putvo* «f the scViOrtl and the pfopieM made tiim fax. A report of the McMehry f»«nty Home Ad^'Por was presented and Vfean t6 the Board and ordered placed on file. Vhe Chairman announced the selection of the grand jurora and supplepanel for the September, 1940. term of Ik iras thereupon regularly liy Pnpr. Harrison duly seconded by Supr. ;! Turner that the report of the Commute on Relief of Blind be adopted bv thia j I^oard, quid the roll being called, Snnr*. ctockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, BecH, I Clnwson,, Carroll Kuecker, Ackmaik, | "tewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevenk | Meier, Filip and Assist. Supr. Nolan ond Rosenthal voted aye, hay none. Tne 96.699.S4 TSjKM.OO 2.0OO.OO 300.00 Qtmnd Total tot All ApproprlatlMM •action 8- interest lfi,3P0.0» buslnsess as McQueeny's Investigating - " ay. ' " Agency is Plaintiff, and County of ,<c- • Henry is Defer 'nnt as the same appear from the recorc.. and flies of said Court now in mv office remaining. IX W1TXRSS WHEREOF. I tiara hereunto set my hand and affixed thw Seal of said Court, at Woodetock, Ilitnols, thto 15th dav of Ahim. A. 1340. WILL T. CONK. Glcrfc. (Seal) WHEREAS, there is now outstanding against the County of -McHenry, a judgment which was entered in the Circuit Court by the Honorable Ralph J D; dy In favor of James H MeQueeny in tAa amount of seven thousand dollars plaa Interest. We. the members of the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors, herel-y recommend to the Honorable tloard of Sui>ervisors, that the County Clerk be directed to draw an order on __ the County Treasurer in the amount of C .airman declared the motion unsni-1 supr. HarrPson "that the report of the: seven thousand dollars plus interest i moualy carried. Committee on Finance be approved and ' at Ave per cent from July 1st In favor '/"* •i?Ai xfr Tills ordinance ahall be In full force and effect from and after its paaaage and approval according to law. AU of which is r*"~f'l' submitted. F. E. BECK. Chairma» M. C. MEIER ^ it r. nUSENBERRli 3. Q. 8TEVEXB . ROT J. STEWART It irn* thereupon regularly KhSV'^l by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by ..'iv -lyr&'ft (»y9il Disputed Taxes Tojal receipts Qrand Total i Cotmty Orders ..... iHighway O-darw j Orand and IVtit JurtHTV Inheritance TasrM ....4..... August .1#. A. ©. tW«». Mr. Chairman and OenUeoMti «f the Boa ft! of Stn.»rvl^ors: Your «JO!nmitt^e on County Poor vlfcors received statement^ through the would beg leave tc report that tn£ll flhofc'ing a charge of 11.00 a day t!iev have examined all claim® preaeatM fpt- caVe of inmates in the County HON- t< them Rnd rwomm,,ld the paymenl ?.lS4^,ld lhat ""re that of following, and that the Clerk be SdbeMnt«*ident of the County Hoh» institute Fund Wothers' Pension Is Probation Officer. Corner's Jurors : ftlinois Emergency Reltef . County Treasurers' Salnry General Fund, paymfeht «f tax warrants Illotor Fuel Tax Wacranus otal orders mlsunderstodd the instruction® of the CmriWilttee with regard to said matter; thfet it Was not tne intention or the Committee to char*e f0>- oatlents in the Cowity Home miles** the aai«l patient or hijp or her Relatives wtfn uftaMe to contrfbule to their support. The Clerk presented lists Of f-laHns directed to issue orders on the County Tf«easurer tv> the Claitnunts for the several amownte allowtti, as follow., to-wlt: Chicago Indus. Home for Ctoll.. the Circuit Court and the following i Orders named persons were selected ta serve as ! ' , Age AMtatMte* |Ramr. grand jurors for the September, lS4t> .Salaries term of the Circuit CorH, to-wtl: William Meyer. Riley Township. William Murphy, Marengo Township.- Myrtle Shearer, Marengo, Township. Walter Kbits, Dunham Township Orace Rosier. Chemung TownsWD* Ruth Peters. Chemung Township. E. C. Cay, Alden ToWMrtilp. Jtohn Schildl, Hqr'tlnnd ToWii!=hl|>. t2nos >t'. Schell, B>-neoa Township. Anton Zemla, Co'ral Tojvnship. Sle^rlt Anderson, Grafton TotlMishlsi.- J. C. Piel'ce, IV.rr ToWnshlp B. A. Merchant, Dorr Township. Jfrank McBroom, OreenWood Township. Harbld Spooner, Hebron Township. tSlenn F. Jackson, Richmond Township. C. L. Stevens, Burton Township. Theodore Winkel, McHenry Township. Ella Bliss, McMent-y Township. Kate W)eber, N'untia T< wnship. Harry Wright, Nunda Townnhip. Pa-ight floodwin, Alkronquin Township. Hattie Brockrogge, Algonquin Township The following named nersons were selected to serve as grand jurors on the supplemental panel, fo*- the September, 1M0, term of the Circuit Court, t®-wlt: Oriebel, Rllev Township. Fay Swain, Mnren*o Township. Herbert r>un ham Townshio. Russell Griffith Chemung Township. J. M. Harris, Chemung Township Mabel ThomtWoh. Alden Township .W.SIS.M .iiM,8G«.t3 ] 7.W ! 0.00 ji.AO 6.00 i .... _'6.70 .... |«4.45 \ .... ft 3.00 ! .... 1«5.00 j .... TfO.OO .... llO.OO .... 18.00 335.00 890.00 M,408.11 23,510.50 .w, of said James H. McQueenv, and BE IT RESOLVED that said obligation be duly acknowledged as paid In r-a.;. j fall by the said James H. McQueen? on ,. A* recetot l>f said order. t. ... _ "W F. E. BIOCK. Chairm|^~ " ftOY J. STESVW ART , The Committee on Finance presented ; {he Annual Appropriation Ordinance or th* following report and Annual Appro- 1 Budget be adopted, and the roll being | priation Ordinance for the current ns- called, Supr- Btockwell, Dusenberry, c»! year and recommended its adoption, wtttmua, Becfc, Clawson. Carroll, to-wlt: | Kuecker, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, I *-- Turner, Stevens, Schmitt, Meier. Filip, To the Chairman and OeVinajhen of the an« \sst. Supr. Nolan and Rosenthal I Board of Supervisors: voted aje, nay none. The Chairman [ Your Committee on FlnanCis wefr | declared the motion unanimously earto report that thev have eatabllshel a : ri«»d. li'dget for the general fiinds and for; The Clerk presented the certificate the funds raised by taxation for general ; together with consents of the various County Purooses for the fiscal period Highway Commissioners of the County ( ou(jr , U1 ,lr, „„„ uulv I ending with the Sunday preceding the 0f the athounts necessary to be raised Ackman that the Resolution be adopted « first Monday in December, 1911, and for the construction, maintenance and | vy this Hoard, and the roll being called. ,» I recommend to this Honorable Board the ] repair of roads and bridges in the varl- j suprs Stockwell, Dusenberrv. Wittmus, w approval and adoption of the budget or | ous townships. After the reading of I B«»ck, ClSwson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ack- J. O. STEVENS H. C. MEIER R. F. DI*8l>NBERRT It «%a thereupon r^trulariy ino««i« Supr Turner and duly seconded tvr Sopr. • * ^"ot«« Balance on Imjm AM. Slat la aU fund. ,T:. )S«,tl».15 a, J> vn i • k... ,t. j fi'on Pill" apnroved July 10, 1938, IT IS _. ;ajr--. I194.858.2U . ^rrrby OrtDAtNWr> by the County of Th. above and f«e*oing reoort \n} In the State of Illinois, as true and correct according to my best . follo^, trt-Wlt: krtowlsdge and belle). Section 1~ \ C. FRANK DALT. 1 B«"1on 1 County Treanrer "Apnaal Appropriation Ordlnancce" at- , the certificates or levy and consents hy tached ahd made h part of this report. • the Clerk, it was regularly moved by In the manner, and upon the conditions Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by specified in said annual appropriation j Supr. Turner that the certificates of ordinance, lo-wit: | ievj- and consents be approved and Appropriation OrftUUM • adopted by this Board, tht» roll we- For the fiscal period ehdlbft trlth tha ! ing called Suprs. Stockwell, Dusenberry-, Sundav preceding the tlrtt Monday in i Wittmus. Beck. Clawson, Carroll, tvuewfcnocemher 1^41 I fr, Ackman, Stewart, Kan iHon, Turtier, Pursuant to "An Act In Relation to Stevens, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. •he Budgets of Counties Not Required i iuprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, bv Law to Pass an Apnroprt*- ! hay none. The Chaiiman declared the - - - - v-- motion unanimously carried. man, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stwens Schmitt, Meier, Filip and A*it. . > ^ Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal, voted rve, nay none. The Chairman declared tha "ffkt mot ion v^nanimo' sly carried. _ ^ kj Subscribed tad a Worn to' befora tne this l6tli Mr Setotember, 1940. Receipts of th« ^racMltB^ • J7 tk01.lM.lfi R. D. WOOD, County Cterk. ihependt chll fund Acdison Manual Trelhln* Hchool, dependt chili fund, DarmoMi i Mamie Tomew. Itariland Towlehip. Ev. .Lutheran .falhst the County and upon motion of ! Orphan •pbd. N« H<> ma, Sttpr Harrison and dxily seconded by tiller. Clawson and declared carried, the hiUd claims were referred to the oro^er •loffithltteas and the Board adjourned to - 10 otloc* P. M. D. S. T. rot- Comma*. m i 1:36 P. it (»s*» : ISoftrd mat pursuant to adjournment afld upon Mil call the same members rApdnded to titeir names as appeared of record in the mornftig pension, cohstititfing a f 11 hoard present. *The Conimittce on Claims Labor F.ees Mrs. Fred Ferrla, fiependt chtl •>d Supplies presented the following <lren, Meyers Nbort, ah&te on motion ot €*upr. Harritw and #o)y seconded bv «*pr. Malag. ktal the roll being caliod, was declared Btiously adopted,' to-Wit: Col. C. C. MinOr. Aepondt ckil fund, Somas .; Eva, dapmdt ehll tusi Ystebo .......... St Vincent's Training S«Jh., Oependt chll fuh'd, IWUrJages l»ehtvlng I-'ltner Anams, Guhrdthn dat*anrtt chil fund, Adams Lena ftastmis^eh. OiisrdMi, depend! Chil fund. Miller Margaret L^ndre, TB pa.tlent paWper. Karl-< li.l« IOC si.+e «l.»o ri.oo l«fefc> 44lt 1 Si*na Remus. Penecu Township. | M^y Ettner, Corat Township ( ijan« Skyette, Grafton Township. llerbeH R. Kilt*, Dorr Township. Charles Splinter, Dorr Township. Dorothy iSset. Greenwood ToWtaahlp. Mela Ehle, Hebron Township, Mnrgnret -jfthnr.on, Richmond Town.Mp. Paul Wev>er, Burton Town«-hi». Mrth Welter, McHenry Township. David Bwrghraef. Nuu'dn Township. r"*arles Galvln Algonfjuin Township. Vbry Alleh, Al*onquln Township. It was thereupon regularly moved by (Saal) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded bv Supr. Kuecker that the report be adopted by this Board. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. , The Committee on Relief of Blind presented the following report, to-wit: fiscal year , TAnvments mft^e in the preceding fiscal year 6TIJH4.61 Balance in the Count Treasury ot the end of the preceding _ _ fiscal year ... 1M.M1.B4 Rstlmat"d Income from all sources during the visar cov^ yered by this budget arte a» follows, to-WH: The Committee on McHenry COuhty Home and Hospital, presented tha following raport, to-wit: September 5> 1H40. Jtt ChalV-mita and Vdember. 61 the, RonrH of Supervisors of McHenry tuting a quorum present. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and on motion of mr- Supr Sevens and dniy seconded bjr ^ Asst. Supr. Rosenthal, and declared car- " ried, the said claims were referred to •',g> the proper committees and the Hoard * ; adourned to (we-thirty o'clock P. i > (DST) for committee work. ' " 1:3# O'Sf.OCK *. IK. (Mm * H Board met pursuant to adjournMMtot ahd upon roll call, the same member, responded to their names as appeared ^ record in the morning Session, con*vi» £>: County. Tour County Home Committee met On September 5, !»40 at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of August. 1940 and respectfully submits the following: report recommehding same be paid. Suburban Oil Co., priming and surfacing driveway .1540.00 r/ceVr»lsT:^^v" ofocisrii"fl®^W0/Mi^' McHenry-Count j- Farmer. Co-op. Total Net Receipt., Co. Officer* -- tncohie from T'wp. Cd. fittn* tneome Rentals |0,«fil.6| 1()0»0 1 port 00 tT.OOO.OO AiMhkat 1*. A, D. 1910 r Chairman Mo«OtntleiMt1. <1 tat report thkX IRty tiav% esbanfifrfM . all*1 Dr. Glenn K. Wrlgfet, rtepWidt > ^hAdr^n. Hmi? Old People s Rest fT6me. TB P. | tleat Pauper, Hl»bam Ottawa TB Sanatorium, TB Pa* J v ^ claims presented' to them, and tacommind the payment of the following, and TB t*Wat^tUn, TB Pathjii the CIWw be dir^cteil to l«»ue orders _jtleni t^upar. SH^te> ••••r--*•»» i^a the Countv Treasurer to the Claim- ME f*rew, TB Patient Pauper .. ' - - * .. . Kuppe .•--.ii-T»-. Hoaait4J.i TB mt*nt fc«0 14M 4*J« «Mk lMI •JM ,,f September ^ 1*40. pTr. Chairman and Oentleeaee of the o€ iajgrvlaors: j Tnootne County |fnA« ....... S >T^ ,>',r t^"VTT,<tte.. on Relief of Blind ,n0onio State's Attorney > "•oald beg leave to submit the follow- Tnf.omp rrom Co License* T... tig report on the matters before them: Tncome from State of HlinOlm: Your Committee Instructed the Coun- ; r)ef„n(j Mothers' Pension* .... 1,37*.18 H' Clerk to notify each new applicant nefjmd RlJnd Pensldh. 6 9*4 f9 for a Blind pension hy registered mall F T Refunds |fi,699.S4 that the Committee would meet on the ' , 4th day of September A. D 1940. at the Estimated Inboma ....M79.149 34 Court House In the (?lty of Woodstock ^ o a^il i.^t l^srTK>S VoJr TolittT^efon That Is l.daemed nace.sary In ortar 2w Z v^nd after ha ving duly Tonsid" r° defray all Necessary expenses And u WHS mereuuun . .v ,„v.m »i , "red apf>Heat1ons received bv t^e Coun- 1 !'oAr°th^VIhere and ther^here^ Subr. Stevens and duly seconded by ! ty Clerk within the last year and after 5 nZ^Shpt^ h, »ro 'Ided fS bttfcr. Tufner that the seUetion of , interviewed each applicant to .'LDL^rnl^; !2vv nmi oihrr Jv- 'rfnnd Jtlr<»rs and snpplementnl panel : ascertain whether or not they qualified ^ general tax I4vy and other for the September, HMP, term of the ; under the Blind ivnslon Act. wo"ld Circuit Court be anoroved, and the ; rpsneotfiillv recommend that the foli Clerk directed to certify the said list, lowlnsr applications be approved, to-wit: _ , T,v,Irt,. ..... kl^ \ to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, apd no. Alec Anderson Rlngwood, Illinois. .1 nh ict and nurno^ f^ '*** the roll being called. Saprf. P^wdT ; Til , Jenhie BAss-tt W McHenrfe IH. Dnsent.erry. Wittmus. Reok, Clawf*on, ! 112, Tames Corr, 809 N. Hampton, wood- Cabrou, Kuecker, Ackman, Harriaon, i stock. 111. T»H\er, Stevens. May, Scbmitt, Meier, i us, John Dacy^ 811 West Metren. Har- Assn., feed RMgefleld Farmers Supply Co^ 12.4 Tuel •T. C. Rausch, fish RojtiI Blue Store, groeariea .. The Committee on Ctaims. Labor Fe-^s and Supplies presented the following r »« port, which, on motion of Supr. Harrt« son and duly seconded by Supr .Kuaclii er, and the roll being called, was dM^ III ctared unanimously adopted, to-wit: '*-%i - •> i September 10, A. T>. It' 9. Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of tha Board of Supervisors: Your Committee cn Labor, Fees Sad Supplies Claims would beg leave to %*- il .CaaBa-S H" I Sa.w_ y,ie r„ Biscuit Co., cfra<**rs nn|,l.. mties ' >r the current fiscal yeir the agrrregate sum of Three Hundred Seventyine Thousand One Hundred Fort' -nine !£A*t> UU Aaat. Suprs- Nolan and ItoKiant4tM *:-e. nay nani- The Chalrttt nwt^i'4|iMHiii0i(W •ard 111 IH. Ann.-. Mines, RFD No. 3, ^Vood- ! vtj$ fha^, U64 Martha W, pedd*ca|(«4, *yff HI. ^ ( , ti". wtiT'am r»pt»--. Ca>-v its. Michael Rauen. String Grove, *11. tg fund 12.40; 8trp «ch off -p fd «!.«« i .ft.SMI b^eryy Ptalndea.ler, But) Seh ~ «xp fd al.>8{ Co Trahi it fd ?31«.»0; Hupr Mt| t«.ie .r-.. *mj*i Wbodstock Journal. Suor t>ru : ai> < |«Mt «tv440; Cap 6ch off e*p • ' l> Hfephmond flkiietta, Co Treaa aa«Mt Iffl #55.90; Snnr prte fund ?S.0<« IfO.M Habi-on Times, Mrs. Grant MallOTy Co Treas ««mt fund $89.M; j?upr prtg fund f2.t] "Wbodstock Daily Sentinel. Supr ajrtg fund *3.#0; Co Treas elf fmp fd 69 {<0; Co Treas assort ii <""o Clk office sop *79.0«; Co Clk ptg fund 87«.»»; To Hwy sup fund W.75 THe Horvard Harald. Pap Safe t»fr exp fd 00c; Cir Clk sm|» f ' *22.50; Bd of Review «n Jl »2« 25 MroU W. Schmidt. Cir Qk #«p ^d ? 13 SO; Co Treas off sttfr P. F*Petti'ba«n* I K' &r "SUT* frilp fund Flank Thornier it C».. Cir " fciip f- nd fll«.t9: Co. Clk m iup $68.09 ^ .... „ jj----» Tie Will nan rrMwt er -TB ott l<up fd Afrrtltaii Law Book Ca.,' |iide|f llbt-y fund Jjiwvers Co-of Publiahln# C^< ' .jndcy libry fund • -w™- t*. V. Kilts. Co Tneae off Jr*©: *^-*^hftoff sup fttnd fl.54 41.71 4iUM UJt l*.t4 tfe.14 totii «4.0C ltl.M . 7.5* --. 1U V almom Sanatorium, TB J^stlfnt Pauper, Mcliaughlltt - W. 3. Br von, M t>, TB PaHent 1 Pnaper .Tamlaj- - fl W Kohl. M O , TP Patient Pauper. Chambers t ' Loulne M. Krooks, pre off trav *»xp fdnd v 1 Herman Eickst^adt, dap ChUdra* fund, Hinxs Mathias FVeuwd. deb ehlMre* fund. Sothia A. P. Tea Co., TB Patient PaupW 1 Vermett - !JIT. G. Maxon. TB Patiant Pauper *1 ? Bcradfield " s. Jonea. TB Patiebt Pauper, Jones Jaoob Jnsten A Son., fUhcgal Mrs. Elimbeth Freund («on 4. war \-nteran) lOf.fa AU Of «hich te respe.'fully 'ttfcvf1 n.« of Richmond, Tow nddtrdHMd the Board and staked • here Mras a vjcAncv In the office of Democratic 1udgp 'of E'*"^t'on in his i ewnship. and that' he wauild like to , . _ have the vacancy tilled by the belactloia ; us' Emma, \V«trrman 301 K Jackaoh, of tlladrs Bower. It was thereupon fl. regularly mov«^l bv A est $upr. Nolan 120, IVies E.V«fc"! and duly seccotwled 1 y Sitpr. Turner tfvat Woodatock., itl. ' ± ' : 1} said request h» granted and the Clerk 121, E. A. Se"#er. 5M W. MadlBOn lK., instructed to file a report with the Coun- WoodVtock. Ill which said appropriation Is made ASd amounts hereby appropriated for the «mme nre as follows, to-wlt: Cotmt'y Surveyor-- 11.700.0a ^ervloes .. . r --• -- f 1.700 00 Ttc»nrd Bonks '*ur d*>ck*N ^implies ... Counf j*' <i\*rk-*%».Tlb M Commissioners' feds insarfi ' "Tt feeble-minded caaea i w: Printing Office Supplies and cookies Woodstock Wholesale CO., tob. Pfelffer I^harmacy, medicine R. R. Squibb ft Bona, ethar .. John Sexton & Co.. grocertea .... 1*9.68 Illinois Bell Telephone Co.. services *- M.Tf The Bohn Hardware Co., mdaa. -- T.M V. Mueller ft Co., bandajfcs . and tape -- Bostc Bros., eraaollne - 7.T4 Goodrow s Garage, gaaollne. oil. and repairs 15.4S .Ten A See Laundry Co.. gasoline 14.84 t*. y r Wool worth CO.. mdse *1.98 McBenry Co. Relief Comm., overalls -- I4.5< Ludwlg Wil-or Co.. sweeping compound, soap chips, etc 184.15 Crystal l>ake Tracking ft Bsc. CO., No. 2 sand la.16 Mirengo Bakerv, bread 61.74 T?aym Supp'j' Store, feed 81.10 ^nperjnl- on'Co . k'eroaen^ T*1* Thprae & Son, clothjttif -- tl.58 | port thst they have examined all clal">na 11.50 presented to them, and recommend thb f®-"® payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to iaaue orders on tho County Treasurer ta the Claimants t& the several uinuunt. allowed, as follows. to-wlt: fl.» 67.80 1M.93 •.41 Frank Thornber. Co Clk prtg $337.67; Co Clk elec snpl IW.55; Co Clk office sup ISO.81 B. C. Jess Co., Cir Clk sup - ••'*§ Ooerlitz-Becknell Co., Cir Clk .up 5.7» Woodstock Daily Sentinel, shf off sup S..5o; co treas prtg 313.75: . . co clk ptg f4.CO v- SB.IS, Harvard Herald, co treas asamt 1200.80; supr prtg >2.2C 208.00 Crystal Lake H«rald. supr prtg .... 2.50 Car'.ton S. Robb, Judcv justice :ees -- 15.00 Grant Nolan, Judcy justice fees-- 45.00 Charles F, Hayes, judcy juatlcel ftes V »«-«• Til. Bell Tel. CO . ct hse jail tel ..J H5JI Dr. o. E. Nelson, co clk ins depdn 5.00 Henry VV. Sandeen. M. D.. Co clk ins depdn fu.00; shff jail sup clothin >; $r? -»0 Wm. A >1 teller, M of rev VtM i K--IZ.WUfiO W. „ Thpmp*on A^pl'fnN P** 22.6" I 111 st Rmpl. .ct Mai 'ssaimfm&toiGmwvm®* William 11 Allen, incidentals IV'AW#rt'and wife. -X --rh l,««0.0f ! Paul Eichej and IVieit ,t|IO E. Oklhj ipt. ' Tai Ertenalnns and taxjJ.tW« S.pna.on \rthur ;M"'>ndt, s -,w- .1 P9Cl«trhrS!1> birth# *nd (^ath ^ri.nlnal chses ... l...r_ .ii» ^or Tax licenses salary 150.00 I t.60 250 0Q RO.Ofl , 160.00 1 "nnn nil 700.od 990.00 If!,700.00 500.00 *.000 no 350.00 S,600.00 V* w Hixson ft Co., Supr prtg fund A. P Griebel, ct hse jail renalra fund - Claries F. Haytffc. Judcy jaattoe 'fees fund -- -- Burrough. Addi*>g Machlna QK* Co Treas off eut) fund ......... Karl Frit*, ct hse sup fond .....-- A. W. r. ct hse. sup fund.-- r'v -Court of McHear;- Countv showing j Your committee wo®KI Turthar nepart j ^lectl^n Judges and Clerkg, s»-!d srtection. Motion declared unanl- ttiat the*- hnvc also Considered the ap- polling T'lftce1* mously enrriad. I nticitlon* of Mabel X'Sn* of Marengo. ! Faction Supplies r.--;. The Cnairhuth called nn<jn A fi. j TllinolF and Edwin G. Hkldeman of Har- Tax R»«nks and bodto FreUnd. \vho whl *1 rt#m»*f_0f rae ! vard. Illinois nrtd it *"as the opinion 6f • Co. T easurer and OoltedtWi *I 5„ 2 Poard for man - i«irs, rtDresentipg tha • ->'o«r committee th-t w»ld a»m1lcatto»i«« : '••r1ntlti& .. township of McHenry. Si*pr. : preulwl do not come Wfthln thjehrovlelons of the ! vrtnting AsseeamfHIB. II ,50n.OO stated that he was alway s glad to attend Blind Pension At4. We therefore rac- ' Office suppliaa , • 6nt).0fl Board meetings; that he had spent many . ommehd that »nme I*• dehled Your Pecord boc^s ........... ' . 250.001 happy dayo at Woodstock and hoped 1 committee would further recommend Collection, "ellniueat FeiaolWl , ihal he would be at>l^ to vls't the t.hat the pension how helng paid to Wil- j Property Tax Billa lOP.of Berd irony more times In the future. t|arp Snnr(,nn» Rwnww^ Int. Tnv AntlH^nt'on warranta 2,500.01 Supr. Harrisfm stated that there was he discontinued for the reason that he. Phoriff--f 14,950 00 a forty acre tract of land bordering on | is now belne tsk«n care of at the Coun- | °ail<ff. nil co'wta 800.00 Lake Rliaabetb in Richmond Township tv Homp and Hospital. i Court per diem fcnV Rag that the County had title to, and that We further report that the approprl- for services it was his opinn-n that it shou'.d be dla- I ^tion heretofore made for the relief of [ office supplies 1S.H : poted ot. and that he would move at i K|jnd persons was exhausted on the Feeding prisoners : this time that said matter be referred first dav of Julv A D 1940. Wo tber*- Tail supplies and clothing. i to the Lands and l ots Committee giving j fore recommend tha the sum of Three Denutv sheriffs said Committee full power to act. Said j Hundred Blxtv-five ($365.00) Dollars ; Coroner--f700.00 motion was dulv seconde dby Supr. j payable quarterVv. compippdn* .T'llr 1, j Coroner's and Coroner' thittM Ackman and the roll bring called, was] \. D t940 and p>yab»% October 1st.. A- vury fees at inquests . . ' t declared unanimouslv carried. r>. 1940; Jar"!"-y 1st. A. D. '941: Ap"^! j Superintendent of. ^4iooW-- Supr Dliaenl>erry stated that he. a. ] i«t a D. 1941: and July 1st, A. D. j issistant and Clqrk Hltfe 'l.SW M one Supervisor, was still very much in- ; 1941. be .appbopMated and baid to the terested in •'"ounty zoning: that several following persons, unfler the Statute. requests had been filed with him With j to-wlt: , regard to said matter and that he would , Barragan. M'llle, 206 W. Washington. Supr. Dusenberry. Chairman of the ' like' to have the whole question of ; Harvard, Til Poor Claims Committee, informed the [ County zoning considered further by the Bowman .Wlitiiw F., PIchmond. TBinola Board that with the eo-operation of the | Special Committee appointed last year j Bra»nsdorf, HUld*, RFD 2, MCHtenry. Connty Court and the County Probation i if possible. A general discussion was ; t'lihoif^ ^ Officer his committee have after much • then had with regard to said matter, af- i Bbo"ks, Frank. M0 S. Rate St., Marengo, work been aHc to place a lot of ehil- 1 ter which it WMS regularly moved bv [ 111. dren that are now being swortorted bv j Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by j Prunner. Henrietta, Walworth. Wis. the Cobnty in institutions and private Supr. Dusenbe-ry that the question of , Carney. Elmer J.. Main St., MdHenfjr, • Miscellaneous e*pfnpa^ hemes, thereby rWucin* the cost to the : Count* itoning be reconsidered bv the Illinois. ' Coohty^ .Home-- county. Not so very loneseo Supr special CouimiHee apolnted last ^ year i^ervenka. John, Fox River Grova, III. ^{."alarieg for employee. .--.^--^.OOOOt) Dusenberry stated, the monthly Expense and that a report be made to this Board Collins. Charles, W oodfetock, m j r>sre of inmates 12.000 On »•.«•! for one institution for this charge was .at its next meeting. Motion dtclartd Conway. James F., Lincoln. WOodstO«, | ^uel - - I'baXa? , ruhnlHg over. *«t0.00 per month, and he unanimously carried. v • Illinois ' I Ljght and poarar --• ' 1.00 I noted with nieA'sure that their bill thia Supr Dusenberry further stated that Dana. W., 118 S. Jefferson St., WOod- Repairs _ ^ month wat 1378.60. a Monthly reduction 1 he did not lielieve there was very much Bfock, 111. ~ ^ ^otmty Supt. of. Highway.-^ 2*> <?.W 1 of ortr 8200.00 btlng done on the Countv-wlde roWl Dunham, Alfred, Woodstock. 11L ~ • W j Salarv • *•£•»••« Th4 follouJO* reoort of tfee instir»nc« DroJect being sponsored bv McHenry Esmond, Charles. Ch«nung, HI. | Tr» vet ling ttpnM 1,000 00 16.5* Supervisor of^cM^?^ B Wi ^ ^PvTlity *1W thF.t V would -thia Freund, W»itar . J r MeHenry^ «L j ProKat'on Offl-ers--tl.Mf.ff, 1.05 I sented and read and ordered placed on time that said matt?: ue ™*5. Trvtn Kt>tt*. salary- Gladys' Wendt salary Virginia . nm|gb*r#. aalarjr 1,1'nnea Wolt. salary -- Edna- Noble, salarv Louise Johnson, salary -- Beufah Kolta, salary $2,410.33 Ronald and 54Vern« EmwMcwy.J Tonsl'ec|mljF\- W.Of MI'ler. White ft W06da», » <oga U UIKIBU FrctT Brothers, ct hse jail repaias 418,50 R. i« vndrew Co,, ct hse jail coal 15.81 Lawyers Co-Op. Pub. Co, judcy librv - r.^.-- j Dacy Lumbar. Co., ct hse Jail . 55.00 repairs WOO ! G. R Stewart, bd of r«v sal ^ HS Ofi Prank C. Ferris, bd of fpv »tll 46VOO ; Howard V. Patrl bd of rev sal 4*0 a« 7*.00 j Theo. Hamer, bd >f rev sal 410.00 40.«o Ray HorK-k, shf dpty 14-40 i Lester Peacock, shf dpty .,..•••» , 4.0^ M.X6 Albln J. Kuppe. sbf.dptJr >'• '4.0# Vance Oc<v-K. shf dptr --.----_! 8.da Paul E. Rertram, shf J*j>ty ^ 4.JJ Ix>ren Edin^er. shf dntv #78.12 Till " "A $2,382.21 The month'*' ®Tpense Itsmshoing summarized aa follows: R. p. otHSENPE Rfcr L. A. STOCKWEIO, HOT J STE W A R* J. <|. STRVENS . » T. F. NOLA.V Jill ;oo On Off'ce evpense and auppliiea.... 900.00 Court House and .Tell--tf,750.00 'alary, Jailer and Janitor 1.500 00 Coal 1,600.00 T i«-n qnd witef l.'OOO on Repairs, court house and Jail oo ..8 ooo n<» .. 1,350.00 <*nnpl1es. ICOUrt hoUSS ...., Telenhone .T udl clary--$1,050.01 T.lhrary 7. w «tlce fees 150.0a 700.60 200.00 Id move at this Freandi WaitH.J.r Mimiiryv ML , i Pro' at'on <minersreferred to the Frost, GP'ard C.. 108 Main St., Crjritlu Falary--Circuit Court 9h0 Ot) 2.64 I file,_ to-wit: 4 Fees and Salaries Committee for report.^ Lake, 111 Salary--County Court --... l,080.0o; Permanent 1540.00 Rt»r>n«ne--««-«7.89. «'®d«,r'Jt *74.18 Miller. White ft Woods, 8 hog. <1 cripple) - Tt*» Clothing - Ig-J* Tobscvo - ----i-- Medicine . Hos"Ka1 $824.85., deduct $4.08 Ronald and TjiVerne BmSricson. tonsilectomy. -- Tjiotlng «•* Fuel 110.26 it* ff.«o 14.01 Martin Ekelund, shf dpt" -- Owen H. Corr. shf bailiff 10.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff deputy $4! 00 -- Armour Birk, shf bailiff $4.0f: deputy *32.00 Marfan Edlnger, shf per diem,, fees, serv Lester Edlnger, shf per diem. fees, serv W.H O. p. Evans ft Co.. allf off ^ B-l* *. Worwlck, shf off sup --' 7.50 C. B. Dolee Co.. ct hse sup - Hjf A. W. Wagner, ct hse SRP M Acorn Venetian Blind Works. > • rt hse sup . v----- Bohn Hardware Co.. fit hse s»-- 0^11 J. A MicHntck, ctlise jail repairs ST.lf Mlshler Electric, ct hse Jail rap. $17.00; ct hse sup W9.74 Benton Street Restaurant, ot , Jurors •' t.. MRrind>\ Fffltis, shf feedgr prts . .. •Schmidt's Afarket. shf feedg priS Fckert ft Wells, sh* feedg prla 10f.J8 Hoesley's Bakery, shf fee<^g Jirls 27.88 «.tl T.n 9.510 $°.33S 21 48.T 0 tow eommlttw mat Aagtmt «?. 194a m ,*>»• » car losd of stoker coal and awarded the contract to th* ; Western Putted Gas ft Kla«-\ R O Andrew Co. of Woodwork fori shf feedg prii Hi *4 60 a ton. F O. B. tracks, HarttaM. j Lester Edlnger. Sheriff, shf par Hllnois. Your committee met Septem- ! diem, fees, serv her 5. 1940 and transRct"-! th» regular f.. A. Stockwell. supr sal mllp«g« 56.W monthly business and m« "e tho reguliMr j T*. F. Dwseoberrv, supr sal mil.... 81.80 inspeetirm of the County Home and Hoa- : Cart E. Wittmus. supr s<»1 mileage «f-?® nital and found everything to be In ~ - good ordfer. 1 itl of which la reapectfuISf i F. E Beck, supr sal mileage N. B. Clawson, supr sal mileage ihitted. rH#«. H. ACKMAV MATH N scrogft JOHN" J. FILIP, ^ a. f <f.0« 78.2« 11.14 3C.6» 63.4S 67.0O 7T.00 i ._/x G. J. Carroll, sup sal mileage E. F. Kuecker. supr aa! m!,e«ge Chas, H. Ackman. sup sal r^'earo I. E. Harrism, ' upr saj n>>'#-*ge oy J. Stewart, avpr sal mit«a*<e ,'anry M. Turner, supr sal fHaaga SLfta O. Stevens, s-i.i safc mle*« SJSf l.«* A}» k i-r '

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