Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 15

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* '§ »* V » <• <to % < * ' , ><» «&*($ X, ~5 v - TK« «• /.,' \ »«,* >!• * fj, •""^" w v «•'*-nft»« - yi. s, f. Part Tw# w ^ ^ ;t 'V ~ .^^•: <v McHtsry Comtyt Illinois ,_,'•*•• ^ . ,1*J.' .. N 'tf ••- • . a- :, : f'-i. ** *s - •- • i.* if'iitr, _.-"-;^,,-A. . *' *r ' _ • rt ' • ; • * & • i&'W? , • jk '*« ' tf»A :•?•&$».I ot . -nOr., 5 •"•;•;•• ?!**"":;<s •* •!>".' • '•*>}.. <C'j:;i,"- -MjJ '* v--* » 5"\Vu,.-*J^ / iw Mown? ,*|£WS. S\ V-' 1 Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year Ending April 1,1941. ;8^ * v '• i\.'~ *'•*'• JBjpecial October MeeUo*. -gv" 1940 " V 7 3JS" ~'x ~. " Tna F»rt Sm) Daisy v. moore, sup gchs asst «na elk lure 75.0# Helen ScnuepKe, er TB off •"t» 76.00 Aua Manning, supr sch asst" L una tin ture . 8*.76 Veaue Ai u moon, et -hse «ui sal JlZj.uO' A. a. trissey, clr ct pro sal .._.„ _ 76.00 A" 01 wrncn 1* respecuuuy suo- \lilited. • , •J"J7,-,- J. G. 8TBVRNS •v ;•>•>..••..; ,'irAuJU' uumiaTHAUu . ' «':; • A r A i t X . K . V V l T T M u d . ' - * " " 4.35 S. Jf. NOLAN, J Jet. . J, CCJA KKOljL. Ihe Committee oa Claims, County 'f|or prtweutiM the following report. Which on rnuiion ot Supr. J^'iitp and uuly Mconueu Dy bupr. Wittmus, and the roll being <;aUeu, was declared unanimously uaopted, to-wit: - . Uctooer 8, A. D« 1940. ' Mf. Chairman ana oentlemen of the lioard of tiupervisors: lour Comm.acc ua County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend tne payment ot the lollowing, and that tne Clerk be directed to isttue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the 8tsV€l«»i cUiu»«cit, uo xviiOWS, io-wit; Chicago Indus. Home for ChlL, dependt children St. \ intent d nidus, school, dependt child, Denning •ouitton ALanuai Training bchooi dependt children, Uayinonit Mrs. Eva Kapping, dependt ohllaren, luieuo Lena x>.uoiiiuc>t>eii, dependt ChlL, Miller a. , Mrs. Jay beaman, dependt cnll.,v ijei^uie Hargaret L<andre, dependt chlLr Karls Cui. w. C. ikiinei. dependt chU.a Soma -- Mrs. Fred Ferris, dependt chtl., jueyer - Math Freund, dependt chil., Soma £lmer Adams, dependt chil., Aaams Herman Eicksteadt, dependt chIL, Hinz Old .People's Kest Hpnie, TB tlent x'auper, Hibbard ...... Mrs. K Crew, TB Tatient Pauper, Kuppe A. & i'. Tea Co., TB Patient ^ Pauper, Vermett Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Jr"aiienl Pauper, fshockey Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient Pauper, L>adet'oged .. Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient Pauper, Lynott Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient Pauper, Urover Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient Pauper, Bloner ... Harold Gluff, TB Patient Pauper Vermett B. Thomas Brand, M. D., TB Patient Pauper ,i>ixon -- J. G. Maxon, M. D., TB Patient . Pauper, IJlxon George S. Jones, TB Patient Pauper Dr. Harold W. Kohl, TB Patient Pauper, Chambers -- Valmora Sanatorium, TB Patient Pauper, McLaughlin 4 Partial Releases) Treas. Feqs Total $219.65 THEREFOR^- be it reiralved by said Board ot Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of of the Motor Fuel Tax of 192» oe used for the purchase of said right ot way above mentioned, and, BE JT 1 URTHEli KKSOL.VKD, that R- -L>- WOOL'S, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springtield, Illinois, for its approval for voucher. .1*61.00 ^40.80 40.00 __ 16.00 12.50 46.00 60.00 64.47 21.87 15.00 72.00 40.00 *0.00 ' 75.00 15.00 78.15 77.10 .... -77.60 78.40 76.00 7.50 83.00 15.00 80.00 45.00 r»uira«» am• «• "I- 7*6 .6r0 x>i which 4b rwiuoct^Miiy; «u^-. mltted. "R. F. DUSEIs BERRY ROY J. STEWART L. A. STOCKWESL.L. J. G. STEVENS *. F. NOLAN JR. The Board «of Review of McHenry County presecitetd the flollowing report, to-wlt: Xo the Honorable Board of Supervisors Of McHenry County, Illinois: The .BOARD OF REVIEW for the year 1940, beg leave to submit tne following report. We have passed on 465 complaints of. assessment, constituting 529 items; reductions were made in 177 cases, in- It was thereupon regularly moved by jpupr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. •Turner that the Kesotution be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. Supr. Stewart stated that the City of Woodstock wanted permission to widen Cass Street on th8 South side next to the Sheriff's residence and Jail. After some discussion with regard to said matter, it was regularly nio-^ed by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that said matter be referred to the Building Committee. Motion declared carried. Supr. Beck, Chairman of the McHenry County Township Officials Association, stated that the state meeting of the organization was going to be held at 1'eoria the 17th, 18th and 19 th of this month, and that any one that desired transportation should get In touch with the Secretary of the organisation. Asst. Supr. Nolan, or himself, and that he would like to have as many of the Township Officials attend as possible. Supr. 6tockwell .stated that Mrs. D. M. Wright, the widow of the Supervisor from Marengo Township who served this Board for many years with distinction, was very seriously ill in a Rockford hospital and he would move at this time that a letter of sympathy be sent her by the Clerk, and also that flowers be forwarded to her. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Turner and declared unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting it was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens to adourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. _ FRANlC c. FERRIS, Attest: Chairman R. D. WOODS. Clerk. Special November Meeting, i 1940 The "Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met in special session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, A. D. 1910, at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wlt: Supervisors R. F. l)usenberry, Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, H. C. Meier, John J. Filip, and Assistant Supervisors," T. F. Nolan, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The minutes of the Special October, 1940, meeting-were reaA-and upon mo* tion approved and ordered of record. James Connell, of Rockford, Illinois, president of the State Association of Supervisors and Highway Commissioners, was called upon by the Chairman. Mr. Connell addressed the Board and outlined in detail the purposes of the State Association and how important it ts to all township and county officials. He also made a report on the convention held at Peoria on the 17th, 18th and 19th of October, which was very much enjoyed and very much appreciated by the members of the Board The chairman thanked Mr. Connell for his presence at the meeting and extended an invitation to him to come any time that he could. Supr. Stewart, a vice-president of the State Association, stated that Mr. Connell had done some very etto certain '**• to submit the following resolution and recommend its adoption to-wlt; WHEREAS, there Ib not at this time sufficient money in the Treasury of McHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County, ana it is necessary at this time to provide a fund to meet ail such expenses by issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the County Tax levied in the year of 1940 in the way and manner provided by the Statute of this State for the Issuing and disposing of warrants. bE IT KKSOL.V ED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry that the County Treasurer of this Coun* ty be and he is heieby authorised and uirected to issue and sell as needed, anticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the sum of J20,a00.0rt against the County Tax levied in the year 1940, bul in no even?, shall the anticipation warrants issued exceed 76% of tne amounts of the appropriation tax levied lot- the year i9«u; that said warrants shall toe issued as needed in the sum of $5,4)00.00 each and each bor.d to be so drawn so that the same shall draw interest at the lowest available rate not to exceed 4% per annum from the time of its issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a fund from which payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may be paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such anticiiKLuuii wan-aiiid snail when drawn show upon their face that they Are payable solely out of the tax when collected and not otherwise. All of which is respectfully submitted. . r. S. B1SCK J. U. STEVEN# • Roy j. stewa** M. C. M&1EK R. F. DUSENBERRY . H was thereupon regularly raowA by supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that the Resolution authorising the Issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kueker, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, StevenB, May, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Sdprs. Nolan and Kosentuai voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adopted. The Committee on Elections,, presented the following report, to-Wit: November 12, 1940. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Election to whom was referred the electloa expense bills for the November 6, 1940 General Election would beg leave to report that they have examined the said election expense bills for the General Election and woutd recommend that the following amounts be allowed for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County, to-wit: Riley ; *8.30 3upr. Harrison a*w> <IJ1y seconded by j The Committees on Claims, Labor! St. Vincent's Indus. School Supr. Stevens that the report of the | Fees and Supplies, presented the follow-] dependt chil. Denning Committee on *ees> and Salaries be ap- • ing' report, which on motion of Supr. Lutheran Child Welfare Assn!. T proved and the Resolution adopted, and j Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. ; dependt chil Norton the roll being called Suprs. Dusenberry. Schmitt and the roll being called, was ' Mrs. Jay Seaman. deDendV'chii""* W ittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kueck- declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt:! Deline er, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, ' ! *--- -- - £""" Stevens, May, Schmitt. Aleier, Kilip and I Mrs. Fred Ferris, dependt chil.,' November 12, A. D. 1940. • Meyer Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted ; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Elmer Adams, dependt chiL aye, nay none. The Chairman declared j Board of Supervisors: Adams ...J the motion unanimously carried and ; You Committtee on Labor Fees and! Col. C. C. Mlner. deDendt chTl" 'he report approved and the Resolution [Supply Claims would beg leave to report ! Soma adopted. that they have examined all claims pre- . Margaret iindr^ deMndt chii.j*' The Chairman callad upon the Hon- 1 ser.ted to them, and recommend the Karls orable Harold Kelsey, State Uepresenta- 1 payment of the following, and that the . Eva Kapping, de^ndt chiL tive of the 8th Senatorial District, who 1 Clerk be directed to issue orders on the 1 vstebo addressed the Board in a very pleasihg manner and was requested by the Chairman to attend more meetings In the future The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County snd upon motion ot Supr. Harrison and duly seconded hy Supr. Ackman and declared carried, the Board adjourned to one-thirty o'clock P. M. for committee Work. i:so moak r. m. Board met pursuant to adjoammeiit and upon roll rail the same members responded to their names, as appeared of record in the morning session, including L. A. Stock well, the Supervisor from Riley Township, constituting a lull Board present. The Chairman called for the report of the Committee on Lands and Lots, concerning thte sale of the forty acre tract of land in Richmond Township, which was laid over at the last meeting of the Board. The Clerk then read the report of the Committee on Lands and Lots and Resolution attached County Treasurer to the Claimants xor 1 Herman Eicksteadt, dependt the several amounts allowed, as fol- chil., Hlnx lows, to wit: 4- Frank Thornber & Co., clr elk rec bk (86.67; Co elk off sup $4.41; co elk elec sup <446.12; clr elk sup 86.76; co elk Pt« 8«i5.4o 1*. F. Pettibone & Co., cir elk rec bk $156.10: sup schs off exp ' $15.82; cir elk sup $7.82 179.84 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Co cils elec supl $77.u0; co treas prtg ? 831.75, CO elk ptc (8.20; ahf off sup $29.25; sup schs off exp $15.90 111. office Sup. Co., co treas. off sup St. Bk. of Wpodstock, co treah off sup .... Hebron Times, co treas prtg . Richmond Gasette, sup scha off exp Crystal Lake Herald, sup schs off exp 90c; co elk elec supl $77.00 "tt.20 40.00 SS.00 15.00 86.00 87.30 76.00 16.00 40.00 15.00 ..8808|86 168.14 6.18 ).M 88.86 1.06 State's Attorney William M, Carroll ad- Postindex Co., sup schs off exp.... crease in 170 cases and no action was taken in 182 cases. In addition to these j fective work with regard „ Items a number of subdivisions and . legislation concerning the centralisaparts of subdivisions were passed upon | {.ion of all state, county and township by the Board. The reductions reterred to aggregate $82,190.00; the increases aggregate (236,065.00, leaving a net increase as made by the Boar a over and above the assessor's figures Of (153,875.00. Forty-two estates which had not been assessed by the local assessors were assessed at *128,350.00, whichc amount is included in the above increase. v= The thirteen banks in the county were assessed at (221,350.00. We would further report that owing to work done by individual members of the Board, the services of one clerk were dispensed with this year. However, credit is due to the County Clerk for furnishing a stenographer to do the work of corresponding and sending out notices. , . . We beg to report that we completed our work on the 21st day of September, 1940 and are making thl»' report as a brief resume of what this Board has done. All of which Is respectfully submitted. Dated September 21, 1940. FRANK C. FERRIS, Chairman H. V. PATRICK, Member a, h, STEWART, Member Board of Review of McHenry County, 111. TOESdBORE HAMER, Chief Clerk. Institute Fund Total Receipts Grand Total It was thereupon regularly moved by Ant Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the report be approved. ^Motion declared unanimously c&rrled. The matter of the sale of the 40 acre tract of land on Lake Elisabeth in Richmond Township was brought up for discussion. Several members of the Board were of the opinion that the sale of said property and the report of the Committee should be laid over at this time ahd referred back to the Committee on Lands and Lots for report at the next meeting. It was thereupon reaularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that said mat- j 'jZZ'n ter be laid over at this time and again ; Emergency Relief Non-High School Orders .. governments. Mr. Connell then addressed the Board further and explained the great danger in this regard. Supr. Beck, president of the County Association, spoke briefly with regard to the powers of the local organization. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of October, 1940, was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner, was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Oonnty Treasurer's Beport , r«r the Month of October, ltd* Beoeipts Balance brought forward Oct. 1st, 1940 (140,901.82 Taxes redeemed from tort ( 578.68 Personal Property Back Taxes 62.55 111. Emergency Relief 688.00 Highway Fund 1,895.99 Supervisors for County Home 618.88 Violation of Highway Fines .... 91.00 County Officers' Fees 225.11 General Fund, Tax Warrants 25,000.00 Blind Relief, State of 111 602.25 8upt.f County Home 180.00 Old Age Assistance AdRUV .... 80.40 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 85,809.28 Inheritance Taxes ' 650.00 Pauper Refund on Hins Minors 40.00 Penalties and Fees 6.18 Refund on Boiler Ins. Prem... 8.15 Deposit, Order of Court Disputed Taxes Marengo 1 , Marengo 2 . Dunham Chemung 1 ... Chemung t- J... Chemung 3 Alden ...... Hartiand ; Seneca Grafton i ~ Grafton 2 Oorr t O0rr f ... Dorr 8 Dorr 4 Dorr 6 Greenwood Hebron Richmond ...«_ Burton McHenry 1 .... McHenry 2 .... McHenry 8 „ McHenry 4 Nunda 1 Nunda 2 ........ Nunda 2 ....... Algonquin 1 .. Algonquin S Algonquin S. „ Algonquin 4 „ Algonquin &, .. Total All of which is mitted. T. F. NOLAN", JR. - * i HENRY C. MEIER v. FRANK MAY MATH N. SCHMITT L. A. STOCK WELL •t 101.70 102.20 108.20 104.70 100.70 97.00 98.20 108.70 •7.80 •8,20 98.20 ldl.SO 1».«# 117.10 90,60 90.60 •6.10 100.70 •8.20 108.60 >8.80 101.50 96.70 108.20 108.00 106.70 103.00 111.40 •8.50 96.50 •7.00 •7.10 •6.50 (8,481.60 respectfully subdressed the Board and stated that some time ago, he received a request for a iMal opinion concerning the delegation M powers of the Board to Committees, and that he had prepared a written opinion that he had now before him and would read to the Board. The opinion being in the Words and figures as fdllows, to-wit: October 16, 1840. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry In accordance with your request, I am herewith gluing you my opinion upon the various questions arising out of the transactions of your Board with reference to the tract of land owned by the County of McHenry at or near Twin Lakes. The fact in the matter as Indicated by the records of the Board are briefly as follows: At the special August meeting of the Board a proposition for the sale of a tract of land owned by the County was brought before the Board by one of the Supervisors. A motion was duly made and carried unanimously whereby the matter of the proposed sale of said land was referred to the Committee on Lands and Lots giving said Committee "full power to act." At the October special meetting of the Board, the Lands and Lots Committee submitted a written report In which they advised the Board that they had sold said land to one Justin Genis for the sum of $500.00; and that said purchaser had paid to the Committee the full amount of said purchase price which In the form of a bank draft was tendered with said report. A resolution or motlo* was then offered for the approval of the report by the Board. This motion or resolution was not put to a vote. It appears to me that the main question involved is as to whether the ae« tion of the Committee on Lands and Lots Is binding upon the Board of Supervisors and whether independent of any action of approval hy the Board, the same constitutes a sale «tf the lahd in question to Justin Genis. The law Is well settled that the County Board acts only as an aggregate body. See Cawley vs. People 95 111. 249 The general rule with reference to the delegation of powers by the County Tt.90 60.65 Hammond A Stephens Co., sup schs off exp Ethel C. Coe, Co. 8upt., sup schs off exp American Law Book Co., Judcy library Cullaghan * Co., Judcy library.... Charles F. Haves, co elk elec judge elk pig pi (6.00; judcy justice fees $36.00 J. F. Mltchem, co ins 111. Bell Tel Co., ct hse jail tel.... 120.56 Dr. Wm. V. Uooder, co elk ins depdn, Ulrichc Dr. Harrle P. Altman, co elk ins depdn, Lurich Dr. B. B. Neuchiller, co elk ins depdn, Spon holts Dr. J. G. Maxon, cl elk ink depdn, Sponhoits L. V. Kilts, co elk off sup 67c; co treas off sup (34.24; shf off sup (2.06 -- Pfeiffer l'harmacy, clr elk sup $1.03; co treas off sup 26c; shf jail sup cloth (9.81; co elk off sup (2.06 McHenry Plalndealer, supr prtg $2.50; co elk elec supl (77.00; sup schs off exp 9uc R. O. Andrew, ct hse jail coal.... John T. Kitchen, co elk elec judge 11J8 86.96 17.60 4.09 40.00 881.00 6.90 6.90 M0 6.00 89.97 184« 80.40 81.84 6.00 86.81 S9.ll 8*9 elk pig pi Dacy Lumber Co., ct hse jail repairs - Walter Sahs, co elk elec judfe elk pig pi C. C. Miner, 00 elk elec judge elk pig pi Bohn Hardware Co., ct hse sup (81.63; ct hse jail repairs (117.74 14987 U. S. Sanitary Specialties Co., . ct hse sup 18.99 American Munitions Co., ct hse sup 188.19 Ludwig Wilson Co., ct hse sup--. 7.78 Readel s Busy Corner Grocery, ct hse sup A. W. Wagner, ct hse jail rep -- Local Bldg. & Roofing Co* ct hse Jail repairs K. J. Field Hardware Co., ot hse jail re pains - Federal Laboratories Inc., shf off sup A. Worwlck, Shf off sup Keystone Envelope Co.. shf off sup Thome & Son, shf jail sup clo.... Lester Edinger, shf per diem fees, serv 48.88 87.86 86.90 14.00 18.41 8.44 14.88 8.44 Board may be stated to be that powers involving the exercise of judgment and j Marian Edinger, shf per diem, discretion, being the nature *)f public | fees, serv trusts, cannot be delegated to a com- . Marengo Republican-News, supr It 797.47 614.58 166.00 67,842.92 County Orders - Highway Orders ........... Grand and Petit Jurors Blind Relief Orders .... Bounty Orders - Old Age Assistance Admrj Salaries Institute Fund ..... Mothers' Pensions Probation Officer referred to the Committee on Lands and Lots for report at the November meeting of this Board. Motion declared unanimously carried. The following Resolution Right of Way, Recording dedications was presented and read to the Board, to^wit: Stamps County Treasurer's Salary . Disputed Taxes Violation of Hwy. Fines Motor Fuel Tax Warrants .. "fotal Orders ... Balance on. hand Oct. 81st, In all funds ..(198,252.74 (10,869.83 ... 2.643.02 22.80 ... 4,745.00 26.55 80.40 ... 676.50 .... 180.00 ... 1,002.50 .... 180.00 18.00 .... 688.00 .... 15.00 .... 190.21 .... 200.00 ...50,778.12 .... 89.18 ... 6,787.77 ...78,881.90 , Resolution U~ O. W. Purchase .119,270.84 ' WHEREAS, there is now available for tke i.*e of M°He"u"1 y:9"'1 the "sum Grand Total (198.858.74 of the Motor Fuel Tax The above and foregoing report is 1. to"" b"t said Motor Fuel Tax Law^ 52 C. FRANK DALY, ' County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1940. . R. D. WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk. March 25. 1929. to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of State AW Roads, and, „ „ WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Sup ervisosrs of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following thereupon regularly moved by Supr. 8tewart and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the report of the Committee on Elections be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report and Resolution, to-wit: November 12, 1940. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Sal axles would beg reave to report that they met at th9 Court House in the City of Woodstock on Friday the 13th day of September, A. I>. 1940 and took up the matter of the biennial audit of accounts in relation to the accounts of County Officers as is provided by Sec. 162A of Chapter 34 of the Revised Statutes of Illinois for the period ending Nov. 30, A. D. 1940. Your Committee after due deliberation tlecided to secure the services of the firm of J. W. North and Co., certified public accountants of 106 W. Menroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, to make the two year audit above referred to for the price of (325.00, said amount being the same as has been paid by this Board in the past. Your Committee also brought up for discussion several other matters pertaining to the affairs of McHenry County, such as the bringing up to date of a permanent inventory listing all of the visible assets of the County; the reallocation and classification of certain county accounts and other problems and it was decided by motion duly made and unanimously carried that McHenry County appropriate an amount not to exceed $300.On for this purpose. We therefore recommend the adoption of the resolution attached hereto and made a part of this report. All of which is respectfully submittee or agent. Duties which are pure ly ministerial and executive and do not Involve the exercise of discretion may be delegated by the Board to a committee or to an agent. There are many cases in Illinois supporting thip rule, particularly, ' People vs. Illinois Central SWf <Ja.> 266 111. 086 Glllet vs. Logan County 17 111. 256 Crawford County* vs. Walter 89 111. A pp. 7 While it is true that the functions of the County Board are to be exercised by the Board as a corporate body, nevertheless, it is not unlawful for the Board to appoint committees to expedite the performance of its duties. Such Committees may lawfully act as advisory bodiey to the Board. A committee may make recommendations and after the Board has approved the same, the committee may be further aulhorised to carry them out, but the committee cannot be authorised to supplant the Board in determining purchases, con- 61.19 4.09 2.70 Math Freund, dependt chil., Soma Old People's Rest Home, TB ^ Patient and Pauper, Hibbard.... 89.00 George S. Jones, TB Patient and Phuper, Jones 16.00 H. W. Kohl, TB Patient and Pauper, Chambers 46JOO Edward Sanatorium, TB Patient and Pauper, Kublank 67.86 Valmora Sanatorium, TB Patient' and Pauper, McLaughlin u 79.71 Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB " Patient and Pauper, l^n^tt 78.00 Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient and Pauper, Ladetoged 77.7o Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patent and Pauper, Bloner .... 76.00 Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB Patient and Pauper, Grover .._ 84.86 Ottawa T. B. Sanatorium, TB „ Patient and Pauper, Shockey™ 78.20 The Long Sanatorium, TB Pa* tient and Pauper, Kuppe 76.60 A. * P. Tea Co., TB Patient. and Pauper, Vermett 88.00 National Tea Co., TB Patient and Pauper, Holtapp 1,0.00 Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 86.30 National Tea Store No. v,8086, TB Patient Pauper, Strang 10.00 Schutt & Cerny, TB Patient Pauper, Luther 1 :.. 100.00 All of of which is respectfully submitted. R. F. DUSENB J. G. STEVENS I* A. STOCKWELL. ROY J. STEWART i T. F. NOLAN, JR. fapr. ' Wittmus, Chairman Lands and Lots Committee, moved that the certified check in the amount of $500.00 deposited by Mr. Genis be returned to him. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Public Buildings presented the following report, to-wlt: prtg -- Owen H. Corr, shf bailiff Birdie Schroeder, shf bailiff -- Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff (84-.00; deputy $20 ....: Lester Peacock, shf dpty Fred Nelson, shf dpty Armour Birk, shf dpty Martin Ekelund, shf apty ............ Loren Edinger, shf dpty Ray Horick, shf dpty Fred C. Bau. shf dpty -- Jack Smith, shf dpty E. G. Shinner ft Co., shf feedff pris •••• Kirkman Ice Co., shf feedg pris Western United Gas &. Elec Co., shf feedg pris ...» Marinda Bates, shf feedg pris .... Hoesley's Bakery, shf feedg pris Pingel & Koch, shf feedg pris.... Conway Dairy, shf feedg pris .... C. L. Tryon, Co. Sup. Hwys., co sup hwy trav exp (91.86; co sup hwy sal (215.77 307.62 Harvard Herald, co elk elec supl 1252.00 Remington Rand Inc., co hwy sup 162.22 November 18, 1940. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Superisors: Your Committee on Public Buildings to whom was referred the matter of painting the exterior of the Court House, said Committee having full power to act, TKpuld beg leave to report that they advertised for bids and he lowest bid received under specifications furnished by your Committee was that of Douglas Spooner of Hebron, Illinois, in the amount of $1,098.00. After due deliberation, your Committee decided to award said contract to the low bidder upon the filing with the Clerk of the Board a good and sufficient completion bond. After the filing of said bond and as the work progressed your committee felt that additional Improvements not Included in the specifications, should be made and authorised said contractor to do the work upon prices agreed upon between said contractor and your Committee. Your Committee authorised part payment upon completion of the work as same progressed after having received waivers in the amount of $1,- 700.00 on the completed contract and extra work referred to. The total amount of extra "work and contract approved by your Committee as per statement of contract hereto attached, including all expenses, is $2,699.42, leaving a balance now due the contractor, Mr. Douglas Spooner, in the amount of $999.42. Your Committee would therefore recommend that the County Clerk be , instructed to draw an order on the 86.00 I County Treasurer payable to the said 16.00 contractor in the amount of $801.17 and I $198 26 to the Nells Elgin Painting 44.00 I and Decorating Co.. which said amounts 4.00 | win discharge McHenry County's obli- 4.00 1 gation with regard to said matterl grinding Marengo Bakery, bread Ludwig Wilson Co.. soap chips, sweeping compound, etc. Esther Allen, advance to Cecile Conroy ,nurse W. P. and Esther Allen, salary!!." 1S0.0# Horace and Florence McPherson, salary 190.00 Arthur Wendt, salary ; $5.09 Oscar Johnson, salary _ . 46.00 Gladys Wendt, salary 55.00 Virginia Doughart, salary !!! Sj!i>u Edna Noble, salary Louise Johnson, salary Beulah Kolts, salary Linnea Wolt, salary Mary K. Hopkins, salary W. P. Allen, incidentals ".. Estelle J. Seovel, rent for farm second half -=_~.r-- 250.00 Jen A See Laundry Co* service 22.85 119.1S 9.46 46.00 12.00 89.35 67.59 42.60 47.50 The monthly expense summarised as follows: SunmAfV Permanent Running Clothing Tobacco Medicine ' , • Hospital ZZT. Dieting Fuel ... (2,650.57 items beta# (899.96 1463.98 16.99 68.78 .. 480.87 . 890.48 . 881.08 mitted. CHAS. H. ACKMAN N. B. CLAWSON JOHN J. FILIP MATT N. SCHMITT M. M. TURNER 20.00 4.00 16.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 88.87 •.00 6.25 8 00 14.88 69.75 16.19 tracts and employments. The County 1 wm. M. Carroll, contingent 75.00 Board has no lawful authority to strip L ^ Stockwell, sup sal mileage 81.50 itself of its statutory powers or duties | p Dusenberry, sup sal mil 40.90 in connection with anv of its various i cari e. Wittmus, sup sal mil .... 32.56 functions and vest the unlimited exer- I Frank Beck, sup. sal mil 46.10 else of such powers or duties In a g. Clawson, sup sal mil 103.80 committee. G. J. Carroll, sup sal mil .. 10.40 In the particular situation presented E p. Kuecker, sup sal mil . 6.20 All of which is respectful submitted. N. B. CLAWSON* JOHN J. FILIP * CARL E. WITTMOU FRANK MAY ^ J. E. HARRISOJt It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and dulv seconded by Supr. Turner that the report be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker. Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner. Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meter, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm presented the following report, to-wlt: November 7, 1940. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: .. - . , , , ,, 0„ , Your County Home Committee met here, the reference of the proposed sale j chas. H. Ackman, sup sal mil ... 87.75 on November 7, 19 40, at the McHenry of the lands to the Committee on Lands ; pran]( Ferris, sup sal mil County Home and audited the bills for and Lots with full power to act was i Roy j gtewart, supr sal mil .._ 89.20 | the month of October 1940 and respect- In excess of the powers of the Board, i John E. Harrison, sup sal mil .... 68.40 ; ^ujjy „„hmlts the following report rc<"- The making of a contract for the sale : Henry M. Turner, sup sal mil .... 18.60 , ommending the same be paid. of lands would involve the exercise of j j q Stevens, sup sal mil ; v. Mueller & Co., hosp. sup ..$122.59 Judgment-and discretion and therefore ; Frank May, sup sal mil --13.60 B0tts Welding Service, welding 11.62 the action taken by such Committee In . Matt N. Schmitt, sup sal mil .... 25.80 j j c RaUSCh, fish 88.85 attempting to negotiate a sale of said ! Henry C. Meier, supr sal mil .._ 12.00 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob 68.78 lands to Justin Genis was without au- I j0hn Filip. sup sal mil 108.40 ; fudgefield Farmers Supply Co., thority and void. The Board would be act- T y Nolan, Jr., sup sal mil -- coaJ 18,12 lng within Its authority in referring the 1 pauj Rosenthal, sup sal mil 72.90 matter of the proposed sale to a com- q v. Fredrickson, ct hse lall coal 86.00 mittee for the purpose of Investigation j Letter Edinger, shf per diem and recommendation to the Board. The fees, serv City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail 100.00 fact that the words "with full power to act" was appended to the motion referring the matter to the Committee is without meaning in cases where the particular powers sought to be given Involve the exercise of discretion or Judgment. It therefore would appear that the Board of Supervisors is not bound by the action of the Committee on Lands and Lots as embodied In their report to the Board unless thte Board as a whole sees fit to approve and ratify the action of such Committee by adoption of its report. Very truly yours, After the reading of the opinion by the State's Attorney, the Clerk presented and read a petition signed by approximately 196 residents of Richmond Township requesting that the Board 8.80 10.00 20.40 | COR, Z!'2a American Hospital Supply Corp., medicine E. R. Squirt) A 80ns, ether Acorn Venetian Blind Works, blinds - 151.72 151.70 ; Montgomerv Ward, merchandise 36.99 - , }2!?-55 The Rohn Hardware Co., jars. 1 Edinger, ahf feedg pris 100.00 | pajjs, etc Schoepke, er TB off sal .... 75.00 f>fe|fr«r Pharmacy, medicine .... Farm Supply Store, oyster shells, 76.00 88.75 185.00 1 Jf WMC-.RD WM. M. CARROLL. E. F. KPECKER ROY J. STEWAItT CHAS. H. ACKMAK J. E HARRISOM J. G STEVENS PAUL ROSENTHAL » Besolatiea W3 IT RESOLVED by the Till lot-Of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois In Special Meeting assembled this 12th day of November, A. D. 1940 that an amount not to exceed $300.00 be allowed the firm of J. W. North A Co., I cerning the sale of said property, after | Mr. Chairman and certified puHlc accountants, to set up j which It was regularly moved by Supr. a form of a permanent Inventory for | Filip and duly seconded by Supr Harrl the County; re-classify the It and water Philip E. Bierdeman, shf dpty Marian Helen Dairy V. Moorq, sup schs asst and clerk hire Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire Vestie Muldoon, ct hse all sal .. Rldgefteld Farmer's Sup. Co., ct hse all coal 261.02 A. A. Crissey. clr ct pro off sal 75.00 AU of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STEVENS PAUL ROSENTHAL O. J. CARROLL T. F. NOLAN, JR. CARL E. WITTMUg The Comtpitttee on Claims. County Poor, presented the following report, take no action on the sale of said prop- which, on motion of Supr. Turner and erty at thl* time or If they do, to set duly seconded by Supr. Filip. and the it up at public auction. Phostostatlc' roll being called, was declared unanicopies of permits with regard to the j mously adopted to-wit: building of a chcnnel were also read. A • general discussion was then had con- j November^ 11 A. D, 1940 29.02 76.20 grit, etc. 10.60 Crystal Lake Trucking A Excavating Co., stone and sand.... Bakkom Bros., bolts, links, washers, etc -- Bovce Bros., gas and oil Wm. H. Hallett, Boiler Co., boiler tubes and labor - Illinois Bell Tel. Co.. service Dacy Lumber Co., cement, etc. .... Rosenthal Lumber A Fuel Co., coal and stoker repairs John Sexton A Co., groceries .... Sawyer Biscuit Co., cookies and crackers Thompson Appliance Co., fuel gas 60.00 Willis Dlsbrow. papers, twine, etc F. W. Wool worth Co., oil clotp. shaving soap, etc 4.86 A. W. Wagner, merchandise 2.45 Public Service Co., service - 167.78 F. Cichocki Shoe Repair Shop, shoe repairing Ferris Bros., gasoline, etc. 62.80 6.66 18.83 75.77 26.35 79.86 63.19 99.77 17.22 2S.S1 4.18 _ .. . The Cwoimiiumiittitiecer ounii Fr iiniuatniicvee pu>r esentetd way Dedications forv,the K imp 1 rolf!^ the following Resolution to-wlt: of State Aid Route Number 1 Sec. 29 MKT, McHenry County, Illinois: __ State Aid Bonte 1, Section 8°, Will T. Conn. Co. Recorder $21 j.3V. (Recording of 48 Dedication*' ~ .. Woodstock, Illinois. November 12, 1940. To "the Chairman and Gentlemen of the .Board of Supervisors: .YourCtomriihee on Flndftce wouid be« * ' ; 4 Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor J William R Burns, refrigerator Mother's I sson that the Lands and Lots Commit- Claims would beg leave to report that control - 5.15 Pension and Blind Pension accounts of j tee be instructed o make a thorough they have examined all claims present- | Turtle Valley Farms, potatoes.... 12.75 the County for as many years back as j investigation as to any additional lands | ed to them, and recommend the pay- j Rauske Bros., cinders 2.46 is deemed necessary and to make a ] adjacent to said forty acre tract and ment of the following, and that the superior Oil Co., fuel oil 75.58 comparative analysis of the cost of i report back to the Board as soon as Clerk be directed to issue orders on the , Thorne & Son, underwear, operation of the various offices and de- 1 possible, and that the report of the County Treasurer to the Claimanta for pants, etc. , 16.99 partments of McHenry County with Committee on Lands and Lots be laid th'e several amounts allowed, as fol- j Walter B. Morris, fyr flakes, etc. pertinent comment and suggestions. ) over until the next meeting of this lows, to-wit: Total $2,652.44 Your committee met November 7, 1940 and transacted the regular monthly business and mi»de the regular inspection of the County Home and Hospital and found everything to be in good order. Owing to poor health, Linnea Wolt resigned the position of bupervising nurse, and therefore your County Home Committee hired Mary Hopkins to fill said position of Supervising Nurse. All ot which is respectfully Mbit wft" thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded br Supr. Turner that the report be adopted^ and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Road sand Bridges presented the following report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt. and . the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County. Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 10th day of October 19400 and decided to proceed to repair and widen the Hemmer Bridge one mile west of Huntley, Illinois. A local contractor E."- M. Melahn of Algonquin, Illinois was Interviewed and he offered to furnish his crane, concrete mixer, pumps, pile driver and other necessary tools at the rental rates fixed by the State Division of Highways, and also furnish experienced labor at their regular rates of pay and proceed by day labor construction. We decided to accept said proposal for the repair and the widening of said Hammer Bridge to a width of 20 ft. roadway, the County to furnish all materials. There are three culverts to be built on the Algonquin-Cary day labor rsao construction job. and we also decided to have E. M. Melahn of Algonquin, Illinois proceed to construct same by day labor at the State approved rental rates for machinery and wage rates. We then went to Wraukegan, Illinois to inspect a large trailer for moving tractors. We found the trailer would not meet our needs, so we dropped the matter. We a rain met on the 14 th day af October, 1940 to receive bids for the materials needed in the construction of th Algonquin-Ctiry road known as sec. 21 MFT and we awarded the contract for said materials to the low b idders respectively as follows: To Illinois Corrugated Culvert Co for corrugated metal pipe, at rates per ft. as follows: 15 In.--$0.71; 18 in.--$0.86;. 24 In.--$1.40: 30 in.--81.72; 36 in.-- J2.84, To Consumers Co. of 111. concrete materials: stone $0.96 ton, sand $0.93 ton; , concrete blocks for catchhasin $25.60; precast bottom $6.50; Neenah Foundry Co. iron cover for catcltbasin $8.00. Olney J. Dean Steel Co., reinforcement bars *0.0257 per lb. C. Franke A Co. Portland cement $2.67 per bbl. tax included, in paper sacks. Grohne Concrete Products Co.. right of way markers 81.16 each: Joslyn Mfg. A Supply Co. creosoted planks $2.80 each; 1 in. v 8 In x 6 ft. creosoted posts $1.M eqciu ' f we met on the 22nd day of October, 194«and paid for the supply of tires recently purchased in the amount of 81,- lo2.31. We also inspected the work being done in repairing and widening the Hemmer Bridge, and also inspec ted five gravel pits in the matter of selecting one from which to secure the gravel for surfacing the Algonquin-Cary road. We also discusscd the advisability of nurchasing a tractor to replace the County's old Caterpillar B0 tractor bought in 1929. We decided that the matter ought to be attended to at once rather than In the late Spring as has been customary in the past, In our policy of buying a new machine each year as most needed. The factories are apt to be engaged soon in the manufacture of tanks and other war materials, and prices are apt to advance. We decided to secure prices on tractors. We again met on the 24th day of October 1940 and went to Rockford, Illinois to inspect an Allis-Chalmers crawler type tractor. The No. H. D. 14 a 14 ton tractor cost $7500 and a 10 ton tractor $5500. On tkrtober 30 we inspected the International crawler type tractor at Chicago and also went through the factory. Their 11 ton tractor costs $6000. On November 1, 1940 we inspected" the Huntley Bridge snd found same erected and the concrete floor poured, hut the railing had not been plac«d nnd the steel had not been painted. We decided that several of the narrow bridges and culverts should be widened In the Interest of safety. We in- .-pectetl a narrow bridge about 1 miles west of Harmony in section 32 Town ef Coral on the State Aid Road and planned to widen, it on the north end about 11 ft. to make a S4 foot clear width roadway- We also inspected another •larrow bridge on the same road about 2 miles farther west in section 30 Town •>f Coral. We planned to widen this ilso 11 ft. on the north end to a 26 ft. roadway. About 2 miles west of Route 23 on the State Aid Route thivugh the Town of Marengo there is a concrete culvert that we planned to widen 9 ft. m the soutlr end. All of these bHdftes including the Hemmer Bridge widening ire part of a \\"I'A progssm on County Roads, but we feel that the work should not be longer delayed and that we should proceed to make the ' improvements by day labor construction, weatli- r er permitting. We think the cost wouiA " 1 not exceed $2000. > . We met on the 4th day of November to Inspect the caterpiller tractor. A 4 . - . ,----- , - .. ^ Board, . Motion t g&Jcagg Indus. H»me,vXoii,Cbil..... t Royal Blue St it trag tfeereupon rssuUcljr nipved bir I cntrtsi.- ./S | dependt chil -- „.._„*...|84».50 j R. a Andrew . . 6.4» j couple of new tractors known as [Goodrow's Garage, gasoline 15.38 j models are working on the natural ratf tare, groceries _-- 58.60 1 Hae in the Town a£ Hartiand. Wf» r te, feed a*6 - 1 iwv ttoe^ machines tat they were ap f m '-WM

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