Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 16

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s; , I .I'M ^ IB operation, no wo went to Belvidere ! «2L^^ ^ **w ®°onP County's Bfw P7 tr.icv- \JWtM'&FT"^^rav ' *£$ • '.. > ' J' v'"' ' ' ' ' ' , tfv-. > •. • • -v m tffl! fiOARD Of SUPERVISORS. Mrft&HliY COtWW. ILLINOIS It weights 12 tow We also Inspect*! tor In operation ij?4v74 and sells at 16200 '$*• Sfeii,'" 'if the work being done on the Franklin ville road known as section 1 !t MPT, 1 %"• 'I'h* work was Just at>out finished in .' I&V* eluding the nortli three quarters of a Special December Meeting, 194# 1%» Honorable Board of Saptntaon of McHenry County met in special ses- . . , . . . _ , s i o n p u r s u a n t t o a c a l l s i g n e d b y m o r e "J"' which was held up on account of i than one-third of Its members .it the right of way viiniculties. Tm«, i 'Court House in the City of WoodntnoK, We again met a. Woodstock Illinois. on Monday, the 2nd day of December on the 9th day of November and audit- A, n 1940 at ten o clook A M °rdere<* paid Jlf ^harKeal>le to Th«? meeting was called to order by the McHenry County Highway System[ the Chairman and, the roll being called as a whole for supplies and repairs jf,e following members responded to for County owned machinery and paint- j their names, to-wit: Suoervisors L. A. ing the buildings at the County Tool stockwell. R. F. Dusenberry, Carl E. TTo«*? »<> » tot«\ of Wittmus, F. E. Reck. X. R Clawson, G. f'.fM Bills chargeable to the various sec- | j Carroll. 15. F. Kclcker, OUns. H. Ackf tlon* of the County patrol system of raan Frank Ferris, TN>v J Stewart, J. " roaos for labor and materials at rates E Harrison. H. M Turwer, J. O. Stevhnfre ofore approved ty this Rcwu-d wete j fni<i Frank May, Math N. Schmitt. H. audi cd and ordered Plid Ml to I low*: C.'. Meier, John J. Filfp aud- Assistant Sect! ins 3. 14, (inok Rat. No. 1 . • 1 9upeYviiors T. F. N'olun .hr. and PaW Htmmer ^Bridge) fl,760.^7 i Rosenthal. constituting a full Bnartl. 1 -- i The minutes «f the Special Novemeic « I her' meeting were read and on i snot ion approved and ordered of record, i! • The semi-an»tial reports of the .. Zf».h5 i o>unty clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff and the annuel report of t|i« Coun- „o , ty Treasurer were presented and upon Bills were audited and ordered paid ; motion of Supr. Turner and duly sec- «i)t «f motor fual tax funds aa. follows- j onded by Supr. Wittmus, and declared Sectim* 4, 8. 16, 18 . . . . , ... Sections 4, 17 f?V'\ -v.,/i_ > Sect ons .. Sect/ons 7, 9, l(i 11, 11 ;S»«- ions 13, Iff Total or balance thereof at any on* t1m« upon the fllifty WKjh the clerk of li good nid sufficient bond with two or more «jreflea in twice the amount of the total levy, bond to be upprovatf by the Clerk. I<e being understood that sureties on •aid bond are to be freeholders tn McHenry County, Illinois. Your Committee would further recommend that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to distribute no funds until the reports as required to be filed under statute by the various posts of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars are presented to the various Supervisors for approval and filed with tho County Clerk. XVe herewith submit individual Tevtw of the various poata aa a part of tbia report. AH of which ia respectful)*- aub» mil tod. - n. f. prsKNFrcTiHT ' * * -TV F. NOJ.AX, JIV-.v, V..J. a STKVISNB -ry-.. it.f4 HOY J. STKWART' V I- " * Li. A. STOCKWK1X ofthiaBoartf. m«l t« des- Ttfc liW as the 1940 igna Your conmtittee esttmatM the#* will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the McHenry County Highway funds of $4000 until the mixt meeting of this board. All of *f whR'to i« reapectfully submitted. . v 1«»»00 11.04 IS. 41) carried, the *nM tejwrts were referred 44.40 | to the proper Committees for report 8.00 , The following report of the County Trpasuisr for th<» month of XovBmher, '*10 was presented aird hmM te the Board, to-wit: CMUtf fitwwWi Bipurt " 7m tkt Mtoath of WM Bptance brought forward Nov. 1st, 1940 |11».370.S4 Taxes redeemed from forf. 15,272.39 Personal Prop. Rack Taxes 519.40 29.08 21.26 4,678.12 * 49 109.24 S. A. Rt. £ sec 7-1T maintenance , SB sec 8 maintenance .. ^23 see 9T maintenance 26 sec 12 maintenance . 95 sec 18-IT engi. labor 25 sec 12-IT contract corjat. Eist. No. S, final and treas fee 5.S90.84 4A, 4A and SR est sec 13 eonc «truction lalior -- 20.00 21A sec 14-IT enyiweering labor S2.R* 14 and 15 sec 19 eni*i. labo* 55.20 14 and 15 sec IS construction, treas fee, labor, material, rent 4,9<3.25 1 sec 20 engineering labor 74.20 ! Illinois Emergency Relief .... 540.00 t sec 20 ROW treats fee, rec .... 219.65 j Highway Violnti«a Flnea- none 1 sec 20 construction labor. i Highway Fund 13,«r.2.04 material, mach. rent -- IS.40 j Supervisors, County Home .... 283.52 9 sec 21 ROW treas fee - 49.48 I County Officers' Fees .-- 16,279.22 Hert* tract, labor and mat. j Oeneral Fund 47.511.It moving fence 465.20 Sopt., County Homw . . Benson tract, labor and mat 131.77 | Old Age Assistance .-- Weinress tract, labor 110.0R j Motor Fuel Tax AccouMt ... 9 sec 21 construction, labor, mat. I Telephone Commissions .. rent, treas fee 4,#70.49 Inheritance Taxes 20B sec 22 engineering labor .... 17.10 20R sec 24 construction labor, machine rent 8.00 26 sec 27 construction, aaphaM gravel and labor 1,162.72 13 sec 26 engineering labor 62.*55 26 sec 27 engineering labor * 2 sec 29-TT engi. labor -- 38 97 2 sec 29-IT contract const. etU No. 2. final -- 2.058.G* The final cost papers are out on tbe Spring Grove job known as section 13 MFT, all bills are paid except part of .the cost of rental of County machinery. The co.^ts including right of wr> v, engineering and construction Is J2«,- 40it.?5 and the original appropriation was ?24.614 94 and It is necessjrrv to pass a supplemental resolution for I2O0 before the fundr f>a»i be credited to the 'County hie-hway tund fro?1" motor I Rrvnntv Orders fuel tax fund. The cost of the ,i »b I old Age Assistance including the maintenance cost for the Salaries ; past year is $5745 less than the RtJ»-te j Institute Pauper Refund for Rlns Minors Chm , Liquor License Cam. Cancelled check refunded CO to Dog Tax Dog Tax Fund Penalties and Feew 40.00 140.00 .50 1,108.70 . .^^...JS.101.54 ..i 19.00 2,911.70 7.159.10 501.88 tnstitute Fund Bridg? Bond Fund N~on-High School FlflM Blind Relief .. Total MMlvtt Orand Total --1. Kxp«Bdl0«M» County Orders Highway Orders ....:. Orand and Petit Jurors ........ 1,187.60 ,...114,325.16 ._f233.696.S0 .$17,129.26 3.506.63 Inheritance Taxe* approved estimate of cost. We therefore recommend that said supnlemen^al resolution be passed by this Boa«*d. The matter of purchasing a new tractor for use of the McHenry County High-way' .Department to replace the ' old Caterpillar (50 tractor bought In s j ' " ' • ' 9 2 9 w a s d i s c u s s e d . I t w o u l d p r o b a b ' y - ,be best to secure a new tractor to p»ill 4* "'the County's 9 cu. yd. Le Torneu scrr<n- ' :».A :• er and put the tractor that has pulled the scraper the Wst 3 years on the 12 ft. blade grader. The,new models treetors are faster than the older machines. so tho power take-off that operates the scTSfer Urould need to be "trrd- < in toward a new power take-off. We ^ . decided to recommend that an apnr->- js!? *5* ori ition from the Co"ntv highway fu id S3•;* ,, ' in the amount of $8000 or so tnv >h thereof as is necessary be made for t ie p?'- * sipurchase of a new suitable tractor w'fh power take-off, and that this commit' >e S I S* be hereby empowered t« purchase a srt- S " . ; * i s f n e t o r y t r a c t o r f o r M c H e n r y C o u n ' y , ' : v Illinois. There is abort 850 cu. yds. of barr- w ,, . material needed to complete the gm le i^jion the Algonquin-Carr road job, and •'» ' T?. M. Melahn Construction Co. has a l crane on the Job in connection with thO ' building of concrete culverts, and we s«so . .ii-?. deridffi to negotiate with them to load M-f .. the material with said crane. '•wj>» '"et on the 11th day of Novemt r, 'fSs 'v "* tVio r» Vov«"> **t Wood-'t'* k :HJnols with W., M. Melahn and 'ie « , Agreed to furnish his crane and tru<"cs it the StBt» Division of Highways n- I proved rates and rrtace the mater'tl 5f where needed. He also agreed to p~-y- .. ceed to widen the two br'dires »»*d *'ie c u l v e r t h e r e i n ! e f o r e m e n t i o n e d , b y d ^ y labor constriction Pt the H*m» rat js ., an tnr the Hemmer Bridge renalr. Fntrd .... Mothers' Pensions County Cotirt Jimifl ..„u.^. Probation Officer »^u. Coroner's Jurors : 111. Emergency Relief ........ . General Fund 5,106.66 Express charges on tax bills i5.02 County Treasurer's Salary 200.00 Rridge Bond Order 11,668.50 Motor Fuel Tax Warrants ,...18,751.44 5.00 2.70 21.26 628 38 145.00 :>7r..oo 206.00 120.00 6.00 540.00 Total orders ~,--V - 60,214.45 Balance on hand Nov. »9tt» In all funds 173,481.75 Orand Total $233,696^20 The above and foregoing report is trae and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY. Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before tne this 2nd day at December, 1940. R. D. WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk. It was ftifereopon regslarly moved by 9wpr. CTistWwtn *nd duly seconded by 3upr. Carroll that tbe report he approved and ordered of record. Motton declared carried The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: December 2, 1940. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee om Fees and Salaries would beg leave to report that they met In the Court House In the City Of Woodstock, December 2. 1940, and took up the matt<sr of the salary of the Assistant State's Attorney to be appointed and that your Committee after due deliberation, would recommend that the salary r.f the Assistant State's Attorney to be appointed for the next We have received from the mo* ir | term of office, be fixed at $126.00 por fuel tax funds rental on County owr »d month, payable quarterly. T<achinerv and turned «wie over to fie | Your Committee feels that this small Covnty Treasurer for the road fund I tncreaso is warranted, due to the many f'Ulow*: Section 12, 93.75; section '9, additional duties of the State's Attor- •1.8«8.?S; section 20, *6 00; section ?1. ' «•>"'* office brought about by legisla- /too *r: fie^tion ?4. $4.00 a total if ' tion In the past few years, thereby $3 *84 24 whtcb said sum is hereby - e-j making additional work in the Justice appropriated f«r road pur?»oaes inch'd- 5°'-irts in the various townships of the 'r»g th* repair, storage and purchase of fnacbtnor^'. Your <->oTT!,niftee "stlmates there will > iM^sa'v for th» care of tbe -•^ry Cour.ty, T11«no<s patrol syst*^ of 1->s^s an •: pr m'at'on fro^i the Vclt^ n-y Coui-.i' Hltfhway funds of 9f>r>Wi «Afi1 tbe next me. ting of th«« All of which Is respectfully swbi. itled. JOTTN T. FtT.iP poy j. ST^WAOT CH*S. n. ACKMW i J. 1?. Happtsom W. B. CfLAWSON" The following Resolution. M. F. T. consftterHlcm. %MCtlon 13, was nn*sente4 and r*»«f ithd itrton mnttA^ of Jfcjl-. and duly 4^(Vride»# and the roll being called, was deel^tcd unanimously adopted, to-wit: Ccunty for the Assistant to the State's Attorney. It being expressly understood and agreed that upon acceptance jf the salary above mentioned by the Assistant State's .Attorney to be appointed that all cost of travel within the Coun y is to be paid for by the Assistant Stnte'a Attorney direct and not hg the County. All of which is rsspsctfully submitted. >r, ROY J. STEWART B. F. KI'KCKER L. A. 8TOCKWKLL CI!A9. H. ACKMAN •L tt. HARRISON . •PAUL HOSP.XTHAL J, O. STKVEN3 t? ti'aiR fluraij rAffiiiarlt As«t^ Sui*. Kslan and'duly ofy Supr. wiTtmus that tlw ret^-.( of 12.13 6.95 4.04 31.20 Tbe Committee on McHsnry County Rom* and Farm presented tha following r«p«rt which on motion of Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and the roll licing called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: ' . Xovember 27. 1944). Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of AfcHenry County: Your County Hori« Committee met on November 27, 1940, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of November !940 and respectfully submits the following regent recommending the same be. paid. Hid«refleld Farmers Sup. Co., coal flo.21 Karl O. Frits Battery A Klee. Co., elec. supplies and labor ..., (Jnited Chemical Co., Inc., asplrlb and Regal rub Rosenthal Lumber A Fuel Co.* stoker parts and labof Raue Hardware Co., plumbing .• supplies I SX H. Malsch, balling' straw' Montgomery Ward & Co,, clotllOS and blankets 37.07 John Sexton & Co., groceries' 149.18 Thorne & Son, overalls, sox, etc. 17.22 Ooodrow's Garage, gasoline 20.16 The Bohn Hardware Co., mdse. 43.96 Burton P. Collen, grinding f£$d 8.70 Sawyer Biscuit' Co., crackefg 6.91 Superior Oil Co., kerosene 60.69 F. W. Woolworth Co., mdse/y;.^.^ lSf.39 R. O. Andrew Co., salt, feed and grinding - 12.35 Woodstock Wholesale Co., ttiHt^.. 50.84 Boyce Bros., gasoline 8.32 Marengo Bakery, bread . 47.68 Royal Blue' Store, groceries ........ 65.19 Jen A See Laundry Co., service 9.21 V. Mueller A Co.-, cellocotton .... "f.SO Hartley E. Rardln Ins. Agency, Insurance 22.12 Althafers Drug Store, medicine 1.30 Frank Dlnse, slTo ftltlng and threshing 100.S6 J. C. Rauflch, fish 0.30 W. P. Allen, incidental! .42.81 W. I'. Allen and Esther AllOtt,' salary 150.00 Horace and Florence McPhefsott, salary 100.00 -Arthur Wendt, salary 55.00 Oscar Johnson, salary . 40.00 Edna Noble, salary . " 45.00 Louise Johnson, salary .............. 10.80 Arlerie Guhrke. salary 15.IS Mary K. Hopkins sabtfy ...iA._._ 75.00 QktdyS Wendt, salary *55.00 Virginia Doughs rt, salary Johij J. FUlp, clerical 55.00 50.00 Darling Sk Co.. hides flS.BS Natural Gas Pipe Line Co., Damage to seedlhg 11.50 ft.830.SS 29.0? $1,S01.20 The monthly expense items being summarised as follows: Bnmmary Running 9S02.6P Deduct Dnrllnf A Co., hide* 918.6#; Deduct Natural Gas Pipe Line Co., damage to seeding $13.90 29.08 9S53.01 . 4fi »jl ' 50.84 ,;_.V S 13.38 ,£UU.....i't65.66 70.»0 Clothing and shoes Tobacoo ' Hospital Dieting i.. FUel Total 11,801.20 Yur Committee mt oft Jfovember 27. A. D. 1940 and recommended the reappointment of Dr. Maxon as County Physician and W. P. Allen and Esther Allen as Superintendent and the Matron of the County Home for .the ensuing year. Your Committee has re-rented the farm known as the Old Coon y farm for another year under the same terms as previously rented. Your Committee also made the^ regular inspection of the County Home and Hospital and found name tn aeotf order. CHAS. H. A<^MA|rV^ N T* CLAWWON i! ..' •* ; Math n. schmitt. ' H. M. TURNER *.'•• JOHN J. FILIP . A report of the County Tre^tttrer showing payments <fue the Cotfntjr m»n Townships for County Home was presented and read, and upon motion drly made and carried, was approved and ordered placed on file. The Committee on Roads and Bridges pt -ntc'd the following import which, oti Motion of Supr. Seek *nd duly accorded by. Supr. Kuecker, and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: wit: o< ,*ii|»ols. Henry Kernar, Oct. K#FT Construction) ftesoltrtiOB Tor fniproT«|af t by Oomty tTbder tbe Motor ruel Vax' Xaw Bp. IT REPOL'V'ED. by the Board of I Suprs. Nolan and RosenthtTl voted ave. y-oerlvsors of McHenry Conntv, llll- 1 nay none. The Chairman declared the r *• that the following State Aid I motion unanimously carried. r ut* f«> be Improved under the Mo-i The £ommlttee on Claims, County t ~ Fuel Tax Law, approved March'21,i'j Poor presented the following report 19S9: which, on motion of Supr. Dusenberry State Aid Route (s) 5B Ext. 4A Ext. i 5.nd ^ljT •eoonded by. Asst. Supr. 4A, beginning on a public highway des- 208ej 2 1 ,e being called, Ignated as 8. A. Rt. 5B Ext. at a point I *?.8 declared unanimously adopted, to n»er its Intersection with SBI Route 60: thence northerly on said S. A. Route 5B Ext. to S. A. Route 4A Ext.: th«TKe easterly on said S. A. Route 4A Ext., arwj extending aloag said route 4A to the McHenry-Lak# County I tne fnr a distance of approximately 14,000 feet: end., BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall consist of Traffic Bound Surface course base construction. 20 feet wide and shall be designated as Section 13 MFT: and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the improvement shall be constructed by McHenry County throueh it * officers! agents and employees: and, BE IT Pl'BTHJ" RESOLVED, that tl~ere Is hereby approorlated the sum of an additional Two Thousand and no- 10n dollars ($2,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this Improvement: and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk Is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public "Works and Buildings. Division of Hlirhwiys, throusrh its District Engineer's office at Elgin, Illinois. Committee on Fees and ^.tiarleR be approved and the -^commendation b^ adop*«d. and *u_:, roll being called, Suprs ! Stockweu. Dusenberry, Wittmus, Heck. I Clawson, Carroll, Kueck.-r Ackman, [ Si?wart, Harrison. Turner, Stevens May, Schmitt. Meier, Fllip and Asst Several communications were presented and ordered placed on file. There belne no further business to come before this meeting It was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly S'-vnded by Supr. Turner to adjourn. If';* .>n carried. Thereupon the Board •^Jaunted. FRANK C. FERRIS, Attest* Chairman. R. D. WOODS, Clerk. _ • November 26, 1946. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor wou'd beg* leav4 to report that they met a^ *he Court House tn the City of Woodstock _r November 26, A. T>. 1940 and investigated requests made by the various American Legion Posts and Veterans of Foreign Wars for funds levied under the Bogardus Act for the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday In December, 1941. Your committee, after djie deliberation, would recommend that the following amounts be allowed the various posts of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars and charged against the total amount appropriated for said purpose for said period, towlt: Woodstock, American Legion $3,000.00 Harvard, American Legion 1,200.on Crystal Lake, Amer. Legion .... 1,600.00 Marengo, American Legion McHenry, American Legion Cary, American Legion Fox River Grove. Amer. Legion Ale-onquin. A,merican Legion .... Union, American Legion Huntley, American Legion Hebron, American Legion Richmond, American Lerlon .... Crystal Lake, Vet. Foreign Wars 400.00 . Total $8,025.00 Your Committee would further recommend that tfpon approval of this report the County Clerk be instructed to draw orders to the various organisations on the County Treasurer for an amount not to exceed 50% of the levy 900.00 300,00 S00.On SOO.OO 100.0" 100.00 125.00 Son.oo Mr. Chairman and. Gentlemep of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: •The undersigned members of tbe road Obd bridge committer for said Countv beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. ' Thit we met at the Court Houseiat •^oodstock, lll)TxA!*jr»r> the HtW day'of Jrfevetnber 19>4n t^'rec^ivi .bid* forj ft FUUal le track typo' tV|ict<5r to liull th¥ rY>,intv's Le T^rneavi fl co. yd. capacity scr»r-««. Bids were received on tho Allis-Chalmers, Caterpillar, and International tractors. The International tractor welched 11 tons, the same as the tractor now u^ed on the Le Tornaau scraper and we were of the opinion iv much heavier tractor was needed. The Caterpillar R. D. 7 weighs a little less than 12 tons apd their R, D. 8 tractor 16 tons. The Allis-Cbalmers H. D. 14 weighs 14 tons. We Anally decided on the Allis-Chalmers H. D. 14 .tractor at $7500 and $175 extra liower qakeo^f as fnost nearly filling the needs Of tlW County, and signed an order for same for immediate delivery. Word was received that the soil cement road built In Wlnnehawo County about i years ago was breaking up, and we decided to inspect the road in the nfr future. We again met on the 19th day of November 1940 and In sne^ted a soil-e*- ment road northeast of Rockford, Illinois. A considerable amount of hauling ! of road materials over the ro«\d has | taken place recently and we fouod one ; section of the rond about 150 ft. lona ! has broken up. The damaged section ! ^f road had been covered with broken ' limestone and we were told by the | workmen that the road cracked leneth- ! wise on the line of travel of the truck wheels, then pieces of concrete tipped ! "*> and then bmk« Into small chunks. ; The road was built of a mixture of • Portland cement and the natural soil. ] The remainder of the road which is I obout 1 mile Ion a was in good sh"pe. | We then went_ to Algonquin. Illinois ! to Inspect the' work being done on j section 21 M. F. T. W« again met at Algonquin, Illinois, I on the ?*th day of November 1940 to inspect the new A Ills-Chalmers tractor I "^cently ordered. The tractor appeared •> be as represented and tbe demonstration was very satisfactory and we de- Ided to accept same on behalf of Mr- I 'nrV f'onn,v. I"'nols i<nd we recom- ! mend that the County Clerk draw an Voider the County Treasurer out of •ve County road fund in favor of the , H. Tl. Faith Equipment Co. of Rockford i P'.inols in the sum of $7,675.00 In full I payment for said Allls-Chalmers trac- I tor H. D. 14. W» decided that the road work Hlls ! for November would not he on twmd t |t ime to be acted on bef JOHN" J. FILIP N. B. CLAWSON J. E. HARRISON TH» fottowing Resolution* « of Way purchase were presented and read t<> the Board, to-wit: Resolution R. O. W. VnroteM WH'CREAS. there is new avatlaHe for the use of McHenry County, Hlinota, out of the Motor fuel Of 1929, the sum of -$109.26 and, WHEREAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of State Aid Roada, and, WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisor:* of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement ot State Aid Route Numbers 14 and 15, McHenry County. Illinois; State Jtli iotttes 14 and IB, See. 1* Wf9 W1U T. Con Mi Cev Recorder $107.10 Tree*. Fees --l 2.16 Tetai ...$109.26 THEREFORE, be it resolved by nald Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, that the above amount o» $109.26, of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 be used for the purchase of said right of way above mentioned, and, UK IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. Woods, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Hwys., Springflftld, Illinois, for its approval for vouchor. Aesolntio* W'HUSREAS, at the September, 1939, meeting of the Roard of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, a resolution was given approval appropriating* ^65.53 to Federal Land Bank of 9t. Louis and August Felgenhauer for Right of Way Dedication on State Aid Route 1 Section 20 MFT and WHEREAS. Warrant No. 4098 In the amount of dated October 17, 1939 was drawn payable to Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and August Falgerj? hauer for a specific purpose. Amounl for area $21.90, Fence Damage $43.68 and WHEREAS, it was a requirement of the Federal Land Bank, that the imount of I4S.6J be used to replace fence and since Mr. Felgenhaner did not replace the fence, the Land Bank :s not in a position to turn the money over to Mr. Felgenhauer. THEREFORE, since this payment la for a specific purpose and tne farm le now owned by Earl Monear and the -tald Land Bank THEREFORE. BlE IT RESOLVED, that check No. 4098 Section 20 M. F T. light of Way for J65.53 be hereby cancelled and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that v warrant be drawn payable to the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and Earl Monear in the amount of $43.63 for building fence. Also a Warrant payable to A.U«U8t Felgenhauer In the amount of fzl.dO for the land area. It was thereupon regularly moved by 3upr. Ackman and duly seconded by 3tiftr. Harrison that the Resolution* be idopted by this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of Claims igainst the Countv n"* upon f flupr. Ackman and duly seconded by ^upr. Kuecker and declared carried, the -aid claim* Were referred to the proper Committees, and the Board adjonmed >o 1 :So o'clock P. M. for committee work. t<8» O^kOOt V. K Board met pursuant to adjournment -»nd upon roll call the same members responded to,.their najnes as appeared >f record in the morning session, con- «tl*»*tlne a full Board present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees •\nd Hunplles presented the following -sport, whl^h, on motion of Supr. Haralson and duly seconded \y Pupr. Tur1- -<cr and the rpU being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: December 8, A. 1>. 1940 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ot the Board af, Supervisors: Your "Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that tbey have examined all claims ^resneated to them, and, recommend the •avment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: r "'rank Thorn bar A Co., co elk tag bk etc *ifi.90: co elk office sup *23,84; CO efk etec sunt $10.88 P. F. Pettlboh* it Co„ Co treas prtg Woodstock Daily Sentinel, co trea* prtg *15.25; olr elk $42.75; supr prtg $1.70 WOo^stock Journal, co treas prtg $4.85; supr prti.' $t.CO T.. E. Sweet, Agesit. co ins I2th<»l C. Coe, Co. SSpt., co SChs off exp „..., Charles F. Hayes, Judey jus fees Lawyers, Co-Operative Pub. Co^ judcy llbry Harold W. Schmidt, co treas off sap $3.09; co elk prtg $'1S.2C .... 18*4 Ludwig Wilson Co., ct hse sup .... 12.88 C. L. Tryon, co sup hwy sal 124.30 O. Li Try<m, co sup hHjy trav oxp 54.4fi T1K Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel.... 114.96 of |ljfftf|* ) 01 .,nu Ci. Shinn»r Co. ' S7.8*1 "in-el A Koc.Jj 88.49 Kirkman Ice Co, ... 9.00 Conway Dairy ... 11.43 American MunlttonaCd,, et hse W m T* Wllet( 'felle ^ # T h i M Jail repairs otto BuChert, qhf dpty T'orge Roop. shf dpty . ^harlesj. Willlsms. shf apty Vnrtin F.kciund. shf dp'y Howard Freenofin. shf dp$y T.oren F«lin«rer, sHf dpty: MSrtln Bohl, shf dpty Armour Birk, shf dpty „.... fichard Farrell, shf dpty .x Owen H. Corr. shf bailiff Rlrdte Schroeder, sbf bailiff *"*lyd« C. Miner, shf bailiff Mar^nda Pates, shf teed prls Marinda Bates, court house rep Lester Edinger. Sheriff, shf per diem, fees, serv- - ' 1.200.00 L. A. StOCkV*»M. »•!"' R. F. Di»S'»nberry, s«pr s"I l^ll $51.62 . 88.86 88.70 7,85 44.39 9.98 40.00 7.80 81.SO 88.68 8.0« 4 no 4.90 8 00 11.00 8 00 4.80 18.00 4.00 28.00 36 AO 40.00 2.00 8.50 'omqmfa Poor preWiiOMl the Milowfng report. which on motion of Supr. Fillp and duly seconded by Supr. Sofcmitt, and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: December 8, A. D. 1940 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Bmi8 df Supervisors: Tour Committee on Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, snd recommend the payment of the following, and that the CTerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts alllr«red, as follows, to-wlt: Chicago Indus. Home for Children dependent children $311.40 St. Vincent's Training School, dependenct children, Denning.. Lena Rasmussen, dependent ' . children, Del.lpe Eva Rapping, dependent chl^^en Ystebo ^....*-4 Mrs. R. Lewis, dependent children, Van ^etten ' Beatrice AAams, dependent children. Adams Herman Eicksteadt, dependent • children. Hini Mrs. Jay Seaman, dependent children, DeLlne Old People's Refct Home, TP patient Pauper Fund Hlbbard Harold Gluff. TB Patient Paup4Mf Fund, Vermett The- Long Sanatorium. TB Patient r' i n. DMmai)^ ter, stamps The Committee on Qwim*, County •wowing 36.40 ,.75 15.80 17.80 7100 40.00 82.80 20.60 15.00 Pauper Fund, Kunpe Marsraret T^andre. TB Patldnt Pawner. Karls ..... A. & P. Tea Company. TB Patient Pauper Fund, Vermett Rldffefleld Farm. Supply Co., TB Pat. Pauper Fund, coal 'armory 816.08 leorge S. Jones, TB Patient", Pauper Fund. Jones !x-«~ Mrs. Fred Ferris, TB Patiedpt Pauper Fund, E. Meyer Louise Brooks, pro off trav exp Ottawa T. R. San., T. B. Patient Ps.uner. shockey Ottawa T. P.. San., T. B. Patient Pauper- Ladefoged ..... Ottawa T. R. Sas., T. B. Patient Pauper, Bloner Ottawa T. B. San., T. B. Patient Pauper, Lynott ..... Dr. C. W. Railey, TB Patient PaufVer, H. Spencer 7JJr. Col. C. C. Miner, dependent chffd^ n, Soma All • of which is respectful!^ mitted. R. v rvT'^FVREHRY J. G. STEVEN"? . .1* A. STOCKWELL T. F. NOT.AN JR. ROY J. STEWART 75.80 80.00 35.00 15.00 15.00 21.85 97.35 98.75 ........ 81.08 86.40 28.00 48.00 sub- The following request and report of state's Attorney William M. ' Carroll, was presented and read to the Bonrd, to-wit: Office of State's Attorney, McHenry County, Illinois William M. Carroll, State's Attorney Woodstock, Illinois November 30, 1940 To th» Board of Supervtaofe* Hf McHenry County, . - :>*' Woodstock,- Illinois. v if, 1 - Gentlemen: '* - 1 Herewith Is submitted an itemined report of the disbursements of money appropriated for this office for rent and expenses during the period from December 1, 1939 to December 1. 1940. At this time I am respectfully asking that your Board appropriate for the use of the State's Attorney's office the sum of $300.00 for office rent and an additional sum of $300.00 for office expenses. I also wish to express my appreciation for the very considerate treatment accorded me by your Board during my term of office. Very respectfully yours. WM. M. CARROLL, WMC:R1> State's Attorney. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned, William M. Carroll, State's Attorney of McHenry County, tllinois, respectfully sxibmltts th* following report of the disbursements of nonevs anpropriated by your Board for his use during the period beglnnning December L l®?9 and en«ttp« .December 1, 1940. He charges himself with the fWlowtng:- Items of liedpts 1, 1939, balance as per Wist report t Oec. 11, 1939, br ca«h recefv®«--. 85.00 Nov. 16, 1940, deposited by Wm. M. Carroll to cover overdraft 50.00 Total Receipts $601.49 He asks to be credited with the following items paid out:- Dee. 14, 1939, office expense, cleaning ~r»-9 1-80 Dec. 29, 1939, Wm. Desmond, Postmaster, stamps 7.50 Dec. 29, 1939,, George L. Murphy Estate, December rent 85.00 Jaa: 9. 1940, Harold W. Schmidt, stationery 17.10 Jan. 15, 1940, George L. Murphy Estate, January rent 85.00 Jan. 25, 1940, Wm. Desmond, Postmaster, stamps - 6.00 Feb. 15, 194 0, George L. Murphy Estate, February rent 85.00 Feb. 19, 1940, Dm. Desmond,', Postmaster. . 'amps 7.50 Mar. 14, 1940. office exp., cleaning 2.25 Mai) 15. 1940, Oeorge L. Murphy Estate, March rejit -- 88.00 Mar. 16, 1940, office exp., cleaatoff 5.00 Mar. 21, 1940, Wm. Desmond. » Postmaster, stamps --. 8,00 Mar. 25. 1910, Marcus D. Ramtsh, Sheriff of Kane Co., serving summons on Albert Pester, hearing In County Court pendency Matter *-•**1 *-3.06 Apr. 2, 1940, Perfection Legftl ~ Rlafik C6., docket sheets . 2.15 Apr. 5, 1940, off. exp.,' cleaning 1.40 \pr J5 i»4n George L Murphy j*SSRST .iffVf&W Apr. 22, 1940, Wm. Desmond, Tostmaster, stamps 7.50 Apr. 26, 1940, cleaning office 1.22 May 7, 1940. PI F. Pettihope St <30., Crim. Cbmptaiints »i)d Warmnts 4.28 May 7, 1940. Dtf. Egbe^r W.^ Fell, ..l,^ jr* 14 .*n ^ar" E wittmus, ">'pr sal mile ,r'. E. B^k supr sal mil 31. N". R. ciswon. supr sil mil .... O. .1. Carroll supr sal mil 28.50 E. F. Knecke*-. supr sal mil 14,40 Chas. H. Ackman, supr sal mil ^rank C. Ferris, s»-i»r s»T mil .... Roy J. Stewrrt. sup>- «*<i r»i' ... t'."" Tohn E. Harrison, supr sal mil .... *4 So H. M. Turner, supr sal mil O. Stevens, supr sal mil 88.00 Ma'h N. Schmitt, sunr sal mil ".O" H C. Mei^r siipr s^l •-»>ft ?a en •Tohn J. Filip. supr sal mil 58.79 Paul Posentbil, supr sal mil .._ IKton T. F. Nolan Jr.. supr sal mil .... 18.30 City of Woodstock, ct hse, jail It and water Lester Edinger, shf per diem, fees, serv 100.00 , Mar'an Edinger, shf feed prls .... 1^0.00 i Philip F. Bierdeman, shf dpty.... 125.00 I ,'e*tle Muldoon, ct hse Jail sal.„. 135.00 I Daisy V. Moore, sup sohs asst and clerk hire Ada M. Manning, sup schs asst i | and clerk hire • Hele'n Sthoepke. ex TR off sal..- *11 of which Is respsctfully i mitted. J. O. STEVENS PAUL ROSENTHAL CARL *?. WTTTKUg „ 108.91 78.00 88.75 75.00 submental examination of CItilip Marsh Vatapfi. 1940, George L. Murpfey KsTate, May rent 11. 1910, Audry Bryant,' ; extri stenographer . Maj* 23, 1940, Wm. Desmond, ' Post-nast'er^ stamps 1 May 29, 1940, Edward J. Hu^has, Secretary of State, fee People vs. Walter Schwingel, Petition for Reautsltion June 4, 1940, P. F. Pettlbone A. Co.. criminal docket, blndet*, and supplies June 5. 1940, cleaning office, screens, etc. ' l. 1940, George L. Murphy "'"tPte. June rent tv1* R. '940. Wm. Desmond, 1 T»«wtmast»r. stamps ....... Tul" 1?. 1940, George L. Murphy ,",st'>»e. July rent ti'ly 12. 1940, cleaning office aV" •"> "940, Harold W. Schmidt, stationery ; \ v - * o ' 9 1 0 . O . R . E v a n s & O } . , . f ' t y Df^ctory N 1 * 1910, Wm. Desmond,,. ' stamps i..,™ 1-* l9t0. George T,. MurMiy Fstate, August rent 'i"». 1940. cleaning offlc# °ent. K. 1940, George L. Murphy <?enteml>er rent "oot. 14, '940. Elvira Banderat extra stenoarapher Oct. 10. 1910, Don A. Wicks. Assistant P1«»te's Attor*"»y, c«n||- advancements for .off. exp. -- Sept. 25. 1011. Wm. Desmond,' . -• Postmaster, stamps Oct. 15, 1940 George L. Murpny, Estate. October rent Oct. 23, 1910, Wm. Desmond. Postmaster, stamps Oct. 25, 1940, cleaning office Nov. 2. 194 0, Lnrofta HonkirtS, extra stenographer ,.... Nov. 9, 194<*; I.ur»tta Hopkln% extra stenographer Nov. lfi, l®i0. George L. Murphy Estete. Vnvpmbcr rent NOT tf, 1940. V. F. PettltMJlf* 25.00 85.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 88.58 1.00 85.00 6.00 85.00 1.05 16.60 5.00 7.60 85.00 l.OO 85.00 10.00 8.48 ~ 7.50 15.00 8.00 1.50 _ 18.00 18.00 88.00 Total Dlsbursementts ... .8886.48 Kecapitiaation, . Total amount received . --, $«oi m Total amount paid out ..._JJ5y8.42 Balance on hand 5.07 Balance due Wm M. Carroll on deposit of 11-16-40 $ 44.98 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss William M. Carroll, being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says that the foregoing Is a true and correct account of all moneys received by him fnyrn the County of McHenry for Ihe expense of the office of State's Attorney and of all moneys paid out by him from Deeembft* lst~ 1*39 to December 1st, J940. , WILLIAM M. CARROLL Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December, A. D. 1940. RUTH S. DOUGLW8S. <S«al> Notary Public It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Flllp that the report of the State's Attorney be approved and the request for funds for office rent and miscellaneous olSfice expense be granted, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Resolution requesting repeat of thhe thr*e day notice of indention to wed was presented and read to the Board, to-wtt: Whereas, the present law requiring s three day notice of application for marriage license has resulted in much confusion and in many cases great Inconvenience to our citiiiens, and Whereas, since the enactment of the statute requiring medical examinations, the three day notice is no longer necessary to the purpose for which it was enacted, namely. prevention of socalled "gin marriages," now therefor? Be It Resolved iVy the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, State of Illinois, this 2nd day of December, 1940 that the three day notice in connection with the application for marriage licenses should be repealed, and Be It Further Resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to each of the reprseentatives and the senator In this district. It wss thereupon regularly moved by •upr. Harrison and duly seconded by A-ast. Supr. Nolan that the Resolution he adopted. Motion declared unanimously carried. A request for police protection received from the Preslsdent of the Root Springs Improvement Association was printed and referred to the Sheriff's iff<"e for reply. The Chairman announced the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the January, 1941 term of the Circuit Court and the following named persons were selected to setve as grand jurors for the January, 1941 t<rm of the Circuit Court, to-wit: Ceoree Eickstead. Riley Township. Paul Stduevenin, Marengo Township. Paul Wachop, Marengo Township '"harles Jones, Dunham Township, 4 W. J. Hereley, Chemunu Township, ^ay Wilkerson. Chemung Towns Mp., , Ernest M.FInk. Alden Township. -. '• '• °lchard Menzel, Hartland Towtis||to, / Elmer Peese, Seneca Township. Henry Karsten, Coral Township Hans skyette, Grafton Townshsl]|J ~ *"** Ella Walkup, Dorr Township. Charles Long, uorr Township. ( John Pulver, Greenwood TownslWfc" Harold Spooner, Hebron Township, "rank H. McAssey. Richmond Township Edwin Freund, Burton Townshln Tacob Schaefer, McHenry Township. Lydia Engels, McHenrv Township;' David Powers, Nunda Township. Eleanor Bacon, Nunda Township. Mary Allen, Algonquin Townsmr».' Charles Galvln, Algonquin Township. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supplemental panel for the January 1911 term of the Circuit Court, tb-wlt: Marion Anthony, Riley Township. Alma Goetz, Marengo Township. Raymond oil-rich, Dunham Township. Anna Conerty, Chemung Township. Mabel Prickley, Chemuncr Township, ^"•nk Wright. Alden Township In'ia O'Leary, Hartland 'Township Mabel Williams. Seneca Town sill* "vlvla Glenn Seneca Townshiniu Alice Pugh. Grafton Townshln. V. T). Sherburne, Dorr Township. L V. KUtz, Dorr Township. Walter T.s»tham, Greenwood Township. •'d Thaver. Hebron Townshln. Charles N. May. Purton Township. William Peth. McHenry Township, ^dward Buchert Richmond Township. Hans Peterson, Nuada Township. Martha Weir, Algonquin Township. Edward Russell. Algonquin Township It was thsreunon regulatly moved by °unr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr Turner that the selection of grand Jurors and supplemental panel for the Jannary, 1941 term of the Circuit Court be approved and the Clerk dircted to cert'^ y the said lists to the Clerk of th^ Circuit Court, snd the roll belne called "uprs. ^tockwell. Dusenbe'-ry. Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kuecker. Ack- •"p.n, Stewart. Harrison, Turner. Stevens. •Mav. Schmitt. M«'»r. Ftiij> and Asst Supra, ^ola" «nd Posentha! voted a»-e. «>ay none. The Chairman deolared the motion unanimously carried. 0tateiT>e,nts o' condition of the several ba«ks In McHenry County at the close of business on the 30th day of Sep- %err<ber. 1940, were presented, together %'th several communications from the «»ate of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, and were ordered plsced on file. A claim for the care of Somas In the •'moim* of $4 8.90 was presented snd •*pon motion of 8trnr. Ackman and duly MonnrtMl hy <hmr Ki»cti>r an4 (jarlarail carried, said cls|m was ordered paid.'to*' *eth»r wiUi oth^r poor rtalms as reirommended for payment in the report tM' co-nmtttee on Claims. County Poor. There being- no further business to -•ome befor» this meeting, it was rnoriH; Hy Supr. I^«erkar and dulv seconded Hy Sunr Ackman to sdjourn. Motion carried.*Thereupon the Board adjourned FRANK C. FERRIS, Attest; cktlrau. R. O. WOODS. • ---- itn'if -'*• in ••• ' . * > County Officers' fees Chut. 1Msense Com.... Pauper Ref. on Hlns Minora Old" Age Assistance Fund Motor Fuel Tax Inheritance Taxfeg Pauper Refund tor Wilson Minors Blind Relief Mothers' Pa--lot ^uad» from State Total Receipts 6.138 .rtt.if .18,867'ji* Orand Total |192,348, innlMaiM Hpty Orders |11,337.8( way Orders 12,098.1' Grand and Petit Jurors Bounty Orders | Old Age Assistance I Snlaries ... I County Treasurer's Salary ...» | Mothers' Pensions Profcatlpn Officer • X Fu^ 5.01 »:•< 32.01 530 01 300.01 9;r..0< Special January Meeting, 1941 The Honorable Roard of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met In special session, pursuant to a call signad by more than one-third of its members, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, January 14th, A. T». 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by •h« Chairman. Frank C. Ferris, and the "oil being cnllnd by the Cl»rk. .the following members responded to their nomas, to-wit: P'inervisors T._ A. Stockwell. Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. *». CIs"-son. G. J. Carroll, E. F. K»ecker '"has. H. Ackman Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison. H. M. Turn»r .1 G. Stevens, Frank Mar Math V Ichmitt, H. C. Meier. John J. Fillp snd Assistant Supervisors T. F. Nolan Jr. and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The records of the Special December meeting were read, and on motion duly mode and carried, were' approved and ordered placed of record. The following report of the County T>-of,Sv,rer for the month of December, 1940, was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Clawson and dulv seconded by Supr. May and declared carried. said report was approved and ordered of record, to-wit: Oouaty Treasurer's Bepovt „ Tor the Month of December, ml . Bsoeipts Balance brought forward Dec. 1st. 1940 -8178,481.78 Ta~es redeemed from Forfetures ... 84.2S7.9S Personal Prop. Back Taxes... 484 47 Tllinois Emergency Relief .... 650.00 HlffhWay Fund 8.088 80 l!,* k'. M: 1 '-"«i(.fi ^ 12U.U Motor Fuel Tax Warrants ....II!, 104.4 111. Emergency Relief jj Co. Court Jurors' Orders I Repairs of Vault Shelvpa,...? foflll Freight Charges on Tar Bills Coroner's I*trrolI«ct«ble Pees Inheritance Taxes Stamps v. Disputed Taxes ose.Qfi 410.t< >i:£ 2.?* 892. 38.01 5.#< W4.; $ •r. *. • !»' Total Ord«H <0,512,7# Balance on Hamf Otfb. 8141 In all fntlds . 151,816il« srlng Grand Total „w., > The above and fHrSSofpg report la true and correct a^cordtrir to my MW knowledge and belief, v C. PRAJCK OALT. County TreaiMjrlR Subscribed and sworn to before n this 14th day of January. 1941. R. D. WOODS;, (Seal) County Clark. The report of J. W. North ft Company, certified public acooontsnts, for period beginning December 1. 1938 ending November 30, 1940, cover County offices, was presented. It *^%a thereupon regularly moved by Sppr. Ackman and duly seconded by Sttfr. "srroi 1 that the report be referred 'to fhe Fees and Salaries Committee for Import. Motton declared carried. The Committee to Kettle With tM Treasurer presented the following 8*». port, towlt: January t4, 1911. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of flia Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was refoiv red the annual report of the County Treasurer, would beg leave to ssbrAlt ttfe following renort on the matters apA things before them. Ytfnr Committee has held monthly meetings during fhe past year for tfca mtrpose of checking the accounts of th* County Treasurer and Collector and s\|bmtt herewith as a cart of this report^ the annual report of the County Tre*i« nrer for the year ending November 18, '940 and recommend that same b«> OTiroved. Tmir Committee also preseiita hsrewith the report of J. W. North 4k '*0., certified puMic accountants covOK- 'ng the period beginning December 1, 1938 and ending November 80, 1H*. "overln" the office of County Treasurer ~nd Collector and other county office?** for your approval. .. mL, All of which ta reapeetfally mm* mitted. jj, <?. J. CARROLL, Cbairaaam. s1;' n. 0,. wsmm .... • MATH H. SCHMITT r f * H. M. TITPNET* , JOHN J. FILIP s * ^ We. Chairman and Members dP TM Bonrd of Supervisors: Submitted herewith is the County Treasurer's report showing Official Collection h and Disbursements made durdiff >he year ending Novemer 30th,' 19401* Balance brought forward " • Dec. 1st. 1939 In all funds $126,841.^4 Received from all sourcea " y dnrin* months of December 1939 through November, "jV 194a Inclusive ,881.81m $755,99148 i?ypendltures during months ' of. December. 1989 through *- November. 1940 inclusive: $582.509JT Bal. on hand »wr. 19. 1840 ....173,481jl8 8755,991.88 All of which ta respectfully submitfed this 2nd day of December, 1940. .... C. FRANK DALYj.' 'County Treas. of McHenry <3& Subscribed and sworn to before pa this Snd day of December, 1940. R. D. WOODSf (Seal) Ijounty CUK. mepovt of Cowtty 4Fr«asmrer of , KoXenrv County, Ollnofg, For the TMf Bndtng wevrakir 861k, 1H8 ^ T. C. Frank Daly. Connty frefauitr in and for •he County of McHenry arc State of Illinois, respectfully eUhtitit the following report of all feea ljbd emoluments of my office both and received and also of neceea&r nenditure therefore for, and durln veer ending November 30th, 1940 ^ In T state the gross amount of at1 or emoluments by me earned by offli* service during said year, the , to amount* Tor clerk hire, stationery, ttHsr expenses: Nature of Service and Famines: 2«f. Commission on $1,180,040.94. all taxes collected $87,88$ Interest, Penalties, Fees, collected on 1989 and prior „-•.**•• taves 18,8Mwt Commission on $97,788.88 aa t vV Treas. of M. P. T arcount ... I,HM( lot Commission on $6,092.16, il*- aii feeritance taxe« as Treas. .. 1S!)84 2g". Commission on $972.60, Hijh- /f w a y V i o l a t i o n F i n e s a s , i f ] Treas 1WM let Commission oh 161,894.44, ' disnuted taxes as Co. Treas. l;88t.88 1 Commission on. $59,387.00 jf re«i#1V<>a' '.a s TrtntiMr. v 898417 1 d C^miplsslAn 'i$ .8?88!6'W-49 n..d^4»itrwd' afc Trd^surer - Total Eai'ninss B*r>endltt»r«%: F**nlt Dal^., CJauiily Tteaa. and- Collector u.wtS.500.06 -Claries for Employees - 7,771.61 stamps lv - -- 1,444.9'! Express on ta* Mils --... • 15:8S Total Expenditure 811,1Vfti >!:.1 Net Earnings of Coimty Tfeaa. olffnfcr 18*8: „..,...„.8il.f75dU8 ' c. frank dalVI^ County Treisu* Beoelpts r- Balance brought forward ' ' December 1st. 1939 . |128,8jll.84 Taxes redeemed from Forf.-. 19,88fj7 Personal property back taxea Illinois Emergency relief Highway fund jC ^npervtsora, for Co. Homo-- violation of highway fine* .. County officers' f#ea General fund £31,142.44 '""<1 Age. Asst. salary refund t , 211.89 Pltnd relief ""pt., county home °'d Age Asst. fund Motor fuel tax fund ,. Telephone commissions ."--... 'nheritance taxes ........ witnesses and Shf s fees a4v. Mothers' pension fund ' Tnsumnoe premiums rot. 'nsvrance claims Chairman, liquor license com. state's' attorney fund Sale of culvert ----_-- County clerk's plat asntt... deposit, order of court --«~ Penalties and fees "•fnr< oct Co order Wo. 88718 tax fi'nd t>ofid f^ind -- PAhftol fund -- T»»«tltnte f>ind t»*e« fo- fair o« (ilinn* Kll "I'wr ref»nd ab Win* m'ortWl ""»i »-«-sold per W. T. Cdnn 7,« 64.89 887J8 818.71 97,798.80 10.18 8,088 18 8KR.45 1,838.84 78.87 138.88 86.440.08 880.88 6.00 11.88 1.448.88 18,984.84 80.88 2.4AK.18 1* 063.88 7.8SM8 641.80 61.894.41 85.88 t 99 I4I.M Total ^ ^ 'v fe. •(•>*<*'• • y m - ' i

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