Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 18

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FOfiff t I If » ' *i' *? , \ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HcHENRY COUNTY, TLUNOJS \hl<^*, ^ • 1 *" *»* '-V • •-+ "**'v J*)*'. ^ • : ,4sy v 5 .': :•" • .v ,r/."J , ~ j • ' * V. MMUw A Co., supplies ^MkjA See Laundry, service ....... ThMtp*nn Appliance Co., |u .... Wtiwworth Co., sundries Bakkiom Bros., repairs Raue Hardware Co., supplies Rosenthal Lumber Co., coal W. 1). Allen Mfg. Co., supplies 7.66 16.30 SS.50 16.17 a.06 of record in. the morning session, constituting a Quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, in special session assembled this 11th day of February, A. D. and Supplies presented the following j 1941 to pay public respect to" his memreport, which on motion of Supr. Stew- | ory, therefore 6,60 i art and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker 28.30 i and the roll being called, was declared Superior Oil Co., fuel oil S4.Z.". Montgomery Ward tl Co., cloth. 3.09 96.16 28.71 42.00 150.00 $1.14 --V Racy Lumber Co., cement and lime 3.00 W. 1\ Allen, incidentals W. I'. and Esther Allen, salary Horace and Florence McPherson salary Thomas and Eltie Montgomery, salary Oscar Johnson, salary Kdna Nobel, salary .... Louise Johnson, salary -- Floyd Mason, salary -- Mrs. F. E. Schreiber ------ Linnea Wolt, salary Hilman Melander, salary Beulah Sheriff, salary Mary K. Hopkins, salary Harry Day, cleaning sewers unanimously adopted, to-wit: February 11, A. D. 19#1. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave "to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and reeom- 30.67 mend the payment of the following, and |0.00 ' that the Clerk be directed to issue or- 45.00 ders on the County Treasurer to tht 14.40 Claimants for the several amounts aK 50.00 lowed, as follows, to-wit: 20.75 ! Frank Thornber Co., co elk tax 75.00 1 bk J191.06; co elk oft sup $76.38; . -:h 56.00 j cjx elk rec bk $58.67; shf off \ ' 60.00 ' sup $6.23; cir elk sup $3.24; , 52.50 I co treas off sup $17.15 --- $$£3.¥5 35.00 i B. C. Jess Co., cir elk sup • .1.03 BE IT RESOLVED That we the Board of Supervisors extend to the bereaved family of the Honorable J. G. Maxon, now deceased, our heartfelt sympathy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution be spread upon the records of this meeting and the Clerk be directed to certify a copy of the same to the bereaved family immediately I Grand and Petit Jurors upon its passage. All of which is respectfully subm U i f A t l - - * v T. F. NOLAN, J<.\ . Old Age Asst. Admr 11.09 Motor Fuel Tax ... ..i.„._d«?9,026.13 „ Inheritance Taxei , 8.05* Blind Relief Fund. Stat* of Illinois ..j, 2,372.50 Telephone Commissions •. - 1.49 Refund 011 Ins. Premiums 40.67 Total Receipts 20,494.15 Grand Total $150,087.53 lipiMliiim County Orders P $8,105.67 Highway Orders 2,464.06 Furors1 \ Hf E. F. KUECKER W. P. Allen, car and truck license 12.50 I P. F- Petttittone ft Co., cSr elk sup 2.42 $1,999.62 I Illinois Office Supply Co., , CO February 11th, 1941. | treas off sup ; -6.12 The Honorable Board of Supervisors: U. S. Pencil Co., c6 treas McHenry County, Court House, | off sup Woodstock, Illinois: I* V. Kiltz, co treas off sup Your McHenry County Farm, Home , Pfeiffer Pharmacy, cir elk sufr 4.12 and Hospital Committee met at Hartland, Illinois, February 5th, 1941 and report that current bills ,were audited in the following amounts: Permanent improvements ---- $ 2.06 Running expenses 918.94 Clothing, boots and shoes A-,.--..- 60.77 Tobacco 52.90 Medicfhes -- ---113.74 Hospital 312.04 Fuel " 140.M • , " V $1,999.62 Hospital, Farm and Home Buildings, grounds, equipment and animals were inspected, and your committee reports everything in good order and well taken cari of. Respectfully submitted, r CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Chairman. H. M. TURNER N. B. CLAWSON MATH N. SCHMITT T. F. NOLAN, JR. 19.78 62.00 $1.03; sup schs off exp 6?c: , co treas off sup $3.12; shf off sup $14.96 ... Harvard Herald, co treas prtg.... Woodstock Daily Sentinel, co surveyor $23.45; co hwy sup $39.70; •sup schs off exp $26.13; co • ... . elk ptg $1.70; co treas prtg $15.On 1^6.00 A. W. Wagner, ct hse sap .....j,.™. . €.17 American Munitions Co., ct hse sup Vivi FRANK MAY 1 R. F. DUSENBERftlT > ' .* v CARL E. W1TTMUS ' Members of Committ|||i Jt was thereupon regularly mora by Supr. Ackma n and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the resolution be adopted by a rising vote. Motion declared unanimously carried. Asst. Supr. Rosenthal addressed the Board and stated that all the Kight of Way has been secured concerning the road between McHenry and Crystal Lake, but that only half of the road Wits completed for the reason that at the time there were not sufficient funds to build the other half. Mr. Rosenthal then offered the following resolution requesting the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings complete said roads out of state ton4s and moved its adoption to-wit: : Bounty Orders Old Age Asst. Admr I-™ Salaries ;..J County Treasurer's SalarV Institute Fund Mothers' Pensions L..... Probation Officer 4- C.oroner's Jurors _a ...j,.... Motor Fuel Tax Warrants .V. ,4,695.32 Illinois Emergency Relief .... 1,002.00 Inheritance Taxes 767.56 Nun-High School Orders 6,818.54 83.30 2.70 21.69 641,38 200.00 85.00 968.50 120.00 30.00 Total Orders ,... 25,995.71 Balance on hand Veb. 28th., 1941 In all fund*- .124,091.87 it The following opinion rendered by William M. Carroll, State's Attorney of McHenry County, concerning cost of patients being cared for at the County Hospital was presented and read to the Board, to-wft: February 19, 1941. Mr. Roy J. Stewart, Supervisor, Town of Dorr, Woodstock, Illinois. Dear Mr. Stewart: This is in reply to your inquiry concerning the liability of townships for medical and surgical aid furnished to paupers at the county hospital. In order to fully answer your question it is necessary to consider the authority of the county to maintain a hospital and also the obligations resting upon a township to support its poor. Ihe County Board of McHenry County has the power to erect and maintain a oounty poor house and other necessary buildings in connection therewith. It also has the power to appoint a county physician and prescribe his compensation and duties. (Chap. 107 Revised Statutes of Illinois) The power of the county to maintain an institution for the care of the poor carries with it the authority to furnish medical and surgical aid which is a part of the support. By an Act of the Legislature approved March 6, 1936, the various townships in counties under township organisation are required to relieve an& support all poor and indigent person^ lawfully residents within their respective territories, except as otherwise provided in the law. Your attention is called to an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of county poor houses In counties where the separate Bupport of paupers has been adopted." (Chap. 107 Revised Statutes of Illinois) This Act provides that the County, Board may, whenever it shall see flf so to do, establish and maintain a county poor house; that the County Board of such county, whenever any such poor house is establish^ may lix the. rate per day or week thai^acn town shall pay for the support and maintenance in such poor house for each of their respective paupers and further provides that each town in such county may then have its paupers supported in such poor house by paying such rate, or may provide for them otherwise as it shall deem best.' ,ro It would seem very evident from the provisions of the above cited law that it was intended that the various townships should pay for all support and maintenance furnished by the countv at the county poor house. Medical and surgical services are of course a part of the support and hence a township is obligated to pay the county for such support when given. There should be an agreement between the county and the several townships covering the compensation which is to be paid by such townships for medical and surgical services, but it is my opinion that in the absence of such an agreement, a township would be liable for the reasonable compensation for such services as might be determined. Support including medical and surgical aid which is furnished by the county to transient paupers, or in cases of emergency, could not legally be charged to any township and the expense thereof should be borne by the county. It is my opinion that an agreement should be entered into between the townships and the county under which 111. St. Employment S«ry., ct hse sup S4.89 Frett Bros., ct hse jail repairs 30.25 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating, ct hse jail repairs 104.30 ' Resolution , ( Relating to an agreement by Munici- , ... „ , ................ 134.50 ' ptility or Political Subdivision to main- ; on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly Grand Total f.,.|150,087.58 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and b«lief. C. FRANK DALY, County Treasurer. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of March, 1941. R> D. WOODS. (•Seal) County Clerk. The County Treasurer presented a report of funds due the County from Tswnshlps vn County Home, which was, tain highways improved under provi- j seconded by Supr. Harrison, declared sions of Federal Highway Act as carried and ordered placed on file, amended and supplemented. . The bond of C. Frank Daly, County WHEREAS, The County of McHenry, ! Collector of McHenry County, in the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to i amount of $75,000.00 with the Aetna Charles F. Hayes, judy jus fees 25.00 a^s the County, and the Department of j Casualty and Surety Co. of Connecticut B. F. Kennelly, er TB off sup^S,"^®,r.67 i Public Works and Buildings, Division ! as surety was presented and read to 45.00 87.85 82.86 210.25 10.00 211.37 16.08 Dr. . E. Nelson, ct elk ins depdn, Willis Dr. H.W. Sandeen, co elk ins depdn, Willis $5.00; shf jail sup clothing $40.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel Lester Edinger, shf per diem fees serv Marengo Republican-News, sup schs off sup - Crystal Lake Herald, contingent Harvard Herald, co elk elec sup $2.50; co treas assmt $17.75 -- Amer. Law Book Co., judcy libry C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwys., co sup hwy sal $174.97; co sup hwy trav exp $36.40 Thomas B. Merwin, shf jail sup cloth $5.00; co hwy sup 65c; . ct hse sup $10.43 Spitzer's Office Furniture Hse., ct hse sup Sheriff Feeding Pris.-- Royal Blue Food Store, Kirk man Ice Co., Western United Gas ft Elec,-- - Hoesley's Bakery .T.. Schmidt's Market * Marinda Bates, shf feed pris $2.00; ct hse repairs {3.00 5.00 A. Worwick, shf off sup 8.66 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff $20.00; dpty $12.00 32.00 Howard Freeman, shf bailiff $8.00; dpty $36.00 44.00 Armour Birk, shf bailiff $52.09; dpty $4.00 -- Ray Horick, shf dpty Loren Edinger, shf dpty Birdie Schroeder, shf bailiff $12.00 shf per diem and fees, 0 serv. $4.00 Supr. Salary Mileage-*- L. A. Stockwell of Highways, of the State of Illinois, j the Board, (For Record of Bond, see $.00 ; hereinafter referred to as the Highway j Supr. Rec., K. Page 212, County Clerk's Department, entered into an agreement on the llth day of July, 1939, as follows; to-wit: 1--That the Highway Department will submit a project for the improvement of 7.4 miles of secondary highway from McHenry to Crystal Lake, 1.00 known as State Aid Route 6 and to be 76.85 designated as Illinois FAS Project Number 43A (1), Section 276, said improvement to consist of a gravel or stone base course and will recommend Its approval by the Secretary of Agriculture for construction with funds apportioned to the State under federal Aid Highway Act as amended and supplemented, tor the Construction of secondary or feeder roads; subject, how- | ever, to the condition that the County .. 118.18 I shall provide for its proper maintenance I at the completion of its improvement. . |4 .08 2--That the said County hereby re- 9.00 ; quests the Highway Department to sub- 6.11 ! mit the afore-mentioned project with 14.30 j recommendation that it be approved by 23.50 the Secretary of Agriculture, and agrees that if such project is approved and constructed by the Highway Department and the Secretary of Agriculture, it thereafter, at its own cost and ex 66.00 4.00 20.00 16.00 12.60 Office). It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the County Collector's Bond for the collection of the 1940 taxes be approved and ordered of record and filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts at Springfleld,, ill. And the roll being called, Supervisors Stockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Supr. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following requests and resolutions for the designation of depositories for the funds of the County Treasurer and Ex-Officio County Collector were presented and read to the Board, to-wit: State of Illinois, County of McHenry> ss. To the Board of supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned, C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, respecttfully represents unto your honorable body that under an Act pense, will maintain the project in a | adopted by the General Assembly of Ray ,F. Dusenberry Carl tl. manner satisfactory to them, or their authorized representatives and will make ample provision each yqar for such maintenance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto affixed their signatures, the County on the llth day of July 1939, and . the Highway Department on the day of , 193 . WHEREAS, the County has- secured agreements for all the right of way Wittmus F. E. Beck ...-. N. B. Clawson G. J. Carroll -- EL F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman Frank C. Ferris Roy J. Stewart J. E. Harrison .... Henry M. Turner J. G. Stevens ....«_ Frank May Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier ...... John J. Filip T. F. Nolan, Jr. Paul Rosenthal : Lester Edinger, shf per diem, fees, serv , i1:.... 100.00 Marian Edinger, shf feed pris.... 100.0o Philip E. Bierdeman, shf dpty .... 125.00 Helen Schoepke, er TB off sal.... 75.00 Ridgefleld Farmer's Sup. Co., ct hse jail coal 270.82 26.60 for th is improvement, and the State of Illinois, and now in full force and effect, the County Boards shall, upon request of the County Treasurer, designate the bank or banks, or other depository, in which the funds and other public moneys in his custody as County Treasurer may be deposited. The undersigned therefore ' requests tte County Hoard of McHenry County, Illinois, to designate the bank or banks, or other depository in which the funds ...» 44.00 6.80 .... 18.30 .... 18.00 .... 45.50 .... 16.00 ._ 42.00 City of Woodstock, ct hse jail It and water 163.64 G. V. Frederickson, ct hse Jail coal 26.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal.... 125.00 Ada Manning, sup schs asst and clerk hire 38.75 A. A. Crissey, cir ct pro off sal.... 75.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STEVENS Q. J. CARROLL PAUL ROSENTHAL CARL E. WITTMUS T. F. NOLAN, JR. Th« Committee on ClaJmn, CoVnty Poor presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Clawson and duly seconded by Supr. Turnei and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: ; ! WHEREAS, the delaytoin completing | and other public moneys in his custody' 55.80 ; the unfinished Southern section of this ~ 30.80 road is causing serious inconvenience 11.40 to a large' number of property owners 6.60 living in the area served by this road, 17.20 ; and 6.20 : WHEREAS, many of the residents 50.70 served by this road, and many mer- 22.80 ; chants %nd residents of the City of 12.40 Crystal Lake feel they are being discriminated against, and WHEREAS, further delay will cause continued inconvenience to the residents of this community and necessitate securing renewals of agreeements for Right of Way, THEREFORE, Be It resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, be requested to take such action as is necessary to secure sufficient funds to complete the unfinished portion o{ F A S Project 43A (1) Section 27G, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that R. D. WOODS, County Clerk of McHenry County, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, at'Springfield, Illinois for its approval. (Signed) McHENRY COUNTY, By FRANK C. FERRIS, Chm. Co. Board of Supervisors Dated at Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, this llth day of February, A. D. 1941. Attest: , R. D. WOODS, Count Clerk, McHenry County, 111. February 11, Ai D--J194\y Mr. Chairman and Qentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: / Your Committee on County J*oor Claims would beg leave to Report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the paythe county would receive compensation ment cf the following, and that the for all support including medical and j clerk be directed to issue orders on surgical assistance furnished at the j the County Treasurer to the Claimants county h*»«ultal This of courss thos)4 fQj- the several amounts iallowed, as folbe determined on a fair proportionate hows to-wit: ' " basis, taking into consideration the j Chicago Indus. Home for Child., number of paupers maintained for each ( dependent children $331.00 township and the amount of care re- | st vincents Indus. School, dependt quired. This would include the actual j chil.. Denning and Glossen 61.00 cost to the county of maintaining the | Dependent Children county hospital with necessary equip- , May B Miner, DeLine ment and nursing staff to maintain the i Rva Kapping.' Ystebo "*"""* same. The general rule seems to be Mrs Fred Ferris Meyer well established that under the existing j Florence Mortensn, Bradley"**"..^ law a township is required to support j)r. b. B. Neuchlller, DeLineT<£^J Its poor and the county would have no - - right to expend funds therefor except in such cases as do not come within the general rule, such as transient paupers and emergency cases. Very truly yours, WMC:RD WM. M. CARROLL 67.60 3 5.00 3 5.00 18.On Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 42.47 Herman Elckstead, dependt chil, Heinz 40.00 T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hibfoard 20.0o Dr. W. J. Bryan, Freund, Johnson, Schumacher 30.00 _ . Margaret Landre, Karls 60.00 Supr. Stewart stated that there was Ottawa Sanatorium, LadefogfadTT. 78.20 V „ aS : Ottawa Sanatorium, Sliockey 77.60 00 ' Said motion to adopt Was duly seconded by Supr. Stockwell and declared unanimously carried. Supr. Wittmus, Chairman of the Lands and Lots Committee, stated that he had talked to Theodore Hamer of Woodstock, Illinois concerning the swamp lands on the shores oKLake Elizabeth in McHenry County in Richmond Township and Mr. Hamer stated that in the 1890's he was employed in the County Clerk's office and at that time he Is quite sure th»re was some action taken by the Board concerning said swamp lands and that he would be glad to investigate said matter further for the Committee. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on (lie. The Chairman asked if there was any thing further to be brought before this meeting, if not, he would entertain r motion to adjourn. It was thereupon >29.31 j regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and Whether the County could legally pay l Ottawa Sanatorium, Lvnott 77. for nurses and care for patients from ! George S. Jones,, Jones 15. the various towns _ _ Hospital and that the Reason why j fVil C, O Miner, Soma he requested the opinion Just read j xj0ng Sanatorium, Kuppe from the State s Attorney. Supr. Stew- Henry Koltz & Sons, Vermett . ftrt further 8l<it6d thftt, in fiis township j Comninv Holton the care could be paid for by funds al- ! Math N. sTmitt, Williams lotted to the townships by the State Math N. Schmitt, William.-- 8 tu County t Valmora Sanatorium, McLaughlin 84.14 78.35 28.00 1111 y seconded by Supr. Turner to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. FRANK C. FERRTS, ATTEST: Chairman R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Special March Meeting, : 1941 Department out of the 3% sales tax which would, in his opinion, greatl reduce the cost of operating the Coumy Home and Hospital and that he would like to have some discussion on said matter. Several Supervisors were of the opinion that it would be quite a problem to establish a satisfactory rate and also to keep the proper qualified help. After some further discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan that said matter be referred to the The Committee on Resolutions pre* County Home Committee for investi- rented the following resolution of symgatlon and report at the next meeting. | pathy in the passing of Dr. J. G.-Maxon, Motion declared unanimously carried. ; County Physician, of "Harvard, Illinois, A petition signed by approximately j to-wit: 50 voters in the township of Burton In ' u McHenry County asking for the tm- | ° February 10 1941 E. P. Schaeffer, dependt. children DeLine .. Edward Sanftorium, TB Patient Pauper. Kuhlank AU of which is respectfully submittad. F. DUSENBERRY J. G. STEVENS ROY J. STEWART » ' L. A. STOCKWELL - < T. F. NOLAN, JR. ptovement of a strip of road in sai.l | To the Chairman and Members of the township was presented and read and 1 Board of Supervisors: upon motion duly made and carried was | Your Committee on Resolutions would referred to the Road and Bridge Com- 1 beg leave to submit the following remittee for investigation and report. 1 port on the matters and things before The Clerk presented lists of Claims them. against the County and upon motion of | Kesolntlon of Sympathy flupr. Ackman and duly seconded by , WHEREAS. It hns pleased Almightv Supr. Turner and declared carried, the ; God to remove from among us our essaid c.l.a.i ms • w-er e referred to the pro- p .er t.eem. e.d citi.ze.n . a.nd. .co unty Physician, I:S0 Hoiuimhle Board of BUBervisorn of McHenry County met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed bv more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, 7.99 on Tuewlay, the Eleventh day of March, 43.50 a. D. 1941. at ten o'clock A. M. 20.00 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and the roll being called 2.28 the following members responded to I their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, R. 84.14 f\ Dusenberrv, Carl E. Wittmus. F. K. Beck. N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman. Frank C. Ferris. Rov J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, II. M Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, Matt N. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, John J. Filip and Asst. Supervisors T. V. Nolan, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full Ixiard. The records of the February meeting. 1941. were read and on motion, approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of February., 1941 was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Sunr. Nolan w;a8 approved and placed on tile, to-wit: . County Treasurer's Bepovt • Mr the Month of February, lt41 Receipts Balance brought forward Feruary 1st., 19(1 $129,593.43 Taxes redeemed from Fovft ....f 549.42 - _ _ _, -- • , ivvM.i.ti > niAvii nun uiuiiij 1 iiyBiviniii | P1 eerras.. iP ir oupp*. Bnaaic ktv Ti daAxerss .....v.. . o3 1i 0•»..0 8 omittee and the Board adjourned to , the Honorable J. G. Maxon. M. D.. and Illinois Emergency Relief ....4.002.00 0 o'clock ^ ^£^0JI1Tn,jttee work, j WHKUEAS, In his passing, the people., Highway Fund ;.,,^r.,.t***3*»>.#.t20.41' 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. * -| of-McHenry County and the citizens of Supervisors, County Home--. *81.85 Board met pursuant to* adjournment Harvard have sustained an irreparable County Officers' Fees 3,526.60 and upon roll call, ths same members loss, and I Pauper Refund on Hins Minors 40.00 NWponded to th»lr names as appeared j WHERlffAS, It If of tlM Supt, County Home .-- 398.26 as County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, may be deposited as provided by law. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this llth day of March, A. D- 1941. C. FRANK DALY, Co. Treas. of McHsnrjr Co. State of Illinois, County of McHenrj^ ss. Whereas, C. Fr*nk Daly, County Treasurer in and for said County, has, pursuant to the terms of an Act of the General Assemly of the State of Illinois adopted and now In full force and effect, requested the County Board to designate the bank or banks, or other depository in which the funds and other public moneys in his custoly as County Treasurer may be deposited, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, that Marengo State Bank First National Bank of Woodstock The Harvard State Bank Hebron State Bank First State Bank of Harvard State Bank of Richmond State Bank of Union West McHenry State Bank' State Bank of Huntley Home State Bank of Crystal Lake The State Bank of Woodstock Algonquin State Bank » Cary State Bank are hereby designated depositories in which the funds and other public moneys in the custody of C. Frank Daly, aS County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, may be deposited; and Be It Further Resolved that no bank herein designated as a depository shall be qualified to receive such funds or moneys until it has furnished the County Board with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities *hich such bank Is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency; and Be It Further Resolved that each bank designated as a depository for such funds or moneys shall furnish the County Board with a copy of all bank statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency, while acting as such depository; and Be It Further Resolved that if such funds or moneys are deposited in a bank herein designated as a depository, the amount of such deposits shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the capital stock and surplus of such bank, and the County Treasurer shall not be discharged from responsibility for any such funds or moneys deposited In any bank in excess of such limitation. State of Illinois, . - - County of McHenry, ss. ^ To the Board of supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned, C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, and ex-officlo County Collector, respectfully represents unto your honorable body that under an Act adopted by the General Assembly of the State of ^Illinois and now in full force and effect, the County Boards in counties under township organization shall, upon request 6f the County Collector, designate a bank or banks or other depository in which the funds and moneys received t-y him In the collection of taxes may be deposited. The undersigned, therefore requests the County Board of Mcllerny County. Illinois, to designate the bank or banks, or other* depository in which the funds and moneys received by him in the collection of taxes may be deposited as provided by law. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this llth day of March. A. D. 1941. C. FRANK DALY, Co. Treas. of McHenry County, Illinois and exofficio County Collector. County of McHenry, ss. Whereas, C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer and ex-nfflclo County Collector In and for said County, has, pursuant to the terms of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois adopted and now in full force and "ffect. requested this County Board to designate a l>auk or banks, or other depository in winch funds and money received by him in the collection of taxes may be deposited. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by • he County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, that Marengo State Bank First National Bank of WoodstlOCk ""'The Harvard State Bank Hebron State Rank First State Bank of HATVArd gtAte Bank of RlchmOm * Utate Bank of Union'm West McHenry State Bank „„„J3tatfe Sank of Huntley x iHome State Bank of Crystal Irfut* The State Bank of Woodstock Algonquin State Bank Cary State Bank are hereby dsignated depositories in which the funds and moneys received try C. Frank Daly, County Collector of McHenry County, Illinois, In the collection of. taxes may be deposited. Be II Further Resolved that no bank herein designated as a depository shall be qualified to receive such funds or moneys until it has furnished the County Board with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities which such bank is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency, and Be It Further Resolved that each bank designated as a -depository- for such funds or moneys shall furnish the County Board with a copy of all bank statements which it is required to turnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency, While acting as suc-n depository; and Be It Further Resolved that if such funds or moneys are deposited in a bank herein designated as a depository, the amount of such deposits shall not exceed jseventy-rtipe per cent of the capital stock and surplus of such bank, and such County Collector shall not be discharged from responsibility for any such funds or moneys deposited in any bank in excess of such limitation. It was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the requests of the County Treasurer and Ex-Officlo County Collector be approved and the resolutions designating depositories be adopted. And the roll being called. Supervisors Stockwell, Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted ave, nay none. The Chairman declared hte motion unanimously carried. The following resolution authorising the issuance of tax anticipation warrants presented by the Fiance Committee was read to the Board to-wit; Woodstock, 111., March li, 1*41. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Finance would beg leave to submit the following resolution and recommend its adoption to- Vb it: WHEREAS, there is not at this time sufficient money in the Treasury of McHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County, and it is necessary at this time to provide a fund to meet all such expenses by issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the County Tax levied in the year of 1940 In the way and manner provided by the Statute of this State for the issuing and disposing of warrants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry that the County Treasurer of this county be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue and sell as needed, onticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the sum of $25,000.00 against the County Tax levied in the year 1940, but in no event shall the anticipation warrantst exceed 75% of the amounts of the appropriation tax levied for the year 1940; that said warrants shall be issued as needed in the sum of $5,000.00 each and each bond to be so drawn so that the same shall draw Interest at the lowest available rate not to exceed 4% per annum from the time of Its issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a fund from which payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may be paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such anticipation warrants shall when drawn show upon their face that they are payable solely out of the tax when collected and not otherwise. All of which is respectfully submitted. .T,v T. E. BECK, Chm. H. C. MEIER 44 -• -1- F. DUSENBERRTv . OY J. STEWART • ' G. STEVENS ' f •V: Asst. Supr. Rosenthal addressed the Board and stated that it was his opinion that the warrants could be sold at a lower rate of interest than four per cent. He then informed the Board that he read a news Item concerning the sale of warrants In the City of Evanston, recently, and it stated that they were disposed of and sold for three quarters of one per cent Interest. Supr. Harrison stated that it was his belief that if some of the back taxes were collected it would not be necessary to issue tax anticipation warrants and that he felt that the interest rate was much too high atid that he was recently informed that a certain estate In this county, that had sufficient money on hand,'was delinquent in-its taxes in the amount of over $1700.00 and he did not believe that such conditions should be tolerated by this Board. After some further discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the resolution authorizing the Issuance of tax anticipation warrants be adopted by this Board, and that the Finance Committee and the County Treasurer be instructed to see if said warrants could be sold at A lower fate of interest than four per cent. And the roll Stockwell B«Wah Sheriff, salary 60.00 Still* Sooveli, ftnH M nnt on farm 260.00 ^ . $1,903.99 MUler White * Woods, credit for cows mad bogs ... 393.21 „ $1,510.73 March 11, lML, To the Honorable Board of Supervisory McHenry County, Illinois, Gentlemen: Your McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital Committee met at Hartland, Illinois, March 5th, L941 and report that current bills were audited in the following amounts: Running $1,104.76 Credit Miller White * Woods (cows and hogs) ... 396.26 Clothing Tobacop ..... Medicine ... Hospital ...... Dieting, Fuel Total $1,510.73 The regular inspection of the County Home and Hospital was made and same were found> to be in good order. All of which is re8pectfullT 4ut>- mitted. , CHAS. H. ACKM<yj , v " H . M . T U R N E R , k JOHN J. FILIP N . B . C L A W S O N V - , j MATH N. SCHMfT*' $711.50 28.44 50.74 70.77 287.10 243.89 118.29 The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Kpecker, and the roil being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: » • * T111 • . February It, 1*41. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. ' Your Committee on Fees and Salaries, would beg leave to report that they met at the Court House In the City of tWoodstock on the 18th day of February with Lester Edinger, Sheriff of McHenry County, concerning the salary to be paid the night Jailor recently employed by the direction of this Board to work under the supervision of the sheriff. Your Committee after due deliberation recommends that the salary of the deputy sheriff ad night Jailor of the County Jail be fixed at $115.00 per month, payable by McHenry County. All of which is respectfully sub*- *ROY J. STEWAItt E. F. KUECKER J. E. HARRISON ' ' PAUL ROSKNTIIALL • ' " . L. Al STOCKWELL CHAS. H. ACKMAN. ' , J. d. STEVKNS The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan, and tne roll being, called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wli: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of ,the Board ot (supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the lOllowing leport on the matters beiore tnem. That we met on the 3rd day of March 1941 and went to Geneva, Illinois, to meet the road and bridge committee of Kane County, Illinois, to confer on two road projects of interest to the two counties. is.ast of Algonquin, Illinois on the Kane-McHenry County line road there is a gap in the concrete road of about 1^4 miles length that ought to be paveci at once, we lound out that the Slate of Illinois has surveyed this road and prepared the necessary plans, and we decided to urge its immediate construction by the state and the two road and bridge committees agreed to urge the respective counties to take the necessary steps to gat the right of way at.vnc* The other project is on the Hampshlre- Harmony road and the Kane county men agreed to recommend construction of the portion of the road in their county with asphalt surface. They would re-gravel the road and let the base compact before putting on the asphalt. McHenry County would need to do about one half mile of grading and secure land for a proper curve at a right angle turn and also gravel about one mile of road, and we agreed to recommend the building of the base this season and the building of the blacktop surface as soon as the base is properly compacted, and we instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to survey the road and prepare rignt of way plats as Boon as possible. We are recommending that the cost of said road be paid out of County road bunds. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 8th day of March, 1941 and audited and ordered paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County Highway System as a whole for supplies and repairs ior County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house to a total ol' $2,396.70. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: Sections 3, 14 $110.19 Sections 4, 8, 16, 1$ 152.99 Sections 4, 17 .... 82.74 Sections 5, 6 ........ .................... 11.23 . . " •• 361.17 Sections 1,3, 15 36.09 being called, Supervisors Dusenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Stewart, Tur- ^sections 7W 9, 10, 11* 13 -- ner Stevens. May. Schmitt, Meier and Filip and Asst. Supervisors Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Supervisor Harrison voted nay. The Chairman declared the motion unanimouBiy carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home and Hospital presented the following report which, on motion of Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adapted to-wit: March B, 1941. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on March 5, 1941, at the McHenry County gome and audited the bills for the onth of February, 1940 and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. Jen A See Laundry, service $ 14.36 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers 6.63 Seward Seafood Service, fish 17.70 Public Service Co., service 196.27 The Bohn Hardware Co., mdsA..... 8.50 Montgomery Ward & Co., mdse. Thompson Electric Appliance Co., Shellane gas Boyce Bros., gasoline Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicine. -- John Sexton & Co., groceries .... Thorne & Son, clothes .......... Superior Oil Co., kerosene ........ F. W. Woolworth Co., mdsB. ....• McHenry County Motor Sales, mdse. and repairs Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob R. O. Andrew Co., feed Goodrow's Garage, gasoline, repairs, etc ... Marengo Bakery, bread 22.58 30.00 6.60 69.77 115.57 4.34 68.13 9.17 10.31 50.74 19.85 19.07 66.46 Heisler's Bootery, harness repairs 1.75 111. Bell Telephone Co., service .... H.lfl Ludwig Wilson Co., mdse 117.92 Burton P. Collen, feed grinding 12.60 Ogles Brake Service, Inspection of truck Royal Blue Store, groceries .... McHenry Co. Relief Comm,' overalls and shirts .X....:... Karl G. Frits Battery and Elec. Co., labor and parts Ridgefleld Farmers Supply Co., coal Farmers Supply Store, >,(feed •• Mitchell Drug Store, medicine.... W. P. Allen, Incidentals W. P. Allen and Esther Allen, salary ; ...... Thomas and Effie Montgomery, salary Oscar Johnson, salary .. JEdna Noble, salary Louise Johnson, salary •*'...-- Floyd Mason, salary ... Mrs. F. E. Schrlever, salary ...... Linnea Wolt, salary Hilman Melander, salary 1.M 64.66 9.55 43.30 S0.16 13.25 1.00 35.00 150.00 „ 100.00 40.00 45.00 14.40 50.00 16.75 1S.6# 20.11 38.95 •5.21 2.00 26.31 21.66 49.33 297.48 107.40 6.60 69.70 17.82 8.08 Total $3,061.11 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of motor fuel tax funds «s follows: S. A. Route-- 13-13A sec 4-IT maintenance labor, material, rental $ $.09 2 sec 7-IT maintenance, labor, material, rental - T.« 23 sec 9T maintenance labor, material, rental 25 sec 12 malnt., labor, mat., rental 4A, 4A and 5B ejt sec 13 engineering, Treas fee 4A, 4A nd 5B ext. sec„13 maintenance labor 1..., 4A, 4A and 5B ext, sec I3-IT engl., labor, Treas. fee 28 sec 17-IT maintenance labor 14 and 15 sec 19 const, material 1 sec 20 maintenance, labor, material, rent, Treas. fee 1 sec 20-IT construction, labor, material, Treas. fee 9 sec 21 construction, labor, material, Treas. fee 20B sec 22 engi. labor 20 sec 24, engi. labor --«r 13 sec 26 engi. labor 26 sec 27 maintenance labor, material, rent, Treas. fee ... 2 sec 29-IT maint. and Treas. fefes 19 sec SOB engl. labor, Treas. fees 12.17 The matter of buying necessary culvert pipe for road work planned and materials for MFT road construction was discussed and we instructed the County Supt. of Highways to advertise for bids for necessary materials nub. ject to the approval of the State Division of Highways. We have already bought a season's supply of tires, cables, grader blades and welding supplies. A letter from the highway commissioner of the Town of Dunham was received recommending the construction of a new bridge at the site of the Tanner Bridge on the Boone-McHenry County line. The matter will need to be taken up by the representatives itf the two counties. State approval of the plans for Alden and the Spring Grove asphalt roads is expected soon and we will at once arrange to advertise the work. We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery, and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund as follows: Sec. 4-IT $2.54; Sec. 7-IT $3.81; Sec. 9T $1.50: Sec. 12 $1.50; Sec. 20 $1.50; Sec 27 $1.00, ,a total of $11.85 which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the re- -- 8tora&« an^ purchase of road ma- T6.001 chinery. $6.00 I Tour eomlalttM Mtlmatts thsrs will si ss ' -w.f) be necessary for the care of the Mo- Henry County, Illinois patrol system mt roads an appropriation from the McHenry County Highway funds of $3660 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respoctfWly "•••»' mitted. 1 JOHN- J. FILIP • J. E. HARRISON . : ! Vi' N. B. CLAWSON CHAS. H. ACKMAN : * HOY J. STEWART /JT 1 , 'The Clerk presented lists of *cla*fms • >!?• ' against the County and upon motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Dusenberry and declared carried, the said claims were. referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned until 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. $> 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. Board, met pursuant to adjournment and the roll, being called by the Clark the1 members responded to thalr narrie^ as appeared of record In tha mofning, except Asst. Supr. Rosenthal of Algfchquin Township, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Clawsop and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: March 11, A. D. 19*1. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the seventl amounts allowed, as follows, to-witi Frank Thornber Co., co elk dog tax 11c $143.58; co elk ptg $62.17; , Co elk elec supl $388.69; co elk office sup $14.61 $60fctC P. F- Petubone & Co., cir elk sup $3.19; cir elk rec bk $37.6$ 40.1$ B. C. Jess Co., cir elk sup 10.00 Harold W. Schmidt, co treas off sup $6.89; shf off sup $22.61 >aKO L. V. Kiltz, co treas off sup £11 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, sup '"y~ ' schs off exp $1.5o; co treas " ~ prtg $178.04; supr prtg $1.70: cir elk sup $50.00; sht off ' sup $10.50 UU« Pfeiffer Pharmacy, sup schs off exp $1.85; ct hse sup $J,27 _ ,$.» Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-- ^ - Crystal Lake Herald • Richmond Gazette • H. L. Gevaart The Strathinore Co. --....."II. Hammond & Stephens Co. . Byers Printing Co M. B. Cook Co Ethel C. Coe, Co. Supt Charles F. Hayes,, judcy Jus fees K. D. Woods, County Clerk, co elk tax extn „$,$$M0 Sanitary Plumbing & Htg. Co., ct hse jail repairs Ct. Hse. Sup.-- 111. State Employment Serv. Ludwig Wilson Co Readei Busy Corner Grocery Rochester Germicide Co Siavin & Pierce .".III Bohn Hardware Co S. W. Beck Co 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel 93.52 Hartley E. Rardin, co ins 76«.fV J. F.~ Mitchem, co ins -,, , SO.00 C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwys., co nwy trav exp $36.15; Up sup hwy sal $171.62 108.77 Andrew Worwick, shf off sup ™ 2.36 Shf. Per Diem, Fees, Serv.-- Birdie Schroeder 4.00 Lester Edinger, Sheriff 1... $$2.30 Lester Edinger, Sheriff 46.$fe Thorne & Son, shf jail sup clo -- 2.0$ ohtl. Feedg. Prisoners-- Conway Dairy , Koyal Blue i<ood Utor^ ........ • Hoesley's Bakery ........f.... ' Asmus & Son ... Marinda Bates ^..u. Western United Gas & Elec. Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff ' Otto Buchert, shf dpty Fred Nelson, shf dpty Loren Edinger, shf dpty ' l-Z.'i Albin J1. Kuppe, shf dpty ' $.< Armour Birk, shf dpty $12,00; shf bailiff $24.00 36.00 Howard Freeman, shf dpty $20.00; ' $*.00 .90 •1.00 7.21 13.17 $4.37 $6.32 6.1$ $8.0$ 30.00 $$.$1 $5.90 $4.11 20.51 $9.i$ 37.31 S3.«$ 23. 41 shf bailiff $12.00 Goerlitz-Bucknell Co., cir elk sup Frank Thornber & Co., co elk ptg' $10.62; co elk elec supl $10.44; cir elk rec bk $58.31 . Supr. Sal. Mileage--, L. A. Stockwell ...... vRay F. Dusenbery Carl E. Wittmus --.. F. E. Beck -- N. B. Clawson .1 G. J. Carroll E. F. Kuecker .:. ... Chas. H. Ackman Roy J. Stewart John E. Harrison -- Henry M. Turner J. G. Stevens -- Frank May 1 -- Matt N. Schmitt ....-- Henry C. Meier John J. Filip T. F. Nolan, Jr. Paul Rosenthal -- Marian Edinger, shf-feedF prill.... 100.00 Lester Edinger, shf per diem, fees, serv 100.00 Philip E. Bierdeman, shf dpty .... 135.00 Helen Schoepke, er TB off sal .... 76.00 Daisy V. Moore, sup schs asst and clerk hire - - Daisy V. Moore, sup schs asst and clerk hire ~v Ada Manning, sup schs asst and clerk hire Vestie Muldoon, ct hse Jail sal .... 125.00 A. A. Crissey, cir ct pro off sal 76.00 City of Woodstock, ct hse jail light and water ^ -- 10$.$$ Ridgefleld Farmers' Sup.* Co., _ Ct hse jail coal -*-- 306.29 AH of which is respectfully »ubmilted. J. G. STEVENS ' OL J. CARROLL 4, CARL E. WITTMUS • 9. F. NOLAN, JR. ^ 6.90 ..- T9.37 96.30 44.26 $2.50 $1.00 43.40 11.40 17.40 60.06 $1.00 17.10 24.80 $2.40 13.60 $6.30 18.00 40.40 30.60 64.96 $$.$* 76.00 67.60 The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: March 11, A. D. 1$4I. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tk% ?oard of Supervisors: our Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fellows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Chicago Indus. Home for Child. $343.7$ Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., Norton and Daymond 113.00 St. Vincent's Indus. School, Denning and Clossen Eva Kipping, Ystebo -- Mrs. Fred Ferris. Meyer Mrs. M*y Miner, Bradley and !> Fldreieae Mortensen, Bradley- ~~ Dr.:*). K. Nelson, DeLine Dr. O. Ji. J+euchiller, DeLine Dr. A. Sr Romberger, Ystebo-~.i-- Montogomery Ward & Co Herman Kicksteadt, Hins T. B. Patient and Pauper- Ray F. l;)usenberry, Fisher 60.40 15.00 16.20 46.20 $4.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 6.49 40.00 18.87 Old People's Home, Hibbard --$0 »0 Dr. H. Vt Kohl, Chambers --j.. 45.00 j Valmora Sanatorium, MacLaughlin 76.00 I Edward Sanatorium, Kublank .... 76.00 | Long Sanatorium, Kuppe $3-30 Margaret , Landre, Karls 60.00 1 Ottawa T. B. San., Lynott J7-«0 j Ottawa T1. B. San., Shockey 78 00 Ottawa T'. B. San., Ladefoge* -- 78.87 I <=>ol. C. C.'. Miner, Soma • ! George Si Jones, Jones ; Henry Kyltz & Sons, Vermel* .._ j Mrs. Mirinie Gaulke, Peters I A. S. Roimberger, Peters .... - j Dr. Saul (Burten, Peters * National 1 Tea Co.. Fisher .. " I Shurtleff | Co., Holtop S Mrt LilUan Miller, Girdoux Mitt N. 8chmitt, Williams |F. W. Biirlow, Vermett -- 15.00 88.00 60.00 10.00 25.00

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