Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1941, p. 4

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mwmt fUWDEALER! avasr tfcwidijr at (letiry, HI., by Charles F. Rcnich. A. H. MOSWER Editor and Maaage* Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. TOUR One Year ... (ix Months ...$2.00 ILOO Grand Coulee Dam A Hollywood producer has contracted to produce a full-length picture with Grand Coulee dam, "the world's largest man-made structure," as the background, the re©- * tarnation bureau has announced. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Flaindeater. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD. Asctieaeer Phone Woodstock 478 The undersigned being obliged to farming because of ill health and i|he farm having1 been rented for cash - j|o Royal Noe, will sell at public auction on the premises known as the Joseph <?usten, qfejpends all of his spare time riding aMKid the country on a motorcycle, returned to his home here Sunday afternoon from a fifteen day trip to Mexkfe. Leaving on Sunday, March 23, and making the trip Alone, he reached Sikestown, Mo., the first night, where he caught up to a heavy rainfall. On Monday his trusty motorcycle carried him through Little Rock, Ark., Texarkana. and to Palestine, Texas, a distance of six hudnred miles, Where he camped out that night. j Tuesday he drove through Austin, San Antonio and various other cities in Texas and spent the night in an army camp in that state. He slept in one of the regular barracks and was amazed at the lengths to which the boys would go to provide a little excitement. He also ate in the mess hall J with the boys the following morning. Before crossing the border into Mexico Wednesday. Joe exchanged the Union, takiaf m tfc* averag* «f two or three tljpa • four. He that the next ttaM ha fMk to Mexico he hopes to be able to spend a month (Mr so in the region so he can gat a good suntan and come bark looking like a nathra. * FOR SALE Washington * * iw Letter National Editorial A--odatkii Washington, April 9--With oar lawmakers returning to their home districts for a vacation, the administrative branch of the Federal government FOR SALE -- Wisconsin 38 s e e d J has the spotlight. A corporal's guard Alex S&k of Madisonvflle, Ky., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick. Mr. Sisk is an unele of Mrs. Crick. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pitzaferro and daughter, Jerry, of Chicago spent Satday at McCollum Lake. Miss Nelile Crick who spent a week in Chicago returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home here. Miss Mickey and Delphine Untx of , , _ , Mundelein spent Sunday .afternoon at barley from yield of 65 to 70 bu. from | of solons are sticking around primar- ; McCollum Lake. * certified seed two years ago. Good j ily to probe the defense activities of young Holsteins and Guernseys, just j the Administration. Meanwhile, the fresh. Frank Ehredt, Round Lake. I city is crowded with high school *45-3 j graduating classes on their annual „ -- ZT. :-- I spring pilgrimage to the seat of gov- FOR SALE Wisconsin Guernsey and j ernment- ^ future vote„ find the . ajid^Bangs^ town in a turmoil largely over reactions to ousting Axis diplomats, plans for convoying articles of war to Eng- Holstein cows, ed. At Adler's farm on Road 21, 2% miles south of Lake Villa. 47-2 some of his money, receiving $4.83 in Mexican m«ney for each American dollar. At Monterrey, he met two brothers, George Bott III and Allen Bott, $eo. McQuade farm, 4H miles north-j°f S.Vinf°rdj Conii' who were headed !*-est of Harvard. 2% miles north of *or JL 9atl* m motoryde -Chemung milk plant and 4% mflea Jaoutheast of Sharon, on -- TUESDAY, APRIL 15 Commencing at 12:30 p.m., sharp, -fbe following described property: 17 Holstein Milch Cows Mostly fresh--a good herd of young Cows. 2 Heifers, 18 mos. old; yearling heif- ~4T; 3 heifers, 6 mos. old; 2 heifers, 2 tfcos. old; 3 calves. 3 Horses. 5 Brood 115 Chickens aftd Hens. " i :Jv. jV Hay. Grain and Farm Machinery •F 3 stacks of hay; stack of straw; m tons corn; 600 bu. oats; 20 tons Hmothy and clover hay in barn. 2 sets work harness; IHC tractor; irive belt; tractor plow; silo filler; hay loader, nearly new; side delivery, nearly new; rake; corn binder, nearly new; 2 cultivators; gram drill; grain binder; mower; manure spreader; corn planter; 2 pulverisers; milk cart; %-h. p. electric motor; milking { what not, along the way; machine; cultipacker; disc for trac- j A *i#al Greet** tor; hay fork and rope; wagon and j In Mexiea'City, the fitst person he trip. That sight the three camped out at Cuidad Victoria and feasted on fif- • teen hu#e and most delicious oranges which they had purchased for only nine centJL * On Tfefptd# they nlide only 150 miles t «*ai> tfe« Bott brothers had quite a li* Of engine trouble. So they spent thla^ht at * very comfortable inn, equipped with all, "modern conveniences, at Casa Vfe^tda, where the night's lodging cost wh one only thirty thtee cents. -Y Joe left his companion temporarily Friday morning and rode into Mexico City where he intended to look up a lodging place and then meet the Botts at the pos toff ice building upon their arrival. The trip was a perilous one, across the fountains where he rode through eH&is and rain at an altitude of 8,000 fet* The roads were bad and there were no guard rails along the steep cliffs, Ta add to this, he had to dodge Mexicans, cattle, burros, and FOR SALE -- Columbia Seed Oats, cleaned and treated at 75c per bu. Progress Seed Wheat, $1.35 per bu. Martchu and Ulini Soy Re&ns, cleaned and graded, high germination, at $1.50 per bu. Black Ebony, $1.60 per bu. Phone 29. Farmers Mill. 47 land and other democracies under the I^end-Lease bill and, of course, thej intend to furore about strike-bound defense j here. Mr. and Mrs. Alva G. Elarton ox Downers Grove spent Sunday at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Btfrg and Mary from Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huska. Ground has been broken for a new home for Mr. and Mrs. William Throp and son, Elmer, of Chicago. They make their future home plants While Congress is scheduled to reassemble Easter Monday, it is unlikely a quorum will be present until two days later when controversial legislation is booked. The conferences, which the lawmakers will hold durinjf their visit, may have a far-reaching effect on their future actions. First-hand information obtained by personal chats have been known to alter legislative history. The letters and wires the FOR SALE-A new 500 chick size 1^if',ftor8 at theiJ ?.ffices. Economy Portable Brooder House on "°- . *** ^ "V™*?**™ jf the. display Saturday, April 12. Farmers I thinking among the rank and file of Mill Phone 29 47 t^eir constituents. Remarks made in (private indicate the solons are partic FOR SALE--A carload of grass seed; seed wheat and Columbia seed oats; Red Steer fertiliser; Grandview Baby Chicks; a carload of fencing; barb wire; Red Top Steel posts; Milorganite and Vigoro. Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 47 FOR SALE--Degen residence on John j ularly anxious to sound out home senstreet and extra lot. Inquire of Mrs. i timent about taxes and social security Wm. Blake. Phene McHenry 611-W-l. •47 matters which will be the first on tap on their return. Before they quit for the Ehster va- FOR SALE--100 tons Alfalfa Hay, cation. House members expresesd themfirst and second cutting; 75 tons mix- 8eives fredy about labor tangles, ed alfalfa, clover and timothy. F. J. , »Hens, defense delays and convoys Green, Phone 63, Woodstock. *47 j whieh rajght lead to war. Nine bills FOR SALE-Oat hay, corn, Deering !were pre~nted ^ the House in a grain binder. Wm. H. Justen, West McHenry. Box 28. *47 bax.. Milk truck box; wagon with hay lack; 2 drags; 2 milk tanks; 6 milk cans, pails and strainer; 2 hog houses; brooder stove; brooder house; chicken feeders; hog wire and post; wheelharrow. , Above machinery all in good runling order. j -- Household Furniture -- Including kitchen range, bed, diesper, commode, kitchen table and 6 chairs, crocks, jars, etc. Terms All sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months' time given on approved notes at 1rii lrterest. Please arrange for credit before sale. No property to be re- Sioved until settled for with clerk. WM H. GUETSCHOW Harvard State Bank, Clerking -- Lunch Wagon on Grounds -- IP Hettermann Service SINCLAIR GAS AND OILS Telephone 640-W-2 «r 382 --lohasbiirf -- Blanks mi thing, Horseshoeing, Ornamental Iron Work and Wood Work. Acetylene Welding and Cutting Lawn Mower Sharpening and Grinding of all kinds! asked for information was the Chief of Legations for the Federal Government of Mexico. When he learned that Joe was looking for a place to spend the night, he called up the police who sent out a patrol car (which, by the way, was a 1941 Buick, two - toned in fire - chief red and chrome) and they escorted him .to a suitable plaea. Then Joe went down to the postoffice and at 12:30 a. m. the Bott^ boys "rolled in." While he was waiting, Joe was able to enjoy the scenes around the city, such »as groups of mariaches, dressed in typical native costume, serenading the passersby. He also noticed that at night the traffic lights are disregarded and cars FOR SALE--Baby Chicks for Easter*, in natural colors, with cozy home and yard. McHenry Flour Mills. 47 WANTED single day to prohibit the use of armed U. S. forces. American vessels and aircraft for delivering and convoying articles to belligerent countries. General hearings on major farm questions were ordered for April 22. Investigation into defense management Started this week. The Administration moved _ rapidly toward price control measures WANTED--Girl for general house- • in face of scares and threats. Fear work and laundry. $12 per week, was expressed that the one dollar per Experience not necessary. Call Crys-' day wage increase for the coal miners tal Lake 584. *47 j may be the opening gun for new dewiTVFn „7T I mands from organized labor for sharp EI) Young couple, woman, |wa advances. Government experts general housework; man, driving, are worried About this development gardening. Experience not necessary,; which could ^si]y lead to inflationary but willing to work. Call Crystal Lake 684. *47 HELP WANTED--Woman, middleaged, for general hdueswork. Care of two adults, two children. Stay. Phone McHenry 665-W-2. 47 MISCELLANEOUS moves. Sectional fssues were raised over the location of defense factories and in the proposed St. Lawrence waterway. Mid-West legislators are quietly organizing a bloc to push a counter waterway known as "Great Lakes-to-the-Gulf." # A roving member of the House of may go through intersections, despite __ . , . , ,, .j Repre.s e. h»as thousand,s of per.- the fact that the light may be red. DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS 8008 interested m Army cantonments He also noticed a policeman leisurely watching these motorists go their merry way. A trip to Chupulptec was an event 11.00 to $15.00 Gash Cows - Horses - Hogs No he]p needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable, . , . . . . , . rates. Regular year round route,'Army and restrain local booster comfjj. l .i ^ l ^ u-u- -• j j mittees anxious to dispose of neigh- SRrmnHitJhi . PPhhmonieo l3f6ik5 aort 6M3M1 -IMff -1l . o2-*t#f dboourhbotofudl sEitnegse l to the goavneyr npmaerntit8 ains down cattle. Walter Sahs, 228 West Third St., Woodstock, I1L, Phone 195-J, reverse charges. *46-4 • I Having MONEY IS NOT ENOUGH . . Money isn't everything as the homely old maid agTeed when she inserted the ad in the Lovelorn columft. Money cannot' boy good taste, judgment or^t flair for the unusual. However, we offer a grand variety of gift items that give the most modest purse an opportunity to show its superift^ty over unguided riches. / v Bolger's Drag Store Green Street MeHeary uaKe poi Krieger. 47 of Saturday, March 29. This place, j Day and~Night, Sundays and Holidays which is situated on a cliff overlook- phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges mg the city, was formerly the residence of a president, hut it is now converted isto a museum. On Sunday auyming, Joe and George Bott, accompanied by four natives, took a trip to the pyramids which are located about forty mllas northeast of Mexico City. One of these, known as the Pyramid of the Sun, is about 230 feet high >ndi has a base covering 40,000 square meters. The other, a smaller one, is called the Pyramid of the Moon. y 't Attend Bull Fight Returning to Mexico City afcout noontime, they attended the last official bull fight the season. They happened to get seats on the sunny side of the arena among a group of Mexicans. A number of times during the afternoon a, row would start among the native spectators themselves and these vrcald cause as much excitement as the bull fights. A shower of hats and. beer bottles would soon quiet the disturbance, however. To see a man walking down the street with a piano on his back is not an uncommon sight in Mexico. One poor fellow, Joe noticed, was carrying a dresser, two chairs and a table on his Jback, all at the same time. Acapulco, which is loated three hundred miles south of Mexico City and is iurther south, in comparison, than Haiti, was Joe's destination Monday. En route, he stopped at Taxco to take a few pictures of this quaint town with its narrow cobblestone streets, which in some places are almost vertical. Arrivin|fjfct Acapulco he met a federal policeBian who introduced him to the Chief Inspector of Federal Police (a wiHtipnVnnd also the Chief of Federal Police". The latter rounded up five policemen to show Joe around the town and the following morning sent his car and his chauffeur and ordered the latter to give him a view of the town the daylight. That afternoon Joe went for a dip in the ocean and in one-half hour emerged with a "beautiful" sunburn. Receives Police Badge Wednesday morning he left »g»in for Mexico City and encountered a dugt storm on the way. Upon an invitation he received at Acapulco, he went to see the Police Chief at federal headquarters in Mexico City, who presented him.with an,official badge of the Mexican Federal1 Police. Bidding "Adios" to this delightful city, Joe left Thursday morning and reached C. Victoria that night. Here he met a resident of Houston, Texas, and they spent an enjoyable evening together. Crossing the Rio Grande at about 3 p. m. Friday,- he reached Austin, Texas, ana spent that night in his pup tent. Saturday he left at 8 a. m. and arrived at Sikestown, Mo., at 9:30 P m., a distance of 775 miles. The final lap of the journey was made in McHenry Joe has seen most of the states in and camps in a dither. Representative Albert J. Engel, a Michigan Republican. is making a series of reports to the House relative to scandalous aspects of construction. The fact that the legislator gives names, dates, places and prices makes his investigation seemingly factual. Whether or not it will have a wholesome effect upon the spending policies of the CUSTOM HATCING--in our James- j question, but claims his inquiries were way all electric incubator. Chicken ! made solely to prevent extension of eggs, 2Vic; duck and turkey, eggs, j conditions that he considers wasteful 4 V£<* each. E. M. Lehmann, now on ' and unnecessary in connection with Route 14, three miles southeast of the building of national Army canton- Woodstock. Phone 1600-R-2. 46-4 met*. One of the surprising features _ J of these reports is the spread between $5.00 AND UP--Paid for dead cows, the estimated coat of the products and $10. and up for crippled and broken the actual cost--a gap of several million dollars. Sympathetic of growing resentment in Congressional circles against labor union tactics or hi-jacking by industri- ; alists is the speedy approval given by the House of Representatives to a re INVESTMENTS--in comfort always pay off. Have you tried Jockey underwear? Masculinised by Coopers to Tit . 4_ « t^; ; : _ the male figure everywhere. Gives [ q"e8L|)y *he Anti-Trust Divis o I real comfort. 50c up. McGEE'S, Ithe Department of Justice to break Green Street, McHeniy. 47 a11 rackete- Rebuffed '*e Supreme ' Court in one or two labor cases, re-»- Hie infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huska was baptized Patricia Jean Huska Sunday, April 6, at St Mary's church, McHenry, by Father Nix. Sponsors were Stephen Huska, Jr and Joyce Huska. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and son, Wesley, end daughterp Beverly, of Wonder Lake were callers at the Joseph Schaefer home Monday. Chester G. Hauri of Ringwood was a caller at McCollum Lfcke Thursday evening. A group of ladies met at the Mc-' Donald tavern Monday for an enjoyable time. First, a luncheon was served; then they played cards and sang and danced. Those who attended were Mrs. Xurth, Mrs. Schlitt, Mrs. Scheubert, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Brocken, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Feiereisel, Mrs. Sales, Mrs. KiLfeather, Mrs. Hally, Mrs. Rietsch, Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Artrie, all of McCollum Lake: Mrs. Do well. Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Hietler, and Mrs. Hilaary of McHenry; Mrs, Ford, Chiacgo, and and Mis. Kennenberg of Richmond. Hugh McDonald spent Tuesday in Chicago with Edward Kegan who la critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Klewin who spent the winter in Chicago have returned for the summer. Dried M Weight for weighl, dried frotti contain more mineral#, especially iron, than fresh fruits. I iv :0 V" CHERRY COKE | HOT MC ilOSY FUTURE in. vj6pj7iaf-- M, ss. n *3 Wonderful subtle shades by Rerlon, famona for ; fashion-rigfatness, famous for long-wearing quality. Wear Cherry Coke, brilliant burnished red, 5 with Keige . . . Hot Dog, luscious bronzed > with tweeds and stripes... Rosy Future, America^ Beauty, with navy. Make-up colors you can't bj|,^ < , without this very American Springtime. Get youf! \ . |lo ng, long-wearing Revlon Nail Enamel (60#)* ! x - harmonizing Lipstick (60# & 1.00) and Qie^ ^ | Stick (l.dO) today. Hot Dog in Nail Enamel onlyi^ fl Place your order TODAY! EASTER n^Qulays awstjr«»f Visit our new store in th* Justen building, where yon will find Easter potted plants and cn| f % flowers, in eluding Kasc . f ter Lilies . :: $1.00 and npk Also ferns! '*y:> Hreenhonse located one mile south of MdHmj o< A Route 31. Telephone 608-R-l. THE FLOWER SHOP TeL27t -- -- Mrs. M. Grouch - S23 Main Street -- West McHenry NOTICE--I desire to have my name cently, the crusading Thurman Arnold withdrawn as candidate for president I Assistant Attorney-General, persuad-| of the village board at Lily Lake. I j ed Congress to open its purse-stringif do not wish to be associated with Lily in the guise of protecting the farme< Lake politics in any way. Dr. L. W. | as well as the general public. Thd SUBURBAN OIL COMPANY BITUMINOUS ROAD BUILDERS Rosid Oil Asphalta Tars Phone McHenry 197 McHenry, UL 47-2 NOTICE--Will persons having clothes left at Anna Howard's cleaning store, please call for same before May 1; otherwise they will be sold. Mrs. John Thennes. 47 CARD OF THANK8 In this manner we wish to express our deepest appreciation to our many kind relatives, neighbors and friends for the numerous favors and services extended to us during our recent bereavement. We also wish to thank all those who sent floral pieces, spiritual bouquets and cards of sympathy. Mrs. John Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Whitcoigb* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frettj House granted an increase in Arnold'* Division funds of $760,000 with which -he proposes to cle^n up illegal com* binations in restraint of trade. The Department's probings Will iiH elude groups interested in national dew fense and others in the ordinary ne» cessities of life. The House was told that many communities where there is makeshift family life in tents and trailers that the housing shortage if due in part at least to construction methods of the building trades. This Justice official claims that investigations show a systematic effort is mad# to exclude pre-fabrication and im» proved methods of construction by r cent labor union pressure against builders. The series of grand jury investigations into all price-fixing aiy rangements will be conducted if th# Senate approves the House appropri* ation bill. Arnold plans to bring indictments in the retail trade, partice ularly in the food industries wher» independents and chain stores have waged a merry war for some time, Arnold's campaign against racket* Will be costly, but he expects to Mr. an£ Mrs. Charles Miller. ^or it in the collection of fines Haney Declines Missouri bee keepers are worried last the people of the nation have lost their "Sweet tooth." Demand for honey has declined and one of the best honey producing seasons is in prospect. 'Entanglement Return' j A taxpayer appeared at the ofnee of John M. Hart, Roanoke, Va., commissioner of revenue, and asked for an "entanglement return." It was finally determined that he wanted a form on which to make out returns for his intangible personal property taxes. Residence Cn»nget|";^ V-#i; Mr. and Mrs. James Harris ^hfiVa moved from an apartment in the rear of the B. J. Brefeld building on Main street, to a place near Barrevitle. vfi isiSW*- ? YO(TBI figM if finest oar. It's deiiberatdj designed and built to bf Standard of die Wodd for beauty* luxury, and pa> forma nee. Bat yoe're wroctg If you tjiinlt you ctn'f' % own k. Look at dM price. Remember that owner% - . ^ tepoct 14 to 17 mOm • fdbo. Cartainly yo« caa afford m Cadillad #1315 fir tbt GMlm SutfrOm Fivt-Pssstngtr Cmpt dtli** tndmiDttmt, S$*tUx, wfUmtml tptipmut, ftsu tftcifitmfitni iwkjn.t ttcbsmgt without Weather-Ometer The Weather-ometer, used in th« bureau of standards in Washington•• to test asphalt shingles, short-cir* cuits the calendar. It duplicate^ sunlight, rain, cold, and heat so rap*/ idly that it can produce 10 years' weathering in a year--10 times fasW er than time. R. I OVKRTON MOTOR SAXES A front Street West McHenry, Il|f A ,^-Y)

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