" 5 ' »-• -J w-aspr ' 4' "* lW|f -* •" ^r*x* • >p<t HELL'S PIRE TREE DAIRY STORE ^5f?|f|NOW OPENr:'"Cif%vr*? ^ %ne mile ©art of McHenry . . V;. h K'-t1" ** ~ • • Mift, gallon Quart 33^ -lOtf Buttermilk, gallon 25^ Whipping Cream, Quart 554 . Pint ^29^ Coffee Cream, quart 384 Pint tHioc. Milk, quart 154 S4 Cottage Cheese, ti 12-ounces 2-lb*. 25^ •mtrnm'mWfim % *»BUTTERAMDIQQSy ' Open 8 f . m. to 10 p. m. McHenry Ice Cream Safety Lane Service &BE*1 m HOW POEA^MJnrt-TOT Brakes -- Steering1-- Headlights "We have received stickers for the next Safety Teat on trucks, which is May 1. The state law reads that trucks roust be tested every six months. Have your truck tested at this State Approved Station and receive your sticker! CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 800-1 Towing Johjufauf 8PUKO GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown return-1 ed home on Monday having enjoyed the Easter holiday with their parents in Stacyville, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner attended a farewell party on Edward Heinle at his home in Elkhorn. Wis., on April 12. Edward left for selective service in the U.S. Army on April 17. In the village election held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, April 15, Mayor Prank J. Wagner and Village Clerk Charles J. Freund were elected. For the office of 'trustees, Joseph G. Wagner, John Rauen and Anton May will again take office and Byron L. Orvis was re-elected as Police Magistrate. Charles J. Freund was host to Rev. John Daleklett and the ushers of St. Petfik-'s church at his home on Thursday night. Cards were enjoyed following the meeting and refreshments were served. Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Math Nimsgem attended a card party for the benefit of St. Bede's church in Fox Lake on Friday afternoon. Mrs Nimsgem was one of the lucky prise winners. Paul Weber visited friends in Chi* cago eo Thursday of her club met at the find it impossible to express their feelings. In our services, we constantly endeavor to" carry out the wishes and express the emotions of those we serve. JAOQB JUSTEf * sons Funeral Directors Phone 103-R McHenry % %*rry IfyeiS night to spend an evening at cards. Pinochle furnished the entertainment and prises for high scores went to Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Albert Brits, while consolation went to Mrs. Math Nimsgem. At the conclusion of cards a lovely lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lay. Misses Lorraine May and Lucille Freund, who are employed oat of town, spent the weekend at their homes here.' Approximately sixty guests attended the shower held for Miss Martha May at St. Peter's parish hall on Sunday afternoon. Cards and bunco were the afternoon's diversion. Prize winners for high scores in five hundred were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. William May and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. Consolation went to Mrs. Nick Justen. In bunco, prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Boppart, Mrs. Loretta Freund and Mrs. Margaret Young while Mrs. Alfred May received consolation. The guest of honor was the happy recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments were served. The children of St. Peter's school will present their annual school play on Sunday night, April 27 at 8:30 daylight saving time at the parish hall. The Sisters and children have worked hard preparing this program and invite everyone to come and enjoy it. The program follows: "Your Mother's Heart," Slumber, Upper Grades; "The Little Storekeeper," Playlet, Primary Grades; "Mother Says Her Say," Comedy, Upper Grades; "Little Housekeeper," Action Song, Fourth Grade Girls; "Telling the Truth," Playlet, Sixth Grade Boys; "What I Love," Song. Primary Grades; "Better Be Careful," Play, Fifth Grade Boys and Girls; "Story of Our Flag," Recitation and Song, Grade Four; "Spring Cleaning," Comedy, Upper Grades; "Good Night," Song. RINGWOOD fe decorative OPEN WORK MIRROR rxori SIZE« Designed to harmonize with any cbl|t room decoration. Assorted styles aai •adi shapes. For Halls, Kitchens, Bathrooms. u| LIMIT TWO TO A CUSTOM!* ^ FOR * PERFECT PAIR! JOR Regalir S i t V A L I E 21. w m Flat Point PorchEnum. Sc.SrmmI Casein Paint 79c tt. 89c (l. | «4NLScab,ptkDc*» i iskba all in one ' east. Saves time ami moey. While only. Gtoaiy, weather ie> tistaac. Hesvy doty en*m. for eitber outside areas or inside. 39e |t Qrid(dnr,< resistant glow finish. Stops nut oC acreea and decay of frame. $241 sal.. .New type finish, en t coat No prims coat needed. Easf •> apply. No odor. Tool Sot Piaster Water Paste JlffyPaii^ 98c »t 39c pt(. 19c bit 10c ii. Wallpaper set. io" Repairs breaks ia Sumd-Up Cold Wat. Use the Jiffy Scmm amxxhing brush, 6" plastered walls. Sets Pm*e dissolves ia- Pointer. Paint screea pmttc brush, fif slow but dries thor. standy in cold water, in 6o sec. Paints both «U., roller, scraper, ia short time. 5 lb. a pound packages, screen and frame, WM.H.ALTHOFF HOWE. Phone 284 West McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith entertained at a party Sunday evening in honor of Wilbur Benoy who left for camp this week. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benoy of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Darell Benoy of Woodstock, Mr. Benoy, Arline, Alice, Ray and Alvin of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy, Mr. And Mrs. Paul Walkington and the Smith family. Starting Sunday, church services will be held at ten o'clock, daylight time, and Sunday school will be held at eleven. Mrs. Lou Abendroth. of Elgin spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Jenny Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and Frank Wiedrich of Solon Mills were Wednesday evening callers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Pearl Smith of Woodstock spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr And Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mrs. P. J. Coyne spent three days last week in Chicago with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich visited her mother, Mrs Albert Schultz, who is a patient in the Presbyterian hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Henry Stephenson ami Mrs. Chancey Harrison attended Friends* Night at the Nunda chapter Thursday evening. The Home Bureau party will be held at the Clint Martin home Friday evenins, April 25. Mrs. Nick Freund of McHenry entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were received by Mts. Flojn^ Carr and Mrs. Helen Young. . Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jenny Bacon Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy Neal spent from Wednesday until Friday in Chicago with relatives. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. Jenny Bacon on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet called on relatives in Crystal Lake Friday evening. . , Harold Jepson of Urbana visited Friday with his parents, Mr.* and Mrs. C. J- Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann spent Saturday morni n g i n B e l v i d e r e . . . . Marion and Alice Peet and friend, Phyllis Noe, of Elgin spent the weekend in the Charles Peet home. The Ladies' Aid will hold a roast beef dinner at the Community hall on Wednesday, April 30. Prices will be twenty-five and fifty cents. ••Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, Carol and Amy. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith motored to Champaign Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon in the Hoy Jtarf fiftam home. Mr. and Hawley were Thursday eveniHg supper quests in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Viola Low spent Saturday in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann were Saturday afternoon callers in the Jack Leonard home at Waukesha. Mrs. Roy Harrison and Edith, Mrs. Chancey Harrison, Carol and Amy, Dorothy Smith, Bobette and Nelson Cristy and Shirley Neal attended the 4-H club rally at the Woodstock high school Saturday evening. Carol Harrison and Shirley Neal gave readings. Miss Iva Woodford of Park Ridge spent from Wednesday until* Friday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mrs. Savage of Fox Lake called o* Rev. and Mrs. Collins Thursday after* noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon and guest, Miss Iva Woodford, spent Thursday in Delaivan. Mrs. Wm. Hoffman of Crystal Lake called on her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Sunday afternoon* Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family were Sunday callers in the I. N, Butler home at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Winn of Spring Grove were Sunday afternoon callers in the Collins home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson guests of West Allis were callers is the MansAety heme at Woodstock mi Sunday CommonRry nEqptt will he held a* the church Sunday evening, April 27; The choir will he in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth of El* gin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jenny Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were guests at a birthday party in Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Brennan called on the letter's mother, who is a patient at St. Ther» ese hospital in Waukegan, on Mondsf afternoon. , j ^ EDITORS AT CONVENTION IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Editor and Mrs. A. H. Mosher of The McHenry Plaindealer and Editor and Mrs. Charles Renich of The Wood, stock Daily Sentinel, left Chicago Sat. urday afternoon, in company with $ number of other newspaper people, for Florida where they will attend the convention sponsored yearly by the National Editorial association. The convention this year is being held at Jacksonville. Last year it was held at New York City and th^ previous year in Alaska. "Hie editors and their wives will also take a con* ducted tour throughout Florida and - Cuba GEO. FRET SELLS HOME George Frey has sold his home on Crescent road, in the Stenger and Owen subdivision, to Mr. and Mrs. Wall and family of Chicago, who will take possession May 1. Mr. Wall is a Chicago milk truck driver. Mr. Frey, whose wife passed away on April 14, will move to Blue Island, 111., where he will reside with his son, Charles Frey. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Change in train schedules effective Sunday, April 27. For full particulars see Ticket Agent. 49 --DANCING SPECIAL 1 > Gene Victor MASONIC TEMPLE BALL ROOM I * ' Elgin, Illinois •Vy^TOWME#, APEIX. 86 ^ 9 P.* TO 1M# A.' "fr**'* Gentlemen 44c -- - -- Ladies 20c CUMAXMG ITS GKIATtST VMS . . . PONTIAC mSRHIS ITS GRlATtST UNI Of CMS ... THI 1941 •10 Different Body ^ MMwamMsr iTjrpes. And 'You jCto Take Yo«r ^ ice of a Six of an fhtkA&fModeL & f ' 4.5 ' 1 /I'-if'- . a. I OVX&TON M0T0& front StrMt W«tMoH«ai*,m SPEEDY By "B1QK" W,SOMMOWS ^OOR OLD M Ad SICK, 1 THINK- H& HbU ALWAYS 0IV6 HIM A AMN IH THE NKK COMTMUAU.V CARS OP R0SSMAN SALES HASH PAOKARB SmUMIMI NASH AHBA88AlXp|t RUTHORIZED SERVICE ^ RDS5MRN MOTOR SALES RIVERSIDE DRIVE and PEARl STREET - PHONE. I? 3 GREAT 1941 6.1 cu. ft. model 6.2 cu. ft. model GENERAL ELECTRIC (Modml LB6-41) *124.. 6 cu. ft. model WfSTINGHOUSE (MMAS6-41) •124, fjflGIDAIRE - 56-41) only **12475 « • » *Thm»prism^^0 fo ffjtftout moficm Brilliantly New-- Beautifully Styled Priced to suit your purse HEWS extra . for first-time electric *" refrigerator IwY®1* NOTICED mechanical ask sbo# Frigidaire--General Electric -- Westinghouse--three great refrigerators for 1941. More value, more features, more beauty than ever before... with glistening, easy-to-clean surfaces--large food storage compartments--big ice cube 4 I capacities and easy-to-empty trays . . . automatic interior lights--economical to operate--you get all these and many other features, too. See them-^ompare ibem-rhooae ifae. one that best suits your needs. V _ * Small Down Payment Balance, plus small carrying charge, payable in easy monthly amounts with your Electric Seryice bill. Your local dealer is oho offer ttig jtue in fMcOfic ngyTigWiiiiiri FIJBL1C SERVICE COMPANY *f N.rthera lllktis Telephone: Gryst&l Lake 280 101 WilHanu BL, Crystal Late v 'Q '