*** re».t April H.1M1 1thb msBxhkt nunrouajot STOPPEDl 2*«cm I'^SSS Twice Told Tales mm if khnd lite tillMrfftiThUMlf «C T«n An 33r A ^ i " . . * Vs ^ .; and cool at all times. He has a clean, neat and tasty market. Wm. L. Smith has moved from his farm to his residence in this village. His son, We believe, will run the farm. FORTY YEARS AGO The village board for the ensuing year will be composed of the following: C. G. Frett, president; John Stuff el, clerk; Simon Stoffel, Charles carriet] Gifty Council Proceeding! Council Room, April 7, 1941. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner. Absent: None. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Freund that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion SIXTY TEARS AGO UBE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS At the election on Saturday for one school director, A. H. Hanley was elected as his own successor. The scow, Capt. Powers, broke from her moorings and was carried down stream by the freshet on Tues- Granger, C. T. Eldredge, S. S. Chapell, Anton Engeln and Peter J. Freund. George W. Besley, who has had charge of the Riverside House for the past year, has retired from the management and the house has been leased to Messrs. Richards & Kimball, of Elgin. Dr. C. M. Johnson, Harvard, has purchased a physician's coupe, of the most modern style, which makes the seeond vehicle of this kind owned by a physician in McHenry county, the other being the property of Dr. Feg~ era of McHenry. Messrs. F. L. McOmber and L. H. day. Row boats were sent in pursuit Owen left for a ten days trip through and she was captured and towed back, j the west on Tuesday morning Jos. Swadish, who lives on the east i 7 side of the river, was obliged to move "Merry Workers" is the name of a out on Tuesday night, the high water j Society made up of little girls whose making it dangerous to remain in his j object is to help children less favored house. | in this life than themselves. The fol- The dam at Bishop's mill has been lowing little ladies are the officers: in a good deal of danger the past few ; President, Hattie Lamphere; Vicedays, but by constant watching, night and day, they have been able to save it. ^.SNAPSHOT GUILD NIGHT PICTURES EVERYWHERE Modern films and fast lenses allow night sport shots such as this ena|i> shots, not time sxpoeuroc--even without special photo lights. This la g "golden *a®" 'or the camera fan. ® ONCE there wis ft time when; to 'get your picture taken, you had to sit still for ten minutes In brilliant sunshine, with your face powdered white as snow so it would reflect more light. Ten minutes-- think of it And then compare this ordeal with today, when snapshots can be taken In a mere fraction of a second--either in the daytime or at night--and with the most Inexpensive cameras. Yes, photography has certainly made tremendous strides. Today, with modern high speed films, you and other camera fans can take pictures practically anywhere at any time. With Inexpensive photo bulbs, you can get splendid snapshots at night even if you nave just a box camera. And if your camera has a fast lens, you don't even need the extra lights in many cases. For example, if your lens is as fast as f/3.5, you can take snapshots of many (well lighted) night sports events -- wrestling, boxing events, baseball or softball games, ice skaters under a spotlight, and similar subjects. Not time exposures, but snapshots. You can snap pictures of actors on a theater stage, and pictures of the crcwdB out front under the bright marquee. And -there's no special technique to it-- you Just load the camera with high speed film, open up the lens to the largest opening, set the shutter at say 1/25 second, and shoot With such possibilities as tha|f"r it's no wonder that more and moiSf * camera tans are taking up the fine? * cameras with faster lenses. B#> cause, of course, a fast-lens camera • can also be used for all other kinds ot snapshots. If the light is bright and clear--sunshine, or photo lights --you Just close the lens down to a smaller opening. Or, If you'n§ shooting a fast-action subject, yogi Just set the shutter tor more spee^S Either way. the fast-lens camen| helps yon get what you want At home, too, a fine camera glv«H you many snapshots that yojtcouldnt get with a slow-lens can# era. I have at hand a little car& board exposure guide which teUp the exposures for ordinary home lighting. It cost a dime. And believe it or not, with an f/3.5 lens yoft can take snapshots at 1/25 seconA on high speed film with three o^ ; dinary 100-watt bulbs, placed thref| feet from the subject Those arif ; bare bulbs; if you used reflector* " ~ with them, f/4.5. would do. Coi|» , „ sider how convenient that Is In ta4> ing snapshots of the baby, or oldet folks at home. Yes, at home or away, moderp ^4 films and fine modern cameras e®> ^ able us to do remarkable things-- • ' whether we're beginners or e*» • ' ' perts. It's a wonderful age--an|«;-- camera fans are learning how t§4 make the most of it % John van Guilder Work on the new cheese factory of J. Oatman & Son, near Hanley's Mill, is progressing rapidly, and will be pushed to completion as speedily as may be. The carpenter work on the new store of Mrs. Searles is completed and the painters are now at work. The buggy which was advertised for sale in the Plaindealer last week, by H. H. Nichols, was sold to George Schreiner. It is one of the handsomest buggies in town. During the freshet last week, Je« seph Freund, proprietor of the saloon and restaurant, opposite Bishop's Mill, caught a three and one-half pound black bass in his barn. FIFTY TEARS AGO President, Irene McOmber; Treasurer, Mamie Granger; Secretary, Florence Granger. The following are members: Moggie Ward, Emma Smith, Bertha Felts, Clara .Stoffel, Lillian Wheeler, Lida Going, Zue Gallaher and Alma Teach. Jacob Jus ten is making several changes in the flat occupied by Dr. David G. Wells which will add to the comfort and convenience. Mrs. Spaulding and daughter are displaying all the correct styles in ready-to-wear hats, slso, many novelties in dress hats. _____ miRTT YEARS AGO Hay is selling from $12 to $16 per ton in this market. We do not believe there is any good reason for this only the bad roads. The annual corporation election will be held at the City hall on Tuesday j Thomas Kane. Raymond and Clarence next, the 21st, at which time will be Whiting, Isadore Feffer, Emery Hsrt As a result of the petition sent to the Borden officials, that company is now advertising the old mill in Centerville for sale. Looks like the old landmark is doomed. John H. Miller was elected president of the village board of McHenry on Tuesday of this week and for the next two years that gentleman will hold down the presidential chair. Lewis Miller, Louis McDonald, Joe Heimer, Frank Masquelet, John Felts, elected a President, three Trustees, one village Clerk and one Police Magistrate. The new board of trustees of the Woodland cemetery association have organized and are now ready for business. There is a large amount of work necessary in and around the cemetery. W. A. Cristy was elected Township Trustee, at the election on Saturday last. Wm. Tesch is building a new residence west of Fred Nichol's residence in the south part of the village. Superintendent Wentworth has commenced operations at the brick yard, getting ready for the summer work. C. E. Lamphere has just put in one of Cooley's Patent Coolers in his market, and can now keep his meat fresh FRED 0. MILLER, H. D. Specialising ia BYE, BAR, NOSE aid THROAT wfll be la Dr. A. L Freohlkh's Offld, coner GnmABm, Streets, McHeary Every Friday ftmn 12:45 to 2:30 p. MR, GLASSES FITTBft S. H. Freund &Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Ydtar Service in Building. Your Wants lette, Math Laures and James Perkins of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in town. Theo. Weidemann of Chicago yras shaking hands with McHenry friends Sunday. He drove to this place in his auto and was accompanied by Lon Howard of Elgin. Butter was declared firm at 22 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. McHenry's four rural mail carriers will share in the $100 annual increase in pay after July 1, when they will receive* $1,000 per year. The carriers leaving the local postoffices are E. E. Bassett. D. Granger, John R. Knox and J. N. Miller. Postmaster W. S. McConnell and Circuit Clerk Theo. Hamer of Woodstock were visitors in town Friday of last week. A rear exit is the very latest acquisition to the Central opera house. The improvement is a good one and in making the same, we believe the owner, C. G. Frett, has committed a deed that is generally approved, especially by the theatre patrons. Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye, i that the treasurer's report be ap-! proved. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Freund, that the collector's report be; approved as read. Motion carried. . Motion by Nye, seconded by Bolger, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. John B. Wirtx, Police service $110.00 Jack Smith, Police service ...... 115.00 W. C. Felts, Supt. streets and alleys 105.00 M M. Niesen, Supt. of waterworks Illinois Bell Tel. Co., Telephone service Western United Gas A Electric, Fuel at pump house .... Alexander Lumber Co., Material at city hall .J! Jos. W. Freund, Merchandise ~ Wm. H. Althoff, Supplies ...... M'Henry Plaindealer, Printing, publications John Matchen, Labor on streets and alleys ......... McHenry Lumber Co., Coal at city hall Tonyan Construction Co., Cement work on Waukegaa rd. H. EL Buch, Labor Freund Oil Co., Distillate ...... Walter J. Freund, Gas, oil, police car ............ Carey Electric Shop, Repair street lamps ........... Burdiek Pump A Machine, Pipe, supplies at waterworks ...... John J. Vycital, Supplies .--... McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op., Supplies - Mayme Buss, Salaries, commissions -...A..... Western United Gas and Electric, Burner rental 1.00 Earl R. Walsh, Freight charges 3.42 Earl R. Walsh, Office expense Peter Wirfs, Special police salary - Public Service Co., Overhead and ornamental light 230.59 Public Service Co., Flicker light and city hall - Public Service Co., Service at pumping station Fred C. Feltz, Supt. of disposal plant - Public Service Co., Power and light at disposal plant Valvoline Oil Co.,* Fuel at disposal plant Motion by Nye, seconded by Buss, to designate Monday evening, April 21, as the date of the annual meeting of the council. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Bolger, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. /SUPERVISOR'S FINANCIAL C'Yitl STATEMENT ^ A f#ANCIAL STATEMENT' of tfce Town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the year A. D. 1940, made by Matt N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town: Amount received from predecessor in office $ 614.08 Amount received from any other source, Anticipation Warrant ..... Amount collected and paid over to me as Supervisor, Taxey 760.00 3,145.24 Total Receipts $ 4*600.27 Special 6.00 1100 60.00 4.80 27 JO 5.20 13.50 4.74 26.15 18.68 38.53 5.60 3.72 9.64 51.04 1.91 ".66 29.66 25.00 6.00 10.90 28.59 90.00 52.38 10.32 Print* ............. 184.40 Special town TWENTY YEARS AGO 1n< ( ed, X Prof, and Mrs. Chas. McCabe and children of Chicago are here to spend the spring and summer in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ritter and children of Chicago were weekend guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ritter. Miss Blanch^ Meyers of Chicago was a wefekend guest in the home of • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi Myers. .Misses Emma and Helen Pint of Chicago passed the weekend as guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. f & R Frank Zuelsdorf 'has moved his family from the home on Maple avenue recently purchased by H. H. Fay, to the Albert Krause cottage on Elm street, » , "Recent snow and rain storms have caused our old Fox to raise to a height not recorded in years. All of the low lands adjacent to the streaip are inundated. The C & N. \Y. R.R. companv has . ., installed a powerful electric lieht at Wegener in and to the above descnb SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE OF an Alias Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County rid State of Illinois, and to me directwhereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Lucy Wegener in favor of West McHenry State Bank, a banking corporation, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Lucy Wegener, I have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lots No. 18 and 19, Block No. 15; Lots No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37, Block No. 16 in Sampson Sex and Company's Lily Lake Subdivision, lying in part in the E% of the NE^A of Section 5, Township 44 North, and in part in the SE1^ of Section 32. Township/ 45i Nortn, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, in accordance with plat filed in the office of Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Lllinois, on July 28, 192tt, as Document No. 74254, . in Bonk r> of Plats, page 81. THEREFOR, according to said command. I shall ex-pose for sale, at Public Auction all the right, title and interest of the above named Lucy Town Expenses Paid 1940 April 2 Board of Auditors, Meeting ._$ May 1 Board of Auditors. Meeting.... 10.00 May 18 Board of Auditors, meeting -- Jane It McHenry Plaindealer, ing annual report .... July 17 Board of Auditors, meeting to appoint clerk WfO August 3 • Burdette Smith & Co., Law book, J. P. : 4.00 September 3 / • M. J. Walsh, Census, $145.00; salary, $66,65; incidentals $18.35 . 225.00 A 00 N. Schmitt,*, Assessor's salary 750.00 Wm. B. Smith, Assisting assessor seven days 86.00 Jos. J. Freund, 125 days, highway commissioner 615.00 Fred C. Felts, 80 days, thistle commissioner 280.00 4*517 Matt N. Schmitt, % year salary 200.00 Robert J. Conway, Salary to Septemlber 1 27^4 Robert J. Conway, Board of Health inspection, $16.40; stamps, 86c; two meetings, $5.00 ..„ Matt N. . Schmitt, Board of Health inspection, $16.40; stamps and telephone, $2.10; two trips to Hartland, $10.00; two meetings, $5.00 Caroline Schiessle, Rent for % year September 11 Board of Auditors, Three meetings - McHenry Plaindealer, Printing notice * December 19 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. supplies •£• Harry Hall, Secretary, Dues of township officials C. P. Pettihone, Record book, town clerk Perfection Legal Blank t Co., J. P. supplies Wattles Drug Store, Fumigating supplies Atlas Printing Co., J. P. supplies ~ - Stevens, Malony A Co., Clerk supplies Board of Auditors, Meeting .... 1941 March 25 McHenry Plaindealer, Printing Board of Auditors, Meeting .... Board of Health, Meeting Phoenix Press, J. P. supplies Motor Book Bindery, Binding supervisor's book Board of Auditors, Meeting .... Wattles Drug Store, Fumigating supplies Jos. J. Freund, 157 days high- McHENRY FLORAL 00. «*jPh(H» 008-R-l «*if Ou t Mile Strath of McHenry on Route 31. Flower* for $& occasions! McHENRY GARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding - General Repairing Wagons and TraUerv to Order! Rte. 31 -- John ft Front Sts. Mione 97-J or 151-IIX ^ Nick P. Miller 28.70 60.00 26.00 7.60 20.00 10.48 5J22 27.00 7.60 *67 27.60 18.80 10.00 7.60 7.12 1.00 10.00 28.00 way commissioner 78*40 Robert J. Conway, Vt year salary, $112.50; telephone and stamps, $2.10 - 114.60 Matt N. Schmitt, % year salary, $200.00; Telephone and stamps, $6.50; Board of Health, $17.50 224.00 Caroline Schiessle, % year rent 50.00 Board of Auditors, Meeting .... 10.00 Payments of Town Indebtedness 1940 ^-September 10 Anticipation Warrant ....... 750.00 Amount Received Amount Paid .$ 4.509.27 ........ 8,807.64 ..$ 701.63 power the north end of the depot in this village. The purpose of the additional i light is to lessen the danger at the : railroad crossing at that point at | night. ! One hundred and $ixty men shoveled- snow at the Crystal Lake depot on April 16 and 17. LAKE CO. P.-T. A. CONDUCES INSTRUCTION SCHOOL MAY 1 Anyone interested in P.-T. A. work is invited to attend the Lake county . council Parent-Teacher School of In- ' struction on Thursday, May 1, at Lake Villa. There will be registration at 1:30 and this is to be followed by the j afternoon session. During the Round Table conferences, questions on membership, attendance, ways and means, budget and finance, legislation, health and other parent-teacher activities will be discussed upon request. A recess will follow and dinner will be served from 6 to 7. Send dinner reservations to Mrs. William Weber, Lake Villa, at fifty cents each. The evening session will open at 7:30. J. O. Austin, principal of the Antioch High school will give a report of the NEA meeting at Atlantic City. Mrs. F. Russell Lyon, the state president, will give an address entitled "School and Community Co-ordination." A group installation ceremony will conclude the program. Our entire store is filled with special buys for Open House Day, May 3. Althoff's. 49 ed property, on Fridav the 16th day of May, 1941, at 10:00 (D. S.T.) ^clock A. M. at the Front Door of.the | Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, in said County. j Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 21st day of April 1941. j LESTER EDINGER, ' ] Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. Afc)ril 24 - May 1-8) PERSONJ •Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom of St. Charles called at the Linus Newman home Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Thonneson, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. M. A. Sutton, Mrs. Ed Sutton and Mrs. Olsen and daughter, Beulah, spent Tuesday in Chicago with the Fredrika Bremer association, who sponsor tours through the Mars Candy company building at 2019 North Oak Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries returned home this past weekend after spending the winter in Clarmont, Fla. Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Frances Peterson called on their cousin, Mrs. Lettie Ehrke, at Richmond, last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs. John Bojnasky, Miss Anna Bojnasky, Miss Lillian Vales and Edward Vales of Chicago and Mr. and Mr? George Kuhn of McHenry spent Sunday at the honje of Mr. and Mr#. Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman enjoyed a visit with the C. L. Newmans at Slocum Lake Monday afternoon. Balance on Hand .. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County. Town of McTIcnry,' ss. I, MATT N. SCHMITT. Supervisor of said Town, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is triie and correct, as I verily believe. WITNESS my hand, this 25th day of March A. D. 1941. ' .MATT N. SCHMITT,, • Supervisor of Town of McHenry. Read the Want Ads Horses Wanted IB U Y Old and pisabled Horses. -- Pay from $5 to $14. • ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 439 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock. 111. MILES K. WOODRUFF, D. Lioenoed Chiropractor Hems: 10 to 8 - Except Thursday -- Fboae 540 -- 112 Benton St. Woodstock, HL Telephone No. StoStf A Relhantperger hmruce agents fee all clasate property in the beat cwpaaha. % WMTMeHXNXt •LLINOM WORWIOK tHOTOGRAPHEB Ptatiaitare Photography - Photo-Ftadahiag BUarging - Copying - fitakf SIS -- BlimeHi Drirc McHENRY, ILL. INSURANCE w EARL K. WALS| nn AUTO Billable Compani* ffhM yw need bmram af any Phone 48 or 61-M Priee Bldf. McHenry 1-bjr Service fK DR. J. E. SAYLER DENTIST Mite Houra 9-12 tuft 14 Bftsings by Appointment Thursdays • S to 12 Main Street J--: W. •-3 • •: •& -rl -li - m A. P. Frettttd Ct Excavating Contractor Tracking, feydraulic and Craw Service --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, 2E Phone 4& Phone McHenry 677-R-l ^ -- Basement Excavating --- NETT'S SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - Power Shovel Service Power leveling and Cement mixers for relit J. iINETT lohnsbarg P. O. McHenry, HL GASH FOR DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charge* "'V • TW""I "I ; •. VERNON J. KNOX _ ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. I** ^OFFICE HOURS - Tuesdays and Fridaya Other Days by Appointment McHenry - Phoae 191 X-Bajr DR. L. £. MURPHY DENTIST Office Hoars -- I l s . to 9 p. n. Green Street -- McHenry, OL Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of (slate ' ea Char lee Street Lettering Furniture TJpholsterlag » and Repairing , mriPT gft RIETSStt 1 •- -.V 10' ..Hi v