EARL WALSH The ShaaoEodi -Waa ever the McHenry aiae on Decoration Day has been the talk of the tfewn this week. Ht least ifs the talk ofthe lo^al agmrts world. " _ rii;, r'Those rampaging Shamrocks showthe fans thatthiy have the makin's ~jt$ * nany ball tsaaa* , » jhf.'* "> I1 *" i » • ; . » I t h a s b e e n o a r t h e o r y t h a t t h e boys have a goad bail drib because ...V, they have played together three years. f; That theory waaexpftfckd 1m* Friday. ST.;-. ' '<1 --h- •> ^ en flv balls especially, J : : near spoiling * sweet pitching effort on the part of Tittle Harry Dowif r *n- . -- f c j t W i t h J i m L a r k i n a n d D o w e l l o n t h e ^pfm* ball club, we won't worry about • „ jgftrhutjg.„ ; - - > V J What Aa "W» do hm .)• Spirit, ^Confidence and real ability la certain What's more. They show practice their batting. In the early mnintfi ©f the boys were evgnttfackiag balls for base hits. »Vi - i&m Both pitchers showed their Wat form in their last appearance aad look ready for this big game*. --W-- Plans are all set for a nW tennis court at the high school, bat it is almost impossible to buy steel reinforcement. Moat el 'the steel la going into battleships that will be sunk aftsr the next world 'treaty#!! signed. £ As if the poor Cabs didn't kvre enough troubles, the f%Ba ka** to go pull that hidden bait trick a* ?r ip»\ 4 But, most of the hay* w«*e +•*&- ^g for that big one to sail In and Hiking full swings. --I-- it»The team went over strong with ||ie They are a young team that aim develop into a craekin' good out- |fc in a couple of yean. Watch *em! Nek a|tajri .to.Me outthe lebron j^Tto in extr£nning MO I • The Wys are in a good -poritfemin -tte County Leagae and may he in were near the top before this searMbn is too far along. SMI '-Xife ', & Starting from scrateh to WU a « 1^11 club has Wan a big job these 1 couple of years, bat it looks like the fry™ will shape up strong before the u' " -'IftasoB la too far aloaf. r --I-- f- • , r i ^ TTie Brits brothers have added both Ivastle and smoothness to the team. * Tou can throw in some rousing base ' , • ' l ^ t a t o b o o t . ; « B V ^ . f p" J 1 Dog kicks Dreymiller gives Mrs. Murphy a ^ Wg» white collie dog. Papa-John Atria Stakes some remarks about it being a 2'> dog." ^•r^' < What do you suppose that blamed ^ ^ iog did bat go right down town and ^ jick Karls In the let! Top -- kk^ed him! * "> ^ :r But, "wMle on ike sabjaet af de«a lift net forget to tell yea abeat that . Itounfl that Dreymiller ealls smart --I-- John plaees a ten d<^ar Mil and a tfwgfc on the floor, then tells the Jooch to go get the ton *ot. Mm misses. -~| • " There most be a catch to it! Wonder ft he pats a hank of meat under the tU? wA; Tbe . of Marshall McGannoo, flkmner aetfenry High school athlete, I .Jilts a hard blow to Uila community. Making rapid strUaa In ha diosen Hon -- aviation -- Marshall's was cat short all too aoon. 4~: I fe What makes our Mood boll is the Ipewspaper report that sabotage la ^-stronglyeuspeeted. ^ ,c Now, Aia wort sabotage haaa*t *• ^ lieen so prominent until lately. Ifs |-4;5' ,|jwt a dressed up word for murdar. V • r ^ f It's not that Marshall waa afraid of ||X leath. Courage was in his soake-up. V. v To us it goes bade to the feeling • mat this country need not fear thoee oatoide our boandaiiaa half y*,as much as we need Hd ourselves of sneaking devils within. The death of Larrupin" Lou Gehrig s again proves that whether we jy the game" fair ourselves tr n«4 we love the fellow who does. , Said a local doctor to a patient, xe- "Worrying can't help you." 11 * The patient was qofck to retort: "ell, that makes it mutual- I cant "i V I Ton Md Ik* bwt tttafi ta tM newspapers! Now, sense gay #>at most of oar knowledge of has been glaanad from hits broken pottery. •ft in Mr i Met f«e My, of the Hosrdl's la Kellys, last night. Pete played Notre Dame's line last faB and . jf we had saea, any of thstr •- --f- Let** see! Yep. We saw fl» Notre Northwestern game. -- 1 With that recollection, Pete flashed big smile and concluded that we had "£*-«#cked the wrong game. v»« !',> -5 ¥ --1«~" I s# -y f Now that Johnny Rigney must Join J>: : jhe army, ft comes home iD to vrrjry-_ - Illy that the So* g*** ap f(b WMt Vyatt too soon. .t --1--* The bowlers go on and on. Mr. and J|rs. Piffner of Barrington won the Mandicap Mixed Doubles at Schaefer's With a 1274 total. Mrs. PiiTner rolled eries with a 241 game includ OGoe, of Waukegan, with a 246 game. '"i HcHoiy will scad quite % delega- FOR1STEHS WIH EXTRA ramus BATTLSntW HXBROH'S BALL TKAK The Forester ball team went into the tenth inning last Sunday before putting across the winning ran to beat Hebron 6 to 4.- Might at well start right off with that last inning since that's where th^ pay-off came. McNaOy struck out. Benny Brits drew a pass. Hank Brite, Nrho had three hits to his credfa* drew another free ride. Bennett whiffed. Tnur'weH walked, filling the bases. Then came the break. On a passed ball Benny Brit* raced in with the winning run. Andwaan pitched tight ball for Me- Henry. setting the opposition down 1 - 2 - 3 in six of the ten innings. This victory pot the local nine on the right side of the won and lost lodger, making three wins against two defeats in league compstitkm. Next Sunday the boys lock horns with the leagn# loading Johnsburg •ft|«rs. Tim game is at Johnsburg. Better see thisenfj, .• McBonry -- $ Wiser, ss McNally, ss B. Brits, Sb H. Brits, If Bennett, 2b Thurlwell, Ih J. Wagner, cf ..... Anderson, p .. Andreas, c Reingart, rt Totals B. Smith, ss C. Smith, 9b K- Johnson, lb L. Johnson, cf Lortschen, c . Jndson, If-p . . Bchnltz, 2b Latham, rf Burgett, p Stewart, U Totals 88 Score bv Innings MdEfenry .002 000 026 #-4 8 Hebron 100 000 900 0--4 7 Two-base hit -- Bennett. Double play--Scbultz to K. Johnaon. Struck out--by Anderson, 12; by Bui gelt, 8: by Jadson, 8. Bases an baHa--off Anderaan, 2; off Burgett, 2; off Jod> son, *3.. BOOM'S ALL SIGHT A pwyr in a small Iowa hotel answeiefl the angry shouts of a travoter who had just been shown to his room. "Is something wrong, sir?, Do you wiah Jthe room changed?" "Kotiiing s th* matter with tin J6MO" Ku«at blurted. "I object to Sua fleas, that's all." Disinterestedly the porter shouted down the stfirs to his employer, "Mrs,. Jenkons! The man in number seven is satisfied with his room, but he wants the fleas changed." Far, Far Away Adolf Jackson asked his pal, Fred Cistern, for a chew of tobacco as he was boarding the train at Los Angeles. Fred handed him a plug, and Jack inquired if he cared where he bit it, Fred said he didn't care. "That's fine," Jack replied, aa he boarded the train. "I'll bite it in Salt Lake City." Fair Trade r§4-* Farmer Jones--What wlll yQU give me for my fine horse? Farmer Brown--Two loads of hay. F. J.--What would I do with the hay if I didn't have any horse to eat H? F. B.--I'd lend you the hona filtfl the hay was gone. WANTED: AN AMR Insurrecto--Bring up the reservea* Aid--Impossible, general! Ht has Just stubbed his toe. r Oat Frans Crttils A boy had been standing near the booking office for aome time. At last ha went boldly up. "Wall, what do you want?" aakad the rattier stout booking clerk. "What time do you finish, mister?" "Why do you want to know, my lad?" "I want to wait and aee bow you get out through that hole.** JOBVSBVM1SSBBS mm oOTflHai rMfH, 9 TO 8 Yhe Jokmburg liters can*., through to tie the score h the ninth faming Decoration Day and want as in the tenth to win a cleoa gaaaa fcem the Indians. The Indians lsi the Tigers 8-7 with two out in the alMHi and & ta*a m third, when « in the tylng ran. In fee tonfll Joe Freund csane through with a Mt after two were oat and Wally Smith scored frsm third. Even though the Indians were defeated they looked modi bettor an the fleM than aUsr and encad Tigers. Alertness on the part of the Indians enahlsd them to take advantage of the ragged base of the Tigers. Even the a hidden hlU trick canght one of their players off first 1 Joe Jackson iad-Jhe Imfians' hitting with a triple and a single but his lack of control on the mound proved costly. H. Freund, si Lay, Sb -- J. Freund, If G. Jackson, c Meyers, lb D. Schmitt, cf J. Jackson, p' A. Jackson, 2b Totals tigers -- 9 A. Freund, cf 1L Smith, 2b K. Freund, c W. Smith, lb Joe Freand, se S. Freand, 8b T. PHaen, If Miller, p Kreatser, rf Totals . Parden, Plaaae (to prisoner on vhooi he is about to pass sentence)--Don't you ever think of your mother? Prisoner--Yes your honor, bat she .)* dead. : jJttdge I didn't intend to hurt your I hope you will pardon me. f?k$foner>-Oon't mention H, your H<?n6r, I hope you wQl l't mention i% Biggrif Tra Pupil--WJ^ch is the M««aal traveler in the world? lPupH--No, a gflttdi. It s«tma round the globe many timea a day 14 , I'i-L _ 1 . r • gfeSRIl 88 • hy Indians Jill 080 100 0--« 6 Tigers 010 181 201 1--9 14 Two-base hits--W. Smith, (2), S. Freund, Miller. Three base hits -- Howie Freund, J. Jackson, Meyers, S. Freund. Doable plays--Miller to N. 3mfth to W. Smith; Meyer unassisted; J. Jackson to H. Freund to Meyer; Schmitt to Meyer to Lay to G. Jackson to- Lay. Struck out--by Jackson, 5; by Miller, 5. Bases on balls--off Jackson, 10; off Miller, 1. Umpires--: Klapperich, A1 Smith. 1 \ i Miss Violet May of McHeilty f accompanied by friends from Marengo, left last Friday on a trip to the Ea^ - where she will visit Gilbert DiPirro at Camp Croft, N. C., and also spend some time with relatives in New York City. Feminine tempera, ym Are like dgara, my Some are medium, aome are vary strong. And aome are very mJM» Dawn to Casaa Lawyer--Nopr, if wu fNftt my honest opinion . . .* Client--No, no; I on|y want your pfoHasstowal nd- JWf WOBTM MOCfi "Does Jones amount to much?" "No more than a bone at a horae sboat." , Mdat Wernr "Whal has become ot thll Utent Worry Chib' you once helped to or* ganize?" "Everybody refused to worry. The club got in debt and had to diaband." The above jrietuTe was taken last Sunday afternoon at Jerry Kubovy's popular resort en the banks of Wonder Lake as speedy boat races were thrilling the large crowd. In the free-for-all 6-boat entry, Jerry piloted his boat "Miss America" to victory. Jamas,II, piloted by A1 Dick, ftoiklMd in second place. Gecrge Uchhaber took the honors in the Inboard Motor races. Five heats were entered in the Class '*C" group, with Andy Xyntsman bringing "BeAnn" across the finish tine the winner. Arnold Johnson finished second., If anybody eared to go to the bother of counting last Sunday, they probably would have found a figure somewhere between 800 and 400 cars swarmed around the premises. Jerry's Place now provides three extra lots for parking convenience. As a further means of handling large crowds, 300 feet of pier affords spacer for those using boats. Jerry, who is s real pioneer at Won der Lake, wishes to thank all those who made the last Sunday boat race a huge success. He j>'*rcs further attractions that will 5*? announced in The Plalndealer columns. Excursion boats will to on hand to give you a chance to »,• Wonder Lake and its many beautiful" A who d£ritHM|i!^^ at the hotel wiqp lMr MMWj>d hadn't coma down to I , She blushed aUghfly aad replied, "Oh, dear Walter waa en a-a-neck last night." "He was on a what?" her questioner asked quizzically. "A-a bosom," die explained, blushing to a deep crimson.. "A what?" her tomentor persisted. She hid her embarrassment hehind her napkin and mumbled, "He was on a bust." " " "" • Arsea \ |3yp -- Twiddle Ml the laagh turned on MppeiMti tys, little jdn with the insurance company. Joint--How? Gyp -- He imraced sop cigars, smoked them, aftd* therf fcent in a claim on the ground>tfeJ& they had been destroyed by fire. Joint--And they laughed It him, I Suppose? Gyp--No, they had arrested on a charge of atsoru FAST W0BK WIN ^DKOOBAXION DAT GAME WRfflUHENRT NINE The Shamrocks cf Irish Prairie Decoration Day to decorate the McHenry Forester team with a € to 4 It was an enthusiastic crowd that ithered round the McHenry diamond to watch the snappy, young Shamrocks swing asighty shillalahs to back op a firm conviction that they were just the laddy-boek* who couki beat tiie McHenry nine. ' \ Harry Dowail, a tot of man wrappea OP in a saaall package, mixed a sharp curve with a tantalizing change of pace to hold the McHenry nine in check. Richard "Nickie" Freund made his fl*»t appearance of the season on the for McHenry, pitching a sweet ft the second and third be counted out of the picture. The Shamrocks scored two runs in the second to start the scoring for the day and added two more before the McHenry boys picked up a run in their half of the third. Two more runs in the fifth and one fai the sixth tied the score and put the crowd on edge. Sacrifice Pays However, Bill Bolger drew a walk to start the seventh and went to seoond on a perfect bunt by L. Stilling. Benny Brits made a nice play on Conway's hopper, held Bolger on second, then threw to test to get his man. Tom Bolger then slashed a single to right to bring his brother, Bill, home With the run thai proved to be the Winner. Catcher" Howard drew an error on the play aa a wide throw-in bounced off his gloved hand. Gerry Larkin, the only three-hit gent of the day, scored the last ran of the game. The game interest and the fans are clamoring for another game. No doubt, another game weald* draw a large crowd Miller, if Larkin, rf 4* Wagner, rf a Brits, 8b Thurlwell, lb SchnHa, lb . Bennett, ss . J. Wagner, cf H. Brits, If Andrsaa, c Howard, c.. Whiting; 2b £. Freand, p nrouas collect u BITS TO WBZP SAOSXD HKAXT SCHOOL SVHDAT The Indians pounded out twelve hits Sunday to beat the Sacred Heart school at Geneva 6 - 1 . Jim Freund led the team With three hits while Howie Freund, Joe Jackson and Bob Newkirk had two each. Newkirk held the opposition to one hit during the first jrfx innings and Jackson held them to two in the last three innings. The last few games have shown that the team has improved consider*, ably and that they are now ready to get revenge from the shamrocks for a defeat earlier in the season. ,jgi V~T,,r Totals Conway, ss-cf T Bolger, Sb E. Dowell, p ..... J. Larkin, 2b - ss W. Bolger, c G. Larkin, lb ... H. Stilling, If ... B. Bolger, rf . B. Dowell, cf . L. Stilling, 2b ' - In Totals 85 • 11 Score by !• stags McHenry .001 021 000--4 9 Shamrocks 022 000 110--0 11 Double "play--H. Dowell to B. Dowell to G. Larkin. Struck out--by Dowell, 6; by Freund, 7. Basea on balls--off Dowell, S; off Freund, 2. Crafty A pupfl was asked the following question by his teacher; "Do the American Indiana have full citizenship?" After a moment's consideration, he replied: "No, they have canoes!" Special Meeting--Council Room, Ma* 19, 1941. A special meeting cf the city council was called by Mayor Overton. All members were pteeent and participated in the meeting. Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda to purchase Illinois State Specification road oil from George G. Lennartz, of Crystal Lake, at the rate of .0575 cents per gallon. Motion earned. Motion by Regner, seconded by Bolger, to hire Engineer Kasser to make a preliminary report on cost and advisability of widening the Green 8treet bridge and street at that point Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Forwerda, to adjourn. Motion carried. ' R. WALSH, City del*. * R. L OVERTON, Mayor. . H. Freand, it Ley, Sb .......... J. Freund, If ....~ G. Jackson, c ..... Meyers, lb J. Jackson, rt-p Schmitt, cf A. Jackson, 2b ... Newkirk, p-rf .. --...5 ,.~5 4 4 ..Jj t I 1 a I t n 2 1 8 • 1 2 1 0 2 "I hear you are building a new house. How is it coming on?" "First rate. We've got the roof and the mortgage on, and we expect to have the furniture and the sheriff in aeon." • Well, It Mafipa* A coffee aalesman waa traveling through the South, anftaa he waited for a train in a little southern town he chatted with a taqr looking colored man idling on; a bench at the station. »•*.-.» ^ . "Ever drink coffee?" he inquired, with an eye to stirring up interest in his line. The colored man allowed he drank a lot of coffee Fifty cupe a day, he answered. "Fifty CUM a day! Doesn't it keep you awake? inquired the astonished coffee salesman. "Well, U helpa," answered the adored man. The Shamrocks won their sixth game in six starts Sanday W 4ptfeating Spring Grove by a seep# wl - 4. Jim l4krkin was on the OHMM and struck out fifteen Larkin and WdMr hitters with foar iBub Dowell, regular who was badly shaken «p fin a i iiBfil' led fte Totals -- 8etered Heart •« 1 AB Gehnnger, 2h mm inw »~8 Hill, lb ..» Creidon, If Batch, ss ^.*.^4 Burns, 8b Hanford, rf -- DeChar, cf nyiJ.aM«»n»«ww*4 O'Donnell, p Thibault, c .4 I 12 K 0 0 • 0 • 1 I 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 w Totals 82 % Score by Innings Indians S00 010 200--6 !• 4 Sacred H*rt 000 100 000--1 S 8 Two-base hit--Burns. Hit by pitcher -- Newkirk (O'Donnell). Double plays--Batch to Gehringer to Hills Schmitt to A. Jackson. Struck out-- by O'Donnell, 4; by Newkirk, 1; by Jackson, 6. Bases on balls--off O'Donnell. 3; off Newkirk, 5. Umpire-- Traapman. HIT<MJ(K ASTIOZKS BXAT ALOOHQinH. 2 The rains came last Sunday aa plus changed and Algonquin found it best to meet Johnsborg on the Tiger's own stamping grounds. Everything turned out fine. The Tigers were up on their toes to support Bill Kreutser in a nifty 4-hit performance that spelled victory, 2 to L Johnsburg went at their chores early. Three hits in the first inning netted two runs. That was all the scoring. But, it was enough In winning, Kreutcer found himself in pitching duel with one of the best twirlers in the league -- Carl Hopp. The secert of Bill's success was control. He walked no man. Next Sunday is the day you fane have been waiting for. The McHenry Forester nine will travel to Johnsburg for the first meeting of these two teams this year. 3' • Algignla -- 1 •; * v^i.. ^ Bancak, c ----4 1 Rogman, 8b ~~4 • H. Hopp, cf 4 0 Shnonini, If 4 0 E. Zoonchek, 2b Ebel. 2b «... * Kublank, rf J J. Zomchek, as ...-- 4 C. Hopp, p H 2 1 0 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 Hely Cap! And then there waa the North Dnkots farmer whose cow chewed off a rooster'a tail, and the next day gave a fafep.pql a half of fine cocktail when he mlllBsd her. Over in Oregon, .though, farmer owned a cow wnich swallowed an almanac aind then gave creamed dates. r ' V - ' ' , Bpsing Cluatag Grade--Mow tiiat spring la coming, we're throwing all sorts of things away. I pnt one of my wedding presents ea the fire this afternoon. ",f1 Diok^You^WhatwaaitT with Harry Stilling Henry game appealed W a ter in the eighth an extra baae hit made a hanatifal smash to SH. Next Sunday the Johnsburg Initisna will play on the ShamroekV Jim Larkin set the lifts down two hits earlier in the seasod? Jackson will be out to even the s for Johnsburg. t • --J Spring Greve -- 4 l_?i r **§ Zarnstorff, ss 4 m Siedschlag, 2b .5 lr Miller, lb Pierce, p -- Samders, cf May, 3b V. Miller, If . Karl?, rf Hp#, if Flanigan, 8b • Totab .... iShamrccka-^l ab Conway, cf - 8h 4 L. Stilling, 2b 8 H. Dowell, ss ---4 G. Larkin lb .^_„^....4 W. Bolger, c - cf 6 J. Larkin, p --B T. Bolger, 8b 8 Crouch, If -----1 H. Stilling, lf-c 4 B. Bolger, rf 4 B. Dowell, rf .niimimi --.1 Totals --...88 • 14 8cere by Iaainga Spring Grove ..200 020 000--4 9 4 McHenry 300 600 lOx--9 14 f Two-base hits--J. Larkin, 2. Double play--iL. Stilling to G. Larkin. Struck out--by Larkin, 15; by Pierce^ 8» Bases on balls--off Larkin, 3; off Pierce, 5. Umpire--Pete Dowell. $OWLING NEWB : :A FINAL 8TASDDT8 ha Woodstock City Asserlnllsn •and leap Tearnsonent for - McHenry Ceanty Bewlsn •* Team Bvs^s I. Grove Liquor No. 8, F. B. O--SOW 2. Freund OIL, McH. •»!» S. Schaefer's Melstor B., McH. --8888 4. Woodstock Meteter B^ Wood--8818 8. Nye Jewelers, McH. -- f. Pabst Blue Ribbon, Wool 7. Ace Hardware, C. L. -- 8. Lion's Club, McH. iM STAG A DOE "'Johnny, what la the feminine cornapoading to the maeetdlMiJtSiC! t" '"Aftamoon tea." ». • • W^lrgl^'ir -f Harvey (jecantly wed)--I never thought of saving ;uptil I was married. Rev. BanknpM *nd now? HnwftJw 1 ,ai thinking how much I I wasn't married. continually gbt aave if "So you and Tom What'a the trouble.?' dont which quarrel r moat** Daddy- I gave yoa you. . , », Tommy-rl^ down. that yanking ae more than it did art ! f Adam, cowlf^'l hsve poet." "Why notf" "Because, poets are mada.- . pot ; .if «M|»> >«•« -- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin were Oak Park visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and baby of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Whiting,. Totals Ishnsharg -- 2 A. K*eund, cf N. Smith, 2b B. Meyers, ae W. Smith,, lb ..- T. Pitzen, If .... D. Freund, 8b H. Freund, e ... B. Miller, rf Kreutzer, p ... , Hotels Sestehy Algonquin .000 000 100--1 4 Johnsburg ---200 000 OOx--2 7 Two-base hits -- Bancak, T. Pitzen. Walks--Hopp, 4; Kreutzer, 0. Strikeouts-- Hopp, 9; Kreutzer, 7. Ebel batted for E. Zomchek in the sixth. Mrs. G.--My baby is the peattieet in the tewn. Mrs. B.--Why, Wtiat a. coincidence! -$o. ft knine! Certain PMf ^V'- Her Mother--Do think his intentions are seltotu^? ' Young Widow--l*itt sure they are. His attentions aft so ridiculous. Sage Advice "What did the editor say whan you took him your story entitled. The Wishing Rug'?" "He told mc to beat iL" A mong- the Sick 1. F. Nagel, F. R. G. ^ M. Buresb 8. P. Penkava, F. R. O. B. Kasimour 8. M. Butler, Woodstock : L. Jensen _ 4. L. Cernocky, F. R. G. I. Hanson 8. W. Oerkfitz, Crystal Lnfea A. Kapplng A Joe Wagner, McHenry W. Wlrts 7. J. Frisby. McHenry O. Frisby A E. Soderberg, Woodstock , L. CroaM *»• Slnsisa A. Freand, McHenry A. Koch, Crystal lake . R. Johnaon, Wseiatock J. O. Flood. F. R. O H. Johnson, Harvard -- W. Oreea, McHswry F. DeBroWer, Harvard - H. Brits, McHenry ~12f3 .1SU jim .1144 JIMS .1848 Ml 14. Ton DeOravee, Woodstodt --444 11. P. Baraaacher, F. R. G 448 15. V. Johasoa, McHenry 448 IS. P. Penkava, F. R. G. . 4S» AB Events ! • 1. WL Soderberg, Woodstock 188> A W. Pnlos, Crystal Lake 1>1> A D. Doty, Fox River Grove 1N4 nATOKomfiTiroTis i- ---- ^ The soft ball leagae opened Tineaday night with a victory for the K. CL's over the C. O. F. The McHenry Clerks won by a forfeit since McQalhaa Lake, their opponents, failed to arrive. Hie next two games will he played Thursday evening, bringing into competition the other four toanta in the leagae. enoag*te Bwiauning Beech If tiie weather is beach supervision will start Friday of this week. During good weather "Mac" will be at the beach frsoa faAft to 4 o'clock each afternoon. Next Tuesday morning there wfll be baseball practice on the MclTsmry diamond near Anderson's for all the boys of the upper grades and Freshmen and Sophomores in high school. Johnsburg is ready for another a arise of games so let's get ready for theaa. Because of the baseball practice the playground at the park will not ha open ob Tuesday morning. . ... , I'm Genevieve Knox,' Mildred Kinsala, Mrs. Catherine Conway and Mrs. Walter Walsh attended a dinner sponsored by St. Mary's church at Hunt- Mrs. John Neiss, who suffered a fall at her home -Sunday May 25, is able to get around in a wheel chair. Lester Age, of the Buss-Page Motor sales» j^ jMUi been ill the past week, is on Edward J. appendectomy St Thar sea's ie«eported underwent an ly. May 24, at Waukegan. He VISIT NOTRE DAMS ^ Mrs. Ray McGee and son, Owen, accompanied Mrs. Walter Oeny and Mary Harriet Bennett of Woodstock to Notre Dame, Ind., where they spent the weekend. Last Friday they witnessed a pageant in celebration of the centennial «f the founding of the Holy Cross nuns who teach at St. Mary's college. Saturday they were guests at Notrt' Dame university where they visited Rockne Mcasorial, the Stadium, and other placea of interest. Miss Jean Frances Conway, a stadent at St. Mary's college, came boa* with them to spend the summer. • ,.4. . . , ' . "*f • , fiC -ti- . .T*r ^ • f • ; - * ,f- S ^ - . * ' % ^ I _ . ^ ..1 "I