Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1941, p. 4

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Page For* * Mmtein, At his " The latter fc Jeka loo al ken m .._ Ttmiedsy at M# fax U.S. SERVICE , m, bf Charles F. Beairh. , . Entered to ssesad dale* Butter aft fj|^\:the postoffice at McHenry, I1L, under % :£*' the act of May-8, 1879. '^^Z'ShSL FORSAU r*:v_ ?One Year ..... &\f • "ISix Months , ..$SJOO ~fl.<# S^< - Coaishertsfs ? . Sweden's coal and coke shortage f V has forced many industries to curfeW Ml operations. . • <« sr- % £;?v Laxarles ef lafl '^'"J r>n« provided with hatha are a ^feature of • n«W prisoa in Ven- • #*- ••• ~'%jattoBeeei QH * ' - i Cottonseed oil is now used con* mercialJy as a substitute lor olhr* cards, required ct American visitors, cost 91 cents. -- i ii i mt " FOR SALS--3ix rooar house on John street, near sdttblt. Reasonably priced. Also double garage on lot Inquire tfrt. Will BWke. Itt 611- W-l. 4-tf FOB SALE -- Two. wheel trailer; strong, good body and tires. Tel. McHenry 7-tf intatt chickens; pairs ***-1. t-tf FOR SALE-*-Coed ^Wisconsin Cows, just brought in, «usOk*rs and dose springer*, G»CKMC3EE *nd Holsteins. Tel. Round Lake 2228. Frankt Ehredt. g FOR S and chest of dra Phone •' Wee Siamese ?fce original Siamese twins ' pot fiismfff hut Chinese. a,' Y. . •-- FOR Si era tor, genuine reed iun - rcNcwr newly upbeat* r*>d. phone 1< reflrfjr- Fow-piece furniture, E. Taylor, *8 About 16.000 lakes are located In Minnesota. FOR S Call Mc Henry 6-foot A jfttrtJon of a letter from Private Owen Carlson, formerly of Ringwood, has been turned over to us this week by his sister, Mrs. Clayton Bruee, of Wonder Lake. King City, Calif. June 27, 1941. Hello Folks, How is everyone hack at Ringwood? We are finished with maneuvers down here in California for the summer. They resulted in a victory for the Blue army over the Red army. I was on the Blue army side. We leave the first of July for Fort Lewis and will arrive about the sixth or seventh. *- I am stHI hoping for a furlough, but don't know for sure when I may get it, possibly in October. Ws^c.^ Private Owen Cameoit,' Co. D - ,7th Infantry, Port Lewis, Washington. Martin R. Cooney, who is an instructor In the' j-adio department at Scott Field, III., returned to McHenry last Thursday to enjoy a fifteen day furlough with his parents, Mr. and M rs, Maytin Cooney. Cooney, who en- Mrs. Lydia Gydesen of Mt. Holly, N. J., recently celebrated her 101st birthday anniversary by getting a permanent wave at a beauty pallor. , Read the What Ads < FOR SALE--Snrnm# resort on Pistakee Lake, 5 buildings, lot 200x180 ft Also outboard runa"5out, built for speed; als% 6-h.p. Johnson motor. Tel. McHena^64^£-^ , *8 | FOR SA^&--<£r3 rtf^tipre. Bring your ow^ conmndfcs. jl $£60 case of 16 quarts. Thobdore Stock, West of C. £ N. W, railroad, West McHenry. *8 * It's C-O-O-L at the MILLER 1%eatre Friday and Saturday Continuous Saturday Dick Powell - Joan Blondell "MODEL WIFE?" -- PLUS -- _ New Hoppv Thrills William Boyd in -r&j "PIRATES ON ^ HORSEBACK" Sunday and Monday Continuous Shows Sunday Tyrone Powet - Linda Darnell and Rita Hayworth -- in technicolor -- 'BLOOD AND SAND" Tuesday -- 10c - 15c A great religious picture! "THE GREAT COMMANDMENT" WIVES *i$gfejg(ygpgR& APPROVE of men's Jockey Underwear. Buttonless, easy td nuiafer/needs no ironinp Provides masculine support. Coopers make it. 50c up. McGEE'S, Green Street', McHenry. - 4 8 FOR SALE--Ford, Model B Roadster, good condition. Tel. McHenry 132-W. 8 FOR SALP --.Hammock, 'collapsible frame, $7; '24>Urwer electric plate, $8; ice chest, $2. €all after 6:30 p.m. Helen McGwrihy Emerald-Park. *8 FOR SALE --2 -piece Living Room suite; 3-pi£ce porch' • ehina cupboard; buffet; bedstead; low dresser; table; fruit jars; gas rangre. H. C. Kamholz, Center Street, McHenry. 8-tf FOR RENT KIRK'S KOTTAGE8 AND KABINS -- Tel. 661-M-l. Waterfront cottages, $10 - $15 ^eek. Kabina^HVkts, $1.00. Outboard motors: 60c ht. Balloontired bicycles, 25c. 3 hrs for 50c. 8 WASTED WANTED^t^rf for i^Qieral housework. Experience dor Just a helper. Phone Pistakee Bay 604-W-2. 8 SALESMHt^ '^TA^ttk' Ilbr King's Fruit Juice drink. Several territories open. Apply A. J. Stuhlfefer, county distributor, McCullom Like. 8 THCATM M McH€NRY FRIDAY -- (ONE DAY ONLY) (1) "THE COWBOY AND THE BLONDS" (2) "I'LL WAIT FOR 1 YOU" SATURDAY - ONK DAY ONLY Setarday Matiaee--l:4i Csti--p-- Wallaee Beery - Iiatd Baiijaewf Larafcw Dsy "THE BAD MAN" News - Garteen and Musicpl SUNDAY -- MONDAY July 11-14 Ray MillaaJ Wayne Merrie Brian Denkwy C Masre "I WANTED W1N08" • Alao New* - Cartoon -- Novelty Beaday Matinee --1:45 CaaUaaaae TUBHDAY Adadesion -- 16c • 36e N!> "POWER DIVE" K?)" PENTHOUSE -MYSTERY" n WHSNESDAY ^-THUR^AY" THE GREAT LIE" WANTED--Stenographer, preferably with experience in technical correspondence, record-keeping and filing. Apply by letter to Ringwood Chemical Corporation, Ringwood,-111., Attn: E. W. Lowe. Give age, experience, references, and salary expected, 8 MIWELLANEOUS DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to M OO (Mi Cows - gseaso - lejip No hel» needed for leadfc«l Ptaapt and Saattvy Dar and lflght, Biiidejs iad S-'.V, if M. The Beautiful I I lOVAIf mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co'i. Leading Theatre C - O - O - L - E . D Mechuucal War Aftiwi Pkuralysb in Sutii While Him warring armies in Europe are employing mechanised «mits tojtartroy one aqpthcx* Seattle is medUhiktng to save livee in niiil lufiiiillli jini fftjiiln Latest weapon in the battle to aid infairi% paralysis victims on the road to recovery is a mechanical walker. _ , The device, designed for comfort and u$i&, was built by N. Jartside, diief ibgirieet of Swedish hospittl, end has proved of great value in helping patients regain use of their weakiuted limbs. It consists of a metal framework with arm^Rupuprts, and is mounted on rubbtt^tirMl casters. "There's a sei| which, when the patient aits on it, operates e brake. The 'NndBUiq|inachin«" resembles the device Med by small children stricken with the disease. First to use the apparatus was Mrs. Adam W. Lyskoski of White Center, who, is now able to walk with crutches. She was stricken with infantile paralysis last August and first used the walker in May, when she also began to wear leg braces. At first completely paralyzed, and listed in the army August 1, 1940, has ne_ arly 11 month_s_ i_n_ t_h e hospital. been designated ar a fifth class sped- j Mr*."\ysko^7Ts now able 'to'ride "in cars and to keep her balance on crutches. She no longer needs to alist, which entitles him to a six dollar raise in wages His address, when he returns, will be: Private Martin R. Cooney* 12th School Squadron, " Scott Field, Illinois. comes from Private Loreh Miller, who has been stationed at Fort Ord, Calif., that he is leaving this week for Alaska." For the past six weeks he has been on maneuvers at Hearst ranch, King City, Calif.. Miller is with Company K, 82nd Infantry. Privates Melvin J. Walsh and R. J. Rothermel, both of McHenry, who were among the first 13,500 traineegraduates of the Field Artillery Replacement Training Center at Ft. Bragg, N. C., are being transferred this week to Camp Forrest, Tenn. They have been trained at the F. A. R. C. as motor mechanics. Their addresses are: Private Melvin J. Walsh, 103rd F. A. HBamp Forrest, Tennessee. FVivate R. J. Rothermel, 123rd F. A. Gbmp Forrest, Tennessee. AN ORDINANCE MAKING THB ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CURRENT %' FISCAL YEAR f ^ 666 or 661-M-L fctf BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF the City of McHenry, Illinois: SECTION 1. That it is deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the current fiscal year, that there be and there hereby is appropriated to provide for by the general tax levy and other revenues for the current fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Fifty - four Thousand Six Hundred Forty-one ($54,641.00) Dollars; that the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to-wit: Interest on bonded indebtedness- .- Payment on Maturing Public Property-- Materials and supplies Labor and Repairs Telephone Light and Gas Water Works- Salaries Equipment Purchases ~~~ Labor and Repairs Povfer T.... Meters Collection fees -... Miscellaneous Balsries Felice City Attorney City Clerk 4 LAWN MOWBB8 ikpert saw filing; aS kiads ef tools and knives sharpened. H. W. Ahrens, route 81 and John street, Wert McHenry. *74 pRoroe«t-Ai»pi,AirB -CLUB -- ttMfetyfc Vl»itrt>sss( tii 1M0 Piper Cub 60 h. p. trainer to he hangarad at Woodstodc airport. $4L60, down, rest $6.60 per week. Flj> perhbur. jSfg/amff •mq«irej^ Bngliie Kht Phone 661-M-l. FRI. - SAT. -- JULY 11 . 12 -- Doable Feature! -- Jean BlondHl . Dick Powell fai "MODEL WIFE" Also -- ^ Nancy Kelly - John Loder ia "SCOTLAND YARD" SUN. - MON. _ JULY 13 - 14 Ban. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. 25c to 6 P- n».; 30c after. Children, 10c. Tyrone Power in ? *i! DILOOD AND SANBfc i ^ -- with -- Linda Darnell - Rita Hayworth Filled with action-packed thrills! -- in gorgeous technicolor---- TUESDAY lie - Special - 15e Robert Sterling • Marsha Hunt in "I'LL WAIT FOR YOU" with Virginia Weidler - Fay Holdea WED. - THURS. -- JULY 16 . 17 Alice Fa ye - John Payne in "THE GREAT AMERICAN BROADCAST" with Jack Oakie - Cesar Romero Alee -- Robert Benehley Comedy 1,620:00 1,000.00 1/MO.OO 750.00 ' 75.00 150.00 2(100.00 2^000.00 2JW0.90 500.00 400.00 16040 100.00 use the walker. "I get around beautifully," she explains, recalling the time when she could not, even move her hand. Nuraes estimate that within a year and a half, Mrs. Lyskoski will be able to walk without even crutches. She and the other stricken patients find the walker a great boon in their fight to regain health. Tolil Relmtioi) Needel ^ For Health and Beauty A brief period of complete quiet and detachment from activity will soften and postpone those annoying lines of strain and worry. Americans are busy people. Frequently they simply do not know how to be still. The woman who wishes to have poise and serene beauty would do well to train herself in the art of relaxation and make it a daily practice. Set aside half an hour, or even 15 minutes, every day and learn how to relax. Lie down or make yourself as comfortable as possible in your favorite chair. For at least fiva minute* try not to triove a finger. Don't spend time planning the menu for tomorrow's company dinner. Don't wrestle with any of the knotty problems you may have. Let your mind drift. Let your whole body be inactive. IT the telephone rings, let it ring. There is no law requiring you to answer the telephone. Of course, select a time when you are least likely to be disturbed. The gerenity you gain will help you afcomplish much more when yon^take up your activities agaiiu Mayer and Aldermen Treasurer CoUector Household Goods at AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer On account of bad health and being obliged to go. la. Aritona, -I will sell at Public Auction on tho Emil Reese farm located two miles northwest of Alden, and two miles north, and onehalf mile west of Oak Grove school, on-- • v • SUNDAY, JULY 13 Commencing *t 2;0O o'clock p.mM DST., the following household articles. v Round tub electric Maytag washing machine, new; 2 tubs on rollers; cream and green kitchen rtnge, new; kerosene range, new; 3-burner kerosene stove, new (heating stove); 2 new beds with mattresses; new innerspring mattress; new davenport suite; new parlor rug; new vacuum cleaner; electric iron; sewing machine; 3 linoleum rugs. 2 dining-room tables;' 6 dining room chsirs, new; 6 kitchen chairs; library toble; 2. small tables; 2 commodes; ironing board; clothes bars; curtain stretcher; comforters and blankets; dishes; fruit jars; 3 crocks, 5 gal., 8 gal., 10 gal., new; lawn mower; bedding; bicycle ,,:ii vt, 4< Many other articled " " This being a busy time the sale is being held on Sunday afternoon in order to give buyers an opportunity to attend. Terms of Sale--Cash. 4 VERNIA yiTOH Streets and Alleys-- Salaries ..... Lighting Material and Supplies Construction Miscellaneous, five Protection ,.... Legal fee* and Court Coslg Maintenance Sewdtage Plant-- Labor and Supplies --~~~ Construction Sewer Fund Support Insurance •*..»..i.»»..*i,•• • ••• i». Salariee Band . ^.......4.......^.........--...^." Printing .-- Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes . Contingent Auditing Special Salaries and Wages Supplies -- Printing 1£00.00 tOOjOO 420J60 •00.06 120.00 120.00 1,100.00 8400.00 2,600.00 16^00.00 l^QOSQ 400|p Insurance Sundry ««««»M»W>IWWM>|MIMI**>*» • Motor Fuel T*x 2,000.60 1,500.60 300.00 160.00 150.00 -.836.00 875.00 tyooo.oo 225.00 #750.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 6,500.00 ; " /She Dwelt in Imagination A good many of the older generation, who delighted in the books of B. M Bower, including "Chip of the Flying U," remember the author as a writer of pre-eminent action novel* of the West. "Chip of the Flying U" was published in 1906. It was followed by 50 other books, mostly telling Of the life on the range in terms which gave readers the feeling that the writer had personally experienced that life. It is probalble that not one ia a hundred of B., M. Bower's readers knew she was a woman. Her full name was Bertha Muszy Bower and ^ he was mother of three children wh6fi sh*"teok nip herpen. 'Some years in childhood spent in Montana gave her the ."feel" of the country, hut she depended on a remarkable imagination to put herself into the position of the masculine characters af the rsnge tine so vividly portrayed. B. M. Bower is an illustration of the ffct thgt difoct personal experience Is not nearly as necsssery as ability to 'ima^faw fa) giving enduring picturca of o|6poered tipyp and TOTAL ^ ....$54,641.00 SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general ,appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in giaking up any insufficiency in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage,, approval and publication, according to! law. Passed this 7th day of July, A. D. 1941. | Approved this 7th day of July, A. D. 1941. • R. I. OVERTON, Mayor of the City of McHenry. Attest:--Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk, Published July 10, 1941. Much Fish New York city consumes a thou- < ,1ml--.ifftfm Ws Eat Vse Math - 1>e Dietary *andhfds, issued"fy: th* United States defiartnieht of agriculture, office trf hp&c ec«»mics, states that the ttittary standard for a man in full vigof. doing Moderate musclilhr work. sh6uld b* 3,606 calories as1 'food purchased, 3,500 calories af food e^ten, ana 3,200 calories as "But," says Ji. Lovell of Los Angeles, "ths typlqM executive and business Inan Misymes 5,700 calories at one meal--dinner." That is the reason for the paunches, the digestive troubles, the bad taste, the morning-after halitosis, constipation, gaseous fermentation-- in fact, the whole chain of symptoms which characterise overeating, according to Dr. Lovell. Treasure la Old Papers Documentary records of the Britfart) Board of Trade, in the two years following the Revolutionary war, have been acquired by the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. The records include 1,344 handwritten pages comprising the minutes and documentary records, disclosing accounts of trade relations between the 13. colonies and Great Britain,, following the cloee 0$ Afct war. X Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, daugfatetv Mariguerite, and son, Frank, were the . guests of Janesville, Wis., relatives Sunday, Lee Hughes of Topelca, Kan., enjoyed a visit-with his father, James Hughes, Sunday. Saturday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall were Miss Tillie Bartusek and Edward Kessell of Berwynj Mrs. Marie Tapper and Mrs. Bess Kvidera and grandson, Kenneth, of Cary; Mr. and Ma. Adolph Jantz of Nortfc Chicago ami Dolores Ann Vales of McHenry. The Herbert and Walter Fenske families arrived last week -fco spend the summer at their summer homes on Fox street. Mrs. Ray McGee left last Wednes- Jay for El.Paso, Texas, wher^ she will spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Marion Kuppe. Atty. and Mrs. C. M. McDermott ef Chicago, former residents ef McHenry, called on local friends July 4th. Mrs. Mergant Joan Strick returned to her home in Chicago recently after spending several weeks with her uncle, Chester Goodman. Mrs. A. K. Burns entertained the past presidents of the North Oak Park Woman's club at a luncheon and afternoon of cards at her summer home at Hickory Grange Monday.: Mrs. Kate Trapp and Edna Heimef of Chicago were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer last Tuesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger and family of May wood were visitors h) the home of his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Boger, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alby Krug and daughter, Elaine, of Rockfdrd, former residents here, called on McHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connolly of Chicago, summer residents in this vicinity, are vacationing in California. Sunday guests in the Harry Fredricks home were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Berthold, -Mrs. George Berthold and daughter, Gayle, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller of Oak Park. Albert Purvey, Elmer Freund, Earl Dowell and James Sayler played, golf at Olympic Fields Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Leppert and sons of Rockford called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sefeak of Chicago, Mrs. Albert Valee. and daughter, Dolores, spent Monday evening in the William Marshall home. Mrs. A. J. Butter and sons, Andrew and Donald, spent the Fourth and weekend at the home of her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Victor Havorka of Chicago was a guest in the Richard Fleming home over the weekend. Mrs. James Mahoney and children and Mrs. Harry Anderson and daughter of Chicago are vacationing this week in the John Phalin home. Dr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Sayler and Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Covalt, Jr., spent the weekend in northern Wisconsin. Pvt. Vincent Boxer of Camp Custer, Mich., spent the weekend with his brother, Joseph Boxer, in the William Staines home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen and son, Peter, of Chicago, were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Pich. Mrs. Marie Werner, daughter, Ethel, son, Heifeie, and friends of Chicago^ James Wagner of Indiana, and Curly McVicker of Elgin were guests this past weekend in the Herb Simon home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jurgenson and twis sons of Chicago enjoyed the Fourth of July in the home of Mrs. Ben Stilt iag. Mr. and •Mrs.-^Benn#*:Fish4r of > Elgin. who are well known in McHenry, wfll celebrate their silver wedding anniversary next Sunday, July 13. Mrs. Elisabeth Pich spent July 4th at Elgin. , Mrs, N. F. Steilen, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald and Mr. and Jfrs. Norman Klein of Chicago spent July 4th in the. h,ome of Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Miss Doris Westfall of Chicago is spending this week in the home of heY grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel Thomas* Knox of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with his' mother, Mrs. Anna Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer "Klass of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., were weekend guests in the Fred Miller home. Mr. e(nd Mrs. Carl Schmitt and children and Mrs. George Kamholi of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholx on Wednesday of last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman and son, Jimmy, of Oak Park spent a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Anna Knox. They left today on a trip to Long Lake, Wis. Mrs. Marieta Feinberg and . Mrs. Ella Feinberg of Chicago are enjoying a visit this week with Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Miss Villa Smith and Miss Maud Granger of Elgin'were ."nests in the Robert Thompson home on July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harris and Mrs. Charles Going of Evanston called on relatives and friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and son, Bobby, of Chicago spent the Fourth of July weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake. Mrs. Frank Hovet, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hovet, Mrs. Donald Range and son of Elgin visited relatives here Wednesday. Fourth of July guests in the home of Mrs. Agnes Marshall were Miss Suzanne Koenstedt of Waukegan, |HU« Dorothy Koenstedt of Windsor, Canada, and Private Lester Koenstedt of Camp Forrest, Tenn. Miss Marieta Blake is having a two- Week vacation from her work in the office of the Elgin Watch factory. She spent last week in her home here and is visiting in Chicago this week. Pvt. Herman Steffes, a recent draftee who is stationed at Camp Grant, Mar Rockford, spent the weekend at hif home in MeHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doberstein and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichols of near Ring- By ilL cago weto guests c*»r lha weekend hi the Harol4 <0*eii1teme. Miss JtilCflMSrite:' Ifossnd, |n company with vlripl from Milwaukee, Wis., left WflgiMok on a trip to New Jersey when,the former is visiting Dr. Robert Wisfcd, her fiancee. Mr. and ttriu. Ted fMHag and daughter, Gervalset «f Providence, R. I., arrived last Thunday to spend a few days in the Semgr Dinfcawyar home. They left Sunday morning for Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Antonsoaare enjoying a week in lkorthern Wjsocnsin. Arthur Doberstein and his wife, the former Miss Mildred Nlemeyer, of Chicago, whom he married last October, called on friends in McHenry this past weekend. . j^ Kings BdeaMsal Stylish women of the and Sixteenth century wece tsaiform sets of riftgs--three, ioi&t Ave, or even- six tinge of identical design, according to Italian portraits af that time. One Kecaissance &ady has on three bread rings With diagonal etripe* of red and white enamel naming &croSs th# gold. Another beauty of that period has three on each hand--little tlriger, third finger land index. Her six rings are exactly alike in dettfn/all of twisted gold, hut each bears a small obloag stone vt a different color^ :*•" iteaewable Blades ^ A safety razor with renewable blades has been invented for cutting acpis and calluses^ • V . . * . -I>eep. River Regular ocean steamers can proceed 1,060 miles up the Amazon river, lip 'ftady Plumbers, Bat-- there are lady pluiubeta r ^fr: there are none )• Island, according to Coo- Harrta, statistician for a ^sr in l^fidaiN. Bat » island hss St women papes^ hangers, 14 woniaa undertakers, V WM^fia potters, 4 woanen stonacu6» Uats, 4 women fomt rangers, X professional lhdberwomen and 2 womea auctioneers. ^ Qtapdard . Standard ,Hme was United States ipt mid her 18, 1888 in tha NovenapiMMnnr&< w • Two vitamin caaieles of HN_ _ Wvas tly la iltsala cootent. Aad. k is CONTENT that Thee is what yam aro mstyeagst id BeWese of vieahel »W"die- >caass yea jogeeachvitftssiiMd. peer emht, assersace ia feagsrtgygHz VhemSm PwikliVirtsw of their superior vitamia pa- Macy, staled viias^a ceaieat, and iiwhrn lplirt dsjsM.- (usallofyourDocBor'a ior vitssslas 11 ' "Abbott's.'* Special Sale Friday and Saturday SOUD RIPE TOMATOES 6UNKIST ORANGES NEW CABBAGE NEW RED POTATOES 2 ib«. 19^ ..Down 19^ 3ib». 10^ peck 39# McHENRY FRUIT MARKET Riverside Drive -- EngofaiBHg. -- McHenry Let's Enjoy These Vacatkn Day* ijnnfl:' SPECIAL FRIED OU1CKEN PLATE 4Se At Betty's Place ^ : / XJly X-tke Be» Volo /' *" rr"'v,5'. FISH FRYS EVERT ... •** -» Q. What is a U. ^ Defense Savings Bon^f : j^Biis bond is proof that you have lo&ttefl Moffey t6 - the United States Government for national de- , 'tfense. Your Bond bears interest at the rate of - 2.9 per cent a year, if held to maturity (ten yaars). Q. Why1 g&oild I^buy JDefttase Bonds! -; -f A. : Because money talks. To df<itators it speaks- defi- / ance. /To fnends of freeilom, it say% ^Here's my - hand!M • • •' ;V .i," !•' NOTE -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the nearest post office or bank, or write for in- " "^formation to the Treasurer of the United States, ' . Washington, D. d. • • ,• IRE SALE All prices subject to change without notioe. ; GOODYEAR ALL-AMERICAN TIRES 4.75 - 5.00x19 1515 6.t)0xl6 ; ' 6-66 <and your oM tir€) GOODYEAR DeLUXE G 100 -- GOODYEAR G-3 TIRES These are two of the best tires on the market and priced right! •wr* GOODYEAR PATHFINDER TIRES ' *00x1* ... ^ £ (and your old tire)u Other sizes priced proportionately. Liberal trade-in allowance. Now is the time to get your car or truck equipped with good tires before an advance in the market takes lllm. -Ftw? .sr&xxem • • * r/. ..&.*>• • . 526 Main Street -- Phone 294 -- West McHenry

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