Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1941, p. 4

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"J -•r-1 v! Saw1 TTUIT iMucmiv mHKMlft k IrUMV ruNULUI FWUiil •**» Tbmsdadr «* M* fcaery, DL, by Chart* F. A. E Bntered as seooad-class matter at the poatoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May8, 1879. One Year -->2.00 Six Month* >1-00 .1 A-sXTifH RUPTUHED? jFOR SALE--Dining room table and chairs, day. bed, rugs, dreasaers and other htf&fWyftfcfc*. Mr*. F. O. (rahi, P»A Street. Tel. 127-W. 12-tf FOR SALE--fix room boose on John street, near ^schools. Reasonably priced. Also pjjj<|B garage on lot. Inquire m inn Wik*. Tel. 611- W-l. . 4-tf Truck At Driver Tak*t Nap FORT WORTH. -- Clyde Barclay, an Idalou, Texas, trucker, cursed under his breath. "Those brakes must be locked, This boat sure's dragging." Finally he stopped to investigate. His brakes were all right. Caught on the truck's rear bumper was the auto of a driver who was dozing at the wheel. CHOICE ^tU^TG LOTS --66x132 ft. in MeBqmy. City water, sewer, sidewalks^ gis and electricity. Priced at less than cost of improvements. Howard WAtUM.' THUrtr820. ' *12-4 POOL AS A FIG LEAF! Jockey Vn. euline support and sleek fit end squirming. Originated and manufactured by popper*.55c up. McGEE'S, Parrot Weeps as ' Its Mistress Dies Remarkable Bird Cries Out 'Goodby* at Death Comet. Bolger's Drug Store Phone 44 Gph« Strnt Green Stare* } white rabbits np. Call at FOR SA all sisea, Coles and Broad erside Drive Phdihe 101-R. 13 I r0' •" Wr\ NICKELS' y Hardware Main Street West McHenry ^4 It th* head^prtfH for .... Quality Hardware PAINTST: Sporting Goods •11 Hew Stock Priced Sight FOR SALE---75 Red New Hampshire Pullets. Call after six o'clock. Joseph Pitzen, Jyhnsbojrg. • 13 FOR SALE--G$od two-wheel trailer. Write Box 36, Solon Mills, 111. *13 FOR SAlil&Miirge dining room table and buffet; few odd chain. E. G. Peterson, phone 262. *13 FOR SALE-~Gas sjtpve, water heater, 4 doz. fruit jars, all for $3.50. M. Sherrard, Eaat Rs&akee Bay. *13 FOR SALE--Coon dog, well trained; 4 years old; Pn*e-41& Geo. Stenger, Richmond Road, McHenry, *13 RELIABLE PERSONS WANTED to call on farmers in porth half of McHenry county S|e§df work, good pay. No experience aof vapltal required. Some making $100.00 in a week. Write McNESS CO., .Dept. S.t Freeport, III. *12-2 BUT -- Second-hand and desk, suitable for ry Co. Farmers Co-op. McHenry 29. 13 WANTED -- Housekeeper, middleaged, peririanent home. Write Box "R" caret of The McHenry Plaindealer. 13 •MOC safe, se office. Assn. LOST LOST--Diamond ring in box, Saturday night or Sunday morning, at St. Mary's church picnic." Phone 124-R. Reward. ' *13 NEW YORK. -- The remarkable behavior of a white parrot named Jackie was being talked about around the West Fifty-fourth Street police station house. Jackie belonged to Fanny Law, 70, an old-time vaudeville performer who had an act involving "talking birds." Mrs. Law lived in a two-room apartment in the rear of 421 West Forty-eighth street, and she had been in poor health for several years. Recently her illness had grown worse, and Mrs. Ethel Campbell, chairman of the sick committee of the National Variety Artists, began making regular calls at the apartment. This morning Mrs. Campbell walked in to find that Mrs. Law had died. She was lying dead in bed, and on the coverlet was Jackie. Mrs. Campbell is willing to take oath that the bird said: "Mother is sick. 1 don't know how bad." t, And he kept repealing time phrases over and over. Mrs. Campbell said that usually when she has called at the Law apartment, Jackie has greeted her with this: J "What the hell do YOU want? Get the hell out of here!" • She said further that Mrs. Law and the bird often carried on long, involved conversations. One such conversation, she recalled, went this way: Jackie--Mother, I love you. Mrs. Law--Thank you, Jackie. Jackie--Jackie don't feel well. Mrs. Law--Never mind, Jackie; I don't feel well, either. Jackie--What's the matter with you, mother? Mrs. Carhpbell said that the A.S.P.C.A. was summoned and ps Jackie was being taken out of the apartment he cried: "Goodby, mother; goodby!" Jackie was taken to the society's shelter on Twenty-fourth street. POUHD >» fcK- • . • isf POUND-^Row boat with three oars, anchor out, drifting . Monday after* noon in stbtfri.' it. m. Itirk, 661-M-l. 'V w 13 kcHenry, niinoiji SUNDAY -- MONDAY Aifwt 24 - 25 Rehert Taylor • Brian Doalevy -- hi technicolor THE KID" -- Abo -- News Csrteo*-<- Caieiy TUESDAY , Ad-uaaia. - l«e -*» <(1) "UHDIB AGlf (2) "COUNTY WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY George Brent Martha Scott "THEY DARE NOT LOVE" M180ELLANS0US GARBAGE COLLfecttNG We have bought out the.-Rqafie; garbage route in McHenry and" surrounding territory. Our truc)u. wjit make, daily tripe. Call Staines Bros., McHenry 638-M-2. *11-7 JlHIMA TJ8 fl.00 OtLth 1 Hogs . for loading! Efifiy fluke Day and Willi. Sumlljl and Holidays jPhmm WheeuBg 1M--Rararae Charges Mr. mi Mrs. Albin Anderson, Jrn and daughter, Karen, of Springfield, Mass., are enjoying a two week vacation at the John Anderson home in West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jus ten spent Friday with their son and daughter* in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Justen, at Waukegan. Mr. mid Mr*. Joe Bergen of Chicago spent th^-weekend in the This-L-Dew cottage wjfur McHenry. Sirs. Pauline Fiebranz,<Jtfrs. Ernest Fiebranz and Mrs. - Ernest Hastings and son, Billy, of Behridere were callers in the Fred Kamhols home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Holger Pedersen spent Saturday in Chicago where they attended a double wedding. Arthur 01- sen, one of the bridegrooms, is their relative. George Meyers of Chicago, formerly of McHenry, has returned to .his hoifte after spending a few days in the home of Mrs. Agnes Marshall. • Mrs. Myrtle Symonds returned to her home in Alden Sunday after spending several weeks in the home of the late Mrs. John S. Freund. Mrs. Marie Fowler of Los Angeles, Calif., whe has been spending the summer with Mrs. W. F. Burke, left Tuesday for a visit with friends in Minneapolis, Minn. Misses Genevieve Knox and Georgi. ana Donahue and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin returned Saturday from a week's trip through the west. They visited Private Lloyd Whiting at Camp Francis E. Warren, near Cheyenne, Wyo., drove through Black Hills and the Bad Lands of South Dakota and called on relatives and old friends in Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schulz and son, Bob,!Mrs. Savina Boyle and Miss Shirley Hawley returned this week after enjoying a one week journey to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen and daughter, Judy, of Elgin, was a guest Saturday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams. _ v John Anderson spent the weekend in Springfield. 111., where he was the guest of Governor and Mrs. Green at the Veterans' Day dinner which was held in the Armory building in that city. Private Joseph Denning of Indiantown, Pa.,' is enjoying a furlough with his parents at their home on Green The George Kamholz and Paul Kamholz families of Chicago visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Saturday. ) street. . 1 „ Claire Whiting of Elgin was the guest of relatives and friends in Mc- Guests in the William Marshall home Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Basse and son, Jon, of Arlington Heights, aiid ilr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter. Dolores. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conway and daughter, Laura yne, Mrs. George Adams and daughter, Catherine, and Mrs. Laura Kent enjoyed a visit with Sister Mary St. Hilda at Clarke college, Dubttque, Iowa, last Wednesday where the latter had been attending summer school. Sister Hilda, the for. mer Mary Conway, a sister of Leo Mid Mrs. Adams, will resume her duties ju Mother Superior at St. Bridget's school, Omaha, Nebr., in September. Walter "Baldy" Bvanson of • Chicago, son of a former west side merchant, called on friends in McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan and son, Charles, of Chicago are spending the month of August in the Mrs. Agnes Marshall home. Mrs. Catherine Maker, brother, John C. Knox, and Mrs. Maiy Con ley of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Kate McLaughlin home. Mrs. Mary O'Connell of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Frisby, Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel visited Mrs. Charles Peterson and baby son in the Ravenswood hospital Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. MeArthor and Mrs. Haze] Mackley of Glencoe visitedf the former's father, Dan McArthur in the McLaughlin cottage on the Pistakee Bay road Sunday. Donald Kunstman of Batavia is vacationing this week in the .home of hi* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George E Frisby. Mrs. William F. Doherty of North Crystal Lake was a guest Sunday of Miss Kate McLaughlin at St. Mary's church dinner. During the afternoon she was joined by her husband and! two daughters in the McLaughlin home. Donald Tonyan spent Tuesday in Champaign, 111., where he made arrangements for liis entrance into the university this fall. Miss Barbara Krause of Chicago is visiting this week in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause. ' Mrs. W. F. Burke, Mrs. Maria Fowler, Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Mrs- Albert Purvey attended a flower show at Lake Geneva, Wis., last Friday. Mrs. Albert Krause, daughter, Marion Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel, Mrs., Fred Meyer and Miss Barbara Krause called on Mrs. Sue Mamlton at Elm-: hurst Wednesday. Q. Where should I keep my Defense Savings Bondsf ^a safe place, because they have valne which con- • s'% 8tant,y increases. If you wish, the Treasury Department or any Federal Reserve B&nk will Jiold them in safekeeping for you without charge, giv- ; ittg you a receipt. Q. I^pes-an album filled with Stamps automatically be- • ^ come a Bond that will pay interest andt mature In 10 years? \ A»^-po. The completed album must Wexchanged for a Bond, Regardless of the, amount of money you v-, * / invested in Stamps, they will not bear inter- ^ est until they are in the forin of a Bond or Borids. -- To purchase Defense ISdfii&sf and Stamps, go to the nearest post office or bank, or write for information to the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. * v MI the CLASS1F**D COLUMNS FOB QUXOK BStmUTB k that hour when a loved one ha£ passed on, those who survive want no coldly '1 profewioiial" services. We try to bring to all our professional service a warm and human sympathy. MOOB JUSTEN ft SONS Funeral Directors Phone 103-R%~ McHenry CLIFF'S^ location, m 436. R< trical hoi guaranteed. Prop. --• New rive, Phone ^ and elec- "appHHRes." All work CLIFFORD WILSON, 9-tf GARBA(J^ SfcbLLBCTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftenei1 -1 if > ^etied. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyeu'. Ben J, Smith. Hmk tAGtttr 6|fli(-l. 11-t* jedtieiu Relax at TKe Bcautiftti I.IIOVAI! mm CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co's.- Leading Theatre C - O - O ' - L - E - ~ D FRI. - SAT. -- AUGUST 1# - 16 -- Doable Feature! -- Ellen Drew - Joel McCrea hi "REACHING FOR THE SUN" Hagh Herbert - Tom Brown and P*ggy Moran in "HELLO SUCKER" SUN. - MON. -- AUGUST 17 - 18 Son. Cont. from 2:45 p.m. 26c to 6 p.m.; 30c after. Children, 10c. Clark Gable - Rosalind Russell in "THEY MET IN BOMBAY" with Peter Lorre - Reginald Owen A thrill-packed story of adventure """ and romance! TUESDAY * ^ lfte - Special - iy Robert Sterling ia "THE GET-AW AY" with Chas. Winninger, Donna Reed Abo--Three Stooges Comedy and Novelty WOOD. - THUR. -- AUGUST 20 - 21 Vivien Leigh - Laurence Olivier in "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN" -- with -- Alaa Mowhray - Heather Angel Also -- Paramount News Quartet Steals Building; Sells It Back to OWftW COLUMBUS, OHIO. -- The city slicker who sold the Brooklyn bridge to the gullible traveler had nothing on this Negro quartet. Police charge them with dismantling a four-story building, carting away the material in a truck, and then selling it back, piece by piece, to the original owfier. The youthful quartet allegedly carted away plumbing fixtures, metal sheeting, window and door frames, radiators, steam pipes, and even elevator equipment, and then sold the materials for junk to the Goldberg Iron company. The owner of the recently deserted building, Arthur Goldberg, has a half interest in the latter company. The four youths, Gean Pickett, 10; Leonard Hebon, 25; Charles Cooper, 19; and Frank Dunlap, 19, were arrested while tearing up the floor of the building, police said. Brought to headquarters, they as** sertedly confessed carting five truck* loads of material away from the building before their arrest. They were held under $10,000 bond each. Relatively fpw officials appointed t>y our Presidents subject to confirmation by the Senate "have been rejected by that body,-and irf th« nation's history only six net jtfpointed to cabinet posts have failed of confirmation. Three of these c*aes'occurred "in a single administration, that of President "fyler. The first dbiet appointee to fail of Senate cwi^npation was Roger B. Taney, n#uoi»Ts^retajy of the treasury by President- Andrew Jackson vu 1834. Tjinesr was appointed and confirmed as chief juatfee in 1886, however, and seirved as such for twentyeight year*. . J 'T' J bl under President Tyler, the appointments of Caleb Gushing to be secretary of the irteasury, Bavid Hanshaw to be seeretiir^ of the Navy, and James M- Porter to; be secretary of war, were all rejected by the Senate. President "Andrew" Johnson's appointment at Henry Stanberry to be attorney general was rejected in 1868, although it appears that he served for more than a year before his nomination wis-acted apon by the Senate. . The last, cabinet appointee to fail of confirmation was Charles B. Warren, whose nomination by President Coolidge to be attorney general was rejected by the Senate in a tie vote, 20 to 20, in 1925. Mr.' Warren had previously served as ambassador to Japan and to Mexiea ' Cabinet officers are not appointed for a fixed term, but hold office only at the pleasure of the President; DICK MILLER RECEIVES EYE INJURY SATURDAY" Mile he was opening a crate Saturday morning, a staple flew up and] hit Dick Miller, of Riverside Drive, in" the eye. For a time he lost the sight of both eyes, but this condition II clearing up and it is believed his injury to the eyebalf will not be permanent. i- County Clerk's Records Show 'Dead at Birth' EL PASO, TEXAS. -- Leonardo Trevizo has been legally dead for a quarter of a century. The 25-year-old El Pasoan found that through somfe error county records show he died at birth, and through a quirk of law he has been since as far as the state is con; cerned. , . The notation "dead at birth" bore the name of Leonardo's mother and of the midwife who attended her. A deputy county clerk discovered the error while searching for evidence of a birth certificate issued for Leonardo's brother. "As far as the county clerk's office is concerned Trevizo must remain legally dead until his father, signs a certificate of correction," the deputy clerk said. Plot to Kill Wife Nets Husband Prison Term WAYNESBURG, PA. -- Robert Headley, 49-year-old gas-field worker convicted of plotting to kill his wife so he could marry another wom- |u», sentenced to 3^ to 7 years in prison. . •--« Mrs. Otis Cumberledge, 35-yearold widow who admitted a sevetl» year romance with Headley, and her" sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Pettit, previously had pleaded guilty to similar charges and were sentenced to prison terms. Mrs. Headley recovered from five gunshot wounds in a fake hoi J up bul took hef life v. -Doisos. Jast January, - a.,-* •' • j., . V 75 Turn your old storage tank into a m^d#rn AUTOMATIC * Orty OR $1 dmni... It s taonth (small catiyiag charge for d®- fened paymMts).: ALSO. .. a completely new Automatic Gas Water Heater for only 5t tiown, ss long as J years to p«f. UNDREDS have already taken advantage of this offer this 4attMr,tnd before August 50, you, too, can still arrange to make this « ^ J <30-day test in your own home. You can use, test, and compare Automatic ->*'1 Gas Water Heating and be certain of its advantages. All guesswork is out! No risk or obligation ... sad your decision Is final! Here's our easy plan: We simply install a complete Water Hasttt oc a Conversion Unit for your present water storage tank and let you use it for a full 30 days. Try it and delight in the convenience and comfort, . . . the economy . . . and dependability of an Automatic Gas" Water1 Heater. Enjoy all the hot water you want . . when you want it. Check; operating costs on your gas service bill. Then if you are not completely satisfied, w* will rtfund the payments madt m tkt mm tmit iW mni» it ml our expense ! Donlt wait! Get it now .,. before ,TtJ»i» offer ends! « ^ , • ----- '-s Ovor 24,000 s^itM usors v II GAS ELECTRIC CXDMPANX. . * C b * ** - ..... ' f: 'J' ~k . j " .7 - ... J • «s3>t * "'-a

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