World's Most W&» MNGWOOD -row Harbor Entrance fef* [rlv^ Dairymen, please take notice! Mix Hfc 100 lbs. of Mineralized 34rv Gold Seal Dairy Supplement with 400 lbs. of » your own feed (preferably 200 lbs. of ground com cob and 200 lb®, ground pats) and watch your milk flow inijgifcrease. Phone your order today for a supply of 34% Dairy Feed. Farmers ifiiMill. Phone McHenry 29. 17-2 The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. K (Glenn Benoy on Tuesday. Fifteen ^Inembers and-one visitor were present iThe lesson, "How to Get the Most Out B |of Your 1941 Dollar," -was given by Sirs. Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson fcpent Sunday in the Glenn Martin sliome at West Allis. Mr. and Mr?. Ray Jackson of Madi. •. Json were Sunday guests in the Oscar •: ' > Berg home. \ % Louis Hawley, daughters, Shirley «.;»jtend Marion, and Mrs. Andrew Hawley .v,," .mrere guests in the C. V. Walter home ^ Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. •'"•••.•"'.I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young'spent « ^Wednesday in Hebron. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann •*;':\-sV^V,:'|ind Mrs. Phelps Caunders of Fontana ' ^fepent Thursday with their mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. " • Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth spent Sunday with the tetter's mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Loren Harrison spent Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Hal Totten, Mrs. Frank HaWley and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis Haw»- ley home on Wednesday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner of Richmond and Mrs. Krack of Chicago were Tuesday evening callers in the Ed Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Amy spent Wednesday at Elgin and Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. William Young and daughter of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the George Young home. > The Ladies' Aid will meet at the liome of Mrs. Louis Hawley on Friday, September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern of Spring Grove spent Monday in the Nick Young home. Ethel Krohn, Audrey and Rita Mae Merchant spent Saturday in Chicago. Shirley Hawley and Virginia Jepson -were callers in Woodstock on Friday. The Scotch Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. C. J. Jepson on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs JJ. T. Butler and Mrs. Roy Neal received the prises. Mrs. Minnie Coates has gone to the Old Peoples home at Woodstock to live. Mrs. Hickey, McHenry, spent Wednesday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins of Arling. ton Heights were Wednesday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hienze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Harrison - Peet home. Mrs. Frank Wattles and son, Glenn, of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the Chancey Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber. of McHenry spent Thursday evening with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison, Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs. H. Collins, Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. Henry Stephenson attended Eastern Star chapter at Algonquin on Thursday evening. Mrs. Georgia .Thomas and daughters and Mrs. Mamr of Woodstock and Viola and Alice Mae Low called on Mrs. Leon Prebe at Janesville on Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jennie Bacon Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were callers in Woodstock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and family at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were callers in the Ray Merchant home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Virginia spent Saturday afternoon in Elgin. Will Beatty oi Keystone called on his sister, Jennie Bacon, on Saturday. Charles Hess has returned to the veteran's home at Woods, Wis., after spending the past three months in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family were callers in the Harold Hansen home at Wonder Lake on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koop of Wilmette spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Frank Collins, who has been spending a week with the Collins, returned home with them.. Mrs. D. C. Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley, and Miss Cora V. Walters of Crystal Lake were Saturday afternoon callers ia the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann of Fontana and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leonard Roberta of Lake Geneva were Sunday supper guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., borne. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin were Sunday dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jep- •ere la the narrowest barter entrance in the world, spanned by a four-lane highway bridge ef the Oregon Coast highway, U. S. 161. The entrance freps the Pacific ocean to Depoe bay, Ore., is only 22 feet wide and nine feet deep. Only flshiag craft, trawlers and sports basts can negotiate the tortnens channel. Hands Across the Oil Pipeline Terminal Welding the last connection in a 236-mile oil pipeline, Canadian worki, James O. Lamber, right, and American workman Jean Lilly, shake hands, as high II. S. and Canada officials attend the ceremonies at the international border between the two friendly powers. The pipeline will join a tanker terminal in Portland, Maine. . 'An' the Cow Jumped Over the Watef , UMLAtfE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at Waukegan lest Friday afternoon. , • Marlett Henry and John Hanscom of Chicago spent the weekend at the former's cottage at Minocqua, Wis. Mrs. Mary Obenauf and daughters, LaVeme and Dona Mae, of Liberty ville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. C. H. Hansen and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were callers at Waukegan last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, attended the Walworth county fair at Elkhorn last Tuesday. Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, were dinner and afternoon' guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mrs. GeoBge Lundgren of Wauconda sper>t Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Wiilard Darrel!, Mrs. Harry Mat. thews and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Miss June and Phillip Risser-of Island Lake spent last Friday evening at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping at Stark Station. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two children and guests, Mrs. Mary Obneauf and two daughters, Libertyville, called on Mrs. A1 Wagner and infant daughter at the Woodstock hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and two children" of Belvidere spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Celfa Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. George StSg&s of Wauconda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Brooks Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mf. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were callers at the home of Mrs. Ella Parks at Park Ridge last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson and son of Cary visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgin were supper guests last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and son of North Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren Sunday evening. They were enroute home from a fishing trip spent in Wisconsin and they gave three large pike to Mr. and Mrs. Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. lr. and Mrs. PK'JIiliw of Isl were run llii of Mk.«wI Mn.O; Herman BLXroeger tret a business eager inChfcagelast Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. M. Knudson and Mrs. Charles ftodene were business callers at Waukegan last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shields and Mr and Mrs. C. Rodene were callers at Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. A. V. Mason spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Lovegren of Mylith Park are spending two weeks visiting friends at West Chicago. Billie Krueger is now out of the hospital and improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carlson and family of Gumee spent Sunday, August 81, at the cottage of Mrs. John Carlson. Congratulations to the bride and groom of fifty years, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Kummerow. On Saturday, September 13, the Kummerefws will celebrate the occasion by holding forth with open house in Chicago. Mr. -and Mrs. Elmer A. Held visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney at McCuliom Lake last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fran* and Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisner of Mylith Parle entertained Miss Lee from Chicago over the weekend. On Sunday all enjoyed dinner at the "Willows" at Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blumberg, Berwyn, are visiting a few days at the C. Rodene cottfcge at Mylith Park. SMr. and Mrs. J. W. Carmical of ot Springs, Ark., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Burkhart of Williams Park and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clarence, of Chicago were callers at Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. G. J- Burnett and Mrs. Catherine Wagner called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davies at Island Lake last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of Williams Park spent the weekend and Monday at* the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Miss Grace Far*. rard in Chicago. Mrs. C. H. Hansen attended a prenuptial party for Mrs. Jean Marinis and her fiance at Highland Park Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kaiser of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder and daughter of Libertyville were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Londoa nones Kept Busy London's telephone automatic time signal is rung up MB,060 times weekly. Dairymen, please tadwnotiec! Mix 10© lbfc of Mineral teed 8*% Gold Seal Dairy Supplement with 409 lbs. of your own feed (jtttfernbgy lbs. of ground corn cob apd 900 lbs. ground oats) and watch ydur milk flow increase. Phone your order today for a supply of 34% Dairy Feed. Farmers Mill. Phone McHenry 29. 17-2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, grandsons, Herbert and Richard, visited relatives in Volo on Labor Day. Thursday, August 28, was the seventy- ninth birthday anniversary of William Hattner. His children and their families gathered at his home on Thursday-night to spend the even, ing with him. Cards and vtd&pg were the evening's diversion. Refreshments were served with two birthday cakes as that date is also the birthday of his granddaughter, Helen Kattner, who was twelve years old. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Kattner and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt, son, Stanley, Mr. and Mi's. Arthur Kattner, son, Biily, Mrs, John Schmitt, son, Gerald, and the Frank May family. Paul Weber and Leo Lay attended the annua' Munts ft Lea picnic held at the Gertz summer home near Carof Bound Lake "* . Wides^hter, Mrs. Schmeltxd$ , Wednesday qnarked the beginning cf the school turn at fit Piter's school Approximately eighty-flve pupils regs. Muni and will attend Masses for the cemiqgyeer. Little Leigh Kagan celebrated his second bfmday on Saturday afternoon * by Uviting several of his friends to a party at his home. Games were played throughout the afternoon and prizes were awarded to Billy Kattner, Eugene May- Bobby Mav and Herbie Wagner. A delicious hinch was served with a large birthday cake decorating the table. Those present other than mentioned were Richard Wagner, Tommy Freund, Raymond Widhalg^ Jimmy Kay and Paul Feldsien. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blake of McHenry were visitors in the Joseph P. Freund home Sunday night. Mrs. Ernest Peacock entertained members of her club on Tuesday night, Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prizes went to Mrs. Ella Siegier, Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. Math Nimsgern received consolation. Travelers' prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Sanders. Lunch was served following cards. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jnng of Ring*- wood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. . r-y Defense Bond QUIZ Q. Can Defense Savings Stamps be redeemed Vi fhey can be redeemed for cash at face value ^ ^ or exchanged for Defense Savings Bonds. For ,h „ example, 75 of the 25-cent Stamps--total cash ?:A . value $18.75--may be exchanged for a Defense -V r "Savings Bond which in ten rears will be worth '... $25.00. * , 'v Q. How long have Defense pavings Stamps been on sale at retail stores? A. Sale of Stamps at retail \ stores .originated in the 7 ' y? -State of Michigan on July 10. The idea met with iU* c ^uch success that it is spreading rapidly, and soon / "IStamps will be sold, ja most retail stores on a < '•"«£ ;x|Nation-wide basis. J , NOTE --• To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to neanest post office or bank, or write for in- " : ^Joimation to the Treasurer of the United States, V"* r.Washington, D. O. '":-4 i Bossie arrives safely by airplane, In McGrathe, Alaska, in contrast to her predecessors, who died following the long overland route from Palmer, Wash. This trip was made in one day and the bovine was relieved of her milk immediately after alighting from (he air-ship. Mrs. Dtvid Clough, above, welcomes the animal, who will contribute greatly to the milk supply of the Clough farm there. INDIAN MUSIC - W £#& • M-' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family were callers in the Joe Miller home at Richmond on Wednesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Frank Collins were guests in the Wm. Collins home at Beloit, Wis., on Wed* neaday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Chicago called on Mm. Louis Hawley Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and family and Helen Johnson end Janet spent Saturday evening in ths P. E. Saunders home at Fontana. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Vir- gia were Sunday evening callers in Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Fishburri of Elgin were Sunday callers in the Harrison-Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday at the C.C.C. camp ft Grass L«k«. Frances Cooper spent Sunday after- MK>n with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, iBBtiiial of pleased uapirtsisn en the little skin" nt the Isfk ef As pietnrs. the Everglade tribe, te whieh the Utile chape bdm, We a favorite bee. The as-- "Bent Me Daddy Eight Do Che Mac." < ^ My Neigtihof SAYS: • H^rot of wfpeed hi befcnd far m honr hotted It Peiiat m It is a good fctee to go fltfomfh sfi dC your shrubs and grape vines end loopc lor diseased and dead lyaaahes. Aeapore then and thou hum them. • • • Neror mm ft daxag? or wet ck* <jt holder in removing a hot dish from the oven or stove. A dry one prevents the beat from peaetiatiftg eod s^orohiag the Angara. • • • Macaroni and noodle taste a lot better if you serve rather highly seasoned sauce--craole, tomato, green pepper, cheeseenioa or mijhsoom celery--with thetfk. QABBY (JERTIE •rs- •. *3 # s rom a yacation ef large families often knocked ont of Vbeml ikbtf « ! PvW«Ne»d bonax sprhilrlsri aiouaC ~ As gad thrsMdh will i out d r*ags rar* soapsuds stnhM hiona tsaye, rnh 1m tsays wttls of salt a^d ftwwci. Toon well in hot water and Leslie Cooper, at Keystoaa. Mrs. Harry Andersoa of Riehmond ealled os her grandmother, Mrs. Jen* Bee on, Monday afHmoen. vr: '• ^ A*L, ' A heery streak m tie botfjpm • eake usually ia das to teeom^let* blending of ingredients. This h espe> cially true when only egg yolks am need in fie batter. To avoid the streek gH* the better a» epftabealF ing. • • • To a hammodt or swing from manong the plaia wall, eug two rubber sponges ia halves end attach them to tie back at the fqur eomera. If the hammoek or swiq^ then strilees the wal it will hoi lharkft. eus6huwiM4.ilta niMUl wall Sev>M> BtniwOrd*^ dating the summer, yeuog eyes have beeii^^ resaog. Thej hare lookod oo a aetfm, sunlit world wtiaie dxy wet* onodod oot lor sendy, but foft guiding tbc actiods of a yooag body. 5- But now the school be£ talis theoa bade to ^ big job. They must eoocantfatt 00 close indoo§ work, night m wdl as day. hyt tigSMCS, serves au<l imsdes must voric bud 10 bmIk wp Hot hdc gummer sonligbe. Kaep Cuch wifc ifot. If that ase ddhco ia Iboir visioa, coosuk aa 9ft mWi %Wr- ,, • Bnt above all, give yow chUdeea adequate, pf©pe% safe light... for studying, working, reading, pkyving. See tiiat (he kmps they use give good ovar a wide asea... ase cooectiy shadM to {MPOp t? tact the eyes horn glase. , / PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Or NORTftlRN UUKSh • ' " j . 'J" ' J§|^r : 'i •- - r*r*y" •t "« rS V *#«gi