Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1941, p. 8

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v_p fS%* jfc&^ift^W -* « Ai'-' iidi-j|ap' am: Jfgjfrrwurt: 4 ^V>,$#.-Sr* • .^ ' * f5^' , •,"' ^ #MS f-^-. <"i J. " "^k ..'L Society Motes 4. iT Sa^i»: Evening Contract Bridge <-• ^hc members of the Evening Con* t&ct Bridge club met at the home of Mr?. George Stilling -on Tuesday, Sept 23. Prizes for th$ evening were awarded to Mrs. Harry Duriand, Mrs. Joanne Rulien and Mrs. George Still' ing. The next meeting of the club will .be on Oct. 7, at the horn* of Miss , Clara Miller. •' * * * " v * [ D i n n e r f o r Selectee i^lxt Smith, Jr., who left yesterday 4dr mi£$aiy training, was honored at a dinnjjNrivoo" by Mrs. Peter Justen Fritiay -evening. Sept. 26. Those pres. ent at .the dinn<y- were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen, Dan Justen, Curtis New-, man, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen and vytet ^sath, Jr. . ?,V • ' . •, * » • ..<•• .. ? * Eastern,S^ir; •. Mrs. E. E. Bassett attended Matrons agd Patrons night at Richmond ehatpter, 0* E. S., on Monday evening, where she acted as Ruth. Mrs. Louise Kramer and Mrs. Valeska Hoppe accompanied Mrs. Bassett to Richmond. On Friday evening of this week the latter will act as Electa at the Marengo chapter and next Monday even. ing she will act as Ruth in Dundee. • • • Celebrates Birthday ..Mrs. Mollie Givens, who spent setera! days in Chicago last week* celebrated her birthday anniversary in the Harry Lawrence home in that city, Sunday. Miss Monica Phalin of Lake Villa and Miss Anna Frisby and Donald and John Givens of McHenry drove to the city to observe the occasion with her. Mrs. Givens returned to McHenry with them Sunday even- • • • ; ,, liwinsi as Birthday jimmy, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen, was guest of honor at a dinner and supper given by his par. ents on Sunday, Sept. 21, on the occasion of his first birthday. A lovely birthday cake was the center of attraction on the decorated table. Tlibse who helped celebrate the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and daughter of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Freund and fam. ily of Del a van, Wis., and Mr. and Mi* Michael Justen and John P. Weber of McHenrv. • • • C. D. of A. Thursday evening, Sept. It, Hie C. D. of A. held a social meeting at which time plans were made for a public card party to be held Oct. 16. Cards were played and prizes were awarded .to Mrs. Ella Buss and Mrs. Helen Weber in pinochle and to Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Mat Adams in bridge. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Marie Diedrich and her committee. A business meeting will be held on October 2. * * • &U«7 Ovtiag East River Road Pinochle dob enjoyed an outing at Lake Geneva last Thursday. After a delicious lunch at Lake Geneva hotel, the ladies played cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. H igh Kirk, Mrs. John Braeseke, Mrs. Thos. Tbonneson and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Some of the club remained and enjoyed a movie at Lake Geneva theater in the evening. Others spent the even, ing visiting Mrs. Elsie Short. . Those who enjoyed the outing in addition to those already mentioned were Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. Elsworth Shoemaker, Mrs. Clarence Redwanz, Mrs. Ed Sutton and Mrs. Ben Diets. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home Mrs. Wm. Freund on Oct.. 2 , . #--7. r_£r_-LT _ Women s Society On Thursday. Sept. 18, the Woman's society of the Methodist church held a general meeting and luncheon at the church. Mrs. George Johnson read the devotions and Mrs. Charles Ensign gave a prayer. ' Mrs. J&mes Montgomery, Mrs. Lea. lie Olsen, Mrs. Charles Rasmussen, Mrs. Lester Jfecon and Mrs. Joe Smith served a very tempting luncheon. ~ i The new officers for the year are Mrs. Elmer Baum, president; Mrs. George Johnson, first vice-president; Mrs. Harold Owen, second vice-president; Mrs. Carl Hoyte, secretary; Mrs. David Walking ton, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Ensign, secretary of. Christian Social Relations. The next meeting will be on the third Thursday in October. The guest speaker will be Mrs. (Bradfute of Oak Park. Her subject, "Christian Citizenship." NOTICE!! Party The. Lily t Lake school P.-T. A ia Katherine Klapperich and Jean Huck are attending St. May's high school at Woodstock this year. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard ami daughter of Elmhurst spent Sunday giving a ftfend and Ibilricp party at the I with her mother, Mrs. Martin May. schoolhouSe 6n Monday evening, Sepf. 29, at 8:^0 p.m.' All are welcome. Junior League Hike Junior Le&gueVlCremymber our hike to Colby's Woods Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o"cI<Sek. "Bffhg fifteen cents and a jolly smile for a goorf time and lots of good eats. A's<> let Mrs. Miller know by Saturday noon; WViether or not you plan & go." "Hi-Iieague will meet at tht'tistia! ftou^ of 8:00. New Leaguers always Welcome. Come worship and fellowship wi J :;.- ! 641cJiiitst €t6b* „, The Oakhurst club held lis first lari^ nual basket, picnic -ot> Sunday, Sept. 21, as a get'-*acqu&mt^<5 party for the fifty new buyers in the subdivision. They had such a good tfmv that they j resolved to hold the picnic each yea?. Races and game3 proyrjded entertainment, with prifces awarded to the winners. The members desire to thank Petei M. Justen for the use of the chains and the musicians for the fine entertainment. They also wish to thank N. H. Engle for refreshments and the loyal workers that made the party a success. * JOHNSBURG Miss Pauline Bode, Evanston, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Art Peters spent the weekend in Minnesota. Mrs. George King was a patient at St. Therese's Jhospital a few days this week. Mrs. Fred Smith "ajid Mrs. Nick Weingart were Waukegan callers oa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.Albert Huff, Miss Bernice King and Miss Evelyn Michels were Woodstock . callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. Joe Michels Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund called on Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas at Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode motored to Evanston last Sunday evening. l». u > Mrs. Ben Freund iSr^k patient at St. Therese's hospital. Miss Katie Pitaen <rf Chicago spent the weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, Mrs. Walter Freund and Mrs, Peter F. Freund were Waukegan oaflers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Fred Smith and soft Freddie, are on a few days fishing trip up ia northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Bode spent a few days at Mundelein with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ward. Mr. and Mrs.- Wok Oeffling spent the week with Mr. aftd Mrs. Richard Guyser in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling motored to Holy Hill Sunday. Mrs. Richard Guyser of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, and Mr. and Mm. Walter Freund spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. James Ryan of Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George King. LAWRENCE - VANSTOK NUPTIALS, WAUCONDA, SATURDAY MORNING In a quiet deremony, performed at ten o'clock Saturday morning at hef home, Miss Ruby Virginia Lawrence^ daughter of Arthur Lawrence of Wau* conda, was united in marriage witlr ~ Mr. Robert Vanston of Evanston. Miss Alta Mae Denman of McHenry acted as bridesmaid and Dr. Wm, * b ii a ton of Phiiaueiphis, an uncle 9/ the groom, served as best man. The bride was lovely in a street length dress of 'soldier blue and she had a shoulder corsage of pale pink carnations. The bridesmaid wore a light blue suit and had a corsage of yellow carnations. The bride attended the McHenry high school for two years and w*#" graduated from the Wauconda high school m 1939. The groom, a gradu* ate of Libertyville high school, is em* ployed by his father-in-law. After a short wedding trip, the young couple will make their hMM with the bride's father.- ?•' 'l:* bs McCULLOM LAKE Due to the high prices, we again are offering, in addition to our Super Quality, an econ omy grade of Beef, and therefore quote the following prices: Very tender _ POT ROAST, lb. Rolled RIB ROAST, lb. *.. ROUND STfcAK, m SIRLOIN STEAK, lb. Pork Loin BOAST, Tlmh GROUND BEEF, lb. . POBK feHOPS, lb. XING BOLOGNA, lb -- Saturday Only -- Eerber'g 2H*for .25* •-- Fresh Fish and Oysters -- Central Mark't Fheat 80 -8-*' Green Street 25* 29* 35* 35* 29* 24* 29* 22* Frank Ritser and Berth Maclntyre of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, Evanston, spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick entertained friends from Kentucky over the weekend. Mrs. Joseph ^. Schaefer and Mickey Untz spent Thursday Vith Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock:- *r -- Mr. and Mrs. Happy Greenwood and family of Chicago were visitors at McCullom Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Burg and son of Chicago spent the weekend with friends at McCullont Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickels and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doberstein and Elsie Doberstein of Chicago spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs! A. Dober. stein. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson ana family of Berwyn spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. Ed Kegan of Chicago was visitor at the Hugh McDonald home Sunday. Vincent and Clemens Adams, Johns burg, were callers at McCullom Lake Sunday. Maxine Green of Evanston spent Sunday with Eleanor Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. John Shark entertain, ed friends of Chicago over the weekend. George Robeon of Chicago spent Monday with Margaret Ahern here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schitlerstrum of Chicago spent the week *t their home here. The McCullom Lake club is giving a hay rack party Sept. 27. A duck supper will be served at Bill Schaefer's tavern after the hay rack party. Jacob Riter and son of Chicago spent the weekend with their family here. Mickey Uati of Mundelein is spending several yeeks at the Joe. Schaefer home. !•: m-* J9%BP improved mm and oil -w««»sas: Joseph Kortendick and daughter, Kathryn, of Rockford were weekend guests in the John Bolger home. Math B. Laures of Fay Lake, Wis^ spent a few days the first of the week with his family here. Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales wen* Mrs. Frank Vales, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zobel, Edward -Vales and Miss Anpa Bojnansky. Mr. and Mrs. John Ebbinger of Lake Villa visited in the Peter Died rich home Sunday. Mrs. Robert Bestoso, who has been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen, returned to her home in Jamestown, S. I., on Tuesday. Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs were Mr. and Mrs. W. VanEimmern of South Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Losy and two daughters, Ruth Mae and Judy, and Miss Marion Trapp at Wauwatosa, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smoak and daughters, Doloref and Barbara Jean of Antioch; II}.; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wirfs and little daughter, Ann Helen, of Rockford, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Clements Wirfs and two sons. John and Cleme, of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wirfs of Lily Lake, ajid Bernard Matchen, Sylvester. Edmond and Steven Wirfs, all of McHenry. ^ Barbara Carey, who is a sophomore at Marywood School for Girls in Evanston. spent the weekend with hep parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey. Miss Sylvia Snyder spent the weekend at her home near Janesvilla, W4%1_ 2 Proud Tp Be Dciag Our Part ffootiac is doing its part for National Defense by building a new tvp« of fsatd-fire cannon for the United States Navy. Two , covering 426,123 feet of floor space, been devoted to the manufacture of these canno*. Thousands of craltaawa have been taained for the highly technical macfctoea. This meant building fewer cats--bat Pontine placets defense work, ahead df eenv erything else. Surprisingly adv/uUod) WKf in style and lurury, the new Pontine Sixes or Eights for 1942 today coase sweeping attache spotlight--refreshingly new ia jipsaiaiim, but still the aaasa, fse, faMilnlBonttacsfairitne tricd< Two series of new Fo tibde ten widely varied MNMig them a streamlined Sedan Coprit fai the New features at* L OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Sttwt, Wmt HoHrarr, m. • » -tw * "I** "-tl MMVMWy»W«»»»<llllll >»|_| I WhatM difference goad lighting make MARRIAGE LICENSES' Albert D. Trohling, Harmony, IM^~ to Elvera W. Meinke, Harmony. Thomas C. Kiley, Huntley, to Ediut M: Berkley, Crystal Lake. ' Ray O. Bigelow, Woodstock, to Mae E. Tucker, Woodstock. Floyd La Verne Butts, Woodstock, to, Barbara Anita Mad sen, Woodstock. Roland J. Baldwin, Woodstock, to. Helen D. Bennett, Woodstock. , J Arnold Frank Hay, Ringwood, te, Genevieve M. Ober, Crystal Lake. A marriage license was issued in Chicago to Frank J. Gans, 88, of Mc-. Henry ^rtd Avis Brenehan, 26, Chicago. Going into the gloom of dark cine-1' ma houses, people are likely to stumble, bump into others. Ushers., with flashlights are nuisances; small; lamps :placed near the aisle floors;; illuminate only small areas. American Cyanamid company announced what it considers a better idea: aisle rugs treated with fluorescent dyes, bathed by invisible ultraviolet radiation from small tubes. Such rugs^ glow softly all over, intecfefa JVtifr nothing oo tht screen. H - . fabric Glove* Cloves made of fabric wash clean In a twinkling, provided that the washing is done as soon as they look wilted. Lukewarm soapsuds for the washing and clear, lukewarm water # for the rinsing, are all that they need to look like new. Pat the moisture out with a towel to make them dry more quickly, then stretch the gloves lengthwise, and hang them over a towel bar in the bath-, room or dry flat on a clean turkish towel. ' Order yoar Bobber Plaindealer. James Powers is enjoying a twoweeks' vacation ffom his duties as manager of the 1m*| Rational Tea store. Mr. and Mrs. Powers visited the Dells in Wisconsin on Sunday. Jane and Harry Schnaitman of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at their home here. Hettermami Service? SINCLAIR OAS. AMD OH# Telephone 640-W-2 or -- Johnsborg -- Blaoksmithiiig, Horseshoeing, Ornamental Iron Work and Wood ^Tork. Aoetyieoe Welding and Grinding of all kinds! TWIS-16 OUR. UVIHQROOW AS fT WAS IN the'oarjc ascs"/ / NOGtARE.NO SHA00W5. NOW WE CAN CALL A &%oe A swvoe I «or my Meos from llii1 KOMI LIGHTING ADVISOR 010 IT/ She measured scientifiadly the amminf of light we hftd for bridge, reading, sewing, and other dose wotk. It set me thinking about the dose relation- i ship between better light and better sight. But that wasn't all she did ; t; I got a lot of modem ideas for making my rooms mote attractive COPnomical ideas, at that! ^ * r| "Why don't you let her kip joo, too! Jwt phone or mail a card t*> die local Public Service Company office. Ask for a Home Lighting Ad. ~ charge or ebligatkNi foe bar' services. C,.md EUctrmtj it I " we replaced the old laxapf J " • widi a modem indirect floor model and a properly shaded cable lamp with a fauge enough bulb. What a diflfier- ^4ew changes PUBUC SERVICE •MmWi Siki.wtji -.1 . 1 is .Sii • . '*.%> - 8*i'vice Order -- 101 Williams St^ Oxystal Lake -- Telephone Enterprise MOO. • * ^

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