^<*m ThursdAy, 8«ytember 25, 1941 TAX LIST FQI MUENRY »4'1. ' s ; f.t , ..." r • v So i cv > , ? ^; §:; W&*- SSSiU. V- '<- Land Clk's ........F STATE OF ILLINOIS* McHenry County, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I, C. PRANK DALY, County Collector of McHenry County, in the State aforesaid, shall apply to the Probate Court of said McHenry County on the 6th day of October 1941, for judgment against the lands and lots mentioned and described in the following list of delinquent lands and lots, for taxes, interests, and costs dee severally thereon; and for ah order to sell said lands and lots for the satisfaction thereof, on the 3rd Monday in October A. D. 1941, to-wit, on the 20th day of October A.D. 1941, all the lands and lots for the sa5e of which an order shall be made, will 1 be exposed at public sale, at the Courtj House in said County, for the amount <of taxes, interest, mud ebuWi :.<8w thereon. llcHeary Township 45, Range I Section 2 John J Stilling, FPD, W* NW* 80a - --t Section S Ben Justen, FPD, (ex N 10® W of rd) SE* SE* A N* SE* 110a - 84.89 Section 10. Chicago Joint Stock Bank, FPD, County Plat It 70 23.79a Section 11 Irwin May, FPD, SE* NE* A SE cor NE* NE* 40.08a Section 12 ~ J V Buckland, N 745a S 10.85a NW*4 NW* A S 50.86a EH NW>4 58.21a ~ Charles E Peterson, FPD, Cfr Clk's Plat SE* It 1 6a'. - Section 13 Karl Carls, FPD, Co Clk Plat It 1 blk 5 William. J Meyer, FPD, Co Ok Plat It 7 la .F 151.50 Gustave Blothmer, FPD, Co Clk Plat DR 144 p 133 pt sublt 1 It 30 .10a ... Katehrine Klein, FPD, Co Clk Plat N* sublt 1 It 16 .56a P Katherine Thelan. FPD, Co Clk Plat It 21 A E l*a It 20 8.50a Frank S May, FPD, Co Clk Plat E * sublt 1 h 28 .75a F Nicholas M Schaefer, FPD, Co Ok Plat 3a sublt 3 It 38 3a Clara Klein Adams, FPD, Co Clk Plat pt It 47 .45a .--.F Castor M Adams Est, FPD, NE* SW*4 SW* 10a J Section 14 Peter Smith, FPD, (ex W 1 rd) S* SW* NE* 20a . .F 11841 Peter Smith, FPD, S 28a NE* NE* 28a F 162.76 Peter Smitt, FPD, K% 8% NE* 60a F 596.48 William Tonyan, FPD, Co Clk Plat (ex DR 200 p 242) S of by It 4 4.75a - JP Arthur Dibble, FPD, Co Clk Plat S of hwy It 1 546a ........ J D Smith, FPD, (ex NW cojr) N* SE* A NW cor Sfc BE* ANEcorSH SW* 160a John Gritzulc, FPD, S 33 ft H* SWV 2a Section 17 John Gritzuk, FPD, S* 320a 126.16 Section 18 Anna W Wick line, FPD, (a Wooded Shores) S* SWW 18.06a --JkP Anna W Wickline, FPD, SW* SB* 40a - Section 22 Brand lee Co, FPD, Co Clk PUt H 5 A pt It C 27a Math B Lauras, FPD. DR 188 • p 287 pt NE* NW* la ...P Section 24 Bpma Pabst, FPD, Co Clk Plat _ DR 180 p 500 pt It 4 2.07a F Section 25 Louis A 4k Kate Wolf, FPD, 8* Wl/2 W* SW* NEK 5a . - ... W R Skidmore. FPD, E 145.52a J&E* 145.52a 240.54 8ectien 28 18.48 2040 48.88 .: 43.68 43.68 68.76 1&0 88.60 1648 ... 1748 36.64 94.12 .. 744 18.04 4.40 7248 84.44 42.82 824f 82 JO .68 8.71 SMS 24.42 23.44 81.78 26.70 6046 2240 40.07 |rW f e ' ' ' " 'IK'i- •KSIJacob Brefeld, C, FPD, Co Clk Plat S% pc 132 ft wide W of A adj Owen's Out Lots, It 1 **44a - F Bay A Kent, Trustee, C, FPP, Co Clk Plat S* pt It ,4 . N.68a 122.40 Bar] O A Margaret Long, C, FPD, Co Clk PUt S* DR 199 p 153, It 5 10840 .HrHenry American Legion, C, FPD. Co Clk PUt S* pt Iblk 23 Orig PUt W of Riv pt It 5 3.50a BDv Kent. C. FPD, Co Clk PUt S% pt It 8 251a ..F George A Joseph Frett, C, FPD. Co Clk Plat S* S 50 ~ ft of N 207 ft It 11 .40a ...JF 0244 Charles A Parks, C, FPD, Co Clk Plat 8* It 15 ...F 874.78 furies A Parks C. FPD. Co f Clk Plat S* (ex E 50 ft) K • ; 16 1.35a - F 38740 Jfclius Keg, C, FPD. Co Clk f Plat S* (ex DR 180 p 457) A (ex DR 229 p 512) It 20 ;•f, ' &i& X7 H Detrich, C. FPD, Co .z-ij Clk's Plat Hanleys Outlt A Its 3 A 4 3.07a .....F 22848 A Steinsdoerfer, C, FPD, 1 Co Clk's Plat Hanleys Outlt A Its 7, 8 A 9 la Jfepseph May, C, FPD, Co Clk's Plat (ex DR 152 p 216) It 14 »16.77a 1 S Parks Est, C, FPD. Co Clk's PUt DR 120 p 874 pt |lt 17 40a F JjKartin Boyle Ekt, FPD, Co iS??:/ Clk's PUt (ex ,DR 235 p 374) v C . A (ex DR 236 p 3) A (ex DR V 225pJ48 A p 507) A (ex DR hi *£, 181 p 408) pt It 80 46.82a .... 8«etian 28 -"I-.'* Martin Boyle Est, FPD, Ca Raymond Schebteger, FPD, N% NW% 79a 8446 Section 88 W E Whiting, FPD, Co Clk's Plat It 1 NW* 30.13 14.56 If E Whiting, FPD, Co Clk's PUt It 3 NW* 30.12a W E Whiting, FPD, Co Clk's PUt lt-4 NW* 40a W E Whiting, FPD, EH SW* 80a --.................... ..«.m W E Whiting, FPD, W% SW* 80a A W Whiting, FPD, W* SB* Section 34 Myron H Detrich, C, FPD, Co Clk's Plat It 4 A all It 8 HE*6 NE% 18.42a F 818.10 Myron ri Detrich, C, FPD, W 157.62 ft Co Clk's Plat It 2 NE* NEtt .75a ...» F 48143 Myron H Detrich, FPD, (ex DR 228 p 58) pt SE* NB* A pt Wtt NE* 21.58a .--F 17246 Section 88 T H Belling, C, FPD, Co Clk's Plat NE* DR 288 p 605 pt It 3 3.10a -- 2248 Martin A Genevieve Knox, C,. FPD, C© Clk's Plat N®* (ex DR 239 p 368) It 7 1.70a 6042 Otto Luedtke, FPD, pt SW* SW% 5a F 108.71 Section 38 W R Skidmore, FPD, E ffif fd E pt NE* 1441a ... 04.62 William Ensweiler, FPD, DB 200 p 564 pt NW* SW* 1.50a - -- 41 Harry Eckland, FPD, DR 217 p 319 pt SW* SW% .20a .... 7.18 William W Freund, FPD, E* SE* SE* A NE* SB* 69.97a 88.00 Edw R Sutton, FPD, W* SE* A SW* SB* 59.96a 8248 McHenry Township 45, Range 0 Section 5 Henry Frenze, FPD, doc no 64780 .40a ~~F 8448 Section 8 John Heinrickson, FPD, Dock Island S* .50a F 180.18 CUus L A Emma E Ander, FPD, doc no 90490 pt frl SW* .70a 246 V C Wolverton, FPD, Co Clk's Plat It 5 91a .....F 85.00 Joseph F Johnson, FPD, Co Clk's PUt pt It 6 .50a 1046 Ed Loose, FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt It 5 .25a ~...F Fred A Loos, FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt It 5 46a .-- ..... H J Hughes, Sr., FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt It 5 1.14a F .... Johanna Leitz, FPD, DR 281 p 573 pt It 10 ,25a F Section 17 Conrad A Pohlman, FPD, Co Clk's Plat, DR 203 p 342 doc no 97429 Beau. Cliff 41a .... Hugh Fanning, FPD, Co Clk'f Plat DR 225 p 16 pt frl NW* .29a Wm Roedel, FPD, Co Clk's PUt Coon Island pt It 9 .80a ........ Wm H Kraft, FPD, Co Clk's Plat Coon Island 100 ft X 200 ft pt It 9 .75a J Louisa Herman, FPD, Co Clk's PUt Coon bland j£ It 10 8a - J John Borgatelli, FPD, .Co Clk's PUt DR 243 p 94 pt Coon IsUnd -- Section 18 Onnty CSnVt Pitt Bdw Todd, FPD, Schaefar's sub 4iv NE 60 ft It 1 A NB 60 ft It 1 Arthur Lecerer, FPD, Schaafer's sub div It 10 A. It 10 .40a George Drawert, FPD, pc 4x10 rds Schaefar's sab div It 17 Chester L Iverson et al, FPD, DR 217 p 571 A DR 147 p 342 pt It 12 40a Rose Hitxel, FPD, doe no 67148 pt It 18 40a Charlfs. ifelUnbecb«*FPD, (ex E 205 ft) It 18 1646a Wm R Skidmore, FPD, doc no 78418 pt It 19 .15a ...*_ E Lackowski, FPD, Rocky Beach W* It 8 .22a E Lackowski, FPD, Rocky Beach It 9 .43a E Lackowski, FPD, Roekjr Beach Its 10 A 11 46a Charles WieUnd, FPD, W* Rocky Beach Its 2 A 21 45a Charles WieUnd, FPD, Rocky Beach Its 3 A 22 40a .... John M Erickson, FPD, It 24 1.60a John M Ebrickson, FPD, Its K A 26 1.73a Wm R Skidmore, FPD, It 27 45a B Lackowski, FPD, Deer Park pt N* S* SE* 4a .... John M Erickson, FPD, Deer Park pt 8* S* SE* 4* .... Section 18 Francis Datti, FPD, * pt 8* NW* 46a Wm R Skidmore No 1, FPD, Co Clk's PUt pt It 3 443a .... Wm R Skidmore No 1, FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt H 3 A Its 4 A 6 112a 42848 Wm R Skidmore No 3, FPD, E frl * SE* 7840a Wm R Skidmore No 2, FPD, SW*! SE* 40a Wm R Skidmore No 2, FPD, S* NW* SE* 20.76a Wm R Skidmore No 2 FPD, N* NW* SB* 19.25a Section 20 Mrs Julia Guarisso, ex for E Wm Driebholz Est, FPD, Co Clk's PUt NB* Lakeside Its 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 A 7 A It 1 4a Harry E Hoff, FPD, Co Clk's Plat NEK as per plat bk 8 p 27 It 2 10a Florence M Foreman, FPD, Co Clk's Plat as per plat bk 0 p 1, SW of hy, pt It 2 1.97a Mrs Julia Guarisso, ex for B Wm Driebholz Est, FPD, Co Clk's PUt It 3 Lakeside It 2 .25a Florence E Waters, FPD, Lakeside It 8 A E 33 ft It 9 A Co Clk's Plat NE* (ex W 33 ft) It 4 .87a 4841 Harry E Hoff, FPD, Co Clk's Plat NE* W 33 ft It 4 ,75a 1048 Gladys H Severinghaus, FPD, Lakeside It 13 A Co Clk's 2844 Plat NE* It 7 .75a Harry E Hoff, FPD, Co Clk's Plat NE* DR 124 p 85 (ex 88.10 6848 8048 .8448 •MM 8144 in isji 20.02 61.08 ... 46.00 20.40 1041 87440 6746 12.84 88.17 21.15 86.48 546 2048 8148 88.14 640 1840 15.60 7.08 .. 20.52 20.08 13.19- 11.72 2441 8.00 17.18 88.72 4446 61.02 66.08 748 640 11.72 87.70 11.71 44.18 21.42 8.00 848 86148 18.14 848 840 80a 6642 1.78 2048 18.88 11*46 148.02 8840 20.70 7848 14042 18.66 82a Gladys H 8eveviaghaus, FPD, Co Clk's PUt NE* It 8 A NW of hy It 2 11.50a Harry fi Hoff, FPD, Co Clk's Plat NE* pt It 9 .62a Charles Griffith, FPD, Spring Lake pc adj A It 5, pc adj A W 4 ft It 4 DR 228 p 299 A Co Clk's Plat pt It 9 .37a Frits Anderson, FPD, Spring Lake It 17 A Co Clk's PUt It 15 .25a Mildred A Und, FPD, Spring Lake It 18 A Co Clk's pUt It 29 .45a Lewis A Blomgren, FPD, SWly 8 ft It 31, all It 32 A alley ' bet Its 31 A 32, Spring Lake; A SWly 8 ft It 20 A DR 160 p 179 pt It 21 Co Clk's PUt . .27a ............. Henry lindgren, FPD, Co. Clk's Plat pt It 21 .52a F Bertha A Joseph J Travis, FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt it 21 .24a .... Thomas A Canty, FPD, Co Clk's Plat pt H 21 43a .......... Kuck, Helma, Olsen A Knujisen, FPD, Spring Lake its 34 A 35 .50a Pistaqua Heights Country Club, FPD, (ex N 283 ft of W 200 ft) NE* SW* 38.76a F 200.07 Wm R Skidmore No 8, FPD, W* SW* 77.40a - Pistaqua Heights Country Club, FPD, SB* SW* 40a F 27041 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, FPD, W* SE* A SE* SE* 120a F 1428.40 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, FPD. NB* SE* 40a F 87446 Adelaide Eleanor Anderson, FPD, doc no 79645 pt NW frl * 46a 8.12 Section 20 Pistaqua Heights Country Club, FPD, Co Clk's PUt N* Its 1 A 2 72.78a F 817148 Wm R Skidmore No 5, FPD, Co Clk's Plat N* It 3 56.17a Michael Freund, FPD, Co Clk's Plat N* It 6 1.21a Wm R Skidmore No 8, FPD, Co Clk's Plat N* It 7 27a 122.50 Wm R Skidmore No 3, FPD, Co Clk's Plat N* It 8 27.44a Wm R Skidmore No 4, FPD, Co Clk's PUt N* It 10 1943a Wm R Skidmore, No 4, FPD, E* NW* 79a Wm R Skidmore No 5, FPD, SW* 160a >.v. Robert Vogt, FPD, E 16a NE* SB* A SE* SB*: 66a Section 80 Wm R Skidmore No 3, FPD, Co Clk's Plat (ex 4a) lt'l NE* 36a Wm R Skidmore No 2, FPD, NW* NE* 3841a Wm R Skidmore No 2, FPD, NE* NW* 39.82a Hubert Freund, FPD, SW* 160.25a Hubert Freund, FPD, N SW* SE* 30a ..... Section 31 Hubert Freund, FPD, N W* NW* 32a Section 32 Robert Vogt, FPD, NE* NB* 40a Wm R Skidmore No 6, FPD, W of creek SW* NE* 16.25a tt.70 Wm R SHidmore "No 5, FPD,'i (ex W* SW*) NW* 140a 180.18 Alfred Seyferth, FPD, 5a NE cor E* SW* 8.50a F Alfred Seyferth, FPD, N 16 rds E 35 rds W 65 rds S 54 rds E* SW* 3.50a F W F Rommel, FPD, pc 6x85 rds E* SW* 1.10a JF August Landl, FPD, (ex 1 rd stp on N side) S 10a SB* SW* 340a F Anna»Ronan|plt FPD, DR 138 p 226 pt SW* .75a ........ JF William A Margaret Huber. FPD, 6/6 LL pt SW* SE* 36* J» 201:06 Clement Lodge Subdivision Anton Johnson, FPD, Its 13 A 14 Mabel M Kraus, FPD, It 10 F Sweetberg et al, FPD, It 22 .... Conway's Subdivision L Longe, FPD, It 6 Laura Kent, FPD, Its 0 A 10 Frank Hughes, FPD, (ex W 60 ft) It 22 1st Addition to DnBeU Park fUMIfision Minnie Siehmeiglitz, FPD, It 27 „...F 10.45 Deep Spring Woods Unit No 1 John J Burns, FPD, It 1, blk 1 440 Harry L Wells, FPD, It 2 Wk 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 3 blk 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 4 blk 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FTD, It 5 blk 1 ' Herman .A A Beatrice R Bauske Jr, FPD. It 12 blk 1 Herman A A Beatrice R Bauske Jr, FPD, It 13 blk 1 Thomas F Masterson, FPD, W* It 3 blk 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 6 blk 2 ...* Wonder Lake Syndicate. FPOL H 9 blk 2 Uds F A Anna Lee, FPD, ft 12 blk 4 p Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 10 blk 5 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 13 blk 6 John McMahon, FPD, It 14 Wk 5 L Wonder Lake Syndicate, FIT), It 16 blk 5 Leonard A Viola Kratz, FPD, It 17 blk 5 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 18 blk 5 Robt W A Ruth T Blackhfll, FPD, It 19 blk 6" J Wonder Lake Syndicate, FTD, E* It 20 Wk 5 J Paul F A Mary E Duber, FPD, It 21 blk 6 ..........i...... * Elmer Johnson, FPD, It 20 blk 5 Tena Gemeny, FPD. It 6 blk 0 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 8 blk 6 Gundrum Omberg, FPD, It 20 bile 6 8448 8842 10.70 8842 47.41 0140 0.05 88.46 1040 843 11.16 % 34.14 140 146 146 146 1644 1644 144 144 6.11 144 ... 144 8.60 1.24 itiiH OK*!#!- C Tronsen, FPD, It 27 Wk 8 -- Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 4 blk 7 .a S L A G r a c e L i v e l y , F P D , R 13 Mk 7 Harvey A LilHan Jones, FPD, It 14 Wk 7 Harvey A Lillian Jones, FPD, It 15 blk 7 -- Olga Dally et al, FPD, lt/"l blk 8 H C Springston, FPD, It N blk 8 * Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 4 blk 0 ... Joseph G Piotrowski, FPD, It 5 Wk 0 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 10 Wk 9 Martin B Hannesey, FPD, It 17 Wk O Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 28 Wk 9 .7...-- Wonder take Syndicate, FPD, I It 20 Wk 0 Wm E Ellert et al, FPD, It 27 blk 9 Albert H Bauer, FPD, it 28 Wk 9 Deep Spring Woods Unit No 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 8 blk 10 Wonder take Syndicate, FPD, It 9 blk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 13 blk 10 .... F Chas E Spears, FPD, It 16, blk 10 F Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 17 blk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD^ It 20 blk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 23 blk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 24 blk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 26 Wk 10 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 3 Wk 11 Walter J Yuskeiwite, FPD, It 16 blk 11 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPQ^ It 11 blk 12 Wonder Lake Syndciate, FPD, It 8 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD,' It 9 Wk 13 Geo W Cheever et al, FPD, It 12 blk 13 .•. Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 13 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 19 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, H 20 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 21 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 22 blk 13 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 24 Wk 13 Thos F Conley, FPD, It 32 Wk 1 3 Otto F Scholz, FPD, It 33 blk 18 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 34 Wk 18 James Dick, FPD, It 0 Wk 14 Harry A Gabel, FPD, It 8 blk 14 Wonder L«ke Syndicate, FTD, It 13 blk 14 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 16 blk 14 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 19 blk 14 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 20 blk 14 Robert E Carter, FPD, It 81 blk 14 "... Wonder Lake Syndktae, FPD, It 26 blk 14 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 27 blk 14 ... Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 1 blk 15 John VioU, FPD, It 2 Wk 15 .. Marie Russo, FPD. It 8 Wk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 11 Wk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 12 Wk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 15 Wk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 16 blk 16 I Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 15 blk 16 Arthur A Mildred Hay Jr, FPD, It 21 blk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 23 blk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 25 blk 10 J Walter M A Eleanor Frast, FPD, It 34 Wk 16 F Patrick A Madeline Sullivan, FPD, It 36 Wk 16 .JF Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 37 blk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate,* FPD, It 38 blk 16 Thos M O'Brien, FPD, It 8 Wk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 4 Wk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 5 Wk 17 Wofider Lake Syndioate, FPD, It 8 blk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 13 blk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 15 Wk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FID, It 10 Wk 17 .............-- Umrn'mFma Mife Watar (Part Lot 28) Emma BautOn, FPD, It 6--F 1st AddHisn to BUm'sPWrMUe Wafer Lew W Markow, FPD, It 6 R S Buess, FPD, K 7 Fair Oabi SaUhkils Edw R Sutton, FPD, It 18 ...JF Edw R Sutton, FPD, It 14 ....F Edw R Sutton, FPD, It 17 ...F 1845 144 8.88 8.44 49 480 .99 1.24 - 1.24 1.24 440 144 .62 440 144 >144 144 2.08 16.17 7.08 1.24 1.24 144 144 144 -- 144 144 144 .. 740 144 144 144 144 144 1.24 840 8.80 144 1246 144 144 746 1.24 144 11.04 144 ,144 144 040 0.14 144 144 144 748 I.24 4.90 440 2.08 648 0146 144 ~ 1.24 II.66 140 148 148 140 140 140 880.18 2.66 2.66 It 88 ft 80 E B Sutton, FPD. II81 E B Sutton, FPD, It 84 JetonU Mitchell, FPD, It 40 .. E B Sutton; FPD, It 42 .. JL E R Sutton, FPD, * 44 E R Sutton, FPD, lt:46 4 ' i4o; 140 248 1848 140 140 1.20 FkwmCs Oak Gisu SsMvirien William McDonald, FPD, It 1 13.50 Louisa Hsi ana's BdbdlHslon (Past Caan Maid) Martin Flucks, FPD, It 11 ....F Hueaan's Subdivision Frank P Prichetto, FPD, It 10 John Arado, FPD, It 14 2ndl Addition to lineman Marie C McArthur, FPD, It 0 28*46 4th MdMan to Vwman's 8144 844 0.10 18.32 &64 143 1.33 143 74.46 17.68 1st AddMen to Fair Oaks Subdivision 1.24 18.92 846 4.90 2.46 8.93 0.80 I WMdo? L&Jtf Syndicate, 6.52 E R Sutton, FPD, It 1 E R Sutton, F?D. It2> 19.80 j K R Sutton, FPD, It 8 . B R Sutton, FPD, It 4 . E R Sutton, FPD, It 8 . E R Sutton, FPD, It 0 . E R Sutton, FPD, H 7 . B R Sutton, FPD, 8* & S* It 13 E R Sutton, FPD, It 16 , E R Sutton, FPD, It 17 . E R Sutton, FPD, It 21 . E R Sutton, FPD, H 22 ... E R Sutton, FPD, It 28.. E R Sutton, FPD, It 24 . E R Sutton, FPD, It 26 .. E R Sutton, FPD, It 20 E R Sutton, FPD, H 27 ... S B Sutton, KKP, 11.88 i'ife • . . 30.13 10.20 It 14 Ray' Riggin, FPD, R 3 248 R«-PUt of BowelTa V»U flsbdlihlin Marie Johnson, FPD, It 6 . ..F 41644 E C TWel, FTD, S 52 ft It 9 A aU It 10 Emma B Pabst. FPD, It 13 ..F E C Thiel, FPD, (ex S 18.8 ft) It 14 E C Thiel, FPD, H 16 B C Thiel, FPD, It 10 ..... E C IWd, FPD, It 17 Otto H Pabst, It 29 A (ex DR 246 p 49) pt It 30 . Jerome Lynch, FPDt DR 246 p 49 pt It 30 Margaret Hughes et al, FPD, Its 36 A 86 ...F Jahnefea'w Subdivision Robert W Reidy, FPD, It 1 .... King's Fair View Subdivision LsVerne, Charles Harmon A Anna Harmon, FPD, It 11 .. 1240 1st Addition to King's Fair View r SubdMsion Frank P Bauer, FPD, It 11 .... .78 Frank P Bauer, FPD, It 12 .... .78 Frank P Bauer, FPD, It 18 ... .78 Lak«woods Subdivision Mrs Chas H Anderson, FPD, It 28 Lilymoor Subdivision S.P Johnston, FPD, Its 9 A 10 blk» 2 S P Johnston, FTD, Its 11 A 12, blk 2 Ruth Adams Johnston, FPD, It 13 blk 2 Chas Kisting, FPD Its 1 A 2 blk 7 A V Ryan, FPD, Its 24 A 26 blk 10 Otto H Mager, FPD, It 23 A N* It 22 blk 11 F Jas W Brunette, FPD, Its 24 A 25 blk 19 ...F Joseph Crisanti, FPD, Its 6 A 6, blk 22 Ella Raftern, FPD, Its 28 A 24 blk 23 ..... F Michail T Keliyj ^D, lts 27 A 28 blk 28 „...F Lawrence Piehl, FPD, It 1 blk 28 Mathilda Madaraaz, FPD Its 11 A 12 Wk 28 ........... 8 P Johnston, FPD, Its 18 8 14 blk 28 P J J McCarthy, FPD, Its 87, 38 A 30 Wk 28 J Heisler, FPD, It 19 blk 28 .... Lookout Point Unit No 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 2 Wk 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 3 blk 1 Evelyn Cooke Beaudry et al, FPD, It 7 Wk 1 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 23 Wk 2 William C Wright, FPD, It 28 Wk 2 Wiliam C Wright, FPD, It 27 Wk 2 Marvin V Hinsfeaw Jr, FPD, It 37 Wk 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 38 blk 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 28 blk 3 T Charles W Chappelle et al, FPD, It 1 blk 4 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 9 Wk 4 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 10 Wk 4 Wondtr Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 6 Wk 0 F Cleo C Nelson, FPD, It 4 blk 8 Maple Wood Park Lillie Meurer, FPD, (ex 8 48 ft) It 5 A it 6 ... May'a flubdOviaisn Edw C Herhold, FPD, It 11 ... A F Coltman, FPD, It 17 Paul A B Ingeborg Newren, FPD, Its 10 A 20 McCuBom Loke Estates Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 1 wk i : ...F Aronld M Goldman, FPD, It 2 blk 1 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 1 ..JF Arnold M Goldman, -FPD, It 4 blk 1 .....F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 5 Wk 1 J Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 0 blk 1 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 7 blk 1 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 1 Alvin D Joslin, FPD, It 10 blk 1 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 8 Wk 2 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 0 Wk 2 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 10 Wk 2 --F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 11 Wk 2 - - -F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 18 Wk 2 ~....F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 14 Wk 2 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 15- blk 2 -- JF Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 10 blk 2 - .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 10 blk 2 F Adam Jablonski, FPD, It 22 blk 2 Arthur O A Amanda Anderson, FPD. It 2 blk 5 Carrie Kurth. FPD, It 18 blk 5 Peter Klein et si, FPD, It 0 blk 8 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 6 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 6 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 10 Wk 0 «... Arnold M Goldman, FPD, R 11 Wk 6 Elisabeth M Boyle. FPD, R 18 blk 6 - Arnold II Cslihaan, tt } 84.39 11.14 2144 40 4.40 48 848 644 1440 18.18 2.62 22.00 4.00 ... 6,70 2.02 448 141 1.08 148 148 8.70 1.54 .77 846 .88 847 648 144 144 447 6.77 1746 88.14 11.14 80.78 4.78 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.18 4.76 4-7$ 142 1148 1848 4.78 4|S 4.76 444 m 444 444 444 1746 640 1648 10.78 142 "lJB 148 142 1148 'Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 8 blk 7 ..... .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 7 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 4 Wk 7 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 6 blk 7 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 7 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 7 blk 7 ...F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 7 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It lu blk 7 F Wm Schlitt, FPD, It 11 blk 8 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 12 Wk 8 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 0 Hugh B Murphy, FPD, It 4 blk 0 Mathias J Donkel, FPD, tt f Wk 9 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 10 blk 0 Kenneth Ebey, FPD, It 11 Wk 9 ......... Elsie M Ohlendorf, FPD, It 18 Wk 0 Charles A Tracy, FPD, It 17 Wk 9 A M Goldman, FPD, It 20 blk 10 ... Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 11 blk 11 Roger Feery, FPD. It 14 blk 11 Paul Jodei, FPD, It 19 blk 11 F Carl C Thomas, FPD, It 20 Wk 11 r. Arnold M Goldman, FTD, It 22 Wk 11 .......F Steve Kosti. FP,p, It 25 blk 11 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 20 Wk 11 a. Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 32 blk 12 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 13 JP Magdalena Stem per, FPD, It 11 blk D9 Edward A Evelyn Olinski, FPD, It 27 blk 13 Edward £ Evelyn Olinski, FPD, It 28 blk 13 v Paul A Alice Fuhs, FPD, It 3|» blk 18 Jf Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 1 blk 14 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 2 Wk 14 .F William Joseph Sheehan, FPIV It 3 Wk 14 * Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 4 Wk 14 .\ Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 6 Wk 14 JF Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 14 F Arnold M Goldman, FPJ>, It 7 blk 14 JF Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 14 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 0 blk 14 F Hugh A Genevieve McDonald, FPD, It 10 blk 14 Hugh A Genevieve McDonald, FPD. It 11 blk 14 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 18 blk 14 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 14 blk 14 .:...JF Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 18 Wk 14 * Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 18 blk 14 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 27 blk 14 Arnold M -Goldman, FPD, It 28 Wk 14 Aswld M Goldman, FPD, tt 28 WJk 14 -i.. .1 :...».^F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 34 Wk 14 .F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 88 Wk 14 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 88 blk 14 ,...* Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 40 Wk 14 - Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 41 blk 14 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 42 blk 14 * Arnold M Goldman, FPD, H 8 Wk 16 * Arnold M Goldman. FPD, It 7 blk 15 JF Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 16 F Arnold M Goldmsn, FPD, It 41 Wk 17 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 7 blk 17 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 Wk 17 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It I blk 17 -- Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 14 blk 17 y. Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It ti blk 17 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 2S Wk 17 soiiacd B Swedberg, FPD, It 28 wt«17 Mary E Allen, FPD,-H 10 Wk 18 Mary B Allen, FPD, tt 11 Wk 18 --r-m.f.J1 Mary BlTllenT FPI>r 18 MoCulUm Lake Bstat« Bneilwood Addition William J Shetiian, FPD, lt<> Wk I .....JE Arnold M Goldman, FTD, it 6 blk 2 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, tt 2 Wk 4 * Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 4 F Forrest W Bailey, FPD, Jt 14 blk 4 George W A Helen CaWe7FPDl It 10 Wk 4 George W A Helen Cable, FPD, It 17 blk 4 .... Chas D Slansky, FPD, It 4 blk 5 :. F W A Marie Bailey, FPD, It 10 blk 5 * Florence Hnenten, FPD, It 14 blk 6 Peter A Johnsen, FTD, It 10 blk 7 w Carl Guerns, FPD, H 1 blk 8 F Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 2 blk 8 . Geneva A Mildred Terwilliger, FPD, It 6 Wk 8 Mildred TerwilUger, FPD, It 7 Wk 8 Geneva A Mildred Terwilliger,' FPD, It 8 Wk 8 Geneva Terwilliger, FPD, It 0 blk 8 648 840 640 840 840 640 41 4.76 840 10.78 8.80 . 7.18 848 4i 1446 10.77 i« 040 k - 744 640 11.18 1248 143 4.75 142 41 4.75 8.42 . 443 148 148 iMfe •#'"ItiBMd, FPD, It 1 --f LeBoy Honk, FPD, it 5 blk 9 LaBoy Hank, FPD, It 6 blk 9 Chas Kerr, FPD, it 17 Wk 9 _ Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 18 Wk 0 A J .Grossman, FTD, tt 1 blk 10 A J Grosman, FTD, It 2 blk 10 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 8 blk 10 Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 21 blk 10 Arnold M Golthnan, FPD, It 22 blk 10 Arnold M Goldman, FPD It 86 blk 10 jp Thormond Sylthe, FTD, It 26 blk 10 p Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 5 Wk *11' Arneld M Goldman, FTD, It • blk 12 iMiife*. : y Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 0 Wk 12 ...i, Arnold M Goldman, FPD, It 17 Wk 12 Mineral Springs PaiiT Michael L Worts, FPD, Its 11 A 12 blk 1 .70a ... F M L Worts, FPD, Brewer's Grcv< .25a 1st AAiitie® to Mineral Springs Park R A Wagner, FPD, It 2 844 Josephine Peter. FPD, It 5 .... Lookout Point Unit No 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 23 blk 9 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD. it 12 wk ii :y Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD. It 18 blk 11 ....I George M Wilson, FPD, it 14 blk 11 10.441 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, ! It 15 blk 11 [ Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 16 blk 11 | Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD. It 19 blk 11 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 26 Wk 11 ; Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD. ,lt 26 Wk 11 Michael F Buekley, FPD, it 10 blk 16 ;. Wonder Lake Syndicate, "FPD1 It 20 blk 16 .J Wonder Lake Syndicate. FPD! It 21 Wk 16 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 7 blk 17 Wonder Lake Syndicate, FPD, It 8 blk 17 .[ _ _ McHenry Country Club 1st Addition Hasel R Smith, FTD. It 3 14.01 Dr N J Npe, FPD, It 12 340 Ed W Smith. FPD, It 18 718 M<-Ha«v Cuantry Club 2nd AddHfcn WjllUm Ensweiler, FPD, Its 4 . * 5 18.68 Albert Beerheide, FPD, It. 9 .... 25.14 Joseh Weiler, FPD. It 12 248 Albert Beerheide. FPD, It 21 .. 246 McHenry Golf Course Subdivision F*x River Addition Edward A Otto, FPD, It 56 B W Busch, FPD, It 57 F Edward A Otto, FPD, It 60 ... Carl W Stenger, C, FPD, tt 84 Carl 86 Carl W Stenger, C, •81 042 4.75 4.75 142 18.52 4.75 4.75 446 4.75 4.75 - 2140 142 4.75 4.78 4.75 4.75 41 148 148 848 2.11 241 148 1644 148 148 074f 1.48 2144 1.08 148 1.88 148 148 1.88 1.88 148 1.88 848 1.88 1.88 1.08 1.88 y-yim £ j "A ^ * ^ r' M j • -ii 80 Carl 87 .P Stenger, C, FTD, It „..F FTD, It W Steng^ cT FFD,r It. ~F 1.12 3.Q2 29.4$ It 6~F It 7 F It 8 F It 8 F Carl W Stenger, FPD, It 88 Carl W Stenger, FPD, It 94 F Carl W Stenger, FTD, It 96 F ~ 1 Carl W Stenger, FPD, It 96 F | Carl W Stenger, FPD, It 98 Carl W Stenger, FPD, It 102 Marie Nordqttist, FED,it 108 F Marie Nordquist, FTD, It 104 F MrHeary Golf Course Subdivistee BHurview Addition Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 1 F Chas S Owen, C, FTD, It 2 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 8 F Chas 8 Owen, C, FPD, It 4 F Chas S Owen, C FPD, It 8 F C, FPD, Chas 8 Owen, C, FPD, Chas S Owen, C, FPD, Chas S Owen, C, FPD, Chas S FPD, It 10 F Chas 8 Owen, C, FTD, It 11 F Chas 8-<Hwi, C, FPD, It 12 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 18 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 14 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 16 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 18 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 17 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 18 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 19 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 20 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 21 F Chas S Owen, C, FTD, Chas S Owen, C, FPD, Chas S Owen, C, FPD, Chas 8 Owen, C, FPD, It 26 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 26 F Chas S Owen, C. FPD, It 27 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 28 F Chas S Owen, C, FPD, It 29 F Chaa S Owen, C, FPD, It 30 F Chw^.Owep, C. FPD, It 31 F ChlS 8 Owen, C, FPD, Its 82, 88 A 34 .....F Neisen's Subdivision Henry Landgrof, FTD, It 17 . .91 4.75 j 4.76 848 4.75 142 4.76 4.75 8.93 848 4.76 I .41 .91 %80 .91 41 .91 .91 >1 148 14.47 48 148 41 8.18 ^ 8.18 •J 8.18 ^ 3.12 840 2.47 2.47 2.47 11-V 1.82 142 - < 846 848 848 1.00 . 1.00 8.47 10.08 0.18 41 7.94 848 7.18 1.09 4.88 840 It 22 F It 23 F It 24 F 14.12 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 18.72 18.7£ 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.78 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 18.72 13.72 13.78 18.78 18.78 18.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 13.72 18.72 13.72 13.72 18.72 88.48 M 14.96 Neisen's Sunrise View Subdivision 9.83 8748 8748 848 8148 84.48 6.46 MM N B Crowley, FPD, It 8 Oak Glen Subdivisiea Christine W Howard, FPD, It 2 1 --.. Christine W Howard, FPD, It 22 Christinf W Howard, FPD, It ^bak Gfwre Chab Gninis Timothy Healy, Sly * Its 1, 2 A 3 .77a - QufcUnd Subdivision Basil Gotunas, FPD, tt 18 ft 10 f Max J Meister, FPD, It 84 ... Adolph Zimmer et al, FPD, It 88 • F 104.04 Oefting's Lakeside Subdivision John T Heinrickson, FTD, It 1 - F 188.78 2nd Addition to Oeffling's Lakeside Subdivision Carl Deer, FPD, W 60 ft of the W 180 ft It 3 ............... F Orchard Beach John W Stafford, FPD, It 18 Samuel H Spear, FPD, It 10 Anna Watxo, FPD, It 31 JF 40&18 Guy R Swinehart, FPD, Its 38 A 80 »...? 028.00 ^ Okchard Beach PUt Leon Eytinge, FPD, It 58 --... Mrs Eva M Flynn, FPD, It 08 DB 2ft p 428 A NE pt A pc «d} tt 04 Ji 28.77 46.68 4648 1746 2440 'mm