Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1941, p. 4

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Eenry, HL, hf Charles 9. EldiUr ud 'ifi Entered as Km postoffice at McHenry, ID., the act of May 8, 1879. One Year .$t.M i^= Six Months %-r Vernon J. Knox. Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Ifekate of Alice Bifchall, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all parsons that Monday, November S, 1941, is the claim date in the estate rf ALICE BIRCH ALL deceased, pending in the Coonty Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. : ERNiEST BIRCHALL, Administrator. (Pub. Sept. 25 - Oct 2 and 9) Mrs. Genevieve Guthrie of Waukegan, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Drew, visited at the Peter Diedrich home on Friday. iage Miss Genevieve Ober and Mr. A beaottfal M wedding occurred SatuwftyaflMfiil!;' Sept. 18, at 2:S0, in St." *try*STr«tory in McHenry wf riage Arnold Thebride is the daugh ter (tf ^wwpfcr^fcer ^of Crystal Lake and the croon the son of John Hay mBbTtimirn jk friend of Mrs. Hay.^^ Wbridbtettkid and Donald Hay, brother of the groom, was the best mart.**" The Juad* wf attractive in a beige suit iM| UdnjMeMinki and wore The bridesmaid was attired in a Mrs. Roy Neal attended the funeral of a friend in Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jennie Bacon Monday afternoon. Harold Evans spent several days in Milwaukee where he attended the Legion convention. Mrs. George Young Spent Monday in the Ford Jackson home > at McHenry. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy spent Monday with her mother, Mm Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. H. J. Collins entertained the Lotus Woman's club of Spring.(^rove op Wednesday afternoon. Twel*n blue plaid suit with dark blue acces- members answered to roll call and an sories and wore a blue off-thfe-face interesting program was given, hat. Her cor§ftjge was of yellow chrys- Mrs. George Shepard and Clarice anthemums. Huff of McHenry spent Wednesday A supper #iS MflTat St. Mary - St. evening in the Nick Young home V $•' MILK Patrick's hall for 150 guests aftd an evening of ^dwaciftgWJd cards was enjoyed. The groom in employed by the j te>' Co. at Winnetka I Advance in Health And Learning With This Beverage-Food Better health makes for a better student -- and'milkcontributes importantly to every growing boy's and girl's well being. Drink it daily -- enjoy it in soups and cooked foods. It's.good -- and good for you. ^ Freund's Dairy On Route 31, north of McHenry All dairy products delivered at your door and also sold at the store Phone 636-W-2 Superior# Concrel and the t>rid/has been employed at the Oaks at Crystal Lake. The young couple will live at 1444 Wilmett*; Ave., Wilmetie, 111. Among out-of-town guests were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hildebrandt and Laura Sprenzl of Chicago were Wednesday visitors in the Louis H&wley home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr„ and family and Helen Johnson and Janet spent Tuesday evening in the P. E. Saunders home at Fontana. Amy Harrison left for Urbana on Wednesday where she has enrolled fot 21 rS f .,*i <w m* a a, home at Rock ford. They observed the Mr. awf Ifrs. Andrew Bawley, Don ttoheste af Crystal Lake and Miss Alice Wilson of Hartford, Conn., spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith Home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon spent Sunday afternoon in Greenwood. Gordon Berg is spending a week with relatives at NealsviUe.Wis. Mrs. Roland McCannon, Phyllis and David of Algonquin spent Sunday afternoon in the C. J. Jepson home. Mrs. Adelle Holtz of Antioch and Mrs. Adams of Kenosha were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kemp of Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank, Mrs. Smith and Miss Bradford of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening in the Roy Harrison home. Mr and Mrs. George Young enjoyed a visit with relatives from South Dakota on Friday. Mrs, Charlie Carr returned home Sunday after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Dewey Beck, at Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Spring Mrs. Lawrence Mathbin of Chicago; j Mrs Ed Bauer, Lu Ann and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Qartael and two! spent Tuesday evening in the Frank daughters of Antioch; Mrs. John Zimmers and daughter, Vera, of Sioux Falls, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs: George Fangmeier of Maxomanie, Wis* aod Mrs. Rose Earl of Madison, Wis* • * Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY -- SATURDAY "SHEPHERD OF THE ^ HILLS" SUNDAY -- MONDAY September 28 - 29 - Marx Bros. - Tony Martin "THE BIG STORE" Aim -- Donald Duck fa»„, "OFFICER DONAm* 1 Screen Snapshots . Comedy, and News TUESDAY ~ Adalts 2 9 e ' V Geo. Montgomery - Osa Massen '(1) "Accent on Love"' Donald Woods • Sally Biers , ' <2) "A Prisoner *on Devil's Island" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "KISSES FOR BREAKFAST" Relax at , , The Beautiful laTOVAl! mm CRYSTAL LAKE, 1LU McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. - SAT. -- SEPT. 28 . 27, Dernis Morgan - Shirley Ross in "KISSES FOR BREAKFAST" P l u s ---- "A SHOT IN THE DARK" '• VHh Nan Wynn - Rkardo Cortez SUN. . MON. - TUES. September 28 - 29 - SO cont. from 2:45 p.m., 25c to 6 p.m.; 30c after. Children, l®c. Here's that AU-American. Laugh Team . . . . ABBOTT AND COSTELLO in "HOLD THAT GHOST* -- with -- Andrews Sisters . Miecha Auer Your favorite funsters . . together! Plus . . "Community Sing" WED. - THURS. -- OCT. 1 - 2 Joan Bennett - Franchot Tone In "SHE KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS" Hubbard - Bfe Arden iV>,'11.'-Jr. ; \MUt FOR SALE FOR FINER QUALITY hn Poultry and Eggs, call or visit the Urbandale Poultry Farm, under new management. i mijes east and % mile south of McHenry. Henry Veldinizen. Phone McHenry 680-R-l. *16-4 FOR SALE--Lot, 50*132 ft., on North Park street. Gall Catherine Schneider. Phone 78-R. 16-tf NOTICE--With prices increasing, now is the "time to order your Full-O-Pep Feeds and Hudson Poultry and Dairy supplies. Urbandale Poultry Farm. Phone McHenry 680-R-l. *16-4 Bergsma home at Solon Mills Harold Jepson of Urbana spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson-. Mrs. Fred Krohn, McHenry, Corp. Fred Krohn, Fort Lewis, Wash., and Mrs. Glen Benoy and son, Glen, spent i Monday afternoon in the Ray Merchant home. v Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe and family of McHenry spent Tuesday evening in the George Young home. The P.-T. A. met at the school house on Thursday afternoon. Plans were made for a party to be held at the Community hall on October 31. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Harrison, Mrs. H. J. Collins. Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Henry Stephenson and Mrs. Lonnie Smith attended Advanced Officers* night of the Eastern Star at Barrington on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Alfred spent Wednesday evening in the Katherine Young home at McHenry. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake was a visitor in the Louis Hawley home on Friday. LeRoy Neal of Chanute Field, Ran. toul, III., is ehjoying a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal. Rev. and Mrs. Collins were Friday evening dinner guests at the home of FOR SALE -- Concord Grapes, $1.00 per bu. Also apples, $1.00 per bu. Oriole Springs Orchard on the state line between RicHmtttd and Wilmot. *17-3 | their, son. Paul, and family at Arlington Heights. FOR SALtf-- J>44eVi«'ng and bottling equipment at public auction, Saturday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock, noon, DST, at Nippersink Dairy, Spring Grove, Rfc;"Unites north of Fox Lake, off Route U.S. 12. Terms: cash. Norbert W. Klaus, Prop. 019 T FOR SALE--Five-room year-round house, all improvements; double gar. age; located in Woodlawn Park. Write Box "O " cue I^aindealer. . 19-ff FOR SALE --About 2,000 Triple A White Sock Pu$Jets,\ ovifer 4 mos. old W.. S. Borgen, 1% miles south of McHenry on East River Road. *19 FOR SALE--Two-wheeled cart, metal box; well constructed. Wright, Oakhurst sub. Pbo^e4|pS>-M-2. 019 FOR SALB-^&E posts, 646 black locust posts, seasoned, cut Feb., 1941. Classed with osage. L. D. Anderson, River Road. *19 FOR SALE--CryitAl Lake House, 6 rooms «{d brejdifast nook; beautiful stucco;- lot tiDxuS; side drive; 2-car garage; excelletitly located near all schools^ depot ahd shopping. Fine condition. $7,600.00«-- terms; may trade for farm. Leo Price & Son, 139 N. Clark street, Chicago. Tel. Dearborn 9862. ^ - '• ' *19 FOR SALE--Lot on Center Street, West McHenry, 66x132 ft. Price $350. Also lot at intersection of routes 31 and 120, price $2,000. Ed Mischke, Center St., Phone 107-W. 19-tf WANTED WANTl£Jt>--(i irl, or woman, up .to 50 years old, for genral housework; no cooking. Room and bard, plus salary. Write Barrington Rest Home, Barrington, 111. Phone 814. *19 birthdays of Mrs. Fout and David Lee Clay. Mr. and Mrs. George Lacey of Des- Plaines spent Sunday afternoon in the Ed Bauer home. Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Edyth were" callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy «and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana, Mr. and Mrs Charles Brennan of Elkhom and Mr and Mrs.* Don Smart and sons, Waukegan, spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Crystal Lake enjoyed a picnic at Alpine Park at Roekford on Sunday. Ethel, Laura and Marion Wiedrich were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Emmons and grandson of Waukegan visited in the C. J. Jepson hofhe Sunday afternoon. Arnold Smith is spending several weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Viola and Alice Mae Low spent Monday in Woodstock. service last was good ly orginif^ choir iinijti p of Mn. Crlsty *ave a t of themselves. Come and hear this choir sing. The newly organised Sunday School is making plana for a vary successful year's work. We can depend on them to do the teaching, but we muvt see that the children get there. Snjiday School at the Ringwood church, 11 a.m., CSTr R. J. L. McKELVEY, Pastor. Anthony Wolf, who is located at Fort Ord, Calif., is spending a furlough with his parents in McHenry. He plans to leave next Sunday for California where he must report Oct. Miss Olga Brefeld of Chicago spent the weekend in the Ben Brefeld home. tax on TIRES and BATTERIES win 1. Xfjcttbny . . - u ; r- 4-V {V-1'1 . ; now y(M can make » substantial saving. Do it tafore Oct. 1. Triads in your old tires on new ITRESfOHES-iw can makftyon a good allowance. Wealso can? Firestone Sptfk Pings, Radiator Hose, Fan Belts, ete. ' " " 526Hain Street Phone 294 West McHenry (SuS®. w •'CUM FOR RENT DEAJ) OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash •» CoW* - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! IVompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone 10*--Reverse Clmrges FOR RENT -- 5-room, modern firstfloor apartment; steam heat; garage. Richmond ^toac|,. McHenry, Call Mrs. John R. Knox. Tel. 17. 19 MISCELLANEOUS CLIFF"S RADIO SERVICE--107 Riv. erside Drive, Phone 436. Repairs on all radios and electrical home appliances. All work guaranteed. CLIFFORD WILSON, Prop. ' 9-tf Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger, Nancy and Roxy Ann and Pearl Smith of Woodstock spent Wednesday in the Lonnie Smith home. The Home Bureau card party" will be held at the Chancy Harrison home on Friday evening, September 26. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bren. nan at Elkhom. Lieut, and Mrs.. R. H. Smith of Camp McCoy, Sparta, Wis., spent several days in the S. ,W. Smith home. Mrs: Louis Hawley entertained the Ladies' Aid on Friday at which time election of officers was held and the following elected: Mrs. Kenenth Cris. ty, president; Mrs. Clinton Martin, vice-president, and Mrs .Viola Low, secretary and treasurer. Charlie Carr spent Friday afternoon in the Dewey Beck home at Arling. ton Heights. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Harrison and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson enter-, tained the five hundred club on Thursday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Shepard forv high score and Mr. and Mrs. George Young for low score. Miss Florence Zapfe, Herbert Zapfe and Robert Mite of Chicago were Friday evening guests in the S. W. Smith home. Rev. Collins officiated at the funeral of Joe Sweiger at the Ehorn funeral home in Richmond on Saturday. Bur. ial was in Zion City. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wetterer and son, Raymond, were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dewey and son of Armstrong, 111., were weekend guests in the C. J. Jepson home. Mrs. Nick Young spent Friday with her daughter in McHenry. Mrs. Charles Mountford of Genoa City is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Berg. , Mrs. .Frank Bergsma of So|on Mills and Mrs. Ed Bauet called on the lat« ter's nephew at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday afternoon. ' * ! Mr. and Mrs. Glen Treon of Fort Atkinson, Wis., spent Saturday night in the Harrison - Peet home. Mrs. Wm. McCannon, Mrs. Charles Mountford and Mrs. Oscar Berg were Woodstock callers on Friday. The Milton Peterson family of Mc- Cullom Lake were Sunday dinner guests in the Collins home. Later they all attended services in the new church at Spring Grove, pf which Rev. Col lijns is pastor. Mrs. Joe McCannon will attend the Music Teachers Normal at the Chicago Musical college every Wednesday throughout the winter^ • Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Viola Low spent Saturday hi Evans- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greater of Chicago were callers in McHenry Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Nye has been spending the past week with her mother in Weisburg, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives and friends in McHenry. Mrs. Harry Dillon and Mrs. Glen Lockwood of Crystal Lake were McHenry callers Saturday evening. Dinner guests in the Clarence Martin home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lovegrin of Lombard. MS. • IB II I0I8E m-TM TIICKf lUirseptwef 'r.r % n- • -:W * • Power is tl» big need today--power t V 'far speed ... power for pull.. .power i* . ai] types loads fsieUy, ejfefea dependably, sa/ely, and at lowest cost< f Dodge meets this demand for power wHk ' * gmt, new, soperpowered 1 Mr-ton Job-Rated trucks . .. the greatest palling power Dodge has ever ; offered in trucks of this size. Mortimer! IbreStamina! Mm Ml!~<;» * , •/••v.,,'-". ' " Had that's aet all! lltey have trnnffmis-^ ^ sions, dutdies and tear axles of matched , "i • ability; 'brakes, springs and frames of^rC^ sisfcfcsi strength and sfAUiina. That's v^iat Dodge meaits by Job-Rated--tracts V i '• that are built to fit the job and '0 stay on the job. See us ... today.' PHCiS ANC SKCIFICATIONS SUUCCT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE It Zy*f£n UUWTWSUiS . . , S t r w t ^ -- T e l . 1 6 » -- M o H « w . n i f e S € S S ' ' ^ : ' p •• . - _Ju " .» /• f «T~. <* ' •'4' • i . » , .A:yp.r< ^ rn: i sv V *'*'>•'j ••• jl, Nmt CJm B»i»» tij, Gbwt Cpv, rUar . SWrfCtw*,Wmdmnr J&Wi mmtdmid MmrU* Bfap*. m h: • S o , . • '•"•yjj W" I CrcaS Swiss--IS Brilltaal AfoMs.. .'Is iMtiw to the nifaj b«w Naab trtwiJiir 'W, yoall aho was^to *m tk I hwi NmI i Awh--xinr Sim aad ever Ail yssr. Nmr cagiae derrfoji--t SMkca than mot* briffiut f wlwwiuv yet thcyVt Mil ia the law- aad ae^w-prin ItUtl >Cwa» Swiss IS Brintw that an rala tfai tSI«MMUessa« CsBmii mi fclfiwy yied/ or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 11-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING"-- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, ton. .» a > ~ ** 1 jjnj Mae Merchant of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Aiken and Miss Reed of Winnetka were callers in the Roy Harrison home Saturday evening. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake called on his mother, Jennie Bacon,'on Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Connell and son, Robin, and two friends of Chicago were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherer and Mary Jane of Waukegan were Sunday callers in the Ed Bauer home. Mae Wiedrich was a caller in Rich- MEN AND WOMEN--Prepare quickly for a government job. Age 18 to 50. No experience needed. Salary $1,200 to flJOO. FYee list and infor. mation. "Wnte "H" care Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. *18-2 t CET BEADY to feast yaw cjrw-lke 1942 Flash is In town! It's a "Million Dollar Beauty"--a car so nmw that l| ^ontHPuiMTS evea laat year's recordholding Nash. Think of it-this MMUlkm Dollar Beaqty** goes 25 to 30 mile» on a tingle gaUim •/gasoline..'frum 500 to 600 • lanlrftJ^ at highway speadi It helps yon solve 1942's biggest >|Mrt>blem--of hote to cut expenses. Offers ' yon luxuries and conveniences no othf# low-priced car ever offered before! _ . Coil springing on all four %cheek-- for die smoothest ride • car can give yon* Two-way Roller Steering *a "Sedan Sleeper** Bed and the W3P jwi' i Faaaowa Nash tioned Air Syslm. From the very it*s built--body and frame made one welded unit--with traditional Nash qoal> ity throughout--here's a car so far ahead it will he modern for years to come, i - - - Drive this new "Million Dollar Beauty^* ssd knows that a new day ta'low caal motoring has arrived. MODERN DESIGN IN DRE8S - MAKING ANB ALTERATIONS -- Mrs. Eyolyn Mitchell, 302 Broad St., McHenry. Phone 219-J, *19 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkfeman and son, James, of Oak Park and Thomas Knox of Chicago spent th§ weekqpt} in the Anna Knox hooM. ' • * " mond on Saturday morning. Mrs. Wm. E. Hoffman of Crystal flUTHDRIZED ^ SERVICE ty R D S 5 M R N M O T O R S A L E S RIVERSIDE DRIVE atui PEARL STREET - PHONE. i3 sr-r®*! K * A N [AS] H TUCCM V SUifS «F FK MP Mem Sii«« it! Elakt* r-m%. n * -r

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