te-r:" by EARL WALSH m >' Me&enry found oat last Sunday •j*Hiat those Shamrocks ni'3 txmgh 'team to beat! . v ... I " - What's more, they OUR asiffte • •hale of a came! --I-- • . Led by Manager Tom Bolger, Jr., ^Khe "Micks" "were the stormiest team ^am on 4km MeHenry diamond this t®"- Clarence Anderson, McHenry C.0.1*. pitcher, struck oat eighteen Shamrock batsmen last Sunday on the local diamond as he emerged victorious, 4 to 2, in a 12-inning hurling duel with Jim Larkin. The game was the moat bitterly contested battle seen on the home field this year, giving the fans more than their two-bits worth of amusement. LeRoy Wagner was the hitting hero J* But, we like a team that goes down ^rapping. We don't like to see a yleani swallow defeat too 'thMpiKAu Mrs.' OxMgr tthi Mrs. Frank Hay received travelers' prizes. A luncheon was served by the guests after which the honored guest was presented with a gift. Students who returned to the University of Illinois this week were Arnold May. Edward Shotliff, Eugene Meyer and William Crews. Mr. and Mr*. Ray May entertained at their home on Sunday in honor of the christening of their son. He wa* christened Jerome John at St. Peter's church with Rev. John Daleiden offiof the day, getting four for six and dating. John Doetsch and Mrs. Edpoling a mighty drive to the weeds in ward May were sponsors for the baby, [center field to chase Joe Jackson hom« jGuests were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milwith the winning run. iler, Mr. and Mfs. Peter May, Mr. and Jin Larkin attracted much atten- Mrs. Slward May and Mr. and Mrs. tkm and admiration from the crowd i John Doetsch of Wilmette. Mr. and as he carried the load for his team. ] Mrs. George W. May and children Jim not only pitched a beautiful mix- were also callers in the afternoon. ture of curves, but proved to be the i The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. main Shamrock threat at the plate. | Charles May was christened Mary . Being a left-handed hitter, he crossed Anne at St. Peter's church on Suntrike got past the catcher. Anderson j Up t},e McHenry defense by slamming day. Sponsors for the baby were her eighteen strike-outs in the game, ;a long homer to left field in the sev- grandmother, Mrs. Anton May and fteen coming in the regulation tune, j enth. That Mow tied the score at I Arthur Rauen of Chicago. 1-all. Two more hits rattled off Lar- | George Wagner of Chicago was a kin's bat and he scored both of the visitor in the home of his /-parents, Shamrock runs. jMr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner,, one day The Shag)rocks hold an early seasotj this weekvictory over McHenry. Talk immedi. * Clarence Anderson struck out four fttters in the first inning. - The third reached first when the third j ts of speed. ;>*%! LeRoy Wagner lodes like the most ^Improved ball player of the year. He Juts a great arm, big paws and has y "earned to powder that ball. : * , jy- .• & K " - . if- ' H LeRoy drove home the winning run 'an the twelfth inning with a hit that i prent deep into the center " • , ; . : The Shamrock center fielder ifiafle a larkably fast recovery and throw- In, but long-legged LeRoy made the Circuit. : " . • • * A^ter (be game, the Shamrocks ^maintained that the hit should not be Scored a homer. --V-- Now, there's a subject for discussion and this space will be open for iny sportsmanlike comment*, --I-- .The rule states: "If, in the last half of the finaiin- ' ning, with the winning run on base, the batsman drives home that run, tredit shall be given him for as many Abases as he touches; that number, Jbowever, not to exceed the number of --Abases advanced by the runner; except "<when the batsman drives a fair ball tout of the playing field, he shall re* jpeive credit for a home ran, provided he legally touches each base in prop*/ . {order.** - ,• ?<•: --I-- -- Close atodents of the game can Iprobably pick the rule to pieces: • B--" . The official scorer ruled the hit a iiome run. That's the way it-stands in the records. • '•"•I1-- But, dont let that stop you fellows fr<p a friendly discussion. "None of JD8 know too much about the game. Maybe rule discussions won't do us tmy harm. --1- Fans in the stands last Sunday firged that we give Jim Larkin plenty |>f credit for hit pitching Mtdhitting rfn the game. 1 • '1 ' That shows what McHenry fans ~ think of the big fellow's ability. It js fairly well established by now that Jim is quite a ball player. He has a good fielding team in back of him, but their hitting leaves something *? be tiesired. - . . . . . ""I' 1 . '*• Of course, the boys are young and inay come through with their bat j work in the next year or two. --I-- f Just »give_ those Shamrocks a little power in the outfield and Hie test of the teams in the county eonld sit right tip and take notice. Harry Stilling made two neat ' throws from left field and showed 8peed. Harry isn't noted for his hitting, but he looked all right Sunday las he drove out a two-bagger and drew a pass. He and Tom Bolger were the only two men that Anderson^didn't etrike out. ately sprang up about a "rubber game" but no airaogettMHAs iwv* Rounced. -...v- '-H"-" . McHenry -- 4 ^ - AB L. Wagner, ss ..ji 6 N Brits Funk 2 B. Britz S Thurlwell A. Jackson J. Wagner ..... C. Anderson H. Britz G. Jackson C. Weldt > J. Jackson' r. 3 0 ft 0 I & * • : Totals ., ttam rocks -- S D. Conway, Sb.. W. Bolger, c...... P. Dowell, lb .... J. Larkin. p ^ ... H. Dowell, ss T. Bolger, 2b B. Bolger, rf H. Stilling,*# B. Dowell, tf ...... AB .....5 4 ...4.5 .....5 B 8 4 R 0 6 0 * ' 6 •% 9 0 Little Richard Wagner celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary on Saturday afternoon by inviting several of his friecds to his home for a party. The children played games throughout the afternoon and prizes* Were won by Billy Kattner, Herbie Wagner and Tommy Freund. A lunch was served with a large birthday cake decorating the center of the table. Richard received many lovely gifts. Those present other than mentioned 0. were Leigh Kagan, Eugene May and 0 Paul Feldsien, Mr. and Mrs, Her.ry 2 | Heinle of Janesville, Wis., were slso 1 present. lj Mrs. George W. May and children Q were supper guests in the home of 1: her sister, Mrs. Charles Freund, and _ | family on Sunday. 12 j Miss Pauline Kauz of St. Louis, Mo., {is spending this week with Mr. and H j Mrs. Frank Wagner . 0 Charles Freund served on the grand 0 jury at the courthouse in Woodstock 0 (on Monday. 3 A large crowd attended the opening 0 I services on Sunday of the new Com- {Shacks ' T«tals 41 Home runs--J. Larkin, L. Wagner. Two-base hit--H. "Stilling. Struck out --by Anderson, 18; by Larkin, 10. Bases on balls--off • Anderson, 2; off Larkin, 3. Hit batters--by Larkin (H. Britz).: Double play--H. Dowell to T Bolger to P. Dowell. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM TO MEET QUANT FRIDAY UNDER.LIGHTS fining Event--'Night Football Guw Teams. M. C. H. S. vs. Fox Where? --McHeary. When--Friday Night, Sept. M, '4L Why?--The fans wanted night (tact. TU»e--7:30 p. sa. Don't be afraid to dress in warm munity church just recently complet ed. Rev. H. J. Collins conducted the evening'services at which time gospel singers were added to the program. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen, sons, Lyle and Lloyd, of McHenry were visitors in the Joseph G. Wagnet home on Sunday. The Community club held their regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. Following the meetng cards were played throughout the evening and refreshments were served. Miss Regina Kattner underwent a goiter operation at Home hospital in Sterling, 111., on Monday. LILY LAKE Mr. and Mn. Gwttpe Bell and Son, Donald, of Baningtwi were Sunday callers in the hone of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell. Mr. and MrS. Art Feaery of Chicago were callers in the Frank Kilpatrick home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pretzman and daughter. Dona Jean, and Mr. Theil and daughter, Julia, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Walter Cropley home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davin and Stanley Alms of Chicago spent the weekend in the Henning Carlson home. M rs. Davin called on her many friends as she was a former resident here. Mrs. Bob Kralowetz, McHenry, called on her cousin, Mrs. Joe London, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas, Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mrs. Hazel Kilpatrick, Mrs. Nellie Turner, Mrs. Willis Gard. ner, Mrs. Wm. Gardner, Mrs. Robert Gardner attended the electric demonstration sponsored by the Home Bureau at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Feet at Greenwood. Mrs. Rogers, who has bought the old Charley Turner house, is tearing it down and expects to buildf a store and residence there. Mrs. Lillian Carries spent last week with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert and family and Elsie Schultz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham at Zion. Mrs. Alfred Parker spent a few days in her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie and family of Chicago spent Sunday ia their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stange of Chicago spent the weekend^ at their summer home here. Mrs. Mary Selby is spending thw week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gieser ana son, Bobby* and friends of Chicago were Sunday evening guests in the Henry Aubert home. Mrs. Will Cowan of Harvard spent Friday in the Ernest Snyder home. *Mr. and, Mrs. George Morris and family spent Sunday in the Clarence Valentine home at Wonder Lake. Mrs. Alice Bell and Mrs. Clarence Anderson and son, Rodney, were call, ers in the A. C. Merrell home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick of Antioch spent Friday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles OP born were visiting relatives in Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Viola Jones, Mrs. Hazel Kilpatrick, and Mrs. M. Cropley attended Mrs. Hunter's funeral at Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. John Pester spent Saturday in the Will Pester home at Gray slake. Mr. and Mrs. A. p. Merrell and Mr. *nd Mrs. E. E. Cropley drove to Holy Hill, Wis., and Waukesha Beach, Wis., Sunday. Hie McHenry County Better Homes tour visited the Arthur Peet, Barber and Shaw homes near Greenwood, Sep. Those who attended from . Urs. Qrif% Mrs. Bmbe» Tamer, Mm FrankBl' Patrick, Mrs. Walter Winn, Mrs. Willis Gardner, Mrs. Ralph Thomas, Mrs. Robert Gardner, lbs. William Gardner. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalnickey of Chicago accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick, took a boat trip to Petite Lake Sunday afternoon. Earl Monear of McHenry was a caller in the Nellie Jackson home one day last week. YOLO Mrs. Edw. Underwood and daughter of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reiland, Northbrook, spent the weekend here at their farm home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novy at Riverside, 111. Community Night was held at the Volo public school Friday evening. Walter Vasey called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker at Capron, 111., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fiaher spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer in Fremont township. Miss Leona Withers of Rockford spent Sunday at thfe home of Mr and Mrs. Len Littlefield. The Wauconda •• Volo 4-H club held a weenie roast at the Glenn Bacon woods Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R^ssman at Barreville. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaefer of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon attended the funeral of the tatter's grandfather, Frank Parsons, in Chicago o* Monday. Henry Kane of Mundelein called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner at Slocum Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont township, Mr. and Mrs. EUwood Dqwell and son of Gray slake, William Lohman and Bdn, Raymond, of Libertyville, Mrs. N. McCandless, Round Lake, and Mrs. M. Tompkins of McHenry were weekend callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dusil, Berwyn, and Mrs. M. Agnew of Minneosta spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. TS ~ ' m nr USE THE CLASSBPED COLUMNS FOR QUICK Last Dance of the Season " * SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 " ? % Fri6d Chicken--60c Assorted SudwidM Perfect Mixed Drinks MUSIC RY BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA DON'T WAIT- -DO IT NOW ! Don't wait 'till you're out on the road to ieiurai whst's Wrong with your car or truck. Have it serviced hero, now .. . and know that it's in good condition. We have one of the best equipped garages ia Illinois. Drive in today. CENTRAL GARAGE * fRED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing Johnsburg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Enit, Mrs. Erneit Unger and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hansman and daughter, Rita Ann, of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. Miss Anita Althoff of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents here. INTRODUCTORY SALE OF GRANT BATTERIES -- SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 30 51 plate Reverse Batteries for Chevrolet 37 - 39, Ford 33 - 39,18 month ^ 45 plate Standard Battery, lifts most cai«» 21 month•L'S.JtiL ' - - $5.95 Ex. 51 plate lM) ^ 4i Ford, the new type 21 -- -- ..- $5-95 Ex. $7.35 Ex. 51 plafei End to End Battery for Pontiac, Olds and Buick 38 - 41,18 month $7.80 Ex. ANDERSON'S SERVICE STA. Phone 280 --; West McHenry, 111. The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at the Cottage Wednesday - afternoon. Prizes were wofr by Mrs. Charles Normand, Ruth clothing Friday night, then meander ,Lavin. Mrs- v- Schiavone down to the high school athletic field | Dinner guesta at the home of Mr. and enjoy what you have been wait-1an<* Mrs. Chris Zank Sunday were in* for ... a night football game!Mr- and MrB- Vasey and daughter, under the new lights. Helen, of Round Lake and Mr. and The dope" bucket says that Grant'Mrs- Oliver Zank of Lake Geneva, and McHenry ^wil] be evenly matrhon I Mr» Mrs. George Esser and for this game. family of Chicago spent the weekend Coach Reed has his boys going! their cottage Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son at reach "better form tor the I Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. K, McHenry brought in some young players Sunday wfeo ****" (share toward victory. # * ? r,, --I-- ' .... • Three Jackson boys sa"w actioTHmfl looked like ball players. Georgi Elayed the entire game behind the stter. • •" I Norm Brits* l, high school youth, inia^e his appearance at third base for McHenry and looked every inch a coming star. Keep a close eye on that boy. T' V/ - At one stage of the gaine, l&ffenn had three Britz brothers, three JacK« eons and two Wagners on the field. TT The "Palace Hermits" for another bowler for V Uncle Ed Smith might do since he has \ Joined the "Young Peoples Athletic ? - Club," but a restriction says you must l»ea have six bowlers lined up for their Dick Rosing rolled a Tuesday night and waa. •cause it wasn't 200. We that league. i't join Dorothy Page, of the Boone Creek Fishermen's League, reports that f'Peggy" Felts is hsving trouble with "" the bull-frogs. They est the bait off his hooks. Driving Motto: "Better be a few ..J*? City Sights . . , 0 Dorothy Walsh giving her dog "Ginger" Dowell, Jthe "on the motorcycle built for 4 We have just heard that the Army , Iboys have changed from "Yoo-hoo" to that fmaous American tribute . . . through all the paces this week in an effort to coming game. Reports frqpi the Antioch game last week indicate that the boys worked hard, but showed many of the rough spots expected in the first part of any season. Antioch took the game 6 to 0 in the last few minutes of play. The general public gave splendid support in every efFort made to secure lights for our field. It is now, hoped that many more people will have the opportunity of seeing the games. WIN C. O. P. TOURNEY Pour McHenry golfers, representing the C. O. F., were entered in a tournament sponsored by the Northside Forester Courts Sunday^ Sept. 21, in Glenview, 111. Local players entered were: A. E. Nye, Lou Smith, Hubert Smith and Irvin Smith. Mr. Nye and Hubert Smith brought home two of the prises. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Clarence Miiler of KansM City is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Feltes, who has been confined to her bed by illness the past few weeks. Phillip May has been unable to return to his work in Chicago for several weeks due to a broken foot which he incurred while playing ball. Mrs. Ella Siegler was hostess to the members of her club at her home on Tuesday evening. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded those achieving high scores. -A delicious lunch was served following cards. Approximately seventy-five members of the Holy Name society met at St. Peter's parish hall on night for their meeting and evening at Mrs. A1 Schmeltser, Mrs. Freund and Mrs. Art Kattner spent a pleasant evening at cards at the home of Mrs. Walter Brown on Tuesday night. The serving of a lovely lunch completed the party. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis of Foa Lake are the happy parents of a son weighing seven pounds, born on Frl. day. September 19, at Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Lewis is the former Mari. Brits. Mrs. John Jung had the misfortune of spraining he A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby on Thursday afternoqp in honor of her birth- -Jeannie Klabough was a Chicago visitor Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wise and daughter, Shirley, of Chicago spent,tbp weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schmidt, Cross Lake, Wis., and Tommy Doherty and Bill Morley of Chicago visited the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonald last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kane and family of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chicago spent a few days at their home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch were Woodstock visitors Saturday. * - Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs were afternoon and evening guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr^ George Wirfs, in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Claude McDermott aod son, Sonny, and Mrs. Nellie Morrison and daughter, Myraa, are visiting the home of their -parents in Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Joseph Daly of Grayslake vis. ited at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Normand last week. Mrs. Nora McCalla and Miss Margaret Farrell of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Wednesday. The Lily Lake School P.-T.A. held a bunco party at the home of Mrs. Joseph McDonald Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Schiavone, Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. W. Swanson and Orra Belle Bettray. Members present were Mrs. Wegener, Mrs. Klabough, Mrs. Zank, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Biescher, Mrs. Einspar and Mrs. Wieler. The serving of coffee and cake concluded a most opjoyable aftern° Mr. and Mrs. Marsh visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Siegler of Round Lake Sunday. v A party was held in honor qt the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Allind, Saturday, Sept. 20, at the home o^ her mother, Mae Budil. Those attending were Pete Simon, Lindy Lind. strom, Fritz Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. D. ftosup, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Realy, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Realy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Realy, Mr. and Mrs. K. Reid, Helen Ahern, Jimmy Gilligan, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chuckro, Bill Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Baran, Fran Follette, Frank Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen and Mr. and Mrs. Art Deidrick, Mr. and Mrs. George Schwitz of Park Ridge and Evelyn Bohm of Mt. Prosaccord ian provided the DISPLAY SEPTEMBER OF f. .»>!* I m.' '* McHENBY.ILL,