t. iTJv'icfe. Choral Club Because the Junior class will be re hearsing in the auditorium for the next few weeks, the Choral club will practice on the second floor, in room 2QQ starting next Monday evening. Birthday Celebration Natives and friends gathered at Hilltop Inn on Sunday, Oct. 5, to help celebrate the birthday of "Ma" Schimmel Those present were Mr. and Mrs Arthur Schimmel and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Winters of Chicago and Mfa. Frank Rosing of McHenry. • « * Mr. nnd-afrs. 4g0peberand flatty and Mf * find M«• Cenwayemjoyed a six o'clock dinner at the V. F. W. hall in Crystal Lake last Sunday. The dinner, which was followed by an evening of dancing, was sponsored by the V.F.W. post 2W7 and the Drum Corps. « • • - East Rim Reed Pinochle ' |fr*. Win. Freund was hostess to members of th# East River Rosd Pinochle club last Thursday afternoon. Prises were merited by Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. Thomas Thonneson and Mrs. George Justen. The next meeting will take place on Oct. 16, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Redwtnt. • * . Attends Shower Mrs. Raymond Ferwerda attended a kitchen shower honoring Miss Mary Heelein of Richmond recently. The shower was given by Mrs. Merwin Christensen of that city. Miss Heelein's marriage to Lawrence Klapper. ich of McHenry will take place later this month. Gaest Night -- R. N. A. •'^liiree 'McHenry ladies held office last Thursday evening at Woodstock when the Royal Neighbors observed Gaest Night at I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Cora Bassett served as marshall, Mrs. Gertrude Thurlwell as assitant marhall, and Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer as Unselfishness. Others who were present from McHenry were Mrs. George Lindsay, Mrs. Leslie Olson, Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Mrs. Gilbert Howard and Mrs, Earl Brown. - 10 na The Mo row aft George J' be Miss who, dri__,„. , speak oc O&^jpJaV jfc\eet tomore of Mrs. speaker will qf AntiocK, me. will Mrs. Eli: members nesday aft ed by Clat% Mrs. EliSftt Freund. Barbara K ternooo. FMK The Fo*. A., held day evenlrii tion of they tice for an held in A' plans wen party to entertained last Wed- Vere merit. Eva Nye, Mrs. Rom- _ with Mrs. 'ft'1 Thursday) af- Twes in prae to be Ftnal the cju-g the 'Contract ^evening at >te win- Henry and Clara of the club McGee's , Store for Men ,9mm S t r e e t --McHenry SCORES ON ALL POINTS I Celebrate dm winning touchdown in the smart Msllory winner--71* Amtmmm '41! AU fbe sophistication of a onivarficy background plus heady free- 4pm of fiunous Malkxy Nofc> about felt. ScylMi duo-sdtcfc, welt-edge brim, casual lines... in a variety of correct, | f hasy Autumn hue*. , , f ^ • T i l l M A L L 9 I T S f f l l f , $3.50 to $5.00 Miss Cki members o] Bridge club her home on ners for the e' Miller, Mrs. Miller. The will take place* on *Oct. 21, at the home of Mrs. Albert B^rbjQ. . ^ ^ Celebrates First Bhlifi&y Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty enter, tained guests at a chicken dinner last Sunday honoring the birthday of Jimmy, Jr., who was a year old. A birthday cake was the center of attraction on the decorated table. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. D. A; Powers and Wm. Doberty, Srv of North Crystal Lake.' J • v'; Epworth U^ga* 'j:-' Sunday everiia$ €^&3he Epworth League had eWnirifc' 6f officers for the coming year. Th6s£" klected were: president, Gordon ^Scholle; first vicepresident, Wayne Smith; second vicepresident. Warren <JoitiV; third vicepersident. Wilbik Jane ^liirnet; fourth vice-president, M*rt& B*um; secretary, Laura SheVnfcari; treasurer, Dean McCracken; pianist, Shirley Colby, and chorister, Warren Jones. . , v.'; * *. *••• Attends Convention Mrs, Ned Bourelle spent last Sat' urday in Chicago where she attended the annual National Grandmother's convention held at the Morrison hotel. The idea of organizing such a club originated four years ago at a meeting of the Business Wpmens club in Chicago for the purpose of glorifying grandmotherhood. MeyMr Kelly was guest speaker on Saturday afternoon and his apeech was tittuwed by a six o'clock dinner at the "Wottf. ' Mrs. Bourelle intends to organize a similar club in McHenry in the near future. - . > .. y: l':, • : Kj?ef e. Dance *r; * ; Wans are befaV^ade fo¥^^. of tJ. dance to be heldon the night of Oct 15, at Nell's Militant, Johnsburg. It is to be a Coftitttbtts' day celebration for the purpose of raiAmgmoney for the council. CtorfriMfbetes' Tiave been formed and are as follows: Advertising and arrangements -- LeRoy Conway, Clarence Anglese, Robert Conway and George Frisby ; Financial-- A. J. Wirtz; Tickets --Earl Walsh, Ray McGee and C. J; Reihansperger; Raffle -- Homer Fitzgerald, Harold Lindsay, Art Tony an, Dan O'Shea and Robert Frisby. ' 4 The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder was christened Annette Louise at St. Mary's dhurch Sunday morning, Oct. 5. Sponsors were Agnes and Gus Freund. • • • Pinochle CMb Mrs. Anna Meyers entertained mem. bers of her Pinochle club last Friday, Oct. 3. First prize was awarded Elizabeth Smith of Johnsburg. Other prizes were won by DeUa Miller, Mrs. John Schraitt and Mrs. Barbara Krause. • • * Bghty-ftfth Birthday Celebration Math Weber, one of McHenry's oldest residents, celebrated his eighty, fifth birthday at his home on Riverside Drive Wednesday evening. Oct. 8. A six o'clock dinner was served and an evening of cards "followed. Thoae present to enjoy the evening were lira. E. Xnue of Woodstock, John Weber, Mr. and Mrs-John Then, nee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Mrs. Helen Heuser, Mrs. Emily Lawaon and Joe and Lauoi Weber, all of McHenry. -- - ^ . - - m afRnfi » iRnl Honoring Rev. and Mrs. Fred A. Graham, formerly of the Methodist church of Woe&tjock, members of the Woodstock male quartet accepted th» invitation lacrt &inday to. take pstt in the farewell given them at the Gross Park church, Chicago. The Grahams, who are retiring from the ministry, were presented with gifts of a radio, a purse of money and traveling bags. They plan to spend the next five weeks at their Oakhurst home near McHenry, then leave te apead the winter in Florida. AMmm Hit Mazy Atut Jfiller, daughter of Mrs. Anna MiHer, is under observation at tiie Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. Anton P. Freund underwent an operation at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan on Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Meyers, who has been seriously ill for the past week, shows slight, improvement. Mrs. Harry Fredrkks returned to St. Thersse hospital. Waukegan. the last of the week to receive further treatment. Her mother, who has been Caring for Mrs. Fredricks. has return, ed to her boSBe in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Lawrence has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital '* Mrs. Martin Stoifel, who has been ffl for the-. psrtt week at ber home on ie imprcMng. 15lie«flfcr)jB|Nr is seriously 111 at the home 'of hit daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrk lMe Schaefer. Fred EqM4 underwent surgery at the Woodstcdt hospital last Saturday. G. P. Ne#«an is nursing a hand whifSi he banied with hot tar a week ago. * f eoftji i Hiii i • fcirtlw . M I M I I I l l l l M l l M I I M I M I Miss Marjorie J. Findl, daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Finch of Chicago, and Mr. Sdwin E. Sherman, sen fit Mrs. C. E. Sherman of McHenry, were married on Saturday, Oct. 4, in the Logan Square daptist church, at seven o'clock fai the evening. Following the ceremony a reception was hel<fr at the Smith Side park iif Park Ridge. Mrs. Sherman is a graduate of the Chicago" high schools and is employed in the offices of Montgomery Ward 4b Co. Mr. Sherman was graduated from MtHenry Community High schtiol and the University of Illinois. He is employed in Chicago. txn. sr. JWr** CHICAGO a* five o'clock Satur~ day afteitMOA, Sept. 27, in Adnarii LuUwran eter^, Mies Avis Meweman of CMeage hstall the bride of Mr. Frank Gana of McHenry. Tlie bride, attractive in a burgundy velvet driss witit Uadk aoasseories, was attended by Mrs. H. Rooney of CMestgo^^ wlio acted at maid of henor and Mrs. F. Grate, riso of Chicago, who was the tarideesssdkl. Wm. Stonebreaker of Elgin served the groom as best num. Following the wadding a she o'clock dinner waa served foe the wedding party and lite immediate ffcmlMoe at SoHck's restaurant. Theee ute atewL Fffty-fifth WeUb&Xm^am^2 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spiith, Sr., of I Chicago celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary at a dinner given at the home of their sop and wife, Mr. and Mr.s Jadk Smjth, 3i., in Mc- I Henry last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith who were born land raised on the north fide of Chi* I cago are seventy-seveq1 and' seventy- I tight years of age, i*jbj^ctively. Be- [sides their son, they have one daugh- ]ter, Ratherine. Other dinnet guests in~ tbe Smith / .'V- A City association ot county [bowling league met jMrt. Vivian pTryon last weplc 'in Wopdstyck and [planned a. prftjmim for. coming season. Incltiled in the ev«|t(s is a I tournament Feb- Honor Math Weker Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund o: avan, Wis., entertained guests last Sunday in honor of the approaching birthday of Math Weber who was eighty-five years old on Wednesday. Those who attended the gathering at Delavan were John Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes, Donald Howard, Mrs. Helen Heuser and family, Mrs. 'Emily Lawson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber and family, Joe and Laura Weber and Math Weber, all of McHenry, and Mrs. E. Krause and Vivian Schroeder of Woodstocl|p V • » • i - Twenty-fifth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Kennebeck celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday at their home east of town. A dinner was served at noon with the mothers of Mr. and\ Mrs. Kennebeck present. They are Mrs. Maria Freund and Mrs. Elizabeth Kennebeck. Fifty guests were present during the afternoon to honor the couple. Cards were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joseph Freund, Mrs. Elisabeth Kennebeck and Mrs. Nick Justen. A buffet supper was served at six o'clcok with a three-tier wedding cake decorating the table. Neither Mr., and Mrs. Kennebeck nor their friends will soon forget the enjoyable day. • • • C.O.F. Holds Installed* ' On Tuesday evening, Oct. 1, the Catholic Order of Foresters held its regular meeting. This being an important meeting, a large crowd gathered to witness the installation of officers. Our spiritual director. Father Paul, installed the officers for one year. They were as follows: Chief Ranger--George J. Freund. Vice-Chief Ranger--Alfred Tonyaa. Past Chief Ranger--J. R. Schmitt Speaker--William Althoff. Recording Secretary--Alfred Wein. gart. * . Financial Sectetaqr -- George P. Fruend. , Treasurer--Harold Phannenstill. Trustee for Three Years -- Leo Blake. Senior Conductor--Gerald Bauer. - Junior Conductor--Irvin Schmitt. Inside Sentinel--Ben Bauer. Outside Sentinel--Martin Wegener. Juvenile Director--George Frisby. The main topic of discussion during the evening was that of forming bas^ ketball teams. After the meeting, lunch and refreshments, were enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mitt. William Grasser are the parents' of a daughter born last Thursday moning at the Woodstock hospital. A baby boy Weighing S lbs. 11 ossn was born at the Woodstock hospital last Monday noon to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey of Volo are the parents of a daughter born Friday, Oct 1, at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born on Oct 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiller at their home in Johnsburg. Atty. and Kirs- Vernon Knox of Crystal Laka Jkre the parents of a daughter bontjpt the Woodstock hospital Tuesday. NM* HOMB A new-home is under construction on Richmond Read for John Blake. ring Anhnsls The Domk lip of Canada»h*s SB different spedbs of fur bearing animals that produce 15 pelts each minute of the day and night. First Census The test serious attempt to eetimate the pttMlation of the earth is believed to^wve been made by an Italian sciemlt in 1661. Lucy's ehurch, Chicago, was fch« scene of 9 lovely wedding on Sept. 27, when Miss Julitta Valanos of Chicago became the bride of Clarence Justen, son of Stephen Justen of McHenry. Helen Valanos acted as maid of boner for the bride who wore a white satin dreajb and long veil. iUlph jJnsten .served his brother as best man. ' The ybung cotiple will live in Chicago where the groom is employed by Acme Steel Co. Those from McHenry who attended 'the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klapperich, Sr., and daughter, Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klapperich, Jr., Mrs. George Blake and Ralph Justen. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Church school at the Ringwood Methodist church--11 a. m., CDT. There will be no worship at the cburch this Sunday as the pastor will be at the conference, which meets at Wilmette. This is the day set aside by the church for Rally Day. Let all our church people turn out and make this a r*fcl Rally Day. The church is the hope of the world at this time. All of us must give more attention, loyalty, and enthusiasm to the work of the church if the churchis to function as it should. The time is here for the church to put up a united front on the things that Jesus lived and taught 4 R. J. L. McKelvey, Minister. Draft Vessel _ _ ^Channel and lock improvtifliifitl on the Missouri and Mississippi riven make it possible for a shallow draft vessel to sail some 4,000 miles from Olean, N. Y., to Fort Benton, Mont 1. Dolling and son, James, of apoUs, Wm. Stenebreaker <rf and Mr. and Mrs. R. tote, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rooney^ Miss laeffii OdeO and Mrs. O. Bieneman, all of Chkago. The bride was femwgrly employed by the Aetna Insulation C®-, in Chicago. Thd jnwm, a graduate <tf the McHenry High school, has a position in the Sears Roebuck store in Waukegan. • , The couple are making their hosse at 800^Riverside Drive. ' interest Miss Ruth Johnson, daughter of MAr aad Mnu Looie Johnsoo of Gary, to- Mr. Howard Mfcfcals» sen of Mr. and Iprs. Jeesph Midiels of The wedding was soleea morning, Otit. 4, in the witii Rev. fir. E. A. cieting. The bride won I Frendi Moe weolJ costume suit wMi navy and had a cottage of white carnations -and- mams Mist Hanon*^ JAnpea, a sister «f the MUK asted^ V-,;" Mmeldodf hesgrwearjag a beige itseli ^ ttended hit kttjftar^€«< .isas. served at 12:80 at>;f hotel and a reeeptioa was,f v' »'cloek at;-^ Mr. and foJfidlds wiu reeide in^C QarringtOR ffOfWMff * he«»r»ooB trip. Betii are graduates the Crys. tale Lake Wi eehool, ttl mm ia 1MW and tiM bddt te ItSft. Mr.Mkbelt it employed by the Cemmerc^l Credit eerperation of Chicago and As bride bar % Jewel Tea company in Barrinftott. ; - Read the Want Ads! M • Yet, UOde Sam needs bslp ftmr kelp. But yoa can give tks fell assasure of devotion in this Katioaal Kaessgsncy only if yoa kSve AesAk These is work to ks done--very impoctsat wock. Are yon ready to shoulder '|»ur full share of the burden? . [.Look to your health -- mar. r it Is a patriotic duty co §t* ma, •rf t&Mrcom*-* Physician la who* yoa here confidence. Heed Us e^etiencsd counsel. Naturally, wVd like to fill the prescription he gives you. You'll find oar service excellent, our prices &Sr. SEND A GIFT MESSAGE SF CHARM! itrause, Mc Members ard, Cryatal mf tonty fngnnsm ise new mkotming gititm. *Yms tnbm •nam m esfttMosw"--daytime WRftioM of UelMric'f femess "tweed" "Miracle", mmd "ShengheT--wtii speed yoer witktt. A verity of temnd a rsriefy of feminin# Moodbf TfNIsTMs sIsl tvo wel *V OU^VOTW !•n Tftlil Wf li irafroiices is enclosed in a bmmd-boK of turquoise and wiule wMk gold-ton* accents. %ound thm boK, mstqveradm §/ m romontk era bow omd €*rt»y--m* dolightful and ffefots ew thm fragroncot $1.95 "jweek, Oct. 16, ^the Communvety fine speak- , IMfer's Drug Store ruary and a lsd|^ie. The meeting was ufrttar th» direction of the new offfeers:' "lUrs. Geraldine Thomas, Greeqwoed, president; Lillian Rose, Ctyrfte) Lake, vice-president; Lois NoW^^Fox iliver Grove, treaaurer; yjyian Tifon, Woodstock, secretary, afid, ' Henry »ergetfht-t: were present Lake, Fox Rmr G: Woodstock. e Weiiea*s On Thursc^y of the Women's ~ ily church wifi havi er at their 1:30 luncheon at the church. She is . Mrs. Fred Bradfute of Oak Park and her topic is "Christian Citizenship." Mrt. Bradfute is secretary of Christian social relations and local church Activities of the confernece and also is V^Ty active in the Oak Park League of Women Voters. She is a very fluent speaker with a wonderful sense of humor as well as a deep conviction of our duties as Christian citizens A cordial invitation tp, hear Mrs. Bradfute is QXt«Dded to etch woman in the commiauAjr whether she be a member of thit W. S C. S. or not. A one-dish lancta^L wUl be served by the officers ^yH'He being twenty-five will be a woman in SgMwlMn to care for small childfs^JIfcis is our first meeting of the new year. The pro gram will be a "bang-up." We hope the attendance will be teti. . COMING KVIHTt October t • Past Oracles--Mrs. Carrie Stewart Elgin. Bridge Club--Shirley Condi October It Mothers' Club--Mrs. George Johnson. October 14 R.N.A. Convention--AJgottqtjfta, - ' Gtoteber l6 Public Card Party--Sponsored by CL D. of A. Woman's Society--Community Meth odist Church. East River Road Finodtle--Mrs. Clarence Redwanz. October 21 Betty Nielsen's Style Show--Colony Theatre--Sponsored by P.-T. A. Evening Contract Bridge -- Mrs. A. Barbian. October St Mothers' Club--Teachers' Party. October S Hard Thnes Barn Dance--Fe* Pavll ion--Sponsored by McCullom Lake Community Club. October 20 Public Card Party--Sponsored by Foi River Valley Camp. November 4 Public Card Party -- Legion Hall -- Sponsored by Group 6, Women's So. ciety of the Community Methodist ' church. November I' Forte Club Music Festival --^ H. S. Auditorium -- Sponsored by Mothers' Club. APPOINTED AS CLERK AT 8TATB POLICE QUARTERS Robert Allen of Cary was recently appointed a clerk in the Elgin district headquarters of the state police and assumed his duties last Monday. Be fore obtaining his present appointment he was engaged in the insurance business. Mr. Allen is the husband ot the former LaVsrae Engela ot Me- Henry. a lv . te" ntmonal t t " WrUMv ^ - ;?'v * rWAS DO time to duck or dodge the facta. So we didn't trjv . ' - I ' . y v" Instead we said--these being the materials critical in the defense program, we'U do our plaining for 1942 witfe that Not mere!y for aa "acceptable" ear--< taioljr not for any "ersatx" number. •i w. had to have a real and representative ' Buick. One we could be proud of. One abl* enough, active enough, durabh enough to serve tip annual new models are the rule a#ai%^:, We resolved on a 1942 automobile of such merit as could carry the Buiclt reputation without fault until other new Buicks, however far off, could come along to refresh it. Now we're announcing thoae' 1942 car*v:;- Why waste words telling you how good lk| are! Yotj qan't put language in the gas tank and leapipwr-how many or how enjoyable « I** s* .. - ^ V 1 '* ^ • .. ., ,.K iW*. ' • If • Thtere't a better answer--you drive these * ^ Com. o». A. mm yardstiek on their quahtjr. ; tr " ' for you and for us, jo miss the dreadnaught Buick we'va built to stand up successfully to the toughc^l llbinyean. i • 1 BETTER BUr BUICK e e : L OVERTON MOTOR SALES •at, W«t Mdbory. m. " 216 lUtm St. ftyital tab, • .,,'A • ..3-i 5^4. '..M.1.» i =T t-m ms*: * ^ VAtVI-lM .-.v ^ * AU TWK NM YOU IN ITtAiSMT- liaWT * * OS. * * WWW tSKIBMS MASS * * VUUT ABJMSTAIU tY WW *