,*v; '••; •:$* s.'^-r,- J.I •£.... • **•< 1 . ^ . . ( . . , '•., ;.. ; ~ ^-^.'"r •;«%.*> •• • ^ rv^waafcrar&*:•&•*; 8.TJ0JC. 19M Society ior FLU Prevention of tQ ^ Decwnher, m4, by <3SSSL,VWTT* a social worker. iOerty. attorney for fee S.PJC.A^ «; v *n* Rtiit in the organization of the ^ ^eWldren't society and later became ito president. TMs Is a 'Carter' " Bert's a story that may wall be termed a "corker." Recently Robart E. Mmw of Shrercpoit, La., mooned the disappearance of $40-- his whole week's pay. fie considered himself a "hard-lock gay." A happy ending came later ^however, when he im te money--in hie cork leg. Mains said he apparently had put the'"money in hie trouaers pocket in *hich there was a hole, nd the money fell through into the vtifteiel limb. Wtf: " tf , s ** •c •*>*! PW Notice to Track Owner* • 1 The second animal tortofyoor track is now required. We have received the stickers and invite yon to come in as soon as possible. We also have a weC equipped repair shop to take care of your correction that you may comply with the lwfci CENTRAL niDJ.SMlTS.Piop. - ***** m 20 3 % Defense Bond QUIZ Q. Has the Government set a quota to be raised through "the sales of Defense Savings Bonds? A.^J|j>; there is no quota and no time limit. The Dei >»l,^en8e Savings Program is to be a continuing ef- ' ^ fort, and both Defense Bonds and Stamps should b e *p u' r •c h a s* e d s t e a d "i*l ry a n d -r-o"e----g u l a r l j ^ ^ Q. Why were the Nation's retail stores asked to sell Defense Savings Stamps? A. jKnerican retailers were not asked--they volunteered % jthrough their national organizations to undertake r Jvithe sale of Defense Savings Stathps on a vast scale. NOTE --• To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the nearest post office or bank, or write for in- W©iWashington, I>rC. Also Stamps now are on sale ""xti* retail stores. ' f l Report of Oendttiea of , K WEST McMENRY STATE BANK of McHenry (P.O. West McHenry), in the State of Illinois, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on September 24, 1941, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district pursuant to the provieione of the Federal Reserve Act. 1. 2. S. 4. K. ' 4 T. 18. ASSRS Loans and discounts (including $876.82 overdrafts) ........$606,287.24 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 205,932.41 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 86,349.89 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 97,972.90 Corporate stock (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) ._ S^QQO.00 Cash, balances with other hanks, indwnnff reserve' balance, and cash items injbroeeas of collection 585,900.16 Bank p remises owned 15,775.49, furniture and fixtures -- i'V,;?;.- 6,475JS TOTAL .-ASSETS ..~~.J|1,M2I867.93 is. 14. 16. 18. 10. 23. LIABILITIES Deopgd deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporstio* « ...... $689342.02 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporporaiaons _ 473,163.52 Deposits of States and political subdivisions ... 154,066.44 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) ..... 26,768.89 TOTAL DEPOSITS .*1,842.885.87 Other liabilities ..J 29,680.52 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $1,372,506.39 • "*-i CAPITAL ACOOIJLCM ^ Capital • ... „|, 5 0,000.00 Surplus 60,000.00 Undivided profits 37,861.54 88. 80. " "^$?JAL ,C^Sff^LiLCC0UNTS --~ -- $170^61.54 ^OTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS -^JH.542^^ * This bank's capital consists of common stock with total « pear ealae of $50,000.00. .. V MEMORANDA ^ ~ , x o83^ (ihd ^n^ties loaned) (book value) , ^ ^ (a) U.S. Government obligations, direct and ruaran# - . teed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilii ^ ! "• toes ft jMto (*) TOTAL 8acnred and pr^erred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by requirements of law .$ 27,000.00 K.000.00 (e) TOTAL & Subordinated obligations: -- , $ 25,000.00 y (b) Other obligations, not indndad hi HabBWee, wMdi are subordinated to claims of d€j>oeitors and other creditors $ 18^88.78 I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl ' and belief. r GERALD J. CAREY " Correct--Attest: JOS. W. FREUNBS I- • '• '**•- v WM. M CARFIOLL, • ti C. J. REIHANSPERGE& Mrectees. % Simon Stoffel C. J. Reihanapergsr „ s- r-"-T^-T D I R E C T O R S WSL M. CarreB Wa. A. Nyek M.D. Joe. W. Frond Gerald J. Can* t-un V it f * :Jcaf MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION For Defense and Investment • BUT UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS LILY LAKE The Lily Lake Ladies* League held a banco party at the "Cottage" Wednoeday hflemoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Kinspar, Mrs. Normand and Mrs. Dosch. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sansone and family spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mrs. Joseph McDonald was a Chicago ritor Mfoi nday. Mr. jpad Mrs. Clarence Blum spent Satof,& .y a nd . a t t h e i r h o m e at Lily Lake. " Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and family spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Furgone and Robert VoOca and friends visited at the horn* of Mr. and Mrs. George firmer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago spent the weeKeaS at their home i|t Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs G. Kostelecky and baby and Mrs. Frits of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage Mr. and Mrs. T. Faerst and Mr. and Mrs. L, Pehn and son, Donald, of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Sunday » A . •»* Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Godfried Kostelecky are the proud parents of a sen weighing 6 lbs. 13 oss., born at the Swedish Covenant hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mass and daughter of Chicago visited at the home "Of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son of Chicago spent Sundsy at their cottage. " "» * - *i r- I {'. i'.<*:• A surprise birthday party was held Wednesday evening, Oct. 1, at the Lily Lake hotel in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Roy Hobbs. Singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone. Guests present were Mrs. Behms and sister of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Hintz, Mr. and Mrs. Schiavone, Mr. and Mrs. Lannes, Mrs. Vachet, Mr. and Mrs. Klabough, Mrs. Fast, Jack Laubinger, Mrs. Bransford, Mr. and Mrs. Shelley, Mrs. Nielsen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rippital and Emil Kolstadt. The seving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable evening. The Lily Laket P.-T. A. Social club held a card and bunco party at Schiavone's recently. Prizes were won by Mrs. Weiler, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Bransford, Mrs. Fast and Mrs. McDonald. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. The next card and bunco party will be at the home of Mrs. Thomas Klabough Oct. 16. McCULLOM LAKE SPRING GROVE Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Arthur Katt. ner and Mrs. John Weber of Fox Lake visited in the Ed Hoffman and John Doetsch hom^s in Wilmette on Monday. Mrs. John Lay was hostess to the members of her club at her, home on Tuesday night. Two tables of five "hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Math Niaugern and Mrs. Lay received consolation. Tavelars' prizes went to Mrs: Frank Miy and Mrs. Mark Pierce. A lovely luncK was served following cards. Members of her dab met at the home of Mrs. Koberstine on Thursday afternoon. Cards famished the entertainment and prieea were merited by Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mrs. Koberstine and Mrs. Alfred Ksttner received consolation. Lanch was served by the hostess. . Mrs. George W. May entertained club members at her home on Thurs* day afternmt v.ard» and visiting, were the afternoon's diversion and prises those achieving high score* went to Mrs. Arthur Rattier Mrs. Albert Brits, while consolation went tx» Miss Jeanette Miller. Mrs. A| Schmeltzer and Mrs. Charles Freund were the winners of travelers' prizes. Refreshments of chop suey and pumpkin pie were greatly enjoyed at the close of the afternoon. Among those from out-of-town who attended were Mrs. Edwin Freand^Jlaarhter, Eunieef of Crystal Lake, MrsrSteve Sehaefesf of Fox Lake, Mrs. Arthur Kleinf daughters, Jane and Patty, of Johns-* burg and Mrs. Eldred Johnson of McHenry. • Miss Lorraine May, who is employ* ed in Zion, spent the weekend with he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May. Guests in the Arthur Kattner home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs, Steve Schaefer and family, Fox Lake.* Mr. and Mrs. A1 Westman and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with #eO Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner and friend of Chicago spent the weekend at their homo here. Hugh McDonald VM a visiter in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick and family have moved to Chicago for the winter months. John Shark of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 8hark, Sr. Charlie Broeken of Chicago spent several days with his family here recently. John Winkrantz entertained friends from Chicago, Sunday. Mickey Untc and iOoanor Schaefer spent Sunday with Mr And Mrs. Clay, ton Braoe at Wondsf Lnke. Jimmy Clark of Chicago was a visitor at McCuIlom Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Petroskey and son of Chicago were visitors at here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Nickels of Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. A* Doberstein and family. nr. and Ms. Duane Barber of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber at McCuIlom Lake. Mrs. Jos A. Schaefer and daughter, Eleanor, and Mickey Unts spent Wed- •ftsday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matters of Chicago spent Sunday at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burg and daughters of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Frank Ritzer and Barth Mclntyre of Chicago were visitors at the Jos. A. Schaefer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits and friend of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at the lake. Ted Bryer, Chicago, spent the week, end with his mother, Mrs. Fred Bryer. ] her parents, Sanders. Sunday visitors in the John Kattner home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. Wendlyn Kattner and Miss Christina Kattner of Chicago. j A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Lester Siedschlag onr Friday for an afternoon at cards. Four tables of five hundred were in playe and prize winners were Mrs. Mark; Pierce, Mrs. Siedschlag, Mrs. JosepHi Brown and Mrs. J. J. Freund. Re*' freshments wore served following cards. ^ Mrs. Arthur Rauen visited her sis', ter, Miss Regina Kattner, at Prophets* town on Sunday. Miss Kattner is convalescing following an operation. A bright, sunny afternoon made a perfect setting for a very solemn occasion which occurred at St. Peter's church on Sunday when a class of thirty-one received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Members of the Holy Name Society formed a guard of honor as the Rt. Rev. Edward F. Hoban, Bishop of Rockford. entered the church marching in procession, preceded by servers, and visiting priests, Msgr. Chsrles Nix of St Mary's parish, McHenry, and Msgr.' Alfred Heinsler of St. Joseph's parish, Elgin. A most Inleffeettiif and impressive talk by Bishop Hoban marked the beginning of the ceremony, after which the confirmants approached the altar rail to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation administered to them by the Bishop who was assisted throughout the ceremonp by Rev. A. J. Neidert of Johnsburg and Rev. L. Keenan of Harvard as Deacons of Honor. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of "Te Deum" appropriately closed the services. The altars were beatifully decorated with red roses, dahlias and ferns with a background of many lighted candlse. The confirmation class consisted of Dr. L. Kagan, Raymond Herat, George Hartwright, Herbetr Wagner. Paul Keefe, Joseph Nimsgern, Theodore Busch, Stephen Stanfel, Thomas Freund, Robert May, William Lenno, George McGrath, James Busch, Leon Busch, Robert Oxtoby, Mrs. Margaret Jung, Mrs. Nell Kattner, Mtseia Georgia May, Edna Hanford, Jywette Lennon, Mary Ann Klaus, Dblores Glosson, Joan Nimsgern, Marie Stoffel, Charlene Sheets, Helen Stoffel, Gloria Stanwich, Evelyh Busch, Patricia Mulligan, Margaret Colgard and Mary Colgard. Sunday visitors in the Frank Wagner home were Mr. and Mrs. Hfenry Heinle and family, Mike Wagner of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ray De- Thorn and children. On Monday evening, Frank May of McHenry and rein, tives from Almena, Wis., called. The' in the started asd^H ttW is The death and dee ay ef cies can be hastened by poison into the circulatory sap sye» tem of the living tree. from fte wells of Iraq to Am Palesllno show of the MedHeiisiwn terriee en estimated 4,000,000 tone of erode ail each year. Ir. faid L Schwabe OPTOMKTI^X - 'm ^ r Mathematics i. V - ' V - - • ' ' • • amy fefepkoses yes cos coN la fie IHIeeh Self aree? Yes, sir! The number of telephones now connected is sbeaft l^QMHO--aa increase of 88,000 over this time a year ago* . e IlfWf... New dees Mof sM«a Maf eboaf tt.000 falspSeaaa were ceaaecfed la tke cesrse of a year? Oh, no! The 88,000 telephones added during the last twelve HMRths were only a fraction of the 272,715 "In-orders" completed. In addition to that, there were 184£30 "Out-orders" and 138^23 "Move-orders"--a total of 595,568 separate jobs to do. Over onethird of the namber of Illiaou Bdl telephones wen «a the awwl . • Tkm* resifada aM--ebevf hew aaiy fslsp>eaa are aa defy is Mo Miosis Self area? There are nm than 30,000 sa aad women with your tele* plnae compaay. Their job is to provide the fineat poaaible sacvioe at tlw lowest possible cost. mr - • " - < • • /V- • -4- - ILLINOIS SILL ^RAURNDIII IILIIAIF fcTHE TELKPHOPfE HOUR** awrr M--im 9 f. Dmrti§kt Mug VW, WMAQ RED CROSS FIRST AID COURSE OFFERED COUNTY RESIDENTS Further localizing its program of service to the public, the McHenry County Red Cross chapter announces that an official American Red Cross course in first aid will be offered to county residents beginning Wednesday, Oct. 15. Open to the .general public, the course in first aid treatment with emphasis on national defense and preparedness will be directed by D. Melville Carr of Crystal Lake, first aid, water safety, and accident prevention director for the Chicago Red Cross chapter who has accepted a similar appointment in McHenry county. The course of lessons is to be given at th*j Cyrstal Lake recreation hall on Wednesday evenings, from 8 to 10 p. nu beginning Oct. 15 and continuing for eleven weeks. Registrations will be accepted Wedneaday and Thursday this week at iue BJcKenry €ount£ kea Cross headquarters, Tel. Woodstock 567-R, or mail registrations may be directed to Mrs. W. Earle Flnnney, Woodstock. ' OBILE mm m ;:l-y V.#J >inK rfW X I. *' i- 9 •: *k~i, if -- WBONCAAONS SUSJSCT TO CNANOS wimour NOTICS COMMUNITY CHURCH 8ERYICES Next Sunday, October. 12, the sermon to be given by Rev. Miller at the Community Methodist church will be "Approved, Timothy II, 2:15. Public installation services of officers of the high school Epworth League and Intermediate take plane also on Sunday. ETTER LOOKING BETTER LASTING BETTER BUILTF : 1 THAN ANY OLDSMOBILE IN 44YEARS I <' V>T - M n l n f h at* There are 800,000,000,000,000,C molecules in a cubic inch of air. la addition to fringe and akstl for tb« Q**ds of d*fena«, OldamobiU contribatas a aaw kind of car to th* new assds of Aaswica. THE General Motors car that gave the world the famous Hydra-Matio Drive now takes another great step forward! For '42, CMdstoebtle oaotrihutes the B-44 -- a brand new, hecflfli, huskier motor car-- with Hydra - liatkss available for every buyer! The B-44 is mtamirta-atylod for better looks, with new Double-Duty Bumpers and new Fueelage Pondera. It's mtmmuut-buik for better durability, with heavier, new Dreadnaught Frame and enlarged Hydraulic Brakee. And it's stemina-powarecf for long, trouble-free life, with new Econo-Maetar Engines that develop more "fire-power" with minimum uae of gaa. Come in and see the new Olds B-44, compare it, drive it You 11 find it offered in five separate series--two 100 H. P. Sixes and three 110 H. P. Rights. You *11 find it priced lower than you might expect--but far beyond your expeotatioos in styling and all-round quality. ^^IDMFENSE COMBS PltSt OlSsmobila is i taming oat bigb-ci bar artillery shall -- now going into tnaas production of m matfeairplanscaOMMk riRO mow _ HYDRA-MATIC . DRIVE' MOMrMirrsnifTO ITS TMIMUD OMMAT rSAXf Provad in tha bands of «*tr 130,000 own a [j -- Hydra - Matte Driva is again offarad on alt Olds models. Hydra - Made aavas tima, sa vaa •Sort, stvta 10 to 15 par cant net gas! *OmCMAL AT KXTSA COST *Otr CAN ALWAYS COUNT OX J. OVKETOH, SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES Ei-i 2 T-JS U.. ...A, - JfKST IfaBKHST, ZUU. W$mm . m.