fr »-,{'X * <t s • SOLON MILLS - - - «*; r^/yr\ ;< Ait'"'" >' '" « ?CV • -~ and Mrs. Walter Cropl«y were Woodstock shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee were Sunday {Ufsts in the home of R. B. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brunool Chicago spent Sunday in the Joe Kuhn home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guffey from Riverside, Calif., a niece of Walter Watts, spent the weekend in Solon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Harvard visited the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gnffeys at the Frank Kilpatrick home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalmicky of Chicago and sister from California called at the Frank Kilpatrick home on Sunday. Ray and Vivian Kilpatrick and Kenneth Kneutson spent the weekend in Solon and Antiocb," - Ray Kilpatrick h leaviag frr the army on Oct. 21, ' - . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley spent from Saturday until Monday in Milwaukee visiting the latter's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones, and j Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Peck and family and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jones of Wauwautosa. Mr. Higgins of Wilmot and Mrs. Gardner of San Diego, Calif.,, were callers in the R. R. Turner home one day last week. Mrs. Ida Westlake, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake of San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. Cora Westlake Ebert of Beloit, were visitors in the Ed Haldeman home at Harvard one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie and family of Chiacgo spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Fennery spent the Weekend In the Henry Aubert home. Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake of San Diego, Calif., were supper guests in the E. E. Cropley home Thursday evening. * i Elmer Neilson and friends spent the weekend with friends here. Wm. Aubert of Ringwood was a Saturday evening guest in the HenTy Aubert home. Bob Kralowetz of Ringwood called at the Joe London home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watts have moved from the Walter Watts home to th(* old factory apartments. Mr. and Mrs. George Fennery of Chicago spent Sunday the Burt Webber home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert Saturday shoppers in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel are the happy parents of a baby gift Jack Pester waa a business caller in Fox Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alwin and son, Peter, of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. Barth and two daughters, Carol and Sharlane, and Mr. and Mrs. Brady of Milwaukee were callers in the Hulda Buchanan home Sunday. Mrs. Joe Kuhn spent Monday in Woodstock visiting Mrs. Harry Tur ner. Mrs. Charles Oaborn entertained the Solon - Richmond Home Bureau units Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetslalf and sons, Lynn and John, were Snnday visitors in the W. H. Gardner homes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kendall and daughter, Nancy K., of Milwaukee spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pester. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gardner, Mrs. Chas. Osborn and Wm. Onborn attended the annua] meeting and pot-luck supper of the Community church of Richmond last Thursday evening. Mrs. Alice Bell and daughter, Mrs. Clarence Anderson and son, Rodney, of Richmond were callers at the A. C. Merrell home Monday afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Palaski of Antioch were callers in town Monday evening. LaVerne and Roy Cole are employed on a farm at Bristol. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Math Friend and Walter Watts and son, William, attended the sale at Ham Thomases on Saturday, west of Greenwood. Mrs. S. W. Brown called on her sister, Mrs. A. C. Merrell, Thursday afternoon. i Chet Osborn spent one day last week in Rockford with his son, Dwight. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn accompanied him. Shaped Like Tennis Racqpat Damascus, famous city of tha Holy Land, u shaped like a tennis racquet. Negro Catholics Of the 13,000,000 Negroes to the United States, 300,000 are Catholics. Old Time Mask Ball and Halloween Party Given by the Lily Lake Beautifying Club Saturday Night, Oct 18th Iverson's Club at Lilymoor v- west of Lily Lake on Route 120 MUSIC BY McHENRY'S OWW ... . ~ / . . TRIPLE A TRIO Costume and Other Prises Extra Special -- Farmers' Square Dance Contests. All proceeds to be used solely for the improvement of v Lily Lake and Beaches., - -- Tickets, 20c, plus tax -- --: EVERYBODY INVTEEB J, ' I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst of Chicago have been spending the past week in McHenry. Mrs. John Bolger visited relatives in Rockford last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larson of Denver, Colo., Mrs. George Larson and the Misses Grace and Gertrude Brandt of ^rlgin visited Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty one day last week. Mrs. Carl Courier and children of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger and Miss Mary P. Knox attended the funeral of . Anns M. Evans in Woodstock last Friday. Miss Sylvia Snyder spent the weekend at her home near Janesville, Wis. Mr, and Mrs. James Fay of Chicago visited friends in McHenry Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman visited in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi Elverman and Margaret, William and Robert Elverman of Silver Lake, Wis., were Sunday afternoon callers at the Louis Althoff home. * Miss Vivian Bolger of Elgin spent the weekend at her home "here. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Preusker and son of Evanston were Sunday visitors in the Mrs. Anna Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Deering and daughter, Mr. and Mra Harvey Sherman and Henry Krift of Burlington, Wis., visited in the Louis Althoff home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudin and daughter of Chicago were weekend visitors in the Ben J. Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh of Chicago were weekend visitors in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Tread way and family of Edison Park called on McHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives in McHenry. Marie Powers has been spending the past week with friends in Rockford. Guests in the Paul Schwemian home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Castens and daughter, Betty Lou, of Aurora. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirkland of New Munster, Wis., were Sunday guests in the Henry Kinsala home. Miss Margery Duker, a student at Northwestern university, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak Park were weekend guests of Mrs. Blum's aunts, the Misses Mary and Frances Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Wulff, Carlyle, Jr., and Mrs. Wulff's mother," Mrs. Ada Whiting, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George E Johnson were DeKalb callers Sunday. Marguerite Johnson, who had been attending Homecoming there, returned with them. Mrs. Charles Ensign, Mrs., Johit Freund, Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer and Mrs. George Johnson attended a meet ing of the Past Oracles club at thfc home of Mrs. Carrie Stewart in Elgirt last Thursday. Weekend guests in the Henry Kin# sala home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinsala and children, Mr. and Mrs, George Velk, Marie and Billy Kinsala and Charles Carso, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp, Mist Sabina Huette and Mia* Harriett Hosky of Evanston vUlti in Om Wm» Justen home last wctrksnd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and Mrs Frank Klapperich spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Delia Miller entertained the five hundred club Tuesday evening. Prises were merited by Mra. Fred Smith, Mra. Delia Miller and Mrs. W. J. Meyers. Miss Irene Smith spent the week with relatives in northern Wisconsin. Jake Miller of Zenda called" on Mr, and Mrs. Peter F. Freund Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Mike Gorski and daughter, Carol Ann, and Mrs. George Zaun storff of Woodstock called on Mrs. George King Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund at Fox Lake Friday evening. Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Irviii Schaefer, Waukegau, are spending the week with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and children were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund of Fox Lake were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J, Meyers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and sons of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Misses Marie and Edna King were Genoa callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund and daughter of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Leo King Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. Miss Katherine Althoff, Elgin, spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher and children of Crystal Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schumacher. Art Peters spent Sunday in Chicago with Mr." and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner. Henry Krift and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schue^iemann and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Deering of Burlington, Wis., visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, one day this week. Miss Martha and Helen Althoff and Mrs. Ray Carney of Kenosha, Wis., visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Althoff here Sunday.. "V V . UffOaTANTt VMMDim a HtA far asir iMilaaa* la 11 wtlki--ywr MB M em, mt wll •ere'« tfem New Eeoaony America Wantu ... In the Moat Beaatlfal Car iter lath ler the lewesUPilee Held . a:V. IMAGINE--driving front Boston to Norfolk, Virginia--and never stopping oace at a gas station! Imagine .. . making trips of 500 miles--' J: jjithont adding a drop of gas! } Now--look at the thrilling car that does it! Yes, for all its magnificent size, for all of w "Million Dollar Beauty" -- this 1942 Ibsli leads in lowering America's motoring costs! With 25 to 30 •dies on a gallon of gas at highway speed! Yet that's just the beginning of the brilliant new things Nash --and Nash alonm-- offers in the lotcett-price field! Soft coil springs on mil fpur wfuml* (the first on any lowest-price car)... f new Two-way Roller Steering--unitized bod|f and frame construction--famous Nash "Sedag^ Sleeper" Bed for vacation trips . . . tin fiunous Nash Conditioned Air Sysl No wonder thousands of motorists everjit where are saying, uThi$ Is the ymar to bmy 4 nose Nash!" See yonr Nash dealer and drive thi| ai*r, money-saving "Million Dollar Beauty"! § S«UATnulS-lSBRIUIA]VTMrail| la addition to lh« •mating new NaafcM60O". the fitMOW Nash Aaihatudor Sixei and Eights are more bridiaa parfuriaui* th-- ever. New eaflM derdopaMsat! priced 1M the low- and medliua-pfiee fields! ROSSMAN MOTOR Riverside Drive and Pearl Street Telephone 13 -- McHenry, NASH I THREE NEW SERIES OF PINE MOTOR CARS Slx«j and Eight! USX TBS CLASSIFIED OOLUMHB ros QUICK KXSUXtTB AUCTION SALE! Charles Leonard, Auctioneer Gaulke's Sales Barn Route 47 - Woodstock, Illinois Wednesday, Oct* 22 ~ Commencing at IKK) o'clock, Daylight Time Will Have 50 Head of Dairy Cows Close springers and fresh 15 Head Guernsey Dairy Heifers PIu many cattle, veal calves, hogs, sheep or horses that " .. are not consigned at this time. Come to the auction if you want to buy. Consign your livestock if you want to sell. All consigned cattle must be delivered to Sale Barn by Tuesday at 2 o'clock unless they have T. B. chart accompanying them showing test within six months. All consigned stock settled for night of sale. TERMS -- 25% down, balance from 1 to 6 mos. timt on monthly payment basis, plus 7% interest on unpaid balance « i Sales will be held . - at the Gaulke Sales Barn every other week! Woodstock Commission Sales Co. Charles Butterworth Opens in Ghicafo in Oomedy at Studeb&kef Charles Butterworth, the wistful comedian who has been in picture! for twelve years, returns to the stage at the Studebaker theatre in Chicago next Sunday night, Oct. 19. The vehicle is called "Father's Day" and concerns a worthless parent whf comes home after ten years as a West* ern Union messenger boy. This is the comedy that Butterwortll has been waiting two years to do. H# first played in it last summer in New Jersey at a summer theatre. Early it September he rushed back to Holly; wood to make a picture for "Para* mount, "TheMorning After," and now he is free for the stage. It has been twelve years since ht appeared in Chicago. The last show was "Sweet Adeline" and the lata H^Ien Morgan was in the cast. Since then he has been seen in more than forty films, including "Second Chorus," in which he was the outstanding hit despite Artie Shaw's band and the many stars in it. Aldrich and Myers, who gave Chi* cago John Barrymore in uMy Dear Children," are the producers. Ruth Weston, Mabel Paige, Philip Faversham, Otto Hulett and Frances Reid are listed among the prominent players. As for Butterworth, he is assigned to a role he has made famous -- that of a melancholy soul who stumbles through life. There will be the usual Wednesday and Saturday matinees at the Stud** baker and seats are selling by mail for the first four weeks. New York has yet to see the play, so this brings back the day when Chicago was producing center, the days of "No, No Nanette" and "Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway." And it relights famous Michigan avenue theatre. WM. E. GAULKE, Owner Thorp iftnanoe, Clerking Phone 572 • RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Worship service at the Methodist church of Ringwood at 10 a. m„ CDT. What does it mean to be a Christian ? This will he the subject of tho sermon for next Sunday morning. The choir will be there and lead the worship in music and favor us with one on those delightful anthems. Sunday school, 11 a. m. Paul Walk, ington, superintendent. Our publie schools do not give us religious instruction. We must depend upon our churches to teach the way of tho Christ. All Christians everywhere have a part in this important work. Order your Sulbber Stamps at Tho ;7 There's nothing like a new lamp _ _ „ -- to make your home more cheerful I v- * our >:;W 1 ' ;n. Illustrated are two of the lovely Iftr ftli ifiitiftt .,. ochea A batter Ueht bargain l These lovely all-purpose reflector floor lamftt feature six-way lighting. Bases are finished in combination silver and gold or bronse. Shades are beautifully pleated and come la a xhokc q£ f&fishcii.ALiiiL our complete Autumn selection Include floor, table, bridge, boudoir and pin-up models in d^ctive yariet? of styles. mm*: 'V i rvy: you want to make your home cozy during (be long evenings to Gom^tr n* irx^: ^ . 1 OWllMHIM lUWIl|^;y Featuring the I. E S. swinging arm iamp with three-way lighting. light can be mOved about easily without lifting the base. Bases ace of silver and gold or Iwoase aad ate either eggshell or tan. £-•* - . . i « J l w E U c t n a t y to Chtab! *135? pfff-pmftst t&mr Umpn wuttk, $iz§9f 4iv;v PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANX of Northern Illinois ,y • v« • . • •