THAM V4N6 R 7-" /, « Unified program at the Ringwood Methodist church next Sunday, 9:30 a. m. This program consists of worship, story sermon, and religious instruction. It makes it possible for all the members of the family to enjoy all the activities of the church. It makes it possible for the entire family to come and go together, and thus helps by way of transportation. The Annual Ringwood Bazaar will be held at the Royal Blue Community and there will he a display of fancy work, and useftal things for sale. Come and enjoy the home grown dinner at a reasonable price. Look over the i display for sale, and enjoy the- good fellowiriiip. R. J. L. McKelvey, Minister was r's Founding The American Bible society organized 125 years ago. ftfc* MW t«I«pfcOM THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE & • : •*<. s ht • . Tm« nav telephone directory will la. ied very soon. Before the book Is printed, all addresses and numbers are checked and i|onble-checkedl to insure absolute accuracy. If you have a telephone, please look at your present ilirectory listing to be sure it is exactly as you want |L If you desire any change, or wish additional name* listed, please notify us at once. To discuss questions of service or make changes fir listings, call or visit our Business Ofiee-- Operating Art AUTOMOBILE TOPAV COSTS NO MORE PER MILE „ Mies ALONE PIP "55 YEARS AGO •f* -!• McHnry, emit fWI v •# Pari 4vsau nor ffVm ILLINOIS BIU TIllPHONi COMPANY Mrs. Joe King" entertained the fivehundred club Tuesday evening. The prizes being awarded to Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mrs. Delia Miller, and Mrs. Peter P. Freund. Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo-visited with their father John Fitxen Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith motored to Iowa Tuesday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Math Millenbach. Art Peters spent Sunday with relatives in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund of Fox Lake spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock called on Mrs. George King on Thursday. A, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Smith' were Chicago callers Wednesday evening. Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann, Mrs. Clarence Stilling and Mrs. Jack Keenan and family motored to Peoria on Wednesday. Miss Kati." Piteen of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her father John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karis, Mrs. John Degen and daughter Jeanette and Mrs. George King and daughter Marie were Waukegan callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan were callers here Sunday evening. Miss Violet May, Miss Eleanor King and Miss LaVerna Freund motored to Waukegan Saturday.. Balenjah Natives in and around the French colonial city of Dakar, in western Africa, use an instrument like a piano. Their own name for it is "blaenjah." They strike it with a pair of knobbed sticks. While speaking of African music, it is well to- remember the singing. Negroes seem to have a natural gift for song, and when singing together they usually have fine harmony. Most of the so-called "Negro songs" which we hear from time to time were composed by white men in the United States, chiefly Stephen Foster. Told Tales fteTflwrffta afYeanA* SIXTY YEARS AGO It* #. Gregory and wife went to Chicago on Monday to attend the anniversary of the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Smith Colby. The special town meeting on Thursday last resulted in 274 votes being polled, of which 206 were in favor of "borrowing money to build a bridge" and 68 against.. ' , The stealer "Lotus" brought down from the lakes on Monday morning over four hundred ducks which vere shipped to Chicago. Shooting wast good on Friday and Saturday. Rev. Joel Wheeler and wife have returned from their eastern trip," feeling better pleased than ever with %ei*western home. ^ FIFTY YEARS AGO ^ ; S The new mail service on this line, between Chicago and Lake Geneva, is a igreat benefit to all, as now mail along the route that formerly reached hem at 7 in the evening, arrives at 10 in the morning. John Bolgsf, of Woodstock and Miss Nellie Phalin, daughter of Thos. Phalin, who reside south of this village, were married at the Catholic church, in this village, on Tuesday morning. Prof. F. M. Overaker and Miss Mary Wentworth attended the Teachers' meeting at Marengo on Saturday last. Mrs. Joe Heimer and Mrs. John Schuenenmann, of Chicago, were visiting with Father Kuhnert, at Johnsbttrg, last week. '-V: i FORTY YEARS AGO A «ewr*AD»o is *o small it* VUORM OH TMH VWHST LIKE A VJfiTCHRfSEARCH HAS FOONP A WAV to MAW* CORNCOBS INTO HlOM cuptosm c. 8ft* ciAwfiepA* incZock. W/0MIN6 Part for part--feature for feature A QuaHty Car TH£V ARC "fUSNtO »TO Nfl&O CCLU1UME..A8AW UffPlN MAKING MUNITIONS I-Though it ** i MOFP5.WI COMWPHSPl JSU rv4* Ummvomw SNAPSHOT QUILD FLASH IPHOTOC RAPH Y '•PtppY&r:* Typifying the 1942 Pontiac's quality is the Triple Venturi ; Down-draft car- f b u r e t o r-- a n important factor < in Kwtiac'i amaz- ; ing economy. " The superiority of this design • has been proved orer a period of r«r» Prof. E. C. Fisher has been elected superintendent of 'the Methodist Sunday school, to succeed Dr. E. A. Auringer. M. D. Weber will occupy the rooms recently vacated by Mrs. Button, in Jos. Diedrich's house, while the new building is being put up. The south abutment for the bridge' has been completed. Excavation has1 been made for the north abutment and a good gravel bottom has been found below the water line. The cold wave last week made the merchants hustle for a few days at least. F. S. McOmlber and Geo. Sommers, our two reliable store dealers, were continually on the jump.- *" THIRTY YEARS AGO - v.. .T" I r V* ' f r •a* ;#ONTlAC has long enjoyed a reputation for Quality--and the 1942 Pontiacs live up to this Imputation in every way. Every nut and bolt... fivery part aod feature gives evidence of quality .design, workmanship and materials. It is j|uality like this that assures you greater value, greater dependability and longer life. €• --risii Moroar mmma Butter was declared firm at 32c on the Elgin boarc^ of trade Monday. P. G. Nell is, who at one time eonducted a blacksmith shop in this village and has many friends here, has disposed of a. similar business at ^rayslake, Harvey Lusk was the purchaser. Mrs. Chas. F. Gaulke of Woodstock Was a guest in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Feltz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monear and; daughter, Helen, of. Solon spent Sunday the home of John W. Kimball. TWENTY YEARS AGO THE FINE CAR WITH THE LOW PRICE anti-aircraft United R, L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street West McHenry, IU. Rev. H. M. Fegers, at one time the pantor of St. John's Catholic church at Johnsburg bat who has lived in retirement at Sierra Madre, Cal., for a number of years passed away last Week, following a long illness. Mr and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel are this week moving into their beautiful He'" home on Riverside drive. The first snow^ storm of the season visited this section on Tuesday. The fall of the beautiful white snow started about 7 o'clock and continued throughout the greater part of the day. Around the noon hour the storm was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Very unusual, indeed. On account of the inclement weather the resrular weekly baud rehearsal did not materialise on- Tuesday night. Try Cash picture* fer new thrills'In your camera hobby. On* small-eise %ih lamp synchronised to a shutter speed of 1/100•second caught theee happy youngsters coming down the stairway. SlAOST amateur photographers use Ivl regular flood lamps In handy i cardboard reflectors (or the greater part of their ladaor shooting. The. flash lamp, however, has earned an Important place in photography (or certain types of pictures, and you have Missed a lot of fun--say nothing of good pictures--if you haven't sudd flash shots. With a supply of ftasfc. lamps, a flash holder, and a you are ready (or picture at all times. No looking for outlets; no stringing of Your electric current Is right your flash holder in the form of II, inexpensive batteries. Generally speaking, there are two gMthods of flash shooting. To take ||b "open flash" picture, place the on a solid support, such as $ tripod, and set the shutter on *Yla»e.* The flash lamp is then In «erted In the socket of a simple batholder -- much the same in rancp as a pocket flashlight-- the exception of Its reflector to' direct the light toward the sub fast To take a picture, you merely «90a the shutter--press a button on the battery case to flash' the lamp --and close the shutter again. The second method of flash shootlag is with the aid of.'a synchronic er, a mechanical derlce * consisting of a battery case with reflector and a little timing mechanism which connects with the cable release or shutter release on your camera. With this type of equipment, you don't have to place your camera on a firm support and you can use the regular snapshot speeds. These are, o< course, distinct advantages. As for price, good synchronizers are now on the market at very reasonable cost. Amateur photographers may be somewhat startled to find that there are so many different types of flash lamps on the market. The most economical. however, and the most practical for average requirements are the "midgets"--about the sixe o|( w alnut--so concentrate on these to get your first experience in flash' ~ shooting. You'll find* simple instruc-^*' tlons on the cartons In which you; recelfe your lamps. Try some flash shot* tontghVt You'll get a real kick out of it. John van Guilder . WNU ler*&) Yifv; 3'-,. v*.- ik. • •N •' Cra«t Tf yirti 'ttnt a Jelly-rolf tsStn11 - two thicknesses of brown paper liberally greased with an insalted fat, it can be baked without crusts forming. Dr. John Ducey ^^VETERINARIAN treating HORSES, CATTLE. DOGS, CATS. ETC. - -- Sleeping Sifkneas Vaccine -- TeL Rkhnumd Ifl Rkhmocid. DL CASH FOR DEAD HOKSKS and CATTLE Horua, S3.00; Ctovre, M-QQ; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! BUD WEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. #oodstbok 1624-M-l ** Dundee 10--Reverse Ohufaa r [Sf i WANTED TO BUY PHALIN SUPER 8ERVI0i ' • 8DI0LAIR ' • Oaei OBb and Greased ^ Cot. Routes it and 129 -- McHenry McHENRY FLORAIt 00. •A-; One Mile South of McHflory on Root* 3L Flowers for all octmio--t MeHSIXT OA&A0E Eloetrk and Aeetylme Welding. General Repairing. Wagons and Thtflssa io Ordsr! Rte. Si -- Join A Front $$s, Phoc* #74 or 151-H NlckP, HBUer J, nwme McHesnr «77-R-l --T a-wtflUag NETT'S 8AND * GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel aai Lot Filling ... Blade Dirt A Stone ; . P^awer ShovcA %rviso . . Power Leveling and Grading . i . Cement Mixers for Rent. J. E. NETT Johadbarg . P. O.--McHenry : V $0: Telephone No. 800 Stoffol A Reihanspergei Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHBNRY - - ILLINOIS A. WORWIOK PHOTOGRAPHER " Per tiai tare - CemmercttT ' Photography . Photo-FlataUag • Copying - Framtag *75 •-- RfvmUc Drive McHENRT, ILL. r --rV ^ INSURANCE EARL t WALSI FARM LOW Reliable Oompanies yea need inawraace of any ktaft PImsm 41 er fll-M Priflfl BMf. McHan^ PHONE IS ~ ^-*ay 8aik« DR. J. e; DENTI8T Office Hours 9-12 and 1-f Evenings by Appointment • Tharadaya - 9 to 12 Maia Street :--: W. McHenry iv'\ Ezcavatinf Oontractor • Tracking# Hydrairfifi; \ and Crane Service# --Road Bnildln^--» ' V.v- •• v J, •i"' : < -i *' ."v.---" 1 \-rnf ( f c - /*- «>• r'.." i. " ; T«lJ04-a McHenry, <a Phone 41 Pries B1 ^ VERROR J. IMt ATTORNEY AT LAW ; - OFFICE HOURS -- TVieedays and Friday* Other Days ky Appetatmani. VlrHeary . tlHnete i C .f \ • '• 'Z-Ray DR. L. B MURPHY OBiTUT - Office Honrs -- 9 a.*. In 9 |.n| Green Street -- McHenry, HL ¥:«: Cliaclfe's V tlfRPakittng TVwk Lettering Fmtlore Upholsteriaf and Repairing CHARLES RISTE8EL - n OM* Wuud 1 B U T A Phone 844 -Pay fresa It to f RIHUR W. WKPRRACE St. m. S. H. Freud & Son OONTRAOTORS AND BUILDER8 Our Experience is at Tear Service in Building Tonr Wants. Phone 56-W ^ McHedry •i j; A We pay $8 to 915 for Oid or Injured Horses or Cows Standing er Down if Alive. . Matt'i Mink Ranch Jolmsburg - Spring Grove Road Pkone JAasbug 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES 4k CATTLE 1*e-F»» FRED a MILLER, M. D. EYE, BAR. NOSE and THROAT vtt he hi Dr. A. L FroekBch's Office, earner Green Jk Efaa OtreaU, McHenry Bmy FiMaj fren 1DK to tfl9 GLASSES VtTTBH • r •r <v.,c