Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1941, p. 6

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$\\\ ^ m - , Decomposing Water , Ihtier can be decomposed * into hydrogen and oxygen by the KM «f electric current. All Carry Leiead ; m the United States coins now "Cftiy the legend, "In God We Trust" The only coin in recent yeaig in which the motto did not •ppear was the Indian head nickel. The United Plates acquired the Hawaiian islands to MBS, assuming at the same time the Hawaiian national debt of $4,006,000. kA\ Names af Birds ' » Many birds are named for their calls, such as the bob-o-link, chickadee, bob-white, killdeer, phoebe and whip-poor-will. Market far Bicyeles (UM and Canada are the principal markets for United States bicycles. / TrotUae In Fishing , A trotline in fishing Is a stoat line reaching across a stream, or for some distance from one bank, bearing at frequent intervals single hooks hung by short lines. •TOWPf g J*"- Sc« \ ,,, v;; w. f «- * ' 1 »« /fvlr' St .. fM «• - -V i:> v WNU Service) Q Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent' the weekend in McHenry and attended the Northwestern-Notre Dame frame Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, Mr and Mrs. Walter Warner of Elgin visited friends here Saturday evening. Genevieve Knox and Nellie Doherty attnded the Northwestern-Notre Dame game last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward ot Chicago were recent visitors of his aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Miss Kathryn Buch of Chicago spent the weekend with her family here. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family of Chicago spent the weekend in the Jack Walsh home. LeRoy Conway attended the Northwestern- Notre Dame game in Chicago last Saturday. Mrs. Kathryn Young and daughter, Rosina, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Wagkegan, snent a few days the last of the week visiting the former's daughter in Dayton, O. Clarence Angelse attended the Northwestern-Notre Dame game last weekend. Mrs. M. 3. Walsh and son, Melvin, called on Mrs. Stasia Malone in Elgin last Sunday. Miss Miriam Sayler of Chicago spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries, Sr.,,left last week for Clairmont, Fla , where they will spend a few months. Mrs. George Younker, and Miss Betty Younker of Milwaukee and Sgt. James Bruhy of Fort Sheridan spent a few days .recently in the Russell Younker home. Miss Ruth Reihansperger attended a performance of Othello at the Civic opera house last Monday evening. Ray Van Heirseele and sons of Waukegan called on Mrs. Elizabeth Michels last Thursday evening. . Weekend guests in the Harold Owen home were Mr .and Mrs. Her- . utiTlfe*. isod lir*. Jolm D. Nor nwt Sunday foests in the Fred Schoewer •Ml Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sam low and daughter, Dorothy, of Elmwood Park. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. A. Krause and Mrs Maud Rothermel attended a mission given by Father Writer Conway at Delavan, Wis., last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and family visited in Rockford last Sunday. Mrs. Jay Burke and daughter, Margaret Mary, of Wilmette visited Mrs. Wm. (Burke on Monday. LeRoy Conway was a visitor in Delavan, Wis., Sunday. Chi his return he brought Father Walter Conway, who had just finished giving a minion at St. Andrews' church. Miss Elsie and Frances Vycital, Sylvia Snyder and Mrs. Lillian Cox attended a performance of La Traftata at the Civic opera house on last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Zesch of Riverdale and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Komp of Hinsdale were . weekend visitors of Mrs, Lillian Cox. v Rations? Income Highe* The 1940 national income, approximately $73,900,000,000. was 84 per cent above the depression lam ot $40,100,000,000 in 1933. * JSettled A sponge is an animal. Ancient scientists disagreed for many years as to whether they were members of the animal or the vegetable kingdom, but in 1825 it was correctly classified as a low-type animal. Figs Free to Roans In tiie Sixteenth and Seventeenth century, Scottish law gave the freedom of city streets to pigs, geese, chickens and other domestic animals. Anyone caught disturbing them was fined heavily for causing them aggravation and loss of weight. ::&v; TRAINING Unlit worth .> " • i • t*-- R£At> HOW )W 7W CA# B&OME AM B&eKTiNAVtMm. AMAg| 0KGWimRM6AMlHBWT tOM/HY*WiEMfUmtf f IK JF YOU WANT to fst ahead fast, to Brother Walsh, of the Harvard Herald, is enlarging his office room and putting in a new cylinder press. The Herald is one of the best of our county exchanges. C. H. Albrecht, dentist has moved his office from thfe rooms over Sanson's store to his residence, in the Allen Walsh house. Married--At the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mead, at Janesville, Wis., on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1891, by Rev. M. Evans, pastor of the First M. E» church of that city, Mr. Emerson G. McCullom of Nunda, to Miss Addie L. Holmes, of McHenry. Jesse M. VanSlyke is now permanently located at Wauconda, running the Wauconda Transcript, \b' , • f • -f f! |i?%p -t ••v. S:-- f v t- w* •fv * fr " -•vi M?OK WHAT THE II. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FREE TRAINING worth *150& Nearly 50 trades and vocation* to chooee from. WOO PAY with regular increaaeifc You may earn up to $126 a month. You are entitled to a generous vacation period, with full pay, each yea£» GOOD FOOD and plasty ot it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit of clothing when you first ^nlifft. (Oyer $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, indudfa* regular dental attention. FINEfT SPORTS and <mtortalimist •ny man could aak for. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS-* You can't beat the Navy for them! BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can Work for an appointment to the • Naval Academy or the Annapolis of ;|fche Air at Psosaeola. VtlTURE SUCCESS. It's easy foe Navy-trained men to get goodpaying jobs in civil life. LIBERAL RETIREMENT-PAY for regular Navy men. • •* .••» - *! ;rv H*'. your country, to build yoursslf a good-paying future... here's the opportunity you've been waiting for. The U. 8. Navy may train you to beoonia an caput in any one of nearly Q0 skilled fields. Eadk month, over 5000 new men will be sent to a Navy Service School, when you **n learn to be a ftieaei engine operator, machmist, avia* tioo mechanic, aerial photographer, radio <qpsrator, or whatever specialized work you're best fitted for. Tins flat year's training which you get is worth at least $1500. TheNavy foots thsentire bill. Youearn while you learn. In fact, it is possible for an enlisted man to earn op to $118 per month--with keep. You'll have plenty of opportunity for advancement in f position and pay--and you'll have fun while you learnt ! You'll come out of the Navy fully prepared to take on a ! good job in private industry. And if you want to stay in ] the Secrice, you can go right to the top... and retire at tkm ' ebdof 20years or aOyimlritk a yberal rftosthly^iftdtiime. 1^' You can chooee now between the regulars or the rostra*. Both offer oqual opportunities for advancemasit. Get this FREE Booklet Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life ii the U.a Navy." 24 pagsa, fuUy iUwteatM< •m: It anewara all your quMtioo*. Tells what you» pay will b«... promotleas and vaeatieae yo« can you can retireoa a life income. Describee how you caa learn any on* of 46 big-pay tradee from aviatioa to radio.^ how many may become oflan, 27 aeen-- from Navy life showing spotts and games you may play, may be assigned to, eacHing ports you may visit. Tells anHstment lequirementa and where to apply. If van are betwe-- 17 end SI (no high school mquired), get this free book now. No obligation. Aak , the Navy editor of thie paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or asau him the coupon. You eaa paste it on a penny poetal card. WKAa TINS MM Of IMNOM If after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will seosivo thie smart lap >1 imMsss. It is a badge of honor you will be preud to wear. Told 2 81XTY TEARS'AGO Seary Madden is building % harness, shop on the grounds next to Norquest & Weber's blacksmith shop near the red bridge. H. H. Nichols has been putting out some handsome trees in front of his store, which, in the future, will be a great improvement, both to his premises and the street. Portions of the sidewalks in this village are in very bad condition, and as winter is coming on, it would be well for the authorities to see that- they are repaired without delay. The wife of Mathitus Schimmel an old german resident of this village, died on Tuesday evening. She had been sick about six- months, bfr death wss not unexpected. FIFTY TEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO 'mkz H. Pettis, of Oak Park, has leased the Justen building, recently vacated by the Plaindealer Co., and will open up a drug store as soon as necessary repairs can be made. Miss Maggie Adams, of Johnsburg went to Chicago yesterday morning to purchase goods for C. M. Adams' store. The people of Johnsburg will petition the board of supervisors at its next meeting for a new iron bridge across the river at that place. The river and mil] pond were frozen over this week, the ic£ beyog afeout one inch in thickness. - •ii;' THIRTY YEARS Mtf " TM"bursting of a water pipe an the second floor of the brick block occupied by M. J. Walsh on the West Side caused considerable damage to the latter's stock of goods during Monday night. Butter was declared firm at 32c on the Elgin board of trade Monday. J. G. Buss, a former McHenry boy, who has been the C. A N. W. railway agent at Nachusa, lit., for a number of years, writes us to forward his Plaindealer to Malta* 111. The youngsters enjoyed their first day of skating on the mill pond on Tbeeday tf^this week. \v> " +J-' n / * * v' TWENTY YEARS AG# 1%e drinking fountains about the village have again been taken up for the winter^ Delay in arrival at material has caused slow progress during the past w.»ek on the new home now under coo* struction for Wm. Pries. Yeggmen who blew the safe in the office of the American Terra Cotta A Ceramic Co., at Terra Cotta some time during last Friday night were very poorly repaid for their efforts, as they secured $22 in cash, while some deeds and other valuable papers were taken. WTOts fuses are being burflfltf at (his season, reports the Natipoal Automobile club If a fuse burns out. it puts the circuit of which it is a content with iussrlinj a new under such circumstances. Disco** er the cause, for if the trouble is net remedied, the new turn wiH alee burn out, which practicing may be damaging. (ENROLL IN THE NAVAL RESERVE ...BE RELEASED AFTER THE EMERGENCY The Secretary of the Navy has announoed:--" All men now enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be retained on active Navy duty throughout the period of the national emergency, but they udUbe released to inactive duty as soon after tfaa eowrgency as their services can be spared, regardless of the length of time remaining in their enlistmsot." Remember -- the regular Navy •««l Naval Reserve offer you the same travel. training, promotions, pay incrsasss. Physical requirements in the Naval Reserve are more liberal. Send coupoitl SEtVE YOUR COUNTRY • BUILD YOUR FUTURE •-V" „ ' " ' a IH*. ' v 1 Ym /%8?• :.' r V;.-' Taar oat and take or sand this to tha Navy KdKor of this nsmripipar "1 I i Without any obligation on my part whatsoever, please eeaii I me icee booklet/Ufe in the Navy/'giviag fall detaUa abvnl J the opportuaitiss for men in the Navy or Naval Reserve, I • * rt ^ -j"1 -4; | : "". ^ f'" 1 Town. • ~ - ' aMa... • • 1 Address. Dr. John IHieey VlTKitlKAJEtlAir HORSES, CATTLE, DOCMK CATS. irrc. -- Sleeping SitHleee' Vacome -- TsL Riduaoad 16 Pkhmsnd, DL GASH FOR MAD HOEflES and (TItTLI $3.00; Gows, MfcO; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed An! MIDWS8T REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1624-11-1 or DnadM 10--Reverie Charges WAtolD »0 BUV We pay $8 to $15 for Old or Injured Horsee or Cows Standing . or Down if Alive. Malt's Mink Ranch Johaebut g - Spring Grove Road Phone Mnritof 666-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD SOG6, HOB8E& * CATTLE We pay phone charges. SINCLAIR ;;; Gas, Oik sad Creases Cor. Routes 31 and 120 -- McHenry MoHEKRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 808-R-l -- One Mile South of MoHenrj on Route 31. Flowers for all oocagiooi! McHEHRY GARACtt Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairing. Wagons sad Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front Sts. Phono 97--J or 151-M Nick P. Miller Phone WcHenry 877-R-l -- Basement Excavating NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road-Gravel and Lot Filling ... Black Dirt A Stone . . Power Shovel Sfcrviee . . Power Leveling and Grading . . . Cement Mixers for Rent JT. E. NETT Johnsburg' P. P.--McHenry Telephone No. 800 Stoffal A Reihanspergei Insurance agents for all claims of Property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILUNOIS • A. WORWMM - PHOTOGRAPHER. ; Pot Ii allure - Gommercial Pketegnphy - Photo-Finishing W«¥lag . Copyhsg - Framiiff I*«ae 17# -- Rteenide Drive McBENRT, ILL. INSURANCE rt£ EAtL R. WALSH Reliable Oompanin Whea yea need insurance of aay feM| Pheas 4S er 61-M Pries RW«. - . MoEnry PHONE U 1^-Ray Smrvise Ht. J. S. SATLXS DENTIST ^ kanra »1I and t«S by AppaialaBeni iys • t te 13 Mala Street : W. McHenry A.P.Frena>d Co. T«L 3M4T ^tlaekihtV ^rMb : aad Craae Serviee. III a-- MsHU. VDMR J. KKOX ... ArnmsET AT m • - OPPICE HOUR8 « - faesdays aad FiMaya Other Pais by Appelaftmeat HcOssay m l-Ray a i l . a n x r a r -- • a.«. le t Chile's Iqnir CHARLES vssar I B U T fW fNa |» to $14. ABTIDK W. WM Phone 844 4» 1 - S. H. Framd & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Serviee in Building Tour Wants. Phone 56-W 7RXD A MTT.T.ER, M. D. Hpulslshit la ETR BAR, NOSE aad THROAT w« he ia Dr A. L Freehlich'S Offlee. wm« Green ft Bn Bvsry Friday 1M mm iVC*. iL- * l« >t» 'IS t • t*--» .'jLaxr ^wki*Ii

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