Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1941, p. 2

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tft " • V-£ *'A*» V-V ., i IiSk(K Virgene, MIm IWsnce ind Howard Thomas of Rich* RfNGWOOD &*S*$ i'«- t- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coonrad of Elisabeth, Colo., were callers in the Collins home Wednesday afternoon. They Were former residents of Greenwood. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and James •pent Monday evening in the William Harrison home at Round Lake. Janet Kay Johnson spent several days in the John Blackmanr home at ^ntioch. A large crowd attended the cooking demonstration sponsored by the Home weekend in the home of his Bureau at the Community hall on i Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Tuesday afternoon. The tempting' dishes which were prepared were given as prizes. Those who received the awards were Mrs. Mabel Thomas, Mrs. Phelps Saunders, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Patti, Maxine and David, and Edna Peet of ROckford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Spring Grove spent Pearl Smith of Woodstock Arm Am* old Smith to Lincoln, 111. ^ Mrs. J. C. huaon and son, Jackie, and Mrs. Roy Neal spent Saturday afternoon in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Sammy visited in Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. - Rev. and Mrs. Collins enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with their son and family at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Jennie Bacon and Will Beatty of Keystone spent Thursday in the Harry Anderson home at Richmond Clinton Vogel 6f Elkhorn spont the I view called at the Mint, home Thursday. Hienze of Crystal Lake, Jfr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon of Fort Atkinson, Mi. and Mm. Walter Harrison and Ear] and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Neil and Bruce. Gary Haas spent Thanksgiving an4 the weekend at his home in Wither Wis. , Charlie Krohn, Lois And Ethel, and Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock spent Thursday in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Helen Ruth and Muriel, spent Thursday in the I. N, Butler home at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Malsch of Glen- Clayton Harrison Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Edyth, Loren and Mrs. Clarence Harrison spent Friday in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Decker of Belvidere and Archie Biggers were Thanksgiving d*y guests in the John Hogan home, Ansel Dewey of Armstrong was a Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr.'weekend guest in the C, J. Jepson and Mrs. Ed Peet. '0n Tuesday, Mrs. Lonnie Smith and BURGLARS ore more frequent visitors to the. home than is fire. You ^wouldn't think of being without fire insurance. But burglary? Perhaps you've Said: "They only visit the wealthy." Give, us a chance to prov^ you're wrong. No obligation on your part. Earl Walsh Insurance PHONE U ELM ST. Eye* Piaihisd Me Henry 12J-4 Woodstock (74 Br. Paul JL Schwabe West McHenry OPTOMETRIST £ THURSDAY MORNINGS *jBY APPOINTMENT ONLY . ' •? \V ' W:" .Luxurious Soft > throughout your home -V Rant ; "Sudsmaker" Water^oftener 12.50 PER MONTH • « * ' ---->-- free Installation ASK Weber Plbg. & Heating Co* Green Street '• ^McHenry, HL w ' > & The second annual test of your track is now required. We have received the stickers and invite yon to come in as soon as possible. We also have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction that you may comply -with the law,, ; ,5 ^ CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prof, ^ Phone 200-J Towing ,. : • • u ^ ^ /'.» • *r. V;-.. . -.i r.-m ;.?* »»»! ; - rb iUM; % 4't< tor #'C; f7 rt rf vf*'; *$• >p£ • • •»»* I am;.-.;V ' .$••• f'"*'1 V1#1 jj|' ^ -i- hi d §ft:. What simple and satisfactory way is provided for all of us to express our gratitude for being Amer- • f jeansf - •• ' ,-Z.. •- . I -•A; home. Mrs. Roy Neal and son, LeRoy, Jim Ray and Gordon Miles attended a wedding in Chicago Saturday. They I cturued home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained their children on Thanksgiving. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and Virginia Jepson of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Urbana, Mrs. Ansel Dewey and son of Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon Ind family of Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell spent Thursday in the Everett Hunter home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were callers in the Frank McAssey home st Richmond Friday. W. A. Collins and family o^Beloit, Wis., spent Saturday evening in the Collins home. They helped celebrate the birthday anniversary of Rev. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ricke from Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon, Mrs. Cora Walter, Ed Hawley and son and Shirley Hawley of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hawley enjoyed Thanksgiving dinneT with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Guests in the Harrison - Peet home Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Edward- Harrison and Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'The means is the purehfwe<*f Defense $6vmgs Bonds •\ and Stamps--available to almost every man, woman, and child. Ownership of even a 10-cent Stamp carries the satisfaction of knowing yon --- have helped the Nation to arm. Mrs. Wm. Rotki of Minneapolis spent several days with he/ aunt, Frankie Stephenson. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mae, Mrs. I<ester Carr, Charles and J be, spent Friday aftenion in Crystal Lake. Bobette and Kenneth Cristy, Jr., enjoyed the weekend with their parents. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leon- ' ard and Peggy and Mr. and Mrs. P. | E. Saunders of F on tana, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon Mills and Helen j 1 Johnson and Janet weirs Thanksgiving j pests» in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. | Frances Cooper spent Friday in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison entertained Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family of Elgin and Mr. and JJw j Clarence Harrison at dinner Thursday evening. I Mrs. Charles Coles 6f McCullom Lake called on her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant Saturday evening. John Smith spent Thursday in Chicago with friends. Miss Velda Ketterman of Monmouth and, Miss Barbara Herrington of Chicago spent Friday in the Collins home as the guests of Neil Herrington. H^len Johnson spent from Tuesday until Sunday in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. ' Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ldnnie Smith "were Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and family and Pearl Smith of Woodstock and- Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Smith. Fred Collins and son, Jackie, were callers in the Louis Hawley home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner and supper guests in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Ansel Dewey and son of Armin the W. , Mr. at Mrs. E. Conrad of Denver, Coto^ ««n callers -in the J*. N. Muszy home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders of Fontaaa spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. . John Smith called on friends faTChicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kattner and son of Spring Grove spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Frankie Stephenson is spending a few days with her sister at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son* were callers in the Albert Schults home at Genoa City, Sunday evening. RiAgwood Parent-Teachers met at the school on Tuesday night. R. E. Clabcugh, superintendent of Antioch Hirh school, spoke on "Purpose of P.-T. A." Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Billy, of Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. The Rlngwood Home Bureau will meet with Mrs. Ed Peet on Tuesday, Dec. 2. Mr.«. Emil 'Beatty, Viola Low, Alice Mae and Robert spent Monday in the Charles Frey home at Blue Island. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ben WalkingtOn on Friday. mufti - eiWlBei^i'^Mrs. aaid l&a. Wm. Gardner, M*. Xwnonee Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Hulda Buchanan. Mrs. Wm. Overton of Los Angeles her mother, Mrs. Hawkins, of AatiocHJirare callers in Solon Sunday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas Thanksgiving day. were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mervfll of Stan, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson of Genoa City, Mr. and Mrs. Art Scholts and Mr. and Mis. Ralfth Thomas were Woodstock callers Saturday evening. Master Donald Sell returned Home with his mother, after spending two weeks with Ida "grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthfar Bell. Sam Smith of Rockford was a caller Wfflia Gardner home Thanks- Mr.asrf IRN mm .,Wy; JpWPjWI 4W/i D. Wrighth*n«. Mr. and Mrs. E. Week of Chicago called on Mr. JSd Mrs. A. C. Merrill Friday on their way to Milwaukee. . Miss Marguerite Osborn ret to the University of Illinois spending the Thanksgiving with her parents here. I for extra miles and satisfaction! v.- < -v.yiv features in .. .1 ' * 1 ilJLl Si s- .LLOOK for proved and tmi the new car you buy this year--for they determine the degree of satisfaction and dependability you will receive. And start first by looking at Pontile! The 1942 Torpedoes not only retain Pontiac's traditional long-life features--but add fifteen major l«»<»mpnf< for afMMr iralii<> nmo io SOLON MILLS Miss* Vivian Kilpatrick and Miss Penny Corrigan were guests in the Frank Kilpatrick home Sunday. Mrs. Fred Rogers of Chicago spent Saturday with Mrs. H. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keinz of Chicago were supper guests in the Henry Aubert home Thursday. Louis Huff of Chicago spent Thursday in the Joe Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geiser and son, George, Arthur Aubert and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Conan, Chicago spent Sunday in the Geiser home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe London and family spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs., Joe London, Sr., of Marengo. Mrs. George Bell and baby son, Harvey^ came from St. Joseph's hospital and spent from Wednesday until Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were visitors in Burlington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner entertained twenty-three for Thanksgiving dinner. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Overton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tetzlaff and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Einer strong are spending a week in the j Behrents and three daughtcfrs, What denominations of Defense Savings Stamps are on sale at retail stores? A» Stores are concentrating on wiling 10-cent and 25- cent Stamps, in order to get a maximum number of customers to participate in the Defense Savings < • Program. Many stores also carry 50-cent, $1, and Stamps. Stamps of all denominations may be purchased at post offices. If GTE -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to nearest post office, bank, or savings and loan association; or write to the Treasurer of the United ^ * States, Washington, D. C. Also Stamps now are ^ ', on sale at most retail stores. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Jepson. Mrs. Ed Bauer, Marvin and LuAnn, spent Saturday afternoon in the Joe Miller home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and fam . ily spent Thursday with the Iatter*s mother, Mrs. Hunter, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Alired visited friends at Delavan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Joe ti. Vveber and family at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett and son of Elgin and Mrs. Andrew Hawley called in the S. W. Smith home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cristy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson at dinner on Thanksgiving, j»lr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mrs. B. T. Butler was pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening when the following came to help her celebrate her birthday; Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler of Elgin, Mr .and Mrs. Julian butler of Falos Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Butler of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. (rank Hitchens oi Fdrest Park, Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard^6f Gurnee, Mr. and Mrs; V. Austin of tjienoa City and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney and daughters of Chicago were callers in the Roy Neal home. Amy Harrison, who attends the University of Illinois, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Alfred spent Saturday evening in the Ford Jackson home at McHenry. Rev. Collins conducted funeral services for Mrs. Mrytle Garland of hear Volo, on Sunday afternoon. Burial was in Forest Home cemetery at Chicago. The Home .Bureau c*^d party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison on Friday evening. Prizes in five hunderd were awarded to Clayton Harrison, Clinton Martin and Paul Walkington; in hearts to Kenneth Cri6ty, Jr., Bobette Cristy and Berniece RaemSker/ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were Woodstock callers Saturday aftemoOn. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Alfred spent Thursday with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John B. Smith, at McHenry. Mae Wiedrich and Charles and Joe Carr visited in McHenry Sunday ef< ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie' Smith attended the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund at the Johns- Burg hall on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aubert and family spent Saturday shopping and vis* iting in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Thanksgiving vacation with Mrs. Andreas' parents at Algonquin. M. E. church Sunday school board met at the Paul Walkington home on Monday evening, Nov. 25. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzty visited his parents and relatives in Marengo Sunday. Mrs. H. Buckland and Mrs. Frank Fay were shopping in Woodstock oa Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Janet Johnson visited Mrs. George Vogel in Elkhorn Friday afternoon. James Harrison returned to hia work at Green Bay on Friday. Mrs. Barry Turner and Mrs. George Noble and daughter, Jeanine, were and Mrs. John Sanderson and the forr < Here's the secret of Pontiac's softy easy ride-- Duflex Rear Spring-* ing. Developed and introduced by Pontine, this quality feature has been even further improved by the addition of oil-impregnated liners in 1942. -r>.f * ZtMf •** _ .T • 1 -Vi;?; CAR WITH THE LOW PONTIAC'S JOB--producing anti-aircraft cannon for the United States Navy and building the line car with the low price for the American people. R. 1. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 408 Front Street West McHeniir, HI. yVhat a difference improved lighting makes )|Si | BLUE MONDAYS WERE PRACTICALLY BLACK IT WAS THAT DIM AN I DARK JN OUR BASEMENT '•m. >i.! &"~KJ- 1 fi'f! A 2^^ :: NOW SEE .THERES NOTHING LIKE LIGHT TO CHASE THE GLOOM«.MAKE WORK A LOT EASIER. •Hilwf 1.4 stKii. •s,t« I ttmpij removed the *ld itujiciemt light f ^ m m d b md m s c i e n t i f i c h x t m r c p u t i m i t s f U c e J t ^ . 2 U , a * w | ^ mc leu tbJn&OO, Jut wist m gfmmlP ^ digerence tbmt little cUmge msde! ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 '• • t •• "/4f> not diode your lighting, tool fw w * * ^ • **«. • HOME LIGHTING ADVISOR| •-!ibe home lighting advisor will measure die light in part of every room in your house such as the ^ ^ ^ t ^ 49trd room, music toon*; dining room and kitdien, as ' % %ell as special rooms like the game room, die woric" > . ^ Jhop and the laundry. She will show you how better light means better 'sight, and she'll also suggest .Changes to make your rooms lovelier, homier .and «Mger looking. Let her help you ! This service is free» •ind without obligation, and you need only phone or *£end a post card to your local Public Service Store Asking to have the home lighting advisor calL * » m If jjUi.-. r PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois < - • 8ervice Order --101 Williami St., Cry gtal LcUke -- Telephone Enterprise 4100. , v ^ .&•- \ .g ,

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