\Mu. m-mm.%£ "1 IWDTO. LEO WCHKLS lfT At a xiuptial high mass which was sung ^t ^the o'clock Wednesday morning, Hov. 19, in St. John's church, y %w< ,* 1 ~ 7 ^ Vs", ' I ' ,<*' ~ FOR SALE--Year 'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls ahd ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE--Five shares of stock in the McHenry Co. Farmers Co-operative Assn. Inquire of John A. Bolger at the Farmers Mill. 28 FOR SALE--White Leghorn pullets, starting to lay; also some yearling White Leg-horn hens; one Chester White boar. James D. Curran, West McHenry. FOR SALE-- Poultry, fancy ducks, geese and roasting chickens. Alive, 20c lb. Dressed chickens, 23c; dudes and geese dressed, 26e lb. William Staines, one mile west of McHenry. Phone 638-M-2. 28 FOR RXNT FOR SALE OR RENT--Two eottagea, ymr 'Tound homes. Owen Stenger 4 Allen subdivision, Crescent St, George Fgey. _ 25tf FOR RENT--Plat on Elm street. Reasonable. Inquire of H. Wolff, Riverside Bakery. 28 ~ LOST LOST--Black, short-haired dog. Answers to name of "Blackie." Reward. Charles Herdrich. Phone 16. *28 MISCELLANEOUS ftttATi OR ALIVE ANIMAL? $1.00 to $15.00 Oash Cows - Hones - Hogs Mo help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Bav and Night, Sunday* and Holidays pfcone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charge* •1 9f.i j (Phot* kf WarwWk) MICH ELS t ZtCfjiQ -^ rt a Jonn CLIFF"S RADIO SERVICE--107 Riv. erside Drive, Phone 436. Repairs on all radios and electrical home appliances. All work guaranteed. CLIFFORD WILSON, Prop. 9-tf §pfcl GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose ef your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 366 or 631-M-l. 11-tf LARGE ONES, SMALL ONES--I sell Farms. List your farm with Dan Ouinlan, Woodstock, HL He sells 'em. 26-4 NOTICE--Not responsible for any debts not contracted by me. George E. Clark. *28-3 FREE CULLING OF CHICKENS-- Call the Farmers Mill --Phone 29 -- and you will receive all the details«. about our FREE expert culling service. 28 Mr. and Mrs. William Vales spent Sunday and Monday at the home of f|ie former's parents here. s Miss Evelyne Weingart of McHenry ajrid Ed Skaney of Woodstock spent . Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. qpd Mrs. Ed Pierce at Woodstock •Johnsburg. Miss Regina Klein, daughter of Mr^and .Mrs. Joseph Klein of "Johnsburg, and Mr. I^eo Michels, son bf Sf^.iaM Mrs. Joseph Michels, also of that community, were united in the holy bonste toft matrimony. The lovely bride wore a white velvet dwss jam} h#d a long train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by mother of fteiivl orchids and her colonial- bouquet consisted of white roses and sweet peas. The maid of honor was Miss Dorothy Michels, a sister of the groom. She wae fttired in a dress of old Wiym burgundy trimming and "FvdfcEfl Her bouquet was made lip* oriiilfs nilfn"roses and mums. The t^o bridesmaids were Miss Thekna. Lay and Miss Evelyn Mich, els, a sister of the groom. In gowns I o^£>$d|-«| J>lue with burgundy accessories they completed the lovely picture i<tf. the feminine portion of the bridal patWI Arthur Klein, a brother of the bg>$' j w?*d as best man, while JTrnold Michels, a brother of the groom* mat t)i& groomsman ol*4h£ the HA&KZKJD AT A LOVXLY CANDLELIGHT SKRVIOB At a candlelight service perforated at eight o'clock last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride in Chi- !cago,Miss Josephine Molnar, daugh- ! ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Molnar of j Chicago, became the bride of Mr. | Walter Sparf, also of Chicago. j The bride was attractive in a white satin gown with a short veil and she carried a bouquet of white mums. Mrs. Alice Chris of Chicago, a classmate of the bride during their college {days, was the matron of honor. She {wore a dusty pink gown and carried mums of the same color. Arthur Bellert of Chicago served the groom as best man. Miss Marie Molnar, a sister ef the bride, sang "Because" and MI Love You Truly" during the ceremony. Following the services, the wedding cake was cut and a lovely lunch was served. The couple left later in the evening for a short trip. The bride's traveling outfit was a grey suit. The former Miss Molnar graduated from Roosevelt High school in Chicago and attended Whitewater college in Wisconsin and the University of Illinois. She has taught in the Harrison school at Wonder Lake for the past five years. The groom is a graduate of the University of Illinois and fs employed at the Zenith radio works in Oak Park. Mrs. Sparf will finish her year of teaching and during this time they will make their home in a cottage at Wonder Lake. McHenry friends who were among about fifty who witnessed the wedding were Miss Clara Kaiser, Frank Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrer and son, Joe, and Mrs. Janisch and daughter, Sally Ann, of Wonder Lake. Or LOVSLT WBDDma A wedding which united in marriage Miss Cecelia Lenzen, daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lenten ~of Grays- • "v Mt' Mary's ChthoTk tatdays: 7:00; 8:80; 10:80. ; : Weekday*: 6:45; 8:00^. ' First May: *80; flsjlt. , - Confessions: 8aitu*days: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. , t Jtf tar Mass on Thursday. 3:0g.juJ» and 7:00 p.m. ft C.S. Mx,pMtor4 , St. Patrick's Catholic Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7 *-80. First Fridays: 7:80. ,w- ;.iV. Ob First Friday, Commdiuon ffistributed at 6:30, 7:00 and befors apd during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to p. •, and 7:00 to 8:00 p. at. Thursday before first Friday. 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. and 7:00 tr $;0® P^m. Rev. Wm. A. OHourlre, pastor. among th< the silver wedding celebration, of the Richard Guysers in Chicago recently. (Victor,' at Nye Jew«l«y, Radio Shop. Order yOttr special or classic numbers. " ' 28-p4 St. John's OsthoHc Charch, Manas: Sundays: 8:00; 10:80. Holy Days: 7:00 and t:M. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:06* Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday Jf§§ mo .- and 7:80. Itev. A. J. Neidert, paster. Fredrick Miller Married on Thaaksjpviflg Ifey (Photo Warwick) MRS. ELMER DIEDRICH lake and Mr. Elmer Diedrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diedrich of Johnsburg, was solemnized in St. Mary's church in Fremont Center, at 9:30 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 19, by the Rev. O. C. Nabholz. The bride was attractive in a gown of white slipper satin with a lace yoke and lace insertions in the train. Her fingertip veil, too, was edged in lace, - Announcement was made Saturday of the marriage of Miss Lucille Marion Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Scott, 393 East Chicago street; _ _ ^ ^ Elgin, to Frederick J. Miller, son of < and was held in place with a coronet Dr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Miller, 690 of seed pearls. Linden avenue, Elgin. The maid of honor, Miss Bernice n o^eJ:er<;m0n? was perform!d 0* I Diedrich, a sister of the groom, was 9:30 Thanksgiving morning at St.1 Mary's Catholic church bv the Rev. Fr. B. E. Beddoes, MiRs Rovce Mc- Fadden of Chicago and Lowell C. Millar, brother of the bridegroom, were tl)F couple's immediate attendants. Dr. Miller is well known in McHenry where he practices «i an oculist. LOVELY THANKSGIVING WEDDING SOLEMNIZED INVOLO NOVEMBER 20 attired in a dress of brocaded taffeta of old rose and had matching accessories. Her bouquet was of .bronze | mums. The bridesmaid, Miss Rose 1 Lenzen, a sister of the bride, wore a I gown of corn blue, also in brocaded {taffeta, and carried a bouquet of yelj low mums. j Clarence Diedrich, a brother of the groom, .served as best man. Community Church School: 10:00 a.m. : Worship Service: 11:00 a. m* ; Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Bpworth League: 8:00 p. m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Lntheran Evangelical Chwch Sunday Service, 8 a. in. Sunday School, 9 a. m. Herman _P_._ _M_e yer, pafctQf, ,!l|t. Peter's Gstholie (hferd^ Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8.00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and Mm, Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: d:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 at J 7.13. Iter John L. Dalei^en, Pastar. SPECIALS Florida Juic<* 0ranges, med. sise Apples, fancy Jonathans ... Mixed Nats, fancy quality Strawberry Jain, Silverciip " Peaches, large can, No. 2A/t sise Prunes, fresh, No. 1 tall can Condensed Tomato Soup, Centrella, brand Etaierkraut, Oentrella brand, large can One dozen cans -- $1.19 „*lb. jar ^ ^ me-a-t-s PORK LOIN ROAST, small loins FRANKFURTERS, Oscar Mayer* BACON, Peacock brand, sliced, finest quality, lb. 2 Z4t 25* 30c r m PKone 180 - We Deliver ^ Riverside Drive [enry V«lo Community Bible Cbarch Combined Service, 10:00 a.m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. An are invited. RINGWOOD METHODI8T CHURCH Unified service at the Ringwood A dinner and reception for about Methodist church--9:30 a. m. sixty-five guests was held at the home Subject for story sermon, "The Call A lovely Thanksgiving wedding took i place at noon at the home of Mr. and of the groom's parents following the ceremony. ! The bride is a graduate of St. Mary's school at Fremont Center and he service a breakfast Mrs. Frank E. Wilson near Volo when g^oom attended the Johnsburg if.' Ii*" Colony r McHenry, Illinois DAY -- SATURDAY -- in technicolor -- • ph Scott - Gene Tlerney BELLE STARR" Also -- Short Subjects - SUNDAY -- MONDAY November 30 - December 1 " Ann Sothern - Robert Young Eleanor Powell ^LADY BE GOOD". AM) -- Cartoon - World Now* TUESDAY Adulta 20c J«an Davis - J. Fa&enberg (It'"Two Latins from Manhattan" (2) "Charlie Chan in Rio" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Dprothy Lewis - Jerry Colonna "ICE CAI*ADES" served the bridal party at the Michels home in Johnsburg and Was Served the immediate e church hall at noon, and twenty-five guests at the reception which injf the afternoon. In wedding dance was enll's dance halt bride and groom are 'of the Johnsburg school, present they will make their Mrs. George Lay, where ployed. iy friends offer the happy couple I Itiest congratulations. Voiflian is Married in Wauconda Nov. 22 were was Tii* R./,, l:ii«VAI! Wtm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co'*. Leading Theatre FRI. - SAT. -- NOV. 28 -29 -- double feature -- Walt Disney's feature cartoon "THE RELUCTANT DRAGON* starring Robert Benchley Also - George Montgomery in "ACCENT ON LOVE" SUN. - MON. -- NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 Sunday Continuous from 2:45 p. m. Spencer Tracy in DK JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE" -- with -- Ingrid Bergman - Lana Turner "The picture of the year" ^0, 18c TUESDAY 10c Tax 2c ' Special Tax lc Judy Canova - Francis Lederer in 'PUDDIN' HEAD Also -- Leon Errol Comedy - Short WED. - THUR3. -- DEC. 3 - 4 Dennis Morgan - Jane Wyman and Wayne Morris in "BAD MEN OF MISSOURT News - Novelty - Travelogue wmk utiful ceremony which was performed at the Ivanhoe CongregatkMiF^ mirth at 8:30 o'clock Saturday evenirierr"Nov. 15. Miss Enid Williams, daughter of1 Mrs. Robert Williams YoiMg-J^Gjrayslake, and Mr. Milton Dean MSjprassen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Magnussen of Volo, were united in mfcrriage T>y the Rev. C. Arthur Jevn«. The bride?* only attendant was Miss Lvnette Duell. while the best man was the KTopiflfchrother, Karl. The ushers Taylor and Lowell Town- A reception which was attended by three Sindred gruests. was held in the IVknulelein villare hall, with Barbara WoHPk's orchestra furnishing music for dancing. Following s~s$|ort hcg»eymoon trip into Wisconsin the counle will reside at Wauconda where Mr. Magnussen is employed as assistant state patrol- •The groom has lived in the Volo several years, where he ends. 'HENRY ftAWDEALER every Thursday at Mcby Charles F. Renich. (Photo by Warwick) MRS. KENNETH PETERSEN their only, daughter, Beatrice Marion, became the bride of Kenneth C. Petersen, son of Peter C. Petersen, of West McHenry. An improvised altar in the living room was made of pink and white streamers surrounding a white bell, with two baskets of white and pastel chrysanthemums on either side. To the strains of Mendelssohn's school. They are making their home with the groom's parents where Mr. Diedrich ..is employed by his father. WEDDING BELLS UNITE MISS ANNA ROJNANSKY AND EDWARD VALES At a nuptial high mass which was solemnized at eleven o'clock Saturday morning, Nov. 22, at Sacred Heart church at 91st and Peoria streets in Chicago, Rev. Father Bejenka united in marriage Miss Anna Mary Bojnansky and Mr. Edward A. Vales, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vales of Chicago, and a nephew of Mr. and Mrs; Albert Vales of McHenry. The church was' beautifully decorated with white chip chrysanthemums. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a white bridal satin, princess style gown, trimmed with a medallion lace yoke. Her dainty long tulle veil was edged with the same kind of lace and was topped with a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet which consisted of calla lillies. whito chip chrysanthemums, narcissus and white roses and this was tied with white satin ribbon strewn with lillies of the valley. The bride was attended by a maid of honor, Miss Virginia Vales, a sister of the groom. She wore an old-rose colored gown of faille, princess style, trimmed with bows and with accessories to match. She carried a bouquet of bronze colored mums tied with old-rose satin ribbon and wore the same colored baty mums in her hair. The two bridesmaids, Mrs. John Bojnansky, a sister-in-law of the bride, and Miss Marie Vales of McHenry. a cousin of the groom, wore blue faille dirndl style gowns with of Abraham." The committee met at the home of Paul Walkington Monday evening. All seemd to be satisfied with the unified program, and felt that it was filling a long-felt need and that there were more adults in the Sunday school and more young people in the church service. Plans were made for the Christmas program. Announcements will be made later. The family night at the Royal Blue store Dec. 5 was spoken of and all the committees are proceeding to make this a real night of fun, food and fellowship. Pot-luck supper at 7:30 p. m. Keep the date open. An invitation is extended to all our people. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Chas. Peet make up the committee on food. w <*•? : \-W Mrs. Clara Noonan was a Chicago caller Tuesday. UNTHHBC ftfepgnisas that vanity is • cwUho attribute--end cater* to It accordingly* Hwct-o collection of grand gift sots of handsomex" Ctssorios to moKulino vanity--handsomely presented! j Tlw sot illustrated with Hs sextet of grooming aids is jwtl the five dollar gift you've boon hoping to find. • .* OpM»-«an's gift combinations priced from $1.50 up. > - nuiEirs milt smut : Green Street McHenry, 111. *fw __!.. v. , . . i t , , i tarapiento belts stitched with gold rffi? rK -J y t y F/fki braid and had accessories to match. L!P *' u w ' 6 IT °f h6r carried orchid chip chrysanthe ern^telre Ud Tthk e rootCmT pgrae™ce de>d fYbya w?thye' mums with blue satin streamers and Need F Plaindealer. Editor and Manager second-class matter at gt McHenry, 111., undbr & 1879. 12.00 $1.00 r Stamps? Order at The maid of honor, Miss Alice McGuire. They were met at the altar by the bridegroom and the attendants, a little ringbearer, Bobegene Dowell, and the best man, Frank V. Wilson, Jr. The Rev. R. C. Hallock, pastor of the Wauconda Federated church, officiated at the single ring ceremony which was witnessed by members-of the immediate families. The bride was attractively dressed iBPTURED? y - - IW?MK v: *j*H*I VBV OT 'WBW*SB--BH•V" -w!{W? •g•• B^artSjEEtigrcgss Ofloa W* ot ft* raU lor itlld oaly to Bad a b*tt« mttieo wdatt Is 01 ausify. >rt fitting ax in a blue crepe afternoon frock with ants. wore the same colored baby mums in their hair. Miss Dolores Ann Vales of McHenry, a cousin of the groom, assisted as junior bridesmaid. Her floorlength gown was exactly the same as; the two bridesmaids and she also car-; ried a bouquet of orchid chip chrysanthemums. John Bojnansky, a brother of the, bride, and John Parucka, a cousin of the groom, were the groom's attend navy accessories and wore a corsage of sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Miss Alice McGuire of Waukegan, the maid of honor, chose an afternoon frock of aqua crepe with black accessories! and had a corsage of Johanna ttlir roses arjd baby's breath.- The Gl ide's mother wore navy blue ai& had a corsage of miniature pink and white chrysanthemums; At two o'clock a four-course turkey dinner was served to the fifteen guests The mother of the bride was attired in blue, while the groom's mother wore brown. They both %ad corsages of white mums. . ^ At the beginning of the^ mass th<^ bride placed a bouquet of white rosei before the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary while the proom lit a candle before the statue of St. Joseph, Both kneeled in prayer while the chim-h organist sang "Oh Mother Dear, Pray For Me." She also sang an Ave attending the wedding. A three-tier > Maria at the offertory and "Because'* tiolger's Drug Store Green Street McHeagy wedding cake served as a centerpiece for the table. Individual white nut cups with miniature bride and groom on them graced each plate. Later in the evening the bride and groom left on a shoi$ honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. Upon their return they will make their home with the groom's father. Bead the Want Ac J / • : IjlSi Jt *.v^L -«.i .J,t KjL^a. i at the conclusion of the mass. A luncheon was served at the of the bride's parents following the ceremony. The reception for aboutj" 150 guests was held in the evening at Petrauska's hall. The tables were attractively decorated in white and held bouquets of flowers, while in the midi •die a three-tier wedding cake was the Renter of attraction. A delicious turkey and duck dinner was served. ' 1 •> ii, ANNOUNCING 1942 CHEVROLET TRUCKS , "iP V They're GEARED TO HAULAGE LEADERSHIP for the D*fimm Pwgiwn-theie masslv%* -long-lived Chevrolet trucks for '42* • • • That's why they have the strongest appeal among buyers ¥rho want powerful idependcAle, economical trucks capable ^ol MAULING EVERYTHING AMERICA NEEDS. • • • Choose Chevrolets and yeul own the tmck> that are geared to "stand the gaff" of these hard-working, fast* moving times! , f. THRIFT-CARRIERS FOR THE NATION *s»* °*iNei TO AID Demise PUUtSRcrum your motor TRUCK INVENTORY CARDS SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES ^ UaKKNKY,IUi h . . . - l i s , T