Entered u postoffice it _ _ Aoetof May 8,117*. One Year fix Months ftp* M ... ~ imrs ago and iP3 ancfetotCfepa*a hehascame *Mlli ttSSk thouaandyeairs of so and proposes to writ* 'also. FOE SALS ma * V«ftt 3&M*& FOR SALE--Y»ar>*ond comfort and ^'economy wift fire-proof Johns-Man- ; ville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" vour walls alid ceilings. Call LEQ J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf I FOR SALE -- International Pick-up f Truck. Reasonable price. Private " owner. Tel. 371. McHenry. 29 ! FOR SALE -- Two Spotted Poland ~ China Sows and 14 5-we«k-old pirn*. Arthur Wagner. Phone Waaeondn 2911. *** FOR SALE--Table-top Gaa Stove; 8- piece Dining Room set, refreetory style. Call 75-W. _____ 29 FOR SALE--Lovely living room chair Seasonable. Phone 649-R-l. 29 FOR SALE -- 1934 1%-ton Ford Truck. Long wheelbase. Good for parte only. Downs Motor Express. *29 WANT*D WANTED--Cow Clipping. Dehorning. Elmer Glossen. Phone 606-M"2- •»* - - ..»• . . * ' 29-2 POR MOT fOR RENT--Easily heated 3%-room apartment above Ringwood Royal Blue S^ore; running water; south exposure. $10 month. Garage if deafened. ' *29 MISCELLANEOUS BEAD OF ALIVE ANIMATE $L00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Ft) one Wheeling lU-^Rmne Oairges d»ir baBsU was 49,90e,9M, M. M.. a into an awfcy two failed to crack tm: WS91 vttyajnO Often Cause Of Dizziness nun By DR. JAMES W. BABTON (IMtUrt by Wtrtwa M»wspap«r tTntaa.) WHEN a feeling of dirtiness occurs there are many who feel that this is one sign of heart disease and rush to their physician or call him to t h e i r home. Dizziness. is not a jrigC on heart disHwe; the first symptom of heart disease is getting out of breath easily. The cause of dizziness is usually •ran* disturbance of the liver or the ear. The sluggish net* at the liver itself or the slow emptying of the gall bladder or both is a common cause of dizziness. Eating a couple of slices of bacon or a large cube of butter id often sufficient to cause a complete emptying of the gall bladder and freedom from di»i Survivors health He is he brother A solemn at ten o'clock AJf Mm. Fr. Michels of After mam on , S«00 p. at and 7:00 p. m. C. S. Nix, jt. Fttriek's A1 daughter Fostoria, Ohio. Dr. Bart-- Hold f»mr nptan with aw-bttf tkt pnwin itq. fM. _ b.y _ w_d ln. irj jj trsraea. i( or BIm lost lik* •vrro«a4iac MONi the pad la plaec, n ekaaeca « «b- %t&£3i Rattle. Let GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose af your garbage each week, ttt oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round roate. formerly George Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 366 or 631-M-l. 11-tf thn» liowilk Uinta* a cam •Irians. Maar^dMhreat and DeaMiQjMHw aai our expert SuitrprMcrlb* a "KONiitEg (WNSlXTAnW Bolter's "Drug Store Gr^u ^ct | McHeary AUCTION LARGE ONES, SMALL ONES--I sell Farms. List your farm with Dan ifluinlan, Woodstock, 111. He sells 'em. . 26-4 Leonard and Ed. Tegel, Auctioneers • »y; • • To settle the -estate of the late E. C. Cbrfell, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the old Covell farm 3',4 miles east of Hebron, 3 miles west of .Richmond, 2% miles south of Genoa. City, 1 mile north of Route 173, NOTICE--Not responsible for any p® debts not contracted by me. George % Clark. *28-3' ..< Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The ^faindealer. fV*' „ • if: Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Victor McLaglea Patsy Kelly Dennis O'Keefe Zaaa Pitta "BROADWAY LIMITED" Alao -- Cartoon and Comedieo SUNDAY -- MONDAY December 7 - S S Trae^ • Lsaa Taraar MDE. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE" Also -- World News aad Cartooa TUESDAY Adults Me (1) "MYSTERY SHIP" (2) "WE 00 FAST" t WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Ann 'Rutherford - Red Skeltea "WHISTLING IN THE DARK" SONESDiAY, DEC. 10 toSiiiS:i0:00 o'cloclt sharp FOR HOME DELIVERY. CHICAGO j the fuBqifljlg Jl|rlbed property, to- 8UN--Call Dan Cooney. Phone 119-R. wit: , 29 2 148 HEAD. LIVESTOCK TPpiifcHng of ^ , . ^ Ctetito Dairy Caws clodlmrlngers; one S years old; 12 fetters, 1 % yrs. to S yrs. old; 7 Brown 8wias calves, I moa. old. 16 feeder pigs, 100 lbs. average;. ^e.e. and good lambs; S baek ' Wevt Itrm Team of blacks, mare aad gsWag, # an* 9 team bay maraa, full sisters, 3 and 1 years old; roan work ho:15 yrs. a^fcnood^ae***, • bred; Barkshirs ^°®r; ^2 feeder pigs, 90 lbs. avg. T Hay, Graia aad KaehlaeVf lo^ttef %>a town farm: to tons ear corn in crib; 2s of alfalfa Vayfaid clover in bar That a common ear conditionwax in outer ear canal--can cause dizziness is stated by Dr. J. De Swiet in Medical World (London). Other causes mentioned are hardening of the ligaments which hold the little ear bones together so that these three bones become as one solid bone; .the use of ouiAine or salicylates,'and the inflammation -of. the middle ear--otitis media. When, therefore, dizziness occurs and you have not, or have not recently had, a cold, nor eaten too much rich food, these other ear conditions should be remembered. Take Wax Out First. First, wax should be removed. Wax is Usually removed by putting hydrogen peroxide and water, equal parts, into the outer ear (some phy^ sicians put in olive oil), letting it remain there for four or five minutes. The wax then can be removed by use of hot baking soda solution (sodium bicarbonate), a teaspoon to a pint of water, driven into outer ear by means of a large powerful syringe. As most homes do not have a powerful syiinge, ii is usually better to go to your physician or to an ear specialist to have the wax removed. Many cases of dizziness are due to Meniere's disease (dizziness, nausea and vomiting). Avoiding salty foods, such as salt, canned, preserved meats and fish and others and avoiding or cutting down an table salt, usually brings relief. In severe attacks of dizziness morphine may be necessary to stop the attack. Timely Warning on Dangers of fcPcp Pills* DURING the college examinations in my student days, I noticed one of the students with a most peculiar expression on his face and remarked to another student that •lank must be much afraid of the eaamlnatiMis 1 was quietly informed that Blank was using a stimulating drug to brighten him up and keeit htm awake. Many phyaieians and others were amaaed io read last spring that students at untveraities in the United A Unyder <€ th& Villtge and shipped over $12,000 #orth of hogs for t&e ten days closing on Thursday of last week. At a meeting of the Town Board hekJ on Monday last, the 28th, Isaac Harsh Was appointed commissioner of highways, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Martin Welsh. Married--At the residence of the bride's parents, near Kin&wood, 111., Nov. 23d, 1881, by Elder W. Collins, Mr. William H. Thomas, of MeHeary, and Miss Hiley A. Grimolby, of Ringwood, in. R» Bishop has put on an additioh of twelve /eet on the south end of his blacksmith shop. He, will also build an addition to his factory early In fbe spring. FIFTY TRAM AGO :'-Jt Schneider has purehaseil tJS'e old Robert Wright house, opposite the northwest corner of the public square, and taken possession of the same. Walter Evan son. who is attending the Illinois Military Academy at Morgan Ptfrk, spent , Thanksgiving at home.' - " • T. I. Walsh and "wife and Hon. Richard Bishop took their Thanksgiving turkey with friends in Nunda. Married--At the Riverside House, McHenry, 111., Nov. 26, 1891, by the Rev. H. Slade, Robert D. Carr, of Ringwood, and Miss Bertha Hobart, of McHenry, 111. v FORTY YEARS AGO H» Perkins building, occupied by Jos. Schneider and E. B. Perkins, has been undergoing much needed repairs. The Masons are now nicely settled in1 their new hall in the bank building. Some new earpet and new pieces of furniture have been added, making it one of the neatest and prettiest halls in the county. W. D. Gates, of the Terra Cotta factory presented each of his married employes with a turkey for Thanksgiving. The McHenry House bar room is now doing a good business, with Jos. Heimer as proprietor, and Thos. Laugh! in, manager. ^THIRTY YRARS AGO •fl - ' The Beautiful CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre r* > FRI. & SAT. -- December 5-6 -- double feature -- Jadkk Anderson - Dennis O'Keefe "LADY SCARFACE" Also Ifrenda Marshall - Wayne Morris ia "SMILING GHOST" SDN. & MON. -- December 7 - 8 Sunday Continuous from 2:41 p.ai Ann Sheridan - Jack Oalde fa| "NAVY BLUES" - % with Martha Raye - Jack Haley Girls, Gobs and Songs Galore! Also -- Latest Fox News Events! 18c TUESDAY 10c Tax 2c Special Tax lc Dorothy Lewis - James Ellison and Jerry Colonna in - ... "ICE CAPADES" WED. & THUR. -- DEC. 10 - 11 Melvyn Douglas - Ruth Hussey ssed Ellen Drew in "OUR WIFE? Alstrgh -packed love-battle! tons barn; 2 y; 10 tons of baled a. This feed Is locetod on ^i>Oovell Farm la Richmond, 111. * ^ 100 ba. cfe^wieat; 1200 ba. of good oate; 200 0fa.fdt barley; 60 tons of good hard corn In crib; quantity shock corn^. .4^ tons of timothy hay; 373 bates soybfean hay In barn, 10 tons of baled straw; 10 tons of loose straw In b§firs$6<ft. silage in 16 ft silo. Plow* iron wheel wagon; Lwjfcon; 6-ft. Broadcast seeder; hay rake; hay loader, new; 2 single row cultivators; sulky plow; 3- sec. drag Ifta new; milk wagoa; Now Idea mower on rubber; 8-ft horse disci' 5-ft" hotie disc. Pair <>f light bob sleighs; grind ston^;ri)i*iBe?y stone; IHC Farmall F-20 tractor; tractor cultivator; trac tOV fcloW; tractor disc; IHC silo filler, IHC grain binder, 8-ft, new; 8-ft.'^uTCf^aCker, new; single row horse cultivator; IHC com planter, fertiliser attachment new 160 rods Wtf®; boft sleigh; 4-section drag; New WPaur| spreader; iron wheel wagon Tlat hay rack; wood wheel :pn and box. ide delivery rake, New Ides; f-ft itiuw^rKilike new; corn binder, IHC, new; 2 Wheel barrows; Universal mflktng machtae, double unit, now; 13 milk cans; Shellane hot water heater; sat double harness; S .sets new double harness; forks, shovels and lots of articles too numerous to mention. Tttis |s '|)ne of the largest sales of the aenho® and will start promptly at 10 o'clock. All machinery and small tools \rill fee Sold in the forenoon. TERMS:--A11 sums of 325.00 aad under that amount cash. Over that amount a credit of six months at 7 per cent will j)#* extended on notes ap- P,0#d by the clerk.-Anyone desiring cre<m kindly* juake arrangements beforp urchase is made. No property to be retoto^ed until settled for. By C, COVELL ESTATE C. Bl Covell and Marguerite CeveU* r u State Bank of Rlehmoad, Gerklag Fred Carroll, OatsMe Clerk he States and Canada were using stimulating drufa -- pep pills -- during examinations. This was done in some cases with full knowledge of the university authorities who "recognized" that as the students were likely to be nervous and upset, a pep pill would prevent them from collapsing during the examination. A timely warning of the danger of the "pep pill" is to hand in the Journal of the American Medical Association from Coroner Lowell C. Smith, M. D., Lafayette, Ind., who reports the death of a student dur ing a written university examination. The cause of death Was greatly dilated heart. He had eaten a large mejU just before the examination. His exam ihation- paper; as far as he had completed it, was studied by the professor in the subject who stated that the student "was writing a very good paper and had made very good progress in the examination during the hour which he had written." He was a good student, a Splendid athlete, and had passed life insurance examinations less than a year before. The lesson is that with body and mind tensed and tired, there is always danger from the us* of a stimulating drug. wmr was declared firm at 35 Cents on the Elgjn board of trade Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas have moved into the Gage house on Main street on the West side. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smalley of Bartonsville, Vt., have moved their household effects to McHenry and will make this place their future home. Frank Masquelet, Jr.. left Tuesday morning for Lancaster, Wis., where he has secured employment with a. tefcsr phone company. TWENTY YEARS AGO « S.-OOr SMI. " tm t 7:80, Friday, it# at during Ike 7 Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to p.m and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: 4:99 to 5:00 p. m. find 7:00 tr 8s09 p.m. Rev. Wm. A. (/Rourlre, paster. M, Jolm's Catholic Chweh, Jehnabirg *\ V '•f' f ~J>? SuDdays: 8^Kh 10:06. Holy Days: trOO mod Weekdays: 9:9ft. First Vfiday: 8^9. ConfcastoRs: &•>?: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7^0, Thursday before Ftest Friday: 1:89 - . ^aad 749i. ' A. J. Mridert, paslife Cossmuaity Chardk Sunday School: 19:00 a. m/% Worship 8ervlce: 11^0 a, Junior League: 6:90 p. m. l^nrorth League: IHK) p Rev. J. Heher lfiller, Latheraa Is widow Whom yea^ ago. the fun- A. E. Nye, Wm. Nye, Mrs. Walter Harry Hitze-. ice Nye of H. Nye and in Koepfer of SANTA AT AtTHOFTS Santa Claus will be at AlthofTs Hardware Store in West McHenry, Saturday, Dec. 13, to meet all of his young friends again this year. 29-p4 old. eight chll* - ^ > a**., «4^"- was waat^-, /-•a»e*wa«'a#'StL '. church hi mmm- .WmJmvBr acting as eeMfflMit, Fr. CMiii Brighton as deacon, and Fr. Fihttm • of Wilmot as suh dsaeon. Cletus AW , * thoif, with fve other nephews, acte4N| as pallbearer. Among those who attended the funi eral were Mr.>and Mrs. Louis Althoff f and "son, Cletus. -- ^ the Wsgl* em hemisphere was a Mexican val> ume. Are You Eraifdksl 8 a. m. 9 a.m. . Meyer, faster. . ] Peter's CuthoHc Cha ^ Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8.00 and llhM. , ; Holy Days: 6:80 snd 9:00. Weekdays: 8:08. ;Kr ^ First Friday: 4:00. ~ C o n f e s s i o n s : :^ ^ ; - ^ r ? Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: IM si-d 7.13. Rev. John Lb Daleirlenr Paster. Yolo Community Bible Church Combined Service, 10:00 a. m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, paster. All are invited. KINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Unified service at the Ringwood Methodist church--9:30 a. m. The first four of the unified services were successful and greatly appreciated by both young people and adults. Country people especially like the opportunity to come and bring the family and go home together. The story sermons were on Old Testament characters. Now with the coming Christ" mas season the story sermons will be in the New Testament. The story of the Christ Child will be told next Sunday. All Christians are working to bring every boy and girl in their parishes under the influence of religious instruction. Our leaders say that thf church is the hope of the world. The old Wlrfs building on Main street on the West side is undergoing some extensive repairs in preparation we are told, for a cash and carry grocery which is to oocupy the quarters j Jowel], Maywood; Mr. «nd :Xrs. Keft- ATTEND GRANGER FUNERAL Among those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Clara Granger last week were Mrs. Raymond Arvidson and Charles Going of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harris, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Mrs. Lena McDonald, New Lisbon, Wis.; Miss Sylvia Wynholz and Mrs. Corinne Coffe, Riverside, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wynkoop and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde For Old Hap Wiater? You know he is ra£fc«r tough on attto* and tracks, especially the tires and baittarias. Why not trade in those old tires or that weak battery «n new yirestonM? 7 . Give your car a treat With the ae* itanraf. Mu or Hi-Speed Tires and a Firestone We make a liberal trade-in allowance. fhen for complete- protection, moos Firestone FrigHone or Super^ Anti-freese.' We alio have Prestone! ! i Try Firestone Spferk Plugs, Fan Belts, Radiator Hose, etft. Winter Oils and Greases. Ifcrive in today for a checkup. Walter J. Freund Tire Vulcanising and Battery Charging ----- 526 Main Street -- Phone 294 -- West McHenry - 4 le Hoiin the very near future Special at Vycital's Saturday only, six mouse traps for 10c. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann are now enjoying the comforts of theli cozy new home on Riverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer and Miss Helen AlthofT of Kenosha spent the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. neth Burns, Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, Hebron; Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Lamphere, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamphere and Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith, Elgin; Mrs. James Brandt and Mrs. Christina Going, Hinsdale; Mrs. George Hill, Dundee, and Miss Cora Fuke of Lake Zurich, FARM BUREAU MEMBERS ATTEND IAA MEETING Ten representatives of the McHenry County Farm 'Bureau attended part or all of the four day convention of the Illinois Agricultural Association and associated companies held in Springfield from Nov. 25 to 28. Those in at* tendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bridges, Janet Klngsley, Harvard; L. Russell Beard, Hebron; Walter Winn, Richmond; Earl Swenson, Spring Grove; Arthur Hoppe, West McHenry; Lester Luedtke, Albert Gust and John H. Brock, Woodstock. Voting del? gates were L. Russell Beard, Arthur Hoppe and Walter Winn. QUESTION BOX Q.--Is it possible for a fibrous tumor to. shrink, or maybe disappear after a time, or must an operation always do away with it? A.--Fibroid tumors are treated according to symptoms which arise. If small and not growing may receive no treatment. If large may ke removed to relieve pressure or If there is a possibility of turning to cancer. Better follow your physician's advice. FATHER OF LOCAL TEACHER, DIES AT CARBONDALE HOME Trip Hamaaot Mi tfetek^k Snapping shut a watch case with a 10-ton trip hammer without cracking the watch crystal is a trick performed by the operator of a large forging hammer in a large steel industry. His skill has practical use in forging large shafts of steel to close dimensions. Miss Maurie Taylor was called to her home Hi 'Carhondale, 111., early last Thursday morning by the sudden death of her father, Ralph Taylor. He was fifty-five years of age and had been sick only a short time. Survivors are his widow, two tons, Warren and Kenneth, and one daughter, Maurie. What's Bad Is Geod ttft. Wilke, chief engineer *# em airline in China that never operates in clear weather, has a fOOd explanation for this unusual achedule. "Ours is the only airline in the world that cancels flights because of clear weather," he remarked. "We have to or else take our chances with Japanese war planes." The line, China National Aviation corporation, operates between Hongkong, Chunking, Kunmin and Rangoon, Burma Exhibition a luncheon kh. vited a memory expert to give as exhibition. He forgot to come. Rains ia Crete " Archrological explorations various ruins in Crete indicate that its civilization in 3400 B. C. was equal to.,that of the Egyptians, ^ Baaks guspeuded i Twenty-two banks suspend the United States in 1949. First Aute The first automobile America was held in 1900. show la Farmers Own Aatee Bighty-Ave per cent of Ajmericdi farm families own motor vehiclse. Mepfcittie Disease A nephritic disease is a pertaining to the kk idneys. ' > . • wLf* "A. * ~ -* HPT SETS Fil Til "OTSm»l BY LINTHERIC Ibeuty is yew duty, but Lwrginc makes it a detightiW pastime with luxurious hath accessories, cearfortiafJs your morale. A very eompleteset, in e stunning gift box, contains Bladl . Powder, Soap and a 4-os. Decanter of Bouquet in either "twtedT or -Confeuir priced at $4.75., ^;^ > Other special bath sets are listed below: „ t \ ^ >, > ^ "-Sadi Pewder and Bouquet LEKTHtoc (4^a. Bath Powder and Bouquet LCNTHtec (4^s. atomiser) $2.7S Pewdo1 and Bouquet lentij£sic (4-oe. dmantai) , ' $3.75 AnibMc m "Tweed;' "Miracle," "Shmufrgf mABkmtSr or Xea/em"^^ Green Street1 mum mv6 stws 'Shf: M •% , • tr1* •m Jt L" fV1 McHenry, 11L Christmas is coming and you are wondering what to give..! How about OORTICELLI LOVELY LINGERIE? Ivory washable . . . One package of Ivory F Free with each garment. $1.00 - $1.25 - $1.95 -12.% Hand Bags ... Costume Jewelry... Pictures ... Glassware ... Dinner-ware ... Gay Christmas Wrappings ... See onr tables of Gifts from 10c up .. ^ ... Children's Gifts and Home-made Candy in Attractive Packages Floral Print LUNCHEON SETS and CLOTHS $1.00 - $1.25 - $1.9i-# $228 - up to $9,001 BATH TOWEL Si" ENSEMBLES 39^ to $4-00; ; ^ ' j..-« .. * ' 5iv. .<•' V...u*