M «i!P |oy sr.*> £i-£t. for t * BOMS BA38B> »•• '. . W*i • H"k Ty, --. ifofcV^W'iV ••Ti'- -•»RB85*B6E AUVSl F. R. FURLOTT ".%•• • « One mile east of Spring Grove, Oolemar. -- TELKPHONS RICHMOND 9110 ~ Defense <* ifc? ense ir -* • § 4r *e Jfr. wad Mrs. Leo Smith and Miss were Waukegan callers Tuesday .waning. Mrs. Dena Lay and daughter, Ihelma, and Miss Dorothy Michels motored to KeL)aha Wednesday. Bill Man allad on Mrs. Stanley Zoiloner in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaafar, Waukegan, were callers here 8unday. Miss Kathrine A 1thoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her •Mtber, Mrs. Wm. Atthoff. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder, Mr. ud Mrs, Bob Wilkie of Chicago and Mr. ui Mm. fm»tt Thomas of Woodstock spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snhh motored to WtriM* gan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund of Ingfaside spent a few days In the httua •f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers reeently. Y PIJLIiroZALKi yiwia 4-' r-, - 4 WMT Mrs. Ott*. Osboi ,J Mfs Alice tatter of «HWWtt«. T»4 club held their party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Brown, Genoa, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert-spent Thursday and Friday of last week shopping in Chicago. George Fenery spent the weekend in the Burt Weber home. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Weber Sunday Afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. John Grobark, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Groback, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. John Novak, Jr., all of Chicago. fT,„. -- £ ; ^ n ^ - % wmmimm Vemen J. Kmi, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate a( Maty Justen, Deceased. Notice (s hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 2, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of MARY JUSTEN . Deceased, pending in the County (Court of McHenry County, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo!,n^ that claims may be filed against called on John Pitzen Sunday after-1 the said estate on or before said date noon, • without issuance of summon What is the bcBt safeguard foifniv child's future! » * i * . . Buying Defense Savings Bonds, which will help t lie J Government to preserve your child's American of freedom Will there be an intensive driveto ings Bonds and Stamps t , • ( The Treasury Department $e6s in the response to the program so far indication that Americans will support National Defence on a volutary- basis, Without high-pressure methods. NOTE -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, ge to nearest post office, bank, or savings and loan association; or write to the Treasurer of the United States, WasHington, D. C. Also Stamps now are on sale at most retail stores, i ( - * - .: a perfeet belanoe between simplicity- an^T omatenees! If she loves the beautiful... If her taste is flawless VXW " Ton will win her thanks with our snowy-white linen 35^ ;;•:£* 3 $i.oa Candy Bring out these idelicious Chocolates after the east! Ray Smith of Oak Park speift Suiti i day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. '/_ Stanley Zoiloner of Chicago called on Art" Peters Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan and family moved from Peoria to the John Pitzen flat recently. LILY LAKE •is*; The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at the Cottage Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. George J. Wegener, Jack Segal, Mrs. Claude Vachet and Orra Bell* Bettray. The serving of coffee and cake concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zank visited at the home of her mother Sunday/ Mrs. Alex Wirfs was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. Joseph McDonald and son, Billy, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Venable and daughter, Marilyn, and son, Lester, of Chicago went the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Mrs. Strnad spent the weekend si her home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fast and Jack Laubingi-r of Chicago spent the weekend at their home and visited at the home of their friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough and Fred Dosch. The Lily Lake School P.-T. A. held a card and bunco party and also a Christmas party at the home of Mrs|. Wilbert Swanson Thursday afternoon. Prises were won by Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Corbin. Mrs, Vachet, Mrs. Weiler and Mrs .McDonald. Members present were Mrs. Matt Freund of McHenry, Mrs. Henry Fas| of Chicago. Mrs. Weiler. Mrs. Glick and Mrs, Einspar of Lilymoor, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Corbin, Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Wegener, Mrs. Schavone, Mrs. McDermott snd Mrs. Bransford, all of Lily Lake. MeCULLOM LAKE ns. GEORGE R. JUflfrEN, Executor. Dec. 4 - 11 - 18) Vernon J. Knox. Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM BATE Estate of Charles F. Pich. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 2, 1942, is the clsim date in the estate of CHAKLES F. PICH Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issusnce of summons. ELIZABETH PICH, ' ' Executrix. Dee. 4 - 11 - 18) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick and family of Chicago spent the weekend al their home'here. Hugh McDonald spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits and family of Chicago spent the weekend st the lake. Rex Ray of Woodstock spent Sunday with Elmer Schaefer here. Frank Justen of California was « visitor at the Jos. A. Schaefer hosse Tuesday. John Shade, Jr., of Bvanston spent Sunday with his parent* at the lake. Mm. Joseph A. Schaefer and Mickey Unts were visitors at the John Unts home at Mundelein Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Husks and family were visitors at the Gaynor Hayden home at Bound Lake Sunday. Eleanor Schaefer of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents here. | Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Clark of Chi* cago spent the weekend at MeColhrm^ Ted Bryer and mother of Chicag&! spent the week at their home here. Tony Pftroskey of Chicago was a visitor at McCollum Lake Sunday. < Mr. and Mrs. S. Cylik of McCollunf Lake wi«h to announce the engage* ment of their daughter, Mildred Elisabeth, to Mr. Arthur Hubsch of Maywood. No date has been set for the weddine. The Cylik family ara living in Chicago for the winter an<$] will reopen their grocery store again, in the spring. Vernon J. Knox. Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATS Estate of Jacob Justen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 2, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of JACOB JUSTEN Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and thst claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CATHERINE FREUND, GEORGE R. JUSTEN, Executors. Dae. 4 - 11 - 18) Catting Flowers Don't rut flowers on windy days, for stems are likely to be low in moisture cdbtent which affects their keeping qualities. Mrs. Frank Wagner entertained the members of her club at her home on rhursday afternoon. Cards furnished ed the entertainment and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Selim Pierce, Mrs. Math Nimsgem and Mrs. Alfred Kattner received consolation. A lovely lunch was served following cards. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish held their regular meeting at the Gregory Kattner home on Wednesday night. Cards were played throughout the «vening and refreshments served. Members of the Women's Christian | association gathered st the home of Mrs. Alcie Wagner on Friday after, neon for a meeting and to spend s social afternoon. On Friday night Mrs. Schmeltses j was hostess to the members of her club. Pinochle was played and prize, winners were Mrs. Math Nimsgem,' Mrs. J. J. Freund and consolation went to Mrs. Albert Brits. Following cards a gift exchange was held after which lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. J. J. Freund returned to her home on Wednesday having spent Idle past month in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Rrolick, son. Gary, of Fox Lske spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers. Mrs. Harry.Zarnstorff visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pederson at McCollum Lake Saturday afternoon. She accompanied them to the home of Arthur Meyers in Chicago, Mrs. Meyers having passed away Friday evening. Mrs. Zarnstorff and the Pedersons also cslled st a hospital in Waukegan to visit Harry Zarnstorff. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howard of Kenosha, Mrs. Ed Hoffman, two sops and Mr. and Mrs. John Doetscfi of Wilqaette were visitors in til* Peter May home on Sunday. The Community club held their meeting at 8t. Peter's parish hall on Monday night Cards were played and refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wagner of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. John Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and children joined in a family reunion at the home of his mother. Mrs. M. J. Freund, in McHenry on Sunday. The occasion was in honor af Mrs. Preund's birthday. Henry Wsgner of McHenry was a dinner guest in the home, of his brother, Frank Wagner, on Tuesday. in; CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBUM W Leather fltaependers Combination Bin Folds Key 0*m Combinations Ladies' Belts Ladies ' Coin Purees Rubber Door Kats Open Bvery Day and Breniiif $1.00 to mM $1.75 to $2.78 30c 35c up $1.00 up Telephone 625-J-l • ¥A Tin ms--tsin peak en dw chart wprnsnu lot Chilrtmsi Call* from many petals wees five, sis --evea EIGHT dam miaul. 71U® CMBAMT CftriittHW vilf hui«r $M, Well da all we can to handle the rwh with every •'? < available drcak in ssr> vice sad hundreds ef extra epssatersea daty. Bat ne amount ef SI if, 41 :'-Xt Kfc systam to five thnss its fsr ane 4sy to the yesr. Oil la amy la fer long tWe hope yeaV l friendly spirit thai awves csQ st Christen^ mrrr an» ieummi cmmhv Need Rubber Stamps? Onlsr at Hm HIS year above ell, yen my, you want the ]Mhi give to be mttd-you want them to Lut... Well, here's the answer ... Give electrical gifts. Their worth W*U increase as months go by. . Now meet an old band at n» istmas fmag... be wM Sow you how to shop for long-lived electrical gifts. Caota Clans! -V - a -W*. M n. • -- w ^ v . • '^4 WeB, first thM£ %ent to spend for each gift. Make s list of your favorite --put a rough figure after each name--then come wt& Ae. WeH And dw right decaical gift to it each ftgun- >%* .:>Jf you plan to spend up to *2$ For people who take pride in serving snacks to their guests, y a toaster with tray snd service dishes is perfect... or yon can ^ give a complete electric roaster for this amount of money-- > something you'll be thanked for ss long as you liveL While we're thinking sbout the kitchen, don't forget that nothing % adds more fun to cooking thsn an electric mixer.. .end docs :S| - it ssve a lot of work! For someone you're particularly *n*»ous -rT-B't to plesse-a beautiful floor or table lamp will bring years of tW* f mM •m agggBSf SOLON MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geiser and sonr George, of Chicago spent the weekend, in their home at Solon. Mr. and Mrs. George Pester, Grayslake, visited the former's parents, Mr^ and Mrs. Jack Pester over the week* end. Weekend guests in the Henry Aubert home were Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue, Art Fenery, Vern Rodell and Fred Schreuder, all of Chicago. Miss Vivian Kilpatrick of Chicag& spent the weekend with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick. I Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Solon attend# ed Auxiliary meeting Wednesday af»? temoon at the home of Mrs. Keuper^ Genoa City, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick o|| Solon Mills were shoppers in Woody stock Monday. Arthur Merrell visited his wife afthe Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, on Friday. Reports are that she is much improved. Those from here to attend the Christmas party of the 1982 Worthy; Matron and Patrons ' club were Mr, If you plan to spend up to #5 your friend like to drink good coffee? The vscuum coffee maker you give will go on pouring out good brews fm years . . . snd of course, everybody likes sn electric clock fqg : his own room, as well ss other parts of the house... s pin-u|p wm f V ' your most important g». If you're an "unusual" giver, that wonderful new eUttric blanket is die gift you've been trying to think of.. . keeps people warm all night regardless of changing room temperatures, is light ss a feather. Costs $36.23 complete with transformer snd sdjustable thermostat control switch. It's ideal for bedroom, sleeping porch or college dormitory. f And for s really big Christmas, sn electric reftigeiaijbr, a : washer or sn electric sewing machine! I think an investment it the home shows a mighty smart bit of foresight this year. If yott plan to spend up to #10 Waffle irons last for years . .. you can get one that makejr twp waffles at s time, and stay in this price range! . .. Speak* ing of irons, the new flat irons are really something! They] fnake ironing so tasj . . . the right gift for any woman oe your list who keeps house ... or for a girl with a roon|/ at college . . . and don't forget--a handfftmf table lamn is ft H<^>e I've helped you fill out your Int. Until Hiiiwm gee . . Good-bye, and GopdShipping! For more suggestions, stop, in at yoor dealer's or Public Service store. Don't pot < . . . do i t now w h i t e s e l e c t i o n s are b e s t . a welcome gift. Electricity is Cheapt #3 or more ma} ce pufavoeu on dMivekkieM «**•* Ss?:.? .. .. * . 4 * ^ . " V * -if ^. S'.. JljJ ..fcj ,i - V<,A '* '! -kk •.' •' ^. ir&L« mm