19^-/;; X-Eay DJL L. B HURPKX DENTIST *" J fke Bona mm # m. to • p. a. fltml -- MfHwry," DL H0R8SS Horses, *3.00; 0owi, 14,00; Dead Ron and Sheep removed £mI MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 16M4C4 or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges Illinois tf- ^ " in 1942 Illinois is to htve ten new armories. The Federal government has approved a program calling for the conffcraetton of these buildings in Alton, Bloomington, East St. liouis, Galva, Joliet, Moline, Macomb, Sterling, Paris ano Springfield. The first three contract* will probacy he ready to let by Feb ruary 1. SI EES r Q l CHARLES LEONARD, Aactiooecr The undersigned having decided to quit farming will sell at Public Auction on the old Stanford farm, located 1V4 miles east of Volo and 3 miles west of Grayslake on roiite 120, on-- MONDAY, JANUARY 26 Beginning at 11:30 A.M., the fo$ lowing described property to-wit: 21 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 20 Head of Cattle--High testing and producing herd, 15 close springers, balance milking about 2 to S mos. 2 heifers, 11 to 18 mos. old. Pair of good work mares, wt. 1500 lbs. each. , N Grain and Machinery 400 bu- oats; 60 tons good hard ear serving crops such as hay land, which corn in crib; F-20 Farm a 11 tractor; consists of alfalfa, clover, sweet 14-in. 2-bottom P. & O. tractorjrioir* clover, timothy for hay or pasture, 8-ft. tractor disc; 5-ft. Massey-Harri# and oats pasture seeded " to grass mower; New Idea manure spreader; seed. Stay within the corn acreage 8-aection wood drag; John Deere side allotments and the difference between delivery rake; IHC hay loader, the allotment and cropland may be McCormick '/-ft. grain binder; IHC Farmers in McHenry county pledged ninety-^wie per cent strong to co-operate with the soil conservation and pro- ' duction adjustment features of the 1942 AAA farm program, on the basis j at preliminary reports from the I county AAA office. j Hie three committeemen from each , township conducted the sign-up with ' very much enthusiasm. This sign-up j campaign was Carried on for a month, ! ending on Dec. 1, 1941. However, as there is no deadline set to date, farmers may continue to sign up for the. 1942 farm program. j The program for 1942 asks farmer* to have twenty per cent of the crop- j land on their farms put into soil consown to grain for harvest. 10-in. feed mill; wood wheel wagon The 1945? program, compared with and ^ 200'ft- new W *>pe; new the results in 1941, promises an in- Lindsay Bros, hay fork; DeLaval w»*g- , creased sign-up. The final reportu>f Retic milking machine, double unit, i the 1941 sign-up shows that eighty- like new! new electric Dairy Maid hot five per cent of the farmers in Mc- heater; 2 wash tanks; 16 imik Henry county had signed up to re- cans- strainer and pails; set double ceive payment. Conserving the soil harness; several pieces of odd furniand adjusting production are the main forks, shovels and other articles reasons for the increased sign-op in too numerous to mention. 1942. i -- Lunch Wagon on Grounds -- ' j TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and j under, cash. Over that amount, a credit of six months at 7 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the Niw Bomber? A 10-pound bomb that will maike a hole a mile deep and 29 miles in diameter and wreck every bufldihg within a radius of 100 miles. That is the top "secret weapon" of the United States. So claims wellknown science writer John J. O'Neill. Why, a bomb like that would wreck the city of Berlin in one direct hit! Its origin is said to be due to the solving by United States scientists, of the problem of uranium 235. . clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. LOUIS BLASIUS Weot McHenry State Bank, Clerking Pass Each Other The hands of a clock past each other every 65 and five-eleventh minutes. t Each Reader' of . the SPlaindealer * .. • ••••tie;» • ' jtp TC""'*" ; "•Ufa •V WEBSTER1 GIANT ILLUSTRATED! DICTIONARY ratiSL* -•mu ;*v. 7 <' *} *' *•" -*< ^'*1 •y» *%¥.' 'fRHW'H ; • a6.: M i f p -5V 7;00; 8:80; 10:80. . . : 6:45} 840. gP^S Fits* FHday: 0:80; 8:00.'>- Confessions: Saturdays: 3 .-OO p nu and 7:00 p. m Thuwday before Pfa»t Friday. After Mass m Thursday, IM p.m and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, St Patrick's OatMie Gharch Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10Mb: Weahdays: 7^0. -4 Ftart Fridays: 7:80^.J ' " • On First Friday, Cemmu&m Ittstributed at 6:30, 7HW and befora and during the 7 JO ffan 4:00 to 5KI6 fkW* puid to 8:06 p. m mm TtUmy . Am !• 5<D % m. ittd 7s0n tr Stfll Bev. Wis. A. OTJourfr», paster. St. Jeha's Catholic Chmdi, Simdan: 8:00; IOMl Holy Days: 7:00 and ' Weefcdays: 8H)0. ; -• , ny: 840. / t-M a«d 7>M. . Thursday before First Friday : !Jt ^ aad 746. ; ^ liv. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Coaiawnlty Church Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. . Worship Service* 11:06 a. «K. . Junior League: 846 p.m. X^>worth League: 846 p. a. Bev. I, Heber Mffler, Bvangtriical Lntharaa Church Services--8 a. m. Sunday School--0:15 a.m. Voters' meeting, Wednesday evening, Jan. 21. Young People meet Tuesday evening, Jan. 26. Be*- Herman P. Meyer, St. Peter's CathoHc Church* Spvtag Gtwe Sundays: 8:00 and 1040. k •/ Holy Days: 6:80 and 6465*' Wedc<teys: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. i<:!~ Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Sunday before First FViday: t:86 . v and 7:15. John L. DalefafeB. Pastor. Yolo Community Bible Church Combined Service, 10:00 a. m. Bev. W. P. Rueckbeim, pastor. FIBS AUTO INSLLATTE '/SmtwmT •;T. •••f- - - MUBwrt "TSSNAB^AWR--I Bat* on Bead 6r«nl «jM*jr«Ag^.. Bkck imh A stsat . Iwii Bmwhi Qunrlea . . Pmbu* iWing aad Q*wfcg . MIwh# far B«nt. J. s. NXTT P.O.. TAMHo. «86 ItolTtl A Insurance ageats for aQ classes of property in the best compaiiles. WEST HcHBNBY . . ILLINOIS ; i r ? Dr. Jobn Dueey ^^nBUKM9UM 'iBibRSES, CATTLE. DOOS, CATS, ETC. -- Weeping Sidotess Yacdne -- fet Bichmoad 18 RUhmond. IK Charlie's Repar Shop fSfB Palntiaf I ' " Tnwk Littcriii| 1 Fnrnitor* Pphototwiiif and CHARLES RXSTXSEL McHENRY OARAGE Electric aad Acetylene Welding. General Bepairing. Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. SI -- John A Front Sts. Phone 97-J or 151-M Hick P. Miller >'* V,- M: JHUMB-INDEXED AUTHENTIC • ILLUSTRATED UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Here is the Dictionary you have always wanted-* large, complete, authentic, and best of \)\-*p-to-d*tt! Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary contains 65,000 entries... covers every word you're likely to hear or read--including all the brand new words like Anschluss* Blitzkrieg, Theelol, Allergen. It is profusely illustrated ...thumb-indexed for ready reference. Its fact-filled fages include 70 pages of EXTRA Supplementary nforqiation, such as Dictionaries of Synonyms and Antonyms, Commerce and Law, Musical Terms, Medi* f ^cal Words^ American Slang, and many others. And •this magnificent new Dictionary can now be yours--at I a price so low--for such an all-inclusive work--that it is practically a gift! As a reader of this paper, you are 1 entitled to a copy of Webster's Giant Illustrated Die* ^ttionary for only 98c! IDEAL fOR HOME/ SCHOOL AND OFFICE f' Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary deserves an honored place in your home, where it will always be ready to give you authoritative information on any subject under th^ sun. Itk simple, clear definitions make it fit ideal Dictionary for the use of * children of school age. On your office desk, it will make you the authority--the one ,'i who knows! And the one who knows is the one who advances! For the sake of your future ... for the sake of your family ... you ntod this magnificent Dictionary. D#n*t Miss this amazing opportunity! Get your copy today! SUPERB DE LUXE EDITION • ' **• • {Pictmrtd Above} '• t , h specially bound Florentine De Luxe Edition is available for those who appreciate iner This edition, which can be yours for only a slightly higher gift price has a tooled antique ivory binding, richly embossed in high relief--a volume of truly 7it*y- . Be sure to see it when you redeem your coupons. waMVBU L-o buU We pay $8 to $15 for Old or Injured Howes or Oqws Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg • Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 866-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSBS A CATTLE - We pay phans charges. vicHENRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 80S-R4 -- Om Mite South of McHttry on Rout* SI. Flowers for all ooobmis! ^ • - v* $ *4' •jr. , -t>o- >»* '* t? . *J "'n< ' i".rr, yw • J:';; r^,r •; M ' - ' V '-J-:- - > HALF ACTUAL SIZE * OVER TOO PAGES • 65,000 ENTRIES* PAGES OF EXTRA SUPPLEMENTS CliF IT NOW >4" * S. H. Freond & Son CONTRACTORS AMD BU1LDJBRS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Year Wants. Phone 56-W ^ b>t. tHf: *• • Wrtf* \.*r\ *\/3(A ^ '3'. h'.Kt"" - • -t, -4. •; ^ ft Of. ' *ys, 1 A. P. Freond G«.:. Tracing, Hydraulie and Crane Service, v Road Bnfldinf-- . MeHeux Ph«pe 48 Fries J. HM „ ^ ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW S-- OFFICE flovms - Taesdays aud Fridays Other Days by AppaiatMst • H•a i'" ir-> $ • r iir M , J?**! • PHONE IS X-Eay Ben lea DR. J. E. SAYLER DBNTI8T •Clce Hears MS and 1-8 Eventuga by AppslutBirut Tbaisdsjs ttflT Maia Street : W, • •• PHALIN ^•pwnt SINCLAIR K Gas, OBs and Greassa* Cer. Routes 51 and 1M -- McHenry ?•* ' -^? :i .'Ttl - "f- \\ {-yr r Boms Wanted I B U Y #M aad Disabled Eeraea. - --- Pay from 88 to $14. --* ABTH1JR W. WEEBEACK mo 844 489 E. OahM St. DL .T£m -t*.. Br. Paul 4 Schwabe McHearylSt-i Woodstock 874 A. E Nye RUg. West MeBeaey OPTOMBIERrr THURSDAY H0BlfM9 BY AFMHtlfElIT OlflLY - i . :Ur< iMcHENRY TOWN CLUB Riverside Drive and Pearl Street Mixed Drinks of All Kinds -*-** PRRSH --OYSTERS --PRITO Ofaicken and Steak Dinners Served to take WUHimry "S%i '•it-" *A. » t .*-!*. ,ik* Winter Troubles With your car or track? If so, drive In now at ovr weHeqnipped garafe. Beat of mechanic* eso only the higfiet grade materials. We can locate the trevble and do a fine Job at * moderate price. * ^ CENTRAL PARAGE FRKDJ. SMITH. Prop. % -1 *$" ill