Society rJotes Farewell flirty . About fifty friends and relatives were present at the Ben Justen home )Mt Sunday at a farewell party in their honor. The Justen family is moving this week from their farm home north of town to a newly constructed home on Richmond road. Cards furnished entertainment for the evening, with prizes being merited by Mrs. Leo Hiller, Mrs. Elmer Justen, Mrs. Catherine Rauen and Mrs. Ben Freund. y An appetizing lunch was served at the conclusion of the party. Mr. and Mre. Justen received a beautiful gift s;:v "itiii* theifc^riendii. ;'«"***• I IT'S SOMETHING ' 'YOU DIDN7IAT! VES, it's tnsc that mdSy disonkr » may result from aat * earing. And the "well-fed" *rr often sufferers. In periods of - stress and strain, we may require more vitamins than the average diet will supply. In such'cases, Physicians make up this vita mm d&ciency by prescribing vitamins in amrentr*t*d form. Vitamins should not be taken promiscuously. Consult your Physician. His diagnosis will determine the vitamins you need. And, when you have bis prescription, bring it here to be filled with those ever dependable Abbott Vitamin Products. Bolger's Drug Store Street McHenry |y|j| The Sun Is Just Around the Corneif So £et all sit trow for what you may need for thi& spring. That means, first of all . . . Garden Tools That's where we shine, too, with the old reliable . . . TRUE TEMPER BRAND none better and the price is right! . Or, maybe ^itV « print job this year. Oh, boy, that's where we shine again, with ^"vr- #4; LINE We dorf*t heed to elaborate on that--the name is enough. v;* ' ...W» Waat to Serve ./fW aadtoagal* aaj < •CT DEFEN8B-STAMP8 aad BONDS! NICKELS' Hardware Phone 2 West McHenry given Mrs. Ben Young and Mrs. Geo. Wagner of Chicago. A delicious lunca concluded a pleasant evening. Harvey will leave on March 2 for induction into the, army alone with several others from this community. • • • P.-T. A. At the regular meeting of the P. T. A. next Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, county superintendent of schools, will be guest speaker. It is hoped that a large crowd will attend, s . f ' 'IP Celebrate Anniversary Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will celebrate its thirty-first anniversary on Tuesday, March 3. A six o'clock potluck supper will be served at the K. of C. hall. All charter members will be guests of the evening. Birthday P^fff . . A party given by the McCullom Announce Bigagement . Lake Birthday club was held Wednesand Mrs. Fred Strahl of Mic- jay jn honor of the birthday of Mrs. Henry announce the engagement of Tesg Among thoge who en. their daughter, Miss Catherine Mc- i joyed a pleasant afternoon were Mrs. Carthy, to Private John Leighton Hugh Murphy, Mrs. Harry Durland Nobe, son of Mr and Mrs George and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of Mc- Noble of Woodstock. Private Noble jjenry> is now stationed at Chanute Field, • . * • « • Rantoul 111. No date has been set for Afternoon Bridge ew ing. w # ^ j The Afternoon Bridge club met with East Rivernoad Pinochle ! Mrs- J" Miller on Tuesday after- The East River Road Pinochle club High honors were won by Mrs. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Freund fowa^ Wattles Mrs Caroline Jus* last Thursday afternoon, Feb. 19. Mrs. ten, Mrs. Jos. J Miller, Mrs. Pete Albert Vales and Mrs. Ellsworth Shoe- *!! ®°8e . ,re}Vn^- maker received high honors for the , afternoon's play. A tasty lunch was 1 ®n March 10. Bnfeid Marrie® Chicago Man Feb. 14 Hie many friends of Miss Olga Brefeld were interested to learn of her marriage on Feb. 14 in Chicago. Miss Brefeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brefeld of this city, was # 70 GO-OPERATE IN fV DEPENBE SETUP Attorney C. Russell Allen, Cary, a member of the volunteer speakers' bureau of Illinois at the request of .... lL „ „ _ , Governor Dwight H. Green has been united m marriage with Mr. Hany E. I ked k at various theatres in Carpenter, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Wm. thfi count hel acquaint ^ ^ E. Carpenter of Chicago, at a five tho f * served by the hostess at the close of the party. The next meeting of the Club will be on March 5 at the home df Mrs. Albert Vales. • • • Pinochle Club ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gies entertained members of their Pinochle club last Saturday evening. Six games were blayed, with prizes being merited by Peter Gies and Mrs. Alex Justen. An appetizing lunch was served at th« close of the evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. S^nd Mis. Alex Justen on March 7. • • „ • • • Five Hundred Club Mrs. John Herdrich entertained the members of her Five Hundred club at her home on Green street last Thursday. Mrs. Art Stilling, Mrs. John Herdrich, Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz and Mrs. Leo Smith were prize winners. The next meeting of the club will be on March 8 at the home of Urs. Lena Guercio. . . . | c. D; of A. Book Next Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 the newly formed Book club will meet in the library of St. Mary - St. Patrick school. Two books will be reviewed. "Keys to the Kingdom," by Cronin will be reviewed by Mrs. Harry Durland and Miss Caroline Bauer and "The Man Who Got Even With God" will be reviewed by Mrs. -Clarencc Anglese and Mrs. John Bolger. I • * • Birthday Celebration Robert Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, observed his fourth birthday last Saturday at his home in Woodstock. Eight friends were in attendance to enjoy an afternoon spent in playing games. Robert's grandmother, Mrs. William Staines, and his aunt, Mrs. Joe Glosson, both of McHenry, assisted in serving the lovely lunch at the clos,; of the party. • » . Birthday Celebration M*s. Dave Payne was pleasantly surprised last Sunday on the occasion o'clock ceremony performed at Our Lady of Mount C arm el church. The bride was attractive in a turquoise blue dress and hat, and wore a corsage of gardenias and roses. Miss Mary Brefeld, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, attired in a gold dress and hat and wearing talisman roses. Charles Kearns of Chicago served with the need for aroused activity' on behalf of our country. Attorney Allen spoke twice at the Miller theatre at Woodstock Sunday, through the courtesy of the management of the theatre. In parts he said: "A word of caution is necessary. In America today there is one danger against which we must guard and that is the criticism leveled at every effort to prepare for a threatened eventual- ^ ' ' « ALLEN Republican Candidate for State Representative ^ Assistan Efefctk S«Uid District • u PRIMARIES, APRIL 14TH, IMS s Attorney, 1930 to 1936 - Endorsed by the L. V, L. in 1940 - Practicing Attorney at Law 13 years. % , ,rV g •» USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS McHenry Community High school in 1983 and since that time has been employed in Field's store in Chicago*. The groom is an employee of the John Sexton Co. The young couple is now at home at- 637 Patterson avenue, Chicago. the groom as best man. ity. Whether the criticism is sincere Mrs. Carpenter graduated from the or dubious_at this critical point in our existence--such criticism may be harmful. Never let criticism of our defense effort act as a smoke screen to hide the importance to your civilian defense. "It is not my object to scare you. No one is interested in creating a state of panic. In fact, every phase of Civilian Defense is planned to avoid that very thing but we must be stern realists now. Our greatest safety lies in that direction and toward that end your part in Civilian Defense is important. 0 "Modern war is no respector of persons: No city, town pr countryside is Non-combatants, therefore, are no longer protected by customs, rules or in ternahirtha I 11 IMMItM Mr. and Mrs. John Downs are the proud parents of a daughter born at the Woodstock hospital last Friday m A Lby daughter was welcomed into the^a8r8rre880r the Leo Rothermel family last week. The Rothermels, who formerly lived in ... , .. . ., McHenry, now reside near Solon V.?"®!1**:...?!0 fa* The reguUr meeting of the C. D.«f o£ her seventieth birthday. Those A. will be held next Thuwday even- preSent to enjoy the day with her ing, March 5. Following the business were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanberg portion of the program, Rev. Paul and Mrs. Wm. Hjerpe and son, Billy, Tuchhnsky will present a lenten ser- 0f Gary, Iijd., and Miss Irene Payne mon before the group. It is hoped by cf Chicago. the officers that members will be pres- A lovely lunch was served in the ent promptly at eight o'clock in order afternoon, with a beautifully decorated to finish the business meeting quickly, birthday cake as the center of attrac- • " * * Card Party Tournament J ? • . . On Thursday evening, Feb. 19, the] ^ S. C. 8. C. b. of A. held their fourth card of women who at_ party in the current series. As usual, tended the regular monthly meeting theparty was held m the K. of C. halL of the W. S. C. S. at the home of Mrs. Prizes were awarded Miss Bertha George Johnson last Thursday, thor- Schiessle and Mrs. Margaret Simon in oughly enjoyed the interesting talk bridge, Miss Laura Weber and Mrs Celia Winkel in pinochle, and Miss Eleanor Kinsala in contract bridge. The fifth and last party will be held cm March 19. • • • ' Johnston rg Ceamunltjr Club The regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will occur as usual on the first Tuesday of the month. Matters of great importance to the community will be recommended by committees for action. We are encouraged by Mr. Mosher of The McHenry Plaindealer, who will' boost our progress for a bigger and better Johnsburg. A large attendance is anticipated You anTWlcome. Don't forget the night, Tuesday, March 3. The Committee. given by Miss Wang. Besides discussing China itself, she brought along many articles from her native land. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Cora Bassett, Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones, o'clock, they served a tasty luncheon, o'clock, thy served a tasty luncheon. Mrs. Heber Miller led the devotions. The next meeting will be on March 19, at which time Mrs. Zion will give a book review. Mills. MARRIAGE LICENSES 7 Dunham S. Brinkman, Hamilton* Ohio, to Shirley M. Woleben, Union. Earl S. Payne, Chicago, to Margery F. Ewing, Chicago. William Schubert, Crystal Lake, to ~ ~1"5" .J pomie«I J Laura M. Bliss, Crystal Lake. i Governor Green said recently that Henry M. Fisk, Marengo, to Mabel Amundson, Marengo. Albert A. Durr, Algonquin, to Mary Clinton, DesPlaines. 'Fishing Prog* The "fishing frog," an animal that •atually fishes for its food with line and bait, is not a frog at all. It isf a fish with a brilliantly ornamented and forked antenna, or filament, on top of Us head. It hides in the rruddy bottom of the sea, waves the shiny antenna to attract small fish and gobbles them when they venture too dose. ° Nickel Worth Cent Aa • metal, each United States five-cent piece is worth only one cent. Nickels are made of an alloy of copper and nickel. our protection is to take the attitude of the ostrich with his head in the sand. It is difficult to change from peace time to war time in production as well as in morale, but that change must be made quickly." Defense No Gamble Attorney Allen pointed out that our government cannot and will not gamble wifh the safety of the peojjle. He said that the people are responsible for carrying out the purposes of Civilian Defense. That the people must co-operate with our officials in seeing that every assigned task is fulfilled. Mr. Allen said the peopls are required to help educate each other. This means training the necessary number of civilian air wardens and volunteer auxiliary forces and the best way to get the necessary instruction is to go to the local commietee of Civilian Defense. They will know how you best fit into the plans and the methods to be employed for meeting the vital emergency. Attorney Allen, a very fine speaker, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for one of the three legislative posts in this district. Days lost from work ar£ an extravagance in war time. Guard" against the fifth- column of illness by enlisting the aid of these health defenders in guarding the health and comfort of your family. They should be in every home. Check your supplies today, then fill your needs at these low sale prices and get the maximum quality at the minimum cost. CORN PLASTER, Blue-Jay TAMP AX, 4 months' supply .. POND'S COLD CREAM, tergtt ABBOTT'S HALIVER CAPSULES, 100. HINDS' LOTION, 50c bottle WOODBURY CREAM DEAL, $1.00 value TEK TOOTH BRUSH //;, 100 ASPIRINS CASTORIA, reg. 40c 234 984 59 4 .$1.49 254 504 294 394 314 Htta THOMAS P. BOLGER IB, THE MCHENRY DRUGGIST PHONE 4 - 0 . MEHENRY. ILL 2.V f • 1 Ptoat Nuptial Shower Mrs. Fred Wahl, Jr., was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given ... _ „ . last Friday evening at the home of J«>hnsburg Community dub -- »*<> -- COMING EVENTS February 26 Evening Bridge -- Mrs. Ben lfiller. February 17 SM Gmu -- St. Mary - St. Fatrkfcj School. Fefcraary SI High School Instrumental and Vocal. Solo Contest -- DeKalb. March 3 No Buttons to Battle in on Brothers men elimi note button trouble. With? W*It Waistband and •®canle«s S uper \ McGee's Steve fer C.r. eea Street v McHenry Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. About twentyfour friends were present to honor the bride of three weeks ago, who was before her" mariage, Miss Louise Stilling. Cards f u r n i s h e d e n t e r t a i n m e n t throughout the evening, with prizes in contract bridge being merited by Mrs. Harry Durland and Mrs. C. C. Hoyt and pinochle prize by Mrs. Minnie Schueneman. Consolation prise was given Mrs. Henry Smith. Mrs. Wahl was tbe racipi^t 4 many lovely gifts. " v ~ « *• -e Fiftieth Anniversary Last Sunday, Feb. 22, the first day of 1942 to show evidence that spring was not far away, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin celebrated the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Following a dinner for the family at iNiesen's Cafe, open house was held throughout the afternoon and evening, •with several hundred friends and relatives calling to congratulate the bride and groom of fifty years ago. Among out-of-town guests who called during the day were Anna Clare Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callahan, Harriet Boger, Anne Cahill, Mr and Mrs. W. T. Mshoney and Rose Feffer of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Green and son, Mrs. John Bolger and daughter, Mercedes, and W. P. Woodburn, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Woll, Winnetka; Mr and Mrs. Clarence Whiting and Donald Bolger, Elgin; Mary Lou Sibils, Mrs. Helen Foley Carr and Jennie Foley of Cleveland; Mrs. Mary Foley of North Olmsted, Ohio; Mrs. Bridget Feffer and daughter, Julia, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Knox, Crystal Lake Rev. P. H. Masterson, Miss Irene Stallings and Miss Nell Barrett, Staunton, IU.; Dr. and Mrs. James Callahan of Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs E. R. O'Connell, Mundelein; Evelyn White, Watseka, and Arnold Rauen of Savannah. • *, • ^t; . - Farewell Pailjjr Harvey Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mike Freund, was guest of honor at a farewell party held in his honor last Saturday evening at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Hiller in Johns burg. Members of the Hiller Con struction Co., where Mr. Freund is employed, were present in addition to other friends and relatives, Cards provided entertainment for the evening. In pinochle prizes were won by Miss Catherine Freund of Chi cago, Mrs. Mike Freund and Mrs. Joe Miller; in five hundred awards were Community Hall. Five Hundred Club -- Mrs. Less Guercio. Pot-Luck Supper ~ Riverview Camp, B.N.A. -- 6:30. March 4 P.-T. A. -- Regular Meetiag. Book Club -- St. Mary ~ St School Library -- 1:3fc March & Contract Bridge -- Mrs. C. C. Hoyt. Five Hundred Ctab -- Mrs. William Justen. Business Meeting -- C. D. of A. East River Road Pinochle -- Mrs. Albert Vales. March C Circle I -- W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Bay March 7 Pinochle Club -- Alex Justen Home; March It Afternoon Bridge -- Mrs. Mary Freund. jjfiJli «• *' Mothers Club. March 17 Pot-Luck Supper -- St. Patrick's Hall -- 6:30 -- Sponsored by Altar A Rosary Sodality. March 19. Card Party Tournament -- Sponsored by C. D. of A. W. S. C. S. -- Regular Meeting «--• Book Review -- Mrs. Zion Bakes. March 29 Second Annual Concert -- McHenr) Choral Club--High School. April 12 Supper and Bingo Party --"St. Mary • St. Patrick School Hall -- Sponsor* ed by Christian Mothers. April 16 Annual Birthday Party -- W. 8. C. S. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Worship service at 9:30 a. m. Ser mon subject, "Preparation for Evangelism." The time of service is early for those on a dairy farm, but there is a real blessing in store for those who make the effort and attend. Sunday School at x0:30 a. m. Mr. Paul Walkington, superintendent. •, Parents, one hour a week is very little time to give to your children in order to encourage them in the Christian life. Come and bring th^ childrso. . R. J. L. McKELVEY, Minister. CHURCH NOTES The Ladies' Aid of the Zion Evan* gelica! Lutheran church will meet thif (Thursday) night at the home of Mrs Paul Patzke. > Come in Now for a FREE Inspection by Authorized Factory-Trained Mechanics that Will Show Cxactly what Attention YOUR Our Needs• V novrt YOUR CUITCH ACTION Y Did ym hmm tk* m timtd, tkmt * Mt *p*rmtimg pnptrfy emu ntmit Is t---rapid Jtfr# mtmrf That's MM yWH: sprtmg t*rvici»tf0siut rr AM YOU* WHKIS IN UNIT MtaUgmad fnmt MfMfrl tin* mpidly bat wtmj imtcrfir* with frtptr cm* vmtfi Omatf* IpfafW « bttUr f chad m0aajim **r» WANT tONOW mi imv Wkaa twitching tint, d» y» nmtmiw Iks tpant If yarn 'U tat at switch yamr tirts, marking tht span <• what* it tarn hatt h* astd, aaak Mr# ami rf tht jIn yaa haa* mitt ha am Ik* nad aaly faar-fiftha at math at mtmaL Nat ntmit: Lamgar Hfafram tha tame fall stt. TICK - AND- A -PROMISE JL/1w w<o n't do this year, mister! You've got something more important to think about than just changing oil and grease -- you've got a whole car that will have to see you through the duration, and you can't afford to overlook any part of it. That's why Buick spring service is tailored to your own particular car* We change oil and grease in the regular way, of course -- we check batteries, cooling systems, wheel alignment and other routine matters. Your Whole car lasts longer when it is con- •OOO tRAKKS MIAN SAHTY PtUI Brahat amgkt ta ha haft 4» pnpti adjustment far aafaty rtatamt altrnt Bytmd that, kmft* that an "•at" tarn alaa rmah ha iiiiiwsrifr maramadlira amm. Far hast malt*, iat Bwith atam afmat yamr Bmtth hrahaa ta Ml specialists do the job. So we write your spring conditioning ticket to f i t your cars needs -- not to make up a ready-made "package" according to average requirements. , The cost is no higher than for a comparably good job anywhere else. It's actually lower in the long run, because it pays to have ft job done right. Drop in for a FREB check-up by our authorized factory-trained mechanics and let; us detail the service your car should have i&is spring. $ 1^ ! - il Better Buy Buick SERVICE Ask About Our C. Y.C (Conserve Your Car) Plan t % I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front St., W. McHenry 216 N. Main St., Crystal Lake -A