Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1942, p. 4

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^ * «* s <> ' ^ \ 1 V'» - ^ i: WMI/' *?:••*&> V ^t'Si 'Mm mm PUUMHEILER Published every Thursday at M©» ienry, M-> by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter it the postoffice at McHenry, IUn under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Bix Months $2.00 $1.00 r g f , Blind and Deaf Radio Operator Beats Obstacles Aggravating Gas ilfowDniMNt. A D L E R I K A Tkoaias P. Bolder, Draffiat Colony : McHenry, IUivois aiming-' FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Doug Fairbanks, Jr. - Ruth Warrick "CORSICAN BROTHERS" Also -- Cartoon and Novelty SUNDAY -- MONDAY £ -- double tall -- Dw Aaseche - Joan Bennett "CONFIRM OR DENY" Henry Fonda - Barbara Stanwyck "YOU BELONG TO ME" Also -- World News Sunday Matinee -- 2:45 Continuous TUESDAY -- Adults 22c ^ " Jefrey Lynn - Jane Wyman "THE BODY I / DISAPPEARS" Abe Comedies WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "KATHLEEN" The Beautiful l<:iT«VAI! •fl CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT. -- March 27 • 28 Iter Pidgeon - Maureen O'Hara *• HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY* SUN. C MON. - TUBS. Harass • 30 - SI Sunday Continuous from 2:45 p.m. ^ Tyrone Power Ja y "SON OF FURY" -- with -- G«vt Harney - Roddy itcDowall * Also -- Cartoon and News WED. & THURS. -- April 1 - 2 Victor McL&glen - Dennis 0*Keefe "BROADWAY LIMITED" with Patsy Kelly jind Zasu Pitts Also -- t March of Time -- The New DeLuxe -- Miller Theatre Friday and Saturday. March 27 • 28 Gene Autrv in DOWN MEXICO WAY' Shirlev Temple in "KATHLEEN" Sun. • Mon. -- March 29 - 30 Oont. Sun. from 2 p. m. Tropical Fury in a Paradise of ! IE NWn SDK 11I1MI -- SPECIAL -- Tuea. - Wed. - Thur. - Fri. March 31 - April 1-2-3 The Academy Award Hit of the Year! -- No Advance in Prictt ; wm First Man So Handicapped To Get License 'Hears* Code V i b r a t i o n J NEW YORK^-Leo Sadowsky, 21. who recentiy received a license as an amateur radio operator from the Federal Communications commission, although he is blind and a deaf mute, told through an interpreter how he achieved his ambition. Mr. Sadowsky, interested in radio since he wgs a child, began studying to be an operator five years ago. A few weeks ago he passed the examination and became the first blind deaf mote licensed amateur radio operator in history. Mr. Sadowsky was born deaf, and -has never learned to speak. When he was almost two years old, he was playing with a salt shaker which fell to the floor and broke. A piece of glass struck the pupil of his left eye, making it useless. As he became older, the right eye, overtaxed, weakened, and at the age of 16 he became totally blind. Teacher Discourages. Five years ago, when he began study at the Institute for the Education of the Blind, his teacher, Robert Gundersoh, tried to discourage him from radio work*' saying that the subject would be almost impossible for a deaf person to master. He turned Mr. Sadowsky out of the class five or six times, but the youth refused to be dissuaded and his persistence eventually won Mr. Gunderson tp his side. Radio code signals were taught to him by means of a buzzer, on which he could lay his hand and feel a vibration when Mr. Gunderson rang a bell. Next, Mr. Gunderson, who is also blind, prepared a special course for him in Braille characters. La&r he learned to receive short wave signals through a switch attachment which received radio signals and cut them from a frequency of 2,000 to 3,000 cycles a second to 200 cycles or less. The lower frequency caused a vibration which he could feel through his hands. When he was ready to take his examination, a new difficulty pame up. Government regulations' state that short wave signals must be transmitted through earphones! It is difficult for Mr. Sadowsky to feel vibrations through earphones but he learned to do even this by a switch which received <the signal and then relayed it by sending a 60-cycle current through the earphones. gleans Much to Him. The fact that he is now a licensed amateur radio operator means much to Mr. Sadowsky. Until now he has been able to communicate only with the limited number of persons who can use the touch system of spelling out words by tapping their fingers on his palm. His own FOR SALE FOR SALE--Grandview Baby Chicks at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 45 FOR SALE--Gold Medal Pi? Meal and Gold Seal 40% Hog Balancer at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 46 rooms, kitchens, business places; and beautiful Marlite in assorted colors for kitchens and bathroom walls; also commercial buildings. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, III Phone 131. 42-tf RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING-- Specializing in twist-pile carpets and rugs. A. G. Mathews, 3836 Palmer St., Chicago. Phone Buckingham 5600. 44-2 DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls "afrid ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE--Alfalfa, fll.85; Clover, $9.00; Blue Tag Ed#edro«p Hybrid Corn, $2.65; all per bushel. Also manj other bargains. Postal card us today for catalogue and samples. Hall Roberts' Son. Postville, Iowa. 42-4 FOR SALE--Progress, Sturgeon and Marquis Seed Wheat at 4he Fan Mill. Phone 29. armers 45 FOR SALE--Five - room year - round house, all improvements; double garage; located in Woodlawn Park. Write Box "O," care Plaindealer. 43-tf *1.00 to $15.00 Oath . Cows - Horses - Hogs " < • • N© help needed for loadingf / Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Whetfiagl02--Reverse Charge# GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round, route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. j 7:30 p. m., for all meetings. RINGWOOD MWTHODIST CtftHtdH Worship service at the Rttupvood Methodist church, 9:30 a. m. Subject, "The Triumphal Entry." Special music for this occasion. We extend a hearty invitation to every 'one not worshiping elsewhere to enjoy this service with us. Sunday school at the Ringwod Methodist church, 10:30 a. m. Paul Walkington, superintendent. The program of religious training in the U. S. A. is to have every individual in the fellowship of some church. Pre-Easter Services Services at the Ringwood Methodist church March 23 until March 27 inclusive, 7:30 p. m. The community is invited to these services. •Beginning Monday, March 30, there will be a series of Farm Fellowship meetings throughout the parish. TheSe will be informal, with an opportunity to meet and greet your neighbor. This is a preparation for Easter, the time "Except ye eat the flesh of the Soit of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you." Easter Sunday morning services at the Ringwood Methodist church. 9:30 a.m. Sermon, "The Easter Story." Baptism and reception of members alr€ this service. » R.J.-i«. McKELVEY, Minister. Mrs. Paul Yanda and Miss Ann* Frisby were Elgin callers Wednesday. Smith. Phone 866 or 631-M-l. 114* FOR SALE---Wisconsin 38 seed barley, $1.10 bu., from new seed two years ago;, Vanguard rust-proof seed oats, 75c bu., from new seed last year; Soy beans, laboratory tested, with high germination, cleaned of foul. FranH Ehredt, Round Lake, 111. Phone 2223. 44-2 FOR SALE--Cottage, in McHenry; 4 rooms and bath. Reasonable. Address Box "F,M care McHenry Plaindealer. 44-tf FOR SALE--A carload of Red Top Steel Posts, Woven Wire and Barb Wire at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 45 FOR SALE -- McCormick - Deering power unit; 20 horsepower; excellent condition. McHenry Flour Mills. 44-tf limay' Ffom 4Lime-Jeicer'.v "Li^ney," as a nickname fcr an Englishman, is an abbreviation of "lime-juicer," former term for a British ship or sailor. It is rooted in 1 fact that lime juice was served as a rich source of vitamin C in the days when "vitamins" were practically unknown. It was long served to sailors on British ships at sea in order to prevent scurvy. Nickname "lime-juicer" was used of British ships before 1880 but ecame obsolete and in this century was replaced by slang word "limey." RUPTURED? a DWDuiMtd bwom* You or* no. Ik* pioptt support and comlort: Alt on of tboM unfortunate* who Acn patUatiy triad all typM ot only »•- Kd DM* m bo r«li»t. tailing loi th« «Ub Mfril ord«r ads. or tb« lo-calltd oat 01 t®wn exports, spoadiqq lt»»W roui Hm» aad •oan mUt to suitor oroator disUIualoamontf Monday, March 30 -- Howard Walkington home. Subject, "Repentance." Tuesday, March 81 -- Earl Barnard home. Subject, ""Forgiveness." Wednesday, April 1 -- Earl Mecklenburg home. Subject, "Salvation." Thursday, April 2 -- Russell Beard home. Subject, "Church Fellowship." Union Sacramental service at the Ringwood Methodist church Friday. April 3, 7:30 p. m. This will be the Good Friday service for the entire parish. Do not miss this service if at all possible. John 6:53, Jesus said, Riverside Driv» (Formerly Niesen's Cafe, operated by Mrs. Eva Ouinto a* a partnership. Mrs. Eva Ouinto now sole owner.) CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY i : - • . jfvV • a; will Cater to Card Parties'and Banauu„ .v.. - ^ Italian Dinners on short notice t V , " Strictly Home Cooking 1 \ VWatchMt i>'" Will Op«n for Grand Opening Business on April 1 (Political Advertisement) OitOB wo oMfco*wo«M tor rollot only to ___ . . , Bad a b o t t o i s o r » - FOR SALE--5-room house, modern, ico oxfets to ou> Lot 66x197 ft. Garage, chicken house i and large chicken yard. Ed Mischke, j Center St., West McHenry. Phone' 107-W. 44-4 com. oxporioac* are at youi ia anc binod throuah auu, FOR SALE--Piano bargain. Small upright mahogany piano stored in private home at Woodstock. For sale reasonable. Write or phone: Cable Piano Co., Elgin, 111. *44-2 ion , dispopm .. turt tho iaiiiou* lino o Non '.Vii Trussos. AbdoaUr Supcortafa, MUuil' Hooiory. Shouldoi Imcm, olc. . Bolger's Drug Store Plume 40 Green Street Curly' STEVENS J .v.- <-• I-?--;" :.-,T Richmond, Illinois REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER OF McHENRY COUNTY Served 8 years as Alderman and 8 years as Mayor of fcichmond and now on Third Term of 4 years each as Supervisor of Richmond Township. AN EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE OFFICIAL He Will Appreciate Your Vote and Support FOR SALE--30 ft. silage; about 30 ton com; 200 bu. beans. Wm. Vandenboom, Round Lake, 111. Tel. Round Lake 2138. *44-2 FOR SALE--Sixteen White Muscovy Ducks. C. J. Bender, Front St., West McHenry. Telephone McHenry 58-W. 45 FOR SALE--Colored Baby Chicks for Easter. ^cHenry Flour Mill.. 45-2 Be sure the ^ 'reach your family table FOR SALE---Girl's bicycle, like new. Tom Hardy Place, McCullom Lake. •45 l-t r-4*f-'J«?'./• home radio set, which will soon be ^OB SALE--Red Boar Pig, 18 taw. old, wt. 200 lbs. Ernest Walter, 1 mile south of Lily Lake. *45 installed, will put him in touch with some 60,000 amateur operators all over the country. His station number is W20FU. Other amateur operators have sent him their numbers, asking that he tune in and get sccjvainted. Through use of the Morse code he will have a wider contact with the outside world than he has ever known. His present ambition is to perfect some method of making it easier for other deaf-mutes to use radio sets. 19BBH xrlRIlET How R.A.F. Saved Legless Ace in 20,000 Foot Jump LONDON. -- Calling the episode the "most dramatic five minutes of the war," the Daily Express told how the Spitfire planes of legless R.A.F. Wing Commander Douglas R. Bader's squadron covered that ace's 20,000 foot parachute jui ip over German territory last mohth. Bader told his squadron he must leave his plane and his second in command promptly gave the order to "see him safely to the grpund, nothing else matters." "So as he floated down, the Spitfires spiralled around him in a protective coil, their circles ever shifting as he drifted with the wind lower and lower until he had only a few hundred fert to go," the paper said. "They watched him come to earth. They could do no more." By agreement with the Germans, who captured Bader, the R.A.F. dropped another artificial leg to replace the one he damaged in the parachute landing. FOR SALE--iBaled Corn Stalks and Hay. Stephen N. Schmitt. Tel. McHenry 630-J-l. *45 FOR SAL£--Reconditioned Sewing Machines, $7.50 and up ; Console Electric Radios, $5 and $10; Elgin and Waltham Pocket and Wrist Watches at $3.50, $5., etc. Nye Jewelry & Music Shop, West McHenry. 45 FOR SALE--50 tons Alfalfa, baled. Also set of work harness. Anthony Wegener, R-2, McHenry. Tel. 680- J-2. 45 FOR 8ALE -- Real good Feeding Wheat at $1.80 per 100 lbs. at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 45 FOR SALE -- International 1%-ton truck; very fine condition; good rubber. Brandenburg Farms, Ingleside, 111. Tel. McHenry 632-J-l. 45 FOR SALE--Mukden Soy Beans, early yellow, for seed, $2. per bu. Bring your own containers. Brandenburg Farms, Ingleside, 111. TeL McHenry 632-J-l. 46 FOR SALE--800 two-week-old Chicks, White Leghorns, White Ro^ts and Austra Whites. These are all Post's Hatchery Chicks and are /-very fine chicks. McHenry Flour Mais. 45 FOR SALE--One set Breeching Harness, nearly new. John R. Freund, shoe and harness repair shop. Green Street, McHenry. *45 Youth, 14, H^fo, Saves Five Girls From Drowning OGDEN, UTAH.--Fourteen-yearold Lynn Stoddard of Riverdale, Utah, probably is in line for a lifesaving medal., Lynn was standing 'on the shore of Pine View lake near here when he saw five young girls wander into the water. A «rfew swept them out into water ove* tiilgir heads, Lynn quickfy pSiiiced into the cold lake. One by one he pulled four of the girls to safety--knocking one of them out when she became panicstricken and nearly pulled her rescuer down with her. Then Lynn realised there was one more girl missing. Back into the lake he swam until he arrived over a spot where babbles were coming to the surface. He dived, grabbed the fifth gir\, and brought her to shore. uncotuKious, and, aided by another passer-by gave her artificial / '-v-^ A. FOR SALE--Studebaker Truck, one and one-half tons, late *38, good condition. Nick N. Freund, Waukegan Street. 45.2 FOR SALE--1987 4-door Ford V-8 car in good condition. Math Glosson, 406 John .Street. 45 Shows at 7:00 A 9:00 p.m. FOR SALE--Bronze Tom Turkey, one year old. Phone 638-R-l . 45 1 Avoid Range saves vltcrtnlnr II Broi WANTED The moder ere's am Important F<*rt/Vie*mim necessary for your family's health are easily lost through, the wrong kind of it isn't enough to just buy fpods which are rich in vitamins. Make sun that these vital food elements refch your table bf proper cooking. v Y^au'll iiad vitamin saving easy and dependable with a modern Gas Rangfe. To cook vitamin-rich vegetables, foe example, use little water and low heat... and take advantage of the simmer-setting position on your range burner. Remember also that modem Gas Range broiling and controlled- •heat roasting is vitamin thrifty, tojBu' fipf fOifiplCtS yxky. !' Tkrte ways p wl fielp yon save I. VHAMM-SAVM8 BURNI8 tings make possible ^the cooking ot vitamin WANTED --To buy Buggy Phone 102-J. Folding Baby *45 WANTED--To buy one or more McHenry residences from $3,000 to $5,000. Address Box "P," McHenry Plaindealer. *45*2 FOE RENT FOR RENT--7-room house on Fox river in McHenry; modern; hot water heat; G.-E. refrigeration; 2 -car garage. Mrs. Mary Stilling, 7C31 So. Paulina St., Chicago. Phone Triangle 8605. *45 FOR RENT--New 4-room apt. (ideal for couple or small family, above Ringwood Royal Blue store, 5 miles from McHenry). Running water, garage included. F. N. Musty. *45 FCW RENT -- By April 15, 7-room bouse and garage on Green St., McHenry; Nimsgern residence. Phone 88-IL f 45 MISCELLANEOUS torn «• you'll Ilk Ami movo IMMM lite a Oat Rang* BEAUTY: Modern new design. CONVENIENCE: Automatic lighting; high speed burners; automatic oven control! ECONOMY: Lower operating coat than c e»at tMfan! 2. VITAftlM-SA No prebesting vitamin-rich juices, for you to cook the portion without overcooking the 3. VtTAMM-SAVMt hast enables yod to dtying out. Low also enables you to -20*. COMPLETE FLOOR 8EKV1CB -- Floor sanding and refinishing with Ihira &eal. Also asph^al t tUe for jba* £fVa>»-- V -l •2- * GAS ^ ELECTRIC OOMPANYJ On Display at'

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