* * tfyT ™w*m y ^ .• *'- ^tt; "5KW!W 'I: *• Vy'fl'ia'™*®; w%r~:- rPwr&srS. J, * * -•f'M Mb IMS arden Tools lis weather makes one feel like getting hold of a spade a«d rake and making beds for a Victory Garden. We have just the ones you will like, TRUE TEMPER Brand Niow, you have the bed ready for planting. Next item on tHfe program i# Seed. Wo tiave two splendid brands of garden and flower seeds -- Vaughan's and Hunkers. Take your choice! • When you get tire in the good * earth, maybe your thoughts turn to -*• P A I N T S ! Spring would not be spring without some redecorating-- both in and out of the house. That's where the PRATT A LAMBERT line comes in. There is none better. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS aad BONDS! NICKELS' Hardware Ph6ne2 West McHenry CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chuneay W. Reed Bead the Want Ads! Baby Chicks -- and Started Chicks... Poultry mashes Poultry scratches Seed wheat Field seeds Iowealth Hybrid seed corn V-C fertilisers Acme feeds aad oonoentrates Feed grinding We are prepared to clean your wheat, oats, barley, alfalfa, clover, timothy and sey beans for seed and do a job. Senator Langer I Perhaps by the time this column is 1 published the fate of Senator William linger of North Dakota will have : been decided. For several days the ! Senate has been debating the question i as to whether or not he is entitled to sit in that Chamber. There is no quesj tion as to the legality or regularity of i his election. There are no charges of ; fraud, vote buying or ballot tamper- ' ing. There are no charges that Ito has conducted himself other than prol per since he has taken his seat in the | upper House. It is admitted that a ! clear majority of the voters of his ' State indicated by their ballots that they wanted him to represent their i State in the United States Senate. The charges against him are that his moral character is such that he is not en- ; titled to sit in that body. The writer . may be a bit old-fashioned but he still •believes that the people of Senator Langer's own State are a trifle better qualified to judge his morals than a group of Senators who have known him for little more than a year. The writer cannot bring himself around to believe that it was ever intended that the United States Senate is an exclusive club wherein those who are already there may blackball the chosen representative of a sovereign state. In the debate last week, Senator Barkley (Dem.) of Kentucky, the majority leader said, "So far as the Constitution is concerned, we could turn a man out because he had red hair." While the Senator may be right, the exercise of such an abuse of authority would shake the foundation of our boasted "democracy in a Republic" and our "sovereign Nation of many sovereign States." Wire-Tapping The House Judiciary Committee is considering another wiretapping Bill land will probably report it out favorably next week. His bill authorizes |the Department of Justice (F.B.I.) and the military and naval intelligence I units to tap wires and record conversations in suspected cases of sabotage, espionage, treason, sedition, conpiracy, violations of Neutrality laws or violation of the Acts requiring reg two - ocean navy was "just plain dumb." It was after this that the Congress and the Navy developed plana for a two-ocean Navy which the President subsequently endorsed. Consequently what was once "just plain dumb" has now become the "moat crucial of all our necessities." STATE TAXIS SHOULD HOT B* UDUOXD " 'i. - The pT&ient would appear to be an excellent time for state and local governments to put their financial houses in order. Since the beginning of the Defense Program there has" been a remarkable improvement in the state and local fiscal picture. As the national income has mounted there has been an upward trend in state receipts, and this is almost certain to continue throughout the war period' | On the other hand, the trend in state I expenditures has flattened out. For example New York State showj ed a surplus of thirty-seven million dollars for the fiscal year 1941. As a result the Empire State has eiiminat- I ed 'the one per cent emergency income tax on 1241 incomes. Even despite this discontinuance there is every indication that New York State revenues for 1942 will exceed those for 1940. In these days of mounting federal debt and unbalanced national budgets, the excellent financial position of" most of our states and municipalities is ; decidedly the silver lining in the dark cloud. rnmmt RCllCIN •D.RCIO Riverside Church, New "York City, of which Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick is pastor, is making a special point of welcoming soldiers and sailors to all their services of worship and to their meetings of young people. All'visiting members of the armed forces are asked to sign the church's "Army and Navy Register," and to leave also the name of a parent, friend, relative or minister from the home town. To each such person Dr. Fosdick writes a note of greeting advising of the visit to his church of the soldier, sailor or marine. Foreign Bible Society was oi _ in 1810, when New England ing to remaih neutral in the w|pM in Europe, there was formed in New Ehgland the mission agency of tike Congregational church; and 1812, when the British, were blockading American ports the first party of American missionaries sailed tm India. BED CROSS NOTES The Bttrlingame Baptist Church, California, has a well-organized Blackout committee, each member of which has a definite job in case of an air R. C. raid alarm. All services in the church are conducted in the auditorium Which is eompietely blacked out with painted caiiMo^rd. In the event a#-a raid and blackout, services will continue, and after £he service it is planned that those present will go into the social hall for a period of fellowship under the direction of the Blackout committee. • "In this time of China's life and death struggle," says President Y. C. State officials are being beleaguered Yang of Soochow University, China, to cut state taxes. Those clamoring Flour Mills Watt McHenry -- Phone 92R for the reduction maintain that if state taxes were reduced it would to a certain degree soften the blow of the tremendous tax burden which the Federal Government finds it necessary to levy in order to prosecute the war J We admit there is home logic in this contention but in our humble opinion, expenditures are the only things the states should reduce at this time. They should not reduce taxes. They now have a golden opportunity to use surplus state funds to retire debts and establish reserves. Maintaining taxes at present levels will assist also in preventing or minimizing inflation. Our Federal Government will emerge from the war with a terrific national debt, if not absolutely bank- , rupt, at the very best on the verge of i it would seem natural that the whole country would be surcharged with war psychology. But the nation's leaders have not allowed immediate problems to crowd out the educational and moral development of those who will be the leaders in the future. They realize that China's greatest battle is to be fought in the realm of thought and faith. There is a new interest in religion and a greater appreciation of the spiritual values of life. China is earnestly sesking light and truth and Spring is here! It came Mar«t( 2tst ushered in by strong cold winds. --R--C-- Red Cross war fund passed fiftyseven million dollars on that day. --R--C-- n Several of our Red Cross workers have been awarded production pins. They represent 144 hours of. work. Each finished garment has as alloted time. --R--C---- I repeat it! There are no paid workers in McHenry County chapters, A. All volunteers! --R--C-- A nutrition course was charted at a meeting held in the M. C. H. S. Monday afternoon by Miss Mae Jurten, our successful Home Economics teacher. We desire that, under her supervision she will be aided by members of the Canteen corps and others who desire the war time preparation. The Red Cross will sponsor the course. --R--C-- There are now eighty-one members enrolled in First Aid classes, training for emergency. Three instructors have been procured. Text books supplied and a twenty hour course will ensue every Wednesday evening with two hour sessions each week. The work was undertaken by Nurse Joanne Rulien which is also sponsored by the Red Cross. Help these volunteers to cope with new tasks thrust upon us by the advent of war. „ --R--C-- . Red Cross knitters now ply their needles upon request. This is in accordance with the War Production a Christ who can save and redeem Board's policy to conserve wool. How- Spiritually, China's eyes are turning ever, enough'wool has been allocated to God. Now the Christian church j tor the r >mainincr months of the year. has its opportunities to show the Chinese that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer they need. istration of agents of foreign prin- ft. Our very economic salvation may cipals and registration of organiza- hinge on having our individual states tions carrying on propaganda activi . "America's greatness has been built upon the contributions of all races, all creeds and all colors," said Mrs. Har- The quota for the present year wa» 101,000 knitted articles for the navy and 317,000 for the army. --R--C-- The gratitude of Red Cross members is hereby extended to the School Boards of Directors for the use of car® permitted but evidence obtained there- (FoHtieal Advertisement) For Sheriff 0 HENRY A. HICK" NULLE good term deserves another) /A41 by is not admissible in the Courts. This bill, if enacted, will make such evidence admissible in the particular classes of cases above enumerated. Two-Ocean Navy According to the "Report to the Nation" by the Office of Facts and Figures, the 'Two-Ocean Navy" is the "most crucial of all our necessities." Since many persons in high position are attempting to belittle Congress, pointing out that the Congress didn't see what was coming but that the President did, it is interesting to note from whence the idea of the two-ocean navy originated. At the time the President was preparing his defense program of May 16 1940, he stated his If they are not harassed by debt at that time, they can make a tremendous contribution toward getting the nation back into a solvent condition. To achieve this seems to be worth the sacrifice of continuing to pay state taxes at present levels and not insisting on tax reductions. United States, in a recent address. ' We glory in our ability to judge a human being by what he is, and not school rooms for war work, --R--C-- We wish also to commend Marie Ropp and her art students for the of Glendale, Calif., arrived in Crystal Lake last week to spend two months visiting her mother. Mr. Adams will join his family there in six weeks. Mrs. Adams and children visited in opinion that anyone who believed in a the George Adams home here Sunday. by how he worships nor where his an- attractive posters which appear in the cestors came from. This is our great j lobby of the Colony theatre and the national strength. This common u»-1 McHenry post offices. Their appeal derstanding, this democratic spirit of for sweet meats and magazines for brotherhood is our most trusted our soldier boys was capital and we j Weapon of defense--a weapon which no appreciate their ability in enabling the Clarice Huff of McHenry spent the dictatorship on earth can ever possess. Motor corps to bring this message to weekend visiting her parents in Rich- We refuse to let war-time hysteria the community. Thank you. Miss mond. On Friday evening she attend- swerve us from trust in our fellow Ropp, and congratulations to you and ed a birthday party in their honor at American. We refuse to let foreign your well-tutored class. the Arnold Huff home in that city. ; propagandists divide us against one Donations for the past week were Mrs. Donald Adams and twin sons ' another, group against group, class against class, or religion against religion. For democratic unity is our surest guarantee of Anal victory!" E L E C T C. RUSSELL ALLIEN Republican Candidate for State Representative Eighth Senatorial District -V ' PRIMARIES, APRIL 14TH, 1942 . Assistant State's Attorney, 1980 to 1986 - Endorsed by the LT*t, in 1940 - Practicing Attorney at LAW 18 years. the Misses Catherine and Gertrude Weber, $1.00, and $4.85 for dresser scarf donated by Mrs. Klapperich. The Scarf waf awarded Jtpra. Teresa Hickey. Despite the approach of the Japan- R c ese fighting forces to Rangoon and At a meeting of the County Board other important centers in Burma, of Directors and other officers of the Secretaries R. L. Howard and Hazel A.R.C. held at Woodstock March 19, F. Shank, of the mission agencies ^ of it was voted to purchase a station the Northern Baptist convention j wagon. Our assessment for same will (American) working there say that be $76.00. It will be county operated fifty-seven of their American mission- by members of the Motor corps Aside aries are still in the country- This is for use in transportation, it will be th® major mission field of the North- used in ctit of dlmtfr for Canteen ern Baptists and they have been in I corps and first aid. The idea has been Burma since >1818. "We do not know tender wise consideration since the ra- Beautiful and All-Seaeon H A T S Mrs. Green Street the exact whereabouts of all these missionaries probably because of censorship," say these secretaries. "But the stations of twenty-ix are in the hills, far from any present area vl conflict. These stations are sufficiently easy of access so that other missionaries and colleagues can get to them. We think that some of the Irrawaddy missionaries are already high in the hills." WL •acy's Gstheife ^Sundays: 7.-00; 8:30; 10:38. Weekdays: 8M. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. Thursday becfore First TVMsj- After Mass os Hrersday; 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.a. Lenten Services: Wednesday: 7 JO p. m., Sermon and one Oi wPtitC Titl Oi ini i Friday: 7:30 p. m, Stations and Benediction. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. ¥ , 8t. Patrick's Catholic Own* Masses: ' f.'TV" Sundays: M$; Weekdays: 740. 4 - First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Comasunki distributed at 6:80, 7:00 And Mate and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p. a, and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday; 4t0t to 6:00 p.*. aqd 7m tr ftp* Rev. W«t A. CRoaulu, paetan 8<L John's Pathetic Masseo< Sundays: 8:00; 19:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:40. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8*0. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday: 8:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Coausaaity dareh Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. Worship 8erviee: 11:00 a. a. Junior League: 0:80 p. m. . Rlpworth League: 8K)0 p.m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. FIRS AUTO INSURANCE EAIL R.t V&LSI Sellable Campania* Pries Bid* McHenry MeHeary 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- MMm BAUD St O&AVKL Special Rates en Read Gravel Lot Filling ... Black Bfet A Steoe . . Power Skord ffcrvice leveling and Grading . . Cement Mixers Urn Rent. J. R. NK1T Jnfcnshaifg P.O. 1 Telephone No. 800 Stoffel 4k tnsanmee agents for all classes of property in the host companies. WEST McHBNRY - - ILLINOIS Bvaagelkal Latheraa Chareh Services--8 a. m. Sunday School--8:15 a.m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's OstheHc Church, Spviag Grove ik Mt - . y ' m r n j WL L. B. MURPHY Offlee -- 8 a.as. to 8 pta. GmStooot -- McHenry, RL Sundays: 8:00 snd 10KM. Holy Days: 6:80 ind4:00. ) Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: tf.*00. Confessions: Saturdays: tJO and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday: 8:80 and 7:15. JCcv. John L. Dalekien, Faster. S. H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTORS AMD BU1LDBRS Our Rxperienee is at Your Service ht Building Your Wants. Phone 68-W McHenry Vole Community Bfhle Ck««k Combined Service, 10:00 a. a. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim. nastor. Charlie's Repair Shop MfR Palatine Truek Lettering FttfRitnre Vpfaalstettaf aid Repairing CHARLES McHEHRY OARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairiag. Wageasaad TVsisrs to OiM Rte. 31 -- J(Ab a Front Sts. Phone 97-9 er 1M-M Kiek P. Miller •BR" ' f i ~4 Marengo Chief of Poliai and Ex-Sheriff f ABLE -- CAPABLE QUALIFIED BY EXPERIENCE tionlng of tires. g Q Will another First Aid class ha inaugurated immediately following thU ten-week course ? We hope to be abie to continue First Aid classes next faM Some of the students under instruction now we feel will qualify for a lull course in instructions impart it to others. ' --R--C-- T>_ * V a T u X V I Tk* following exeerpta were taken Prof. Kenneth S. Latourette, ot Yale fronv a fctUr frora ^ County University, believes that the present Chairraan Marion Phinney, Woo<i_ war period and the years immediately stock> to our local paction Chairfollowing it will see an upswing in th. A. R.C., Elvira Durland. m i s s i o n a r y i n t e r e s t o f t h e A m e r i c a n I . . . . . r , . churches and people. He points out r e McHenry that the period of the French Revolu- i ?Jer °,r many gifts tion and the Napoleonic Wars saw I ?h*h Mrs Howard Brown and Mrs the growth of British and American! i°hn ^noche delivered at our Red missionary effort; in the year of the ; Cross Recreation Building on Febru- Reign of Terror in Paris, the Bap- 26" The cookies, cakes, candy, tist Missionary Society (British) was ch^,ry?'1fum' beverages and fruit as organized as a result of Carey's work 1 . a» the magazines, have contnbutin India; in 1792, when the French ed.to Pleaaure of our convalescent Revolution was getting under way, Payen the London Missionary Society was | "Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Knoche said lormed; when Napoleon was threaten- . *t was your plan to send similar gifts ing to invade England, the British and , our hoys the last Thursday of each month. This is certainly a most worthwhile project and we shall be looking forward to seeing the representatives of your chapter on March 26." The Motor Corps are visiting the camps at Fort Sheridan and Great Lakes today. ---R--C-- For information regarding. First Aid and Nutrition, classes report conveniently to Joanife Rulien and Mae Justen who are supervising the projects. --R--C-- A group of Ringwood citizens sent $15.00 to Mayor Overton for our Emergency Fund. Please accept his appreciation of this splendid contribution to the American Red Crose. We pay 88 to flS for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Pleading or Down if AlWe. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Gretus Road Fhoao TnhaStiaii OBO-J-2 OALL AT ONCE ON DBAS HOGS, HOR8R8 A CATTLE Wo pay A. P. Freund Co. Xxeav&ting Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and OasM Service. --Road BnilcUiig-- Tell fM-M MeHenry, Bl Pfeono d8 Pries Bldg. VEMM J. KMX ATfORNRT AT LAW A. OTF1CR BOUR8 - Tuesdays m v 1 raorn IS &4hy tovhs Wt. J.E.SAYLER -VIcfiEJfRY FLORAE 06. -- Phone 606-R-l " One Mile South of MeHeary on Route 3L Flowers for all oeeaeaens? PHALm SUPER SERVI0S inrcLAiR Gaa, OQs and Crsases CSr. Routes 81 and ISO -- McHenry •?; -.1 Boms Waatod m I B U Y sad Disabled » ^iy frosa 85 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACS 844 488 & Calhoua St. Woodstock, HL problems will face the Sheriff of McHenry County during the next four years. The |; V new sheriff should be experitpneed for the protection of yon w and your family. I stand on my record in handling the milk strike during previous term as sheriff as proof of my abi^^l^ggp care of emergencies/' - w " YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED! ^ . . . - T K - PETER B. PEEVE (WNU Service 5PRK?! % A ,fiPP• Ryes Bxaaiined Dr. Paid i Schwabe WTomnasrr A. & Nye BUg. West McHenry Phone: McHenry 1SRJ Woodstock «H THURSDAY MORNINGS BT APPOINTMENT ON1.Y Garden Worms That Taft. Earthworms actually communicate with each other by fa^nt sounas emitted by their mouths, according to a German scientist. This is reported in an article about worn}* in the magazine You're Wrong About That. The worm voices, asserts the article, "are used in emitting faint sounds, rarely in solo number but generally in series marked by a definite and changing rhythm. So apparent is this rhythm that it Leads to the conclusion that these sounds are broadcast with the object of communication. The sounds resemble the clicking and ticking of a mass of infinitesimal clocks and can be heard quite clearly." McHENRY TOWN CLUB Riverside Drive and Pearl Street -- Mixed Drinks of AH Kinds -- • , Phone 12 FRESH -- OYSTERS -- FRIED* Chicken and Stank Dinners 8^r*ti Qrders in take home! HcHenry •••< }'*• •* ' • 'Bolshevik' * M The word "Bolshevik" in Russia means mOnber of the majority. A Motor Tune-up is A "Stitch in Time" ' Careful care of your ear will get maximum wear and efficiency of operation. A motor tune-up every three months at this garage will keep your engine running smoothly and costs vou less to drive per mile. Each part is carefully checked and adjusted. Make your car last for the duration. Come in today. CENTRAL GARAGE ^ FRED J. SMITH, Prop. 200-J Towing Johxusburg