Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1942, p. 7

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' :i ; ;£ ^~rr «TTy^j ^/T^'^7 *5^ t ,'.«^Tf,' THP* : "' ' •'•••'• \ V?^.' (Pbfitical Advertisement) *< **Y .1.. €';.; .V..V. ^ *' - » '. *>':*' .V. I ' '*< .>x &*#: ' ,"'*' X.:-~ tf>:' ^ &•". ;i^{--.'^. V *"">.v Vrx. V* v* , * ,, * > • » * , , 1f '• j ,1- •*?*." i>IS? < 1*4 # • * " - V~FC ~ -I' 4- < ^ '* *r« &A V I e?:: * iw' ;i'"^ •'* £$&* ' ' •&$*- • "•%•£ •'V • >>f- ; "t *3V' ' •••• •;i .,'.>< *V !i>!^-f i * v "l* Harold G. Reese Republican Candidate for SHERIFF McHenry Ooniity, Illinois Solicits Your Support on His ftecord ' ; DcP>>t.v Rb^ifl for , , ••^:-»; j 10 Years. ^ ' rf; : Tn«d.T, April HI#* W. M. Carroll, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Fred R. Eppel Deceased. I Notice is "hereby given to all peirj sons that Monday, May 4th, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of FRED R. EPPEL, Deceased, pending in the County {Court of McHenry County, Illinois, | and that claims may be filed against i the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. EVA S. EPPEL, Administratrix. fPttb. March 19 - 26 - April 2) . yi^- Twice Told Tales > «f M Take. Was «f ffca Filial*»Vm m Tears Af« (Political Advertisement) Why You Should Vote For Frank A. Love REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Supt. of Schools OF McHENRY COUNTY ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Notice is Hereby Given To the legal voters, residents of the Town ef McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeting of said Town will take place on TUESDAY, APJfUL SEVENTH A.D. 1942--being' the first Tuesday of said month. at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. at The Town Hall for the transaction of the miscellaneous business of the said town; and after a Moderator having been elected, will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Town and decide on Buch measures as may, in pursuance of law come before the meeting. Given under my hand at McHenry, HI., this 20th day of March, A.D. 1942. ROBERT J. CONWAY, 44-2 Town Cleijk. inn THK otASSirm) OOLUMHE rem QUICK ustiLn (Political Advertisement) : P :-'V 1 . Ogle K. Howell Hepnblican Omdidale fljr County Treasurer ' f . . 1 MeHenry Const?, HBMIS Primaries: Tues^ajr, April 14, 1942 | ' Tour Vote and Support Will Be ' SincerelyjAppreciated Theodore L. Hanter. Attorney Woodstock, Illinois STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, S&. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY. HOME OWNERS'LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation of the United States of America, created by Act of Congress, Plaintiff. vs. NATALIE POPP, NATIONAL BANK OF EDGERTON, a banking corporation and "UN- •«• KNOWN OWNERS." ~ Defendants. Gen. No. 29357. COMPLAINT IN CHANCERY TO i FORECLOSE. j PUBLIC NOTICE i s hereby given i that in pursuance of a decree made I and entered by the Circuit Court of ! McHenry County, Illinois, on the 17th. day of March A. D. 1942, I, Vincent S. Lumley, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court, will on Thursday, the 16th day of April A. D. 1942, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder the fallowing described real estate, or so-much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree in full, to-wit: The West twenty (20) feet in width of Lot Number five (5) in Block Number five (5) of the original plat of the village of West McHenry; said block being located in and being a part of the South West quarter of Section Number twenty»six, in Township Number forty-five (45) Noi'th, of Range Eight East of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the city of McHenry, County of Mc- Henfy and State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE CASH in hand on day of sale, at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale. • Dated this 24th day of March A. D. 1942. VINCENT S. LUMLEY, Master in Chancery of the Cfrcnit Court of McHenry, County, Illir nois. (Published in McHenry, Illinois, March 26th, April 2nd and 9th, 1942.) TWENTY YISAKS AGO The old barn on the W. F. Vogt property on Waukegan street is this week being razed to make room for it modern garage building. Hubert Schoewer, youngest son of llr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer, a musician of more than the ordinary ; ability, has just turned down an offer , to play with" a circus band, j A lumber shed, 26x84 feet, with a I capacity of from ten to twelve car- ; loads of lumber, is now in the course i©f construction at the plant of the ( McHenry Lumber company. { A number of his staunch friends are 'out boosting the candidacy of Wm. A. 'Althoff for assessor and in a manner jof appealing for the support of their ! man they point to his integrity, his ; ten years' work on farms and last, but I not least, his splepdid war record, j during which he was cited for bravery. | TMIIttY YiiAKS AGO | Jos. Blake, who recently moved his family here from Texas, started work at Borden's the first of the week. Eddie Freund is also a new employe at that place. Our hats embrace a showing of surpassing style and beauty. Mrs. E. W. Howe over L. F. Block's, McHenry. F. V. Co^b, the new bookkeeper at" the Borden plant here, has moved his household goods to this village and with his family wiil occupy the flat over M. J. Walsh's Btore. TOKTY YEARS AGO TW Schiessle building is rapidly rearing completion. The interior will noon be ready for the painters. John J. Buch will commence tearing down his old barn next week to make a place for the new structure. George Nell has moved from Johns- Imrgh to Genoa Junction. Stephen Smith conducts the saloon at Johnsburgh vacated by Mr. Nell. Pat Conway announces that he is a Candidate for mayor. Now who would ver surmise that Pat was becoming so ambitious ? Remember how Caesar fell, Pat ? ... FIFTY YEARS AGO Jacob Story has been very side the past week but is now reported better. Jos. Heimer of Chicago has purchased the McHenry House property in this village and will immediately refit and furnish same, making it a first class resort for hunters, fishermen and the general pleasure seekers. August Bucholtz, the tailor has^moved his shop to the rooms over Heaman Bros,, store, where he will be i pleased to see all his old customers and as many new ones as see fit to call. Isaac Jecks, an old and highly respected citizen of this town, died at his residence, three miles west of this village on Thursday night last. His disease was some old, trouble that had been bothering him for yean. SIXTY YEARS AGO R. Bishop is now receiving the lumber for hie new pickle factory, which is to be built just south of his wagon factory. Fred Van Slyke, eldest son of the editor of this paper, has been quite sick the past few weeks, but under the care of a doctor, it is hoped he may be on his muscle again soon. We are under obligations to R. JL Howard, of the West side market for a fine bear steak, left at our residence one day last week. Jos. J. Frett having recently fitted tap his market in the best of manner, is now prepared to furnish meats of atl kinds, of the best quality, and at the low yst living prices for cash. Vernon J. Knox, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE , Estate of Catherine Niaagern, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday May 4, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of CATHERINE NIMSGERN Dc eased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against thq said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LOUIS J. NIMSGERN, / i £USAN NIMSGERN, ' t > Executors. (Pub. March 26 - April 2-9) The OFFICE of COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS is an IMPORTANT and ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE; not a teaching position. The many legal duties, as listed in the School Law of Illinois, are varied and involve a thorough knowledge of accounting and financial matters (bonds, ta£es etc.), the accura^lteepng of records and reporting to tne State; to hold meetings with the Trusts, Treasurers, School Officers and 11 thehers to act as their official adviser and constant assistant; and u> labor in every practicable way to elevate the standard of teaching and improve the condition of the common schools in his county. This requires mature judgment, practical and efficient experience, and a judicial temperament. In soliciting YOUR VOTE, I respectfully submit my training, experience, and record bf accomplishment:-. Graduate of University of Illino..* -- B. Sc. degree. Graduate of University of Wisconsin -- Master's degree in Elementary and High School Administration. Hoia an iiiinois State Lite Supervisory Certificate -- highest issued. Served 14 years as a teacher and Superintendent of Richmond Grarto and High School. Assisted in jretting high school re-accredited with University of Illinois. Maintained such high standards that accrediting was extended for a period of seven years with but one State Infection; one of the best records in McHenry County. Also, brought school s financial condition from several thousand dollars in the "red" to a comfortable balance. All this was accomplished with a 30% uction of previous school budget, nd LOWEST HIGH SCHOOL TAX TE IN THE COUNTY. (These things don't just happen.) Served Wt years in accounting and cashier wdrk. Served 6 years as Treasurer of Village of Richmond. World War I veteran, and not subject to military service. Have owned our home in Richmond for 8 vears. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT APPRECIATED EXPECT EVEN MORE FASX PRODUCTS TO BE USED DURING '42 Recent statistics released by A. J. Surratt, Sr., agricultural statistician for the Illinois Department of Agriculture. shows that the average farm in McHenry county in 1939 used $185.19 of farm products. It is expected that a much greater use will be made of farm produced products in 1942 because of the emphasis which is being placed on the Illinois Farm Grown Heatih Program. "Six good reasons for using home *rown foods "are listed on the enrollment circular which describes the Illinois Farm Grown Health Program. TTiese reasons are: 1. Home grown foods are fresher,. 2. Fresh foods are richer in vita mins and more delicious. • 8. More "protective" foods will be eaten if an abundance of them is produced on the farm. 4. A well filled cellar and pantry adds to the family's security and -independence. 5. Money is saved for other family Uses. 6. Important supplies and facilities used in processing and marketing manufactured foods arc released for defense purposes. Every Monday, Tbesday aad WeaL SPECIAL 20% DISCOL V On AU Single P'eei rmaiieat* Starting at F FA; reg., up from |||3U> Worth $8.50 [ 15% Discount J on Permanent* Starting at J |UI > reg., up from Worth $6.00 Including Free $1 and $2 Serriae '4$ ft *" V 4 ' ^ M Other Permanent* Non-Oil $230. Oil $3 up. 2 Persona ; - $5 up. Grade School Perm., 92 op H * Cut, ch Feather Edge Scissor Razor Shampoo and Wave flJ9 Shampoo & Hairdress and $1.00. 50c, 69c, 75r We Use Pre-War Genuine Paranasal Wave Solution and Pads; All New (not second hand) and All the Carls You W"9- ant Regardless of the P'r• ice, . . , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel of Chicago visited in McHenry last weekend. BTOMPANATO'S Beaatr Op*m t.m 826 Mala St. Phoae Ml *o4r Contour - Bl*etri»lysla ' ***i*f* aa*^ l» Uc £ - • TV.« ^ 987 Beaton St, Weedsfeei, m,M (Political Advertisement) I WARN YOU H you s«nd m« to tho legislature yon Hood not expect me to kow-tow to any group of word politicians from the big cities. Ill stand on my own feet, and nobody ever charged me with having foot trou- I have NO AXS TO GRIND la seeking a legislative seat--all I want Is TO DO A GOOD JOB for rpsMeata «f tke 8th Sena torial District. I never ran for office before, I am ia'tttesraee now ssalnly becau(«e In this emergency every man should ylo his bit and I concluded to offer my service* to the 8th! district hoping thereby to bring EFFICIENCY AND RESULTS Into the office of Representative. I nramlw vntarv that 1*11 he A 1IKELK88 WOWHCB fa* thsi* best Interests. I never was a "quitter" aad aethlng ceald ever swerve aty oowrse If I thought I was RIGHT. In my 25 years as pah- Usher of the Waukegan Daily Sun and weekly IJbertyvllle Independent 1 NEVER DODGED an issue pertaining to public or civic welfare. "FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT" was my middle name--and IT STILL IS! I AM NOT a candidate of aay INDIVIDUAL or any GROUP. I'm just a FREE-LANCE depending upon my h--taieas career and generally accepted qualifications to bring nse Am ardent support of THINKING PEOPLE. Don't sit back and criticize the calibre ar qaaliflcatioaa of ssea IN office--DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT WHEN YOU HATE A CHANCE. If elected I will have an OFFICE IN WAUKEGAN so, when you wish to contact your Representative you will have ready and courteous access to him--at least know WHERE to find him. For maay years aa l ake Coaaty 8tfwaostoi» fit to do this. WM. J. (BILL) SMITH CANDIDATE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION State Legislature--8th District For Dependable Wartime Transportation-- Methodist Church Notef NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Anna Knox, Deceased. Notice is hereby given te all persons that the 6th day of April, A. D„ 1942, is |he claim date in the estate of ANNA KNOX, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuanoe of summons. ELMER H. WINKELMAN. Administrator. Eckert A Eckert, Attorneys, 207 North Benton Street, Woodstock, Illinois. t (Pub. March 12 • 19 • Uf . Opal's Bad Lack Thil Superstition regarding the opal's bad luck began in the Fourteenth century at the time of the Black Death, particularly in Venice. At that time the opal was a favorite ! Hester, will-be led by the young peoof the Italian jewelers, but it was 1 P*e °* Intermediate and Hisaid that opals worn by those ®trick- ! Leagues. Everyone is invited to at- Easter is the time for the dedication of life to the Purpose of Christ; the enrichment of Christian experience; a more definite enlightenment and real understanding of the church and its indispensable part in preserving and j extending democracy and a personal effort to win others to Christ and His way of life. As you read this program of events of Holy Week, mention the fact to other members of your family and ask yourselves whether the life of Jesus means as much to you as you think it should and then make a personal commitment to participate as fully as possible in the events taking place during Holy Week. Such high resolve will be a personal blessing, an inspiration to others, and a mighty uplift to the work of the church. A special service is being planned for Palm Sunday morning, March 2d. The sermon subject will be "The Failure of Triumph." Tuesday evening, March 31, 8 p. m., A service of worship will be presented entitled "A Hymn Cycle of a uay." Maundy Thursday, April 2, 8 p.m. Holy Communion in the evening at eight for all members and friends. At this service adults will be received into membership. Good Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. The story, "The Good Shepherd" written by Gunnar Gunnarson will be giveu by the Minister. Easter Sunday. A service of praise and worship at sunrise--6:30 a. m. This service, as bright and fresh as spring and as joyous as the mood ol en with the disease became suddenly brilliant and that their luster daparted upon the death of the owner. Thus the opal became associated with death and an object of dread. tend this Sunrise Service. Following the Sunrise Service all young people of the Hi-League and Intermediate League will meet for breakfast in the church basement. At the eleven o'clock hour there will be beautiful decorations, inspirmg^ music and the sermon will be *7The Triumph of Failure." Babies prawwted will be haptiaad at*at few. f-V Mi-- IP 6000 CAM-* GOOOCONWTWN UASONAfU CONVDNBIi . / ... -' . t •?> OB SoBt^f m Bud 120 •*-->

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