Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1942, p. 8

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v 'V . * y/, . <. k f rWWSST, ¥)^-TJ-~* • : MrnH'A Mrs* Btmind last fimdqr were awarded Km. Cteoige King ***d other prise winners were Mrs. William Meyers and Mrs. Frank Klapperich. Lily Lain P.-T. A. Notiee Because of Good Friday, election of Officers for the Lily Lake school TP-T. A. has been changed from April • t* April 10. • • • • . Cheral Ch* . - 'The Choral club will melt tt home of Mrs. Harry Durland on Tuesday evening. April 5, instead of Monday evening. Members lit aiksd to Wing their music. Book Club ! " Hie next meeting of the Book Club •v . 4rit be next Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. The book to be reviewed at that |jme will h^^&D&Sooey' by E. ©oherty. MraTDfck Fleming and Mrs* |L J. Wirt* will give the review. Christian Mother's Sapper A sapper with social hoar following will be held at St. Mary's church on April 12. It is being sponsored by the Christian Mothers. The supper will be served from six to eight o'clock. Everybody is welcome. The mono wfli he given next week. *^,,^ , • • • 'Turkey Dianar J ig&C'.. A turkey dinner will be served at the Nook at 6:30 on the evening of April 7 for members of the Fox River Valley camp R. N. A. Those desiring to attend are asked to make reservation by noon on April 5 either by call ing Mrs. Leslie Ob«i, phone 96-R, or Mrs. George Lindsay;, phone 51-R. Price of the tickets for the dinner will he seventy-five oents. Card Ctafe Mrs. Frank May entertained her card club at her home north of Mc- Henry last Tuesday afternoon. Prises were merited by Mrs. Jos. Schaefer, Mrs. Frank May and Ma. Arthur Klein. • • • P.-T. A. Meeting The regular monthly P.-tL^L'meet* eld Haitnr a*d iathe Philippinea artd as the war fqpfeds the need for it becomes greater and greater. J>o your share a«d h^^»^ MESSAGES FROM LOCAL MEN IN THE U. S. SERVICE Yfeem Grant to Lee en I say "From Grant to Lee," I imply that after being stationed at .,. « , , . X*, . . . Camp Grant for a few days (last j ment for that portion of the pregam. fng will oe held Wednesday af- January), I was transferred to the The soloists were Pearl Yunker, Quartermaster Replacement Training soprano, E«rl Cun w*y, tenor, ana A large crowd of about three hundred music lovers were present laat Sunday evening to hear the second annual Choral concert in the high school auditorium. From comments to various members of the chorus their efforts were not in vain as the program seemed,to be enjoyed by all. The concertized version of "Carmen" was, as intended, the highlight of the program and it brought honor to the chorus, the soloists and the orchestra which provided excellent aceompani- ' W ! r mm U7- EASTER f« APRIL 5 # f c Stare w Is the place to shop for EASTER GIFTS CHOCOLATES OIOOM from our grand display of Easter baslwfc an4 aqgs . . . beautifully Easter-decorated packages, m- .merica's favorite, the famous Whitman I , $130 to $7.50 . . . Whitman's FAIRHILl* priced favoqta . . . and other dafidout hitman's selections! eluding America SAMPLER IT'S SMART TO It AMERICA ' roromFiNonrm •90IISI.C Hare's the quick and sura r way to keep your busy American hands constat#- ^ ly beautiful! A cub tfilfc-/" bottle of Seal Fast cornea l| with a regular soa bottle B. of your beloved Revlon v Nail Enamel. Seal-Fast cuts down drying time of enamel, iwcrea--awear I Complete 7Sc Bolger*s Drug Store McHenry 4* Green Street S£0&T COAT ; f - ' . • • - SLACKS $3.95 up Phone 19 it; ;y ' ,1; ternoon in the school hall. Following the business meeting, a program will be enjoyed, featuring a speaker from a group insurance company. • * • Evening! Bridge Mrs. E. H. Nickels was hostess to members of the Evening Bridge club last Thursday evening at her home on Center Street. Prise winners for I the evening we#e Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Ben Miller. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Howard Wattle•s omn Amp ril 9. * • Center, Camp Lee, Va. Virginia, as we know, is considered the "Heart of the Old South;" therefore, it is not too surprising to learn Lina Kilday, contralto. Another favorite with the audience was Children's Prayer" which featured solo parts by Marie Vales and Loretta ( Ifc of C. K.ef C. Meeting " About fifty members of the met in their hall last Thursday evening at a regular meeting. Guest speaker was Ensign Walter M. Jennings from Branch 'Public Relations Office in Chicago. He gave a most inspirational and philosophical talk which was enjoyed by all present. The next'meeting will be April 9. • « • Dinner Party ~ Mrs. Sue Rankin entertained at a dinner Sunday afternoon in honor Merle Barth who left this week for Kansas City. J*hose who enjoyed a pleasant afternoon and a delicious din. ner were Edward Reid, Arthur Martin, Loretta Bailey, Donald Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. E^dward Frett, Marie Vales and Eleanor Rankin. of the many historical points of inter- j Bailey. est at this particular place. 1 At a meeting of the chorus Monday Richmond, the Capitol of Virginia, evening they voted t6 give twenty-ftve waa ^rendered by Lee to Grant; dollars to the American Legion to Petersburg, which is nearby, also isj start a fund for the erection of a noted for many things. In the immediate vicinity of our area, is a small creek where the Pennsylvania regiments fought the Southern army, and thus at this place, began the retreat of Lee's forces, leading to his ulitmate defeat at the Ap> pomattox. Many of the old Forts (not build* ings, but improvised mounds serving.: as forts) are yet to be seen. Various^ markers indicating where the Batteries of both Union and Confederate Armies once fought, are placed near* by. The trenches of the Federal line, bronze plaque which will contain the names of all McHenry service n&fe in this war. They intend to add to this fund from time to time and aid from other organizations or individuals to this worthy cause will be most appreciated.1 JL w< hTM-*'- March 28 Past Officers' Night, O. E. S.-*Algooquin. AprU S Circle I--W. S. C. S.--Mrs. E. Bouma April 6 Easter Monday Dance -- Nell's Ballroom -- Sponsored by K. of C. April 7 Johnsburg Community Chp^VV R. N. A. Birthday Party. Public Card hrty--Sponsored by Rivenriew Camp, R.N.A. & Afternoon Bridge--Mrs. Ben Justen. Benefit Card Party-- 8:15 --K. of C Hall -- Sponsored by Riverview Camp, R. N. A. * .. April S :rf P.-T. A: -- Regular Book Club. Public Card Party in Evening--Masonic Hall--Sponsored by O. E. S. April 9 Five Hundred Chtb--Mrs. Nick Justen Evening Bridge -- Mrs. Howard Wattles. , K. of C. Meeting. A wedding of local interest took place last Saturday at the First C tian church in Waukegan. At tha though now covered with grass and | time Miss Margaret Simpson,^daughpureiy set aside as a memoir of other days, extend for several miles. One of the important monuments erected at dose range to the camp, is the one listing casualties as a result of a hard fought battle between the Maine Artillery unit and the Confed' ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson ox Waukegan and Mr. Ragnar Barn as,' Annual ™, of Mr. Mrs. B.m« <rf, Melrose Park, exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. W. S. Hogevoil. The bride was lovely in a blue wedding suit with turf tan accessories and erate forces. It records a t least 600 she carried white azaleas. Her sistei, names of officers and enlisted men: Miss Isabel Simpson, was maid of Attend Confirmation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and Fred, Jr., spent Sunday in Chicago wehre they witnessed confirmation of two of the formers' grandchildren, Mildred Kamholz, who was confirmed ' South have long ago settled their dif at Grace Lutheran church, and Rich- j ferences and are now united in every ard Schmitt, who was confirmed at Good Shepard Lutheran church. Mr. Kamholz acted as sponsor for his grandaughter. * * • Entertains at Dinner Dinner guests in the Kale McLaughlin home east of town last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kralowetz and daughter, Karen, of Ringwood and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Doherty and son, Jimmy, Jr. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Miss McLaughlin. Afternoon guests in her home were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Murray and daughter, Margery, of Geneva. • • • Eighty-Six Years Old A family gathering was held one dfy last week in the Gerald Newman home honoring Mrs. Alma Thomas on her eighty-sixth birthday. Those preswho lost their lives because of this honor and Gunnard Barnas served hii struggle. | brother as best man. And so, one could enumerate many { The bride was graduated from things which would be indicative ot I Waukegan Township High school and the days of 1861-65, but we are now in , Lake College of Commerce and Mr. a new era. j Barnas attended the McHenry High 1 Sunday. It is apparent that the North and school for a couple of years when the ~ family resided here. The young couple left shortly after the wedding for a honeymoon trip to the Ozark mountains. Ay' Lake R-T^r^eci^orm1 csr£ Mdthers' Clhb -- Mrs. Peter M." Justen Home. Lily Lake P.-T. A. Bunco Party Mary Schiavone. April 12 Supper and Bingo Party -- St. Mary • St. Patrick School Hall -- aponaor ed by Christian Mothers. AprU IS • . Past Officers' Night, O. E. f Masimis Hall. April 14 Annual High School Band Concert -- H. 8. Auditorium. April 1« _ W.S.C.S. Grade School Gymnasium. April 18 Sectional Contest -- Ensemble and Soloists --• Ottawa, I1L April M C. D. of A. -- Public Card Party -- K. of C. Hall. May » Orchestra Concert -- High SchooL Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and Jonn Weber were Chicago visitors on icy, Sjjiing, Where are you? Well, we seem destined to become, or remain,, a very I poor weather proi Aet. Here we have been fcirvi»£ for several weeks tb induce people [ to buy gardbn1 toefe and garden seeds. But, just about the time the* paper is in the mail and we stanx! behind the counter, lbokahgp for a response to tile a<f, along [comes a snow -storm and colder temperatures. Spring musttbe near--just how near, we db> not know, having been bqcK ai poor I Judge of diatanoe in tthe past. Anyway, we are going to on telling; you: fclks [ ev4»ry week, thafwe selfcgai^ (den tools and garden seeds, until the season is<over;. , Again we say,.get. V&uffh&n's or HftnkatY seeds -- we have them both. If you want to know what the weather i3 going to be next week, DON'T' ask as. But come in anyway and talk about it. ? BU Y DEFENSE STAM#0t and BONOS!' NICKELS* Hardware Phono 2 West HcBfenry -Aif*/ WW . ' 4 respect, hoping to achieve £he greatest Victory of all--the safe-keeping ,of h Democracy which is ours. PRIVATE T. J. MUELLER, Co. K - 3rd Bn. - 7th QM Tr. Reg., Camp Lee, Virginia. P. S.--I wish to express my gratitude for having received The McHenry Plaindealer. It's very nice to know what is happening in the OH Home Town! • March 29, 1942. Dear Mose, Have Tfcsfred two very welcome editions of The Plaindealer. It's very thoughtful of .you to enable we soldiers to keep a line on our friends and 1 want to thank you for myself and I'm sure that goes for all the McHenry soldiers. Well, I suppose you would like to hear something about J. B., so 111 tell ent to enjoy the day with her were you what little I know. Because the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas and daugh- | camp is overcrowded a great number ters, Juanita and Mrs. Ray Jones of j of us sleep in tents. In my tent there Skokie, Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood and the Gerald Newman family of McHenry. Mrs. Thomas received lovely cards from her many friends. Bunco Party, P.-T. A. The bi-monthly bunco party of /Lily Lake school P.-T. A. was held Thursday afternoon, March 26, at the home is one boy from Alabama, one from Arkansas and three from Chicago. Each tent has a stove so that we are quite comfortable. The worst features are Missouri dust and a block long walk to the wash room. First call is 5 a. nv» revielle at 5:15, and how I hate to get up. We march two miles to our meals, each way. We get credit for the march on our training hourB. of Mrs. Thomas Klaboughj Sixteen!We receive the equivalent oT three members in attendance were Mrs. Mae j months' basic training in eighteeu Budil, Miss Josephine Dosch, Mrs. j days, so it keeps us stepping. Our in- Schiavone, Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Zank, i structors are all highly trained speci- Mrs. Milivac, Mrs. Fast, Mrs. Seyf- , alists and it doesn't take them long to ferth, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Neilson, teach us. We are very well treated. Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Weg-' Of course, there are some fellows too Mrs. Mary May Mrs. Mary May, who died at Spring Grove on March-24, 1942, following an illness of three years, was horn in Johnsburg, 111., on Oct. 12, 1885, the daughter of Michael and Catherine Schaefer. She spent her childhood there, attended the Johnsburg school, and on Feb. 15, 1911, was united in marriage with Math J. May who preceded her in death in 1980. | Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Martha Miller, Spring Grove; three step-daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Engels, Spring Grove, Mrs. Christine Tegen, Elgin, and Mrs. Julia Scheid of Richmond; one step-son, Peter, of Spring Grove; three brothers, Math and John of Johnsburg and Peter of Mc- j Henry; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Jung ' of Johnsburg and Mrs. Josephine May ! of Spring Grove. Another sister, Mr* i Catherine Nimsgern of McHenry, pre- I ceded her in death on March 11, 1942. Mrs. May was a devout Christian. She belonged to St. Peter's church and the Christian Mother's sodality. Funeral services were held at ten oclock last Friday morning at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, with interment in the church Cemetery. Residence Changes Now Is the Time Tel Buy That Battery! 10 to 30 Per Ooot Dtoonnt ! v * We have a good stock on hani : in all sixes! vv':-' Bemember (Ids shop is folly equipped to do that vulcanising job ... tires and v TRACTOR OILS AMD ORXA8K8 Walter J. Freund Main Street .V- 294 -- West McHteuy A The Ed Thennes family moved this week from the John Stilling house on Court Street to the Burke house on Washington Street, formerly occupied ener, Mrs. Freund, Mrs. Weiler and I smart to follow instructions, so they i Howard Vasey family. The Mrs. Klabough. i take care of the fatigue work. We *^°hn Stillings, who have been living Winners at bunco and cards were «U get some fatigue work as part of • *ew miles east of town, are moving Jo Dosch, Hattie Einspar, Mary I our training but the "mules" do the Freund, L«Orra Seyfferth and Alice worst of it. On an average, we are Marsh. into their home in McHenry. The Howard Vasey family haa ; West McHenry . ".. i Mary Schiavone will be hoataae on April 10 at her .home. • « « Wedding Anniversary Forty guests attended the fortieth wedding anniversary party of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth at Villa del Orra, Lily Lake, last Saturday. The guests visited and played cards and bunco throughout the evening and concluded with a lovely buffet supper. Each guest was given a miniature plant as a remembrance of the occa> sion. After the party Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth motored to Chicago to the home of their son, Clarence Seyfferth, where they attended services at St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday morning and were honored guests afterward at a dinner served to more than forty relatives and guests by Mrs. Clarence Seyfferth. • • Honor Merle Barth A farewell party was held at the home of Arthur Martin last Saturday night in honor of Merle Barth, who left Tuesday morning for his home in Kansas City. Mr. Barth has been employed for the past four years at the Althoff Hardware store in West McHenry. r~ Following a social evening a delicious pot-luck Supper was served %nd the honored guest was presented witb a lovely gift from his friends. - Invited gueBts were Miss Eleanor Sinkin, Marie Vales, Mrs. Sue Raknin, Sr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson, Edward Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett, Merle Barth, all of McHenry; Susan Feilen, Lorraine Rado and Raymond Conway of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. William Barth of Half Day and Private James Raid of Texas. ^ . Benefit Card Party A benefit card party win be Tietd at the K. of C. hall on Tuesday evening, April 7, at 8:15. Sponsored by River, view camp, R N. A.*this party will be held to raise funds to aid the Ail- American Fund. The blood plasma service of the American Red Cross, which Royal Neighbors of America will aid through this fund, grows out of one of the miracles of modern science, which has deYfilpj^d W€ans for this lifequite contented. Personally, I'm sorry j moved to Grayslake. J. Vasey, who I didn't get into this years ago. The has *>««" making his home with them, food is very good and one can eat all 18 J10* residing with the Joe Mays on he can hold. The hours seem hard , , and the drilling is considered slow , *r- and Mrs. Fred Nickels and famdeath, but I never felt better in my j1* are moving from the Ben Adams life. A few more weeks of this and bouse on Fourth Street to the Dettmer I'll be in as good shape as a profee- hoU8e on Mill Street. The Adams sional athlete. house will be occupied by Mrs.-C. It's time for show now and a soldier p®tske and children. always has an appfttte, so I'm gains M[- and Mrs. Russell Yunker and to fill up. Ison have moved from the Stoffel house jfrst regards to all. s ' • Ion Main Street to Freeport, 111. . JOE WALSH. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Easter Sunday Service at the Ring, wood Methodist church--9:30 a.m. Sermon, "The Eastor Story." Baptism and reception of members at thia time. We invite anyone in the community not attending services elsewhere to come and enjoy this service with us. Sunday School --10:30 a.m. Paul Walkington, Superintendent. Our Sunday School workers have plans for a very interesting primary department. The program of all the churches is every child receiving religious instruction, and every family members of some church. This is about the only way we can have a Christian world. Union Sacramental Service at the Ringwood Methodist church Friday, April 3, 7:30 p. m. This will be the Good Friday Service for the entire parish. Do not miss this service if at all possible. John 6:53. Jesus said, "(Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no life m yon/' R. J. L. McKELVEY, Minister. »»aaao»»a«a»aaeleaaaaaaaf Births »»»»»»»»»•»•»»»»»»»»»••»»+ The General Produced Afr- Tiffht Alibi /or His Men General Edward Canby and General Andrew Jackson Smith, of the Union army, came near the parting of the ways one day in 1865, but General Smith's quick wit save the day, reports the Illinois WPA Writers' Project. Escorted by a staff officer and twelve troopers, General Canby ^ode to General Smith's headquarters vand this conversation ensued: '^General Smith," said General Canby, "day before yesterday my steward bought thirteen young turkeys for my private mess, and your men have stolen them." •"What? My men have stolen youi turkeys?" said General Smith. "Yes, your men have stolen my turkeys." \ "Did they take them all?" MNo. They left one, the smallest one." "Then it wasnt my men, Genera] Canby. I know it wasn't, because if it had been men of the Sixteenth Corps they wouldn't have left you a feather, not a damned feather, sir." General Canby was still laughing as he rode away. "S 4 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz at the Woodstock hospital last Saturday. The Ralph Benoys of Ringwood are the parents of a daughter born ft the Woodstock hospital on Wednseday. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for Republican Precinct Committeeman from the Third McHenry Precinct. Your vote on Tuesday, April 14, will be appreciated. 44-4 ROBERT J. CONWAY. .4- • . • World Shuffled The world seems to be getting somewhat shuffled, what with Norway In Michigan, China in Maine, Corinth and Hamburg in New York, Scotland in North Carolina, Denmark in South Carolina and Berlin in both Wisconsin and Connecticut. Sagnara Tha aaguaro is a type of cactus, the blossoms of the plant attaining a height of 60 feet It ia the state flower o£ Arizona. we've *You go a long way toward economy when* year fl® year health and beauty needs from our Easter Btatafc of Big Values--nationally advertised brands at the lowest prices. Save, too, on your Easter candy by making your selections from our fresh stocks of wholesome packaged! wftw and pure milk chocolate bunnies and chlcki, OORN PLASTER, Blue-Jay • 23* DR. WEST'S MIRACLE-TUFT TOOTHBRUSH _ 47* KOOLOX SHAVE CREAM 294 MENTHOLATUM < ALMOND LOTIOH 39* KARITH 234 PIHEX 54* AOAROL „*1.09 MILK MAGNESIA 29* ZONITE 79* PEPTO BISMOL -47e HINKLE PILLS * 19(f SROMO SELTZER 49* MEET ... f. . 4»<* POLIDENT \ , L. •274 DOATf'R PILLS ' 83* THOMAS P- BOLGER lJ< THF McHFHRYnHilfiRlST PHONE <10. MEHENBY.ILL, • A-- * A : J :J %-• * •• |t|'M .. f--; - m

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