Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1942, p. 2

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'V*. VV '*?rASi !&i < *5^- •*' * ' *f ' t- - ' J > •> • '/ ^\v '< \ \-T'i'*'+«tr r RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday in Woodstock. , " Jepson of Urbana spent sev- (Political Advertisement) VOTE FOR Proven Leadership | Executive Ability Frank A. Love (k' REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Supt. of Schools OF McHENRT COUNTY iX An Office of High Responsibil- 't*. •* ity. Not a Minor Office. j: 4 fee' Now is the Time to > « IjMvg For Sure-Footed Leadership Sound Business Judgment •• i- Combined with a Thorough Knowledge of School Affairs. !|S?:jvOf c - eu Tewr Support Appreciate. eral days with his parents, Mr Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Everett Kuhn and children spent Wednesday with Mrs. Willian. Aubert. Mrs. Viola Low was a Waukegan caller on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cooper of St Petersburg; Fla., who have been spending several weeks in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home, left for home on Wednesday. v Mrs. Mike Rauen of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Madden and family of Kenosha were recent callers in the Jim Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson called on Jennie Bacon Wednesday evenfog. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, Johnny, were visitors at Oak Lawn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rupp and soa of DesPlaines were callers in the & W, Smith home Saturday. Rev. Collins officiated at the funeral of Mrs. R. E. Hamilton at Wildwood Wednesday afternoon. *-Wm j sws T-vvf 4i V <T< r\ ^ *' •> - v*" t\- p-.!¥rK'V . were callers in the | and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer visited in the ledrieh heme Sunday. j Albert Britz home on Tuesday even- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth of' Elgin were Sunday supper guests of Jennie Bacon. Shirky and Jimmy Aubert spent the weekend with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, at Woodstock. M. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the wake for Mary May at Spring Grove Wednesday evening. The McHenry County Rural Youth talent night will be held at the Woodstock high school gym on Thursday, April 9. Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon, Mrs. Charles Peet, Mrs. Ed Whiting and George attended the concert at McHenry Sunday eyening * ! Mrs. Mary Schmitt, wtu> spent the greater part of her life in the vicinity of Johnsburg and well known in these parts, passed away at her home in Beloit on Thursday of last week. Funeral services were held in Beloit with burial at St. John's cemetery in Johnsburg. Relatives who attended services were Mr. and Mrs. John Lay, Leo Lay, Paul Weber, Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Math Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen of Johnsburg were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff attended the McHenry Choral club concert Sunday evening. wer% Michels were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode of Mundelein were callers here Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Zarnstorff and Mrs. Mike Gorski called on Mrs. George King Wednesday evening. Mrs. Louis Althoff and Mrs. Chas. Vycitaland son of McHenry and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh and daughter of Chicago and Mrs. A1 Wegner and son of Ingleside were visitors in the home of Mrs. William Althoff Thursday afternoon. J Mr. and Mrs. John Degen and 'daughter, Jeanette, were Woodstock | callers Saturday morning. !' Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Wau- , kegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter: Freund and son, Billy, of Ingleside spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. t u the !iclf .we€lL wer% Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner of John Kattner, Mrs. Charles Freund, j Volo visited in the home of their Lofrise Stoffel, Billy Kattner, Tommy ; mother, Mrs. William Althoff, one £f^raI ^ c- tinkle, 4M'.hip High s^Thnrsday evening. School Squadron, Moody Field, Val-I The Volo 4-H Leisure Hour club dosta, Georgia. t held their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Len Lowell entertained her Yvonne Keil. Betty Anderson and pinochle club at her home Saturday Joyce Creaves assisted Yvonne, evening. | All 4-H club members are requested Mr. and Mrs. Ben True and son of to exhibit their projects at the next Waukgan enjoyed dinner at the home »*»»t meeting of the Home Bureau on ' v. L of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King Thurs. day. Frank Kaiser of Wadsworth called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Wednesday. Mrs. Otto Klemm and Mrs. Frank St. George attended the "Mother and Guest" banquet at the Grant Town- Wednesday, April 8, at the home of Mia. ft. C.^Hallock in WaucondsKFSThe great tun built in Heidelberg castle on the Rhine in ITM had a capacity for 800 hogsheads of wine, or about 283,200 quarts Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Collins and! Freund, Paul May and Mrs. George niirht this week C\HICJ5U«; MVCI HWI I, daughter, M"ar y, oVf1 <Avrnliunigftioonn JHtieeiiggnhttfsl " Agnes Jencks of Chicago spent the were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Thursday. Mrs. George R. Harrison spent last Thursday in the Walter Harrison home. * Mr. and Mrs.. R. C. Harrison and Edyth were Elgin callers Saturday. Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond returned home Sunday after spending two weeks with Jennie Bacon. John Smith spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. weekend at her home here Clarence and Loren Harrison spent Friday evening in Elgin. Leonard Brown of DesPlaines spent Saturday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Jack Leonard and Mrs. Helen Johnson spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. P. E. Saunders at Fontana. Mrs. Frank Peet of Richmond was a caller in the Charles Peet home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin were^llers in thfi Jepson and McCannon holies Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell spent Saturday evening in the Ford Jackson home at McHenry. ixienry Mrs. The P.-T. A. held their regular j Ray Merchant and Mrs. Lonnie Smith meeting and election of officers at the ! will be assistant hostesses. VOLO w. May. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borre of Richmond visited her father, Joseph J. Schmitt, on Sunday. Frank Schumacher of Marshfield, Wis., visited relatives and friends here on Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of Sunday guests in the Frank Wagner Chicago were Tuesday evening visihome were Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. i tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heinle, Louise, Harold and Junior, j Frank St. George. from Jane8ville and Kenneth Wagner I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritta of Fremont of Chicago. j Center were Sunday visitors at the Mr and Mrs Rov Wi«i»,k « Mr" ^ Mrs- WeHdlyn Kattner- of j home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. callers in Woodstock Saturday eveni Chicago spent Sunday with his 1 x'~ ' ing. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, Shirley and Marion, Alice Mae Low and Helen Ruth Butler visited Bob Schulz at St. Luke's hospital Sunday. The Home Circle will meet at the { home of Mrs. George Shepard at Mcj Henry on Wednesday, April 8. par- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe of ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. | Crystal Lake spent Monday at the Miss Evelyn Sanders of Woodstock ! borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. spent the weekend at her home. SOLON MILLS Miss Ada Dowell was a patient at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at the homfe of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert and Ellwood Dowell of " Libertyville . , r r, j „„„ • r*\i i nr.. i ** ~ ,, i daughter, Joyce, were Saturday after- apent Sunday at the Dowell home. school house on Friday evemng Those J ^ Mr®\ George Young and noon callers in McHenry. I Miss Doris Gadgen of Chicago spent elected were: president, M»; Weldon | Mr. andI Mrs. Nlck Young were calt- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beers and fam- !» days here at the home of Mr. Andreas, vice-presuknt, Mrs. John ers in M<^nry Saturday afternoon, jny Df Harvard spent Sunday with and Mrs. John Silski. Skidmore; secretary^ Mrs. Jielev Mr and Mrs. M. Dundee and fam- ;Mrs. Belle Schultz and famUy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and Ho'ffan OM mnir" fmPloy®d John ! ' George Fenry, Fred Schreuder and lfa,n,1y sPent Sunday with the latter's wogan, are moving to Barnngton. I Glen Roddel of Chicago were callers in mother, Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, at the Bert Weber and Henry Aubert 1 Crystal Lake. Johnson, secretary, Mrs. F. N. Muzzy. Harry Anderson of Richmond showed some very interesting colored films of California where he Wad visited recently and also other pla€es of interest and several short comedies, which was greatly enjoyed by the youngsters. The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau >*ill meet with Mrs. Walter Harrison on Tuesday, April 7» Mrs. S. W. Brown Visited ht* sister, Mrs. A. C. Msrftll, of Solon Mills at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicaga Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Helen Johnson spent Saturday afternoon in | homes Saturday!^ j Rev. Arthur Jevne of Ivanhoe spent mL r ia'n , „ -. „ I Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Geiser and son. Thursday afternoon at the home of of_McHenry mH- ; George, and Audrey of Chicago spent Mr, and Mrs. William Wirtz. do Re • and Mrs. Collins Wednes-; Sunday and Monday at the Geiser Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Freian, t v y »_ j home hoiv. jtnont called at the home of Mr. and IJL Kay Johnson spent Sunday' Elmer and Billy Neilson and friend M rs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. aiternoon with Brad Mortensen at of Chicago spent the weekend at their j Mrs. Len Littlefield, Mrs. Frank St wVa iir-,1 . . . summer home ftere. George and Mrs. Otto Klemm were . W'lham A.ube^t and childfw* Mr. and Mrs. William Watts spent. Waukegan callers Thursday. spent Sunday ewning in McHeniy. Sunday with relatiyes at Fox Lake. i <Mr- and Mrs. Elmer Peterson of Mrs. George Young was hostess to , Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick arrived home Chicago spent Sunday at the home of h °ti!r_birth" Monday evening after spending a few Mr and Mrs Glenn Bacon. Wednesday from the Woodstock hos pital where she had been a patient for ten days. -"Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and (Political Advertisement) SP-w- WILL /NOT BILL SMITH When vote* send & man to the legi&feturt they are entitled to know what they may expect of him in a general Way. Of course a legislator doesn't know what he MAY be called upon to vote FOR or AGAINST . . . BUT, he thinga. " •>. i" - -i. ' And co, for your guidance in considering MY candidacy, I'll outline a few points which may indicate to those who are not personally acquainted with me, the sort of a man they are supporting^ they vote for ME. thus, if I go to the legislature ton ih* flk distil* y»u can depend on my word that: 1 .WILL Attend sessions of legislature with utmost regularity. I WILL vigorously oppose legislation I believe inimical to the best interests of the people; and will vigorously support legislation I believe is FOR their interests. I WILL be honest, courageous and conscientious. I WILL consider my district as OKE unit, and will be unwilling to favor one county as against the others, for, a state sentative represents A THREE counties. I WILL courageously work against legislation which seeks to relieve the various units of our counties of their rights to handle their own affairs -- in other words, I believe in HOME RULE and will do all I can to retain at least that part of H whini is left in our state. I WILL courageously support any effort to repeal that most a t r o c i o u s " R e g i s t r a t i o n a c t " which becomes effective in June and which I'm later going to de-< tail to voters who, as a whole, do not understand its import in rural districts. I WILL maintain an office in Waukegan where voters of the district can easily contact me at all times or find out where I can be located: this is a service an earnest office-holder owes to constituents. Eighth dist voters haven't had this com enee in mapy, many yefcrs. ice hi* rf- I WILL NOT I WILL NOT be a "yes man" -- 1 never was one and just COULD'NT BE ONE. I WILL ALLOW NOijNDIVTDUAL OR GROUP otHndividuals to influence my vote against what I deem best for the whole district. t WILL NOT "pussyf&at" on I WILL NOT "walk out," or fear standing up and voting on bills that may have conflicting points of value --III use MY BEST JUDGMENT and trust that it is correct. ' .tI WILL NOT support legislation tending to RAISE TAXES until I have some assurance it is necessary as a defense measure -- and even then I'll insist that economical dispersal of funds must be made in a more SANE and effective manner. I WILL NOT support any effort to carry out a sutrgiested plan now under way of INCREASING the sales tax again from the present TWO cents back to THREE cents. (I believe if the money collected under the TWO cents tax was more carefully allocated, it would fulfill the purpose it was intended for.) day Thursday afternoon. Prizes were I days with relatives in Midland" and Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta of Chiwon by Mrs. Georgia Thomas and Mae Detroit, Mich. cago called at the home of Mr. and „"ch' „ . j Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller and Ml s- Frank St. George Sunday. nv ^ndrew Hawley and j daughter, Ruth Ann, spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reiland, North- STANDMlt SERVICE W, > ! your car and tiros Coii5wAon«c|^ Kr8'cW2rlia^1 J®ff l man were callers in jthe Ben Benson home. the S. W. Smith home Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Harrison. Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Katie Freund attended the Frozen Foods demonstration at Woodstock on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison called on Mrs. Ed Faulkner at Wilmot Sunday evening; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown visitoa Mrs. A. C. Merrell at the Presbyterian hospital Sunday. brook, spent Sunday at their farm Mrs. Leonard Rush, daughter, Fran- bere. cis Mae, and son, Eugene, of Rich- Mrs- William Fulton, Mrs. William mond were Sunday afternoon visitors Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, Mr. in the Belle Schultz home. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Merrell underwent surg- ^ohn Passfteld attended the funeral ery at Presbyterian hospital in Chi- services for Willard Darrell at the cago one day last week. She is get- i Wauconda Federated church at Wauting along as well as can be expected. conda Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs. Lawrence Miss Francis Dowell and John Johnson and Mrs. John Sanderson Fisher of Grayslake spent Sunday at were Chicago visitors on Saturday. Ithe home of Mr- »nd Mrs. Frank St. Mrs r>v.a»i^ » * Solon - Richmond Home Bureau will < George. Mrs. Charles Peet entertained at, meet April 3 at the home of Mrs ' Arvilla Fisher is confined to her ; w .u uZrf ? in. honor of the I Robert Gardner. Mrs. Sweeney wili G^orep R TJ y h^" mother Mrs-1 Pve the lesson on Foods for Defense. urir andarZn W GUefuPreSentl Frank KilPatrick and son, Junior, «nW^Ai; j m .Edward Harrison spent Sunday in the Chester Kilpatand Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin,! rick home at Antioch. P Knson Wis*' Mr ^ ^ F°S At"! Mr' and Mrs" RalPh Thomas and Hienze of fvU i i l Mrs- Arthur Schultz of Richmond vis- Walter ^ , Mr8" ited Mrs. George Thomas at the Elk- Walter Hainson and Earl and Mi J horn hospital Saturday. dinner Start now to benefit from this system lof Regular Inspection and Service •'ltfany m motorist will add literally thouiands of miles to the life of his tires ... will keep his car rolling long beyond his fondest hopes ... by following this practical program that -is offered you by year Standard Oil dealer. Stake up your mind your car can aeeyou through. Remember, your Standard Oil dealer has skill and experience to offer you. Adopt ' IjtS Approved Car Conservation Schedule as your own I •wy IUy SMN Pifiwi 1MA md Hap It M? i home at this writing. The many friends of Teddy Winkle will be pleased to learn his new ad- YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER IS CAR CONSERVATION HEADQUARTERS Z. MM M - -W.i • A. I WILL ALWAYS TRY to reflect credit on my district by my strict attention to pending legislation and study with care bills that are up for action -- and, I believe, my experience SHOULD and DOES enable me to ably digest those bills so I'll always know WHAT I'm voting for or against. and Mm Raymond Harrison, Neil and Howard. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jennie Bacon Friday. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy, Bob Brennan and Helen Johnson spent Sunday afternoon in the Saunders home at Harvard. Six tables of cards were in play at the Hofae Bureau card party at the C. E. Martin home Friday evening. The prizes in five hundred were awarded to Mrs. Ed Whiting and Ed Denman for high scores and to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Tony Freund for low score. Pinochle and hearts were also played. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisby, Greenwood, were callers in the Clayton Harrison home. * Floyd Howe and Mrs. Robert Howe and son were callers in the H. J. Collins home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were callers in Woodstock Saturday after, noon. A i?r J and Mrs. George Young and Alfred were Sunday guests in the * uller Boutelle home at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Frank Block and children of Kenosha spent several days with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn last week. The members of the Flying Eagle scout troop met with Howard Harrison Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is a patient at the Spa in Waukesha, Wis. Mrs. Ernest Snyder of Solon HiM« called da Jennie Bffon Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday in Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedricl) and sons were callers in Genoa City Sun. day afternoon. SPRING GROVE Parishioners of St Peters' church observe Holy Week by attending services throughout the week. On Holy Thursday the Mass of the Institution was celebrated at 8 a.m., and the Blessed Sacrament was carried to the side altar which was decorated for the occasion. In the evening at 8 o'clock there was a Holy Hour. The cermonies on Good Friday will begin at 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester were callers in Ringwood Monday. About sixty attended the Hard Time party given by the Solon Get- Together Club at the Solon school on Friday evening. There was dancing and'games for the ohildren. Refresh ments were served by the commitu t in charge. Earl Monear of McHenry was a caller in town Monday. A birthday party was held for Glenn Benson at his home Saturday night. Word was received that Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley left Orlando, Fla., Monday and expect to be home in a few days. Mrs. John Pester and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick spent Wednesday in Woodstock. Mrs. W. H. Gardner made a business trip to Mnkwonago, Wis., Monday. r'red Rogers of Chicago spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. H. Rogers. ' Arthur Cairns and friends spent Saturday at his home here. Earl and Charles Schultz of Wauconda spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. Belle £chultz. JOHNSBURG Jof Pitzen motored to Beloit, Wis,. Friday. .Miss Marie King spent a few days with relatives in Woodstock recenti- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls called on Mary Ann Karls at Waukegan sanatorium Friday evening. Miss Katie Pitsen of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove were callere at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe F Michels Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Bill May motored to Minnesota to visit with Harold Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann and Mrs. Joe Huemann were Waukegan callers Saturday afternoon. Miss Thelma Lay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick at Woodstock. TW i * ' - XJ. t t Send your greetings colorfully-- fragrantly--in a flowerpot, bos, basket, or corsage. Whether yon have a little or lot to spend,, well meet your budget with glorious, hardy blooms which will keep saying "Happy Easter" for y<||^ long after the date is passed. '; .. ^ a.m., when-the Mass of the Presancti-! Donald Michels of Chicago spent fied will be observed wjth Veneration Saturday and finndav with Ua t>«r. of the Cross. Services in the evening will begin at eight o'clock. On th«- morning of Holy Saturday, there will be a High Mass with eeremonials preceding the mass. Confessions will be heard on Wednesday afternoon and evening as well as on Saturday afternoon and evening. Masses on Easter Sunday will be at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Flank Wagner, Michael Wagner and sons and Mrs. Thelen spent Tuesday in Waykegan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mr. Iturday and 8onday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Michels. Mrs. Walter Freynd, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and sons. LeRoy and Elmer, Miss Bonnie Page, Miss Dorothy Michels and Miss Jeanette Degen motored to Waukegan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Eva Hagan of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Huemann. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers spent Thursday with Mrf. Walter Freund at Ingle- Mrs. Albert Hof and Mrs. Joe P. Cut Flowers POTTED PLANTS & Turn to Nature Are Gifts of Beauty and Cheer for EASTER Hydrufwi Ciseppia Tulip Rose Bushes NO EASTER LILIES This Year! Carnations Stocks Snapdragons Oladiottas Sweet Peas Roses v Gardenias, etc. for sufficient beauty with which to express your E aa t e r wishes -- potted plants, varied bouquets or a corsage -- we provide them all for eVery name you wish to yawembar at --Order Jbariy-- Easter time! - McHENRY FLORAL CO. One Mile South of McHenry on Route SI -- Tel 606-R-l

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