Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1942, p. 2

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;;:faue:T.f >;*^" • ** • • • *•'«'." h -•« •;;¥• .,-••••. -- - . '4-\. : * • ' • v ~ ,,"- ", ;?- -, v«v .•;• , . - TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT I" ^ I John Schmitt, Grading ijohn Smith, Grading I Anthony Fredson, Ditching Rmgwood Garage, Gas and Geo. J. Schmitt, Putting culverts Ben N. Smith, Grading and graveling .. - •*•--» Alexander Lumber Co., Culverts ass.<« in H. Received and Disbursed tor the Fiscal Year Endwl# March 31, 1942. STATE OF ILLINOIS, . V ,r County of McHenry, Town of McHenry, ss. . Office of Treasurer of the Road and j Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Bridge Funds of said Town. ;Glen Benoy, Grading To the Highway Commissioner, Town j Matt Adams, Grading of McHenry, County of McHenry, | Frank Kaiser, Grading and State of Illinois: j labor ............... I, Matt N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the j Peter M. Schaefer, Grading Road and Bridge Funds for the Town i and labor and County aforesaid, State of Illinois, {Central Garage, Gas, oil and being duly sworn, depose and say that j labor -- the following statement by me sub- John J. Schmitt, 75 yards of scribed is a correct statement of the j gravel - amount of road and bridge funds on jjohn E. Nett, Grading and hand at the beginning of the fiscal j graveling - year above stated; the amount of road 'John Weingart, Graveling and bridge funds received; the sources ' " ~ from which received; the amount expended, and the purpose for -which expended, as set forth in said statement. MATT N. SCHMITT, Treasurer. , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 81st ds<y of March, 1942. ALBERT KRAUSE, Notary Public, McHenry, 111. commission expires June 24, 1942.) 18.00 26.00 60.00 13.49 t - " 'V TtemMUy, April SO, 1« m4m.0t¥ SBSBBmSmi P*4 graveling John Smith, Grading Albert Huff, Cleaning eat culverts ... John J. Thelen, Grading Robert Vogt, Cutting weeds 10.60 John E. Nett, Grading and I graveling 98.851 Stephen Freund, 360 yarda of * ' gravel 86.00 rwii »w|BOT«fclnBOE'BTOTAlTOItTJ FOdD rOK rfiKZDOH mo | STATEMINT ! 4.80 20.0ft 1.60 190.88 7.75 _l2.15 , <9.90 26.15 14.35 T&0 193.50 , 35.20 West M<?Henry State Bant^ Balance on tractor and iiit terest, $1,067.24; Warrant ! and interest, $1,508.55 2,575.79 Nunda Township, Grading 1939, 1940, 1941 * 35.00 July 9 S9.37 i Charles Miller, Graveling .... 40.50 j John J. Schmitt, 24 yarda of Dick Miller, Graveling Ks>i»r V. . J*ly Central Garage, Gas John E. Nett, Grading and I graveling ....-- ...». ! James Bell, Cutting thistle* of |C. J. Eddy, Cutting weeds .... Matt Glosson, Grading and cutting weeds -- | Abe Lawrence, Cutting weeds Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Glen Benoy, Grading ... (Mill Steve N. Schmitt, Grading and dragging Alexander Lumber Co., Culfl- 83 verts Merrilet Road Supply Co, Road signs ... ...... ,00 Philip Schaefer, Cutting weeds --.... .. William May, Cutting weeds 3352.00 John J. Thelen, Grading and cutting weeds Matt Schmitt, Cutting weeds 3,952.00 | John Pfeifer, Crushing gravel. I Anton H. Freund, Grading .... LOO Chester B. Howe, Cutting weeds ..... £ Angnst 27 Alexander Lumber Co., CnJ» verts - C. C. Fuller 4k Co., Scarifier parts .. Great Lakes Supply Cat, Grader blades M Ring-wood Garage, Gas and oil Prank S. May, Putting up road signs Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading and cutting weeds Glen Benoy, Grading John J. Thelen, Grading John Weingart, Graveling Anton H. Freiihd, Grading .. tjSHSi • Pftuik L. Adams, Grading .... Ben H. Stilling, Cutting weeds ...» Elmer Stilling, Grading John N. Schmitt, Cutting weeds .. (Albert M. Schmitt, Filling and planking bridge -... : Ben N. Smith, Gravel and , i r grading -417,943.01 (Frank Kaiser, Grading aqd cutting weeds ........... 13,913.87 [Central Garage, Gas and .______ I grader repair JWjWH* on Hand ~J|„4J?8,14 ' J?Jn Nett, Grading ... V! •15 - | Peter M. Schaefer, Grading Iowa Mutual Liaibility It*. 14.00 -- i .,1,^, Rxpenditares and Balsa-- on Hand 1941 March 25 Matt N. Schmitt, Balance en hand ~ April 28 State of Illinois, Refund gas tax April 26 West McHenry State Bank, Anticipation warrant ........ June 3 Coonty Treasurer, Partial payment ol' taxes July ft County Treasurer, P*f$ML payment of taxes My 28 For grading August 19 McHenry Country Club, for grading August 28 Wonder Lake Woods Assn., for grading -- September 15 County Treasurer, Partial payment of taxes November 24 Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., Credit on parts November 24 County Treasurer, Special ' dist. J. B. Kelter Est., back taxes on personal property November 26 County Treasurer, Final payment of taxes Nni imfcii » Ccmnty Treasurer, Back tube* December 1 Count? Treasurer, Forfeited taJCM , - 1942 - . February 28 For opening roads «9J5 ^8.00 8JS 42^0 6MN) 14^5 • 4.75 gravel Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Glen Benoy, Grading Anton H. Freund, Grading*.... Frank L. Adams, Grading-- Arthur Stilling, Dragging and cutting weeds Walter J. Freund, Prestone for tractor George Hiller, Repairing culverts ........ John J. Vycital, Wire Ben J. Miller, Dynamite and James Orr, 16 ft. rods .......... Ring wood Garage, Gas and William May, Putting up snow fences Frank Kaiser, ll4 yards of gravel Frank Young, Cutting weada Deeeaaber 12 ' Charles Miller, Graveling DsMahtr 22 Peter M. Schaefer, Grading Ben J. Miller, Dynamite and labor ...... Wm. B. Smith, Putting up A FINANCIAL STATEMENT^>he Town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the year A. D. 1941, made by Matt N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town: { ft1 J . Amount received from prede- 152.45 cessor in office 41 „7$L68 Amount of Tax Levied the^i,^ 2 . 4 0 p r e c e d i n g > e a r , t o - w i t : 12.85 1941, for the payment of 4 . 0 0 ' T o w n i n d e b t e d n e s s a n d 4.80 charges 5,840.00 7.50 Amount collected and paid over to me as Supervisor 4,702.81 20.20 16.0§ 140.68 3.09 &7« 2M snow fences .... Abe Lawrence, Labor on road Jos. Kloeckoer, Grading Alexander Lumber Co., Cul- ~ - 19.00 verts Charles Miller, Graveling,.~ g&H John EL Nett, Graveling jWm. Grasser, Grading 62.60' ^r*n'{ 1^ Adams, Grading _ I Anton H. Freund, Grading 12.00' Oliver Lawrence, Cutting Precinct No. 1, Ringwood, Judges, 815.00; Clerks, fl5.00, Rent. $10.00; Returning ballots, $2.50 Precinct No. 2, City Hall; Judges, $15jOO; Clerks f 15.00; Rent, *540; Returning ballots, 50c I'. Precinct No. 3, Buch Building, McHenry, Judges*, - $16.00; Clerks, $1640; Kent, $10.00; Clerk, PoaU ing Election Notices, $3.00f 13.10 Precinct No. 4, Johrisburg^ Judgea, $15j00; Clerks, $16.00; Rent, $10.00; Returning ballots, $2.50 ........ Ajpril 10 McHenry Plaindealer, Print- * ing ballots and notice of election Mm, K - 28.49 1040 11.40 8.00 117.60 28uM 8l60 4.00 940 29.87 113.00 82.50 11.00 Board of Auditors, Meat-. M40 #•40 14.00 25.40 5.50 871^0 12.15 12J5 •640 weeds John Schmitt, Grading 1»42 January 28 John EL Nett, Plowing snow Central Garage, Gas, oil and repair tractor Walter M. Smith, Plowing snow 8^00 641 #4-31 _ KJ33 456.86 y849 6.00 lital Receipts , * S u m m a r y o f . . . Expenditures 15.99 ^ 6.69 7.50 il.00 9.50 16.50 12.60 26.40 82.40 27.00 88.00 5.50 33.00 .» 101.66 6.75 2^5 14.40 15.00 127.50 13840 17^5 22.00 ^ ^ ORDERS PAID * March 26 ' Jos. J. Fretand, Storage of tyftftof #•' Walter M. Smii^ ^ ^ • mum -- Central Garage, Gas ppd£ labor John E. Nett, Plowing snow Alfred Freund, Grading ...... Kenneth E. Cristy, Gilding Earl Harrison, Grading Peter Miller, Dragging April 28 Matt Glosson, Grading, gravel and graveling Ringwoed Garage, Gaa and ^ oil -....J.^. " Wm. B. Smith, Taking down snow fences Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Earl Harrison, Grading Charles Miller, Graveling .... Matt Adams, Grading John Weingart, Graveling .... .Ben N. Smith, Graveling and .grading Anton H. Freund, Grading .. Frank L. Adams, Grading .... Peter M. Schaefer, Grading John J. Schmitt, 336 yards • gravel John E. Nett, Grading and graveling Jog. S. Schmitt, Grading .... John Schmitt, Grading Jo*- L. Freund, Dragging,: grading and labor William May, Taking down * snow fences Frank Kaiser, Grading and labor May 1 l*pt>ajd Michels, Graveling .... - May 28 George HiUer, • Putting in wall on culvert Alexander Lumber Co.. CuU verts 7 Ben J. Schaefer, Paint and, brush John J. Vycital, Shovels ""... William Miller, 171 yards of gravel C. C. Fuller A Co., Snow plow •repair 5' Central Garage, Gas ana oil John E. Nett, Grading and graveling Peter M. Schaefer, Grading Jos. King, .Labor with truck Matt Adams, Grading £ Anton H. Freund, Grading ^ Frank L. Adams, Grading .... Alfred Freund, Grading Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Glen Benoy, Grading 1 June 25 Walter M. Smith, Cleaning culverts McHenry Lumber Co., Posts Jos. H. Huemann & Sons,' Storage of tractor gas and repair; / Anton H. Freund, Grading. and cutting weeds ok L, Adams, Grading .... Rietesel, Printing signs. Co., Comp. and ins. __ tractor |f on John Pfeifer, Crushed gravel A September 24 jkg Arthur Stilling, Dragging aoi' . j cutting thistles * ^ 35.151 P*rte» Smith, Grading 104.25 j f<r*nk I Blake, Rietesel, suiiitfjr,' 640 21.00 740 17,00 Cutting Painting Cutting 2.00 6.00 9.50 22.00 ... 151; .. 118. .00 ,50 80.63 weeds Charles signs Ben H. weeds John J. Nett, Cutting weeds John E. Nett, Grading and gqmftig tUl D*nald Michels, Graveling .. Clarence Regner, Sanding .... 16.60 ^rank Adams, Grading and 2140 cutting weeds fj/Qo 7.00 Anton H. Freund, Grading ^^3.00 4845 McHenry Lumber Co., 8ew«f 15.75 P'Pe - 48.10 Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading and cutting weeds -!lt' 68.15 Olen Benoy, Grading 9.70 Milton E. Hopper, Cutting 3.60 weeds -- 22.60 October 29 / John J. Nett, Labor on road ||i|60 Wm. Grasser, Mowing weeds Chester B. Howe, Cuttiqg, 198.75 weeds ^ 8.00 1 Alec Anderson, Cleaning cv^ 24.00 verts 1 Charles Miller, Graveling .... '||^50 ' Nick ^P. Miller, Repairin|| 20^25 Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading Glen Benoy, Grading 40.30 John E. Nett, Graveling John Weingart, Graveling •«. 16.62 •2040 440 Matt Glosson, Grading .......... Jos. King, Hauling tile and putting signs up James Bell, Cleaning ditches Ed Bauer, Cutting weeds Ring-wood Garage, Gas ,IU< oil Wonder Lake Service Station, Gas and oil , John Weingart, Graveling Jos. Pitzen, Cleaning ditches C. C. Fuller A Co., Repair on snow plow H. B. Faith, Repair on grader Alexander Lumber Co., Culverts n Crystal Lake Trucking CoT, Gravel , Anton H. Freund, Grading «... Frank L. Adams, Grading ..„ Kenneth E. Cristy, Grading February 25 , Jos. H. Huemann & Sana, Gas, pil and storage of tractor , Elmer Stilling, Grading Ringwood Garage, Gas and oil Jos. Pitzen, Labor on road John E. Nett, Plowing snow March 25 Wm. Grasser, Grading g.00,c. c. Fuller A Co., Tractor *U.W repairs i J°»- Kloeckner, Grading •'oa- Pitzen, Cleaning culverts { Botts Welding Co^ Welding ' grader ' . John Weingart, Graveling ..J Jos. L. Freund, Grading and taking down snow fences .. Anton H. Freund, Grading Frank L. Adams, Grading .... Kenneth E. Cristy, Gratfing Earl Harrison, Grading Ben N. Smith, Grading and graveling Elmer Vogt, Grading ....... Wm. B. Smith, Taking down snow fences •* Arthur Stilling, Grading ...... Central Garage, Gas, oil and repair John J. Schmitt, 120 yards of gravel John E. Nett, Graveling"!..!" William May, Taking down snow fences and use of trailer J**l November 29 P»id Interest on Road Bond 8,114.17 47.76 19.48 129.30 5040 29.60 13.00 740 4.00 6.00 19.68 443 12.00 7.75 68^8 3.04 4.74 86740 2.50 7.50 12.00 7046 1340 13.86 2.00 38^5 12.00 244 14.00 1040 22.75 23.00 _2.60 1.25 48.40 12.43 146.40 21.00 11.00 18.75 26.25 8.75 68.45 8.76 12.50 1745 20.74 12.00 196.90 2240 Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. com*™'756^ March 81, 1942 157.56 $1341847 Distribution of Expenditures 8.76 41.25 13.75 ,155^5 75.00 10.50 31.50 8.14 5.64 17.10 !V.12 21.13 160.80 Interest, $28.44 Total wS p0a„d; c°n^ruction -•* ****** Amount Receiv^ 106.16 | Anton H. Freund, Grading j Frank L. Adams, Grading Wm. B. Smith, Plotting up 85.00 *now fences * 18.00 Jos. Kloeckner, Grading 5,00 49.37 Alec Anderson, Burning bl ush , 2.60 Mr. Olson, Putting in culvert 3.00 Kenneth Peterson, Mowing weeds 5.00 Frank May, Burning brush .. 3J>0 Peter M. Schaefer, Grading 48.50 Elmer Stilling, Grading 13.50 Jos. L. Freund, Cutting brush and grading !5<00 William May, Putting snow fences 28.00 11.J0 Alexander Lumber Co., Cul- ,31.10 | verts ; 69.53 lil.70 IC. C. Fuller dc Co., Repair on 12.601T ?radfr ;y-- -- 2.18 12.601 John J. Vycital, Bolts 7.00 x wire 2.00 Jos. S. Schmitt, Grading 15.50 JBen J. Schaefer, Paint 4.O8 Oliver Lawrence, Cutting brush 28.00 , November 26 • 81.66 J<>8- Kloeckner, Grading 12.00 'Wm. Grasser, Grading 4.00 ITonyan Bros., Graveling 4.00 McHenry Lumber Co., Posts 16.79 John Weingart, Graveling .... i38.00 Charles Rietesel, Painting signs ..y:..r. 2.00 Ben N, Smith, Qr^djjyQg and Earth Road, Grading Earth Road, Dragging Bridges and Culverts, pairs Machinery Purchased--P^id balance on note, $1,000.00: interest, $67.24 Machinery Repairs Paid Anticipation Warrant, $1,500.00; interest $8.66 Supplies Miscellaneous Paid Interest on Road Bond 'Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. com. 1,067.?4 271.86 1,020. 3,114.17 157.56 Total Receipts -- .$5,404.44 Town Expenses Paid Canvaasing^Boa ing vote*' AjkB 2 ird, CanMMM- 4- too ^a.6o MM MM #40 '±.78 2.50 til.95 ings Victor Adding Machine Cov Adding machine June 10 ' McHenry Plaindealer, Printing annual report - June 24 u" Board of Auditors, Meeting Perfection Legal Blank Co., J. P. supplies American Seal & Stamp Co.,, Constable star ...» .> * Robert J. Conway, Board of Health, $640; Two trips to/ Melrose Park, $7:00; toK Sprinfield on A.D.C. bllli"*!*"4 5 $1440 *m3Q Matt N. Schmitt, Board of ~ • Health, $5.90; to Spring- •* *»• field on A.D.CL bill; trips t o W o o d s t o c k , t w o ; H e b r o n f four; Melrose Park, two .. ." 39110 &eptemt»r 2 . Jos. J. Freund, 137 days asl Commissioner i A8640 Fred C. Feltz, 87 days as Thistle Commissioner 30&.OO Fred C. Feltz, Hiung.. "^^n to cut thistles, 10 days 30.00 Jos. N. Schmitt, Assessing and taking up farm census 1,100.00 Caroline Sc hie sale, One-half year rent MLOO Robert J. Conway, Salary ' one-half year, $100.; Board??*#"* of Health, $9.50; Sumps/ etc., $5.45 Matt N. Schmitt, Salary one-half year as Supervisor and Poor Master Matt N. Schmitt, Board of Health; trips to Haztland and Melrose Park, etc Board of Auditors, Meeting I". Assn. Twp. Officials, Ones, of township officials * P. F. Petti bone Co., RmmI and bridge record book .... Perfection Legal Blank Col, J. P. supplies '/ASS October 27 • ^ Burdette Smith A Co., Thraa law books, 1941 statutes, > J. P. McHenry Piaindealer, Publishing town meeting Board of Auditors, Meeting November 18 1 Board of Auditors, Specials. meeting /"• 1942 Fabiriiary 5* Board pf Auditors, Meeting March 31 Jos. J. Fruend, 163 days as commissioner Board of Auditora, Krause, Anderson, Whiting meeting Matt N. Schmitt, Sal. onehalf year as Supervisor and Poor Master, $200.; Meeting and incidentals, $68.80 Robert J. Conway, One-half year salary, $100.; Incidentals, $12.82 Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, Onehalf year rent 1941 Juno 8 West McHenry State Bank^ Anticipation warrant, $760;' tt.35 1A40 MOO 2840 M.00 12JI 740 MK40 11S42 778.44 2,124.68 Amount Paid 57.80 mu B*tanM on ^<$6^03.69 ...^.$5,404.44 5,203.69 200.75 ^id on Indebtedness Paid on Expensea 750.00 28.44 How are we going to get along with rationed amounts of sugar? Those who have been heavy users 6f cane and beet sugar will learn how to use other fdods and to substitute other sweetenings. Some will find tl»e rationed ounces amply cover their needs. XNT u.t ri.t.i.o n spec-iia lisx t sayi xthl a*t many tnem irom drowning retain the bone flavor of us eat more sweets than we need. Sugar dulls the appetite for other foods, creates only an appetite for more sugar. We eat sugar chiefly for iti sweetness and flavor. Molasses and sorghum syrup are excellent (xxx) sources or iron and good (xx) sources of calcium; cane syrup is a good source of iron; maple syrup and maple angar are good sources of calcium; otherwise, sugars contribute only fuel or energy to the diet. Fuel or energy ifhich is measured by calories could be obtained from starches and fats. In some diets sugar crowd*- out other foods such as fraita, vegetables and milk which are needed for proper growth and body maintenance. Besides this indirect damage of too many sweets, there may be direct injury to teeth according to many dental scien* tista. Hewnevcc, we do not need ta, nor do we waa/fc to give up sugar. Who would want cake or cocitiea, pie «tr piMIiin without awetitneas? Fortunately, sugar isn't our only sweetening. Honey, corn syrup and corn sugar or dextrose <prohibitive in price for or. dinary use), tnaple sugar and syrup, sorghum syrup, can all substitute for eane or beet sugar to some degree. Officials believe that supplies of all syrups, except molasses, can be in- «reaeed a tittle above last year's totals. Farmers have been asked to plant more eengfcnm this year. Since molasses is obtained in the process of refining sugar we can't expect unlimited quantities, but corn syrup is obtained commercially by chemical treatment of starch and therefore is one of our best substitutes. It is not difficult to learn how to use these other sweetenings and at the same time Continue to use our favorite recipes. Bureau of Home Economies specialists have worked out these rules for substitution. In beverages, paddings, custard and sauces, you can use com syrup in place of sugar as the only sweetening. But you have to use twice as much to get an equally sweet product. When you use corn syrup, all the other liquids in the recipe should be reduced one-fourth. In muffins, plain cakes, and drop cookies, corn syrup may be substituted measure for measure for sugar and the liquid in the recipe reduced onethird. / In sweet cakes and candy, you can replace one-fourth of the sugar with an equal amount of corn syrup, but, remember, whfcn you use corn syrup, to cut down the other liquids onethird. Canned foods and jellies can' be avade with three-fourths refined sugar and one-fourth corn syrup. Half the augar in stewed fruits may be replaced with com syrup. Frozen desserts, too, can be made with one-fourth corn syrup. Using it improves their texture. Molasses is the secret of success in gingerbread, baked beans, Boston brown bread, and many cakes and cookies. You can use sorghum syrup, instead, if you like. Maple sugar can be substituted for granulated sugar .in recipes where you'd like a maple flavor. You use 11/3 cups of maple sugar for each cup of cane or beet su&ar. Honey is especially good as a sweetening for raw fruits. You can put it on your cereal, use it in combination with nuts, chopped dried fruits, cream cheese, or pejuiut butte* as a sandwich Ailing. One-fifth of honey is water, but when you substitute honey for refined sugar you have to reduce the amount of other liquids in the recipes more than that. The amount of reduction Total •$ 778,44 Total -- $18,918.87 World Shuffled • The world seems to be getting somewhat shuffled, what with Norway in Michigan, China in Maine, Corinth and Hamburg in New York, Scotland in North Carolina, Den. mark in South Carolina and Berlin in both Wisconsin and Connecticut. 1408.56 STATE OF ILLINOIS, " ^ 66.18 McHenry County, > . Jjj Town of McHeifry, gg, f' N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town, do hereby certify that the foregomg statement is tWe «pd cor. rect, as I verity believe. WITNESS my hand, this Slst day of March A. D. 1942. MATT N. SCHMITT, supervisor of Town of McHenry 4 A.f7.00 9.00 6.00 140.76 * 11.90 29.40 2.50 Caraway Seeds Improve Hearingt Our ancestors favored caraway seeds for between meal nibbling, and tried to justify this dissipation by pretending that it helped avoid UaaXness. Carbonated Watar The only naturally carbonated waters found in the United States east of the Rockies are found at the fsmoufl eastern spa, Saratoga, ICY. ' Bead the Want Ads! * * Ships C|ar, Gets Horse A pilot sent from London to Scotland shipped a roadster in a freight car on the same train by which he was traveling. When he reached his destination he opened tho car and out walked a horse. '. . iij.; Express Omnibus? Lj. * An express omnibus doesffi-'fifteaii a pretty fast means of automobile transportation--it is really the name of a kitchen helper in a hotel or m> taurant. ^ * ? varies according to the consistency of the honey and the proportion as/honey you use. For instance, if you substitute medium thick honey for all the sugar in a recipe, reduce other liquids one-half. If you use half honey, hat| sugar, reduce Other liquids one-fourth,. Bake all £uch cake? and quickf>re&<V at'a modei ate temperature to "keep them from browning too fast and to HOtiey takes up mollturfc rapidly, so it is Especially appropriate in foods that you want to stay, jpaoist^a long time, like fruit cakes, steamed pyddings, cookies and candies. - Honey can replace half the sugar in jellies, jams and preserves, too. If you use more than half honey, though the flavor of the fruit and the consistency and color of the product will be changed somewhat. Honey can be used, measure for measure, in place of molasses in gingerbread, brown bread, etc. Since honey, is less acid than molasses, omit the soda and increase the amount of baking powder to one teaspoon for each half-teaspoon of soda the recipe calls for. Recipes for using honey in other foods are given in the U. S. Department of Agriculture Leaflet No. 118, "Honey and Some of Its Uses." It'a free from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Another good bulletin can be obtained from the American Honey Institute, Madison, Wis. It's ten cents and is called "Old Favorite; Honey Recipes." We have more suggestions which we'll give you next week. Also-- watch this -column for sugarless and part-sugar recipes tested in the high school kitchen by our future homemakers. McHenry 'Nutrition Committee. posmom now ornr FOR jtnnoarmsTS AND ST*KOORAPHEKS United States Civil Service issued an announcement eek regarding employment op- •portunities in the field service in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin for the positions at Junior Stenographers at $1,440 a year .and Junior Typists at $1,266 a year. , Appliwits must have reached their eignteenjEfi 'liifirthday on the date of filing a;_ mum tions. n. There are no maxiit* fof tiiese examlMfotaMand fall ini £ttildir», class pcuft oflSc* Office Building, Chicago, ce in the Application card forms must be fiM?#*h the imnigaer, Seventh U.S» Civil Service district, Post Office Building, Chkagb, and will be received until the needs of the service ha*e been met. ' DRUM M AJOR CONTEST A mistake was mad? last week "at" th<$ Mgfevtdtool >n t3be names given Thfc tfafndealer of contestants in the Twirling Drum Major contest. Nadine Schaefer, not ftuwl Sanders, was a ptfttj^nt in the contest |t Ottfpa. ' . Net Parfoetty 1 iM T&it earth ia not perfectly round. The aguatorial diameter <rf the earth la T428 miles; the polar diameter, 7,199.9 miles, or 26.1 miles lass Ops the equatorial diameter. K 1U?-: vX'l » * • ' Hnt ibows bow your too,, om koofli roHing bngir 45,104 miles on a single est of tins ~»iu a Utile ewer two yeera^witli a^adi of the distance over roo^i dkt and gravel reads. And yet thqrVe *VtQl good for at lea af the seme Bad etesrvicc, lag to the owner, Mr. 1* of •Mod, Indiana. (Nmn mm! address on rsqusst.) Unusual? Not at rill We mileage Hbe tMe front the ^fUraswei fandwagstitl The answer? It's very simple. Ooodi dfiving habits and reasonable cere. JVbor Standard Oil deeler is feetur* lag the care es part of hie Approved Oar Conservation flkhedule See hfast ||day.. ^IRonembcr.anationottwhesleiea nation. Keep America on hdp win the war. * * * Bay Unked States War S~ eviagsBBoonnddaea nd tohdp guarantae S T A N D A R D E R V ! nW. YOUR S T A N D A R D O I L D E A L f . R CAR C O N S E R V A T I O N H E A D Q U A R T E R S , TAKE GOOD OF YOUR %^fenevar your t<^fepfeone iT^imagc*!, materials must be used in repairing it that are directly needed in our nation's war production. That's why, in these unusual times, we ask your co-operation in guarding against certain pracfi FOR INSTANCey^i \ ] | A wall box doM not provid* adequate support for your telephone. Ktep it on a table or deik where' it's not apt to be knocked off. 2Don't place telephone too near a demk corner where cord may be caught on a knob at you open a drawer--or pinched when dosing it. 3Keep your telephone cord straigh Untwist it when it gets kinky. Tof much twisting may injure the wirj inside and require replacement. ' Mussolini's Salary The official salary of PremlSf Mussolini is $5,250 a year. 4When washing woodwork don't let the cord get water soaked. Cover telephone when decorating. Don't leave it too mar an open window.* 5Replace receiver carefully. Banging it down may break it. Unlese it evenly in piece, your line will <! be "bdljr" when others try to calL Don i!>< i pencil or other sharp poini (jii the dial. This injures the, dial face and may iwetdt in year Setting a wrong number. BUY BOMBS * wr STAMPS ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY MM

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