• *'.• V Y m IWHIttTW ' ' - ' • / » - , vr"*X- ; jT r, May 14,19« SOLON MILLS SLOCUM LAKE RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson of Chicago, spent Saturday at their Bummer home here. Dwipht Osbom and son, Johnnie, and Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Bates of Rockford, were callers at the E. E. Cropley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Hodge, son, William, of Delavan, and Mrs. Button of Lake Geneva, were callers at the E. E. Cropley home Mother's day. Miss Marparet Osborn, who is attending the university at Urbana, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas and sons, Kenneth and Walter, spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John Pester were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Pester of Gray's Lake, Sunday. f Earl Monear was a caller at ihe Nellie Jackson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son, Frank, Jr., were Sunday supper guests at their son's. Mr. a^id Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick1 at Antioch. . Mr. and Mrs. R. ft. Turner, accompanied by Arthur Bell, attended Mrs, Will Beck's funeral at Dundee, Thursday. Mrs. Beck was formerly a Solon girl. Mabel Goodhand. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Northbrook. were callers in town Sunday evening. Miss Ruth Lake spent the weekend I with her parents at Algonquin. Mr.: and Mrs. Geo. Bell and sons, Harvey and Donald, of Barrington, spent Mother's Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bel. Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Gardener entertained at a Sunday dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner*® first wedding anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richarsdon, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gardner and Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown and daughter, Beverly, and son, Tommy, I of Auroi;g-, and Mr. and Mrs. Earnest: BpgaTtra^son. Richard, and daughter, j Mary Ann; of Elgin, and Dwight Os- I born of Rockford, spent Mother's day ; with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son, Jr., drove to Chicago Saturday and spent the day with friends and returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cropley, accompanied by Johnny McDonald of Keystone, sperit Mother's day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prentyman at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Begalka and son, Richard, and daughter, Mary Ann. of Elgin, were callers in the E. E. Cropley home Mother's day. Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, son, Roger, and daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Sarah Schmitt of Zion, were supper guests in the Henry Aubert home Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rush, daughter, Frances May, and son, Eugene, of Richmond, were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Bell Schultz home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. Joe London, Miss Ruth Lace and Einar Behrents attended a teachers directors' meeting held at Spring Grove school Thursday evening. Mrs. Willis Gardner, assisted by her daughters, entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Saturday in honor of thi~li*ide-to-be, Miss Marearet Osborn. \ A A one o'clock luncheon was served by\ Mrs. Gardner's daughters, Mrs. Ruth Johnson of Hebron. Mrs. Evelyn Gardner, Mrs. Emma Sanderson and Mrs. Jannette "Gardner. Various games provided the entermtainment for the afternoon, for which prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nellie Jackson, Mrs. Harold Osborn and Mrs. Geo. Elfers. Miss Osborn was the recipient of . many lovely gift*. The pupils and teachers of our school entertained their mothers at a "Mother's Tea," held at the school house Friday afternoon. After a short prop- am, tea, little cakes and cookies and ice cream were served. Mrs. Lace of Algonquin, mother of otor teacher, was present at the party. Elmer and Billy Nielaon and two friends of Chicago, spent the weekend at their summer home here. Mrs. Emily Merchant of Ringwood, •pent Saturday night and Sunday at her home here. The sad news just comes to us that Bert Ketchum of West Chicago, passed away Sunday, May 10, the deceased being a cousin of C. W. Cropley, Mrs. C. T. Osborn and E. E. Cropley. Mrs Lyman Johnsmott and Mrs. Hulda Buchanan spent Tuesday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Homes and Mrs. Susan Bulkley of Libertyville, were callers in the John Pester home Sunday evening. Earl and Charles Schultz of Wauconda, spent Mother's day with their mother, Mrs. Belle Schultz. Mrs. Lillian Cameg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cames and son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and baby daughter of Chicago, spent Sunday at the Arthur Carnes home here. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gieser, son, Bobby, and daughter, Carol, of Russell, 111., were callers in the Henry Aubert home Friday evening. Need Rubber Stamp*? Order at The PWindMltr. Ray Dowell was a business caller at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison Barrington, Saturday. were callers in Burlington, Wis., on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Friday. business callers at Batavia, Monday. Mrs. Florence Zappe of Chicag^, Miss Frances Davis and Martin was a guest in the S. W. Smith home Bauer spent Sunday evening at the i for the weekend. J home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse, j Sunday guests in the Joe McCan- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen and' non home were Mr. and Mrs. B. B. ' Mrs. Amelia Suhr of Wauconda, visit- : Markel of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. ! ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J Lester Edinger, Sidney Lester of iLaBelle, Sunday. j Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Roland I Mr. and Mrs!" William Harris and | McCannon and Phylis and J)avid of I sons, Donald »and Duatie, of near I Algonquin. j Woodstock, were visitors at the home j Mrs. Frederick Wiedrich, Jr., and of Mr. and Msr. Ray Dowell last! Helen Johnson spent Tuesday after* 1 noon with Mrs. P. daunder? at Fontana. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfanjhenstill and IMfIrI.. aHnUMd 1MUrIPs.. LUllUoyy 1P TJAaInlllnCeUnOsUtiMll oVfI Mundelein, were Saturday evening , cago la St week Mrs. S. W. Brown visited in Chivisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; Ralph Wagner. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping of , Stark's Station, were dinner guests I Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Paul Norman of Evaristori, spent the weekend with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. The Boys 4-H club met with Howard Harrison, at which time election I y llllc wa. of ovf"f ,iwcvelr "s w" as held as faowliliovwwos:, aP lr ceosir- Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle attend-, dent, Charles Martin; vice-president, ed a birthday party at the home of, George Whiting; secretary and trea»- Mr. and Mrs. Parmalee at Palatine ur®r> Richard Freund; librarian, Nel- Saturday evening in honor of the lat- 1 son Christy; news repohfe^r, Howard ter's 10-year-old daughter. I Harrison. v Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were | Viola Law was hostess to the secbusiness callers, at Waukegan last ! on^ bridge club on Wednesday after- Tuesday. j noon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ken- Mr... and Mrs. Wm. Harris and j ne*h Christy and Mrs. B. F. Butler, childf^n of near ' Woodstock, spent j George Perkins of Woodstock, call- Mother's Day at . the home* of Mr. and j e<* on Loren Harrison Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Dowell. J Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt of Mc- Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and j Henry, were callers in the Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren of Wau- Hunt home Sunday. cdnda, spent Mother's Day at the] Velora Sutton of Richmond spent home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Saturday afternoon with( Mary Ann Lusk at Maple Park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobson of Chicago-, were guests Sunday at the Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carney of Chicago &ucovo uuiiuajr at> uic sp* ent t•h••e" weekend w"*ivthu tmhiec liantttiecir 'os home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank La- s's*er and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Belle. j NeaL Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were j ^.r- ant^ Mrs. Glen Treon of Fort dinner guests Saturday at the home ' Atkinson, spent Saturday night in the of Mr. G. Lagerlund at Elmwood Hnnrsnr-Poat Park. Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford of Crystal Lake, Dr. and Mrs. Nordhausen of Gray's Lake, Mr. A. D. Smith of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller of Island Lake, Mr. Harirson-Peet home Mrs. Wm. Aubert was called to Woodstock Thursday by the serious illness of her father, Harry Turner. Mrs. Chas. Ackerman of Belvidere, called on her daughter, Mrs. John Hogan, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson Bert Abney of Libertyville and Mr.! spent Sunday afternoon with friends and Mrs. Elmer Esping of Stark Sta-! West Allis, Wis. tion, were callers last weeek at the j . Leta Mae Merchant spent last week hortie of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matth- | 'n R. T. Howard home in Kenosha, ews. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and fam- Mrs. Ray Dowell has been ill with spent Sunday with relatives in the flu, but is improving at this writ- Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and family and Edna Peet of Rockford, were Sundany dinner ing. C.. H. Hausen was a business caller in Chicago iMUUoHnUdOayJ. . . - -- uuuuailjf MllillCX Mrs. Harry Roeburg and children of <rue*ts in the Ben Fort home at Spring Chemung, are Spending this week at ( Grove. the home of tha former's mother, Mrs. | Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and daughter Celia Dowell. / ! called on Mrs. Albert Schultz at Genoa Mr. and _Mts. Harry Matthews en-! City Sunday aftemooon. tertained the young people of the ! ^r- an^ Mrs. Jack Loenard spent church at their home Sunday evening. • Sunday morning in the P. C. Leonard ' Chesney Brooks gave an interesting j home at Lake Geneva. talk to the children. Songs were sung,! Mr. al,d Mrs. Ed Bower,and Margames played and refreshments had. i v'n were Tuesday evening callers in Mrs. Robert Miller of Island Lake, I E. Miller home at Richmond, and mother, Mrs. Wilkins, and grand-1 Mr- *nd Mrs. Wm. Smith were caH son, Malcolm, of Oak Park, were call- j 'ers 'n the Oscar Burg home Sunday ers Tuesday at the home of Mr. and j evening. Mrs. Harry Matthews . I Mrs. Roy Harrison and Ethyl spent Mr. and Mrs. Held are saying Saturday in Elgin. "good-bye" to their cottage at My- The last meeting of the P. T. A. lith Park and have moved back to I was held at the school house on Chicago. Thursday afternoon. The following Miss Shirley Cooper and Mrs. A. were named chairmen for the coming V. Mason of Mylith Park, were busi- j year: Membership, Mrs. Roy Neal{ ness callers in .Chicago last Wednes- program, Mrs. Andrew Hawley; pub* day- i Hcity, Mrs. Helen Johnson; pianist* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene of Mrs. Runkenberger. "Safety" was Mylith Park, entertained guests from . chosen as the theme. Darlene Andres* Berwyn last week. I gave a reading and Mrs. Joanne Rul* Mr. and Mrs. James Panteles of. ien» the McHenry school nurse, gav# Mylith Park, have had their jcottage i a very interesting talk on the "Imremodeled. I P°rtance °f Immigration." She also Mrs. B. Nosmos of Chicago, was a' extended an ivitation to the Ringwood visitor at the home" of [Mr. and Mrs. | school to join their school clinic this . fall. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday with friends in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Wednesday with Mrs. Anna Miller iit McHenry. Mr. Joe McCannon will give a piano recital on Sunday, May 17, at ! 2 p. m., at the Congregational church at Genoa City. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were dinner guests in the S. W. Smith home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aubert called on Harry Turner at the Woodstock hospital Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.. Lester Carr were dinner guests in the Charles Carr home Sunday. Open House will be held at the Harrison school on Saturday, May 16. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Bauer spent Sunday evening in the Joe Kattner home in Spring Grove. Mrs. Joe* McCannon and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended the Greenwood Dorcas at the home of Mrs. McKevey on Thursday. Mrs. Oscar Berg spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Charles Mumpral at Genoa City. Mother's Day guests in the Emma Beatty home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fey and family of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montagne and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rolrffftf Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Christiansen' and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and family of Richmond. Mrs. Thomas Doherty was hostess to the Bunco Club on Thursday afternoon. Miss viola Low and Mrs. Roy Merchant received the prizes. Mrs. Roy Neal received a cablegram on Mother's Day from her son, Le Roy, who is in Australia. Mrs. Cora Flanders visited friends in Grays Lake Wedhesday. Bob Glowe of Woodstock was a caller in theR. C. Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and daughter of Arlington Heights .were callers in the H. J. Collins home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garr and Frankie Stephenson were callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer were call* ers in the Ray Wiedrich home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer spent Saturday evening in the Alfred Kattner home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison and Carol were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Marlowe home in Huntley. Lilliag Ackerman returned to her home at Belvidere Sunday after spending a week with her siqter, Mrs. John Hogan. Mrs. Roy Neal and Mrs. Libby Ladd were callers in Waukegan on Wednesday. A. V. Mason last Sati/rd'ay evening Goat-Moth Caterpillar Hie goat-moth caterpillar gets Hi name from its odor. Tm set for yean I've just bought a brand 'M - - C 5k ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! AawrUa'i kttackinc on both the fighting front and the home front today! We're giving the Axis a bitter tatt* ?f what's to come. We're fighting the inflationary 6th column that blows prices sky high here at home, too. And every one of us who saves at least 10% of his pay in War Bonds is u important soldier in the attack) Joil the attack yourself I Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker and son, Robert, and Mrs. I. E. Walker, Sr., of Waukegan, were callers in the Roy Merchant home Sunday afternoon. Guests in the Jennie Bacon home Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs, Lou Abendriel and Mildred Munshaw of Elgin; Mrs. Dolbert Bacon of Crystal Lake; Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf and Jean of Woodstock and Mrs. Leo Karls and son of Richmond. s(, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders of Fontana, Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bi ennan of Richmond, were Sunday supper guests in the Fred Wiedrich Jr., home. Mrs. Wm. Aubert was a caller in McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Peet, Mrs. Geoi^je D. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Glen I^-eon, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and sons, and Mr. ana Mrs. Walter Harrison spent Sunday in the Edward Harrison home in Elgin. Mrs. H. J. Collins attended a meeting for Northern Illinois ministers wives at Arlington Heights, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. , Mr. aitd Mrs. Ardin Frisby a nd family* of Greenwood were callers in thr> Clayton Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and Mr. and I Mrs. Joe Carney were callers in Heb- • ron Saturday evening. I Shirley Hawley visited Bob Schulz at St. Luke's hospital Monday evening. The Ringwood Home Bureau met with Mrs. H. J. Collins on Tuesday afternooA. The lesson "Learning t<j Live Witn Others," was given by the home advise^ Mrs. Sweeney. Mrs. Kenneth Christy, minor project chairman, gave a talk on "The Proper Use of English." Mrs. Collins gave each one lily bulbs. Several ladies from McCullom Lake were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison attended the Firemen's Annual Dinner at McHenry. Mrs. Walter Watt# of Solon Mills, called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Saturday evening. ^ Mrs. Roy Peters of Harvard, visited friends in town on Wednesday. The school picnic will be held at the school house on Thursday, May 21. Please bring sandwiches, a dish to pass^-and several dishes for your dim family. Marion Hawley spent Sunday In Rockford. , ( ;• >»' i!"-*")! -'Tr. * y)* a *. ill r4 i' Out Job Is to Save Dollars Buy War Bonds . ft ivtry Pay Day STANDARD SERVICE •MPOKfANT. ;.*» mm : -• ***-- ymm WNtkli dgiiK" 'Look, Pop-oar Standard OH dealer's gonna help keep our tires rolling!" You know how important it ia to have correct tire inflation. Tires underinflated 30% lose at ooe-quarter of their possible life. But you can't get correct inflation with inaccurate tire gauges and it's a fact that many gauges now in use are inaccurate by a number of pounds. To guafd you against this danger, Standard Oil has equipped its men with devices for testing the gauges of all Standard Oil dealers. A constant inspection is maintained so that faulty gauges can be discovered aad adjusted. •' This is just one of many steps taken by Standiltl Oil in setting up its Car Conservation pro- (gifam. Right now your Standard Oil dealer is featuring an approved Car Conservation Schedule. The sooner you get started on this program, the longer you 11 keep rolling. See your Standard Oil dealer today. Remember, a nation on wheels is a Stronger nation. Keep America on wheels--help win the war. • • • Buy United States War "Savings Bonds and Stamps to help guarantee victory. YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER IS CAR CONSERVATION HEADQUARTCRS • " ' OIL IS AMMUNITIO#*. . USE IT WISELY! !v• •!* •X 1 [• • • • • I • Keep these rules near your Range fo save vitamins and minerals Most of us these days are more conscious than ever of the need to conserve the good, heajthful elemehts ia die food we buy; If you use your range to fefi advantage, you can be sure of getting the vitamins and minerals ill the foods you prepare. Clip out these simple rules . . . they are well worth saving. ThI CAR TOtI B lay may have to last you a long, long time. That's why a new 1942 Pontiac is a wise choice. Pontiac offers long life with remarkable freedom from repair and upkeep costs, pita exclusive Triple-Cushioned Ride for ffM/ir tirt cmterpatmm. Pontiac is still priced just above the lowest, and you can buy it on convenient monthly terms. available as a six or bight in ANY MOSBl If fOtJ ARE ELIGIBLE TO BUY A NEW* PONTIAC WE CAN HELP YOU In addition to physicisDS, nurses, ministers and those in ' certain civic services, all persons directly or indirectly Ctmnected with the war's prosecution are eligible to purchase a new car. This regulation has behind it the patriotic purpose of enabling these persons to replace worn ana inefficient cars with modern, economical transportation. If you are in any way connected with a war activity--or if your " Mid be. replaced come in. We will help you present car shoul determine whether you are eligible, and then help you get a "certificate of purchase" on a new Pontiac. I* Produced late in 1941- At present Pontiac 1 is building nothing but arms for victory, J R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Phone 6 Front Street West McHenry JLules for Cooking Vegetables with Vitamins and Minerals left In 1 Whenever possible, cook vegetables without peeling, since many minerals are found directly under the skin. If they have to be peeled, peel them close. 2 Do not peel, dice or <hied too teffg before cooking, and never soak; exposure to air and soaking in witcr reduces vitamin content. W. 3 Use utensil with tight-fitting lid to keep steam inside; it shortens cooking time, prevents evaporation of water. 4 Use only enough waterto thoroughly cover d|e bottom of thfe pan. \ • § Never add soda; it destroys vitamins. 6 Turn heat on full until steam appears; put in vegetables; then turn to low heat. 7 Do not lift cover during cooking. Stirring is unnecessary. ^ 8 Cook vegetables only until "tender crisp.** Over-cooking destroys vitamins, as well-as harming flavor, texture and color. 9 Serve vegetables immediately. 10 The liquid drained from vegetables contains valuable food elements. Use it for |auces, vegetable cocktails, gravies aod soups. TH« Modem Woy tofdost Meat with less Shrinkage •lid More Vitamins -t • 1 Place meat fat side up in uncovered lowsided pan in oven. 2 Do noc add water or baste. , 3 Cook at low temperature to save juices and vitamin content. Protein is not overcooked, shrinkage is reduced. Cook beef, lamb and veal at 325°, fresh pork and chicken at 350*. •v. .•vy..v\ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois BUY xwi fwnsS ' * MVlJVoJ T• • • • • » • • • • • • ••«•• a• •« •o raj•C C * •«• ••••••••••••••»•••••••«a• t% Y» i% im• wa njrim ij Service X)rder -- 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake -- Enterprise 4100. J •-X'