If ^ ™.^| ^ T^TV^ fr^7f "•••',• ••-•*• ^ ,„• . •. **. .jy<"? .• -..,,4 ! • ;,. - « .i. . **t • *•• - • - - •.• "<• •• fi", ." V '< \ . • f '•-•*» Ar ' \": * . •?.,. ', . t' ,- •. , ~. '* .•*;: / r . ' "' 'S /• . ; •;' ,, "'. • "! "' , ,, V\ ' . _ ^ • v V ^ % * r v \ » - t * > ' ' " * K > ' v J ^ v , r , : ^ r ' " ' • . A " " " ' " ' * " 1 ^THB M6HXKBY PULUTOEALBK RINGWOOD John Wolf and son, Jack, of Wood- Stock, called on Jennie Bacon <Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carr and Frankie Stephenson were callers in Woodstock Saturday. VOLO 'fcwETsf *t9rar»d&jr, Kay 21, 1912 SLOCUM LAKE SOLON MILLS Mrs. William Wirt* and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grabbe at Ivanhoe Sunday. Mrs. John Silski spent a few days the past week "fet the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reiland at North- Mr. and Mrs. Hanford of Grays Lake ; brook and Harold Hanford of Chicago j William Lohmann and son, Rayvisited in the S. W. Smith home onjmond, of Libertyville, Mrs. Dora Saturday. ' iVasey and daughter of Hainesville, Mrs. Joe Carney and daughters of! Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and son, Chicago ifl>ent Saturday night and!James, of Wauconda. and lrfr. and Sunday in the Ray Neal home. [ Mrs. John Mistlton of Chicago were Mr. and Mrs. P." C. Leonard of Lake Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Geneva called on Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Aubert called on Harry Turner at the Woodstock hospital, Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engler of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Jenson are the Bob Glawe of Woodstock spent! proud parents of a baby boy. Sunday with Loj-en Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of Mrs. Fred DaVis of Chicago spent I Chicago were Sunday visitors at the Wednesday arid Thursday With Mr*. | home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Fred Wiedrech, Jr. George. Mrs. George Bacon and Mrs. Les- William Wirtz attended the dediter Nelson of Antioch called on Jen- j cation of the Big Hollow school 'fuesnie Bacon one day last we?k. jday evening. John Smith spent Sunday with i Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Parson. Sr., friends in Chicago. and daughter of Chicago spent the Mr. and Mrs.: Charles Peet,. Mrs. | week-end here--with Mr. and Mrs. George R. Harrison and Viola Low pienn Bacon. were callers in Woodstock Monday, j Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and Helen, of Slocum's Lake visited'her sons of Huntley were Sunday evening supper guests in the C. L. Harrison home. mother Mrs. Sarah Fisher Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlson 01 Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Chambers Sunday. family of Belvidere were Sunday din- Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and ner guests in the Fred Wieddrech son of Libertyville were Saturday hone- visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The W. S. C. S. will hold their an- Lloyd Fisher. nual Memorial Day baked ham din- Mrs. Le„ Littlefield and son spent ner at the community hall on Satur- Monday evening at the home of Mr. day ,May 30. Prices will be 60 cents and Mrs. Walter Littlefield in Waufor adults, 25 cents for children. kegan. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt*, Mrs., family of Round Lake were callers Edwin Underwood and daughter were j80n Marlett spent last Tuesday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren wei» business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell ana daughter, Dolores, were business callers at Waukegan last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fink and two daughters were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Louden of Chicago were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell. « Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Oak Park and Mrs. Elmer Esping of Stark Station spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Hary Matthews. The F. C. Y. Group of Lake conn Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Gieser of Chicago spent Tuesday and Wednesday at their home here. v Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and son Junior, Billy Neilson and friends of Chicago spent the week-end at their summer home here. Mrs. Alfred Parker of Chicago spent the week-end at her home hert. The next meeting of the Get-Together club will be held at the schoolhouse Friday evening with Mrs. Willis Gardner as chairman of the entertainment committee. Mrs. Willis Gardner attended the pot luck dinner of the Woman's Couwsil at Richmond M. E. church Wednesday. Mr. A. C. Merrell accompanied his wife to the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago last Friday where she is j a patient. Saturday callers in the Mrs. Frank and W. Torsland of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Chicago spent the week with the latter's sister, Mrs.. Homer Carlson Thurs ty, of which Chesney Brooks is a j Kilpatrick home were H. V. Trager member escorted 24 boys and girls of and daughter, Myrtle, W. D. Holcome the Lake Bluff Orphanage to Zion " Sunday and attended the Passion play. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kirk and daugh* ter, Darlene, Mrs. Charlotte Peck and grandson, Stanley Peck of Aurora, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell. Bruce Corzine of Corzine road was a dinner guest of Lyle Matthews Saturday. Mr. add Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Park were business callers at Barrington last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hatton wets business callers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart, Mrfe. Knockemus and grandson, Richard, of Chicago 8pent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and William Gardner attended the luncheon at Shearer's tea room at Genoa City, sponsored by the Woman's club of Richmond. After the luncheon they were guests at the pottery plant at Antioch. Miss Vivian Kilpatrick and Mr. Earl Tohse of Chicago spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrb. Frank Kilpatrick. A birthday party was held Sunday at the Ben Benson home in honor of Mrs. Ben Benson and son Barney. Those, present were: Mr. and Mrs QUEBEC, CANADA R ? INVITES VISITORS Storfed Quebec city in Canada, its streets climbing sheerly and in picturesque haphazardness up the side of the great Rock, draws thousands of American tourists every summer, and this summer promises to be no exception. With a record number of inquiries already received from pros pective visitors attracted by the charm of this city, steeped in three Gordon Benson and sons, Roger and hundred years of the continent's past, Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benson capacity preparations are being made and children, Dianne and Warner, for the coming season. El^nan.ndM^;hCSrdii|Mi,Ier^ M°m 0fficia,B ^plain Quebec city's intt ij n K„ ^ ' andMrs- creasing popularity by the fact that Harold Osborn and Jdhnny and Betty a g^ble and specialised industry has Mae Orr from McHenry. n i . -,m- grown up within the city, its only *nJ Mrs. Ralph Thomas Were duty to provide facilities for visitor ^ Monday which will be the last word in mod- Mr. and Mrs. John Sugue, Jake Au- ernity and comfort. They point out £ in tK w n rCa*° T that thi» is a 8id* ^ the question Mr, T,?1. FnT ' L whk* 58 not always considered. It „ "'a Foster ofMarengowafc i8 their opinion that, while the glamor Mondav Kripatrrck home of a thousand historical associations w:ii: a l c, . , an<* customs draw visitors in the first ^ i1"1' ,£7 P,ace' the accommodation and courtesy and Michael of Ringwood spent Sat- received during their stav in Queurday afternoon in the Henry Aubert ^ city make them lasting. frieTd8. Arthur Fenery of Chicago, was a . More frt?d mo 1 re' pe°p!e «'e coming day Mrs Davis was a "alTer in Thp I cal!er 'n town Sunday. to appreciate the diversified holiday homes of Mrs. Ida Westlake, Mrs.! F*ed Slender and Venice Roddel Jf 'rLt°from the'st^ss ^:,k_Ku"«™k ««• m™. * * rA,rr,dr*,ewd,y" •»<>:'tsx in the Clayton Harrison home Sun- Waukegan shoppers Friday, day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Mrs. Walter Harrison was hostess spent Mondav at the home of Mr. and to the Easy Aces at her home gp Mrs. Bernard Hanke at Evanston. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Wirtz and son, Mar- Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mae vis-. vin, and daughter. Marian, attended ited Elijah Coats at Crystal Late j the wedding of Miss Evelyn Cham- Thursoay afternoon. "^Hb^rlin and Mr. Raymond Grovernor Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Butler and at the Congregational Churcft at Ivandaughters attended the music recital j hoe Sunday afternoon. given by Mrs. Joe McCannon at the! Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Withers and Congregational Church in Genoa City, daughter, Leona, of Rockford, spent on Sunday afternoon. jS.^Hav here'with Mr. and Mrs. Len The S. C. S. met with Mrs. Littlefield. Henry Cross at Wonder Lake on Friday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. Fred Davis of Chicago spent Wedneesday afternoon with Mrs. P. E. Saunders at Fontana. Members of the Home Circle were entertained at the home of Mrs. K. J. McKelvey at Greenwood on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Aubert and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended the Junior prom at the Wauconda township high school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers visited the latter's parents Mr. and Mn>. E. Anderson in Chicago Sunday. Mary and Harry Case, Richard, Arvilla and Lilah Mae Fisher attended family were callers in the Henry Au- an Fpworth league meeting at the bert home at Solon Mills, Saturday "01Tie Rev. and Mrs. Hallock in afternoon. Mrs. B. T. Butler and Muriel Jaan Carol Harrison, Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mrs. Andrew Hawley attended grad- ! Friday. Wauconda Sunday evening, Mrs. Clintofr Rayen of £locnm's Lak» visited her mother, -Mrs. Pearl nation exercises at McHenry Friday evening. Mrs. Joe Kuhn, and ^daughters, Neva and Delores, of . Solon Mils spent Wednesday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. George Bacon of Antioch was t* dinner guest of his mother, Jennie Bacon, on Thursday. Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. Albert Schultz of Genoa City and Mrs. Arnold Huff family of Richmond, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ray Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson called on friends in Hebron and Delavon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L Harrison and Mrs. R. C. Harrison attended Friends night at the Woodstock Eastern Star chapter, Friday evening. Mrs. John Hogan and family and Mrs. Cy Tucker spent Tuesday in the Charles Ackerman home at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Mt. Albert Hanning Madison spent Sunday in the Oscar Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy, Glen and Terry Ann, of Greenwood, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family spent Sunday afternoon in the Albert Schultz home in Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. H. J. Collins, Mrs Henry Stephenson, and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended Eastern Star meeting at Crystal Lak%, Thursday evening. A number of Ringwood people attended Open House at the Harrison school on Saturday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Aubert anc family were callers at Pistakee Bay on Sunday. Billy Brennan of Harvard spent, Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. . Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Coates who passed away on Thursday were held at Elgin on Sunday with burial in Ringwood. The Boy Scout troop with the scout- -master Weldor} Andreas, enjoyed a swim in the pool at the Woodstock high school on Wednesday evening. ^Marion Hawley spent the week-end with friends in McHenry. ' j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer attendito commencement exercises at Richmond Tuesday evening. After the exercises Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and daughters of West McHenrj| visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Monday. Mr. Lloyd Fisher recived a lettei Monday from the Lake County Farm Bureau stating that the Lake County Farm Bureau Board of Directors has appointed him to succeed A. G. Wegener as a member of the Lake County Farm Bureau executive board. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Albert Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund, and Mrs. Delia Milfo^attended the graduation exercises at Richmond Tuesday evening. Bill Mars was a Chicago caller Friday. Mr. and Mr*. Peter F. Freund spent Thursday in Chicago visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke. Miss Katie Pitzen spent a few days in the home mt her father, Mr. John Pitzen. Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Peter F. Freund, Mrs. William 4. Meyers, and Mrs. George King called on Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Joe Thalrii at St. Theresa's hospital Wednesday evening. Mrs. Henry Sompel spent a few days in Chicago. Bill Smith was a Burlington caller Thursday. Miss Rita Stilling, Evelyn' Michels and Edna King motored to Waukegan Saturday afternoon. ^r. and Mrs. Walter Freund and son, Billy, called on Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers Thursday evening. Mrs. Doris Kails called on her daughter, Mary Ann Karls, at the Waukegan Sanatarium, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Landre and family spent Sunday in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels and Miss Dorothy Michels and Mrs. George King motored to Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago spent the week-end ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, Jr., Mrs. George Maier, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Chicago spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hatton on the Maier farm. Mrs. Herbert Trow of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Moberg and daughter of Westbrok were guests last ^ursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart at William Park. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long and Miss Ida Lenenon and Mr. Robert Worthington of Highland Park spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Miss Ann Tuohy and' Robert, o. Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Matthews. Mr. Height of Barrington was a business caller at the C. H. Hansen home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell and Dov® lores visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Haris last Sunday eve* Ding; Mr. and Mrs. William Bukler odf Chicago, friends of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Matthews, are enjoying a two weeks vacation at their cottage at; Williams Park. Mr., and Mrs. William A. Matthews attended the funeral services of the former's mother, Mrs. Louise Matthews, in Chicago last Tuesday. Interment was at Acacia cemetery. Mrs. John Blomgren and Mrs. C. H. Hansen were callers last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Harry Kmeger of Mylith Park wa* a business caller in Chicago Mondays Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason of Mylith Park were business callers in Chicago last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg of Mylith Park were business callers at Rockford last Tuesday. Mrs. A. Berger of Mylith Park entertained her "500 Club" at a 12:00 luncheon last Wednesday. Recent guests at the A. V. Mason cottage at Mylith Park were Mr. and Mrs. C. Silianoff and daughters, De» lores and Sylvia, and Mr. and Mr#, E. Mason and son, Donald, of Chicago. Mrs. Charles Rodene of Mylith Park served a 3 o'clock luncheon last Wednesday. Her guests were Mrs. A.- Lindgren of Wauconda and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason of My. lith Park were last Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mn, Arthur J(Anson in Chicago, in the Henry Aubert home. . , Mrs. Raymond Gieser, son Bobby, antidote in the peace of this old and daughter Carol of Russell, 111., ,ooks d?wn uPon th* mawere callers in the Henry Aubert and Jest'® Fleuve Sai~t Lauren^," bt- Wiliam Gieser home Sunday. loved of the native Quebecois. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas and .ASai" this year. visitors will exsons Walter and Kenneth were din- plore .e narrow uphill, down-dale ner guests in the Arthur Schultz home 8treet8 m, nat,ve "caleches," those at Richmond Sunday. two-wheeled, horsedrawn vehicles so Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert, daugh- we" known to every tourist, ter Betty, Fred Schrender and Vernie Th,s Clty with cannon- Roddel were Hebron and Genoa City ?tudded imparts speaks of its past visitors Monday. |n almost every comer. The inquir- . ing American visitor will tramp mu? Gardenias '*>gly across the Plains of Abraham Gardenias do not have to be plant- ^hei? WoIfe and Montcalm decided cd in peat. Leaf mold would be v?e a continent. He will bettor and the addition of a little d,8cover with emotion traces of his very fine sand would aid. If leaf own country's past in the place where mold is not available would use peat, Montgomery died, or the location of as it is next best material. They the old Kennebec road, or the trail are rank feeders and soil should Benedict Arnold followed, be one-fourth manure if latter is . '^0 most, the city's chief charm is well rotted. But the most impor- power of evoking the dim" figures tant point is to see that rfrainmw i« of the past, the gallant, sword-clankgOOd. /- In* soldiers, the equally colorful fur .V.'..- * t r a d e r s , t h e h a u g h t y a r i s t o c r a t s o f a n -• old regime, and they are not at all Mace Always Effective surprised when they pass in the The mace is always effective in streets the robed priests who go about Cropley. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Johnnott and daughter, Ann, were visiting relatives in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mrs. Chet Osborn, Mrs. Arthur Bell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley drove to West Chicago Tuesday and attended the funeral of their cousin, Albert Kitchem. Mrs. Eleanor Weiss and son, Herbert, and daughters, Joane Edith and Frieda • of Chicago were Sunday guests at the Frank Kilpatrick home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick gnd son Junior accompanied them on a picnic at Fox lake. Earl Schultz of Wauconda speni Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Belle Schultz. Miss Shirley Freund and a friend from Spring Grove were guests in the Joe Adams (home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stange of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer hpme here. Miss Ruth Lace spent the weekend with her parents at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aubert, Donald and Marilyn of Chicago spent Sun- . day in the Elmer Neilson summer r*storing order in the house of rep- their duties today just as they did in home. | resentatives at; Washington^ D. C. the seventeenth century. Mrs. Reuben Turner, Mrs. Willis Never once m the history of the re- The Beau port Shore, Montmorency Gardner, Mrs. Robert Gardner, Mrs. p as the mace failed- Falls, the Shrine at Sainte-Anne de Beaupre, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of the devout afflicted yearly . . . these and many other side trips provide conv^nfent and interesting objectives from the city. Together with the tiny lie d'Orleans, where tilling is accomplished with the aid of ox teams as it has been since early settlement, they constitute the world of yesterday. The ancient shrines which tempt the photographer throughout this ares are the symbols of the attraction thia holiday land has for thousands. To numberless visitors they are remind-, ers of the serenity of an old world which has miraculously refused to •anish. New Initials - i i Over your shoulder goes a smart, roomy bag, and to identify it Monocraft has designed initials ol light weight catalin in red, blue or white. The hat, too, is right in style, with its trim visor. snauow Lake Despite its great size, Great Lake has a maximum depth of onlj 40 feet. Baby's Weight A baby should treble hit birth weight at one year of age. What 1(044. With WAR BUNDS The 155j-millimeter gun is the modern version of the old "GPF" of World War I days. It has a range fifty percent greater than the old gun, heaving a 95-pound projectile approximately 15 miles. It is capable of high road speed and each one costs $50,000. . th^y "attended* 'a p^rtyFin"the*Joe SE! ' h°me of Mr-"Art Peters and fiVly Miller VinmA in Uamak j *»;* Mr. and Mrs. George Michels motored to Chicago Friday evening. ^ Miller home in honor of Conrad Miller who was a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann, are spending, a week at Waukesha. Mr. and Mrs. Ea Bauer and Marvin were Thursday, dinner eruests iia the Joe Koettner home at Spring Grove. ' i " V' "Vf"- ^ Heyday of Farrier heyday of the farrier Is l<wf amce passed. His occupation was that of a blacksmith. Fish in Bermuda 9 _ There are 355 species of shore fish ® Bermuda, including 28 species known only to those islands. First Manufactured Item Exported The earliest manufactured product exported was wood made into panels for Wainscoting, sent from Jamestown by Capt. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of ; Arsenals of America are working^ Woodstock anH m, m » u at terrific sPeed turning out this lond Sn™ Chicago spent sldayt the homfe of Mr. and Mnb Peter F. Freund. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. WilliaA Althoff. Mr. arid Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Frank Rosing of Ingleside was a caller here Thursday. Mrs. Joe King entertained the 500 Club Sunday evening. Prizes beiAg awarded to Mrs. Pete F. Freund, Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mrs. Delia Miller. Mrs. Mary Schiltz, 86, of Milwaukee, Wis., and old school mate of Mrs. William Althoff and Mrs. Ben Hemling of New Munster, Wis., visited with Mrs. William Althoff here Friday evening. armed forces. You and your neighbor working hand-in-hand in unity can make possible the purchase of an adequate number of these guns by buying War Bonds. Put 10 per* cent of your income in War Bonds to help reach your county quota, every pay day. 1J. 8, Was Unrte The United States not only did no| demand indemnit| from Spain after the Spanish-American war but im stead handed Spain $20,000,000 a| consolation for the loss of the Philip, pines.. Mrs. Peter Weber ,Mrs. Henry Weber, and Mrs. Martin Weber called on Mrs. Wiliam Stoffel at McHenry Monday afternoon. War Prodiictioti and Electric Power in Northern Illinois The electricity we tare in a ifcige area of northern Illinois is essential in the production of materials apd equipment needed to win die war. Our first fjtsponsibility is to furnish power to the industries Making the implements of war for our armed forces. The employes who keep this power flowing know that the job they do is vital. They know thac^tht power to produce is die power to win. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 4 Serving Vitml EUctric Power ftr Wsr Product/en M Ntrtberm lUiwm f Service Order 101 Williams St* Crystal Lake -- Telephone Enterprise 4100.