' " ( * e ' ^ ' *'% 1 £ * . ' ' ? WffeTw® T*^ MoH»RY PLAJ1TOALB RINGWOOD i Ringwood people who attended the j TRAINING CHANCE ' 1 dedication of the Greenwood church on | pnp rnriAT "WmuriPlH' | Sunday The Ringed choir joined | F0R ™CAL WOMEN the Greenwood choir with music for, WAR inUUESln x 1H e services. Women of McHenry have an oppor- THE OLD TIMER • WRITE® AGAIN Prologue The Ringwood Home Bureau met ^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and -- ,„ The first -s ettlers iw ho cam# t« Mewith Mrs. John Hogan on Tuesday family spent Sunday in Genoa City, j tunity to got immediate training for j "en| y m the^l830s. 40s and f>0n wi'i'»» afternoon. The lesson. "Selection and j' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and fam- j real war production jobs. Manager mos«y from N*wTrYi>rk State and \ er- Care of Kitchen Utensils," was given i ily spent Sunday in McHenry. j Scott of the Woodstock office of the They comprised the Owens, lay Mrs. Chancey Harrison. Election i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and > United States Employment Service Wheelers, McLeans. Gages, Harrisons, of officers was held and°the following family of Belvidere were Sunday vis- announced today. r?eiu ^*°reys' McOmbers, Saylers, will serve for the coming year: Mrs. itors in the Fred Wiedrich home. j "McHenry women are surely no dif- j 1°'kys, Mayes, and marry others who Clinton Martin, chairman; Mrs. Ray- ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zenk and family"! ferent from the thousands of women we,If °* English or Yankee descent, mond Harrison, vice-chairman; Mrs. of West McHenry spent Sunday in j across the land who are flocking to I They bought government land or Fred Eppel, secretary; Mrs. Chance? the John Hogan home. | the federal employment offices every I "®can>e merchants, etc. Then came Harrison, community interest; Mrs.; Clinton Vogel of Elkhorn is visiting' day looking for jobs that will back j ~,IVI' war an(* an °f Irish Paul Walkington, 4-H} Mrs. Roy Har- ( his cousin, Bob Brennan. I up their men on the fighting lines," jan.'d Germans. Tough in body and rison, food; Mrs. Tony Freund, health; ' Mrs. S. W. Smith and Florence j said Mrs. Scott. "But the women of j m)n° and in principle, as well they Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, clothing; Mrs. J. Zapfe of Chicago spent Saturday af- McHenry are more fortunate in that I *,"e» being a fight for survival Hogan, home furnishing; Mrs. Harry ternoon with Mrs. Andrew Hawley. i there is an immediate chance for them ® ^ ug^lt eac^ °^ler an^ c^an Collins, minor project; Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Joe Freund of McHenry was [ to train for war production jabs right £ clan. Benwell, publishing; Mrs. Rose Jep- 1 hostess to the Bunco club on Thursday i here at home. j A church was built by the Baptists, son, personality, and Mrs. Ed Peet, Mternoon. Prizes were awarded to "There is now a defense course un- j another by the Methodists and still handicraft. The Home Bureau picnic Mrs. Nick Yeung and Mae Wiedrich. j der way here to teach the operation i ST° c^urch by the Universalists will be held at the Ringwood school Fred Wiedrich and Mae spent Sun-' of precision machine tools. These 11, ^nsb built their church and the grounds on July 7. day with relatives at Sharon. j classes are held at the Woodstock I ^e/mans built theirs. The hamlet of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mur- ^r- and Mrs. Charles .Carr and 1 Community High school, Woodstock, j*vhnsburg, all Germans, built their iel Jean spent Sunday in the F. N. Frankie Stephenson visited in Wood- | Monday and Thursday evenings at^7T^'?., - Hrtchens home at Svcamore and help-,stock Saturday afternoon. ! p. m. Unemployed women, who are ' Whjsky sold for twenty-five cents ed to celebrate the thirty-fifth wed- Billy Brennan of Harvard spent not necessarily tied to their homes and I j . H Gotttlieb Boley arrived dirnr anniversary of the Hitchens ,i Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Fred j who want to do their bit for their jand bu,1f a brewery. Money was so ^r and^Mrs Ed Bauer, Luahne and Wiedrich, Jr. {country on the factory production "•"* trade was carrried on Marvin, were Sunday dinner guests in Friends are glad to hear that Geo. ; lmes are rendering a patriotic duty ™ostIy through barted. Sn truth, Me the Fred Mav home at Fox Lake. .Young, who is a patient at St. Ther- < when they atfswer this call." - i .flnry was "tno'wn as a ve*y tough Frank Harrison returned to Fort ese hospitol, Waukegan, is getting | All applications for this training ^ ?.ge ™..pass tJlfPUfifh w*"ch Benninjr Ga after spending a week along nicely Hind is able to sit up some ! course should be made at the Wood- :° ,v®' h,s con(lltlon gradually betwith his'parents, Mi and Mrs. C. L. each day- | stock office 6f the United States Em-1 ^ered'but sl°wly. "P to the turn of the Harrison. ' ' Loren Harrison visited in ^ Wood- j loyment Service, located at 217 Ben Thursday, June 11, IMS WN*|I« Khtl hortMM* wrrr building nests;j| their hard heels gave out a sturdy click of military precision. A half dozen of McHenry's toughest young men leaned against the wall and as the soldiers passed, started to«. whistle the "Rogues' March." The miHIiiM, i HIIH nf lilrtU filled the air as itjj WM» ylmifying. A *nft • illntnrit rumbling sound PNMtfHt |h«* of the boys and when that «omi»thing unusual was ,oad fron! tough sergeant and the tough corporal h • <>NM. Matt raised two fingers and Hid an »hnnt.f»,0 Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins will ! st<*k on Friday evening. ceieDrate their fiftieth wedding anni- : ®r- and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy entcrveisary on Sunday, June 14. Open i tawed Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, St., house will be held in the afternoon : Mai**ngo on Tuesday in honor of and evening. thlJ.a"er « birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent . 11 ^ Hawley spent Monday in i ton street. SOLON MILLS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mansfield of Chicago. P. E. Saunders and Clarence Hutch-; D .. . „ itn ner Droiner in crvsiai i^itce 'np6n of Fontan® Were callers in the | ? . Rl<Jfe w®s a cal,er 'n the E. E. Arthur Ha^ofl.nn^d-and F^Wiedrirh, Jr.. home M„„d.y j'fZ'Zu „f Baeine h Mrs. Edna Stowford has returned ! S?e"dinp 5hls week with her prand" Tuesday in Spring Grove. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent Friday with her brother in Crystal Lake. Henry Wraage of Chicago spent Fri- H^rSf S"Urday Wi,h LTn home:,rom Mve„l d.^^ikr^Ii:!A™ a".d S°.s?" Mrs. Laura Hendrickson, Mrs. Wilrelatives in Marengo " ! Ml- and Mrs- Joe Adams were Sun. , rl „ F11. Mr. and Mrs. Wett^rer of Minnesota Iday evening visitors with her sister, son and Clara Mae Ellison o* Rich- visited in the L £ Haw, home , Mrs. Jos Schaffer. mond called on Jennie Bacon Satur- Sunday. ' Mrs- H»rvey Brown and two childay. ] dren of Aurora are spending the week j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. SLOCUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. ^Willis Gardner left Saturday for Mountain, Wis., on a two-week fishing trip. Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Rob- j Tom Sellers of Marengo, Iowa, ar- Mrs. Emma Beatty spent Sunday in the Irving Herbert home at Burling- ( ton. 'a • ! Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and John and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley ; called on Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman at, Crystal Lake Thursday evening. ert, were callers at Woodstock last rived in Solon Friday and is going to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Treon of Crystal Friday. - : spend the summer with his niece, Mrs. Lake spent the weekend in the Harri- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round John Pester. son - Peet home. Lake spent Sunday at the home of ; Mr. and Mrs. George Pester of Mrs. Charles Mountford of Genoa the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.' Grayslake spent Sunday with the for- City spent the weekend with her J. Burnett. ! mer's parnets, Mr. and Mrs. John daughter, Mrs. Oscar Berg. i Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spafford of Pester. J Frankie Stephenson returned home Jefferson Park and Mr. and Mrs. B. i Mrs. Chester Colby gave a miscel- Thursday after spending two weeks J. Spafford of Chicago were Sunday j laneous shower for Mrs. D. Green, in Woodstock. ; supper and evening guests at the ! formerly Muriel Elfers, at the home Mrs. Bert Doolittle and Barbara home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry iiat- j °,f Mrs. Colby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean of Grayslake and Lilile Darby of thews. j Chas. Osborn, Monday. Klamath Falls, Oregon, spent Wed-; Chesney Brooks'and Otis Phillips' Chester Kilpatrick of Antioch spent nesday with their sister, Mrs. Walter were callers at Barrington last Tues j Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. day. Frank Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rauen and Mr"! Mrs. -nie A^ams and son, Rich- : Mrs. Edith Thompson of Orlando, and Mrs. Degandack of Kenosha spent aid, of D...mond Lake were dinner 1 Fla., who has been spending a week Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, and afternoon guests last Wednesday ' with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. j E- E- Cropley, left for Michigan, R. J. McKelvey at Greenwood on Fri- Brooks. ( j where she will visit relatives. day, June 19. I Mr. and Mrs. Pete Anderson and! Vida and Wilma Aberheff from Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and son and Mrs. Galvin and daughler, i Mauha, Iowa, are visiting at the home daughter of Arlington Heights -spent Patsy, of Cary were dinner and sup- ;of Mr- and Mrs. Arthur Bell and also iiunaay in the Charles Carr home. i per guests Sunday at the home of Mr. .attended the wedding of Muriel Elfers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer called on i and Mrs. John Blomgren. jand D. Green. George Young at St. Therese hospital Otis Phillips was a caller at the j Mrs- George Thomas and son, Bob, in Waukegan on Monday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson on i and Lucile Miller of Sharon, Wis., are Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Belvidere j the "Flats" last Wednesday. ! spending the week at the home of spent several days with her daughter,; Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Mr- an<* Mrs. Ralph Thomas* Mrs. John Hogan. j Marion, were callers at Libertyville'! ^r- and Mrs. Lyman Johonnott left Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Monday. j Saturday for a two week trip to New and family, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Mrs. Frank LaBelle was a dinner' York. Peggy Ann, Helen Johnson and Janet and afternoon guest Monday at the i Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCannon and attended gvauuation exercises at Elk- home of Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes : son, James, of Beloit, were callers on horn, on Wednesday evening and a in Chicago. ' the latter's mother, Mrs. Ida Westparty in the Catherine \ o^el home in t Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and 'lake, Sunday honor of Earlen Vogel, a member of.J. Danut were callers at Woodstock j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mcthe graduating class. • last Tuesday evening. Henry were Friday night callers at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson of i Miss Marion Dowell, who is employ- Mrs. Nellie Jackson's home Richmond and Jennie Bacon spent ed at the Abbott Laboratories at!' Mrs. Harold Osborn gave a kitchen Sunday aftenoon m the Lou Abem North Chicago is enjoying a week's! shower at the home of her mother (Ifoih hnnif) in kiltrm < uo/totiAn utiiU 1 i_ it n t> , ' Mrs. Ben Benson, in honor of Mrs. century, until today McHenry is a peace-loving community and its inhabitants ciln go freely about without fear of a broken head. McHenry--1887 It was a day in May and the tiny Lily Lake school basked in the spring sunshine while the perfume of shooting stars,, blue bells, apple blossoms and growing vegetation filled the room. Clara Bennett, the teacher, age 22 years, sat behind her desk and looked about the almost empty room. Her older pupils had left to work on the farms. Clara boarded at the Thurlwell farm and a smil" played about her mouth as she thought of the recent trick she and Emma Thifrlwell (Mrs. John R. Smith) had played on the new hirej} man, who Vas a non-English speaking youth recently from Germany. She visioned the pail of water that they had carried up to the windmill platform with a wire attached to the pump handle and the grand leap the German had made when he heard the pail and water crashing down. Great to be young gmd teach school and hunt for eggs and milk cows and to just live. Charley Ensign and Matt Glosson sat slumped in their seats, idly watching a couple of "blue bottle" flies buzz their way up a pane of glass, in a window that would not open, only to fall back for another try. Yellow jacket' left the room, soon to be followed by Charley, through • one-finger signal to the teacher, who was in love with love. One look down the road and they came back, "soldiers,, teacher, cavalry." Wise in her youth, Clara declared a recess and the pupils and teacher burst out into the sunshine and thrilled to uniformed men, the Stars and Stripes, and the tired horses. (In that day anyone who passed a farm house, b^ it neighbor, doctor or tramp, was a matter of conjecture and many a pane of glasfc, it was alleged, was broken by an eager head thrust through the window in order that the object could be seen longer. "Where ha$ Old Dr. Dawson be^ij or where is he going or Mrs. So anjTSo' must be worse or old Blank is d^ad.") Little happened^ in those "3^ys and the slightest happening was food for discussion; endless surmises. Teacher and children waved the soldiers on their way from Fort Sheridan to McHenry and Burt Howe's pasture for their annual two w^eks encampment. The cavalry passed the Ensign farm where the stubborn windmill never ran when the water tank was dry. Up past the farms of Thurlwell, Claxton and Covell, until the commander called a halt at the nearly new iron bridge, which "was completed just a few years prior. A sign on the bridge bore this warning: "$5.00 fine for crossing this bridge faster than a walk." Fishermen crowded the rails'as'the troops slowly crossed the Fox and a tough sergeant sighed thirstily as he saw Boley's beer sign that hung in front of the saloon in the McHenry House, Buch's and Englen's . At a sharp command the cavalry broke'into a trot northward, followed by a multitude of youth with stonebruised bare .feet. At the campsite the eager children watched, the magic ity of tents form into company streets and hungered by the smell of boiling beef and potatoes cooking over the campfires. Appreciation and amazement was silently acclaimed when a soldier of unusual expansion balanced a steaming cup of black coffee on his breast and strutted about. The tough sergeant and an equally tough corporal were ordered into town on business and with steady tread they passed the McHenry House saloon and up the incline to the platform in front of the Howe block and as they strode on, did an about-face with a snap and faced the tough McHenry boys. The tough sergeant, in a voice ot ice, demanded "Who started that?" The tough corporal closed in with the same deadly eagerness. Spectators chilled. The McHenry terrors held their breath and no one spoke. They had at last met their masters. The sergeant and corporal looked them up and down. Nothing further was said and the soldiers reluctantly resumed their walk and no one breathed a full breath until they had turned the Lawless corner. Now, on this <15th day of May, 1942, we are at war. Many of Mc- Henry's boys are in the service and on behalf of the dwindling members of the Old Timers Club, we extend our live and greetings. You are Unde Sam's ^soldiers and when you know you are right be tough, tough as the tough sergeant and the equally toogfa corporal. FRANK W. 3ENNEtT, McHenry, 1881-1900. Life Increases Amerftan women are crowding the biblical life span of three score and 10 years. The expectation off life at birth in 1939 was 66.4 yean for white females and 62.6 years tat white males, statisticians of a life insurance company said. Their figures showed that since 1900 women had added 15% years and men 14% years, to their average life expectancy, a record which the statisticians said "bears eloquent witnen to the vitality of the AmeruMI people." Read the Want Ads! BRING YOUR FORD BACK NOME for expert service by men trained in factory methods -- go to your o w n F o r d D e a l e r ! * * * * * * * IT'S ALMOST as if you took your Ford, Mercury or Lincoln right to the factory-- for every man who works on it Is a trained specialist. And the tools he uses are designed for use on your car. Our liberal BUDGET PLAN apolies on all service. •DRIVE SLOWLY * * Save gas, oil, * * tires and car. * * BUY WAR * * BONDS * BUSS MOTOR SALES Phone No. 1 West McHenry About the appliances we advertise nowadays The appliances we are now advertising are limited to those we have on hand, or those that are made available without , interference with war production. They have all been selected because their normal operation 'in the home comes at a time of day when our electrical facilities are more than adequate to meet present power requirements for both war production and civilian use. Furthermore, we believe that their use in most cases will conserve energy and tend to release home labor for helpful wartime activities. droth home in Elgin., i vacation with home folks here Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle spent the class play at McHenry Friday j Saturday evening at the home of Mr. evening. and Mrs. Wm. Krueger at Williams Bob and Bill Glawe of Woodstock Park. visited Loren Harrison Friday even- | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagtjer and inf: _ | *wo children and Joe Wagner were Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mrs. Arthur J visitors last Thursday evening at the Peet of Greenwood left on Monday j home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagevening for San Diego, Calif., where ner near Round Lake. they will spend three weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brennecke of Mrs. Albert Schultz of Genoa City i Chicaeo spent last Thursday evening spent Thursday with Mrs. Roy Wied- i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl nch. j Converse. Mrs. Roy Neal spent Sunday with | Bruce Corzine spent Saturday with Mrs. Frank Dix at Salem, Wis. i Lyle Matthews. Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman, Mrs. Dell I Little Oliver Raeburg of Chemung Bacon, Mrs. Jim Conway and Mr. is spending this week at the home of Homer of Crystal Lake spent Sunday his grandmother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Chester Colby Sunday. The guests present were Mrs. George Bell of Barrington, Vida and Wilma Aberheff of Mauha, Iowa, Mrs. Harvey Brown of Aurora, Mrs. R. I. Colby of Woodstock, Betty Mae Orr of McHenry, Mrs. Gordon Benson of Wonder Lake! Mrs. Clifford Miller of Elgin and Mrs. Lesley Osborn, Mrs. George Elfers, Mrs. Chas. Osborn, and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas and son, Walter, Mrs. George Thomas and son, Bobby, and Miss Lucile Miller were dinner guests of Mrs. Ralph Thomas' uncle, Mr. Beal Robinson, of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Palaske of Ana^ ernoon in the S W.Smith home. ! * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of I tioch were Sunday Evening'calferr'in cJld Bol\°f Ma?ngo Williams Park Bpent last Wednesday I the A. C. Merrell home. called in the F. N. Muzzy home Thurs- iln Wankpcan ! M>- i_u_ o day evening. Muzzy home Thurs-j in Waukegan. * j Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue of Chi Mr. .„d Mre wmiam Aubert and ! sSSS"« ,ht cMl.'1" ^ W"* aS&r* c*ltosSoUm Min* SET and Mrs u Ruth 0x,<"» - Mrs. Clarence Mortensen and , Park. Burkhait at Williams spent Monday-with_ Mrs. E. Snyder. Bradley of Harvard spent Sunday 4 - ' , Robert and Lyle Matthews attended with Helen aryi Janet Johnson. . ithe young people's meeting of the Feders' " " ' tioch called on Jennie Bacon on Thurs- j tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs \ flop \ t \ \ \ id y°^r ^oV oi' ithco Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright of Elgin . Mr. and George Bacon of A„.!MohX Wa^nVLtr M^CM* with Mr" and tioch called on ™ TV,.,.., , ^ L v> auconda enter- | Mi s. A. C. Merrell. D AW„ p P TT , r Fisher at Volo Sunday evening. Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Edyth were , ,Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart of callers in Woodstock on Saturday. : Williams Park spent Monday at the Mrs. Howard Buekland and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs Charles RurW bby Ladd left on Monday to visit hart in Chicago. Their .on Ch«ri«1 'Zll 7°-' home of reMives in Colorado. is ill at this vrritinsr Sharks, then daughter and husband, Mr. and Florence Zapfe of Chicago was a weekend guest in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Nick Youngs Mrs. Frank Young and Mrs. Richard Young attended a kitchen shower in honor of Mrs. LaVerne Hockman at the Arnold Huff home in Richmond on Wednesday afternoon. *Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hienze of Crystal Lake Were callers in the Harrison . Peet home on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh, J.r, and Mary AnCfaHelen Johnson and Janet and MrsTJack Leonard and Peggy Ann spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Phelps Saunders at Fontana. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Palaske of An Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aubert and fam- , °' ^'"fcwood spent Sunday at the Wm. Gieser home: Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Hopper of Hastings, Neb., are visiting at the home of tioch and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clif- I 'n 'ts success. writing. Mrs. A. V. Mason of Mylith Park was a caller in Chicago last Wednesday. lnd Mrs" Chafes Rodene of Mylith Park entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. Bloomberg of Berwyn and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rodene of Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brennecke of Chjcago are spending two weeks at the Hillside cottage at Mylith Park Mr. and Mrs. W. Pries of Forrest rark are spending several weeks at the Joe Elm cottage at Mylith Park Mr and Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg of Mylith Park held an old-fashioned kwn party lan Saturday evening with their neighbors present to aid ford of Wadsworth spent Saturday in the James Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pomeroy of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Oscar Berg home. 4 Mrs. George Young arid Alfred spent Sunday in the John R. Smith home in McHenry. j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet, Mr. and Mrs. ' Chicago. ... Af.r- a"d Mrs- James Panteles of Myhth Park entertained the followmg friends over the past weekend- Mr. and Mrs. F. Witek. Mrs. Beatrice Manforte, Mrs. M. Gastfield and daughter, JVfiJlie, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ravenhill, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. B! Ravenhill, Jr., and son,r Howard, of Ben Walkiogton, Viola and Alice Mae Low, Mr. and Mrs.^H. J. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were among the Callers at the A. V. Mason cottage last weekend weVe John Stasch and his daughter, Patty, of Chicago. Rubber SU"M " •n* Mrs. Robert Gardner. Mis. Charles Kuhn of Chicago spent the weekend at the Joe Kuhn home. _ Mrs. Dora Cole left Monday morning for Genoa City where she is caring fro Mrs. Manor, who is just out of the hospital. Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond and Francis Snyder of Genoa City spcnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rasmussen and son, Bruce, of Waukegan spent the weekend in the Joe London home Mr. and Mrs. Wi D. Wright and Mr and Mrs. Art Wright of Elgin spent Sundav afternoon with Mr. and Mrs A. C. Merrell. The Solon - Richrnond unit of the Home Bureau me$ at the home' of Mrs. Hazel Kilpatrick Friday afternoon with eight members present. Mrs. Editfi Thompson of Orlando, ;.'a-, w,as a dinner guest in the Edwin Vogel home Thursday evening. a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and daughter, Pauline, of North Chicago were callers here Sunday. > Mrs. Joe Karls called on her daughter, Mary Ann, at the Waukegan sanatorium Sunday and Monday afternoon. r . °usands Proved ' 'nstallej Co">pleted New powerful attic fan lets you sleep cool all summer! Even on those summer nights when your house is so hot you can't sleep, the air outside is several degrees cooler. All you need do is get the hot, stale air out and the cool, refreshing night air in. Just opening windows is not enough; the stale air has to be forced out. Many of your neighbors have found the answer: install an attic fan! This is like no fan you've ever seen--it is a large capacity fan that can remove all the stale ait from your house in less than five minutes! It operates in your attic, driving the stale air outside while fresh, cool air is drawn in through the H^YKTOKV downstairs windows, replacing: stale air. ' 4 This summer, be ready to beat the heat-waves. Have your attic fan installed now -- steep in comfort1 all summer long. Come in today 4 £, Ask about Attic Fans at your dealers, or \ . PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of NORTHERN ILLINOIS Service Order^-- 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake -- Telephone Enterprise 4100.