Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1942, p. 8

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Eight v .r, v sw^i* '.•**•'.>**- # .:c • K,"• «_ ^T**** <*'#"* f•*-<-•<*-**•.I 7; •• -V" -*• vw- -- 1'i.UIBUlliMll „ Mill *hl McHENRY PLAIKDEALX1 Sfflip ' *" 'J-- *• <#,* **,. * «< -4 1 r,&« .^.".Vj;'-. : 4 U '.*&*> - . . . . . . •• . , 5 ^ \> **<* * . -' --V r- ^ ' fc*?» Thursday June 25, 19*f~ Attend Silver Jubilee •The Rev. John J. Kriei? celebrated his Silver Jubilee in , St. Mathias churehiat West Allis, Wis., on Sunday. Jump 21. - ' . ; „• ,;.<.; . . Relatives attending ware Sister M. Jeironui, Sister M.; Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Cltarli's Stofft^ and Mr. djid Mrs Flaro'd Stebor of Milwaukee;""\Mr. Baptism - Thfc daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Bernard Prschke of Lily Lake tyaR baptized at St. Mary's, churah last Sunday. "Sponsors were Peter "C. Simon and Mae BudH. The baby was ffiven the name of Carcil Ann. < /; • Evening Bridge . ,.; .The Evening Bridge club held their last meeting? at the home of Mrs> P£ul and Mrs."^artin A. Williams, Mr. >n<j ChriBtpihnjr^ •*•";•"• {'Mirs. Win, Aebisher and Eva Williams '.••••'.-^i-iWfant dauglifor "tit" Mr. ...and j of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Louis, J. Mrs. Joseph Dfcsdric* ' vfog; ffiristehed ; StoflFei, , Mr.» and Mrs. Ben Tonydn. Carol'Ann at St. Mary's church last; Mrs. Kate Stoffel, Mrs. Peter'Weber, Sunday, rJufle 21. Sponsors far the 1 Henry Anton-. Louise Williams, Mary baby , were Vandalina Dietlrk-'h and i Lou Stoffel and Charles, Julia and Carl Bicklerv^" ^4 ^ *'Margaret Stilling of McHenry. _ ' V ,* J( * * j " I: . , * * * • • / Honor Select - I : Surprised oh Birthday Relatives surprised Daniel M c - Mc- Sunday supper guests in the"Wil-|- „„ , liamf Stairt'es home in honot 'of the I . ^hui, who resides near Schwerman. Prize winners were Mrs. departure -ot A^tHur Staines into the i Laughjin home across the river, last H. B. S^fcCfer ai^ Mrs. Jos Williams. ] service were Mrs. Martin May, Mr. . Sunday in honor of his eiffhty-fifth Mz$< Ben Miller will lie hostess to the. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey and son, Mr. ;tr h' r'i-s' > •', "( Th' u* rsd*a y) evening. Praised as ESnterlalner and Mrs. Joe May and children, Vin: cent Boxer, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson, all 6f McHenry; Mr. and birthday which also hapjtened to be Father's Day. ' * ,,A picnic dinner was enjoyed on the lawn of the McLaughlin home and the LILLIE BARTUSEK IS . BEIDE OF MR. EDWARD * VALEK ON SATURDAY -V Miss Wawla Jepsen, who appeared:! Mrs, Ray-Hennigan and Mr. and Mrs',-j ^9rnoon waS" spent in visiting. . * * t ' » 1 • a ' ' -- . .a- a a « m -m a * - • HPV\ Ac /l • ni'AOnnl Hiff M n -J ,r.fe |» station W. L. S, in Chicago-two ' weeks ago, Scored a success and re- ?\v./ip»ived. favorable comment from ' itl|e annuemter, "Cy" Han-is. Since her appearance she has been the recipient an abundance of^cohipUmeritary "Ian' mail. Lt-e Whiting and otiiWfen of tWoodstock ; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and.jidaughter of Ellnihurst, Mr. and Thpse present were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McArthur and children, Merlyn and Marty, of Glencoe, Mrs. D. Mc- M) sT Elmer Smallfelt of Kenosha, Joe j Arthur and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth BoXef of Waukegan. Marjorie McDon- j Stevens of Evanston; Mrs. Helen Law aid; of $Win and MM^.iCl^' Staeth ai'd son, Jimmy, of Elmhurst, Lieut. Lo^Httca^ „ if Honor Enfeted Mart t ' w i l l - n i e l d . ' W w f t yH j a f h e s D o h e r t y , 6 l i t f e s t i o n o t m t . ,'feron and Worthy Patron's night at the and Mrs> p. Doherty who 1-esidte Masonic hall'oh the evening, of July 1. j 0n c^staj Lake road, was guest On July 25 the-local chaptei* is i^-j of honor at open house held at his >f|ted'to attend an official visit at , jfifeven chapter at Marengo. " A--eliniwir at 8^0 will preside tte^iodial + owning.^ . w. s. c. s. .' The last meeting of the W. S. C. S. tor the season, was held last Tliurshome* last Sunday. The occasion was the enlistment of James into the "army. He left early this jfreek for active duty. A picnic dinner , and suppeir were enjoyed by the family and relatives and the afternoon was spent in playing games and visiting. Rtefreshments <i«y afternoon. Instead of a regular j were serVed during-fekfi^^afternoon and Jtteeting, the ladies enjoyed a pot- eyening and the farewell luck picnic lunch at the home of Mrs. A- K. Burns at Hickory Grange. Meetings will resume ;n September. * * * . . Pinochle Club Miss Laura Weber entertained her Pinochle club at her home last week. Mrs. John Thennes won high honors for the evening and Mrs. Henry Weber, was awarded the traveling prize. The last meeting of t^ie club for the season will be July '9 at the of Mrs. Then!ies^-V-^--r. Elk's Carnival The Elk's carnival is now in pro- ;t*ess in the city square in Woodstock. The carnival began yesterday (Wednesday) and will run Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There will be children's matinee Saturday aternoon at two .o'clock. Special treat for the children will be 'Sunny Jim,' the clown who performed at Shirley Temple's birthday. party. *•"* ' * * * . ' k Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. W. E. Westmont" and Mri. ^ F. "IW,. Fo.kx of Richmond, were hostesses last week at a miscellaneous shower, honoring Mrs. Chester Colby, a recent arty was concluded with a weiner rokst, whiph was enjoyed by the youn# people. About 100 friends and' relatives from Chicago, Maywood, ^Voodstock, Lake Geneva, Crystal Lake, Volo and McHenry called during th day and wished James success and safety updn his entrance into life in the service.i, * » * Fashion Revue As, the time draws near for one of the big socigj events of the year as far as styles concerned, mtere«t increases by th# minute. Ladies oi -Circle 1, W. S.&.S., are bombarded with questions asNto the details of the review, but the spohsors-of the event are careful to save Vll important information concerny^g it as a surprise for the evening of the show. The movie, which will be a real treat itself, will be "We Were Dancing," starring Melvyn Douglas and Norma Shearer. This will begin at \ six o'clock and the fashion revues will t be held at eight and ten. .. ' Although the names of models will be kept as a surprise until the evening of June 30, we are told that they wilj represent Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Gray^ftike, Antioch, Liberfyville and-Mrs. Chandler Kittner and.daughter of Chicago and Katevand Tottf Mc- Laughlin of McHenry. -„V. > • » « • Deesert Luncheon. " A--.lively dassert luncheori "mtm- enjoyed by a bom. one hundred and sixty ladies at? the home of Mrs. Wallace Dobyns Wednesday afternoon. The party was sponsored by the Altar ancT Rosary sodality of. St. Patrick's church. Forty tables of cards were in play with a prize given the winner at each tablei., Guests werev pp*r veOsevlnl^t fIIrVo/mIII CVyhIIiI"-' ° \ i' cago, Evanston, Wilmot, Waukegan,"V'^gin. A double ring ceremony took | rad, and t bride. Cards provided entertainment and McHen?y. There will be a lovely ueVtn,^uWli showing of bathing and play suits, ted by Mrs. Chartes Osborne and slack suits and other 8Umlfier fiporta rs. Henry Vogel. v „ . -- clothes. Miss Marie Ropp will announce each model as she appears and Five Years Old 1 JBobbie Nickels, son of Mr. and Mrs. #5led Nickels, celebrated His fifth birthday last"1 Thursday afternoon at a party held at his home on Mill street. Several little present to enjoy Ijames and a "his mother. describe what she is wearing over a loud speaking system. Betty Nielsen is presenting the fashion portion of the evening's program and those who have witnessed former ones will let friends were nothing interfere ^rith their attending an afternoon of this shlow. Richmond, Solpn Mills and McHenrj. Door' prizes were awarded Mrs Simon -Stoffel, Mrs. Eugene Sayler, Miss Erminie Carey and Mrs. Henry W:> Lindgren. A basket of fruit was awarded Mrs. James Moran and a beautiful cake «to Mr^ George Stilling- •• ./...'V"-.'. " Honor Sistii*..-V. Sister Mary Celine of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Sister .Mary St. Hilda of Omaha, Ijleb., who-were visiting relatives here last week, were honored at a family gathering held at the John Aylward cottage last Sunday. Dinner and supper were served and the day was spent in games and visiting. Those present at the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Johti Aylward, Minnie and Jean Conway, Margaret and ClarabeUe Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John Whahea and daughter, Judy, Mrs. Clarena® Whiting and son, Claire, all. of Elgm, Mrs. Alice Woods of Elburn and her daughter and husband of ftackelie, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and family, Ed Conway and son, Disk, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Conway and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conway and family, Mrs. George Miller and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, all of McHenry. COMING EVENTS Present at the tasty lunch* served by • • » 1 . T , Mothers' Club a . , T . P»rty were Judy i Those members of the Mothers' S1"™ and iTT u M^'A°ani club se™* the Navy boys at the and Dick Collins and Ralph Patxke. \v_ s. 0. hut in Waukegan last Sun. Ui *. • ' ' ' ' ; , I day were awakened to the fact that C. D. of A. Party w/; who stay behind are not doing ft Hie C. D, of A. enjoyed a social nearly enough for our boys in serl^ bning last Thursday in the K. of C. • vice. We served nearly four hundred "hall. Cards were played with prizes and then our food gave out and we "being merited By Bertilla- Freund in. could have served so many more, pinochle, Mrs. Ed Sutton in auction boys are so grateful and so bdirge and Bertha Schiessle in con- needfui 0f this service that it is hoped "tract bridge. Gertrude Weber and her that when we serve again all the or- *»mmittee concluded the party with ganizations in McHenry will assist. tile serving of a delicious lunch. The next business meeting will be held, on July 2. . • , 1 . . . » • • F(f« Hundred Cldb Mrs. Kimer Justen was hostess, to members of her Five Hundred club ••hen they met at her home last ' Thursday afternoon. Prize winners for the day were Mrs. Leo Young, •'•.HA/ Nick Justen and Mrs. William Justen. The "next meeting of the : club will be at-^he home of Mrs. Ben " Ju^tba July 2. 'T5~r Farewdl Party | Arthur Staines, who was inducted into the army early this week, was • honored at a farewell party held at the Staines home in his honor last Saturday evening. About thirty relatives and friends were. present and a . social evening was enjoyed. The serving of refreshments concluded a pleasant evening and the honored guest •*** presented with , a lovc-«y gift. ';v - - "•' There. is an urgent need for families who will agree to take boys into their home for weekends. Will any who wish to take one, two or more boys into their home for the weekend ot July 11 and 12 kindly get in touch with me, Mrs.. Harold Owen, phone 301,^ in the next week. Also, those who would be willing to take some for dinner on Sunday might also call. Jflr. Owen and myself can take care -»f eight to ten boys for sleeping but are afraid we couldn't feed them all (after seeing them eat on Sunday. Also, those mothers who would care to have their girls receive cards to the j U. S. O. dances and form a party to go over on a Saturday night may also call and arrangements will be made. Girls from sixteen to thirty are needed. Mothers' club* again thanks all those who sent food and aarved Sunday. Jane 25 v East River Road Pinochle Cluh - Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker. • Lily Lake P.-T. Aw-^Mrs. Betty Boyko. J Eyeting Bridge, -- Mrs. Ben Miller. Jane 26 , Red Croas -- McHenry High School. June 28 Volo Picnic and Carnival -- Sponsored by St. Jeter's Church. .. June 30' Mid-Summer Fashion Revue -- Benefit of Methodist Church -- Colony ' Theater. r July 1 • Dinner at Monty's Hall, Ringwood -- -- Sponsored by Ringwood W. S. . c. s» Worthy Matrons' and Worthy Patrons' Night --- Masonic Hall. July 2 Five Hundred Club -- Mrs. Ben Jus? ' ten. .' . Y" C. D, of A. --eBusiness Meeting. July 3 Christian Mothers Food Sale -- Jacob Juaten & Sons .-- Green Street. Food Sale -- Sponsored by Christian , Jaly 2, 3, 4 & 5. Legion- C.amival. ^ ^ July 7 Johnsburg Community Club. A lovely weddrrt?; t<5on Saturday afternoot), j!nr# 20, at 3:30 at Our Lady of thfc Holy Mount church in Cicero, where Miss Lillie Bartusek, daughter of Mr. atftl Mrs. John. Bartusek of Borwyn became the: bride of Mr. Edward John Valek, son'o^ the John Valeks of Chicago. r To' the strain^ of Mendelssohn's wedding march, the bridaj? party entertd the church.. ' Jfi^bride. whV was given in marria'geiby her father, Was lovely in a, gown of , chenille brocaded white prian^a, "Princess style, with ajong train. A. full rose-point lace finger^p blush veil was held, in place by a seed-pearl crown. She carried a bouquet of white carnationsr The maid of honor,, Miss Mary Valek, a sister of the groom, wore a green flowered organza dress: Her headdress was a tiara of net and rossttes and her blush veil was of the' sam^ color as her dress. She earned tea roses. ' • ^ - . Miss Marie Vale, a . cousin of the: bride, acted as bridesmaid, ^rearing a yellow flowered organza dress. The headdress was yellow and she carried yellow Talisman roses, tinted with NINETY-YEAR OLD y:.. RESIDENT OF THIS COMMUNITY DIES (Contimied first page) eight years she ancKher husband had resided at their present home. Survivors are her- husband, Fred, two sons, one of, whoni is, in the service, a daughter and a grandchild. Services were held from the Jacob Justen & Sons fiineral home Monday afternoon with interment in Wood^ land cemetery. - r; '.' •George; A. May ' George H. Hoy, 89 years old, prominent as a leading financier of the cojunty for several decades, di«d at his home in Woodstock last Friday evening, June 19, 1942, following several weeks of poor health. ...J^uriiig his long lifetime he had been engaged in the mercantile and banking businessesj served as alderman and mayor of Wopdstock and for several years on the achool bdard there". . "j, On April 4, 1887, Mr. Hoy <vaa married to Miss Mary L., jBelchef and,:4>n that day,. 1942, they celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. , „ , Besides his widow; he is survived re«#- ' t ! >uaMi|-hy two sons, Will P» Hoy of Huntley^ Miss, .Lorain* •..Mas>jk,-^nothwL d; Waitgj. G Hoy of Detroit. bridesmaid,. Wore an, orchid nowsred , Among the Sick Mfs., Williarn Bonslbtt is ill in i&t. Joseph's hospital in Elgin,. , John Fay,, a former resident of McHenry, is confined to the JSdgewater Beach hospital in Chicago. He ana •Mrs. Fay were en route from their home in Washington to Philadelphia to visit his sister, Miss £mma Fay, when he was tak§n ill. John Bblger returned, the • firat of the week from the Woodstock hospital where~ite~h«4-been ccftifined for two weeks. • Mrs. Josephine Heimer returned Saturday. from St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. where she had been Betty and Robert Krickl of West % McHenry underwent surgery' at tl» Woodstock hospital Tuesday morning, confined with a* hip injury. She _ recovering nicely. 1 , . , C' ^ RINGWOOD METH()I)IST CHURCJkl There will be no worship service -at" •' Ringwood Methodist church next Sun- - day as the pastor will be at confer^ „ : f ence. Children's Day will be observe^., * 14, Parents, see to it that your children attend .at the Sunday School tinie Sunday at 10:30 a.m. There WiirtN^:,;' something that you should not miiBw^-- R. J'. L. McKelvey, Pastor. "7 Order your Rubber Stamps at Tfelt Plaindealer, ': it your© ihis*Ybar«..come to [CEDE 'vV,..?•;.>" -A , - • * organza dress and carried a bouquet Similar to that.of Missj.yaleS. Private Edward Bauman, a cousin of the groom of Grepville. Miss., now in the service,- 'se^ed, as^est man, Elmer Bartusek was an attendant. All wore summer formal suits. 7 The church soloist sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" while the bride placed a bouquet of white gladioli on the altar of the Blessed Funeral services were held at the late home on Sunday afternoon, wich Rev. Bruce Gillis in charge, Burijftl was in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Antoinette Lackn4r » Funeral services were held last FH-- 'ay, June 19. from a chapel at 5839 /. North Ave., Chicago, for, Mrs. ntoinette Lackner of that city, Bur- 1 was in Acacia Park. Survivors include her husband, Coil* place while the soloist sang "Ave j Hill and Ru Maria" and "O Promise Me." The Rev. {LaAner fa^i Father Albert Dedera officiated. A reception was held at the Klas dining room in Cicero at sitf o'clock. The bride and groom then left on a wedding trip and on their return wijl reside in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs* Albert. Vales, daughter, Dolores Ann, and son-, George, were among those who attended the! wedding. REV. JOHN J. FINAN DIES JUNE 20 AFTER TWO-MONTH ILLNESS Rev. John Joseph Finan, aged 71, pastor of the Holy Name church at Wilmot and the Mission church, St. John thJe Evangelist, at Twin Lakes, Wis., died Saturday, June 20, at 1:30 p. m., at the Burlington hospital where he had been a patient for the past eight weeks with heart trouble ana other complications. Father Finan was born in Milwaukee, Wis., on October 27, 1871, and received his early education in the Milwaukee parochial schools. In 1892 he was a graduate of the Milwaukee State Normal and inf*1919 he received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Marquette university. He" taught for many years in the Milwaukee cilj" school system. On Jaimary 31, 1926, he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at St. Francis Seminary with thf* Degree of Master of Arts. His first appointment, after his ordination, was to St. Catherine's High school in Racine, Wis., where he was instructor in religion. From Racine he was transferred to West Allis aiiu then to assistant at St. James Catholic church in Kenosha. From there he went to St. Mary's Catholic, church, Janesville, as assistant. In March, 1932, Archbishop Stritch, then in charge of the Milwaukee diocese, appointed him pastor of the Holy ^ame church in Wilmot. The remains were brought to tht Holy Name church at seven o'clock Sunday evening to lie in state untif after the Solemn Requiem High Mass at tan o'clock on Tuesday morning. It was a sad climax to a life of such generous sacrifices that Father Finan was not,permitted to see the completion of St. John the Evangelist chapel at Twin Lakes. He had donated over $15,000 for the building. The first mass in the chapel was offered for the repose of the soul of Father Finan and was read at seven o'clock on Sunday morning, by Rev. J. §avag« «f Antioch. ' • :., •^daughters, Mrs. Stanley n Lackner. The Hill and ilies are well known in this community where they^_ often visitted during the summer. , . *• Morris Carlson Morris Carlson of Ringwood died in the Woodstock hospital Sunday everting at the age of fifty-four years. I?e is survived by his widow, Elizabeth, two children, Dorothy an<i LeGrau> Carlson, and two brothers an<|„ four sisters. 7 -. 7 The body was at rest at" the Stafford funeral home in Woodstock until Wednesday afternoon when "funeral services were held at two o'clock. . On July 3, the Christian Mothers will sponsor a Food Sale at the Jacob Justen & Sons Furniture Store. 6 of the Week!-- Give Him a smart Belt for his Slacks . .. All the new colors of Lug-gage Tan, Popcorn, and Pigskin shades, are hsre. .00 and $1.50 77' • 7<7'",'*-7 4 c- *• n Co#** *T*ODAY, OUT great industries ancf frietnHy people work; JL night and day for Victory--yet everywhere, the quaint charm and rustic beauty of La Province de Quebec remain unspoiled. Welcome to yowr French Canadian : Vacation! Choose the vacation youprefer! Just north of the border lie the smiling Eastern Townships, lakeland, of vacation charm. Visit Montreal, the metropolis of Canada, and the City of Qu&bec, storied rock of history. North of Montreal are the Laureatiaos and the Gatineao, aaountaia vacationlands. There's Les Trois-Rivi^res to explore and the forested Saint-Maurice Valley .. . the hf&terland gems of La Vallee de la Chaudiere, Les Bois Francs an4 La Beauce. Then on to Quebec City, to Charlevoix- Saguenav, to Lac Saint-Jean and Lauren tides Park. Even to Gaspe itself, North-American wooder-touri - "I > - o PASSPOBTS RtQOlBCa R U.3. CITIZENS NO TOUi» ON MT&VUNCIAX. BRIDGES , Mb INDIVIDUAL uQuam rsBMrrs REQUIBB» VACATION DOLLARS GO PARTTHEH DUB 1BI TM or EXCHAKCK. For map* and deacriptiv* Utotatw^ apply to yota* h""" travel •Macy, automobile club, CHa»b»t mi Cammarea, railway, ateamahip •r boa office. La Provinca da Quth• i Tauriat Bureau. 48 RoclmfallO PUu, New Yurk. w dfawt ta K|«rtmuil INix NtA L. LAP "TBe Store for Men** , Green St. -- McHenry TOURIST tutmc c BUREAU CANAOA Rubbel Stamps at The Plaindealer Need Rubber Stamp« f Order at The PlaindeaWr. u Announcing Opening of Summer Vacation School June 29lh through August 6U1 , . . > children 5 t^slO years of age -----T* )•. . In the Kindergarten Room of School .. . 9:30 to 12 o'clock e McHenry Public Grade ondays^through Fridays. Class conducted by ^ Miss Marie Ropij Phone for further information. AUCTION SALE of Household Goods i . ><!THOMAS RAFTEIR, Auctioneer - ' -r An auction sale of tfce household goods belonging to the late Anna Karls will be held at the home on .Park street in McHenry, on ' SATURDAY, JUNE 27 Beginning aft 1 o 'clocks consisting qf the following; > : Twin ^bedroom - sM with springs, mattress and «pread.g; large dressing table; two bedroom sets, springs and mattress; sun parlor chairs; living room set; ra<$i©; lamps; rugs; 9x12 Oriental rug; throw rugs; drapes; curtains'. 1 s-• r . . . ty--*: Dining room set, table and six .chairs aiyi lmflet; electric sewing machine; , gas stove; kitchen table iand four chairs; kitchen utensils, dishes and glasses; silver-, ware; set 12, 1847 Rogefs, 12 Tinives %nd'fork's^'12 tea-' spoons, 12 tablespoons, 12 salad forks; carving set. . ^ \ Electric percolator," silver; silver teapot; set silver plates, set 16; 16 knives and forks, 16 tea and tablespoons; lawn mower arid garden tools; 'otheif things too^numefona to m e n t i o n . . ' • ' . 1 MATH GLOSSON, Executor. RI€HARD HUDNUT This meadowsweet fragrance of an American summer is the great Richard HudnqtX Success . . .m fragrance. It is light--airy ^persistent: As; many faceted .as g butterfly's Wing. Imprisoned in Jetties of perfume, toilet water, cologne 1; w . . in gossamer dusting powder and talcum. Glamor for the loveliest ladiei.' „ ~ Now you can have beauty, without ®xtravagance, :ikJragr^ Yanlcy Clover. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street •A-4.

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