Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1942, p. 2

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: -•.v ;- i.- - .. x - - , RING WOOD yy 1 •-f ; X*. * k-y-£' ; : ^ fzn& y v=- ; ?>**. r , ^v;v*r>£; .-.,. ^-^V;., . iin'ii)iiiin'i Hitwatti %. " " -t ^•>;Yr K\:-r -i- Thursday, June 25, 1942 "•^nv $ n >*£- Hi Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the 'Social Bridge club on Wednesday afternoon--prizes were won by Mrs. Walter, Harrison, Mrs. L. E. Hawley fnd Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and '•family ' of'. Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison of Richmond were V -8undfiy supper gue&s in. the R. C. Harfison home. ,r ., / ^ Shirley Hawley spent" Thursday •>with friends in Chicago. .... Frank Heidrich spent several diljfl last week in Muncie, Ind. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Lou- Abendroth in Elgin. x • A Mr. and Mrs. Paul/Zenk and family it>f McHenry visited in the John -• • Hogan home Saturday. . ' Kl / Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet, Alice • Marion JPeet of Elgin and Mr.. V, '«nd Mrs, Henry Stephenson, spent 'r •' jsnnday with Mr. and Mrs. Kofoed Vjut" Erie, 111. They , attended church services there. * ' ' Mrs. G, J. Jepson in. spending ,^a vrjeek in the Paul Norman home in ^ ~s*'£vanston. / \ , Mrs. Herbert Farnam and son and B. T. Butler called 6n 'Mr.-;S. ty'AW' Smith on Tuesday afternoon. Mr ;and Mrs. "Fuller BonteUa and • 'C~~Vpri Clyde of Lake . Geneva, spent tyl on d ay * ewening ,m the J lines Bell • V* "home. ; ; Fred Wiedrich, Jr., sjSent Tuesday \ in Rockford. * . The W. S. C. Sjj have postponeo i _ the dinnejr scheduled for June 24th until July 1st. v . r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and. daughter of Solon Mills, spent Fridayevening with Mr. and Mrs. Nick V- • Young. • .. J Mr, and Mrs.^ F. N. Muzzy of Marengo, visited fn the F. N. Muzzy " -ilr. „home on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Haley and "^ Shirley and "Eleanor Pries of McHeu- >•• • ry. spent Sunday in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. • land family and Helen Johnson, and - " Janet attended a party in the P. E. -- paunders •home at Fontana, Tuesday yvening-^ / Mrs. Beulah Sturges and friend of Elgin were callers in the R. C. Harrison home, Sunday afternoon. Mr..arid' Mrs. Ben Tonyan were call- ; ers in the George Young home Wed- V^esdayevening.' Mrs. Oscar Berg was .hostess to •the Bqnco club on Thursday aftf rnoon. •' _ Phyllis and* David McCannon of Algonquin, spent last week with their • 1.: • • pTandiipother, Mrs. C. J. Jepson* •• • , * v P e a r l W i e d r i c h o f B e l v i d e r e , i s % visiting her grtfndparents, Mr. and >* Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. *B. T. Butler and Murial Jean, were, supper guests in . -the I. N. Butler home at Elgin Wednesday evening. / ' Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund and -'.^'".•Richard were callers in the George "Young home Thursday evening. 7' s Mr. arid Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley, visited -Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper at their , ~JJew home jn Chicago on Sunday. In t - the afternoort the Hoppers "were t" pleasantly surprised by the members of'Mhe Hoppef wafgnittg. 1 ; Mrs. George R. Harrison is ^pend-; ing a week with her daughter, Mrs. Glt;n Treon in Crystal Lake. Amy Harrison, Bobbette Cristy, Alice May Lau and Shirley Hawley, spent Sunday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Yoifhg sp^t Sunday with Mrs.- Harvey Bikers at Wonder Lake. / Mr. and Mrs., Leslie Olsen and family of McHenry. were "callers, in the Fred, Wiedrich home Saturday evening.,," - • The Ringwood 4H boys club met at the homes of Charles Martin and Earl Harrison. Nfeijson Cristy talked on hybrid corn. .« • - Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago, spent the weekend in the S.oW. .Smith" home. , • • Mr. and Mrs- Hari*y Ober, of Crystal .Lake, called on George Young Sunday aftemoon.r. Members of the Ringwoiod Home eon at the Daniel Tea Room at Lake Geneva on Monday, were: Mrs. I Raymond Harrison, Mrs. C. J. Jep- ! son, Mrsl Mabel Thomas and Mrs. j Walter Halrison. After -the lunchepo j thp members-^visited - Wychwood; Mrs.", Mae, Smith and daughter of Dayton, Ohio, returned home Tues-, | cte^ afH'J attending the Golden Wedj ding bf 'Rev. arid Mrs. Collins.7 , ' Mr.'and Mis. Walter Harrison and I Earl j£nd Phylli? Darby spent Thursday Revealing in;-the 3©rt Ddolittle home at Grayslatcel ; Loren Harrison- .-wa#^8;~ThuFsday evening dinner guest in the Dr. Brady home in Lake Geneva. There will be neither-church nor Sunday school serviced this Sunday l as Rev, McKelvey. will attend a conference. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Pearl Smith of Woodstock, are Visiting Lieutenant and Mrs. R. H. Smith at Charlotte N*. C. and Wilbur Beno^, who is at camp in Maryland. . / ; " Mrs. Jack Leonard rettrfrwd' home Wednesday evening from" Charlotte, w^ek with her husband. Joyce Harrison of Elgin, is spelling a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.. Harrison. , Mr. Hoffman of Morton Grove, .was ar caller in the S. W. Smith home Sunday morning. The W. S C. S. met wittt Mrs. R. J. McKelvey at Greenwoodj^on Friday. "Mrs. Twomley, Miss Baldwin and Mrs. Benoy of Greenwood were guests. Sunday* callers in the George Young home were Mrs. Katherine Young ol McHenry, Mrs. Arnold Rheinark and Mrs. Mathilda Smith of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank May of McHenry, Rozina Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and daughter Patricia of Chicago. The Larsons were supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lengren of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Louis Hatvley spettt Friday in Chicago. . • v' Mi,s. Jack Leonard and Pe£'gy Ann and. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. and Mary Ann were callers in the P. C. Leonard home at Lake Geneva, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.-Nick Young spent Wednesday in Woodstock. „ • < Mr. and Sirs. Stepffien N. Schmitt and Billy Smith of -Mc^eni-y, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer were callers in the George. Young fcbme Thursday eveti- son of Highland Park, were dinner ing/ , " . • and supper guests Sunday at the home Phyllis Darby at §.t Petersburg, Fk.' of _Mr. ^nd MTS* John Blomgren, while is spending the summer with her aunt Mr. and Mrs'. Axel Nerstfom and son and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Har-fof North Chicago, were Sunday suprison. . ! Per quests. A j Rev'., and Mrs. Collins'and house Mr. and Mrs. Mort Jansen and two guest, Mrs. Wampool, were callers children of %>seville,- were Sunday at Idlewild onj_Sunday. . (evening visitors at the home pi Mr. Clayton Harrison and"" grandson*'and Mrs. John Blomgren. / - Billy Harrison, returned home "Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hapfen were evening from Chetech, Wii., where j business callers in Chicago Monday, .they^fiad spent a weelt. Miss Hubertine Ross of Caney, Mrs. Hickey ^of Mdrtenfy, spent I Kansas, arrived at the home of h^r Monday with Mrs. L. JE. Hawley. jaunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rev. J. Kf. Miller of McHenry , j Hansen, .Monday ajid will^s^end her Spent Friday evening with Rev. and j summer vacation here. Mrs. Collins. " { Frank Sinith is ^pendihg ia few days in the R. C. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. John Brerijnan of Maxiwell, N. M., spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. Thomas C. Kennedy, S; C. Mason and Mrs. A. V. Mason; of Mylith Parfl dined at the Skyline Athletic ,Club last Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg of My- ! lith Park, were business callers at Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and fam-I Rockford last Thursday.: ily, attended a„ picnic at on ! Mr. and Mrs. M. Wohlhutter 6f My- Sunday. > . ! lith Park, were hosts Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of j ing to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene. Long- Lake, spene Wednesday evening Pinochle was play/and a dainty lunch with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Snjith. SLOCUM Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner! 6nd two children attended the picni<*-Sun,r day at the St. Mary's church iit Fremont township. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers atM&aukegan last Thursday. Mr.1 and - Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter Dolores were callers at fiarrington Saturday. 'Mis. Frank LaBelle spent last Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Miss Jennie Dowell was a caller' at Barrington last Monday. Frank Mathews of Crystal Lake, spent Monday .night and Tuesday at. the home of his brother, Harry Mathews. „ Mr. and M«rs. Raymond Lusk and. daughtei', t:Betty Lou, of Maple Park, spent lkst Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mrs. Lusk aftid daughfe^- remained for a few days* visit. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and daughter Beulah, of Crystal Lake, were callerslast Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. Fred Lueck and son Edward, and Mrs. Alma Schaefer of Berwyn, William Corris of Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and children of Island Lake and Bruce Corzine of Corzine Road, were Sunday visitors at this home^of Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Guist of Chicago, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hatton on the Maier Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris and children of .near Woodstock, were visitors last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart in Chicago. Miss Marion Dowell 'of North Chicago, spent Sunday aT the "home ofi her mother here. > Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of< Chicago, spent Supd^y with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. Swanson and daughter Alice, Mr. and Mrs. H. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnseryed. ^ Mr, and Wrs. B. Dvorak of Berwyrt, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg at Mylith Park last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Verhilein and Mr. and Mrs. John Gleitas of Chicago, were guests of Mr and Mrs. James Panteles at Mylith Park last' Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason and Miss Jerry. Addo were callers at the homesof Mr.and , Mrs. J: Panteles and Mr. and Mrs. Charleis Rodene at Mylith Park.' " Oity Oonncil Proceedings - •Special Meeting, June 12th, 1942 A special meeting v»s called by Mayor Overton for the purpose of reviewing the annual audit report with J. W. North and to act-on resolution for maintainance of arterial street number 5, section known as Country Club Road. Aldermen present Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Itegner. Absent: Bolger, Buss.1 Motion by Regner, seconded by Feiwerda, to pass resolution as reacl appropriating Motor Tax funds for maintainance of iarterial street number 5, John Street from Green Street to Crescent Street. Motion carried. - Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, to approve and accept the annual audit report as submitted by J. W. North. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded "by Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried' " Earl R. Walsh, Clerk. \ My«terioui Etruscans The mysterious Etruscans of Italy are traditionally said to have come, from Asia Minors JOHNSBURG Mr. Anthony Kerkmaiin and sister MaVme and her friend of N^w Munster, Wris., visited at the home erf their auntfc Mrs. Wm. Xlthoff last Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs^. Stanley Zalloner and son of Chicago are spending the week with Art Peters'and-Bill, Marz. Mrs. George Miller, of Grayslake, spent a few days taking care of her father, John Pitzen. -- Miss Rita Stilling and Mrs. George King and daughter, Berpice, were Waukegan callers Tuesday. ' ' Bill Marz was a Lake Geneva caller one day this week. 's.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund at Ingle? sidt, Wednesday evening. , > CJene King 'spent „a few days in Chicago with' Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Freund. Mr. and Mrs. P^ter M. Wkgner of Volo visited their mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, one night last wee^v Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of Chicago were callers here Saturday evening. „ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children of Woodstock, Were callers here Saturday evening." Miss Katie Pitzen of,„Chicago, spent a few wee^s with: her father, Mk John Pitzen, * Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago, spent the weekend with relatives here. " : ' *LeRoy Meyers spent a feW days in Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Roman Schaefer son of "Waukegan, were callc Sunday afternoon. Miss Katherine Althoff Of spent Sunday in the hotne of her mother, Mrs. Wm.. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Jo^ Karls entertained relatives from Chicago oyer the- weekend. - * ' „ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke of Chicago, are spending the week in the home ' Of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Sally Mae, speri^ Monday evening with Mr. and Mirs^oe^ Huff at Richmond. Mrs. Lena ^Schroder and daughter of Chicago, spent the weekend in tike home of her father, John Pitzen. Need Robber Stamps? Order at Hi Plaindecuer. 7-~- GET YOUR SCRAP RUBBER INTO THE BIG SCRAP: HURRY! " "" Yowr cownfty needs every bit Hff old rubber you con dig up., and it may avert gas rationing! • PRASIDKNT ROOSEVKLT has aiked every American to (rt into this Scrap Rubber Drive. Here's a real opportunity for you to help speed the day of victory. Turn in your old rubber and help "give the Axe to the Axi*.'% And also remember, this drive may avert gasoline flitiomns. The need for this rationing in the Middle West Is based not on a shortage of gasoline but on a need to save tires for possible future war' use. If enough scrap rubber is provided by this drive, nation-wide rationing ^gasoline may be avoided. *. ',;.The petroleum industry has offered its thousands of service stations as convenient collection points during the drive. When you bring your scrap rubber to your Standard Oil Dealer, or to any other service station, the rubber be weighed and youll get your money at that time. ;... No oil company will receive one penny profit for this service. Each will turn the collected scrap rubber over to the government and be paid for it at the rate of $25 per N4fto ton (2000 pounds). The difference between the amount we pay and the amount Uncle Sam pays us has pledged to the USO, Navy Relief, Army Relief, American Red Cross. The success avoid the necessity pend on the cooperation of erery patriotic citixen. Get in the scrap rubber! of t^s drive-^the ability of Uncle Sam to essity of gasoline rationing--may well <Je- Den t delay! Bring HM rubber today to your Standard Oil Dealer cfr Agent. He will pay you 14 a pound for your reclaimable rubber, such as: . - Itoft, f«bMr booli, rwbhm, -->yfhlng wdi of rabbir. w«ttr kflltt, 9«rd«n ktit- ~ STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INDIANA) BRINO IT TO YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER STANDARD SERVICE « N * •> < < S , : riori THIS IS Month Fighting men from Northern Illinois -homes are daily joining oxir growing naval fore ~"™*JOrousands of men at Great Lakes Naval Training Statjon and at the new Naval Air Training Base at Glenview are being developed into the best seamen and fliers in the world. > Hundreds of industries in this area, served 1 with electric power, are pouring^ out materials tQ»yhelp the Navy do its job. / 'V ***)¥ ' DRIVE SLOWLY .. . Save gas, oil, tires and youi'^cqr BUY WAR BONDS 9T. f v w "'H M' % McHenry, "F. P. S." patronage now -- assure yoy of PRIORI* Ity fo THE FORD MOTQK COMPANY is devoting, part of its Wst resources to the production of parts for ytMir JPord, to keep it rolling for the duration. To take advantage of the opportunity to b«uy and ^ 4|ock our full share of these new parts for our customers, we -want your cooperation now. Although you may not need new parts for months to come, you will need service. All you have to do become a pre j erred customer to receive PRIORITY v;>V * . -SERVICE when genuine new parts are needed, is to - • assure us of a fair percentage of your patronage oh. --y0ur present service requirements--by enrolling On the wujpon beiow. ' "'.s " * Phone " (Bftog~i*ior Paste on Penny Post Card and Mail) Yes, I wajttit you to ftock genuine parts for my Ford so that I will be protected for future . repairs. 1 hereby assure you of a fair share of my »ervke patro«age. la your FORD PRIORITY SERVICE • "r": 1 T-, ----r»--I«t ' •" "/ ^ v" -• • • ' ADDKISS- «, ^ V '"V v : 'w." . ' . --• I drive a Ford * A L r « P U B L I C S E R V I C E C O M P A N Y O F I V O RT HERNILL IN OX& :SvS-:: v- ' f' Sfrving Vital Electric Power for War Production in Northern Illinois „ • , , 1 , 1 , . ' . ^ rVrT^... I ' , I , , i t , • >,L .,1 ! ! ' I ' n l M II, Service Order 101 Williams St., Cry sM. Lak^.^^eFhone.XiiUffim^ 4100. -. -V -j.

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