wiipiM. y.u.1 u_. Tout THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUblistu-d every Thursday at Mc- Etmry, 111., by fcharles F. Rtiiich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Mana*«r 1 *> ,5vpy ,-v^ v- ^-r; ^ 7 •> >" * *4ji! *HE McHENRY PLAINDEALER I i i h , June 25, Entered as second-class ,tl»e postoffice at McHenry the act of May 8, 1879. latter **• under niat' , \ FOB SALE , | FOft SALE--Fast 18 ft. boat aod '7 -- --r: h. p. Outboard Motor. $135. ("ash $60. One Year i Bal»nCe monthly. Leahaven Farm, 2-jin Chicago. 8ix Month* '...»..-- f 1.00 t mijes south of McHenry op, black top ' •• road. " " 6 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Weber visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Anna Meyers, at Sacred Heart sanitorium in Milwaukee Sunday. May Justen is spending a few weeks McHenry, Illinois frRIDAY SATURDAY Betty Grable - Victor Mature Jack Oalrie SONG OF THE ISLAND' Ate© -- News - Cartoon and • • Novelty. ' ; . . ^ V -' SUNDAY ' --' MONDAY Jqne 28 - 29 Sj^il^-iPra^ - Katharme "THE WOMAN. >v OF THE YEAR" A'hio,.r<~ Donald Durii Cartoon arid V-"' • -World News I^SbESDAY1'-- JUNE®" .i-- On the Stage -- Mid-Summer Fashion Revue -- On the Screen -- "WE WERE DANCING' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY John Garfield - Nancy Coleman^ ' 'DANGEROUSLY THEY LIVE" Mrs. Ferdinand Bauer of-Chacdlfd was a weekend guest of relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Jtfr§T"Stl?J>hen H. Freund, M *..%aain d Mt^s. Math Blake aijd Mf. and ICall McHenry 230- j Mrs. B. j. Adams are among those to FOR SALE -- SACRIFICE-- 17<-fqot Sailboat in excellent condition. National one-desijgti. yM. \ j attend the Catholic church dinner at Fremont Center Sunday. Gerald Reed left today (Thursday) for a camp in Wisconsin where he will act as a riding instructor. FOR SALE--Cotta^^clBit McHenry; grounds 100 by_100. T*or information inquire of Mrs. Patchen, own$r. Phone Winnetka 2134. _ , 3-tf HPR SALE--Six-room "House; bath, iffin porch and large lot. Mrs. Anha Kails home, .North Park Ave. Inquire of Math Glosson. Phone 71-R. i \ • 6-4 FOR, SALR-Yeaf-'round comfort and economy with .fire-proof Johns-Man^ ville.Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls «hd ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf ^>0R SALE.--Six Guernsey springers; • also some of small end of feeding pigs. Inquire Frank Eherdt, Round Lake. Tel. 222-3. ; » 4-2 FOR SALE--Three Milk Cows to be1 fresh in October. Inquire at E. Leffleman, across from cemetery on route 31. V ; ^ • *6- FOR SALE--Cattle Spray, one that we can brag about, because it really kills and repels the flies. It's *ood as the best and better than all tn^-reSt. And it sells for only 95c per gallon. Bring your own jug and save a dime. McHenry Flour Mills. Phone 92-R. „ '/•' 4-4 FOR SALE -- Walnut Dining Room Set, six chairs and table; kitchen cabinet; library table; long mirror; chest drawers; 4-drawer vanity dresser. Inquire Betty's Place. Tel. McHenry 380, Lily Lake. " *6 The Beautiful larOVAH MM CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRL & SAT. ~ JUNE 26 27 -- double feature Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake in BLONDIE S BLESSED EVENT" ini'Lake Marjorie Wood worth in )KLYN ORCHID" SUN. & MON. -- JUNE 28 - 29 Sunday Continuous from 2:45 p.m. Stbu, the Elephant Boy, in Rodyard Kipling's • • J U N G L E B O O K " A Thousand Thrills a Minute! Plus -- Mufeical and Color Cartoon FOR SALE OR TRADE -- Utility Trailer, like new, for row boat in good condition. The Vogue, Lily Lake, Rte. ;i ---- • «» •6 FOR BENT j FOR RENT--Cottagf, seven rooms, | modern bath room, ? gas, electricity, : running water. Oeffling's subdivision :on Pistakee Lake. Peter P. ^\reund, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 672-R^l. • 03-4 HELP WANTED Ml. WANTED--Cook. May g& oK^itay. Pistakee Hall for Girls. Tel. Pistakee 427. 6 HELP WANTED--Girl or woman for resiaurant work. Call McHeni^ '377. f 4 3-tf 18c 'TUESDAY } 10c Ta* 2c SPECIAL Thx lc Glenn Ford - Oaire Trevor in "ADVENTURES OF |y MARTIN EDEN" WED. & THURS. -- JULY 1 - 2 Ger« Tierney - Walter Huston in •SHANGHAI GESTURE" Flvo. s. -- Latest News and Cartoon That WecL and Thors. Event! HELP WANTED--Girl lor ^waitress work, need not be expenenCted. Also woman for work in testaurant. Part time. Karls Cafe, McHenry. Phone 26. ; 1-tf SITUATION WANTED--Hsuii^ork. Call at home Monday night11 or Tuesday evening, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Christina Adams, John and tyeeo Sts., West McHenry. , 6 Mary Jane Laures has returned to her nursing duties at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin after spending three days at,her home here. ) Sgt. Gordon (Rob) Knox of Camp PolH, La., is spending a furlough vis-V iting his father here. " John Freund has^be^n visiting his son, Cadet A---Vernon Freund, at Sheppards Field, Texas. Among those who attended the funefral of Peter J. Bauer in Waukegan last week were, Mrs. Ambrose Schafer,. Mrs. Robert Vogt, Mrs, John Phartnenstill and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. ' •• Mrs. Ed. Holle of Chicago, has bepn visiting in the home of?her> parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. P. F. C. Clarence Wohlert has been transferred from San Jose, Calif.,- to Camp Swift, Texas. Accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Dibler, and cousin, Miss Marilyn Dibler of Woodstock, Mis* Marie Nickels left last week for a several weeks visit With relatives at Minneapolis and Chicago. The Elmer Winkelman family ol Oak Park, is spending* the summer with Thomas Knox in the Knox home. Mr. Winkelman commutes. 1|drs. Nellie Bacon spent a few days last® week in the home of her daughter Mrs. Robert Ulrich in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuester, former residents, and Mr. and Mrsv Freeman Kuester and family of Chicago called on friends in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Delia Mathews and daughter, J$an, were called to Burlington, .Iowa, last w^ek by the illness of the former's son, Edward. Mrs. Nick Adams returned Friday after spending a few days in Wheaton. Sister Mary Celine of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Sister Mary St. Hilda of Omaha, Neb., left for their respective hornet Monday after spending several days visiting in the home of their sister, Mrs. George Adams. Mrs." V«ughn Jones of Chicago, spent the weekend visiting in the C. W. Goddell home. George Johnson, Jr., who |nlisted in the army air corps in February, was called for service June 9 and is stationed at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Edith H^fr'es and s<H|s, Donald and Dick of Chicago, visited relatives here one day last week. Mrs. Robert Thompson spent one day last week visiting friends in Elgin. Mrs. Alice Bowles and daughter and family of Chicago, called on friends in5 McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Ernst and Mrs. Ernest Unger of Chicago, spent the weekend visiting friends .in this community. Howard Shepard, who. .attends Parks Air College-in East St. Louit>, is spending a two weeks vacation visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie' Bungard and daughter of Elmhurst, were Sunday visitors in the hoitfe. of her mother, Mr^ Martin May. MV. and Mrs. Martin Heckmann 'of Chicago, visited relatives in McHenry last weekend. ' • * Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and son of Greenwood, and Mr. and Mrs. George* Shepard and son, Howard, were guests in the Mrs. Lloyd ISenne home in Crystal Lake Sunday. Shirley Covalt left the last of week to spend a week visiting frien in New York City. Jane Schnaitman is spending a. two week^ vacation at her home here;. "Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert and son visited Mrs. Alfred C. Beckman in Wauconda Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young and daughter, Eleanor, spent Father's Day with: N. C. Klein in Waukegan. Father Clarence Thepnes of' St. Charles visited rjelati^es here a few days last week, "" -v " Mrs. John Fay of Washington spent several days the first of the week visiting old friends here. Math Weber and daughter, Laura, j and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber of i McHenry and Cordulla Mj?ellenbach ' of Johnsburg, Minn., visited at St. 1 Mary of the Lake Seminar&^at Mundelein Sunday. ... | Mr. and Mrs. George f: Freund, .Mr. j and Mrs. Fred 3. Meyer and Private George Frisby visited Mrs. Anna Meyer at Sacred Heart Sanitorium in Milwaukee last Thursday. \ Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of ! Cicero and Albert Vales, Jr., son of : Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, spent Sun- j day at the latter's home here. They had .just returned from a trip through | the South. Mrs. William Riggs and daughter and Mrs. Agnes Lewis and daughter of Kenosha visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch, last weekend: Mrs. E. T. Klodsfinski and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago called !on friends i here Wednesday evening. 1 Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughters, Lena and Clara, Mrs. George Knaack and Miss Ann Frisby visited Mrs. William Bonslett at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin Tuesday evening. Norbert Mauch, who was inducted into the service Tuesday, rs spending a furlough at his home in Wisconsin before reporting back, to camp, on July 6. Mr. and Mrs. John 'R. Freund and daughter, Joan, were Sunday visitors in the Albert Rosing home in 'Liberty.-- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalen of; Kenosha and daughter, Mrs. Jack, Mulcahey and children, J*atty and Dickie, ofvSan Francisco, Calif., called on friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Heimer spent the weekend in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Butler, in Chicago. She was accompanied home by her grandsons,- Donajd and .Andrew Butler, who win spend, a week here. , Mrs. Qelia Callahan, Chicago, spent a-few, days the last of the week with her sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty; Corporai Kenneth L. Frana^en, who had been home on twelve-day furlough, returned to'Ft., Bragg, K. C., Friday. ' s f Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conway and daughter, Laurayne, and Mrs. Georju (Adams ' accompanied Sister Mary feline of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Sister Mary St. Hilda Of Omaha, Neb., to Chicago Monday. They left that day for thfeir respective homes after spending a few days with relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and son, Jackie, of Oak Park visited in the home of her mother. Mrs. Margaret May, over the weekend. Mrs. Pete Hoffman and Mrs, E. Hoffman of • Wilmette visited ht the lliam Justen home Tuesday^ , •: BICYCLE INSURANCE • This office is prepared to issue con.• plete insurance prote<*ion for bicycle owners. EARL R. WALSH, Phone 32. 6-fp - T-]"f '•* ^3^ ^ *• ^ ^- "•»£ ^ 11 f FREE! u'.Oi • ij*" • ^ t; DANCE •a:'y* • ,*6BeHeidAt ' • I.' BRIDGE BALI.ROOM I . , - -' v , McHewy, Illinois EVENING, JUNE 27; IWIJ Music By BEHMS 5 Piece Orchestra ^ • Subscribe for The PlaindealjeTl PAINT Dependable Pri^ A Lambert Paint and Varnish are a safe investment Cheap finishes are costly at any price. You get your money's worth when you buy P & L Paint and Varnish because they spread farther, look better and last longer. Come jp lav color card. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS and BONDS! NICKELS' Hardware Phone 2 West McHenry ANIMALS WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALi *1.00 to $15.00 Casi:*1 Cows - Horses - Hoga / , No help needed for loading? Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and-Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges Air-Conditioned! JkuA-Back £zaJU, MILLER Phone 32 Woodstock -- Friday and Saturday . 2 for J. PrHiel Roy Rogers "SOUTH OF SANTA FE" Weaver Brothers "TUXEDO JUNCTION1' DEAD STOCK WANTED We(pay cash with silver dollars that clink. 5 to 25 for dead or alive horses and.*cows." Highest prices paid for hogs, sheep, calves. Prompt day or night service, including holidays. Farmers Rerdering Service. Crystal Lakfr8003Y-l. We pay phone charges. \ ... 5-26 ^ >- ' • '-- MISCELLANEOUS Mid-Night Saturday - -- A dull.s Only! Kiist and < haJ^^vhowing in ^IcITt'iirY County! "Strip-Tease Girls" % - "THIS'LL MAKE YOir • , JW^TLE,';' --^ P, 1 U--R,-- "BULLET SCARS" . Tiue Revealing Story ! Sttii^rifcnd Monday C-o?il in. Sunday from 'J p. in. TEAMING WHEEL BALANCING, WHEEL ALIGNMENT--For maximum tire wear, smoother riding rand safe driving have your car checked by our New- Balance Master and Manbee alignment gauges. KNOX MOBILGAS STATION, 100 Grant St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 77. • 2-tf ( OMr»fcl5TE FLOOR SERVICE -- Floor samiing and refinisliing with Dura Seal. Also asphalt tile for bathrooms, kitchens, business places; and beautiful Marlite in assorted colors for kitchens and bathroom walls; also commercial buildings. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone 131. 42-tf GARBAGE. COLLECTING -- Let us dispose ®f your garbage each week, or oftener if , desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. ften J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 11-tf LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Also repairs, all work guaranteed. Alsq good used mowers. Robert J. Thurlwell, ; 110 Main St., West McHenry. 49-tf WANT SOME RfeAL 'FXJN'?--• Elks Benefit Carnival for ciippled children. No need running all over creation looking for fun. Elks Cariiival, Wood- -t<Kk, June 24 - 27/ 4-3 NOTICE--SmilingVkn the clovn," of the Elk? carnival atv^'oodstock will be in McHenpy on Friday, June 26, at 4:30 p. m. He will have gifts for the children» ~ - 5-2 Livestock Auction At Night Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 1, p.m. At Gaolke's Sale Barn -- Route 47 -- Woodstock, Illinois 100 HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE Consisting of Choice Holsteins, Guernseys and Shotv horni, either with calf by side or close Springers/ ' : 's P E C I ' A L ' 40 Head of First Calf Holstein Heifefs that will be fresh in 30 to 60 days. They are choice lot of Heifers. If you will need new milkers in the future don't miss this sale. - ^ r" -- : 75 Head of Feeder Pigs The usual run of Work Horses, Saddle Horses and Ponies, There will be a good run of Veal Calves. " C^fi Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock v. to consign. , > '> r Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. IIORTHERN ILLINOIS CORPORATION, Clerking . WILLIAM E. GAULKE, owner jyj Future-Sales will be Held Every Other l^ttanesday Night at 7:30 p.m., Sharp, for Summer. Woodstock Commission Sales Company Try som« snapshots tonight Use KODAK SUPER-XX FILM , • Stop for a couple of Photoflood lamps and let us load your camera with fast Kodak Super-XX Film. "That's all you need to make fascinating snapshots indoors at ' night. They're as easy to get as : regular daylight snapshots. Come in today. Ask for the free booklet that gives detail* Bolger's Drug Store Green Street / McHenry t Mo»t Cordially Invite the People of McHenry ~ to attend their three-day CARNIVAL of CARNIVALS ^(^n Highway No. 176 jnat east of the Willows) ' • % The Carnival Opens " Friday pvening, July^rA at 8 o'ctock : and continues on Itaturday, July^lth. From 2 o'clock Oo vv v -and-on • '>,W ,.:.^ mm 5th. From a o* Come and enjoy this THREE DAY FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION^irith your lSLAND LlKE Neighbors! GET THE TRANSPORTATION YOU NEED Get it NOW while GOOD USED CARS are still available YOUR CHIVROUT DIALER \ Births Mr. and°^-Mrs. Jos. Wiser of Voit<, became the' parents di S daughter born at the Woodstock^ hospital last j Thursday. " A daughter, Dorothy Ann, was born to the Walter Burgs of VolO bn June 2i. DELAYS b: PRICES The same efficient *and sympatheticlferyiceto all! sten & Funeral Directors Phone McHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Elm -1-- McHenry To delay may mean depriving yourself of a chance to get a good car in good condition. See your Chevrolet dealer today for outstanding [buys in many -different makes and models. PRICED TO SELL THIS MONTH! CONVENIENT TERMS! f 6000 CARS aOPCONHIGN GOOD VALUES CONVENIENT TERMS See Your Local CHEVROLET DEALER Today! SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES On Pontes 31 ^d --Tel. lifcHenry 277! ^ WcHenyy ; % V 1