Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1942, p. 5

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>• Ir' v i z THE McHENRt ^LAINSSALKk ^r^r-k "SO I HEAR" '•^ jr^. EARL WALSH .' .• As faraB we're concerned, the besw •t&ry of the week happened oat' on local golf coarse. ; H' publicans rang in '**Home Rule, .for Ireland" in itheir platform-that year. lATaaconda had organiz^sftn"A**ti^j Horse Thief Association.^ • Chas. Kuhhert, in Johnsburg, tia^ something new called Shopus' Egg Food that was a make the hens lay more eggs. \/ But. that was long, long wN . and maybe fifty years from now somebody will be reading about three good tip next, Sunday. INTERESTING MESSAGES FROM LOCAL MEN IN r , THE.U. S. SERVICE Mrs. ! Hie'-Harvey family of VoTo was j made happy last week upon receiving Howard R. Brintlinger, Bar-I a jofjg letter, from Steve Harvey who is in Australia^ As Steve is a graduate of the local high school and has many friends in McHenry, The Plaindealer is grateful to the family for At present I am stationed with the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga. To sav that it is a large school is ^xpre£$ing it mildly. 4 rington resident, suffered burns on an arm an^, leg, as welL as electrical shock, in- an unusual accident Friday, June 12, in her home. , ... Mrs? Brintlinger was dusting ti'hen j letting us print the letter and give she came in contact with a damp us an idea just what army life in an- -•'Prof" Nye, using*!-"Htm' ball for "ball games coming tip next Sunday, [lamp cord which was close to an open j other country is. v the first time in' years, drove down' ~ --I]--- - , fc | window. She then touched a radiator, • ' ? ' , ---- tile fairway only to find the ball HJ i The McHenry Indians will travel to ! ^"hich formed a ground for the cur- I slightly rough' spot. Contrary to Woodstock . . . with ideas! The Sham- refit to flow through her body. She j Vples, he nudged the ball along a bit I rocks expect quite a tussle at Rich- jwas unable to move. Twenty minutes j % . not reckoning with a nearby J mond. Richmond rose up and beat j later her daughter Jane came in and! gopher hole. Down went the ball! Carl Hopp at Algonquin last 8unda?.symmoned Mrs.Bri n tl inge r'_s siste..;; With the aid of a couple of young Crystal Lake plays at Johnsburg. LT. FRANK HARRISON. Weapons Group - ISSjC-AD, , Fort Benning, Gar felloes, "Prof" started to dig. But, the* more they-dug, the farther dowi» , Hrent the new ball. v ' V,.,T " « --ll--r . Up to this writing the ball hasnt recovered. If you see "Prof" «W there some moonlight night with -9k spad*? don't be alarmed.' He'll . get ft "• V? Marriage Licenses . i . - 1 Gerald Austin/ Marengo, HI. io Marie P. Mortenson, Marengo. lil. Henry B. Franz, Chicago. 111. to Man,' R.^Zolden, Chicago, 111. " < Richard-' Sawallisch. Union, till, / to Gertrude Heine, Huntley, IU. " Raymond Gaylord, Woodstock, 111. to Jeanette Kennebeck,- Woodstock-? 111. Francis A*. Cox, McHenry, to Margaret L. Denning. McHenry. Robert C. Schlag, Chicago, to Viva And that's that! SHAMROCKS LOSS TIGHT BALL GAME V May 11, 1942. Inf. - AvP.O; 41, U. S- Army - Care of Postmaster, r; :. "••••'• San Francisco, Cal^f. Deii^Mary, • i Miss Emma Waulbaum, and Mrs. Olga j Thought I had better write and let (Roloff. They turned off the currem j yOU know how everything has been | Sloper, Crystal Lake. *•••-- ;and sent for first aid. . "over here in Australia. Have not re-j RoyM. Johnson, Rockford, to Irene j A prize show cow valued at $500 ceived any mail from home since leav-1 Vause, Rockford. " (disappeared during the past week ,ing the U. S. in March but a few scai- | Marcell V. Anderson, Harvard tv, (from the pasture on the Triple Pine j tered pieces of mail are starting to j Mary A. Darmon, CSapron. " . T «»rrw» a ' o farms of Paul Peg^low. Prairie View ; come through now so I guess it won't | Mfarvin Botsford, Woodstock to TO A»iBMITE, 4-2 1 farmer, he reported to Lake county j be long. Gene Adams just got'a let- Lucille Michels, Crystal Lake, , ! -- " | police. Pegelow said the cow was a ' ter from his mother and she said that \ A* powerful, well-balanced Wood- {Brown Swiss, weighing between 1,200 you had received the' cable 1 had sent stocV"Alemite baseball team came to 'and 1,300,pounds* It "was five yearsja"d that you knew I was here The Shamrock - Woodstock g*»e|t<r,rn last Sunday and won a 4 to 2 old. |t Sunday brought out qfeite a crowd bsJ1 frame from our Shamrocks. ' Three boys of the Waueonda Future ' old-time baseball fans; The Jfciteys, The game right from the start had j Far^mers were named state champions the Sullivans, the Kuppes and others • a give-away tinge, with pitchers fore- (at the annual Future Farmer con- j ocean alright but we didn t run into vrere over from Woodstock. Most of j ing too many runs across the plate, j vention held at the U. of I. two weeks any torpedoes and didn't even get g " ' ago. Harry Case and Wayne Panko-[chance to firie the anti-aircraft; guns. nin wejre awarded the gold key of a : I consider purgelves lucky for th«t. state farmer, which is the highest de-j Well now that we'fe here the old gree in the state association. Dick ; Woria joes look a little smaller. I'm Allen received a gold trophy for win- half way around now so maybe IU ning. the SUte Future Fartaer 100 j ^ all the way around before this is I wrote Helen and Pat previously, telling them something about the trip across. The Pacific is a mighty big „ tb»>r fun wa^ directed at Bob Knoy, jn the first inning, the Shamrocks whom they well remember as one M ;&&ve the visitors a two-run edge. By . 41cHenry'a best. . j way of appreciation, pitcher Rapp • , . . --jl"-" - vV j lost his stuff in the fourth inning and It s hard Co say it was a good Same [ foreed two runs across the plate on any time our boys lose to our bid-1 walks. time rivals from Woodstock; but tht j But, afCer all was even, the two! yafd swim. - 4 , j over. Who knows? The first week game was really somewhat akin to teams'settled down for one of the best1 Members of the AwtSoSh rescue, or so here we spent most ef bur time tfie spirited battle$ dt ;£<mnty fair | g-ames seen here this season. Larkin squad, assisted by the Waukegan j unpacking our equipment and setting ' I was his old self, taming the visiting coast guard, succeeded on Tuesday, up our camp, and now we have btr sluggers for four innings. Tbap.&use June 16w in recovering the body of come pretty well settled. We are very Roy Nelson, Spring Grove. /^4; Lucille Nimsgem, Spring Grove. : Earl R. Blair, Maywood, to Clara M. Baumgaertner, Chicago. Percy,J. Swanscin. Huntley, toMar- 'jpwjtit ;E> Boncosky, Huntley. -,"vi V Residence Changes^,^ V': ' Mrs. Clifford Sherman has movvd to her hew home on Center street which is nearing completion.i s' .The Bohlin family has moved from the west apartment of the Cristv house on Waukegan^ street to Elgin." The apartment vacated by them will be occupied by the James Orr family, who are moving from the west side The Shamrocks undoing might eas-' the ninth! fly be traced to over-ambition on the base paths. At that, it took a couple of perfect relays by Shortstop Woods fct> cut down our run prdduction. •That guy Woods is a lot of ball jrtayer if anybody should be askin*. '.Fatal Ninti ; . ; Kuppe teed off on one of tar kin's fast ones to open the ninth and sent Bill Bolger into the tall weeds to haul down the drive. Bill drew a nice round of applause on that one. Zimof the Culver house on the sank Mrs. Signe Hasney of 1511 Laurel fortunate in that we have our camp j street.. V°f... avenue, Waukegan, who was drowned within traveling distance of one, of the on June 8, when the rowboat in which larger cities. They are no\fr. giving us To Our Polley lioldera : Insurance " Wir Damage Protection iii Not Included in Ytfur Preient Fire Insiii'ance Pojfcy. *• .Inly 1 s t ,: obtaxjay|pr ytm W ai' .DaiiTa^c. irisiirance on yonr ])roy>eTty frpnr th<; War Damage Corporation, an instrumentality •af the United Htatos (iov^rniiient. * r-»" ' t r *. Tiulec its t»pli<\v the War Pamage Corporation, in:'tTdm^ra|iop~of' t-li^. itayment of tlie premiiim, agrees indemnify liie /insured, and legal representatives, against, direct physiciil loss of- or damage to property which; mav result from eaeiuy,':-"attV^Ic,^1w!luding any ^ictioin taken by the mi'ita^y, naval or fore^ of tibe tes iga resisting enemy attack." • lTHere re not sufficient time jto^aJl oft all of o«i client^ pevsonafly to <?^plam full^ tfevadyant^es and Mijpe of this iijiportant t'lass of irisin^ance, ^ut if ^oti ^iiI vvrit<eielephona to this office as. promptly as possible we 1'^ gl«d to give you full information, , ' : ] Yours very truly, - "• Earl R. Walsh PHOMZ .•r"-':. Ag» she and .six others were riding over^ turned. A battery operated search light for underwater work, recently built by members of the rescue squad, .The Shamrocks were a live ball cllib Sunday, showing more tip than of the league schedule. merman drove a scorching- double ;was found e^eptionally useful. ' alonp the left field line. Garret beat1 ^ horse show, with all of the at- I a hard grounder to short. Zim- | tendant pomp and ceremony, will be i*i nti,,,, -rp. - „ ,n |merman advancing to third. Strategy jheld the evening of July 4th from 7 things int^r^Rtin th ° ' ™E ^ i went, wrong at this point as the Sham- | until 11 o'clock, following the day of _ g interestinfc second round rocks d6>;.ided to walk pjnch-batter La- ! horse racing and other entertainment. acute shortage of young men arouna. Flex, loading the bases. Larkm I sponsored by the Harvard Sports- Most of the "Aiissies" have been callwalked Johnson to force in the win-|man's club, according to plans made ed up for the service so I guess the ning run. Boxleitmer fanned. Shep- last week at a meeting of the com- girls were having quite a time before ard walked to force in another run. | mittee. t we got here. I didn t have any trouble Woods went down on strikes as Bud j The ! Bolder held his tipped third strike. | Fair association weekend passes to about fifty per cent •J of the regiment. That's the best break I've had in a long time--the . first weekend passes I have had since the ; war started. > J The Australian people really treat < the Americans swell. I was in town tliis week and never had so much fun since the war started. There is an McHENRY POST, NO. 491, AMERICAN LEGION invites you, your family and friends to their Jteaf-Bartr Just a few lines to tell you of my in address from Scott Field, directors of the Lake County ' fitting dances at omr of the, large, r, association, after cohsiderable ; dance halls and say, the girls aren t j !., to Holabird, Baltimore, Maryland, i The Shamrocks put two ifien on in j discussion at a meeting Friday nighv. j ^ad either! They, are. pn'tity strict j This is one of the largest mechanic j the ninth, but killed off thrir chances-June 12, decided to cancel the 1942 i °P ^ drinking over, here. ^ No fancy ; schools in the counti-y and have a few j with a sample of reckless base run raen from every airfield in the U. S. ning that was evidence throughout „ f si^dying here. This course will take | the game F«j$r. This action was taken because j "igbt club3 over here arid alrrtost no • of the" present national emergency, entertainment at all on Sundays. Even • • The directors felt that due to the farm ! the theatres are closed then, so there j y iree months after whdeh I am sup- I In summing up the game, it can be j labor shortage and the tire situation, j.'sn t much to do then but walk aroiind posed to return to Scott Field. i said that the^ Shamrocks lost to a , it would be unwise to try to hold a ] park or ^oo;^ but there s nothing Also want to thank the people of igoocTball club. And more important, fair this year. A 4-H club show for all wrong with that if you happen to Hie Plaindealgr for sending me their the locals showed the be&t brand of 4-H club mettfbers will be held somepaper, which I have received regular pitching and defensive skill shown this tme in August. The time and place for through my year of service and would like to have them continue sending it to me. .It really is nice to receive {the home paper every week and read of the different happenings, especially now that baseball is in full swing. The sports section in the first place I look to see how my old teammates, the "Johnsburg Tigers," made otit on Sunday. ! this event will be announced later.. Woodstock Shepard, 2b;... Woods, ss ...y.„ Michaellis, fit Kuppe, lb v.,...3 Zimmerman, ef ..................S AM Garret, rf Well, ther^ isn't anything else to j Perkins, If WlS-ite about; so in closing I want to LaFlex, If thank you and the people of McHenry i Johnson, c ......... and vicinity for the many different; Rapp, p -I..... things they have done and are still 1 Boxiitner, p ,<|iing for the men in service. X 1, "The following is my new addresii: - Totals ... ' f- Private Harry Freund, Sfcaainocka • • Holabird Q. ^1. Motor Base, 5th Prov. Co., ..........4 -...8 .:.......o 3 .2 :.2 •W *••4- • • r •:tr 0 0 0. 0 0 NORWOOD PARK BOWS ^ TO McHENRY TENNIS v TEAM BY & - 3 SCORE meet up with a nice Australian "sheila," (girl): I'm afraid the Americans are going to change things i|uite a bit here. - Australia seems a lot like what 1 Imagine England would be. The citit s are pretty much Americanized but otherwise everything is about ten years behind the times. The buildto be held on * j Conw2y, 3b ' '. /^altiilwre, Md! •' T. Bolger; 2b .. u jG. Larkin, lb leflifi.'Harold . . . and thanksjJ- Larkin, p for writing. Your old teammates , H. Dowell, ss ...... eked out a close onfe at Hebron last1 W. Bolger, c Spnday. t)o you play ball in camp? j B. Bolder, cf "...;.. Iitt us know in your next letter. |H. Stilling. If A little bird told uS to look up a Crouch, rf AB 3 ..^...;3 U..^.....4. •mnzzz.' R 0 *0. 0 0 0 ~;o- v: The McHenry tennis team continued j ings are rhostly of old English archi- \ its winning streak last Sunday by de- itecture. Automobiles drive on the left j feating a strong Norwood Park squad, side of the street. Most of the cars j j 0 8-3. A large crowd of spectators were are American but you doh't see many | iO on hand to view this fi^st mixed private cars on the road. It-is alftiost | 0 match of the year, and6 if the interest | impossible to get gasoline. It's about i 0 shown is any indication,, the season is three shillings (about 50c) ac gallon • 0 well on its way toward becoming on*, i and then it's rationed at something; j of the most successful in years in !like five gallon* a month. The people j 8 [ spite of the handicap of the draft. : have really felt the war. Almost , - j The loc&l womens teanf did much to | everything is rationed but you can't U aid in McHenry's victory Sunday, get over the way they treat the sol- - 2 winning their four singles arid one ! diers, and they are very interesting to 0 | doumes encounter. The play in general i talk with. They were sure glad to £i was much better than that of a week see us. ^ ' T" JULY 2, 3, LEGION PARK, . dun., 4 and 5 McHENRY 1 c«py of The Plaindealer issued just, •fifty years ago this week. ^ ^ ^ Here are a few-items found It seems that quite a fuss Wag made 1 ; ago, with McHenry holding the edge; Well," that should give you some 0 jail the way. The use of new instead ; j<jea 0f What Australia is like but I 1 ! of• reclaimed balls was no doubt a j imagine . you have rea<! plenty about ' big factor in the improved play. | ^ jn newspapers. If you run into Ssores of the match were as fo'- some articles that look interesting, lows: Mens sidles; Bob B.iorens^n, ^,.nu them along. News from home is N, P., defeateil Leonard McCracken, | look good when, it comes 6-4, 6-2; Charles Brooks, N. P., rfe- ! throu^->i. featd Bruc Klontz, 6-1, 7-5; Harold ; Hope everything has been going w Taxman, McHenry, defeated Bill q. K@ Write when you get a chance; Shamrocks ....600 200 000--2 f t Pai^on. 6-;0, flj-2; Ed ^ay, N. P., de- j \Ve don't get niuch U. S. news except T.v- !,{•«' i T art in anri 7i«f I ^ated Leon Grosby, 6-, 4-6. 6-4.- . ^ the progress of the war,. . Of'course ! Womens singles; Adele Froehlich, , (jon't- hear the American radio /.^dtals 30 Score by-Innings Woodstock ..^00 000 002 -4 6 over the high school graduating class. ^ merman. •• Double nlav -- Dowell to ' i^ Such a feat as graduating fronj high Larkin. ' Struck out--by Larkin, 9; I ^ther ' A1^^1llcHTiirv,"i buUwhi n.1 heard school was not conymon in those days. jby Rap^ 3; by ^oylitner, 3. Bases | ' S «?.'I ^10': the music has been ^ mostly •i.V Graduation took place in the • old city hall with pomp and cercmony. We got to gazing through the ads in that Jurie issuo 0^1892 and found •thiat the merchants in those days weye hot after business. • , Koilc „« I c. q. i-ijinc 1'cinini.,, v»-«, ' American recorus ami ine meanes world I nflr R^vlitnpf .9 Umpire--Cristy ' ' I petty MAlthoff, fl fea.ted | show American pictures, although v y j Betty Neiman,;}6-4, 4-6, 6-4; MarjOrie they are anywhere from six months to Duker, McHenry. defeated Lucille ' a year or two lale. That should riv<v I Brooks, 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. nte a chan-e to cITK h up on some gi ^ BATTLE AT HEBRON I Due to a shortage of men players, j lh„. mgvjes 1 misled the last few • '|'A. F'roehlich substituted in the mens montHK . ' ,*• The Johnsburg tigers ran into some I Ir,i ^he lirst doubles, she and ^ j h^en't felt much like writing gh pitching at Hebron last Sunday,' Mc('racken Brooks and j which accounts for the long delay, but Prpf. Ovieraker was given a worm | off Bbxlitner, 3 Of credit for his efforts in bringing; _i_ ^following class through to their | WIN PITCHERS graduation: Walter Be^sley Lyle Howe, Mary Sutton, Joel Wheeler, Loretto Walsh, Thos. Walsh. Joanna Frisby, Harry Eldridge and Fanny Osborne. McCracken defeated caBtecting only 3 hits,^^ but_managed to Bjorensen, 6-3, 7-5 and Taxman and > {hen you can always figure that no bring homo a 3 to 2 victory. Klontz took' sectirid doubles* 6-3, neWS is good news. ' However, I guess Clarence Anderson pitched fine ball -6-3. In the girls doubles, Betty and : yOU knew where I waS at least since for Johnsburg, having a shut-out in Esther Althoff won handily from j' sent the-"cable. I don't know how hartd until the ninth when two runs Hayek and Meyers, 6-3, 6-1. - long we will be m this particular crossed the plate. e " The Norwood Park club, an orgam-, j^tion but I don't care much when ^ Injuries kept Bud Meyers out of the i nation with about fifty members, or if KO jnto action. The quicker ^ , ( Tiger Iin«Up, but his spot ©Jt short-1 ranks favorably with the better clup» we get this war over with t^ better V Perry & Owen had quite a space stop was . fijled neatly by Stanley ('n Chicago so the local teams' victory *hut then you can't expect tmngs t° ^ " * ~ " •" 'real "feather in their cap." • » 1 move too fast, and as 1 said, we have A Next Sunday the McHenry players < a chance to really get out and • telling about their genral merchan- Freund. ). In another spot we found, the, Crystal Lake will appear on , same names as bankers.- ( '; •' "The • old/Clover w5Pte^ clover blossoms. ^ Johnsburg diamond next Sunday. Hebron"--' 2., . / „ . IBurgett, rf I'., Rifhard Bishop had some~nifty; bug-1 Judson, 3b ............. gi^ for sale. - -- ||--- .• *'jL. A. Johnson, cf Story & McOmber- were somWhat ] paijey, -4-Junson, oD J Loertscher, c ..,..........,„..,..4 mysterious, about a new- stove called tte "Dangler Surprise." John L Story had a lot of general . . merchandise, for sale and wasn't keepr ing it a secret. ;: Julia A. Story -^r«^^"'^iwts to her drug stove "one dodr wept of the Riversida House." „ * ij H. E. Wightman advertised ;-JirsC\ class'rigs with or without' drivers. . J. R. Saylor. & Son had. some of iiiiose snappy' Morgan* hdrses for Sale. -•IIJ . IThe steamer Mary Griswold was !«•. sal^"at about one-thjrd her value." .Jn'o. Evarison &~Co. had a Whoppiri' big sale in progress. v"- •On another page - we foynd that ^ Bfenjamin' Harrison "had" beatrn Mc- K. Johnson,.If L. Johnson, p Sipsma, lb ... Schultz, 2b 1 Totals Johnsburg -- H. Freund, cf . N. Smith, 2b . Co^bett, 3b D. Freund, 3b W. Smith, lb".. T. Pitzen, If ...; S. Freund, ss . B. Miller, rf-">.:. J. Freund, c . C. Anderson, play a return match on. tha Cr^tal j ourselves here. Lake courts. - :r V > ; Wel.l I feel as though I have beeii i : -- in the army a year now. You know ATTENTION, TENNIS PLAYERS we'r;> starting on the autumn sea- - ' , • ' j son; and you are probably having On July 4 atid 5 there will be a | some of that nice Spring weath«r. .11 1 j mixed singles match for adult players j must be nice out at home. . s, * 1 ! on the local courts. All county teams I American cigarettes are now coin- • 0 1 have been contacted, as well as those ing through tor us at about 11c a pack j j '•6 froln mmaannyy Chicago .parks and larger so that is a pretty good deal alter suburban cities. Already entries are coming in, so hurry and let ' Mac" know of your desire to play. Entry *ffffees will be 50c per person and ^ beautiful "trophy. ..'witt- ^jje'-jpreaahted the winner. tVyiYvg the Australian cigarettes for a -week or two. . Well. I. feel as though I have-besen ; some stiff training the past1 week or ! two probably as tough as any we have i had but I really don't mind it. : I'd | 5 just, as soon be prepared--just,in case, j I consider ourselves lucky to be able j to enjoy the weekends. Sonie of the A fellows here and elsewhere , probably ; X ELECT OFFICERS At/fhe meeting of the Red Xross last Thursday evening, new officers . were elected. They are C. J. Reihan- I aren't quite so fortunate. 0 sperger, chairman; ,Mrs. Ray McGee, !• T^at ?.. a^?ut 8 . * "! 1 , vice-chairman; Fred FerWerda, treas- ^ and injbes| urer; Mrs. George Lindsay, secretary: "" % rTotals ............ ... .....33 - v ' ; Soore'byriwings^ JdhiisbaTg ...........300 0001 000--3 Hebron ,.v,.t...000 -f0Q ~ 002--2 7 Sti uck. out-^-by Anderson, lOj by kinley and< Blaine for the Republican i-Johnson, 9. Pages on balls^-off Andnomination for' president. The Re- ' ersoy^ l; off-Johnson, 2. Leaves No Telltale^Spot A grease developed and manufac- ' tured by an oil company is used to ° | lubricate the bearings and fine surfaces of Uncle Sam's submarines. This grease* leaves, no tell-tale oil Sfipt or slick on the surface of tfte water after the ship has submerged. regards; Sincerelyf rv-v";- v-^V ; STEVE HARVEY. Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer Fort Benning, Ga. I •!': ' June-17, 1942. ;"M^Hepi"y IHaindealer, ' McHenry, Illinoiis. •*- vrr ^ ' Gentlcmtn: ;. ; VThank• you fbr ^fldl^i^^i'The : w pTitindtah Local news certainly looks good to us away .from home. \ ".'V" A Fireworks Display EVENING OF THE FOURTH OF JULY * 'V' • : Bigger and Better than Ever Before! AU .Kinds otiSame^""'---- Merry Go Round --r-- Feiris Wheel --. , ?- --r AthleticShow rr-- 1 * .vfLENTY OF. FREll MARKING SPACE ALWAYS

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