*. 'V - - m$: m*r* * '* . * ; . . . . . V j McHENTfcY "LAUfpBALlft Holiday Picnic large group of friends and rela- J-:'thw^f pathertd-aft thje home of'Mr. and Mrs. George^ Sheperd,. east of ^town, last Saturday, July,, 4, to enjoy/a picnic. • * Present at the occasion were Mr. -^*nd Mrs. William Heine^^nd son, Eu- ,if ;jrene. Mrs. Laura Levitt, David Pollet, Mt. and Mrs. Henry Seegt'rt and jdaugrhter. Joan. James Smith, Mrs. 'tRena Arling. Mr. And Mrs. Nugpon- * buru. Mrs. Marlon ReesCr, Andrew dGalulin, Will Chalopa and Orville ?;;,|HutsonV all of Ghicapo; Mi^g. Ann.. j5v^0o!by of Glisten; Mr. and St'rsi. Earl "Colby, daughter, Dorothy, .and son, • '."Paul, and Mrs. Cynthia Pi^er 6f 'Crysr Stat Lak<«; Mt. and Mrs. Alati "A-injcer vratid son,".'George, of Greenlyqpd and : " John Preymiller, Will Claxton .and. r. and Mrs. Gtidrg* Shepard ^nd son, "' McHenry;. • V ';v-J J . Entertain Friends ; Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Jackson entertained. several friends at their ,home on Main^tTWt irrst Sunday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles May, Mr. and Mrs. Ben May, Spring Gfove; Mr. and Mrs. John WeJ^et, Fox.Lake; Ml-. and- Mrs. Frank May, Johnsburg; and Mr.~ Wtd-Mrs.: Frank WeirjRart of McHenry. , 500 Club Mrs. Ben entertained her. five hundred club last Thursday afternoon at.her home on Richmond road. Prizes for the cards wire merited by Mrs. Leo Yopijg, Mrs. William Justen and Mrs. Elmer Justin, t'he next ofthe club WHT be with Mrs. Jhn^Fre^nd on July 23. >• t'C.. O. of A. Business Meeting'- The C. -p. of[ A'.:, hfelcl! a". busirieSs I meeting last Thursday evening iri thfe • Miscellaneous . ( ' ha'il- ^otl<^WUi^ the meeiirig Miss Mild'reld Block was guest of , a social hour Was enjoyed. Cards honor at a pre-nuptial shower held ' ™ere P^aye4 an(i Pri?*?swon by Mrs. Five Hundred Club |of increasing importance in the, fu- - Mrs. Joseph Huemann was Tiostess ; ture." • to piembers of her five hundred club | Major General Samuel T. Lawton, when they met at her hi me last Mon- i commander of the Central Defense day evening. Prize winners were 'Mrs. | Diytsicm, and a guest at the meeting, K^red mith, Mrs. Petei . Frfuind, Jr.,-, paid ^tribute to the council's members, Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and Mrs. Joseph the American Red Cross, the Ameri- Huemann. ^ ^ ^ can jjeKi011( chicagp and Illinois u .' >. „ . " State Bar Associations, the public and , n?5®x0,yTwrtndf^ 'v" . , Private social service agencies, and v pmeis °l Neighborhood*club 0ther co-operating organizations for gathered at the home of Mrs. Wi ham „their «fine contributians to the peace Spencer Wednesday evenm* July 8, of mind and morale of the men 4n to help her celebrate -.h®1" birthday. jttnjform by performing a serviee-not- Cards were ,pHyed: with prizes T»emg j duplicated by any other agency." ' merited .by Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Mrs. | : • ,• C. J. Reihanspferger and Miss Lena Stoffel. A lovely gift was presented the guest of honor by her friends and the evening was concluded with the serving of • tasty lunch. " f VOLO Family Gathering Entertains Neighbors ' ..." '..'.Mrs.' Clara Johnson of Pistakee Bfcy entertained neighbors at her home one day last week in honor of several visitors. Present were Emily Edmier, Elsie Reiker* Marie Fox and little Patsy Ed miei of Cicero, who had been visiting her grandmother. Mrs.- Johnson concluded an enjoyable afternoon With the playing . of "Home Sweet, Home" oi^ he.r accordian. • ' ;V '.f-: SERVICE COUNCIL OF n - STATE GIVES AI3^ TO SOLDIEES, SAILORS C. M. GARLAND, FAYS SIMS MAO CLAIN AtE " MARRIED ON JULY Wagner, "Mrs. Herman Ros.sdue'tScher and Mrs. P^ul O'Leary. • At 'the fii*9t annual meeting of the I Illinois. Mr. and Mrl. Caj'j Coffman, of Denton, Texas, announce the marriage of their sister, Mrs. Faye Sims , Mac- Clain, of t}hicago> and Dallas, to Mr. Claude Mallory Garland, in Highland Park, Illinois, on Thursday, July 2. The ceremony was i^rformed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Small with Dr. Louiss-Sherwin, pastor of the Presbyteriiin Church 'in High-, latvd Pai'ki officiating. : Following the c*'iom6tiy, a dinnerfor the wedding pai t'y j^rs served 'at the Moraine hotel in Highland Park, Mr. and Mfs, Garland, .will be; at home after, Jtlly-Ji), at their, country home.. Tam-A-Rack Manor, Ingleside, Soldiers ahd Sailors Service Council, Britton I. Budd, chairman, reporten Cards w'ere played during^he-after:^-.-^ -|a'm',y gathering 9^y.e.^ that 3.3,721 Illinois men now serving r>opn' with awards being merited by ' ijWt'-Sunday at the _ Harold Phalin jn nation^s armed farces were Marie Powers, Mrs. James Powers, home in Lake y iUa.^ Present, at- the. •jjfVen'-free -assistance by the council Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill, Maude Block j ^casion - were -Mr. M Mrs. John Pha- jn ^ golving personal, financial knd and. petty Wagner. The bride-to-be lin> Mrf* Jplean?r Fo,f^ children, ftfmily problenW~brought on by the was the recipient of many lovely gifts ' 'an<^ Mrs. Thomas Pliahn ami son, war_ '* and a . delicious lunch served by the , 1>0"ald' Kno^ i - • The council, which opened its ofjio$ t^ss£s_jcpncluded.;. '• a*k'v ./^Moyable-- famUy and. Mrs, Molho Givens of. fices a year ago at 140 South" Dearafternoon, - | McHeni-y and Mr.-anfl Mrs. James Ma-; ^ :street was orKaBized at the inhonejyartd children, Mrs. Harry^ An- 8tance of b the officers of jhe derson and daughter andHarryLaw-33^ Divisionj Illinois National Guard, rence, all of Chicago. . n0W 33^ Divisiori( u. g. Army, with . Worthy Matrons and Patrons Night Worthy Matrons' and Worthy Patrons'knight was observed, at Mlc-J . Henry on the evening 6f July 1 iT>, the new Masonic hall. 0'Tfi(fers who "filled stations and who were' guesta of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, \0or- Jhy matron and worthy patron of McHnry chapter were: ~ ' Worthy Matron, Vivian Dickerson, Hebron; Worthy "Patron, Earl Bryant. Nunda; Associate Matron, Kafherine Ebel. Barrington; Associate Patron, George Landweer, Barringtion; Conductress, Mareta Rosenthal. Algonquin; Treasurer, Frank Miller^ Ma- Celebrate Two Events Mrs. Garland is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sims of Greenville, Texas^She is the granddaughter of Alexander H. Kilpatrick, a pioneer plantation owner who was a prominent figure in early Texas history. She was graduated from the "Texas State College for women and later studied at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and the University of Kansas, in Lawrence. Mr. Garland is a graduate of Vanderbilt University; He tb" an inter- ^iloubie celebration to* |jnited States, » ^ Kive help Sunday at the Ralph Bennett home, I f .. +f rengo; Secretary, EtheL Jones, ^Mc- | Mrs Charles Egan arid son, Charle^ Henry; Chaplain, Cecile Morris, Nun- jr-) cf Chicago; Clyde Carr of Ringhonormg the seventh bTthd-ay-of their j men..anvwhere who are in the militaiy son, Ralph, Jr., and also at-ting as seryices of th? United states, or are shower for the ^fant son ^ Mr. anfa parinR to enter these selVices.-.. Mrs. Kenneth Marshall of CrystaVJ* „ .- V-** t „ui • Lake. Dale Peter. L Head.ng the list of problems, con. The giftstef 0f honor were eacti the ! frontln^ ™ost men going into the recipient of many lovely gifts as well ! ferv,ce were f those of l0anSJ -as the proud "possessors- of...beautiful] t!m?) P^^nts on automobiles,^ birthday cakes. The following were financial problems-hundrecls present for the occasion: Mr. and \°{ >flch were adjusted by the. coun- Mrs. William Marshall and Mr. and Cl1 10 the satisfaction ot both tne the co-operation of the American ^r|»«tionally known engineer and writer gion and the Navy League of the ' R . Z, '.?^a -atl^"v States, " to give without I Bank Building, Chicago. He is a Fel- «**-»• -problem, to rilinoi, : Short talks were given by thoiit in the East and a program consistda; Marshall, Ralph Marshall, Harvard; Organist, Mabel Johnson, Mc- • Henry; Soloist, Viola Davis, Genoa City; Adah, Ethel Holly, McHenry; 1 * Ruth. Emma Katzenburg, Genoa City; Esther, Margareta Spurling, McHenry. Mrs. Florence Alexander of He- : Electa. Margaret Reid, McHenry; Warder, George Wufbier, Richmond; Sentinel, Luella Stephenson, McHen- : -JTy; Mrs. Florence Alexander of Hebron was guest of honor ing of musical selections byMrs. C. J .W. Goodell, Warren Jones, Gordon Scholle, Laura and Edyth Sherman _ Was much enjoyed by all. Dainty reifreshments were served at a victory table at the close of the evening. Northern Illinois chapters are in- : . .vited to the official visit of grand worthy matron and patron at Marenge; July 25, and Crystal Lake July 27. • * « Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to Loren Mc Can- _ Hon; son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Cannon of San Diegot Calif., formerly ©f Ringwood. No definite date has been set for the wedding although it »ill be some timje in August in San ' Jpiego where Miss Phalin and Mr. Mejpannon ari^ 4jow employed, •; ' «a D. of A. Picnic '.'id The C. D. of A. will""have a picnic at Weber's Park on Riverside Drive ijiext Thursday, July 16, at 6:30. Each member is asked to bring sandwiches, "|i dish td pass «nd-their own table Service^ IT'S SMART TO BE ' AMERICAN TO YOUR FINGERTIPS wood; Mtis. Agnes Marshall, daugh ter, RoVena, and son, Earl, and the latter's daughter, Patty, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and family of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. .Kosinski of Elgin. * # * R. N. A.^Card Party Four members of the Fox Riv^p Valley camp, R. N. A., entertained at a carcj party for members of both McHenry camps Wednesday afternoon. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. Amanda Brown, Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle and Mrs. Peter S^haefer. The party was held at the former's home. , Ten tables of cards were iri play with prizes in bridge being awardea plrs. F. Rogei"s, Mrs. F. Schoewer;, Mrs. C. H. Downs and Mrs. C. Frett; in five hundred to Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. S. Guyer and Mrs. F. Bienapfl; in bunco to Mrs. C. Nell and M. "Miller and in pinochle to Mrs. Stedfi&pffc, , Victory Garden Party • One of the series of Victory Garden parties now in progress was held last Thursday evening at the Holcolmville school. A social evening was enjoyed, with cards providing entertaiment. service men and the creditors. Free legal representation was obtained for families of service men in fifty-eight cases of threatened eviction and in no case did a forceml_evic) tion,result nor was any action taltSn until other housing facilities were obtained. 1 Free aid given by the council covered .nearly one hundred different types of service; from obtaining lodging for a.... stranded ' sailor to out-rate auto license refunds to alimony settlements, and from dependency problems to domestic trouble. In presenting the report, Mr. Budd revealed that requests for assistance from service men have tripled in -recent weeks. \ "The council," said Mr. Budd, begins its second year of work in'* much different atmosphere than, the first--that o£ all-out war. "Increase in the armed--forCSs has brought increased numbers of requests for assistance and these? may be ex^ pected to mount as the num^rs in the various combatant divisions are augmented. ' "New problems are constantly arising as the war progreses and will continue until after the period of readjustment following the conflict. "We believe that with the experience and effectiveness we have gained, 4>he services of the council will b« don, a.jnember of the American Academy of Political and Social Science and other scientific organizations. Mr. and Mrs. ©..-Anderson of Chfcago, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engler of Chicago, spent; Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vase/ and family spent the Fourth "af the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. ; - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson..Sr., and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Parson, Jk, and son of Chicago, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. ' v Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bitta, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt* attended the funeral qf Russell Ritta at Waukegan, Monday. " *" Mr. and Mrs. John Thrum of Chicago,. sperit Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Pearl Dowell. Miss Ada bowell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Thrum to their home in Chicago. . -Marvin Mutch of Wichita, ^Kapsks, Visited at the home of "Mr. apd Mrs: Fraak Wilson recently. - « Mr; and Mr?; George $cfieid>' Jr., of Wauconda, spent "Saturday eyenjing' at the Dowell home. " • ' Mr. and' Mrs. Glenn BgUron-^eEC Woodstock callers Friday. - M 'HENRY SERGEANT Height Basis fot Railway'Fares . Railways in China charge child passengers according to height. Children under two feet six inches are allowed to travel free, those up to four feet fo{fr inches ^pay hatf fare and those taller than this pay full fare. . * ^ ' ;V Marriage Licenses Ralph B. Wagner, Harvard, 111., to Margaret F. Hutchinson, Harvard. A T h u r t d a f , t W 2 Young America s choice in Fragrance! Loved foe it. glorious, spicy freshness. It is the meadow* •weet breath of sunny clover fielrls ... in an enchanting fragrance family -- perlume, toilet Water, cologne, dusting powder and talcum, l.op each -- Cologne. • • '•'0 Talcum^.vj^Oc. Phone 40 All Pncn Puu 7*km 2 S(;T. THEODORE C. WINKEL The above picture shows Sgt. Theodore C. Winkel, sort of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Winkel, who has been stationed at Moody Field, Georgia, since last December. : \ * . /:• ...... QUALITY--SERVICE Best Cleaning That Money Can Buy _ -Also Repairing of Summer ;. Suits and Trousers TRY OUR CASH AND CARRXSERVICB * WE ALSO PELIVER Phone 42 Green St. McHenry Si DEMONSTRATION t i OF SEAL-FAST Busier-than-ever American women are ail agog over Seal-Fast . . . sensational Jre* top e^oat. MakesWail enamel wear longer. Speeds up drying time tremendously. Saves time. Gives added brilliance to your fingertips. Only 60c. BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street McBesry Featuring materials for roofing, siding, insulation, interior walls, kitchen and bathroom wainsooMog and various other products. t ";t/- " • ^ ^ These materials are available NOW, and are not subject to priorities or delivery restrictions. / .0 * ... - ( If you are planningf any improvements, do not fail to see this display. 77 Tuesday, July 14th. 10:00 Elm Street at corner of Green LUMBER CO. - o%r>. . y r Phone 46 + : West McHenry; ) Need a New Car ? then-better get it ! Think things THROUGH on buying a new car! If you are Eligible under Newly Liberalized Rules it's Smart to BUY NOW! And here's why! The Government wants us aH to save gasoline. ^V '• ..\-W - - Are; y<ruindodej in this list? Wor "*a»»rialt *" TO» • °o ro<i m, • mm yoer «ar u - - • -or msir-- w®k- Wn»t ^The Government wants us to save rubber. The Government also wants to make most efficient use of transportation facilities now available*-- including cars n(ow built Mnd ready for sale. . f N You do not help the country by continuing to "get along" on a :ior no longer fully efficient, safe or dependably able to serve you in any necessary use. If you can qualify under latest rationing rules, you are recognized as an essential driVer. As such, you are not only entitled to your share of available gasoline and rubber, buL or/y in reality expected to.make the best use of them, . Your Buick dealer can show you that you can more efficiently do this in a brand-new, gas-thrifty, solidly dependable new 1942 Buick than in an older car which * |nay have seen better days. So before jumping at conclusions^et the whole story on new-car buying. Drop in on your Buick dealer foii full details. He is *at your service--* any time. • tfyou're eligible to buy-- TM»«A«lfc.br^|d of A R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Pront St., W. McHenry "\ 216 N. Main St., Crystal La|| % vri