v- - f •'r¥l <'^T / ..'N**. "I ~ ;;>M^.,*jiw^ * •-w 4- • '7^^ \ THE McHINfcY PLAINDEALER w- RINGWOOD Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Pearl Smith of Woodstock, returned" home on Tues •were callers in the S. W. Smitji home Sunday evening., _ ^ 4 Mrs. Joe McCannon and; Mfrs.; 0. Jepson. spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and "Mr?.. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann, Mrs. Jack Leonaru and Peggy Ann and Helen Johnson day evening from a rtip to' Maryland ! and,, Jane^ were callers in the P.^ E, and North Carolina. . Saunders home .in Fontana, Friday Mrs. Clark Huson of ~Elgih, is AfternowiL-- .*"* Spending a week with het daughter,; Sunday afternoon guests jn ^ Mrs. C. J. Jepson, --~t_ " "rW. Smith .home were, Mr. and The Home Bureau picnic Jias been ."Sl'ephen N.'Schmidt and Billy the S. tCV1- 1 family and George Gieser of Rusfeell, spent Monday at the home of Mr. 111. ' r and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and-Mrs. Ch^lrles McCann.t;. 1 Mrs. C. J. Decker and son, Chester* and daughter, Ida Mae, of JWoMstqik of Waukegan, visited at the home w~re visitors at the home of their 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Dowell l_ast grandmother, Mrs. Ida Westlake, Su?>- j Tuesday. - ? _ day> r , I Mr. and. Mra Win. Burkhart of <3eorge Novak and two children of j Williams I*ark, w«re J?uests at a Party Chicago were callers at the home of! at the home of Mi . and Mrs. J. his aunt, Mrs. Bert Weber, Saturday, i Hulska in Chicago, honoring then- Jean, Earl and Charles Schultz.j 34th wedding anniversary . : Mrs. spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs, Ray., Dowell Aid Smith. Belle gchultz. (daughter, Dolores, spent Sunday at postponed until August due to the of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Han-| Mr. and Mrs. George Fe^ery and j the homeiof. Ar. and Mrs. Win. Hams absence of the chairman, Mrs. C. S71 ford of .Long Lake, f- - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson of Cicago Hue-h O'Brien of Rofieville Martin, who was called to Florida by, Mrs;-H. J." Collins -Returned bonie; spent ,the Weekend at the Bert Weber | Mrs^ Hugh O^wn Rom iUe, the serious illness of her mother. on Sun-day after spending several-days home. ' • «• A ' Miss ftnbertinp Ro«s of Caney Kas Mr nnH Mrs I Thomnson of Chi- ' in Chicago. , . | Mrs. Charles Kuhn and Miss Anna, Miss Hubertme Ross 01 ^aney, ivas. capo,' spent SatuTdS^witTT" Mr^a«d .1 John Smith spent the weekend i*itfo;Mae Sugrue of Chicago spe^T the , Mn Clar-nce Warburton ifrierids in Chicago. weekend m the Joe Kuhn hoftie. j entertained at the h me o . . ry Mrs. Joe McCannon returned home : Paul. Bruekner of Chicago, spent. Mrs. John Hatham and children of j Matthews last Thursday. Calif., Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, {Zion, returned home Thursday even- > Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maier, Jr., and Jr. home. *-- j invr after spending the week ih the j family of Chicago, spent the 4th of Those attending the annual Harri- yHohry Aubert home. I July at the Maier farmweekend at 1 Miss Francis Davis was supper ^ on Tuesday from San Diego, , ; wbrre she had been visiting for three .. , . weeks. Mr. McCannon remained there! Ham- Honry i- where h^ has accepted a position. Mrs,;'s®n picnic at the R. C. Harrison home Win. Watts-spent-the , , , . • , McCahnon wit! return to CaHfornia i Oh Sunday were: Mr. and Mr?. John Waukegan and visited his wife at St. 1 guest last Tuesday at the home of ' - later to make her home. ' " Harrison and' daughter, Bessie ana'Theresa' hospital. Mrs. Watte and j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Other even- -- Mre "F N Muzzv was bostesc to grandson. John William, .of Green- baby daughter-ex^ct to retuiri hoftie t ing guests were Mr. and Mrs. Win*.. , the S ot.h Bri^e"uS & wB-Mrs. Clayton Harri-; Tuesday. ' ^ - I Harris and children.from Woodstock. ® afternoon. Prizes were won. by1 Mrs. son, Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Harrison , Mr. and Mrs. Stenge Of -Chicago, j Mr. and Mrs. JoffPBlomgren, Spent i Jbe McCannon and liJrs. Roy Neal. of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey ; spent the weekend at their summer lagt Wednesday evening at the home Mrs Roy Wiedrich^arid farnliy^^^p^nt 'Harrison. Amy acd^"•..Carol, Mr.« and, hoitie here. ^,.v;jof Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, ft 'Wedjnesday".*witk"'Mm.' .Jip«;^iM:iHe^'"at' MVs: Lonnie Smith; Frank, .Dorothy.,Mr. and Mrs. Toyman Johonnett andy Mr.; and Mrs. N. Viking and dsiugh- ??• McHenry. , Sammy, Charles and Esther and Itbxy daughters, Ann and Susan, attended j tets, Mbna and Bllna, of Chicago, ^' .."Jltr Snd ""Ws:"vfcti4irl-#s' artidNairicy Wuminger of Woodstock, [the golden anniversary of Dr. and " jVy Bl-re Islard. spent the 'and the R. C. Harrison family. ; [Mrs. Jay Bennett at Belvidere, Mon- . end in the Beatty-Low home. -'.'Ed Peet». who w4§ injured in^ -ajday. •* , • -V! ;>• V?'* V „ Sr Mr. and Mrs Roy Neal and Johnny, i fall from a load of hay, is impro^ngj , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aubert, August spent the weekend with relatives inland able to set up. Aubert^ Fred Schreuder and Vern Chicago and Oak Lawn. ' | Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Leonard of LaKit | Roddel of Chicago, spent the weekend The W. S. C. S: will meet with Mrs • Geneva.- spent Sunday afternoon with ' at the Henry Aubert home. Oscar Berg on Friday July 17. Mr and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jftell and family Mrs. Ed. Bauer, Lu Ann and'Marvin : Ann. : >oi Barrington, spent the weekend with spent Wednesda-v with Mr. and Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and; his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur . Joe Kattner at Spring Grove. daughter, spent Saturday with.' Mi-. Bell. Mr'. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Patty • Mrs. S. W. Smiths--~ Weekend and David, of Roc'kford, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Peet. ~ Mr. and Mrs Cecil Berg and Geral-| Gen°a City, §unday. dine, »f Walworth, and Elaine Berg; Charlie Car^ received severe burns of Beloit, visited their brother Oscar . t° his bands and face Friday, while Berg, and family on Sunday. ^ tending to a grass fire. Kenroth Cristy. Jr., Dubuque, Iowa, - - • ' ' a spent the weekend with- his parents, i the K. E. Cristys. j Mri. Wm. McCannon Called on Mrs.! Mike Puff at §pring Grove, on Friday I Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family visits ed in the Albert Schultz < home at SOLON MILLS guests In the Arthur Carnes home were, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cames and son, Billy and Mr. ind Mrs. Melvin Anderson and baby daughter. : Mr ters, and Jos, S. Haas Wauconda, were supper guests - 'last Sunday , at the Ruthenberg cottage at Mylitii Pafk. Mr. and Mrs. James Pauteles of Mylith Park, entertained a large j crowd of friends from Chicago over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. F. Moore "and daughters, of Chicago, are enjoying a month's vacation at the Cermak cottage at Mylith Park. Mrs. Franklin Boehmer' of Peoria, i was a ,caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tlay Dowell last Wedne^ay evettifp. - ' • -M'.* ^Thunrday, Xuly 9,19tt T R A I N E D M E C H A N I CS Q U A L I T Y M A T E R I A L S YOUR CAR TRUCK LAST LONGER YOU HAVE SERVICE* REGULARLY--SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER JOHNSBIJRG THOUGHTFUL He has trained mechanics. • •> He uses quality materials. • .. • He performs all Mrs afternoon- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman. ox Garden Prairie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. George and Elaine Wiedrich, of Solon Mills, are spending the weekend with their grandparents,„Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. ! Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Monear of Me- • Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schrader i ' of Chicago, who have been spending ; their ' the past two weeks at Hayward, Wis.,! Waukegan sanitarium, Monday evenion a fishing trip, called on Sirs. Nellie ing Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay and John Lay ^f Spring Grove, were callers here Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls called daughter* Mary Ajin, at the 'Jackson Thursday on their way hom?. r Mrs. Joe P. -Miller and Mrs. John j Mr- and Mrs. paul Preutzman and ' Degen called on Mrs. Anna Meyers daughter. Dona Jean, of Oak Park j.at Milwaukee sanitarium, Wednesday. Math. Blake of McHenry, called on j Spgnt the weekend with her parents,; Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and daughter. George Young on Thursday afternoon." • | Mildred Thiel, of Chicago, spent the | weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warburton. Mrs. C. J Jepson and Mr. and Mrs. Jpe McCannon, spent Friday night in the Roland McCrfnnon home in Algonquin. Ifir. and Mrs. Wm. Aubert and family, spent Sunday in Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Eleanore Jane and Dorothy Ann, of Chicago, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. (?. W.. Cropley, Mrs. Schaffer and daughter, Shir-! ley, and Mrs. Joe Adams were Wajjkegan shoppers last Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Aim and Stanley Aim spent the Fourth with Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. Henning Carlsou Mrs. Mary Selby and son, Henry Berry, accompanied by Mr. and Mi.. ;Hanson, of Chicago, • spent the weekjend at their summer home here. I Mr. and Mrs. Will Schrader of Chicago were callers in the latter's aunt's j home Mrs. Nellie Jackson. She reThe B'unco club enjoyed a picnic turned home with them to s^>end * in Walkup's woods at Crystal Lake weeks. on Thursday afternoon. j ' j^rs. Passa and Vana of Chicago Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin, gpent the weekend in their summer spent the weekend with their parents, , home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet., j Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Begalka and Fred Wiedrich, Jr. and Bobby Bren- daughter, Mary, and son, Ri^hara, nan are spending a week at Albert Lea, Minn. Mis. Emma Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low and family and Mr. and Mrs., Charles Frey and family of Blue Island, enjoyed a picnic dinner in the Elmer Olsen home at Richmond on Sunday. Phyllis McCannon of Algonuin, is spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. .C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann, spent Saturday in the. P. C. Leonard home at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Arnold Huff and family of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Begalka and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Begalka and family of Elgin had a picnic dinner in the C. L- Osborn picnic grounds • Ssunday. 1 Mrs. E. E. Cropley spent Wednes- 1 dav at Lake Geneva and Elkhorn, . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart of McHenry were callers in the E.-.b. Cropley home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Begalka ana i son. Richard, and daughter, Mary Ann I of Elgin are spending a week's vaca- Laura, and Mrs. Walter Freund were Waukegan callers Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome,Miller of Richmond, were callers here Monday„jevening. . .. t- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of« Waukegan, spent the Fourth of July at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers^ \ ,/Bill Meyers was a Richmond caller Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas djf I Woodstock, spent the week with Mfc and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. j Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Ktfkvanxj I daughter, Darlene, of Mattoony spent j a few days with Mr. and Mrsi Frank I Klapperich. . ; I Elmer Rosing of Fox Lake^ was a caller here Friday evening. > Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Meyers of Chicago^ spent a few days at their cot* tage here. | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of Chicago, spent the Fourth of July at the , hjome of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Pvt. Vernon Rheinbolt arrived here I last week from Camp Polk, La., to spend a furlough visiting friends ajid relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago, spent Sunday with with Art Peters and Bill Marz. Mr. and Mrs. Sehultz of Chicago^ able rates. . It pays to see your Chevrolet dealer for car-saving service because, |or years, Chevrolet dealers fiave had the largest number of trade-ins and, therefore, the widest experience V in servicing all makes and models. • • • Better have o iheck-upr tisday; Originator and Outstanding leader "CAR CONSERVATION PLAN" "Hey, Fats, ain't you gain' give us any 0' that candy?" "Nope, fellers, can't do it. If I gave yer some you'd get fat an* be' made 2un of jest like me." Read the Want Ads! P iiNa Routes 31^ and 120 -- Tel. McHenry 277 -- McHenry ti'on in the home of the latter's par- ! spent Sunday with relatives here Richmond, spent Wednesday and Sat- ! entsf Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode of North urday with her sister, Mrs. Ray Wied-i joe Adams assisted his brpther. Chicagoy spent Sunday with Mr. and rich, | Art, in his store at Johnsburg over | Mrs. Frank Klapperich. Mi', and Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Eleanoi^ | t.h« Fourth. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and Jane and Dorothy Ann of Chicago, j . Pvt. Ray Warren Kilpatrick, who. son, Billy, spent Sunday afternbon Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Muriel has been spending a week's furlough with Mr. and Mrs. Wjm. J. Meyers of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie'Frett of Chiand Helen Ruth and Harold Stanek, Frank Kilpatrick, left Saturday night cago, spent Saturday and Sunday in Andrew Hawley, enjoyed a picnic atjfor Gamp Roberts, Calif. His par- j the home of Mrs. Delia Miler. th^ S. W. Smith farm on July 4th. • jent8 and his brother, Frank, Jr.> ac- Sunday afternoon callers in the Ed. Bauer home were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred May and family of Fox Lake anc. C:^ra Dindenlien of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Butterworth of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peiet of Greenwood, were callers in the <Eo, Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin, spent from Saturday until Monday with Mrs. Wm. McCannon. -• , Mr. and M.rs- Roy Miller of Waukesha, spent Sunday in the John Hogan ^'horne. Geraldine Miller returne<» home with them after spending month with Charlotte Hogan. 0" Sunday afternoon, James Bell, William McCannon, Ed. Bauer, Roland Bauer, .Tony Freund, Leland Berg, Clyde Carr, Archie Biggers and Wm. Brogan gathered at. the George Young farm and baled twenty tons of hay for Mr. Young, who "is recovering companied him as far as Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Ringwood have moved their family to the Harry Turner house. » Mrs. Edith Turner, Mrs. FoulW, Mrs. Walter Winn and Mrs. Reuben Turner attended the annual meeting of the Home Bureau at Woodstoe* .Wednesday. " , [ Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner , were I callers in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Julien Geisler-.of JChii cago are spending this week in the Frank Kilpatrick home. a | Mrs. b. E. Cropley, Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and sons, Pvt. Ray Warren | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chicii-' | go, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. [Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff, | of Wopdstack, were callers here Son* day evening. SLOCUM LAKE Mrs. Miss Marion Dowell of North Chicago, and Miss Ethel Dowell of Libertyville, spent the weekend at the home, of their mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Francis Duncan of Winnetka, was [a caller Sunday, ft. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mrs. Otis Hatton and son, fetu A!m a serious operation. - Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr returned •home Tuesday evening from Cheteck, Wis., where they had spent several - days fishing. - y:;~- v Jack Leonard of Charlotte, Mich.. Bpent the weekend with his family in Wf Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. • ~ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Marion and Helen Ruth Butler, spent Kilpatrick and Frank, Jr., and Geisler spent Friday in Antioch. „ I Miss Vivian Kilpatrick, who has , spent a week's vacation with her j "ome Tuesday after spending parents, returned to her, work in Chi- I at the home of her mother at cago Monday. Ky- The Gardner, Sanderson and Cod-! Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were ! dington families enjoyed a picnic in the Gardner woods Sunday. .. Emil Opsal and sons, Edwin, Stanley and Lloyd, of Chicago spent the Fourth in the Einar Bahrents home. Glenn and Ruth Benson, Mrs. Clifford Miller and Betty Mae Orr-went to the Wisconsin Dells over the weekend. • • . • - • Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snyder and Sunday afternoon in the D. C. Bacon chiW™> Chicago spent Satmhc> me in Crystal Lake. day , with his brother, Ernest Snyder . Nancy and Roxy Wurtzinger, of an^ . Woodstock, ^peat the weekend with i ,r* j" . *?r8.' riKe *Pent the tl..r (rrandparenta, Mr. ,„d aie Smith. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, iaijoyed a picnic in the Robert Thompj( f>n home in McHenry on Saturday. * Mr.^and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and jypren and Edyth Harrison, spent Frf- 'dhy evening in Woodstock. - Mrs. Catherine Young of McHenry, y^in.- Younf of 'Elgin, Mr." and Mrs., w>uis Young and family of Waukegan, j *fondav Mildred Munshaw of Elgin, Mrs. Wm. j McCannon ar^ Mrs. James Bell were ! ^unday callers in the George Young ! : |*>n?e. - ; . ' • | " Maxine Clay returned to her home | ^ in Rockford, after spending three weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon and Mrs. Wm. R., Hoffman- of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs- Stevt' Comrn and Arthur Aubeit of Chicago spent the weekend .in the Wm. Gieser home. Mr. T and Mrs. Ray Blumberg, daughters, Nadine and Lorraine, and son, Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ward and so>, of Chicago, were callers in the IJ«?riry Aubert home Saturday evening. -'1 •* " ', ' , Wm: Gardner left for Camp Grant Mr. and Mrs. John Roger,- and daughter, Hotham, son, Florence, of dinner and. supper guests Sunday*'at the home of Mr. ^knd Mrs. F. Swanson at Highland Park. Mr. and. Mrs. Allen Hayford and Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Stanek and daughter, Donna Jeane, of Crystal Lake, and Mrs. lsabelle Rowley and Sam Werrback of Elgin, spent Satyrday evening at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Harry Matthews. j Mrs. Geo. Maier, Sr.,sof "Chicago, is pending two weeks at the Maier Farm-. W. W. Birkett returned to his"h6me at Shell Lake, Wis., last Wednesday after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrst W- E. Btooks lor the past five day/. .- "• ' ' Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bu^fkbart at Williams j Park were Mr. and Mrs. H. Luderman,"! ; Geo.1 Burghfgraef, Mr. and Mrs. Gharles Burkhart and "Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of/Chicago. Bruce Cprzine of Corzine Road, Spent theVWeejcfend with Lyle -Mat. thews. Mr. and Mre. John Passfi^ld of Volo mam mim Pin this helpful reminder near your refrigerator section is bc®t a. ° Oat them &t t© touch tr 3. ^ °"d 0«t!f T"~, \n the the in 7 hurt***- Vf" Zion. spent Satundjiy eveninj|.,-inithe j Were visitors at the bome of Mr. and Joe London home- j y J*Mrs. Ray Doweli-Monday evenings Weekend guests in the Wm. Gieser' Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Fleig of home were Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue, j Chicago, spent a few days as guests Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Xubert anu i of Mrs. Geo. lilaier, Sr., at the Maier '*'"n'i1v. M»*. -aad Mrs. Tony Barth, farm./ "'vv. Mr; find Ml*. Raymond Gieser and Mrs. G«o^ Lundgren ,<>f Wauconda, Different -kin,ds oC foods require different degrees of temperature and hu- . midity. All you need do is put the food in the right places as indicated above, ^ Not all foods need be kept in yduf; c«jfrigeratdr, but probably more than you have been placing therefFor ex: jkmple, bread will stay fresh days longer : 'if kept in the <efrigerator (lower sec- B L I C * S E R V tion). Shelled nuts and chocolate keep better, too. Bananas should never be put in the refrigerator. And such items X-jjs mayonnaise, catsup, pickles andolives heed not take up this valuable spacdfT"" , To properly store and keep perishable vegetables, wash and skin off all ^surplus materia} .bjefore placing thfism in the crisper^ • • ' I C E C O M P ' A N Y o F N O R T HE K N ,I L L1N QI S You Hdp Someone Too Know U S D Wkea Yon Give to the U S 0 M Service Order -- 101 Williams St., Cry stal Lake Telephone Enterprise 4100.