Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1942, p. 6

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w- 1 ™ Tkv T 2s'r ** •f-..'- f% ••• * ,_<6"*r*' •' *"w - **'4j -' „£,?*:;> •.r.-f ^ ;r'-r;t. ^ p. >•;* 1 - •.---•i *J.- » ••* - "' ^ - ,,v > •* *W>~ « ... ' -- ;.%«5 if? TOT McHKNEY ?LADrt)EAljni Ut&W ^ v IThtirsilfty, July d,1943 CHURCH SEBVIOEt AS IMMUNK " s • Rt. Marj^Catholic Churck " Sundays: 7:00; 8:J|0; 10:00; 11:80; ?? Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:XH>. _ Week I>ayS: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 an4 8:00. ,' •••;..- Confessions: ljf, * Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:O0~prm. *•' • Thursday before First Friday--*- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; J?- '. S;00 p. ,m. and 7:00 p.-m.° ' * :• : Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. 8t Patrick s Catholic Chw^-'-» ** 6 Sundays:" 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00, Weekday: 7:80. First Friday®: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00iand befoi* «. and during the 7:80 Mast. ... .--Confessions: ; » ; {Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. ani - - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. J"r' Thursday before First Friday: 4: Of r>v,t- -.fa 5:00. p. in. and 7:00 to 8:04 , ;-Rtrr. Wm. A, CKRourire, paatar. John's Catholic Ch«rch, Jebtuftarg -- r';,..'Masses1: -V,: v'?,v Sundays: 7. 8:30, 10 and 11:15 Gus Germ--Gee! But that'* -a tough looking microbe. _ George Germ--Well, I should sar so; it's his boast that there ain't no disinfectant made that kiri git'him. Holy Days: 7:00 and ».*0. Weekdays; 8:00; . H , • / ' F i r s t F r i d a y : ; B , : 0 ^ . " . v . . . « G v ' j j | "'•Confessions:, . . v:. ; 'V.' Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:30. ^ Thursday before First Friday: \ and 7:30. .. •' Rev. A. J. Neidert, paistflfi; t'M Community Chorch Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. •. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Son Evangelical Lutheran OiuEck Services--8 a.m. - --v Sunday School--9 :15 a^ia. Rfev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. „ St. Peter's Catholic Ctugrch, Spring Grora' • ' ; Maaees; Sunffeys: '8:00 and 10r06. Holy Days: 6:30 and ihOO. ;--- Weekdays: 8:00. „ First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:18. « Thursday before First Friday: -2:80 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. N«*d Rubber Stamps ? Order at Ilia Plaindealer. FOOD FOR FREEDOM 1 WORWICX " PHOTOGRAPHER . Pwrtraitcre - Commercial Pbotograpby • Photo-FinkUil SslarKiJi* - Copytof - Fra»NkJ! PtaM m -- Riyenid* I*4w McHENRTILL. . /JfUst *as soon as t)he first gard^L peas are bH)ujrht in for dinner is the time to start canning or freezing or drying them, and that means very soon foi; the Illinois crop, according to Miss Grace Armstrong, extension specialist in nutrition. University of Illinois College of Agriculture. Peas belong in that .group of j?ree» Vegetables which contribute several | important vjtpmins and minerals t®4 the?, family diet, that group usually including green beans, peas, asparagus and broccoli. If a homemaker plans on serving green vegetables at least three times a week, alternating by seWing the healthful yello\y vegetables on the other days, she will need to have as a minimum estimate about 150 servings of green vegetables to each person for the entire year,, Miss Armstrong said. From the canning standpoint, the nutritionist suggests five t>>nts o* peas for each person, this amount providing twenty servings » year. Multiplying this amount by the«numbe'r ofx persons in the ,.family would of Twice T o l d Tales * p af MOTwt Tak« ft* 71M * +• PlaMHHp «C Ti^i A|» tion of the Catholic Order of Foresters'. / C. Stegeman had the misfortune t^ lose a valuable new milch cow on Sunday morning lasG* This section was visited with one of the severest storms of wind anif rain of the'season on Monday evening last. " Notwithstanding the backward season, Fred Schnorr, as .usual has the finest display of flowefs to be found in the rounty. ^INSURANCE r^, EARL R. WALSH Pw»mtiag . Reliable Companies When you need insurance of any kW Phone 43 or 61-M Prie« Bldg. McHenrj - Auto Fuel From Com /• If all the bituminous coat mined in the United States in 1535 had been subjected to low-temperature carbonization, it might have yielded --allowing for refining losses--about 100,000,000 barrels of motor fuel, or about one-fourth of our domestic demand. , . --; "'"'1 Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & G-RAVEL -Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . . Black Dirt & Stone \ _ Power, Shovel Service . . Power Leveling and Grading . . . Cement Mixers for Rent. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O---MtBfflry Telephone No. 800 < • Stoffel & Reihanspergei Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS give the homemaker some idea hpw ntany pints of pear^she-should | afl aSlica51e settiement. pat: up for Winter: use: be $3,000; which is $500 Freezing 1 . Frozen: peas, keep that subtks TWENTY YEARS AGO ... At a regular meeting of the Mc- Henry community high school board held on Tuesday evening of this week, at which there were also present three members of the grade school board, the services of C. H, Diikef- were engaged as superintendent of the two. schools for the Coming year and thus a matter which. has been hanging fire for somf weeks past has finally; come salary ess thain that paid his pred(K;essor. • SIXTY YEARS A The mother of Peter Smith, who keeps the McHenry House, died, at her residence near. Jotvnsburg, one day last week.. We learn J. H. Parker will open a carriage paint shop in this village the first of the week. He is a first class workman, ., The new brick yard is now running full blast, and brick are being turned out at tiie rate of about 18,000 per day. Burglars forced on' entrance into Smith's jewelry store in this village last night, but failed to secure any plunder for their pains. •Every State Has WiM ltoMMI The distribution of the native varieties of wild roses in North America fs extensive and surprisingly uniform. "Roses are found," says Thomas M. Little of the department of agriculture, who is a geneticist in the bureau of plant industry, "in every section from the Arctic~Circle to Mexico. Not a st^te in the United States nor a province in Canada is without its wild roses. Therefore, there is hope that plant breeders may find the native species useful in developing roses ideally suited to •11 sections of the continent." ~~ • „ WIPE THAT SHEER OFF MIS FACE / Dr.Seuss 4lMSAVINGS gO?!DS£$TAMR U. S. '/ rttuury Dtfortmtmli . . .. , . „ , Mrs. John Schuenemann met with tresh, sweet -flavor. ar>d green appear- I quite a ^jnfui accident at her home a nee that everyone likes. The method! on Riverside Drive one day last week Subscribe for The Plaindealer! VICTORY BUY UNITED' STAJES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Pfcoo* l»l DRHfcr^B. MURPHY DENTIST Of fie* %«« -- I l i. taVp.*. Green Street -- McHenry, DL Charlie's Repair Shop ^ Bifn Paintixig Truck Lettering Fupaiture Upholfteriiif ftnd Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL McHENRY GARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairing. Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31^-- John & Front Sts. Phone"9T<J or 151-M p. Miller WANTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing • or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Pfione Johnsburg ftfi9-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD 'HOGS, HORSBS & CATTLE We pay phone charges. S. H. Frennd & Son CONTRACTOR! AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry is simple, but one rule must be carefully followed; that is, prepare the peas for freezing immediately after they have been picked. "One hour from the garden to freezer locker" is just as important as "one hour from the- garden to the can" in preserving peas. - . . Select sweet, tender peas of even maturity. "Hull and washT Blanch one jquart of peas in four quarts of boiling water for one minute. .Remove from hot water, cool "itr cold water quickly and thorn then drain. Pack in cartons. Seal cartons and. take them to the locker immediately. .• i't • Canning Pea» , This~j4 a "pressure cooks'r". veget? able. In other words, if peas are to be canned successfully , and" safely, the pressure cooker is a necessity. NeighboyKood sharing of7pr<?ssure cookers for such vegetables • is . a patriotic gesture at this time. : - Select young, tender, freshly picked peas.- Wash pods apd shell-.only enough to fill containers to be processed at one time. Wash Shelled peas. Cover with boiling water and bring to the boiling point. Pack hot into pint jars to one-half inch of the top or in No. 2 tin cans to one-quarter 'inch of the top. Add one-half teaspoon of salt (and one teaspoon sugar if desired) to each pint. Coyer with boiling water. Prdcess ' at: ten . pounds pressure; pint jars forty-five minutes; No; 2 tin cans forty minutes. - , when she fell down the stairway, spraining one of her afcms. C .The-grasfl-rrrtheiwibtic park as well as along the streets in the village, has been mown. A. very noticeable improvement.. •i.v.v-;'.' • THIRTY' YEARS AGO Martin Smith, the Centreville barber, has had a fountain installed in his place 6f business apd in the future will make a specialty of shampooing. Work oft the basement of the new home that is being erected by Carl W. Stenger, is progressing very s{jtisfac-< torily and froiji its dimensions we should say that Carl-will have a home that will be a pride' tq himself anu family.' - ^ John Evanson; for many years/ a merchant qf McHenry-, passed away at his late home^atr"Leroy, III.^ "recently. ' ' »' It 4s- with deep regret that we pubr lish the death announcement of Brother Justin V. Beatty, late editor oi the North Crystal Lake Herald. Your county has a War Bond Quota to meet this month.. Is your own household budget apportioned so that you .will put 10':'c into War Bonds ? TORTY/yEARS-AGO^^^^; v Fred Kamholz has recently sold his tonsori^l business to C. B. Severs who has been working in the'B'orden factory. Work on the abutments and ptera for the Johnsburg bridge is under way. The old structure has been closed to travel. Geo. Nell has closed up his business at Genoa Junction and returned to JohnsBurg. He has erected a small frame structuce near Columbia Park the east side of the river and is again in the wet goods business.. Th» Park-hotel • is piped for; city water. - . ... . A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic 7 and Crane Service V -- •--Road Building"-- Tel. 20£M McHenry, 111 Phone 43 Pries Bldg. VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW ' OFFICE HOURS - v * Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry - *• - • - IUtnoto PHONE IS k-Ray Serrtee "' BR. J.E SAYLER DENTIST Office Hoars 9-12 and 1-5 Evenings by Appointment Thursdays - 9 to 12 Main Street : W. MfcHenry ^ FIFTY YEARS AGO , ; Wm. Stoffel left on Monday, iportv ing last for Montreal, Canada, where he goes as a delegate to the conyen- McBJSNRY 7L0RAL C0. ^ Phone 608-R-l --* One Mile Soiuth of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occaeiOrol PHALIN SUPER SERVICE '/ » SINCLAIR Gas, Oils and Greases Cor. Routes 31 and 120 -- McHenry Horses Wanted c 1 B U Y Old and Disabled Horses.' . ---- Pay from 15 to 114. ---- 1 ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 .439 Calhoun Si. Woodstock, iii. T. V. Houlihan, Attorney at Law " » Harvard,. Illinois. State of Illinois, ) County of McHenry ss. - To: Juraj Gogol, Anna Gogol Lspos, Josef Gogol," Jan Go^ol, I^oyolii Googley Sease, Merlin Johnson, Mailrice Graves and "Unknown Owners'? and parties interested, in the hereinafter described real estate. - : 1 YOU 'ARE HEREBY*NOTIFIETJ that the assignor of tax sale certificates, now duly assigned to the urider? signed as the assignee, on the. 21st* day of October, A. D. 19$©, purchased at tax sale for general t^xes assessed -pgainst the" hereinafter described premi5es for the year. 1989,. the following described real1, estate. v " Tract One ." "* Lots Number One (1) to Eight (8) inclusive of Block Number Sixty-three (63) of the Original Plat of the Village (now Ci^yj of Harvard, situate#* in the City of Harvard* McHenrjr -County, Illinois., Tract twfl. Lot Number Two (2) of Block' Number Forty-five (45) of the O.rigv nal Plat of the Village (now City.) ofs Harvard, situated in the City of Harr vard, McHenry County, Illinois.. Tract Hiree Lots Number Seven (7) and Eight (8) and the South Half (1/*) of Lots Number One- (1) and Two (2) of Block Number Sixty:four (64) of th® Original Plat of the Vilalge' (now City) of Harvard, situated in the City of Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois. Tract Four t The North Half (l/^V of Lots Number One (1) and Two (2) of Blocks Number Sixty-four (64) of the Original Plat of the Village (ndw City) of Harvard, situated, in the City of Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois. ( Tract Five ' Lots Number Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) of BlocK N^ijnber Three (3) of Outlets U) H. P. Ci'umb's Subdivision, situated^in Chemung Township, McHenry County Illinois. , , e L&uaL WMEN VOU BUY FOLLOW YOUR FLAG By J. M. Jenks and Martin Nadl* DURING HIS EXPLORATIONS THROUGH THE WiEST IN THE I840V , vjEMEPAL JOHN C FREMONT ADDED a im KTHIS FLAG-TO CONVINCE THE INDIANS OF PEACEFUL INTENTIONS/ NAOLE J? HE PtPE orPEACt WA-5 INCLUDED BECAUSE THE/W*AVE* THOUGHT TVt ARRCM M THE EAGLE'S TALON 1 MEANT to V Good Brakes Save Your Tires ' K E E P ' J ! M R O L L I N G " If you are having brake trouble, bring your car or truck to our trained mechanics for expert Brake Service. Remember, good brakes give your tires the chance to give you-the maximum 3ervice at minimum cost. Come in today for a checkup on our State Approved Safety Lane. These services will lengthen the life of your car. Motor Tuning ---.^Lubrication Tire Eepairing Willard Fast Battery ^Charging CENTRAL GARAGE , FRED J. SMITH, Pro*. 2004 ' Towing Jolutslrarg ^Pract Six' Lots Number One (1) to Four (4) inclusive of Block; Number Seventyone (71) of the Original Plat of the Village (now City) of Hafvard, situated in .the City of Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois. 4 • Tract Seven ,.» Lots Number One (1) to Eight <8) of Block Number Seventy (70) of the Original Plat of the Village (now C'4%) of Harvard, situated in,the City of Harvard, McHenry County, Illinois, all of said real estate with the exception of Tracts Six and Seven being assessed to Steve Googley, Tracts Six and Seven being assessed to 'Steve Googley and John Googley. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the time to redeem from the above mentioned tax sale, as to all lotg, tracts and parcels hereinabove described will expires dn the 21st dfiy of October 1942. Vs y " „ . . ; . GEORGEsJIcGUIiyS. (Pub. July 2, 9, 16) I r

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