Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1942, p. 2

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• '. #**- ' - ' HftTwo v»,;^: -J.t y^" .u~ ^ fT^W * ^y . . » « , » » • ' . * " , ' v. " • • * ' " 1 - --*-- ; ' ~ * ! ' ' ~*~~~^~ •*' , .'r^j ^ ' •' * * . , ••• • -T ~~ r~"J"* v_ * - -•J * ~ *" * * -- • . ?-- ' rak McHSNBY tLAINDEAtBR (••<-•• - . . .. L RINGWOOD ley reunion on Sunday: Mr, and Mu». attended the Officii] Visit of Sister Alfred Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. i Rebecca Parker, \y. G.M., O. E. £., at Schroeder" and family of Elgin, Miss I Nunda chapter Monday evening. Rinckey of Barringtoo, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. DelberJ, Bacon, Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, Shirlejt and Marion, of RifigwoocL • Bill Janssen of Fox .Lake was a Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerfctrom and son of North Chicago, Mr: and-~Mrs. Raymond . Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park were Sunday dinner and supper guests at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Betty Lou Lusk returned with Mr. and Mrs. V The Sunshine 4-H Club met with ** Mrs. Paul Walkington on Thursday :" afternoon. ' • -• * :vV .• " • "" Mr. and Mrs. M<>lvin Wagner and •;v"-8«ndra and Mrs. ixiU Abendroth of , Elgin Spent Monday evening with ) caller in the H. J. Collins home Mon- i Nerstrom to their home at North Chi- % Jertnie Bacon. . * -* [day morning. - . > -jeago for a week's vacation, Mr. and Mrs., Matt Nimsgernof, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Mc-, Miss Marlon Dowell of North Chi- "Spring Grove spent Wednesday eyen-' Henry spfanf Friday evening in the- cago spent the weekend/ at the home • wjth Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. ; j George Young home. J of her mother, Mrs. Celra Dowell. p- Mrs. Appley of Libertyville is vis- L Mr. and *Mrs, Henry Seegert of Chi-1 . Mr. and ^Irs. Ival Bergstrom' and - tting*Xgne~s J^nt^s for several, days'.- cago were callers in the George Shep-j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bergstrom ana Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Friday iard'home Sunday afternoon. . son of » Chicago were-Sunday guests Id Milwaukee: - --V [ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and at the home-of Mr. 'and Mrs. John -i ; Mr>. Joe Kuhn and granddaughter,^daughter/ Patricia:, of Chicago spent ( Blomgren. in j Sundy in\fre George Young home. j Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, Jr.,.and Heien Jwirison and Janet are spend- [children and Mrs. Geo. Maier, Sr., of Dolores, of Richmond were callers in Mhe Fred Wiedrich, Jr.; home Wednesr. day evening. -'•ing the week with friends in Rock- j Chicago spent last Friday afternoon FEATURE ATTRACTION AT ELGIN FAIR IS WILDLIFE EXHIBIT Sp^Sgfield, 111., July 29--The educational wildlife exhibit Of the Illinois Department -of Conservation will be one of the feature free attractions at the Elgin Agricultural Fair, to be held at Elgin, Aug. 4-7, inclusive. ^ LiVingston E. Osborne, Director of Conservation, has announced that the display will be bigger and better than ever this year, with more live animal^ i p snakes and birds on exhibit" for the entertainment and education of the public. The~exhibit is under the supervision of the Division of Education and Public Relations. Francis X. Lueth, „ Department Biologist, who managed the show which was received with enthusiasm by the- public the Frankie Stephenson returned home j ford and Harvard. ' j at the Maier farm. last two years, will be in charge of Monday from Woodstock where -she L Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond j Robert and Lyle Matthews were jthe exhibit. • '• ' "h»d been' for several weeks, tV [called oil Jennie Bacon Sunday. - i among the guests who enjoyed a| Assorted specimens of live Illinois ' ' and, Mrs. Collin's spent 'fyed- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Mr. and j weenie and marehmallow roast at the J snakes- including the poisonous vattesday night with Mr- and Jyirs. G, H. j Mrs. Clarence Young and Mrs. Hefwy; home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller i rieties; will again fo^ro an important ;V" vJon s at Fox Lake. j Stilling wei^ callers in the George j at Island Lake Saturday evening. jp?»rt of the Depatrment's traveling *7 Mr. and Mrs, Roy Nf^al; Johnrty and [ Young home Sunday. " |„ Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart of J show. Live, -fur-b<^arinp animals, all ShijSey, '.and "A.hdy R?i?n^eker 7^^n^ i;-;" Loren Harrison spent Sunday eyen^ j Williams Park entertained the follow-[natives of Illinois, will include foxes, '^'•V-gjrfidaV ih" '*n'"i'ing with friends in Crystal Lake,; jin«T guests at dinner last Thursday skunks, raccoons, and opossums; while •-Waukegan ! ,, -.I',;"llfis, Fred Wi^gdrich, Jr,, -was a [evening: Mrs.. A. Knockemus, Mrs. A. [live' game birds; including ring-neck • : Mr. and ^Ver:in,. the C. P. Mortensen Kpme in • Knockemtt's, Jr., Richard Knockemus, y'"i'ffirtner•guests jl&ai'vaird Saturday morning. , j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kama, Mi*, and ^ Spring Grove, j Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attend^ ' Mrs. Chaxleg Burkhart and Miss Joan 4 r ' Mrs. S. W. Brown«?d frien6sf in the "-church carnival at St. Patrick's ^ Marie Reimer of Chicago. ehurch at McHenry Sunday. " : | Lyle Matthews, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich Spent [Mrs. Robert Miller of Island Lake Sunday in, the Albert Sclnihx home t And"' guest, Ralph Wilkens of Oak • "•fifrbron Wednesday afternoon^ Mrs. Sibre Whiting and daughters, ' .Pfeggy and Sandra, spent several days last week with her parents at Mc- Henry. * t Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. J. - "HP1. Walkington and son, Jay, were callers in Libertyville^ Friday. Mrs. Ted Kooistra and son, Frank, ' . ^ Big Foot spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ale^Ander- •®n- „ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family of Elgin were callers in the 'K, C. Harrison home Friday, ! Shirley Hawley spent Thursday in Chicago. v« ••-.v.Mrs. John R. Smith of McHenry, Btrs. C. H. Frazier of Grinell, Iowu, •aid Mrs. George Young spent Wednesday with Mrs. 'Fuller Boutelle at • Like Geneva. . Marion Peet of Elgin spent the *rekpnd with her parents, Mr. and . . Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. William HcCannon were callers in Woodstock f^-iday. V Mr. and Mrs. George HaberlejjK-of Oiicapo spent the weekend, at their feme here. . Wayne Foss is visiting friends m Marion, South Dakota. Mrs. Joe McCannon accompanied * Mt. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family on a trip to Davenport, Iowa, Where they visited relatives. Billy Brennan of Harvard spent the eekend with her parents, Mh and rs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. • Mrs. George Bacon, Mr. and Mrs, at Genoa City. - Jack Leonard spent the weekend •^ith his family in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. C. H. Frazier of Grinell, Iowa, nnd Mrs. John R. Smith of McHenry spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were dinner guests in the Alan Amger- evening home at Greenwood Sunday. SOLON MILLS Park, were callers at Waukegan on Tuesday. Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Park entertained her pinochle club at her home last Friday evening. At 11:30 a delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon of Crystal'Lake were callers at the^home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of Williams Park spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Talitch' in the Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and children of near Woodstock spent SOD* day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Lloyd Russell and son, Kieth, Master Sergeant and Mrs. C. L. Leinbach and daughter, Margaret Em- _ ily, of Presidio. Monterey, Calif., are!of~vol<) ^r~ ^"Jers at""the"home*~oi spending the week with the latter s ^ ^nd Mrs, Ray Dowell last Wednesparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pester. Ljgy ev«ning Robert Hapton arrived Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews vis- Cincinnati, Ohio, to spend two weeko ited at the home 0f Mr. and Mrs. Robt. w)th his grandparents, Mr. and Miv. Miller atL_Island Lake Saturday even- Jqhn Pester. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osbom were Saturday night and Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Begalka of Elgin. Mrs. Clarence Anderson of Chicago and Mrs. T. M. Palaski of Antioch and Mrs. Alice Bell of Richmond spent Friday in the A. C. Merrell home. Mrs. Charles Westlake, accompaning. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and children of near Woodstock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lindgren of Wauconda were supper guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene at Mylith Park. Mr. arid Mrs. William Pries held open house at the Jo-Elm cottage at pheasant, fancy pheasant, and. bobwhite quail, also Will be displayed. The exhibit, will iix-.Iude livte. hawks" and owls, and a display of mounted fish, caught in Illinois' waters, among them a crappie weighing over three pounds, and a 30-pound flathead catfish. The Department of Conservation's .Division of Forestry also will exhibit in the show. The visit of the Department of Conservation's exhibit to Kane county is part of Director Osborne's program to interest the public in conservation, and to educate the public regarding conservation problems. "Jhe primary purpose of the exhibit is educational," Osborne said. "I -am convinced that / the ultimate goal of every conservationist cannot be attained without public co-operation. We can receive that co-operation only through an intelligent, welldirected educational program." "The sportsmen know the value of conservation education," Osborne affirmed. "I hope every hunter and fisherman in the community will take this opportunity to visit the Department of Conservation's^wildlife exhibit, and to urge his friends and neighbors to do likewise." t It's common sense to be thrifty if yon save yon are thrifty. War Bonds help yon to save and help to save America. Buy your tea percent every pay day. ^ • _ • _ , Thursday, July 30,. 1942 WILDLIFE EXHIBIT AT ELGIN FAIR otwwioitm 5»«iiaM«UN$ ws has bccom-' cr f&mbCi--. Jsctdjv'of ,-A'bove are four views of the Educational Wildlife exhibit of the Illinois Department of Conservation which will be, one of the feature free attractions at the Elgin Agricultural Fair, to be held at Elgin, Aug. 4-7. The exhibit contains live species of furbearing animals, game birds, and the most common snakes native to Illinois, as well a forestry and mounted fish display. At top left is a view of the colorful entrance to the exhibit. The unpei- right picture shows,.a portion of .the live snake exhibit, while in the lower left is a view of the pens containing the live wild game birds and fur-bearing animals. The lower right picture shows the mounted fish display. The exhibit is in conned&fM^V with the educational program as oot>. / -- lined by Livingston E. Osborne, Diree- n • '•*; tor of Conservation, and is unsurpasi- V > ed by any traveling native wildlife e%- - **> ',! hibit on the road: today in any :state:".•'v'vin „tHe Union. ,1 _ _ : -*1/ • VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and family attended the Wright family reunion at Barreville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scfaeid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. --, * » •». . *, >. - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herberholtz of Wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Herberholtz and daughter of Chicago spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and ions attended the state Black and White show at Mooseheart, Saturday. Marvin Wirtz captured two third prizes on his Holstein exhibits; also the third prize in the judging contest. Mrs. Edward Baumruk, Mrs. H. Smith and Mr^. M. Kratosil of Berwyn called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Thursday. Mrs. Len Littlefield spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Littlefield at Waukegan. Ralph Littlefield is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Withers, at Rockford. Mrs. Frank St. George, Mrs. John Baumruk and son spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke in Evanston. Mr. find Mrs. Alvin jCase ' visited Stanley Smith at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan Monday. Harry Parson, Sr., and daughter of Chicago spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Saturday at the Dowell home. Mary Case is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanton at Fo%^ke. Mrs. Leslie .Daris and daughters of Slocum Lake spent Thursday after- Subscribe for The Plaindealer! noon at the. home of Mrs. Sai* Fisher. Mrs. John Baumruk and son returiK* ed to her home in Berwyn Friday al» •; ter spending a few days here with ha* sister, Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thorsell returned to their home here Friday evening after visiting John Thorsell at a camp in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and son, Thomas, were Saturday visitors . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Fisher, Theater Ghost Can a movie theater rout a ghost? Londoners soon may be able to an- - swer that question. Ravenwood House in West Wycombe, fi haunted structure that dates back to Tudor times, is being torn down to mak» room for a new English cinema. Th*, old building is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a Spanish ambassador killed there in a Fifteenth century duel. ied by Mrs. E. E. Cropley, drove to weekend wun ner parent, «**. --" Waukegan Friday and brought Mrs. I Myiith park last Sunday. A" large Mrs. Fred Wiednch, Jr. George Westlake home. The latter has proup of relatives and friends motored Bacon Mr Mrs a patient at gt (^ |*ester Nelson of Antioch, • , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Preutzman of] Mr and Mr« Bert Ruthenherw nf [rs. i Duel beri t Bacon, MrW. anRd HMorfsf-. 1, Q ra ™, p , are ssnpeenndaiinneg- tthnee wweeeeKkeennoo Mm ymlith dP arki, we'r eB esrutp pKeur thgeunebsetsr gl aosft _ rank Hawley and Mrs. W. . . in the home of the latter's parents, Sundav at the home of Mr and Mrs »an of Crystal Lake called on Jenme Ml. an(j Mrg c w CrQp]»y Mr. U ^ at ^ h<>me °f Mr" Bacon Tuesday evening. | Preutzman ® returned home Sunday Patty Clay returned to her home in n[ght while Mrs Preutzman will re- Jlockford after spending several i {urn a week ,ater JOHNSBURG ! Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Viking in Beverly Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brennecke and daughter of Chicago are spending two ~ . „„nj„or<.rt« Mr and weeks' vacation at the Hillside cottage weeks with her grandparents, ± Mrs. Nellie JacksOn, who has been . at Mylith Park. Mrs. Ed Peet, - I spending a couple of weeks with her ! \fr anH Mrs William Qwink« mil Mr. and Mrs-George Shepard were ? &*d nenhew Mr and Mrs Will Lr j m i'U S u Calleis in Woodstock Saturday. : V Boeder hi returaed home Mrs- R"thenberg were 't Mros . He_n jr yv iW_ illiams and daughter, ^ and' Mr? Julius Geider of Chi- ^ c William McCannon " „ £ ueisier oi an(j Mrs. A. Berger cottage. Pinochle Louise, and Mrs. William McC cago were Sunda® guests in the Mr. was t^p diversion followed bv a fine failed in the Joe Michaels home in , and Mrs Frank 1|palHck home. i^S,the dlverS1011' folIowed by a JohMnrssb- uFrgra Tnku esHdaawy leayft earnndo oMn.r s. Del- Chester Kilpa/tJStk of Antioch was I Mr and Mrs Harrv Brennecke and t s h h f h- Mr and Mrs. Marry Brennecke and *crt Bacon spent Thursday with Mrs. Mrs Frank Opa?rick o^r I'^ " of + Chl^oare spending two mr. ana otts>. r ran* iviipairiCK, over . vacat,onat the Hillside cottage bunday. Frank returned home with 1 at Mylith Park. Chester in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Talcott and daughter, Judith, and Wm. Oliver and Mrs. Mayor Talcott of Waukegan were dinner guests in the~E. E." Crop-. ley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colby spent Thursday in Woodstock with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Colby. His sister, Beryl, returned home with them to spend a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Art Schultz and daughter, Virgene, of Richmond spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas. Mrs. Dorothy Kuhn, Chicago, spent the weekend in the Joe Kuhn home. Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews and daughter of Chicago are spending a few days in the Henry Aubert shome. | Rita, Mrs. Frank Klapperich and Miss Betty Aubert returned home after I Edna King motored to Waukegan On j spending a week With relatives in Wednesday afternoon. Miss Marie King of Woodstock spent Tuesday' in the home of her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. King. i. -M M r -a I ---- ** B'Ho wm Mrs. Walter Freund and LeRoy arl; t ^+,,.11 I daughter, Patsy Jean, spent Sunday ; Meyers motored to Waukegan Friday. Louis Hawley Mrs. iae E. Miller and sons of .Richmond spent Tuesday afternoon in the Ed Bauer home. John Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Chicago. Rev. and Mrs. Dixon of Greenwood failed on Mr. and Mrs. Collins Saturday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.; and Mae and Charles and Joe Carr called on Elijah Coates at'Crystal Lake, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Decker of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Acherman of Garden Prairie were Sunday dinner guests in the John Hogan home. John Schubrugies Elaine, John and Jerry, Edna Peet, Mrs. Ralph Clay, Maxine and David,, all- of Rockford, spent-Sunday af ternoon, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Chicago. Mrs. Arnold Huff and family of , Lyle Jackson is in a hospital in Chi- Rk-hmond spent several days with hei cajf0 urider observation. " ~ sister,.Mrs. Roy Wiedrich ^ ,.j Mr. and Mrs. William Watts and Mr: Bill Marz was a Lake Villa caller Tuesdav. M rs. Mike Gorski and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock called on their sister, Mrs. George King, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser of Chicago spent Monday with relatives here. - Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Baer of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Tuesdav evening. , Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughter, with "'" fame Adami>. Mi'*• Oscar ft;m Hamm, at Fox Lake. - tp^t the week i, and Mrs. Nick \oung spent Thursday] M ^ a„w^. with Mrs. William McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert and sons, August and John, and Mr. and Sattem of Woodstock in the home of her grandmother? Mrs. William Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. .Toe E. Miller and Mr. and Mr?. Joe Huff of Richmond attended the Pitzen - Stilling wedding dance here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock were callers here Wednes- .. . fir-"- j--i »t,„ 1--Callers in the Ida Westlake homo 1 dav evening. lington, Wis., and attended the ha -|?unday were Mrs. A. F. Parker of j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karis and family ness races. -- • - - • 1 • Mr Roe Mary Butler of Elgin,is spend- Mrs ' of ch.c^go spent Satmg the week with her cousin,-Hfelen 1 urday evening in McHenry. Kiah Putler- , w, , . | Mrs. Dora Cole, who has been' car* , d „ k Sr ' ^Wiednch, j for ¥rs. Manor at Genoa City, has Jr and Mary Ann and Bobby and . ^turned home. ISilly Brennan spent Sunday at Dar- Wm. R. Hoffman of Crystal;! Chicago, Robe'rt SutUuTm anxd? Mi rs.\ «G il-[were • LaGrange callers Wednesday T i T c A i -vr r „ ®t!rt Kraft and daughter, Evelyn Mae. ! evenirig Lake spent Sunday and Monday with ; Mrs. Emily Merchant has returned Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Crystal |at Genoa CH Mrs. William Glawe of home after caring for Mrs. Glen Allen Lake, Mr and Woodstock, Marjorie Marston ^.and Loren Harrison enjoyed a wiener%rbas.t in Harrison's Woods Saturday evening. } - Rev. amd Mrs. Collins called on Mrs. Albert Thomas at Richmond Sunday ,ait^rnoc|h. .. y Mrs. Fran1< May ano Mrs. Joe Heu- SLOCUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Etta Converse were callers at Libertyville last manrt of Johnsburg were callers in the JTu®^ay _ , George Young home Wednesday even-I . s. Harry Raeburg and„three chUT ing. • . lane last ffeek -with relatives at Crystal Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet were dren of Belvidere spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. .Celia Dowell. Mrs. William Matthews was a caller in Chicago last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Buckler of Chicago were weekend guests at the callers in Crystal Lake Sunday even-1 j,ome 0f Mr. and Mrs. William Buckler ing, ... . , ir. , jat Williams Park. Mrs. -George Lohsi of Des Plainer . . ' spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ed Bauer. Mrs. Ette Converse returned to Maxine Clay of Rot ktord is visiting i ^r*f aw ^Irs" Arvirl ^ase her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. he I f Wednesday after a K F two weeks' visit at the hOme^of Mr. Peet. Mr. and Mr*,- Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann spent Sunday afternobrt and evening in the I*. C. Leonard home at Lake Geneva. Edvth Harrison is spending la week in the Cec\l Harrison home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley enters t«ia«d tlw ioliuwia^ pteiiyUb at a Haw- - . . ' s. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mrs. Annie Adams and son, Richr ard, of Diamond Lake was a supper and evening guest last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. . Mrs. Wm.. Matthews' an<3 Mr. and Mrs, Win. Buckler of Williams-Park Art Peters spent Sunday with Mr. an<' Mrs. Stanley' Zolloner in Chicaero. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Saturday and . Sunday with Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of Chicago spent the weekend with relative? here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of Chicago called on Mrs. George King Saturday evening. Mr, afid Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago called on Art Peters and Bill Marz Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer. kegan. and Mr. and Mrs. W^tf Freund and son, Billy, of Inelefifh spent Sunday in the home of Mr. ancT Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mi ss Katie Pitzen of "Chicago spent;] Saturday * and Sunday : with her brother. Joe Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Snyder of Chicago -spent Sunday in the home of M^ and Mrs. Peter*F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young an«|. daughter of Spring Grove cafled oij Mrs. Joe P- Michels Sunday evening. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin, spent Sunday" with her mother, Mrs. William Althoff. "Mr. and Mrs. Joe"K^rls and Mrt^ George King called on Mary Ann Karls at Waukegan, sanitorium Frid a y e v e n i n g . . • ' • ' l ; x ' War Production and Electric Power in Northern Illinois Steel that has been melted in a modern electric furnace pours from this huge ladle--steel-fef-the manufacture of equipment needed on the land, on the sea and in the air to win the war Our first responsibility is to supply-if constant flow of electric power for war production in the area we serve, and our facilities axe dedicated to this Help Someone US • When Yoh Give to the U S 0 :n *\ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving Vjtal Electric Power for WarProduction in Northern Illinois ce Order r-- 101 Williams St., Cry st&l Llkke -- Xelepbone Enterprise .4100.

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