'Mk' Thursday, September 24,1942 )'4* '• vr.*\ " . . _ hf* ^a * v /•' , j-r . Wonder Lake Syndicate, It 8 W* MoHENEY PUONDEALBK ' v - f i - - • . • ' ~ ' ' " J < ; v " l ^ V " ; f t &50 *>£*j' blk 19 RePlat Lot 24 Block 2 •HE1 . J j Wonder Woods Subdivision jf1 i j/^Wonder Lake Syndicate, It 4 .. Wooded Shores Division of Farm Lands .! »-rr^> v:'-.; John Zvonar and Amanda Zvonar, DR 236 p 514 N 50 «f4 *t of S 100 ft W% blk 10 B --l>loyd L A Marie L Senechal, 'gi DR 236 p 574 pt blk 14 18.44 l«loyd L A Marie L Senechal, DR 223 p 305 pt blk 14 harry C Meier, DR 219 p 500 N 50 St of. S 350 ft Ett blk 15 B J M Showalter, DR 229 p 445 pt blk 16 , John J & Callye B Mackey, DR 223 p 541 W 40 ft of E / 1,710 ft blk 19 ...... Norman J Lease, DR 229 pi W 50 ft of E 1,900 ft blk : I* B Thomas A Esther Long, DR < 229 p 583 E 50 ft of W 150 - ft blk 23 ...........B •4J2 _ Woodlawn Park •• V Andrew Kuczwara, Nty It 2 1042 ; M N Meeker, Trustee, Its 4 & •'•••r.i * -v 5 .....„....£....B ;A Louise Webber, It 6 A SWtt ;•-/> •;*. «•; v" it 7,37a • "Anna . Watad, Its 16 & 17 • 1 '*• X' / .50a £ 300.80 Woodlawn Park First Addition '• ;':•>>• Esther McNeeley, It 8 .25a .... -«M# • Woodlawn Park • piedrick's Third Addition - . Joseph W Lyden, It 17 B CITY OF McHENRY West Side of Fox River Mathias J Schaefer, It 4 blk Wm J Meyer, It 3 blk 1 B Wm J Meyer, Its 16 & 17 blk MB 25.01 1.62 4.S9 1920 m 28.21 9.83 98.75 1246 Mae Bowditch, Mae Bowditch, Mae Bowditch, Mae Bowditch, Mae Bowditch, £ It 5 blk 2 ....B It 6 blk 2 n..B It 7 blk 2 ...£ It 8* blk 2 ...£ It 9 blk 2 ....B 25.35 i ki in Villtf 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 9.09 " 9.09 9.09 9.09 24.84 30.97 9.09 76.48 56.53 Mae Bowditch, It 13 blk 2 ...JB iMae Bowditch, It 14 blk 2 ....B Mae Bowditch, It 1 blk 8 ....B Mae Bowditch* It 2 blk 3 ....B Mae Bowditch, It 3 blk 3 ....B Mae Bowditch, It 4 blk 3 ....B Walter B. Schimmel, It 5 blk 3 £ ; Walter B A Dora Schimmel, ! • It 8 blk 3 ...r...... .....B Mae Bowditch, It 9 blk 3 ....B I Walter Schimmel, Its 12, 13 A U blk 4 B 106.64 M. Kelter's Addition (Inside Corporation),. {SteS-Meyers, Its 1 & 2 blk 1 B ^ City of West McHenry; (Inside Corporation) - Florence Robison et al, E 50 ft • It 4 blk 1 ......... B 143.26 Agnes W Gilly, W 50 ft N}fc It 4 blk 1 .......B 5.32 Theresa Culver, It 2 blk 2 20.77 Floyd Covalt, NWtt It 8 blk 2 31.47 Nick N Freund, 75 ft E A W f 'y,> x 55 ft N A S pt Its 1 A 2 blk 3 :;'..;.<...v...:V^M49 Alida M Mead,; It 7 blk 4 , ....B 173.07 Edmund Knox Est, E 81 ft It 1 blk 5 64.68 Rdbert Patzke Est, E^4 It 1 v « Ik 6 25.68 rt Patzke Est, WH it 1 k 6 .. 10.72 is R^ Page, (ex S 66 ft) S 143.2 ft It 1 blk 9 jail lands arid town lots and blocks in] Special Assessment No. 14 : Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry I the above and foregoing list and for; Mary Powers, It 9 314:68- John B Kelter, blk 3 57.45 which such order-of sale shall be made j ' Special Assessment No. 16 j Section 27, Township 45 N, Range 8 will be exposed to public sale at the j ' West McHenrjr East of Third P. M. Court House in the City of Woodstock j William Tesch, E 80 ft of sub- ^ ! Geo H Weber, %a It 17 per in said county tfp Monday, the 19th 1 It 1 blk 8 It 1 . 336. ll j DR 120 p 374 day of October, A. D. 1942, commenc-' Ray Page, Sly 66 ft of Shi » *M H Detrich, lt/lTvex %a per | ing at 9 o'clock a. m., central war ; It 1 blk 9 «... 648.06 j DR 120 p S7r time, for the amount of said taxes, Owen, Stenger A Allen's ' George Hanly, pt It 18 lyinterest, and costs as provided bj j ' Second Addition to McHenry j ing S of the S lini| of Its 1 A law, unless prevented by previous pay.} Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 1 780.811 2 blk 1 of Hanly's Second ment. > Stenger, Covalt & Weber, R -2 664.82 | Dated at Woodstock in said County; Stonger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 664.82 | of McHenry this 24th day of Septem- Stenger, Covalt A WeberT lt 4 664.82 i ber 1942 at Woodstock, Illinois. j Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 6 664.82 & • C. FRANK DALY, stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 7 664.82 Connty Treasurer and ex-officio C Norton Owen, It 9 County Collector. C Norton Owen, It 10 Subscribed and sworn to before me j Stenger, Weber A Covalt's Country Club Addition 664.82 064.82 „ Addition Section 34. Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. M H Detrich, W 157.62 ft It 2 206.51 M H Detrich, It 3 150.46 which costs, all such d^e and unpaid I general taxes will be^r interest on: ftrs^ installment aftei/the first day of June, on second installment after first! day of Septem bey at the rate of one 111.42 per cent per moiuh until paid or for-! feited. Parts at fractions of a month j of the finance committee of th« will be regard^! as a month. ' j Community church at Richmond Tues- 'I. C. Franl(f 5*1 y, treasurer and ex- ^ay evening, officio courMjS" coilector of the said _ Mrs. Mari^p Thomas, Mrs. Esther County of MwieTiry in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, lots and blocks upor# which taxes remain due and unpaid for^the year A. D. 1941, together with the owner's 289.61 71.77 M H Detrich, It 4 183.3lyname if known, the amount due there- Special Assessment No. 24 Snyder's Subdivision SOLON MILLS W. H. Gardner attended the meet-* Behrents. Mnf. Louise Johonnott. Mrfi..- Addie Gardner and Mrs. JeanetteEf Gardner attended a Red Cross meetJj ing at. Richmond Tuesday evening.4 The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Burton. this 24th day of September,-1942, at- Woodstock* Illinois. It. D. WOODS - (SEAL); x County Cletk. Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 1 580.02 'TC Tl McGee, It 11 blk 2 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It "6 654.5S Jos W Rothermel, It 2 blk 5 It 7 654.58 Jos W Rothermel, It 3 blk 5 It 8 654.58 Mrytle Fels, S 11 ft it 5 A It 9 480.28 N 19 ft It 6 blk 17: 1 31.47 i Chas R Page, S 66 ft It 1 blk 9 19.26 6.42 Clarence Douglas, It 2 blk 2 .... 15.11 George Meyers, It 1 blk 3 ....B 344.33 B A^3 • B 151.43 ... 52.36 16.49 22.43 C H Fegers, It 2 blk 3 Joseph Rothermel, Its HM '« Rene Niessen, It 8 blk Rene Niessen, It 4 blk 6 IfcJora E Taylor, It 6 blk 7 §iartin Stoffel, 33 ft of vacated st adj A (ex W 53% ft) E 74 ft It 2 blk 12 George Meyers, 30/100a It ; 12 ^ B -Henry G Wegener, W% Its 9 rr- & 12 A E 16 ft its 10 A 11 blk 13 Justen, sublt 1 It 5 blk W .......; B 807JO George A Stilling, (ex N 25 ft x 60 ft) of S 65 ft It 9 blk - 19 B 547.72 George A Stilling, (ex E 60 ft) sublt 2 It 12 blk 19 B 266.68 Worts A iBoley, NW 52 ft Its 2 A 3 blk 21 B 334.99 invma Miller, Its 6 A 7 blk 21 -B 1,002.55 Emma Miller, sublt 2 It 10 A sublt 2 It 11 blk 21 B 320.96 U Wortz, It 8 A S 10 ft It 5 blk 22 B 229.93 Roy F Kent, sublt 2 It 5 blk • 23 11-58 John Huck. sublt 1 It 1 A sublt 1 It 4 blk 26 - B 585.59 John J Flusky, It 5 blk 26 ..... Owen's Out Lots Rosmine M Miller, N% ft Co Clk's Plat & It 8 Lakeview Kent, Trustee, It Donald J Hunter, (ex E 66 ft) ! It 3 blk 10 46.26 2.16 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A ' blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 Roy A blk 1 ,Roy A blk 2 Ror A blk 2 Roy A blk 3 Roy A blk 3 £ Trustee, It 2 .....B Kent, Trustee, It 3, B It 4 B It 5 ..:..£ It 6 B It 7 JB Trustee, It 8 B Trustee, It 9 B Trustee, It 10 3 Trustee, It 11 £ Trustee, It 1 B Trustee, It 2 jB Trustee, It 2 B Trustee, It 4 B It 5 blk Kent, Kent, Trustee, Kent, Trustee, Kent, Trustee, Kent, Trustee, Kent, Kent, Kent, Kent, Kent, Kent, Kent, Kent, 29.93 1 Donald J Hunter, It 4 blk 10 ! Herman Kreutzer, W 66 ft N 132 ft sublt 1 It 1 blk 12 .... 20.34 Mike Daley, Its 6 £ 7 blk 12 .... LOa 3.02 ! William Buchert, It 1 sublt 1 32.12 | It 2 A sublt 1 It 3 blk 13 ...... 53.52 Stenger, Weber A Covalt, W pt Its 1 A 2 blk 14 B 187.61 Hanley's First Addition M L Worts Est, Its 1 A 1% B 147.83 John G Distler, It 2 24.86 Hanley's Second Addition --~ Geo A Hartley. Its 1 A 2_blk 26.56 j 1 I... ...£ 226.11 Chas W GoodelJ et al, Its 3 A 4 blk 1 20.77 Geo A Hanley, It 5 blk 1 ....B 43.25 Geo A Hanley, Its 6, 7 A'8 blk 1 .......B 168.66 Geo A Hanley, Its 1'5 A 16 blk 2 B 114.67 EL M. Owen's Estate Addition Floyd E & Carrie E Covalt, pc 66 ft x 132 ft N of A adj A It 5 50.10 Out Lots to West McHenry Floyd E A Carrie E Covalt, It 7.99a. 9.01 Geo A Hanley, NE pt It 9 ....B 223.08 Floyd E A Carrie E Covalt, W pt It 9 1.94 Stenger, Weber A Covalt, W pt It 10 2a JB 165.88 21.40 | Henry W Ahrens, NE 112 ft of j E 132 ft It 15 .30a B 341.00 Wm Dettner, It 16 5a 22.30 Floyd E & Carrie E Covalt, It 17 2a 5.79 Wattles Addition to West McHenry Part Out Lot 1 Frett Bros, Its 1 A 2 B 101.57 Herman Kreutzer, It 7 1.94 Frank Hinz, It 10 ,.«...B 45.27 Wattles 2nd Addition to W. McHenry Ella Newman, It 6 blk 3 B 69.82 Weber A Foss, It 11 blk 4 ....£ Weber A Foss, It 12 blk 4 ....B Henry Ahrens It 5 blk 6 ......B Math Laures, It 4 blk 7 Joseph Rauen Est, It 1 blk 13 B Village of Ringwood Matt*A LeRoy Welter, Its 8 A 9 J A Vaillancourt, It 14 B Alex Anderson, (ex E 84 ft A W 180 ft) It 6 blk 30 £ 811.76 Minnie Coates, sublt 2 It 53 .... 8.80 Simmons Addition Ben Brefeld Est, It 1 B 97.77 !$tate of Illinois, /v *^ ' I County of McHenry, 'BS» r. . | I, A. H. Mother, do hereby certify Stenger, Covalt A Weber, that I am manager of The McHenry Stenger, Covalt A Weber, Plaindealer, a newspaper of general Stenger, Covalt A^Webor, circulation, printed and published in the City of McHenry in the County Of 1 McHenry, State of Illinois; that the I foregoing lists of lands and other real estate situated in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, on which taxes remain due and unpaid for the yea? 1941 are duly published in said McHenry Plaindealer in the issue of September 24v 1942, and that the Isaid list was carefully examined a(nd compared with the list furnished the Treasurer of said county for pu' lication, and found to correspond therewith; that the nupiber of copies was equal to the whole circulation pf said paper for that day. I do further certify that the sjfid McHenry Plaindealer is a newspaper that has been regularly publisHed for j at least six months prior to frfe publication of said notice, and that I am, duly authorized to make the certificate. .. 4 A. H. MOSHER, ! Subscribed and sworn ;tp befoi-e me this 24th day of September X.' D: 1942, H„nly> k 1 blk r 146.63 at McHenry. nhnois j George Hanly, lt^blk 1 146.63 ANTHONY J. WIRTZ, George Hanly, ItVBTfc 1 169.31 (Se®1) Notary Publfe. [George Hanly, It 6 blk 1. ..... 169.31 » ---------- i George Hanly, It 7 blk 1" , George Richardson, formerly olfv on for taxes, and the year for which Mills, and now living near , the, same is due and I hereby give Grove, had the misfortune tof" McHenry est of Fox River |nQtice ^ appiication will ^ made fall from a silo when a ladder broke, JStenger, Cov.!t a4 WWoeKbeorr, Iut 92 6cc544 .t5o8 Ep *R> *M* crG> ee, Ii*t 1io2 Lbliki 2o 2S'.92 'Cc°o unty, State of ^Il"linrto-i s, on the 5th .• , , "enry AAuuobeerrct wwemreJ-. ISHr SS2 { Weber* t 2 S VStenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 654.58 MchHSenSry --est of Fox River ** « October thereof, to be holden »• ^ home .t R| Pnnrf Hmmp in Wnn^ef^tf in Zion Wednesday afternoon. Stenper, Cov,.t t Weber, 1, 5 654.58 Geo Meyer,, W 374.25 ft blk 3 U:6, ^ tid Tthe" to , Be., .nd JJ'iJ October. A. D. 1942; to-wit: October of Harrington spent Sunday with' * 30-79 5th, 1942, forjudgnient against the i>I^nd^Fr^k Young. oa to ®bove described lands and town lota „ " an Monear of Mc-, Chas S Owen, NE Section 85, J^s J Rothermel, It 4 blk 18 NeUkjId^drT X guests of Mrs.^; Township 45 N, Ran;;e 8, E j George A Stilling. S 40 ft It of Third P. M., that pt It 4 lying S of the S line of John st extended E ex Qwen.^j4,'* Stenger A Allen's Second'^;'", Addition to McHenry and ex! that pt It 4 as des by begin-J-'^; ' ning at the intersection of." '" * the E iine of John st etc .... 5,188,81 Special Assessment No. 17 ; West McHenry, Illi«H>is • Harrison Smith Estate, 8' ft adj W 41 ft It 6 blk 3 78.70 Section 26, Township 45 N, Range 8 . East of Third P.M. Lester V Adams, Its A 16 ex E 50 ft 454.65 Kent & Co, It 8 184.97 Special Assessment No. 20 West McHenry, Illinois ' Alida Mead, It 7 blk 4 66.94 Hanly's First Addition to McHenry M L Worts Estate, Its 1 A 1% 287.65 Hanly's Second Addition to West McHenry 9 blk 19 i.M L Worts Estate, W 52 ft | of Its 2 A 3 blk 21 John H Miller Estate/, It 6>. j blk 21 ............ i John H Miller Estate, It 7 ! blk 21 Mrs M L Worts, S 10 ft It 5 J A all It 8 blk 22 .........^.,...^4,. M. Kelter's Addition to McHenry Geo Meyers, It 1 blk 1 11.61 Geo Meyers, It 2 blk 1 West McHenry, Illinois for the year 1941 together with in- M w terest and costs due and to become c T^r ,a £r0P ^ ^ due severally thereon; or as much of , a ur aJwa u ers m ^be R. I. Overton-.. -r the said taxes and costs as may then ' < t 1 '•! »• £'"*/. remain due and unpai'd; and that an application also will be made to the ' V said Probate Court at the time and Saf - " We.tlake place above mentioned for an order Mr ^d Mrs. loe London and fam-T^ lands and lotS for the ily and Arthur Bel, were call€rs at 1,fK Ml. X6S an. Tw8; the Joe London, Sr., home at Marengo ^ And I do hefeby also give notice that Sunday • ?" ,a"ds lots and blocks in Mrs. Ben Benson gave a luncheon " ^ 11.61 above and foregoing list and for and misceiian<?ous shower in honor of which such order of sale shall be made Miss Betty Mae ^ of McHenry who 9.22 8.01 30.79 80.79 9.28 William Mead, It 7 blk 4 19.94 ^iH be exposed to public Sale at the is soon goin? to ^ the bride of Glen Robert Patzke, E% It 1 blk 6-30.79 C°uTt House m the City of Woodstock Benson in said county on Monday, the 19th 27.02 37.71 Robert Patrke, W% It 1 blk 6 Ray Page, the S 66 ft of SH It 1 blk 9 Frances FroehlicR It 7 blk 9 Outlots to West McHenryi George Hanly. that pt outlt 9 as described 30.79 Hanly's First Addition to McHenry M L Worts, Its 1 & IVi 57.63 iof McHenry-thU 24th day of Septem- Haniy's Second Addition to McHenry bor 1942 at Woodstock. Illinois. 30.79 day of October, A. D. 1942, commenc-. ing at 9 o'clock a. m*. central war time, for the amount of said taxes, interest, and costs as provided by law. unless prevented by previous payment. DEUNQUENT LIST SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF M'HENRY CITY OF McHENRY McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS George Hanly, It 8 blk 1 .......v. M H Dittrich, It 9 blk 1 ...ii,;;, M H Dittrich, It 10 blk 1 ........ M H Dittrich, It 11 blk 1........ M H Dittrich, It 12 blk *££.1. M H Dittrich, It 13 blk 2 M H Dittrich, It 14 blk 2 George Hanly, It 15 blk 2 George Hanly, George Hanly, George Hanly, George Hanly, 64.72 George Hanly, 54.72 George Hanly, 54.72 M H Detrich, 54.^2 M H Detrich, 54.72 M H Detrich, 54.72 M H Detrich, 54.72 M H Detrich, 54.72 M H Detrich, It 1 blk 1 It 2 blk 1 ........ It 5 blk 1 It 6 blk 1 It 7 blk~l ;.;.~.; It 8 blk 1 It 9 blk 1 It 10 blk 1 ........ It .11 blk 1 30.79 30.79 30.79 30.79 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. B. Peatt at Greenwood. Miss Marilyn Keeler and Elmer Cleve of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Lyman Johonnott home. , ~ Sidney Meeke^ and Mrs. Susie Dated at Woodstock in said^County Buckley of Libertyville spent Sunday Ai.._ "'»>• j-- John Pester home. Sunday callers in the B. L. Snydef home were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Paxon and daughter, Valeda, from Harvard! Francis Snyder of Genoa City anq Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond. Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Robert Su« 30.79 C. FRANK DALY,. 30.79 j County Treasurer and Ex-OfFicio 3O.79 I County Collector. 30.79 ;-- Subscribed and sworn to before me -80.79 this 24th day of September, 1942, at Woodstock, Illinois. ". ' • ; (SEAL) R. D. WOODS, County Cl«ric. It 12 blk 2 ........ 30.79 State of IlHnofS, It 13 blk 2 It 14 blk 2 30.79 County of McHenry, is. V 54.72 George Hanly, It 15 blk 2 George Hanly, It 16 blk 2 54.72 George Hanly, It 16 blk 2 State of Illinois, v. County of McHenry, ss. Alma Thomas, Its 1" A 18 blk 2 M H Dittrich, It 27 blk 2 ».*.--.«• M H Dittrich, It 28 blk 2 M H Dittrich, It 29 blk 1 M H Dittrich, It 3 blk 2 i;.•.•--... M H Dittrich, It 4 blk 2 A 1 Froehlich, It 5 l)lk 2 ... 81.04 $M 6.98 | 5.93 | 5.93 | BM 5.93 5.93 6^8 5.9S 5.93 5.93 5J8 22.95 19.98 44.47 3.88 40.40 10.09 28.39 The undersigned collector of special ^ I Froehlich, It 7 blk 2 assessments of the City of McHenry, A I Froehlich, It 8 blk 2 McHenry County, Illinois, does hereby publish and advertise that a return to the general officer of the county haying authority to receive State and County taxes will be made of all unpaid Special Assessments due on or before January 2, 1942. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY ^ GIVEN that the general officer of the ^ H Detrich, It 17 ex %a ® ex 221.46 64.72 54.72 54.72 60.29 60.29 60.29 60.29 60.29 A I Froehlich, It 9 blk 2 60.29 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry A I Froehlich, It 10 blk 2 175,17 J B Kelter Estate, blk 3 176.17 Section 27, Township 45 N, Range 8 Bast Of TMrd P. M. Geo H Weber, tta per DR 120 p 374 282.92 30.79 30.79 30.79 24.92 24.92 30.79 30.79 80.79 I, A. H. Mosher, do hereby certify William Bonslett Est, 3 Kent, Trustee, 5.98 5.93 1.10 Kent, It 7 B It 8 B It 1 . ....JB It 2 B It 3 .....JB It 1 ......B 2 blk 5 B 475.89 Trustee, It 8 : £ 2.61 4 blk 5 ..........B 474.79 Tnntee, Boy A blk 3 ... Roy A Kent, Trustee, blk 3 Roy A Kent, Trustee, blk 4 Roy A Kent, Trustee, blk 4 -Roy A blk 4 Roy A .Kent, Trustee, ; blk 5 R C Bowles, It Roy A Kent, blk 5 R C Bowles, It -JVm Bonslett Est, It 5 blk 5 .... Wm Bonslett Edt, It 6 blk 5 .... Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 8 blk 5 -- Wm Bonslett Est, It 10 blk 5 .. Henry Kennebeck, It 11 blk 5 Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 7 Uk 6 ... .. East Side Of Fox River (Outside Corporation) Herman A Ambrose Schaeffer, It 6 blk 6 - Herman A Ambrose Schaeffer, It 7 blk « James F Quinn, Its 8 A 4 blk 10 Thomas F McCarthy, Its 9 A 10 blk 10 JB V Edgewater Subdivision (Outside Corporation) 5.93 5.93 2.61 2.61 2.61 State of Illinois, McHeary County, w. In the foregoing list the abbreviations are used as follows: B for forfeited or back tax; N stands for North; S stands for South; W stands for West; E stands for East; frl stands for fractional; und for undivided; m for middle; assm't for assessment; co for county; elks for clerks; sub for subdivision; add for addition; a for acres; It for lot; blk for block; ex for except; no for num. ber; RR for railroad; bal for balance; bet for between; int for interest; adj for adjoining. The cost of each tract of land listed 'above is 36 cents per tract and 19 cents on each lot. N If paid before sale, 36 cents on each tract and 19 cents on each lot in addition to which costs, all such due and unpaid general taxes will bear interest on first installment after the first day of June, on second installment after first day of September, at the rate of one per cent per month until paid or forfeited. Parts or fractions of a month •1.1® will be regarded as a month. 3.02 J c. Frank Daly, treasurer and ex- ! officio county collector of the said 8.02 I County of McHenry in the State of I Illinois, do hereby certify that the i foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, 'lots and blocks upon which taxes re- 1.* main due and unpaid for the year | A. D. 1941, together with the owner's 25.63 | name, if known, the amount due therelon for taxes, and the year for which 8.06 the same is due and I hereby give ! notice that application will be mads 7,01 Ho the Probate Court of McHenry j ^untyi state of Illinois, on the 5th jday of October thereof, to be holden 1.68' at the Court House in Woodstock in county having authority to receive State and County taxes in the county in which said lands are located, will make application on the 5th day of October A. D. 1942 for judgment against said lands and town lots for said unpaid special assessments with interest and costs thereon and for the order to sell such lands for the satisfaction thereof; that on the 19th day of October A. D. 1942, as fixed by the said general officer of the county, all such lands and town lots will be exposed to public sale at the court house in Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, for the amount of matured installments of special assessments with interest and costs. Hereinafter contained is the list of the delinquent lands and town lots, the names of the owners if known, and the amount due thereon. Specified amounts do not include cost of redemption certificate. Dated this 24th day of September A. D. 1942. MAYME BUSS. Collector of Special Assessments, City of McHenry, Illinois. 4.28 1.10 1.10 31.19 30.67 30.67 14.58 14.40 John Huff, It 1 blk 1 . John Huff, It 2 blk 1 13.32 (the said county on the 1st Monday in ^ertude Weber, It 6 blk 2........ 2.80 j October, A. D. 1942, to-wit: October Terry Dowling, It 7 blk 2 ...3 161.00 ! 5th, 1942, for judgment against the W>Hiam Capauch, It 8 blk 2 2.22 j above described lands and town lots Sfloyd E Covalt, It 8 blk 3 ....» 1.11 i and blocks in the said county for taxes " l'eter Engeln, It 3 blk 5 B 200.82 Anna Sproviere, It 10 blk 7 48 Anna Sproviere, Its 11 A 12 ; blk 7 11.47 Anna Sproviere, It 13 blk 7 -- 7.76 '-.'.John Katoll. It 19 blk 7 ....... 19.58 , , Feger*s Out Lots / (Outside Corporation) b A Nottingham, Its 1 A 18 blk 1 *58 Wm J Meyer, It 2 blk 1 ...*.JB 25.76 for the year 1941. together with interest and costs due and to become due severally thereon; or as much of the said taxes and costs as may then remain due and unpaid; and that an application also will be made to the said Probate Court at the ume ana ; place above mentioned for an order ;to sell said lands and lots for the ! satisfaction of said taxes and costs. And I do hereby also give notice that Spedal Assessment No. 6 McHenry (West of Fox River) Jos W Rothermel, It 2 blk 5 ..$ 14.41 Jos W Rothermel, It 3 blk 5 .. 14.41 Myrtle Fels, Sly 11 ft It 5 A , N 19 ft It 6 blk 17 31.12 County Clerk's Sub. -- Block 21 J H Miller Estate, It 6 blk 21 30.6^ J H Miller Estate, It 7 blk 21 30.67 J H Miller Estate, sublt 2 It 10 A sublt 2 It 11 blk 21 West McHenry, Illinois Robert Patzke, W^ It 1 blk 6 Robert Patzke, EH It 1 blk 6 Ray Page, the Sly 66 ft of SV4 It 1 blk 9 John B Kelter Estate, Hanly's Third Addition, blk 3 Section 35, Township 45 N, Rang# 8 East of Third P.M. C Norton Owen, 130 ft adj the • - N 40 ft of that pt It 4 lying W of a line that is parallel with and 150 ft distant E at right angles from the E line of Elgin road now subdivided ] as lots 9 A 10 of Owen, j Stenger A Allen's Second i Addition to West McHenry .. 29.70 t Special Assessment No. 9 j McHenry (West of Fox River) . jE R McGee, Its 12 A 13 blk 2, ! Snyder's sub 612:66 Myrtle Fels, 11 ft It 5 A N I 19 ft It 6 blk 17 U 813.07 Jos J Rothermel, Nly 50 ft 4 j It 4 blk 18 _..... 356.64 ! George A Stilling, Sly 40 ft It j 9 blk 19 176.91 ! Special Assessment No. 10 Ijohn H Miller Estate, E 24 ft i of W% Its 10 & 11 blk 21 .... 105.04 Special Assessment No. 11 i West McHenry Robert Patzke, E% It 1 blk 6 477.79 Robert Patzke, W% It 1 blk 6 477.79 ft blk 8 257.71 Special Assessment No. 18 John H Miller Estate, Its 6 A 7 blk 21 1,840.86 132 ft of Baid It as described in roll 1,6^6J?8 George Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the Sly line of Its 1 A 2 blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition 118.30 Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P.M. M H Detrich, It 2 798.11 M H Detrich, It 3 132.86 M H Detrich, It 4 i-- 528.91 Outlots to West McHenry George Hanly, that pt outlt 9 described by beginning at the SE corner of said outlt; thence N 88 degrees 328 minutes E 39 ft to an iron stake;" thence N 0 degrees 41 minutes 95.7 ft to stake etc 60.98 Special Assessment No. 21 Hanly's First Addition to McHenry M L Worts Estate, Its 1 A 1% 367.01 Hanly's Second Addition to McHcnry George Hanly, It 1 blk \ 149.05 George Hanly, It 2 blk 1 George Hanly, It 5 blk 1 George Hanly, It 6 blk 1 Alma Thomas, Its 17 A 18 blk 2 sfc Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry A I Froehlich, It 10 blk 2 149.05 J B Kelter Estate, blk 3 149.05 Section 27. Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. j Geo H Weber, %a per DR 120 p 874 -- MM M H Detrich, ex Via per DR j 120 p 374 It 17 A ex E 132 ft of said It etc 1,89^91 George Hanly, that pt It 18 ly- | ing S of Its 1 & 2 blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry 1^9.05 Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P.M. M H Detrich, It 2 730.53 j M H Detrich, It 3 149.05 . M H.Detrich, It 4 437.79 Outlots to West McHenry George Hanly, that pt outlt 9 described by beginning at the SW comer of said outlt 9 etc 76.06 Special Assessment No. 23 , Hanly's Second Addition to West McHenry George Hanly, It 1 blk 1 ^ 529.24 Hanly's Third Addition 149.05 149.05 149.05 225.14 Alma Thomas, It 17 blk 2 Alm& Thomas, It 18 blk 2 ... M H Detrich, It 27 blk 2 .... M H Detrich, It 28 blk 2 ...: M ff Detrich, It 29 blk 2 ... Hanly's Third Addition to West McHenry John B Kelter, blk 3 30.79 E. M. Owen's Estate Addition to West McHenry Mary Powers, It 9 24.92 Section 26, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. Lester V Adams, the Sly 132 ft of Its 15 & 16 ex E 50 ft 36.60 Section 27, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. Geo Weber, Via per DR 120 p 374 , 57.75 M H Detrich, It 17 ex Ha per .DR 120 p 374 826.65 George Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the Sly line of Its 1 & 2 blk 1 Hanly's Second Addition 30.79 Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. George Hanly, It 2 ex W 157.62 " ft 80.79 M H Detrich, W 157.62 ft It 2 96.16 M H Detrich, It 8 30.79 Detrich, It 4 85.28 Owen, Stenger A Allen's Second Addition to McHenry Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 80.79 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 2 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 80.79 Stenger, Covalt- A Weber, It 4 30.79 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 6 80.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 7 30.79 C Norton Owen, It 9 80.79 C Norton Owen, It 10 80.79 Stenger, Covalt A Weber's Country Club Addition Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 1 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 2 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 80.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 30.79 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 5 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 7 30.79 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 8 30.79 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 9 30.79 Wattles Addition to McHenry Frett Bros, It 1 24.92 Frett Bros, It 2 24.92 Glenn Peterson, It 3 15.46 F Hinz, It 10. 15.45 Wattles Second Addition to McHenry Ella Newman, It 6 Elk 3 30.79 Henry Ahrens, It 5 blk 5 ..-- 19.82 McHenry--West of Fox River County Clerk's Sub. -- Block 21 John H Miller Estate, sublt 2 It 10 A sublt 2 It 11 blk 21 30.79 West McHenry, Illinois Wm Tesch, sublt 1 ex Wly 118 ft blk 8 18.18 grue and Harry Schultz of Chicago were callers in the William Gieser f1 home Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearl Fritz was the guest of • honor at a kitchen shower held at th« • home of- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fritz Wednesday afternoon. that I am manager of The McHenry Guests were Mrs. C. H. Carlson, Mrs. Plaindealer, a newspaper of general Hulda Buchanan, Mrs. Math Ruenz^ circulation, printed and published in Mrs. Arthur Bell, Mrs. Frank Kilpat- -r the City of McHenry in the County of rick, Mrs. Harold Osborn, Mrs. Einaf / McHenry, State of Illinois; that the Behrents and Mrs. Ben Benson, Soloit . foregoing lists of lands and other real Mills; Mrs. Elmer Schmitt an«| ' estate situated in the City of McHen- daughter, Gertrude, Mrs. John Ar^ . ry, County of McHenry and State of Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Axel T. Carlson, : j Illinois, on which Special Assessments Mrs. Art Schultz. Miss Bertha Ingialcft or Installments thereof are matured and Miss Margaret Johnson, Rich* •, | and payable or entered thereon or in- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reime» - } j terest due to January 2, 1942, due and and Miss Nellie Fritz and Arch Mat» -' ^ ! unpaid for the year 1941, are duly • tingly called in the evening. Mis* -i ^ published in the said McHenry Plain- Fritz will be married September 26. dealer in the issue of September 24, , ^ 3 1942, and that the said list was carefully examined and compared with the list furnished by the Treasurer of said county for publication, and found to correspond therewith; that the num- SLOCUM LAKE ^00 . . . _ . . .. . , , Mr. and Mrs. William Burkharft S her of copies was equal to the whole Wednesday at the home of M* circulation of said paper for that day d Mrs Arnol/Burkhart in Chicago* I do further certify that the said Mrs c G Dorwin o{ Wauco^J , McHenry Plaindealer is a newspaper Jast afternoon at th« that has been regularly published for home q{ Mr and 'Mrs. Harry Mat* > at least six months prior to the publi- ^ews -I cation of said notice, and that I am M ^ Detrich of Jackson, Mich., and^. duly authorized to make the certifi-(Mr and M„ Pau, ^ sonafj]/; cate. ^ ' • • . . * E d i s o n P a r k s p e n t S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E» ^ Brooks. . A. H. MOSHER, Subscribed and sworn to before ON this 24th day of September, A. &• 1942, at McHenry, Illinois. ANTHONY J. WIRTZ, (Ssal) Notary Publfe. „ Bruce Corzine was a dinner guest I Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs* ' ;s' Harry Matthews. , Fred Lueck and son, Edward, and • Mrs. Alma Schaefer of Berwyn wen*... Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and v | Mrs. Harry Matthews. ;Si4# \ Miss Frances Davis and Martin - - Bauer spent Thursday evening at th«| J home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse*1 f Mrs. Thomas Stanek and daughter*^ Donna Jean, and Mrs. Allen Hayforc|-»\J of Crystal Lake visited at the home o£/ s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago were Sunday guests at ther j home of Mr. and Mrs. William Burk+ _ SJ hart at Williams Park. ? ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beu of Island** Don A. Wicks, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of William Matz, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, November 2nd, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of WILLIAM MATZ, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, _ _ and that claims may be filed against Lake visited at the hame df ilr. a^ r = the said estate on or before said date Harry Matthews last ThursdaJ^ tl without issuance of summons. GEORGE F. KRAMER, .and CLARA J. MEYERS, Executors. (Pub. Sept. 17 - 24 - Oct. 1) • JOHNSBIJRG Mr. and Mrs. Jake TTiiel called on Elmer Miller at St. Therese hospital Wednesday. Bill Marz .was a Lake Villa caller Wednesday. Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer motored to Milwaukee Wednesday. ( Mrs. Eddie Myers and friends of Chicago were callers here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie and Mr. Mrs. evening. |" Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren o^f ^ Wauconda were Sunday guests at th$ * ; home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren*' ;** Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of WiU A liams Park entertained the following ; guests from Chicago at a pinochlt*. ^ party at their home Saturday even»' V ing: Mr. and Mrs. E. Havell, Mrsty, * ^ Nancy JKruze and Mrs. A. Knockemust; • Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nersti»m and son of North Chicago were g»esta Saturday evening at the home of Mr^" and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake and Mrs. C. H. Hansen were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr*, and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, Jr„ of to West McHenry J B Kelter Estate, blk 3 ........ 529.24 State of Illinois, Section 27, Township 45 N, Range 8 j McHenry County, ss East of Third P. M. Geo H Weber, 'Via per DR 120 p 374 1,052.58 M H Detrich, It 17 ex Via per DR 120 p 374 2,741.61 i George Hanly, that prtt 18 lying S of the S line of Its 1 A 2 blk 1 of Hfoly's Second Addition 681.84 Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 East of Third P. M. M H Detrich, W 157.62 ft It 2 1,964.09 M H Detrich, It 8 1,432.28 MJ3 J)etrich, It 4 1,765.37 To the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing list of delinquent !S8: "tlS 1an^M^B^^^roFc^cago^ig^^^ the Maier Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and; „ n | Mrs. Peter F. Freund. ! Mr- and Mrs- E- Mason and SOB8» Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove called on Mrs. Joe Micfi^ els Wednesday. within the City of McHenry, McHenry County and State of Illinois, is correct and true. MAYME BUSS, Collector of Special Assessments. ; farm here. Mr. and Mrs. ! Donald and Jake, of Chicago were callers last Wednesday at the home oi. I Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason at Mylitit Mrs. Jack Bode of North Chicago I called on Mrs. Frank Klapperich, last M,abe'son' A,^ert' Thursday l and friend of Myhth Park were callers* Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mr.!at McHenry last Sunday evening. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene of In the foregoing list the abbreviations are used as follows: -B for for- . anu iurs ueorg-e ^arnsiuru tuiu mrs. , , CaMinlav feited or back tax; N stands fcr ^orge King motored to Waukegan S? ? w5hj£j North; S stands for South; W stands Sunday. . evening to Mr. and Mr^. M^W ulhutter for West; E stands for East; frl, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefep,. Wau-; «nd S t^evena's dTversion stands for fractional; und for undivid-ikegan. and Mr. and Mrs. . Walter j ^ c Fran^Sr. and Mred; m for middle; assm't for as- Freund and son Billy, of Ingleside,anj Mrs A ^ner of Chicago enjoysessment; co for county; elks for spent Sunday in the home of Mr. ana^ t we^k at cottage at clerks; sub for subdivision; add for ; Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. .' Mvlith Park addition; a for acres; It for lot; blki Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and < for block; ex for except; no for num- daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent ------ ---- ber- RR for railroad; bal for balance; Sunday with Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, and Mrs. Abe Lawrence at Rmgwootu bet for between; int for interest; adj ' Lt roy Meyers spent a few days with ; Mr. and Mrs. Manley Zollner and for adjoining ' his s'ster- Mrs. Irvm Schaefer, at (son of ( hica^o svent Sunday with Art „ _ The cost of each tract of land and'Waukegan ^ 4Peters and B.H Mars. . Supplement Special Assessment Nu town I6t listed above is 36 cents per j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. freund ana Hanly's Second Addition j tract and 19 cents per lot. Tf paid De- ueorge to West McHenry fore sale, 36 cents on each tract and.j Saturday. George Hanly, It 1 Wk 1 .........4. 57.46 j 19 cents on each lot in addition to ~ Woodstock callers 1 daughter. Laverne. spoilt Sunday with lr. ana TK„ Ben Tonyan spent Sunday with Mr. j Woodstock.